Ag-Sb Deposits, Central Asia

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Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

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Ore Geology Reviews

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / o r e g e o r ev

The age of AgSb deposits of Central Asia and their correlation with other types of ore
systems and magmatism
Galina G. Pavlova , Alexander S. Borisenko
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Koptyug pr. 3, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Economic AgSb deposits are located within four large ore districts of Central Asia: SE AltaiNW Mongolia, SE
Received 31 March 2008 Pamir (Tajikistan), Talas (Kyrgyzstan) and Verkhoyansk province (Yakutia), where AgSb ores are spatially
Received in revised form 31 October 2008 associated with tin mineralization. The geology, mineral composition and geochemistry of the AgSb deposits,
Accepted 2 November 2008
age of mineralization, distribution and genesis are presented in this paper. Results of new studies show that AgSb
Available online 21 November 2008
ores commonly occur within Sn ore provinces and can be divided into three groups according to their
relationships with tin mineralization. AgSb deposits of the rst group are spatially isolated from SnW ore elds
Central Asia
and from metamorphic haloes of Sn-bearing granitoids (pre-granitic deposits of the Mangazeisky ore cluster in
SnAg districts Yakutia and deposits of the Asgat-Ozernoe ore zone in the SE AltaiNW Mongolia). A 240 3.5 Ma 39Ar/40Ar age
Ore deposit dating of AgSb mineralization was determined for the Asgat deposit (SE AltaiNW Mongolia), which correlates well
AgSb mineralization with the 243 3.7 Ma 39Ar/40Ar age of alkaline mac intrusions (lamprophyre dike). The AgSb ore appears to be
Mineral composition younger than SnW mineralization (352 6.0 Ma) related with granite of the Yustid complex (355.7 8.6 Ma).
Alkali magmatism The second group comprises granite-hosted AgSb deposits of the Bazardara ore cluster (SE Pamir) of Paleogene
Mac and granitoid magmatism age (44 1.5 Ma) located within a tin ore cluster, but separated in time from the Cretaceous Sn mineralization
(98.5 1 Ma, ArAr). AgSb ore veins of the third group are located within tin ore clusters and are nearly coeval
with tin mineralization (post-granitic Ag rich ore of the Mangazeiskoe, Prognoz and Menkechenskoe deposits,
Verkhoyansk province). A close spatial and temporal relationship of AgSb deposits with SbHg mineralization
and alkaline mac magmatism is observed. Helium isotope systematics from the ore-forming uids of AgSb
Akjilga deposit (Pamir) conrm the role of mantle helium in the ore-forming process. Another important
indicator of a mantle source in these AgSb deposits is the Hg content in the ores; Hg being a typical element of
mantle origin. Isotopic (3He/4He, 87Sr/86Sr, Pb, S) and geochronological data demonstrate that AgSb deposits are
polygenetic in sources of ore matter and relate to the mantle-crustal ore-magmatic systems.
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and Sb suldes (stibnite, horobetsuite), native antimony, and

The four large silver ore districts known in Central Asia (Fig. 1) are: (3) vein and stockwork ore bodies represented by quartzsiderite
southeastern Altainorthwestern Mongolia, Pamir (Tajikistan), Talas veins or vein zones with Cu, Pb, Ag, and Bi sulfosalts and
(Kyrgyzstan), and the Verkhoyansk province (Yakutia). Notably they suldes;
possess an unusual AgSb mineralization type (Indolev and Nevoisa, (4) their location among carbonaceous terrigenous sediments or,
1974; Koleda, 1974, 1990; Borisenko et al., 1992; Kostin et al., 1997; less commonly, among the intruding granitoids;
Gamyanin et al., 1998; Borisenko et al., 1999, 2000; Gamyanin et al., (5) localization in tin ore clusters and provinces;
2003), which distinguishes them from the more common AuAg, Ni (6) low ore deposition temperatures (b250 C) and high salinity of
CoAgBiU, and PbZnAg mineral systems. They differ by the ore-forming hydrothermal uids (up to 30 to 40 wt.% NaCl equiv.).
following features:
Apart from these four large silver ore districts in Central Asia, this
(1) an association of specic major (Cu, Ag, Sb, As, Bi, Pb, Zn) and mineralization type is also known in Europe, America, and Australia,
minor (Hg, Sn, Ni, Co, Au) ore elements; where it likewise coexists with SnW and Sn-sulde mineralization,
(2) a predominance of Sb sulfosalts of Cu, Pb and Ag in the namely, in the Erzgebirge, Germany (Baumann, 1965; Seifert and
ore, including high-Sb sulfosalts (zinkenite, chalcostibite, etc.) Baumann, 1994; Seifert, 1999, 2004; Seifert and Sandmann, 2006;
Seifert, 2007) and Spisko-Gemerske Rudogorie, Slovakia (Varek,
1965; Haber, 1980; Varek, 1985), in Cornwall, U.K. (Beer, 1979), Coeur
Corresponding author. d'Alene, Idaho, U.S.A. (Mitcham, 1952; Hobbs and Friklund, 1972), and
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.G. Pavlova). in Tasmania, Australia (Pirajno, 1992; Solomon et al., 2000).

0169-1368/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 165

Fig. 1. Location of ore districts discussed in this paper: 1 Pamir, 2 Talas, 3 SE AltaiNW Mongolia, 4 Verkhoyansk province.

SilverSb mineralization has been classied in publications either with magmatism. Understanding these links may provide clues as to
as silver-polymetallic, or galena-sphalerite, silverlead or silver (i) why AgSb deposits occur in ore districts with Sn mineralization,
sulde. SilverSb deposits were rst distinguished as a unique deposit (ii) the causes of complex ore compositions (Ag, Sb, Bi, Sn, etc.), and
type and described by Borisenko et al. (1992). The denition silver (iii) the role of granitoid, mac, and alkaline mac magmatism in their
antimony relates to the specic geochemical character of the ore formation. This knowledge will provide a basis for the assessment
which distinguishes it from other silver deposits, with Ag and Sb being of potential genetic models of ore-magmatic systems and associated
the main ore elements. However, we show that it is possible to AgSb deposits.
distinguish several varieties within the group of AgSb deposits, since For this reason, we studied the spatial and temporal relationships
there are differences in ore mineralogy and geochemistry (Table 1). of AgSb ores with other types of mineralization and granitoid and
The known AgSb deposits have been well studied in terms of mac magmatism in large silver ore districts of Central Asia. ArAr and
geology and mineralogy, but many aspects of their genesis remain UPb isotopic dating of AgSb ores and their host igneous rocks were
poorly understood, especially the relationships of AgSb deposits with performed and the isotope compositions of He, Pb, S, Sr and the major-
other mineralization types (e.g. SnW, Sn-sulde, SbHg, etc.) and and trace-element compositions of the ores have been determined.

Table 1
Varieties of AgSb mineralization.

Mineralization AgSb AgPbSb AgPb AgHgSb SnAg

Ore minerals Tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite Jamesonite, tetrahedrite Galena, sphalerite AgHg-tetrahedrite Sphalerite, galena, freibergite,
chalcostibite, arsenopyrite bournonite, zinkenite freibergite, tetrahedrite chalcostibite, bournonite pyrite, pyrargyrite, argentite
pyrite, pyrrhotite, gudmundite, boulangerite, gudmundite bournonite, semseyite chalcopyrite, galena miargyrite, diaphorite, owyheeite,
native Bi and Sb, bismuthinite native Bi and Sb, bismuthinite jamesonite, arsenopyrite gersdorfte, Hg-sphalerite zelyite, PbBi-sulfosalts, native
stibnite solid solution, stibnite solid solution, pyrite cinnabar Hg-bearing Ag, Sb, Bi, Au, bismuthinite
bournonite, sphalerite, galena pyrrhotite, pyrite silver pyrrhotite, stibnite, arsenopyrite
Sn minerals in the ore n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Stannite, caneldite, frankeite,
Vein minerals Siderite, quartz, calcite, Siderite, quartz, calcite, Siderite, calcite, quartz, Siderite, barite, quartz, Quartz, siderite, ankerite
ankerite, uorite ankerite, uorite ankerite, uorite dolomite, calcite, ankerite
Ag content in ore, ppm 200600 200400 400 2002000 4004000
Ag content in 1.22.5 (up to 10) 0.316 536 0.220 (up to 52) 2050
tetrahedrite, wt.%
Hg content in ore (ppm) 11000 0.11 0.11 10002700 1000
Hg content in 5 10 2 0.020.2 b 0.05 12, up to 20 1.32
tetrahedrite, wt.%
Sn content in 0.010.2 0.010.1 0.010.14 ( 0.060.2) 0.060.2
sulfosalts, wt.%
Sn content in ore, ( 0.1) 0.050.54
Deposits Asgat, Akjilga, Kumyshtag, Kara-Oyuk, Tyuktyu-Archa Chochimbalskoe, Privet, Khachakchan, Nochnoe, Mangazeiskoe, Prognoz,
Kimpechenskoe, Pogranichnoe Rannee, Chagan-Gol, Djilkydal, Kaltatur Bezymyanny; Bulat, Inary,
Berezkinskoe Burevestnik in Deputatsky
ore cluster

Abbreviations: n.d. not detected.

