4 Safe Practices For Elec

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Safe practices, PPEs & Earthing

1.0 LOTO (Lock Out Tag Out) Permit Procedure

When a job is to be carried out on any equipment operated by electricity, it is necessary to
isolate the electrical power to that equipment or system as the case may be. In such case, the
Electrical LOTO Permit Procedure has to be followed.
Main reasons for this system are:
To avoid injury to the user / persons in the plant
To avoid accident / fire / explosion causing property loss.
To keep the faulty equipment isolated from the system.

1.1 Sections/stages in the LOTO system

Electrical Lockout Permit (ELP) format may slightly vary from one organization to other. But,
there are four parts in the LOTO system.

Part A:
The department/person asking permit to work on the equipment, fills this part and sends it to
Control Room. If Production shift- in-charge agrees to release the equipment, he signs and
sends the permit to substation for isolation of power.
Part B:
The Electrical Shift-in-charge/technician isolates power to the equipment mentioned in the Part
A of the permit.
Power is isolated by power switch. Power /control fuses are removed. Lockout tag is tied on the
LT switch handle or the operating switch (on the door) of the breaker panel.
Date & time of isolation are also written. Finally it is signed by the electrical supervisor.
After proper isolation, one copy is given back to the agency taking ELP, along with field tag (to
be tied on the field push button).
After job completion, the agency of the job has to certify the completion and that the area is
cleaned, equipment is safe for starting. In this part, name and signature of person returning the
permit and area in charge (Production) are required.

After completing Part-C, the permit is sent to substation. Electrical group can lift the lockout
(remove tag). If any other lockout permit is pending on this equipment, power will not be
switched on. If all permits are cleared, power is restored to the concerned equipment.

1.2 While taking or processing LOTO, one should be careful for following:
All boxes in the form are properly filled and individually tick marked carefully
for concerned points.
Each agency working on same equipment, should take separate LOTO

To write equipment Tag number correctly
To see that required equipment power is isolated.
To see that isolation is fully done & HT panel door or MCC module door is
closed properly.
Field tag given is tied on the MCC module or breaker panel door and field
push button also.
Do not ask to energize equipment by lifting the LOTO Temporarily
Equipment tag shall be compared with module on the panel or breaker.
Only required equipment will be energized.
Same fuses shall be inserted in the module, after ELP is returned.

1.3 Many accidents happen, because LC permit is followed partially or not followed at all.
During Safety Audit also, LC permit papers are checked.

2.0 Safe practices for avoiding Static charge hazard

Provide proper earthing / bonding during loading /unloading the tanker containing
flammable material.
Use Earth monitoring Unit tanker loading/unloading area.
Provide earthing/bonding on all pipelines
Earth process vessels / reactors etc. with double earthing.
Do not increase the designed flow in case of flammable liquids
Where there is possibility of induction charging, provide conducting shoes to operators.
Carry out static charge audit regularly, in potentially hazardous areas.
If non-metallic hose is used in ES charge prone area, wrap the GI wire around hose or use
nonmetallic conducting hose having wire inside the pipe wall. Do not forget to earth the
wire at both ends.
As far as possible avoid use of FRP grating in the classified area.

3.0 Earthing
Provide double earthing to equipments.
Keep the earth pits wet by adding water at regular time intervals.
Remove paint form the equipment surface, before connecting earthing.
Use proper size of earthing as per type & rating of equipments.
In the cable trench & on the OH cable trays, run two earth strips.
Earth pit chamber size shall be of 500 mm x 500 mm.
Number all earth pits.
Earth pits of lightning protections, DCS system, power electronics (like VFDs) panels
shall not be connected with power system earth pits.
Test the earth pit resistance for each pit regularly (at least once a year).
Earthing system Layout plan (updated drawing)

4.0 Safe Practices in substation & Switch yard

(a) Substation:
Provide good ventilation for lead acid battery sets.
Maintain good housekeeping in the s/s & cable cellar.
Install smoke detectors & Manual call points (MCPs) at unmanned critical
CO2 fire extinguishers & dry sand buckets shall be provided in s/s.

