The School Canteen Follows Guidelines On Operational Management Set by The Department of Education Through DepEd Order No
The School Canteen Follows Guidelines On Operational Management Set by The Department of Education Through DepEd Order No
The School Canteen Follows Guidelines On Operational Management Set by The Department of Education Through DepEd Order No
Adunna (2013) discussed that along the line of canteen management is the need
for an improvement system to boost not only sales but also the efficiency of its
operations. In addition to providing with nutritious and affordable foods, the canteen
should be based on good management practices and the financially self-sustaining.
Experience shows that, with good managementand marketing practices, a canteen is a
small business. Like any business, it requires good management practices to be efficient
and successful. Effective canteen management requires that: everyone involved knows
it goals and objectives and is familiar with its policies, canteen staff and committee
develop an implementation plan to achieve policy goals, day-to-day operational
procedures are structured and enforced staff are adequately trained and supervised,
staff carry out efficient stock managements, accounting and financial procedures staff
are familiar with and comply with relevant legal requirements regarding food safety,
occupational health and safety standards.
DepEd (2013), only nutrients-rich foods such as root crops, noodles, rice and
corn products in native preparations, fruits and vegetables in season, and fortified food
products labeled rich in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals shall be sold in the
school canteen. Beverage shall include milk, shakes, and juices prepared from fruits and
vegetables in season.
Iodized salt shall be used, in controlled quantity, in the preparation of cook foods
to ensure that iodine requirement of the clientele shall met and to eliminate iodine
deficiency. The use of monosodium glutamate (vetsin) shall be regulated.
A reasonable mark-up price for all merchandise in the canteen shall be allowed,
provided that the selling retail price does not exceed the prevailing prices in the locality.
FNRI-DOST (2013), nutritional guidelines for Filipino revised and organized by the
(FNRI-DOST) , an inter-agency and multi-disciplinary technical working group.
Johannes (2013; 39), discussed that the school canteens should provide cheap,
sanitary, nutritious food such as fresh milk, fresh fruits and fresh drinks boiled root
crops, high calorie indigenous recipes and the like canteen personal handling food in the
canteen should be required to undergo training for food handlers, obtain a certificate of
good health from the municipal health department and observe hygiene. Operational
practices that will be to the welfare of the students, teachers and to the school as a