166 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

This provided new results and a new background for the discussion of 3. Geology of ore districts with AgSb mineralization
AgSb deposit genesis.
In many tin-ore provinces of Central Asia the tin mineralization is
2. Analytical methods for He, Ar, Pb, and Sr isotope closely associated with silver mineralization represented by quartz-
ratio determination carbonate-sulde vein and stockwork zones (Indolev and Nevoisa, 1974;
Koleda, 1974, 1990; Borisenko et al., 1992; Kostin et al., 1995, 1997;
The ages of AgSb mineralization, the spacetime and genetic Gamyanin et al., 1998; Borisenko et al., 1999, 2000; Gamyanin et al.,
relationships with other types of mineralization and with magmatism 2003; Borisenko et al., 2006). The largest districts with mineralization of
were investigated using step-heating ArAr dating of micas, including this type are SE AltaiNW Mongolia, Verkhoyansk province in Yakutia,
biotite (in lamprophyre), muscovite, sericite (in ore-bearing metaso- South Pamir in Tadjikistan, and Talas in Kyrgyzstan. In addition, similar
matic rocks), and K-feldspar (in amazonite granite). Investigations deposits are known in Primoriye, Eastern Zabaikalye, SE China, and
have been performed in the Analytical Center of the Institute of North Vietnam. The SE AltaiNW Mongolia district is one of the best
Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of studied silver-ore districts and is described in some detail below. Table 2
Sciences. Monomineral fractions, together with monitor aliquots summarizes the principal features of the districts and deposits discussed
(biotite MSA-11 N 129-88), were placed in fused silica vials and sealed in this paper.
in a vacuum. MSA-11 biotite (VIMS) was certied as an Ar/Ar monitor
against muscovite Bern 4 m and biotite LP-6 international standard 3.1. Silver ore district of SE Altai and NW Mongolia
samples (Baksi et al., 1996). The vials were irradiated in the cadmium
core of a water-moderatedwater-cooled reactor at the Research The silver ore district of SE AltaiNW Mongolia is located mainly
Institute of Nuclear Physics (Tomsk), at a neutron ux gradient within within the Delyuno-Yustid terrane in the Delyuno-Yustid back-arc
0.5% of the sample size. Step heating was carried out in a silica reactor basin (Fig. 2). The Delyuno-Yustid terrane borders the Early Paleozoic
with an external furnace. The isotopic ratios were corrected for Ca and Altai and late Early Paleozoic Kharkhira terranes along the large Kurai-
K derived Ar isotopic interferences using the constants (39Ar/ Kobdo and Terekta-Tolbonur faults. The terranes comprise fragments
Ar)Ca = 0.00073 0.000026, (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00032 0.000021, of PrecambrianEarly Paleozoic accretionary prisms and turbidite
and (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0641 0.0001 obtained by irradiation of pure basins that formed upon oceanic crust (Berzin and Dobretsov, 1994,
salts. Argon was cleaned with Ti- and ZrAl-SAES getters. The Ar isotope Dobretsov et al., 1995; Shokalsky et al., 2000; Kruk et al., 2001, Buslov
composition was measured in samples degassed at 300 on a et al., 2003, 2004; Distanov et al., 2006).
Micromass Noble gas 5400 mass spectrometer, to uncertainty quoted The Delyuno-Yustid basin is lled with a 24 km thick sequence of
in text, tables, and gures at the one-sigma level. terrigenous sediments with redbeds and Early and Middle Devonian
Helium and argon isotopes were determined on a MI-1201 N 22-78 volcano-sedimentary rocks at the base, overlain by Middle and Late
mass spectrometer at the Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory, Geologi- Devonian black shale which locally contains beds of copper-bearing
cal Institute of the Kolsky Science Center, Apatity. Gas was extracted sandstone and hosts most of the epithermal ore occurrences in the
from samples by fusion and vacuum grinding. Concentrations of 4 province.
and 40Ar were measured to an error of 3 to 5%. See Marty et al. (1998) Tectonic blocks bounded by large faults are composed of Precambrian
and Tolstkhin et al. (1999) for details of the standard procedure. metamorphosed volcanic-carbonate rocks, Lower Cambrian volcanic
Lead isotopic ratio measurements were carried out in IGEM RAN, and clastic rocks, OrdovicianEarly Silurian terrigenous carbonates, and
Moscow, using standard procedures on a MI-1320 instrument with Eifelian (Gradstein et al., 2005) basaltandesitedacite associations.
error of b0.15% (Chernyshov et al., 1983). Magmatic activity in the province occurred in two main stages which
Sulfur and strontium isotope compositions were analyzed in the produced: (i) Middle Paleozoic granites of the Yustid complex (Late
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of Russian DevonianEarly Carboniferous), mac intrusions of the Kara-Oyuk
Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) using standard procedures on complex (Late DevonianEarly Carboniferous) and post-granite dolerite
Delta (Finnigan) and MI-1201T instruments, respectively. dikes (CarboniferousPermian), and (ii) Early Mesozoic alkaline mac

Table 2
Main features of the ore districts and deposits.

District Ore cluster Representative deposit Metals Main ore minerals Age (Ma)
SE AltaiNW Mongolia Aktash, Chagan-Uzun, Kuraiskoe Hg, Sb Cn, St 231.5 1
Djilkydal, Otsalar Cu, Ag, Sb, Hg Ag,Hg-Tet 234.4 1.3
Yustid Asgat, Ozernoe, Yantau Ag, Sb, Cu, Bi, Pb, Zn Tet, Chst, Bnt, Cpy 240 3.5
Munguntaiga, Mogenburen Co, Ni, As, Bi + Ag, Sb, Cu Ars, Asp, Lo, Tet 250240
Yustid Sn, W Cst, Asp 352 6
Tolbonur Tolbonur, Sharabureg Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Tet, Bnt, Cpy
Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Tet, Bnt, Cpy
Sagsai Ni,Co + Ag,Sb + Hg Asp,Lo,Tet, Cn
Chiyash-Nur Hg, Sb Cn, St
Pamir Kaltatur Kaltatur Sb, Hg, Ag Ag,Hg-Tet
Bazardara Akjilga Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Tet 44 1.5
Trezubets Sn, W Cst, Wlf, Asp, Stn 98.5 1
Verkhoyansk Khachakchan Khachakchan, Nochnoe Ag, Sb, Hg, Cu Ag,Hg-Tet,Gl, Hg-silver, Cn
Mangazeisky Kimpechenskoe Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Tet N97
Mangazeiskoe Pb, Zn, Ag, Sb, Cu Gl, Sph, Tet N97b97
Deputatsky Bulat, Inary, Burevestnik Pb, Zn, Ag, Sb, Cu Gl, Sph, Tet b106
Deputatsky Sn,W Cst, Wlf, Stn, Gl, Sph 120(?)
Talas Kumyshtag Kumyshtag Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Tet, Jam Post-Permian
Uchimchek Fe, As Asp, Lo
Kurgan Kurgan Sn + Ag, Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn Cst, Sph, Stn, Tet,Gl Post-Permian

Abbreviations used: Tet tetrahedrite, Chst chalcostibite, Cpy chalcopyrite, Asp arsenopyrite, Gl galena, Sph sphalerite, Lo lllingite, Ag,Hg-Tet Ag and Hg-containing
tetrahedrite, Cn cinnabar, St stibnite, Jam jamesonite, Cst cassiterite, Stn stannite, Wlf wolframite, Ars NiCo arsenides, Hgsilver Hg-bearing silver.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 167

Fig. 2. Distribution of AgSb, CuAgHgSb and SbHg deposits in the SE AltaiNW Mongolia ore district. Ore clusters: 1 Yustid, 2 Tolbonur.

rocks (lamprophyre) of the Chuysky dike complex (Early Triassic), The largest zone is Asgat-Ozernoe near the Yustid granite. The
dolerite of the Kurai complex (Early Triassic), and younger intrusions of Yustid SnW occurrence occurs at the contact between the granite and
rare-metal-bearing granite, porphyritic granite, and ongonite (Middle the host Devonian terrigenous rock as greisen veins with quartz-
TriassicEarly Jurassic) (Table 3) (Obolenskaya, 1971, 1983; Shokalsky uorite-tourmaline and disseminated arsenopyrite, cassiterite, wol-
et al., 2000; Borisenko et al., 2004). framite, scheelite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, native bismuth and
Igneous rocks of different ages host endogenous mineralization bismuthinite.
of different types, including Middle Paleozoic (Late DevonianEarly The Asgat-Ozernoe zone extends for over 25 km within an oblique-
Carboniferous) o-sulfoarsenide and SnW, and Early Mesozoic slip detachment fault along a contact between sandstone-shale
NiCoAs, AgSb, SbHg (Triassic), and MoW (Middle Triassic sediments of the Boguta and Barburgazy Formations (Middle and
Early Jurassic) deposits. There are two ore clusters of silverantimony Late Devonian). The eastern ank of the zone, with the largest Asgat
mineralization within the district: the Yustid cluster in the north deposit, is situated in Mongolia. The western ank, in the Russian
of the Delyuno-Yustid basin; and the Tolbonur cluster located 150 km southeastern Altai, hosts several ore elds (Fig. 4), from NE to SW
to the south. The Yustid ore cluster is the largest and best studied including the Pogranichnoe, Kara-Oyuk, Ozernoe deposits and the
(Pavlova, 1987a,b; Borisenko et al., 1992, 1999; Pavlova et al., 2004 Chagan-Gol occurrence. All deposits are in similar geological settings
2006; Obolenskiy et al., 2007; Pavlova et al., 2008; Pavlova and within Middle and Late Devonian hornfelsed shales with dissemi-
Borovikov, 2008). nated suldes (pyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite). Mineralization consists
of quartzsiderite veins and stockworks with Ag-bearing tetra-
3.1.1. Yustid ore cluster hedrite in the disseminated form or in nests and stringers. Less
The Yustid ore cluster is bound in the north and in the east by the abundant minerals are Sb-sulfosalts (chalcostibite, bournonite, jame-
arc-shaped Kurai-Kobdo fault that changes the strike in this region sonite, zinckenite, semseyite), pyrite, arsenopyrite, lllingite, ankerite,
from submeridional to sublatitudinal (Fig. 3). The fault is the main ore- calcite (barite, uorite), galena, sphalerite, bismuthinite, native
controlling structure with subsidiary smaller faults being ore-bearing. bismuth and antimony, and gudmundite. Stibnite, horobetsuite and
AgSb mineralization in the ore cluster is localized in four ore zones: emplectite are rare minerals. Crustiform veins are composed of quartz
Asgat-Ozernoe, Munguntaiga, Mogenburen, and Yantau (Fig. 3). and siderite with disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite, occasionally
168 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

Table 3
Age of magmatic rocks of the SE AltaiNW Mongolia ore district.
Magmatic complex, massif Rock Age, Ma Method References
Tsagangol granite massif Granite 440 KAr Gavrilova (1975)
Tolbonur granite massif Granite, leucogranite 397 5 UPb Demin et al. (1991, 2001)
386 16 RbSr
Kara-Oyuk rhyolitedolerite complex Dolerite Late DevonianEarly Carboniferous Geol. data Goverdovskiy (1987)
Torgaliksky gabbro-syenite complex Gabbro Late DevonianEarly Carboniferous Geol. data Krivenko (1965)
Kharkhirinsky massif Leucogranite 365 5 UPb Demin et al. (1991, 2001)
345 10 RbSr
Yustid massif and complex Biotite granite 355.7 8.6 UPb Goverdovskiy and Rudnev (2000)
Terektinsky gabbro-dolerite complex Gabbro 280233 (Permian-riassic) KAr Mikhaleva (1989) geological data
Achitnur SnW deposit Amazonite granite 265.9 3.5 ArAr Original data
Chuysky complex of micaceous lamprohyries Minette, kersantite 245.7 0.7 ArAr Vrublevskiy et al. (2004); original data
244 0.8 ArAr
243 3.7 ArAr q
236.8 0.6 ArAr q
234.6 3.1 ArAr q
Tarkhata granosyenite-monzodiorite complex Syenodiorite 240 UPb Kruk et al. (2001)
Kungurdzhara massif Granite, leucogranite 240 1 ArAr Vladimirov et al. (1997)
235 9 RbSr q
Tsagangolsky massif Leucogranite 242.3 2.7 ArAr original data
Aturkol massif Granite 237 4.4 UPb Gusev (2003)
Kalguta graniteleucogranite massif Leucogranite 228 5.4 RbSr Dovgal et al. (1997)
218 UPb Vladimirov et al. (1997)
Chigertaisky granite massif Leucogranite 225 10 UPb Demin et al. (1995, 2001)
Sagsay granite massif Leucogranite 225 10 UPb Demin et al. (1995, 2001)
Kalgutinsky graniteleucogranite complex Granite porphyry 218 1 ArAr Original data
Ulanulsky massif Granite porphyry 214.9 0.7 ArAr Original data
Kungurdzhara massif Spodumene aplite 213 21 RbSr Vladimirov et al. (1997)
East-Kalguta dike complex Ongonite, kalgutite 202.4204 ArAr Shokalsky et al. (2000)
Alakha rare-metal granite complex Spodumene granite-porphyry 201 15 RbSr Vladimirov et al. (1997)

with lllingite and sulfoarsenides along selvages, and ne grained The ores formed in three successive stages: (1) siderite (quartz,
siderite, tetrahedrite, and other Sb sulfosalts and suldes in the central siderite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, gudmundite, lllingite, gersdorfte);
part. (2) sulfosalt (tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, chalcostibite, zinckenite,

