Ps Guide

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Syntax for postscript enhanced option

enhpost is the product of David Denholm and Matt Heffron.

This guide is the product of Dick Crawford.

text result

Superscripts are denoted by ^: 10^{-2} 10-2

Subscripts are denoted by _: A_{j,k} Aj,k
Braces are not needed for single characters: e^x ex

Use @ to align sub- and superscripts: x@^2_k x2k

Put the shorter of the two first: x@_0^{-3/2}y x-3/2
0 y
...rather than: x@^{-3/2}_0y x-3/2

Font changes are enclosed in braces: {/Helvetica m} m

...size, too: {/=8 m} m

...or both: {/Helvetica=18 m} m

Characters can be specified by code: {\120} P
...which is how to get nonkeyboard characters: {\267}
Use keyboard characters or codes for other fonts: {/Symbol p\271 22/7} 22/7

Everything outside braces is in the default font: P = {/Symbol r}kT P = kT

Space of a given size can be inserted with &: <junk> <junk>

<&{junk}> < >

Special characters (^,_,{,},@,&,\) can be escaped by \: f\{x,y\} f{x,y}

...or \\ if within a double-quoted string: "f\\{x,y\\}" f{x,y}

Everything can be done recursively:

the text {/Symbol=18 \362@_{/=9.6 0}^{/=12 \245}}
{/Helvetica e^{-{/Symbol m}^2/2} d}{/Symbol m = (p/2)^{1/2}}
0 e- /2 d = (/2)1/2
produces the result:
Note how font sizes and definitions are preserved across pairs of braces.

The default font for this page is /Times-Roman=12. These and other options may be changed
on the command set terminal postscript. See the manual or help postscript for details.
PostScript Character Codes
T = text (here Times-Roman) S = Symbol Z = ZapfDingbats E = ISO Latin-1 encoding
(the "E" character set is accessed via an option on "set encoding" )
040 111 I I 162 r r 256 fi 327
041 ! ! ! 112 J J 163 s s 257 fl 330
042 " " 113 K K 164 t t 260 331
043 # # # 114 L L 165 u u 261 332
044 $ $ 115 M M 166 v v 262 333
045 % % % 116 N N 167 w w 263 334
046 & & & 117 O O 170 x x 264 335
047 120 P P 171 y y 265 336
050 ( ( ( 121 Q Q 172 z z 266 337
051 ) ) ) 122 R R 173 { { { 267 340
052 * * 123 S S 174 | | | 270 341
053 + + + 124 T T 175 } } } 271 342
054 , , , 125 U U 176 ~ ~ 272 343
055 - 126 V V 220 273 344
056 . . . 127 W W 221 ` 274 345
057 / / / 130 X X 222 275 346
060 0 0 0 131 Y Y 223 276 347
061 1 1 1 132 Z Z 224 277 350
062 2 2 2 133 [ [ [ 225 300 351
063 3 3 3 134 \ \ 226 301 ` 352
064 4 4 4 135 ] ] ] 227 302 353
065 5 5 5 136 ^ ^ 230 303 354
066 6 6 6 137 _ _ _ 232 304 355
067 7 7 7 140 233 305 356
070 8 8 8 141 a a 235 306 357
071 9 9 9 142 b b 236 307 360
072 : : : 143 c c 237 310 361
073 ; ; ; 144 d d 240 311 362
074 < < < 145 e e 241 312 363
075 = = = 146 f f 242 313 364
076 > > > 147 g g 243 314 365
077 ? ? ? 150 h h 244 315 366
100 @ @ 151 i i 245 316 367
101 A A 152 j j 246 317 370
102 B B 153 k k 247 320 371
103 C C 154 l l 250 321 372
104 D D 155 m m 251 ' 322 373
105 E E 156 n n 252 323 374
106 F F 157 o o 253 324 375
107 G G 160 p p 254 325 376
110 H H 161 q q 255 - 326 377

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