(b) HT & LT Panels:

Unused cable entries at the top/ bottom of the panels shall be
Insulated rubber mats (or insulated paint on the floor) shall be provided in front & rear
sides of panels.
Panel (section) numbers shall be painted in the center top on front side & rear side.
In HT panels, on cable chambers on the rear side, feeder number & details shall be
painted (in 40 to 50 mm letters).
On tie breakers on top & bottom sides, marking shall be done from which side power is
coming. This shall be done on the rear cover of tie breaker.
On the rear door of every incomer (HT & LT panels), live terminals caution shall be
painted for bottom cable entry (e.g. CAUTION - Bottom terminals always live) or top entry
(CAUTION Top terminals always live).
For working on any panel, proper LC procedure shall be adopted.
For HT breakers, tripping & closing time shall be measured once a year.
Check the overheating of components & terminations by thermography or thermogun.
Once in two to three years, arrange bus shutdown for checking & cleaning.
When part shutdown of HT or LT bus is taken, be careful while working in Tie breaker
(bus coupler), because, three terminals (out of six) are live. Fatal accidents have
happened due to touching live terminals (for cleaning)

(c) Transformers:
Carry out BDV test on transformer oil, twice a year (before & after monsoon). For power
transformers, carry out DGA every year. Get the results interpreted.
Soak pit shall be kept clean/dry
HP water jet spray system or Nitrogen injection system for fire protection
Oil filtration shall be carried out based on oil test results.
Oil leakage shall be attended, as per seriousness of the leakage source & quantity of
leakage. Oil leakage shall never be neglected.
Carry out the on line & off line monitoring for power transformers.

(d) Outdoor Switchyard:

Only authorized and knowledgeable personnel should be allowed to work inside the
Persons working in the yard, on the job should know which parts / sections / equipments
are live.
With stand posts and red/white plastic ribbons, live area shall be notified, when partial
shutdown is taken.
There should be foolproof lockout / safety permit procedure.
Isolate the required portion carefully. Before starting of the job, proper discharging should
be done.
Before touching the isolated part, confirm that it is dead.
Earthing of the required section also shall be done.
Be careful while taking ladder inside the yard.
Yard should be kept free from wild growth & vermins.
Keep EARTHING system in good condition. Check the earthing resistance at regular

5.0 Portable Tools

(A) Portable electric tools
Make sure that Earthing connections are intact at both ends.
Check that plug & socket are in healthy condition.
Cord should be sufficiently long, to reach the workplace without tension.
Joint shall be avoided. If it is there, make sure that joint is properly insulated.
Use protective fuse or MCB of correct rating.
Carry out preventive maintenance regularly.
Use ELCB for safety.
Do take trial of the tools at ground level.
While working at height, tie the tool.
Store portable tools at the designated place.
When not in use, switch off the supply.

Do not overload the tool.
Do not leave tools unsecured at elevated place
Do not insert bare wires (inside the socket) to draw power supply.
Do not extend the wire of portable electric tool, by temporary jointing.
Do not use tool if casing is broken.
Do not stand on wet surface while using electric tool.
(B) Welding generator /transformer
Welding machines are a dangerous source of stray current, whenever the ground
return cables of the welding machines are not directly attached to the object on which
welding is being done. Wrongly connected ground return cable can cause fire. Correct
practice eliminate fire hazard, while carrying out welding job.
Carry out preventive maintenance of welding machines & transformer regularly.
Get the welding transformer oil tested regularly. It is safer to change the oil at the
suitable interval depending upon use.
(C) Hand lamps in confined area
In confined areas, 24 volt lamps are to be used. Generally, in plant area, at required locations,
240/24 V lighting transformers with small single phase DBs are installed. Feeders are taken to
the required sections.