Fig. 3. Silver-ore zones in the Yustid ore cluster (after Borisenko et al., 2007). Ore zones: 1 Asgat-Ozernoe, 2 Munguntaiga, 3 Mogenburen, 4 Yantau.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 169

Fig. 4. Simplied geological map of the Asgat-Ozernoe ore zone (after Borisenko et al., 2007).

jamesonite, bournonite); (3) sulde (galena, sphalerite, freibergite, tetrahedritechalcostibite (Pogranichnoe), zinckenite (Kara-Oyuk),
chalcopyrite, bismuthinite, native bismuth and antimony). They have bournonitetetrahedrite (Ozernoe), and galena-freibergite (Chagan-
high Bi-contents and include Bi-bearing chalcostibite, zinckenite, and Gol site) types. The veins become notably thinner (from 112 m to 1
stibnite; Bi and Sb show broad isomorphism in the bismuthinite 5 cm) likewise southwestwards, i.e., mineralization intensity tends to
stibnite, native antimonynative bismuth, and chalcostibiteemplectite decrease in this direction. Major ore elements are Ag, Cu, Sb in the
series. The Yustid ores do not contain silver sulfosalts and suldes, and northeastern part of the zone, Ag, Cu, Sb, and Pb in the center, and Cu
argentite is found only as a supergene mineral. and Zn in the southwest. Note that Hg in the ores ranges from 1 to
The vertical interval of mineralization reaches ~950 m. At the deep 1000 ppm in the Asgat deposit and to 1 and 0.1 ppm in the SW ank
horizons (below-ore level) quartzsiderite veins are especially of the zone (Chagan-Gol site). Mercury impurities are found in
abundant in early high-temperature mineral parageneses with higher tetrahedrite and bournonite. The maximum ore formation tempera-
contents of pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, lllingite, gudmundite, and tures decrease in the same direction from 200 to b100 whereas the
native antimony. At the middle horizons (ore level) tetrahedrite and salinity of ore uids found in uid inclusions decreases only slightly
chalcostibite and early chalcopyrite are dominant, at the upper from 36 to 23 wt.% in the Asgat deposit to 30 and 21 wt.% NaCl equiv. in
horizons, tetrahedrite and latest chalcopyrite are dominant. Note the Ozernoe deposit. The vertical thermal gradient during the siderite
that Ag contents of tetrahedrite (ca. 1.32.5%) remain almost stage was estimated as 9 /100 m.
unchanged with depth. The most important problem of metallogeny of this district is the
Mineralization in the Asgat-Ozernoe zone shows a distinct lateral age of the AgSb mineralization and its spatial and temporal links
zonation with later low-temperature mineral associations towards with other ore types and with magmatism. Silverantimony miner-
the southwest. The mineralogy of ores changes in the district alization is the youngest and is superimposed on Middle Paleozoic
from northeast to southwest, from tetrahedrite (Asgat deposit) to granites of the Yustid complex and related zones of pyrrhotite
170 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

chalcopyritecobaltite (CoAs) or chalcopyritepyritepyrrhotite mineralization was separate in time from SnW and Co-sulfoarsenide
(CuFe) mineralization in thermally metamorphosed shales. The sub- mineralization. It must be noted that there is also a younger SnW
latitudinal steeply-dipping veins with AgSb mineralization cut mineralization in the district; amazonite granite dikes containing
younger (~250 Ma) submeridional at sideritearsenide veins with cassiterite have a 265.9 3.5 Ma ArAr age (Borisenko et al., 2007).
lllingite, skutterudite, saforite, native bismuth and arsenic in the The youngest ages are for MoW greisen mineralization in the
Askhatin-Gol deposit (Fig. 3), which in turn cut zones of skarns and Ulanul (Mongolia) and Kalguty (Russian Altai) deposits (Vladimirov
skarnied rocks with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, cobaltite, and scheelite et al., 1997; Borisenko et al., 2003, 2004; Annikova et al., 2006), which
(Tyulkin, 1980; Borisenko et al., 1984). The same spacetime relation- formed between 220 and 200 Ma ago.
ships between NiCoAs and AgSb deposits are also found in other NiCoarsenide and CuCoAs mineralization types (earliest in
ore occurrences within the district (e.g., Mogenburen). the ore succession) commonly follow submeridional faults, as well as
Mesozoic ores in the cluster are controlled by the Kurai-Kobdo post-granite dolerite dikes; later AgSb mineralization is associated
fault along which AgSb ores (Asgat, Ozernoe deposits) grade with sublatitudinal faults and zones of shearing and shattering,
northeastwards into complex CuAgSbHg ores with siderite, barite, usually injected with dikes of the Chuysky alkali basites. SbHg
Hg-tetrahedrite (Djilkydal and other occurrences) and on into SbHg mineralization is found along large faults.
mineralization (Aktash deposit) (Fig. 2). The paragenetic sequence of
ore formation events in the Yustid ore cluster is as follows, from oldest 3.1.2. Tolbonur ore cluster
to youngest: CoAs, SnW NiCoAs AgSb, CuAgHgSb, SbHg, The Tolbonur ore cluster is bracketed between the main ore-
which is consistent with ArAr and UPb ages of igneous rocks controlling KuraiKobdo fault in the east and the TerektaTolbonur
and ores. fault system in the west (Fig. 2). Ores occur along an EW-striking
ArAr dating shows that Early Mesozoic AgSb mineralization system of subsidiary ore-bearing faults and shear fractures. The ore
formed in the Yustid cluster at 240 3.5 Ma (Table 4) (Pavlova et al., cluster comprises the Tolbonur, Sharabureg deposits and several
2008). This age determination was made on sericite from a siderite occurrences of siderite veins with copper suldes and tetrahedrite.
vein in hydrothermally-altered mica lamprophyre of the Chuysky Most occurrences follow the Tolbonur fault zone. The Tolbonur
complex (Turgen site of the Asgat deposit). The sericite sample deposit is located in the western side of the Yustid basin where
consisted of ne-grained muscovite (M-1) with minor carbonate and about thirty EW-striking siderite and siderite-sulfosalt veins were
quartz. discovered along vertical joints and zones of shattering. Veins may
Complex CuAgSbHg mineralization is also of Triassic age reach thicknesses of 1 to 5 m and the vein zones are up to 1015 m
(234.4 1.3 Ma ArAr sericite age), and SbHg mineralization is thick and 23 km long. Some zones are exposed by erosion up to a
younger (231.5 1 Ma ArAr sericite age) (Borisenko et al., 2003). The height of 900 m. Tetrahedrite is the major ore mineral, with less
gradual change from AgSb to complex CuAgSbHg mineralization common minerals include bournonite, galena, arsenopyrite, lllingite,
and on to SbHg (stibnite, cinnabar) mineralization along the Kurai- pyrite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite. The Tolbonur ores have greater
Kobdo and Terekta-Tolbonur faults records a zonation trend along the percentages of quartz and barite than the Yustid occurrences, low Bi
main regional ore-controlling structures (Table 4). (0.05%) and some Hg (510 2%). Ore veins and vein zones in the
The ArAr age of unaltered lamprophyres that host the siderite Tolbonur eld are hosted by Yustid granitic rocks and post-granite
vein is 243 3.7 Ma. Formation of the Chuysky mica lamprophyre dolerite dikes distributed in a NW-trending belt. AgSb mineralization
generally spanned an interval of 246236 Ma, with two prominent within the eld shows lateral zonation. Carbonate veins with
pulses of alkaline mac magmatism at 246243 and 236234 Ma arsenopyrite, lllingite, and minor tetrahedrite are present along the
(Tables 3 and 4), according to our results and to published data Tolbonur fault; the veins away from the fault are of a siderite
(Borisenko et al., 2003; Goverdovskiy, 2004; Vrublevskiy et al., 2004; tetrahedrite composition with bournonite, galena, and other suldes
Naumov, 2007). Therefore, AgSb and the associated CuAgHgSb in disseminated form. Towards the northwest the vein zones consist
and SbHg ores do have genetic links with alkaline mac rocks of the mainly of barren siderite veins with pyrite and chalcopyrite. Vertical
Chuysky complex as was previously suggested by Obolenskaya (1971, zonation is manifested by the greater abundances of arsenopyrite and
1983), Obolenskiy (1985) and Borisenko et al. (1984, 1992). lllingite in the deepest horizons, tetrahedrite and galena in the
The age of older Middle Paleozoic mineralization was also middle, and barite, tetrahedrite, and chalcopyrite in the upper levels.
determined by the ArAr method on muscovite from SnW greisen The ore veins formed in two distinct stages which produced earlier
ores of the Yustid occurrence as 352 6 Ma. A similar age of 349 sideritearsenide veins with arsenopyrite, lllingite, gersdorfte,
3.9 Ma was obtained for pyrrhotitecobaltite (CoAs) mineralization followed by AgSb mineralization (siderite + Ag tetrahedrite).
in the Karakul deposit. These results conrm the temporal link of these SilverSb mineralization in the Tolbonur ore cluster is associated
mineralization types with the 355.7 8.6 Ma old Yustid granitoid with CuAgHgSb and SbHg ores. The lateral zonation in the NW
intrusions (Goverdovskiy and Rudnev, 2000) and indicate that AgSb direction and along the TerektaTolbonur fault, similar to that in the

Table 4
Age of magmatic rocks and ores from deposits of the SE Altai and NW Mongolia (ArAr).

Deposit Mineral Age, Ma

Hg Tyutyo deposit, North-Chuya Range Sericite from cinnabar ore 231.5 1.0(1)
CuAgHgSb Kok-Uzek deposit, South-Chuya Range Sericite from hydrothermally altered kersantite in vein selvages 234.4 1.3(1)
Kersantite, Chuysky complex, South-Chuya Range Biotite 236.8 0.6
Kersantite, Asgat deposit, Turgen site (Mongolia) Biotite 234.6 3.1
AgSb Asgat deposit, Turgen site (Mongolia) Sericite from hydrothermally altered kersantite in siderite ore vein 240 3.5
Kersantite, Asgat deposit, Turgen site (Mongolia) Biotite 243 3.7
NiCo arsenide deposit, South-Chuya Range Nasturan, UPb method 258250(2)
NiCo arsenide deposit, Tuva Nasturan, UPb method 252242(2)
SnW Achitnur deposit (Mongolia) K-Fsp from amazonite granite dike with cassiterite 265.9 3.5
SnW Yustid occurrence, Chikhachev Range (SE Altai) Muscovite from SnW quartz veins in greisen 352 6.0
Granite of Yustid complex, Chikhachev Range (SE Altai) zircon, UPb method 355.7 8.6(3)

Age determinations were performed in the Analytical Center of the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS (A.V. Travin).
References: 1 Borisenko et al. (2003); 2 Mitropolskiy and Kulik (1975); 3 Goverdovskiy and Rudnev (2000).
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 171

Table 5
Mineral composition of the ores in AgSb, Cu AgSbHg and SbHg deposits within the KuraiKobdo and TerektaTolbonur metallogenic belts.

Metallogenic belts AgSb (Asgat, Ozernoe, Pogranichnoe) CuAgSbHg (Djilkydal, Otsalar) SbHg (Aktash, Chagan-Uzun, Kuraiskoe)
KuraiKobdo Ag-tetrahedrite chalcostibite chalcopyrite zinkenite, HgAg-tetrahedrite chalcostibite chalcopyrite Cinnabar, stibnite, pyrite chalcostibite,
bournonite freibergite, pyrite arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite pyrite bravoite galena sphalerite cinnabar chalcopyrite, Hg-fahlores, Hg-sphalerite,
sphalerite, galena, stibnite bismuthinite, native realgar, auripigment, metacinnabar,
bismuth gersdorfte gersdorfte
Siderite, quartz, calcite, Siderite, quartz, barite, calcite, sericite, dickite Quartz, calcite, dolomite,
ankerite, sericite, chlorite kaolinite, dickite, hydromica
TerektaTolbonur (Tolbonur, Sharabureg) (Sagsai) (Chyash-Nur)
Ag-tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite bournonite, pyrite, HgAg-tetrahedrite pyrite, bravoite, chalcopyrite, Cinnabar, pyrite stibnite chalcopyrite
sphalerite, galena arsenopyrite, loellingite Au, suldes and arsenides of Ni and Co, cinnabar metacinnabar, marcasite
Siderite, quartz, calcite, sericite, ankerite, chlorite Quartz, barite, siderite, ankerite, sericite, kaolinite Quartz, calcite, sericite, kaolinite

Yustid cluster, is from Tolbonur, Sharabureg (AgSb) to Sagsai schists, gneisses, marble, and amphibolite intruded by granitoids of
(CuAgHgSb) and to Chiyash-Nur (Hg) deposits (Table 5). The different ages. Rocks of the terrane are thrust in a series of sheets over
Sagsai ores contain three successive mineral assemblages of unmetamorphosed carbonaceous terrigenous and terrigenous carbo-
dolomite + nickeline + rammelsbergite + gersdorfte siderite + Hg, nate (Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic) and carbonate and terrige-
Ag-bearing tetrahedrite + chalcopyrite calcite + cinnabar, metacin- nous sediments (Jurassic) of the Southeastern Pamir. Igneous rocks in
nabarite, which correspond to three mineralization types (NiCoAs, the terrane belong to complexes of Early Mesozoic (Middle and Late
CuAgSbHg and Hg) spatially coinciding within the ore eld. AgSb Triassic), Late Mesozoic (Early Cretaceous), and Cenozoic (Paleogene
ores is hosted by Yustid granitoids and post-granite dolerite dikes. Neogene) ages (Table 6). The mineralization in the province is mainly
of the tin, silver, and polymetallic types; less important are boron
3.2. Pamir silver-ore district and gold deposits and Miocene REE-bearing carbonatite.

The Pamir silver ore district (Fig. 5) is a large, and a very old silver 3.2.1. Bazardara ore cluster
producer, where silver has been mined since the 7th Century AD. It is The Bazardara ore cluster is the largest and most well studied in
located in the Central Asian segment of the AlpineHimalayan orogen, the Pamir. It is associated with the multistage Bazardara intrusion
within the Central, Rushan-Pshart, Southwestern, and Southeastern composed mainly of biotite granite, monzogabbro and monzodiorite
terranes of the Pamir (Tyutin and Bezugliy, 1990; Vladimirov et al., (Fig. 6). The granitoids intrude thick (up to 4.5 km) terrigenous and
2000). The district includes several large AgSb ore clusters, namely, terrigenous-carbonate sediments of Carboniferous, Permian and
Bazardara, Mardjanay, Tokuzbulak, Buguchijilga, and Kaltatur. Ore Triassic age that contain organic matter and suldes. The terrigenous
clusters with their specic lithology, magmatism, geological history, sediments are metamorphosed to hornfels facies and the carbonates
and metallogeny are distinguished by their mineralogy and chemistry. are altered to skarn. Also present are quartz-tourmaline metasomatic
The richest are the Ag clusters in the Southwestern (Tokuzbulak) and rocks. The halo of contact metamorphism is from 750 to 1700 m wide.
Southeastern (Bazardara, Mardjanay, and Buguchijilga) terranes (Fig. 5). Mineralization in the cluster formed in several stages which
The Southwestern terrane is composed of Proterozoic migmatitic produced two complexes of (i) SnW greisen and skarn with

Fig. 5. Distribution of AgSb, Sb and Hg deposits in the South Pamir region. Ore clusters: Kaltatur, Tokuzbulak, Mardjanay; Bazardara, Buguchijilga.
172 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

Table 6
MesozoicCenozoic magmatism of the southern Pamir (after Vladimirov et al., 2000).

Magmatic rock association Rock composition Age, Ma Method

Tethyan ophiolites Sedimentary rocks, metabasalts Triassic Geol data
Diabases, serpentinites Triassic Geol data
Gunt Series (metamorphic complex) HTLP metamorphites, migmatites, gneiss granites 215200 UPb
Koitezek Series Monzodiorites, adamellites, granites 205190 UPb
Bashgumbez granites Adamellites, granites, leucogranites 180 19 UPb
Alichur volcano-plutonic series Monzogabbro, monzodiorite 110107 RbSr
Trachybasalts, shoshonites, and rhyolites of the Kyzylrabat belt 110 3 RbSr
Bazardara granites Adamellites, granites, leucogranites, aplites 99.7 1.8 RbSr
Bazardara massif Ongonite 100.5 1.8 ArAra
Pamir-Shugnan granites Yashchil'kul granites, leucogranites, aplites, pegmatites 1816 KAr
Shugnan granites, leucogranites, aplites, pegmatites 16.1 1.1 UPb
Namangud granites, leucogranites, aplites, pegmatites 18 1 RbSr
Dunkeldyk complex Trachyte 10.811.5 ArArb
Authors new data.
Hacker et al. (2005).

cassiterite and (ii) later AgSb and uorite mineralizations. In the pyrite, lllingite, scheelite, stannite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphaler-
largest Trezubets SnW deposit ore veins are composed mainly of ite, bismuthinite, galena, and magnetite. Other vein minerals besides
quartz, cassiterite, wolframite, and arsenopyrite and lesser amounts of quartz are micas (muscovite and zinnwaldite), topaz, microcline,

Fig. 6. Distribution of AgSb mineralization in the Bazardara ore cluster.