6.0 While working with Electricity

(a) Take valid permit before working on elect. equipment.
(b) Identify the equipment and verify with the work permit before isolation.
(c) Be sure about isolation by physical verification, before starting the job
(d) Consider equipment as live, unless tested & confirmed to be dead.
(e) Use proper, suitable tools.
(f) While working on panels, stand on insulated rubber mat, laid on front & rear sides of
the panels.
(g) Inspect the equipment thoroughly before charging it.
(h) Ensure that only authorized persons work on elect. Equipments.
(i) Follow SIDE rules before starting the job on electrical equipment.
Switch off
Earth the required portion
(j) Have minimum cable joints. Insulate all joints properly.
(k) In case of more than one permit on the same equipment, energize only when all
permits are returned.

(a) Do not depend on verbal communication for isolation of electrical equipment.
(b) Do not wear metallic ornaments (like ring, lucky chain) while working on electrical
(c) Do not use underrated or overrated fuses.
(d) Do not switch without familiarity.
(e) Do not leave removed fuses inside MCC.
(f) Do not overload cable or motor beyond its rated capacity.
(g) No part of capacitors shall be approached, unless it is disconnected, effectively
discharged & properly grounded.
(h) Do not remove the ground connection of equipment, unless it has been detached
from the equipment.
(i) Do not ground any circuit, without making it sure that it is actually dead.

7.0 Tool Box Talk:

When any job is given by supervisor to group of technicians, this system Tool Box Talk is
adopted. The supervisor collectively explains about the job, points about safety, PPAs to be
used etc. This talk is on site, before starting the job. If technicians have any doubt about some
points in the job, he can ask to get the doubt cleared. This system is adopted by many
organizations and positive results are achieved.

8.0 Personal Protective Equipments

When this is also not possible and also at times even when ideal conditions are achieved
hazardous conditions are likely to arise on account of sudden failure of equipments, machinery
or process, one has to fall back upon correct selection and proper use of Personal Protective
Remember, personal protective equipment do not and can not eliminate or minimize any
hazard, they also can not stop an accident from taking place. This equipment merely set-up a
frail barrier against the hazards, whereby preventing or minimizing an injury.
(a) Eye protection: Safety goggles /Face shield: To protect eyes and face against injuries from
arc flash due to panel fault, safety goggles, face shields etc. are used. Nearly all eye injuries
can be prevented by the use of eye protection.
For maximum protection and comfort goggles must properly adjusted to fit the face. The
head band should be worn tight enough to hold the goggles firmly in the face.
Take proper care of safety goggles
1. When goggles are not in use, keep them properly.
2. Keep goggles and lenses clean.
3. Be sure that head bands are in good condition. Get defective bands replaced.
4. The lens must be securely held in the frames. Inspect them for pits or scratches which may
cause, eye strain.
5. Be sure to use the correct type of goggles for the hazards involved, consult your supervisor
incase of doubt.
(b) Face Protection
Flashovers/arcs present a hazard to the face as well as to the eyes. In such cases shields
provide suitable protection. The head band is the only adjustable feature in the face shield. It
should be adjusted so as to hold the shield in place. Since the shield is of plastic, it is easily
scratched. It should be replaced when these scratches cause interference with the vision.
(c) Insulated Rubber gloves
IS:4770-1991 gives the specification of Rubber Gloves for Electrical Purposes-
There should be no scratch or crack in the gloves rubber
Gloves should be of required voltage grade
Store it in the cupboard where it is not very hot.
If rubber has become soft from anywhere or there is crack, discard the gloves
There should be no oil or grease on the inner or outer surface.
Generally, Insulated Rubber gloves are used while operating HV isolators in the outdoor
(d) Rubber apron for battery maintenance: This is acid proof apron to protect a person from
electrolyte splash, during battery maintenance.

9.0 Working Tools / Appliances

(a) Insulated pliers
(b) Insulated screw driver
(c) Insulated rubber mat (to be laid in rear & front sides of the panels)
(d) Earth rod: This is fiber glass insulated rod, used for discharging the charge of cables or
capacitors. It should be tested by competent authority every two to three years. It should be
stored at clean, dry place.
(e) Detect Proximity sensor: This gadget is used to confirm that the terminal is totally dead. For
different HV voltage ratings also, such gadgets are available.

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