G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 173

uorite, and rare tourmaline, chlorite, and garnet. In addition to SnW metamorphic rocks. The mineralized zone extend for a total depth of
greisen mineralization, the earlier ore system comprises skarn Sn- 600 m. Tetrahedrite and galena are common ore minerals. Chalcopyrite,
bearing sulde occurrences. bournonite, stibnite, bismuthinite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, and stannite are
AgSb mineralization is localized in subsidiary ore-bearing faults present in lesser amounts. The sequence of mineral deposition was as
from the major ore-controlling Akjilga fault (Fig. 6). The largest are the follows (from older to younger): siderite+tetrahedritequartz+galena+
Akjilga and Upper Akjilga deposits where mining of silver took place freibergite + Ag-sulfosalts + barite quartz + dickite + stibnite. The
in the 7th through to the 10th Century AD and remnants of an old galena-freibergite stage includes abundant barite, arsenopyrite, tetra-
Silver City have survived till now. Deposits and numerous hedrite, Ag sulfosalts (pyrargyrite, miargyrite, Sb-matildite, aramayoite,
occurrences of silver are hosted by carbonaceous and sulde-bearing diaphorite) and Hg-bearing native silver (up to 20 wt.% Hg). Quartz-
terrigenous-carbonate rocks and the intruding Bazardara granite and dickite-stibnite veins are the latest. AgSb mineralization of the
monzonite. AgSb mineralization consists of steeply dipping quartz Mardjanay ore cluster is spatial associated with Ba- and Sr- rich
siderite veins with uorite, Ag-bearing tetrahedrite (from 0.2 to monzonites.
15.5 wt.%), sulfosalts (chalcostibite, bournonite, semseyite, cosalite),
including silver and Ag-bearing sulfosalts (pyrargyrite, miargyrite, 3.2.3. Kaltatur ore cluster
aramayoite, matildite, diaphorite, zelyite, gustavite, andorite, benja- In the Kaltatur ore cluster AgSb mineralization has a peculiar
minite, etc.), and suldes (chalcopyrite, bismuthinite, horobetsuite, composition. The ore cluster is located along the Vanch-Akbaital fault
stibnite, galena, sphalerite, stannite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, etc.). Rare zone, which separates the terranes of the Central and Northern Pamir
minerals include a large group of AgPbBiSbS sulfosalts. The ores (Fig. 5) and includes a group of siderite-sulde vein occurrences
contain about 40 hypogene minerals, of which more than half are Sb within JurassicCretaceous red sandstone and conglomerate. Quartz
sulfosalts and suldes (Pavlova et al., 1990; Borisenko et al., 1992, siderite veins contain siderite, tetrahedrite, and chalcopyrite with
2000). lower percentages of pyrite, arsenopyrite, bismuthinite, uorite, and
Granite-hosted AgSb veins contain high percentages of uorite, barite. Veins within the fault zone are of quartzsideritebarite com-
native bismuth and Bi-bearing minerals. Suldes and sulfosalts show position with Hg-bearing tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, cinnabar,
broad substitution of Sb for Bi and vice versa. Sb-sulfosalts contain Bi and silver minerals (Kaltatur and Ailutek occurrences). Mineralization
in the following amounts: up to 5.5 wt.% in tetrahedrite, 110 wt.% in in the Kaltatur cluster, like that in the province of southeastern Altai
chalcostibite, 7% in bournonite, and 13% in semseyite. Bi-bearing northwestern Mongolia, shows lateral zonation as AgSb mineraliza-
minerals are rather high in Sb: up to 28 wt.% in bismuthinite (from 30 tion passes into silvermercuryantimony ores (CuAgHgSb) and
to 38 wt.% in horobetsuite), and 7% in cosalite. Sb and Bi isomorphism then SbHg ores in proximity of the Vanch-Akbaital fault. The ore
occurs in the bismuthinitestibnite, chalcostibiteemplectite, bis- cluster is distinguished by the presence of Hg-bearing minerals,
muthiniteaikinite, and miargyritearamayoitematildite series. consistent with the known relationship of mercury mineralization
Three stages of ore formation have been recognized: from siderite with large deep faults (Obolenskiy, 1985; Ozerova, 1986), such as the
tetrahedrite, quartztetrahedrite and to the nal quartz (barite) sulde Vanch-Akbaital fault.
stage with galena, sphalerite, stannite, freibergite, and dickite
( Ag-sulfosalts). Rare stannite is also found among early minerals 3.3. Verkhoyansk silver province
in aggregates with sphalerite and tetrahedrite.
The vertical interval of mineralization is of about 1500 m between The largest in central Asia, the Verkhoyansk silver province is
elevations of 3600 and 5000 m above sea level. Silver-rich siderite associated with the Verkhoyansk fold belt located between the
tetrahedrite veins of ore level (from 4300 to 4800 m) pass into siderite Siberian craton and the Kolyma-Omolonsky superterrane (Fig. 7).
veins with pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and bismuthinite at the The belt is along the eastern cratonic margin and comprises up to 3 km
below-ore level (from 3600 to 4300 m). Homogenization tempera- thick carbonaceous terrigenous rocks of Carboniferous, Permian
tures of uid inclusions in quartz, simultaneously deposited with and Triassic age. Granitoids of the Main batholith belt have UPb
siderite, decrease from 280 to 210 C at the Pridorozhniy site, at an and ArAr ages from 159 to 140 Ma in the southern ank of the belt
elevation of 3800 m, to 190160 C in areas of higher elevations (from (Layer et al., 2001; Prokopiev et al., 2006; Anikin et al., 2006;
4500 to 4800 m, Akjilga deposit). The vertical temperature gradient is Prokopiev et al., 2007) and from 138 to 120 Ma in the northern ank
815 C/100 m. According to laser Raman microspectrometry data, (Layer et al., 2001) and become progressively younger westwards.
concentrations of ore elements in uid inclusions in quartz (Fe, Cu, Ag, Two stages of metamorphism and deformation are established in the
Zn, Mn, etc.) decrease from below-ore to the ore level. Ore veins at the Verkhoyansk province: submeridional faults along the eastern craton
elevations of N4800 m, especially in the rocks of intrusion top, are margin were formed at about 151 1 Ma; the age of the transverse
abundant in barite, uorite, hematite, and sugary-textured quartz, faults is of about 119 0.5 Ma, based on ArAr data (Prokopiev et al.,
which is evidence of redox changes and increasing of oxygen partial 2007). Granites become younger westwards in the transverse faults
pressure. from 123 to 97 Ma (Fig. 8) (Trunilina et al., 2000).
The common sequence of events in the Bazardara ore cluster, as is Mac and alkaline mac magmatism in the Verkhoyansk fold belt
reliably evidenced by geological and isotope data, is as follows: mon- is represented mainly by diabase, diabase porphyry, dolerite,
zogabbro, monzodiorite, granite (from 114 to 107 Ma, RbSr age) rare- kersantite, minette, and camptonite dikes (Indolev and Nevoisa,
metal granite (99.7 1.8 Ma, RbSr biotite age) topazprotolithionite 1974; Parfenov and Kuzmin, 2001; Amuzinskiy, 2005). The dikes are
and ongonite dikes (100.5 1.8 Ma, ArAr, zinnwaldite) + SnW greisen found in both Western and Southern Verkhoyansk districts. These
mineralization (98.5 1 Ma, ArAr, muscovite) AgSb mineralization dikes have not been dated yet by advanced geochronological methods,
(44 1.5 Ma, ArAr, sericite) CuBaHg uorite mineralization. but the available KAr and RbSr age determinations and geological
evidence reliably indicate three stages of mac and alkaline mac
3.2.2. Mardjanay ore cluster magmatism in the area, namely JurassicEarly Cretaceous (from 157
The Mardjanay ore cluster lying west of the Bazardara cluster to 138 Ma, KAr); Early Cretaceous (from 114 to 116 Ma, KAr and Rb
encompasses a group of AgSb, AgPb occurrences with barite and Sr ages); and Late Cretaceous (from 94 to 88 Ma, KAr) (Indolev, 1979;
stibnite. The mineralization is sited along steeply dipping fracture Parfenov and Kuzmin, 2001; Amuzinskiy, 2005).
zones as quartzsiderite and quartzsideritebarite veins with suldes These stages are consistent with those inferred for the adjacent
and Cu, Pb, Ag sulfosalts hosted by Late Cretaceous Ba- and Sr-rich areas of Central Chukotka, where high-alkaline mac rocks have 144
granite, monzodiorite, and monzonite, Jurassic limestone, and older and 107 Ma RbSr ages (Efremov et al., 2006), Sette-Daban with
174 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

Fig. 7. Simplied geological map of the Verkhoyansk province and distribution of alkaline mac dike swarms (from Natapov, 1975; Parfenov and Kuzmin, 2001).

alkaline mac rocks of 116114 Ma, KAr and RbSr ages (Shnai et al., chan, etc.). Below, we describe the Mangazeisky, Deputatsky and
1991), basaltic and alkali-basaltic volcanism of the Uyandino-Yasacha Khachakchan ore clusters, and Menkechenskoe deposit.
arc, as well as data on Kolyma-Omolonsky terrane and Aldan
(Parfenov and Kuzmin, 2001). 3.3.1. Mangazeisky ore cluster (Western Verkhoyansk district)
Granites and mac rocks in the Verkhoyansk province host gold, The Western Verkhoyansk ore district is located in the western
tin, silver, and antimonymercury ores. Largest Ag deposits and sector (foreland zone) of the Verkhoyansk fold belt, at a sharp bend
occurrences are localized in SnAg ore clusters. Ag and Sn miner- along the trend of the Verkhoyansk fold belt (Fig. 7). In the district
alizations are in inverse relationship: ore clusters with large silver there are Cretaceous granitoid intrusions and accompanying dikes
deposits (Mangazeiskoe, Prognoz) are poor in tin and, vice versa, only of granite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry (from 97 to 82 Ma,
minor silver occurrences are found in clusters with economic tin ArAr). Mac and alkaline mac magmatism is represented by
mineralization. The province includes two districts (Western and lamprophyre dikes of two stages: Late JurassicEarly Cretaceous and
Southern Verkhoyansk) and several clusters (Deputatsky, Khachak- Late Cretaceous (Fig. 7) (Natapov, 1975). The district includes about 70
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 175

Fig. 8. Schematic geological map of longitudinal and transverse granitic belts in the VerkhoyanskKolyma region (from Trunilina et al., 2000).

deposits and occurrences that form a belt more than 100 km long. (Fig. 7). These ore veins predated granite intrusions with ArAr age
Lateral zonation is observed along the submeridional faults of the rst of 97 Ma (Layer et al., 2001). AgSb ores are crosscut and offset by
stage from sideritetetrahedrite veins in the northern ank of the Cretaceous granite porphyry dikes and Sn ore veins at the Imtadz-
KimpechenskoeMangazeiskoe ore zone to the siderite veins with hinskoe and Rannee deposits (Indolev and Nevoisa, 1974).
galena and honey-brown sphalerite in southern ank (from north to All cited deposits, except for Mangazeiskoe, have a relatively
south): Kimpechenskoe, Khadaryniya, Imtadzhinskoe, Chochimbals- simple mineralogy, which consists of galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite,
koe, Rannee, Kelterskoe, and Mangazeiskoe deposits, hosted by chalcopyrite, bournonite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, rare bou-
Carboniferous and Permian coal-bearing terrigenous sediments langerite, and stibnite. Varieties of mineral composition from

Table 7
Varieties of AgSb ores of the Verkhoyansk province.

Mineralization AgSb AgPb AgSbHg SnAg

Vein minerals Siderite, quartz, ankerite, calcite Siderite, quartz Siderite, quartz, ankerite, calcite Siderite, quartz, calcite
Major minerals Tetrahedrite Galena, honey-brown sphalerite, Galena Galena, freibergite, red sphalerite
Minor and rare minerals Galena, brown sphalerite, Bournonite, tetrahedrite, Sphalerite, freibergite, jamesonite, Pyrargyrite, argentite, miargyrite, zelyite,
chalcopyrite, bournonite, pyrite, boulangerite, chalcopyrite, boulangerite, argentite, native Ag, PbBi-sulfosalts, pyrite, native Ag, Sb, Au,
arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite pyrargyrite, diaphorite, pyrite, bismuthinite, Bi, arsenopyrite, stibnite,
arsenopyrite, stephanite, polybasite, pyrrhotite, AgBi-tellurides
gersdorfte, lenaite, Hg-bearing silver
Sn minerals in ore n.d. n.d. n.d. Stannite, caneldite, franckeite, cassiterite
Ag in ores, ppm 400600 4001000 6003200 4004000
Ag in fahlore, wt.% 13.5, up to 10 3.811 1851 1930 up to 51
Sn in ore, wt.% 0.0070.02 0.1 0.10.54 up to 1
Sn in minerals, wt.% 0.02 0.02 0.060.2 0.010.6, up to 2.67
Hg in ore, wt.% 0.27 0.1
Hg in fahlore, wt.% 0.03 0.02 1.32 0.010.2
Deposits Kimpechenskoe, Khadaryniya Imtadzhinskoe, Chochimbalskoe, Khachakchan, Nochnoe Mangazeiskoe; Prognoz; Menkechenskoe;
Levo-Echiyskoe, Kelterskoe Vertikalnoe, Rannee, Privet Bulat, Inary, and Burevestnik in the
Deputatsky ore cluster

Abbreviations: n.d. not detected; not analysed.

176 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

tetrahedrite (AgSb) to the galena-sphalerite (AgPb) ores are Major- and trace-element compositions of the ores formed during
depend on the proportions of main ore elements in the ore-forming the second stage, record inherited geochemical signature of material
uids and PTX-parameters of the ore-forming uids (Pavlova et al., derived from the host rocks and ores. Specically, the younger ore
2004, 2006; Pavlova and Borovikov, 2008). The vertical extent of veins contain abundant replacement structures (unlike the veins of
mineralized zones is about 450 m (between 830 and 1260 m, a.s.l.). the rst stage) and are restricted to the periphery of the breccia pipe;
AgSb ores are crosscut and offset by Cretaceous granite porphyry AgAu- and Bi-tellurides and high Ag contents in tetrahedrite are
dikes and Sn ore veins at the Imtadzhinskoe and Rannee deposits found only near the pipe. Kostin et al. (1997) sampled a mineral
(Indolev and Nevoisa, 1974). Siderite veins of the rst stage with containing 73.5% Ag, 7% Sb, and 16% S.
galena and honey-brown sphalerite and low Ag-containing tetrahe- The Prognoz deposit discovered southeast of the Mangazeisky ore
drite (b5 wt.%) are crosscut by siderite veins with quartz, Mn-siderite, cluster in the eastern part of Verkhoyansk fold belt (hiterland zone)
arsenopyrite, galena, freibergite, red sphalerite, Ag and Pb sulfosalts in has a moderate economic potential. It is associated with a NE cross
transverse faults at the Bezymyanny site of the Mangazeiskoe fault and is represented by mineralized zones of brittle fracturing in
deposits. The large Mangazeiskoe deposit with Ag mineralization of Upper and Middle Triassic sandstone and siltstone with steeply
different age and mineral composition is situated at the intersection of dipping suldes and sulfosalts bearing quartzsiderite veins. Gamya-
submeridional and transverse faults. Overprinting of the second stage nin et al. (1998) in their study of spacetime relationships among
ore upon the mineralization of the rst stage resulted in the formation mineral associations distinguished two stages: (i) siderite veins with
of a large deposit with a complex structure and composition. galena, sphalerite, low-Ag tetrahedrite (b5 wt.% Ag), chalcopyrite, and
The largest in the ore cluster is the Mangazeiskoe breccia pipe bismuthinite, and (ii) Ag-bearing galena, pink sphalerite, freibergite
deposit, which contains abundant Ag, Pb, and Sn sulfosalts, Ag-bearing (20 wt.% Ag), diaphorite, pyrargyrite, native silver, miargyrite, and
stannite (to 1.5%), native silver, bismuth, and antimony, bismuthinite, other Ag and Pb sulfosalts; ores of this stage also bear Sn minerals,
gustavite, AgAuBi tellurides, and other minerals (Table 7), besides such as stannite, caneldite, and cassiterite. No native gold has been
galena, tetrahedrite, freibergite, and sphalerite (Indolev and Nevoisa, found. The ores become depleted in sulfosalts with depth (below
1974; Kostin et al., 1995, 1997; Kostin, 2001). 350 m) and contain only galena, sphalerite and tetrahedrite, but
The SnAg mineralization, which is temporally associated with greater percentages of pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite.
the emplacement of granites, is of a later stage, or is a separate event Geophysical surveys image a buried subsurface pluton beneath the
from the older AgSb and AgPb ores. This name allows to separate Prognoz deposit. The ore eld is cut by diorite porphyrite and
rich SnAg ore from the earlier AgSb and AgPb ores. The deposits kersantite dikes that run in the NE direction along a cross fault.
shows vertical zonation with higher percentages of arsenopyrite and
pyrrhotite under-ore levels and dominant Ag sulfosalts, galena, and 3.3.2. Khachakchan ore cluster
freibergite dominate at ore and over-ore levels. Contents of Ag in The Khachakchan ore cluster is in the central part of the Tompo ore
tetrahedrite decrease and Sb increase with depth. Lamprophyre zone, conned to the large sublatitudinal Tompo fault. The Tompo ore
dikes are cut by Cretaceous granodiorite porphyry and siderite veins zone extends for about 150 km and includes 10 occurrences of Sn, W
of the rst stage with Pb and Zn suldes and tetrahedrite at the and Ag. The host terrigenous sediments (from Upper Permian to
Imtadzhinskoe deposit, and thus predate the early mineralization. Middle Jurassic) consist of sandstone, siltstone, graywacke, and

Fig. 9. Schematic geology of the Deputatsky ore cluster (compiled from Fleorov, 1976).
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 177

mudstone. Igneous rocks are represented by small bodies of Lower granite pluton, give way to Sn-sulde mineralization in the western
Cretaceous granites, dikes of Upper JurassicLower Cretaceous diorite and eastern anks, whereas silver ores are restricted to the far
porphyries, lamprophyres and Upper Cretaceous dolerites. Miner- periphery of the ore cluster. Quartz-tourmaline veins with cassiterite
alization consists of granite-hosted SnW greisen, boron and Sn- in greisens in the central part of cluster change in space and time to
bearing skarn deposits, Sn-sulde deposits with pyrrhotite, black quartz-cassiterite veins with wolframite and minor suldes (pyr-
sphalerite (marmatite), cassiterite, galena, chalcopyrite, stannite, rhotite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, native bismuth,
tetrahedrite and younger quartz-carbonate veins with suldes and bismuthinite), and to Sn sulde veins with quartz, pyrrhotite, pyrite,
Ag-sulfosalts. sphalerite, cubanite, chalcopyrite, lesser amounts of cassiterite and
Silver mineralization in the largest Khachakchan and Nochnoe Ag-bearing stannite and ksterite.
deposits is associated with transverse faults. A specic feature of the Silver mineralization is present as quartz-carbonate veins with
Khachakchan ore cluster is the high Hg contents, as impurities in Mn-siderite, calcite, sphalerite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite,
minerals or amalgams, high Ag content in suldes and sulfosalts, and freibergite, bournonite, Ag sulfosalts, native bismuth, rare stannite
the presence of native silver. The mineralized zones form steeply and franckeite (Table 7). Crystallization temperatures decrease to the
dipping quartzsiderite veins with galena, boulangerite, jamesonite, periphery direction from 500 down to 250 to 100 C (Borisenko et al.,
Hg-bearing tetrahedrite (1.52% Hg), freibergite (up to 52% Ag), 1997).
sphalerite, pyrargyrite, diaphorite, and other Ag-sulfosalts, argentite Tin-sulde mineralization develops upon a diabase porphyry dike,
with native silver, Hg-bearing silver (to 32%), lenaite (AgFeS2), whereas lamprophyre dikes contain clasts of suldized rocks with
chalcopyrite, gersdorfte, pyrite, and arsenopyrite (Table 7) (Amu- pyrite and arsenopyrite and are, in turn, cut by quartzsiderite
zinskiy et al., 1999). The early stage produced siderite veins with stringers with galena and sphalerite. The sequence of events in the
coarse-crystalline galena containing nests of cinnabar, boulangerite, Deputatsky ore cluster, as indicated by geological evidence, is as
jamesonite, native silver, and Hg-bearing silver. Of later generation are follows: granite quartz or rhyolite porphyry SnW ore diabase
thin quartz-calcite stringers with Ag sulfosalts, native Ag and Hg- porphyry Sn-sulde ore lamprophyre SnAg ore veins. Mac
bearing silver. and alkaline mac magmatism, widely occurred within the Depu-
tatsky ore cluster (Fig. 10), is represented by diabase porphyry and
3.3.3. Menkechenskoe deposit (Southern Verkhoyansk district)
In the Southern Verkhoyansk ore district Triassic terrigenous sedi-
ments are intruded by 119123 Ma granites (ArAr and UPb
methods) and 9299 Ma (ArAr) granitoids (Layer et al., 2001;
Prokopiev et al., 2007). Pre-granitic dikes of biotite-pyroxene
lamprophyre (N120 Ma) and post-granitic diabase porphyries and
amphibole-pyroxene lamprophyre dikes are also known in the district
(Indolev and Nevoisa, 1974).
At the Menkechenskoe deposit (the largest in the Southern
Verkhoyansk district) siderite veins of the rst stage with galena,
sphalerite, and low-Ag tetrahedrite are crosscut by diorite porphyry
dikes and tin-bearing veins, which are cut, in turn, by ankerite veins
with pyrrhotite, sphalerite (marmatite), chalcopyrite, and galena. The
earlier siderite veins of the rst stage with galena, honey-yellow
sphalerite, and tetrahedrite are crosscut by the second stage veins with
quartz, Mn-siderite, arsenopyrite, galena, freibergite, sphalerite, and Ag
sulfosalts. Silver mineralization of the second stage is superimposed on
the second stage lamprophyre dikes, which cut SnW and Sn-sulde ore,
and in turn are cut by quartz porphyry dikes. A common sequence
of events may have been as follows: lamprophyre AgPb ore siderite
veins granite (Dybinsky massif) granite-porphyry SnW
ore diorite porphyrite Sn-sulde ore diabase porphyrite,
lamprophyre SnAg mineralization quartz-porphyry.

3.3.4. Deputatsky ore cluster

The Deputatsky ore cluster is in the northern part of the Verhoyansk
fold belt. The area is characterized by Upper Jurassic ysch, with
sandstone and shales, occasionally with layers of calcareous sandstone,
conglomerate lenses and black shales. The sedimentary rocks were
thermally metamorphosed during the intrusion of a buried pluton.
Biotite granites intersected by boreholes at depths from 250 to 375 m
below the surface, have ages from 122 to 116 Ma (RbSr) and from 130
to 120 Ma (ArAr) (Parfenov and Kuzmin, 2001). In addition to granite,
there are also post-granite pre-ore granite- and rhyolite porphyry
dikes (from 108 to 95 Ma KAr age) and dikes of diabase porphyry
and lamprophyre. Country rocks around granite are thermally
metamorphosed to biotite hornfels. The pluton cupolas host greisens
composed of muscovite, quartz, topaz, tourmaline and accessory
A primary zonation of mineralization distribution is noted in the
Deputatsky ore district, where three zones are distinguished (Fig. 9). Fig. 10. Distribution of the mac and alkaline mac dikes in the ore eld of the
Sn and SnW ores in the central part of the ore cluster near the hidden Deputatsky ore cluster (from Trunilina et al., 2000).
178 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

dolerite, as well as lamprophyres which have biotite-pyroxene-olivine Northern Tien Shan orogen. Local geology (Fig. 11) includes Meso-
composition. Lamprophyre dikes contain xenoliths of metamorphic proterozoic and Neoproterozoic or less commonly Early Paleozoic
rocks (garnet-graphite and biotite-graphite schists) and biotite terrigenous-carbonate sediments. Granitoid and alkaline mac mag-
granite. Lamprophyre dikes of the Deputatsky cluster belong to the matism of different ages are also present (Konyuk, 1956; Dodonova,
Diakhtardakh volcano-plutonic complex that also includes subvolca- 1967, 1972; Koleda, 1983, 1990). Neoproterozoic terrigenous rocks
nic intrusions and trachyandesite-basalt lavas besides alkaline mac have high contents of Ag, Pb, Cu, and Zn. Variegated carbonate-
rocks. Alkaline mac intrusions accompany and predate silver ores in terrigenous sediments are Cu- and Ag-rich; the gray varieties contain
all clusters of the Verkhoyansk province, and are localized in the same about 0.4 ppm Ag in sandstones and shales, and up to 2.2 ppm in
faults. siltstones (Kabaev, 1989), and ten times greater concentrations in
Unlike the other silver provinces we have discussed, the areas of sulde-rich layers. Carbonaceous terrigenous-carbonate rocks have
silver ore clusters in the Verkhoyansk province experienced at high Pb and Zn contents which correlate with the organic carbon and
least two stages of granitoid magmatism (Early and Late Cretaceous) dolomite components. Tin occurrences are present around large
and episodes of alkaline mac magmatism, which produced dike multistage granite plutons intruding Proterozoic rocks in the eastern
complexes of three age intervals. The distinctive features of the part of the district (Fig. 11).
Verkhoyansk silver province with the largest AgSb deposits are their Neoproterozoic Babakhan plagiogranites occur in the western part
multi-stage evolutionary trends. of the district, and Early Paleozoic Kumyshtag leucogranite and
alaskite granite intrusions are present 50 km to the east (Fig. 11),
3.4. Talas silver ore district surrounded by intensely hornfelsed and skarnied rocks, forming
broad contact metamorphic haloes. The Kumyshtag granites host
The Talas ore district located in the Talas Range (Kyrghyz Tien greisens with rare-metal mineralization, and the southern contact of
Shan) includes numerous Ag-bearing Sn-sulde, AgSb, AgPb, and the intrusion is the area of the Kumyshtag ore cluster. Alkaline rocks of
SnAg ore deposits) and was a silver producer in ancient times the Permian Kurgan complex in the southeast of the province occur as
(Koleda, 1974). The province occurs within an SE-trending elongate small alkaline syenite stocks and necks, bostonite and dolerite dikes,
Proterozoic block in the eastern part of the Karatau-Talas zone of the and mac extrusive rocks (trachybasalts and trachyte). With a KAr

Fig. 11. Schematic geology of the Talas ore district. Ore clusters: Babakhan, Kumyshtag, Kurgan.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 179

uorite ores linked with alkali-basalt magmatism (Koleda, 1974,

1983, 1990). The latter ore system is located mainly southeast of
the Kumyshtag pluton. Ore veins are restricted to the Babakhan
KumyshtagKurgan fault zone, bearing most of the AgSb- and As-
mineralization in the cluster. The host rocks are hornfelsed and
skarnied terrigenous-carbonate sediments. Mineralization has a
concentric pattern with an As (arsenopyrite) central zone (Uchimchek
deposit) and AgSb at the periphery of the cluster.
The Uchimchek deposit consists of veins, dissemination and zones
of hydrothermal alteration in limestone or in hydrothermally altered
hornfels. Arsenopyrite is the most common ore mineral found in
association with lllingite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Pyrrhotite, galena,
sphalerite, wolframite, sheelite, cassiterite, stannite, magnetite, and
bismuthinite occur in lesser amounts. The overprinted AgSb miner-
alization consists of Cu, Pb, Ag sulfosalts and suldes (tetrahedrite,
jamesonite, boulangerite, wittichenite, bournonite, stibnite, etc.). Vein
minerals include Mn-siderite (b8090 wt.%), quartz, ankerite, calcite,
uorite, tourmaline, sericite, and later ferrous carbonates. Besides As,
the ores are also high in Se, Te, Bi and Sn.
SilverSb siderite veins occur either within the earlier As miner-
alization or outside it (Fig. 11). Silver, Sb, Bi are the main components,
whereas Pb, Zn, and Cu are found in lesser abundances; the contents of
Sn and Hg are locally elevated. SilverSb mineralization is especially

Table 8
Pb isotope composition of rocks and ores from the Pamir ore district.
206/204 207/204 208/204
Sample Ore deposit Sample Pb Pb Pb
AgSb ore of the Bazardara ore cluster
A-5 Akjilga Galena 18.809 15.723 39.183
Pr5 q Galena 18.758 15.645 33.040
1/37 q Galena 18.797 15.720 39.186
Fig. 12. Sulfur isotope composition of minerals from AgSb and SnW deposits of the 1/76 Levoberezhnoe Galena 18.807 15.733 39.196
Yustid (SE AltaiNW Mongolia) and Bazardara (Pamir) ore clusters. 2/100A Perevalnoe Galena 18784 15.712 39.106

AgSb ore with barite of the Mardjanai ore cluster (SE Pamir)
age of 281 Ma, they correlate with Late Paleozoic alkaline mac rocks 1/116 Elisu Galena 18.780 15.701 39.089
in the northwestern part of the Talas Range (Andreeva et al., 1984). 2248 Mardjanai Galena 18.776 15.700 39.070
Silver ores form three ore clusters (Babakhan, Kumyshtag, and 2254 q Galena 18.771 15.709 39.145
Kurgan) along the BabakhanKumyshtagKurgan fault zone, with 3798 q Galena 18.807 15.784 39.365
2T q Galena 18.793 15.747 39.260
the most intensive AgSb mineralization in the Kumyshtag cluster
6T q Galena 18.818 15.723 39.206
(Fig. 11). Ore clusters and alkaline mac intrusions are situated along 6T q Galena 18.790 15.713 39.156
the same fault zone. All AgSb and SnAg ore veins are superimposed 8T q Galena 18.770 15.718 39.176
on lamprophyres, syenites and extrusive mac rocks. Silver ores are 1899 q Galena 18.813 15.768 39.351
known in different amounts and with different mineral associations in 3031-1 q Galena 18.851 15.806 39.440
8282 q Galena 18.845 15.729 39.262
the three ore clusters of the Talas district: with PbZn ore in the
Babakhan ore cluster, arsenic (arsenopyrite) mineralization in the Sn-sulde ore of the Mardjanai ore cluster
Kumyshtag cluster, and Sn-sulde ores in the Kurgan cluster. 5 Mardjanai Galena 18.732 15.732 39.143
5 q Galena 18.714 15.717 39.053
01165 q Galena 18.723 15.734 39.190
3.4.1. Babakhan ore cluster
In the Babakhan ore cluster, AgSb and PbZn mineralization is SnW mineralization and granites of the Bazardara ore cluster
localized in a belt, 12 km-long and about 3 km-wide, striking roughly TZ-1 Trezubets Arsenopyrite 18.685 15.635 39.033
EW, near the southern and southeastern contacts of the intrusion. TZ-4 q Galena 18.761 15.739 39.195
The ores are hosted in Neoproterozoic sandstones, shales, gravel- TZ-2 q K-Fs 18.673 15.682 38.954
H/184 Sn-sulde ore, Kobrigen Galena 18.711 15.735 39.163
stones, and limestones, commonly as 0.1 to 1.5 m-thick crosscutting 3/180 Bazardara massif, K-Fs 18.625 15.600 38.715
lenses and veins of Mn siderite, calcite, barite, and quartz with topaz granite
18:854 15:689
disseminations or stringers of tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and 4321 q biotite granite K-Fs 39.082
18:633 15:678
pyrite. Silver, Pb, Sb, Bi and As contents in ores are commonly high. The 4926/1 q ongonite Rock 20.726 15.741 38.931
host rocks are hydrothermally altered into quartz-sericite and quartz-
hydromica metasomatites. Rocks
Kyzylrabat extrusive rock K-Fs 18.779 15.747 38.977
(trachyte) 18.759 15.670 39.022
3.4.2. Kumyshtag ore cluster C-1 Permian-Triassic Rock 18:846 15:689 39.022
The Kumyshtag ore cluster occurs in the central part of the Talas carbonaceous 18:656 15:680
silver province in the Kumyshtag catchment (Silver Mountain) and is shale with suldes
18:822 15:698
related to the Kumyshtag pluton. In spatial association with the pluton Monzonite Rock 39.123
18:669 15:712
there are two ore systems of (i) granite-hosted rare-metal, greisen, Note: The fraction within the table data shows the measured Pb isotope composition
skarn, and pegmatite mineralization, polymetallic and copper-bearing (at 0 Ma) as the numerator and the same value converted for radiogenic Pb component
quartz veins and (ii) younger As (arsenopyrite), AgSb, AgPb and accumulation during 100 Ma as the denominator.
180 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

Fig. 13. Lead isotope ratios from rocks and ores of the Bazardara and Mardjanay ore
clusters (Pamir). Fields of Pb isotope compositions: I SnW mineralization, II AgSb
ores (Bazardara), III AgSb ores (Mardjanay). M evolution line of Pb from
monzonite (from 0 to100 Ma); S evolution line of host Permian-Triassic shales; G
evolution line of the Bazardara granite.

rich in the Kumyshtag deposit, which partially overlaps with the

Fig. 14. Pb isotope composition of rocks and AgSb ores from the Yustid and Tolbonur
Uchimchek deposit. The Kumyshtag AgSb ores are composed of the ore clusters (SE Altai and NW Mongolia). For details see Table 8.
same mineral assemblages as in the center of the ore cluster, but
minerals are present in slightly different percentages. For example,
siderite veins contain less arsenopyrite, lllingite, lead sulfosalts tion (Brodin, 1959; Koleda, 1983). A mineralized NW zone contains
(jamesonite), but more galena, Cu-bearing sulfosalts (tetrahedrite, Sn-sulde mineralization in its western part and mainly SnAg
bournonite), and chalcopyrite, and locally notable amounts of barite, occurrences in the east in carbonate-hosted metasomatites.
uorite and other minerals. Quartzsiderite veins with dominant Tin-sulde and SnAg ores of the Kurgan ore cluster are composed
tetrahedrite and jamesonite overprint lamprophyre dikes. of mineral assemblages from ve stages: (1) quartz-arsenopyrite
with cassiterite, (2) quartz-pyrrhotite-sphalerite with stannite and
3.4.3. Kurgan ore cluster franckeite, (3) carbonates (pyrite, siderite, quartz, marcasite, wurt-
The Kurgan ore cluster is located 40 km southeast of the zite), (4) galena and sulfosalts (PbCuAg sulfoantimonides, native Bi,
Kumyshtag cluster. Mostly SnAg and sulde-cassiterite mineraliza- Ag, and Sb), and (5) barren carbonate veins (Brodin, 1959; Koleda,
tion in the cluster is associated with a trachyte neck, bostonite dikes, 1983). A lateral zonation is noticeable, with earlier parageneses more
breccia pipe, and the Kurgan syenite stocks in a 15 km zone along a representative in Sn-sulde deposit and later assemblages prevailing
buried fault (Brodin, 1959; Dodonova, 1967, 1972; Lugov, 1986). The in SnAg occurrences.
largest is the Kurgan deposit with Sn-sulde and SnAg mineraliza- The vertical zonation is similar in the Kurgan and Kumyshtag ore
clusters with pyrrhotite and Sn increasing with depth, whereas
galena, siderite, and sulfosalts become more abundant toward the
Table 9 surface. Noteworthy are widespread high concentrations of cinnabar
Pb isotope composition of rocks and ores of AgSb deposits of the Yustid ore district.
No Deposit, sample Mineral Pb/204Pb 207
Pb/204Pb 208
1 sgat, -23 Galena 18.259 15.542 38.008
2 sg-1 Zinkenite 18.568 15.601 38.520
3 Pogranichnoe Plagionite 18.102 15.529 37.910
4 Kara-Oyuk Zinkenite 18.139 15.550 37.990
5 Ozernoe, 4057 Bournonite 18.139 15.529 37.985
6 Ozernoe, 4042 Galena 17.275 15.553 37.103
7 Chagan-Gol, 233 Bournonite 18.118 15.507 37.908
8 233 Galena 18.134 15.552 38.083
9 Pravoberezhnoe Galena 18.554 15.577 38.491
10 Tolbonur Galena 18.521 15.571 38.464
11 Yantau Galena 18.389 15.574 38.290
12 Sharabureg Galena 18.592 15.581 38.570
13 Djilkydal Galena 17.933 15.520 37.751
14 Dolerite Rock 18:012 15:495 37.834
17:844 15:490
15 Kamptonite A-6 Rock 18:205 15:513 38.223
17:991 15:500
16 Lamprophyre S-Ch Rock 18:107 15:501 37.875
18:078 15:500
17 Lamprophyre A-8 Rock 18:256 15:513 37.995
18:146 15:510
18 Devonian shale Rock 18:898 15:578 38.460
18:099 15:540
19 Yustid granite K-feldspar 18:248 15:573 38.470
18:144 15:570
Note: The fraction within the table data uses the measured Pb isotope composition Fig. 15. Pb isotope composition of galena from AgSb, SnAg and SnW deposits of
(at 0 Ma) as the numerator and the same value converted for radiogenic Pb component Verkhoyansk province (by Kostin et al., 1997). Ore clusters: 1 Mangazeisky, 2
accumulation during 240 Ma as the denominator. Deputatsky, 3 Khachakchan, 4 South Verkhoyansk province.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 181

20 Ma (an average of 40 Ma). Therefore, Pb may have been inherited

from the host rocks in the Eocene (45 Ma). The Bazardara granites have
high Ag contents from 0.03 to 0.06 ppm, especially high in ongonite
(from 0.03 to 0.24 ppm). Silver is high also in PermianTriassic
hornfelsed black shales (0.64 ppm) and still higher (2 ppm) in hornfels
carrying sulde (pyritepyrrhotite) mineralization. Thus, silver may be
inherited from the host rocks. This idea is supported by high abundances
of Sn and presence of uorite in the Bazardara silver ores localized
among Sn- and F-rich rare-metal granites and hornfelsed black shales
(Vladimirov et al., 2000). High contents of Ba and Sr in monzonites of the
Alichur complex explain high barite percentages and up to 4 wt.% Sr in
the Mardjanay ores.
The lead isotope composition in ores is similar to that of feldspar in
trachytes of the Kyzylrabat belt, which (Teshiktash Group) have a proven
Eocene age (Dronov and Bronnikova, 1988). SilverSb ores from the
Yustid ore cluster (SE Altai and NW Mongolia) show patterns similar to
those in the Pamir (Table 9, Fig. 14). Broadly-scattered 206Pb/204Pb
isotope ratios in AgSb ores likewise indicate the absence of a single
homogeneous source of lead. Lead ratios are close to those for black
shales from the Yustid basin and partly for kersantite (lamprophyre), as
well as to the Yustid granite, SnW and CuCoW ores and altered rocks
Fig. 16. Strontium isotope ratios from uorites and barites of the Bazardara ore cluster. on the contact of the Yustid massif (Borisenko et al., 1991). This means
The line contours the evolutionary trend in Sr composition of AgSb ores from
that the lead may have come from rocks of different ages and
monzonite through out extrusive rocks of the Kyzylrabat belt to the Bazardara granite.
compositions, such as granite, host shales and mac rocks. Similar trends
appear in data from the Western Verkhoyansk district (Kostin et al.,1997;
forming heavy concentrate haloes on the periphery of the ore cluster. Kostin, 2001), and the Freiberg ore cluster (Pilot et al., 1970; Legler et al.,
In places the ores contain up to 0.1% Hg. 1984), and some other areas. Lead isotope composition of galena from
AgSb and SnAg ores of the Verkhoyansk province plot on a narrow
4. Isotope systematics trends, different from that in lead of galena from Sn deposits, which
points to no direct genetic link between the Sn and Ag ores (Fig. 15).
In order to gain a better insight into the links of AgSb The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (Fig. 16) during formation of silver mineraliza-
mineralization with magmatism and with other mineralization tion (about 45 Ma), as measured in host rocks and ores from AgSb
types, we explored the isotopic compositions of Pb, S, and Sr in ores deposits in the Pamir province, are 0.7098 in monzonite, 0.731 to 0.743
and host rocks and He from hydrothermal uids. in granite of the main phase of the Bazardara complex, from 0.710 to
The sulfur isotope composition of the AgSb ores demonstrates the 0.7184 in uorite and barite of ore veins (Vladimirov et al., 2000;
presence of additional sulfur sources for AgSb ores besides suldes of Borisenko et al., 2000), and from 0.7076 to 0.7115 in trachyte and
SnW deposits, because AgSb ores have a wider range of values then rhyolite (Eocene Teshiktash Group) of the Kyzylrabat belt. The trend of
SnW deposits (Fig. 12). Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of monzonite, granite and extrusive rocks of the
According to our data, 207Pb/204Pb ratios in galena from AgSb ores Kyzylrabat belt indicates that Sr was inherited from the host igneous
of the Mardjanay and Bazardara clusters (Pamir) plot on narrow trends rocks. Therefore, strontium was possibly generated by uids derived
different from that of Pb in galena from SnW and Sn-sulde from an alkaline mac source and had a primary isotope composition
occurrences of the same district (Table 8, Fig. 13), which is evidence of corresponding to that of the melt (at 45 Ma). The migrating magma-
no direct genetic links between the Ag and Sn ores. Another implication derived uids may have captured some amount of Sr from the country
of the Pb isotope composition is that Ag ores had no single homogeneous rocks, including 87Sr-rich rare-metal granites of the Bazardara complex,
lead source, alternatively the Pb may have derived from rocks of which caused an increase of 87Sr/86Sr ratios (Fig. 16).
different ages and compositions. Lead isotope ratios in ores of the The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in barite and uorite from AgSb ores of the SE
Bazardara cluster are rather similar to those in the host granites and in Altai and NW Mongolia district likewise show a range from 0.7053 to
Permian-Triassic black shales, with their ages corrected for radiogenic 0.7200. They approach both the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of kersantite (0.7054)
argon. The Pb isotope trend of AgSb deposits crosses the Pb evolution and of uorite from CuCoW ores and greisens associated with the
lines in granite, monzonite, and shales, which span ages between 60 and Yustid granites (from 0.7160 to 0.7200) (Borisenko et al., 1991).

Table 10
He and Ar isotope composition in the ore-forming uids of AgSb, SbHg, and CuAgHgSb deposits.

No Deposit Mineral 4
He, ncm3/g 10 8 3
He/4He10 6 40
Ar, ncm3/g 10 8 40
Ar/36Ar Mantle He (%)
Bazardara ore cluster
Akjilga (AgSb)
1 Below-ore level Quartz 1.4 0.1 22.9 0.92 102 4.10 341 1.06 100
2 q Quartz 4.5 0.8 13.1 0.43 200 6.00 300 0.66 100
3 Above-ore level Fluorite 1.9 0.08 0.071 0.02 n.. n..

Yustid ore cluster

4 Asgat (AgSb) Quartz 0.9 0.07 3.4 0.65 432 12.99 462.3 3.61 28
5 q Quartz 4.3 0.08 4.7 0.18 193 5.79 319 0.70 39
6 Pogranichnoe (AgSb) Quartz 0.8 0.07 2.6 0.85 634 19.02 362.3 1.12 21
7 Djilkydal (CuAgHgSb) Quartz 1.5 0.10 1.6 0.60 51 2.04 335 1.04 13.3
8 Aktash (SbHg) Calcite 9 0.70 0.28 0.03 n.a. n.. b2.3

Notes: Samples have been analyzed in the Geological Institute, Kolsky Science Center RAN, Apatity (I.L. Kamenskiy and D.D. Novikov).
182 G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185

2004; Seifert and Sandmann, 2006; Seifert, 2007), allow the following
1. Silverantimony ores represent a distinct type of hydrothermal
mineralization with specic features of mineralogy, chemistry, and
genesis that distinguishes it from the other Ag ores.

Fig. 17. Ar and He isotope composition of the ore-forming uids of AgSb, SbHg, and
CuAgHgSb deposits. Numbers of points see Table 9. A line of atmospheric

Thus, Pb, Sr and S isotope composition data of AgSb deposits

convincingly conrm the possibility of the remobilization of at least
part of the ore matter from the host rocks, although this does not
exclude the introduction of some amounts of ore elements by
hydrothermal uids from the magmatic sources including mantle-
derive alkaline mac melts.
Helium isotopic composition was studied in uid inclusions in
quartz from Asgat, Pogranichnoe (SE Altai and NW Mongolia) and
Akjilga (Pamir) deposits. A portion of mantle helium varies from 30
40% at the Asgat deposit up to 100% at the below-ore level of the
Akjilga deposit (Table 10, Fig. 17). Furthermore, the high contents of
mantle He (up to 54%) are established in the ore-forming uids of
large Au and SnAg Dukat deposit, in the NE Russia (Petrov et al.,
2007). Some content of the mantle He is determined for siderite
barite veins, with Hg-bearing tetrahedrite from uAgHgSb Djilk-
ydal deposit. Crustal values for SbHg Aktash deposit may be
explained by a high inux of meteoric water in the ore uid of the
Aktash deposit. This agrees with decreasing of 18OH2O values from
deep levels to the surface (Borshevskiy et al., 1986), Hg introduction
into the earth crust through deep faults and following extraction of
the ore matter from the host rocks by the hydrothermal uids.
An additional input of mantle source is shown by:
(i) temporal and spatial connection of AgSb mineralization with
the dike complexes of alkaline mac rocks, as established in
many ore districts (Indolev and Nevoisa, 1974; Koleda, 1990;
Borisenko et al., 1992; Seifert, 1999, 2004, 2007; Pavlova et al.,
(ii) high proportion of mantle He, extracted from the uid
inclusions in the quartz from AgSb ores;
(iii) Hg content in the ores and frequently in the minerals (Hg-
bearing sphalerite, Hg-bearing silver). Mercury is the typical
element of mantle origin, which proves by extensive data on Hg
geochemistry and global regularities of distribution of mercury
deposits (Obolenskiy, 1985; Ozerova, 1986).
All the above data attest to the fact that AgSb deposits are poly-
genetic in terms of sources of ore matter and relate to an association of
the ore deposits with mantle-crustal ore-magmatic systems.

5. Summary and conclusions

The reported data on geology, magmatism, and metallogeny of four

large AgSb ore districts in Central Asia, together with published
evidence from other silver ore districts worldwide (Mitcham, 1952; Fig. 18. A sequence of the ore-forming and magmatic events in the SnAg ore districts of
Varek, 1965; Hobbs and Friklund, 1972; Haber, 1980; Seifert, 1999, Central Asia.
G.G. Pavlova, A.S. Borisenko / Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2009) 164185 183

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