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(2011). performed the experiments. A.A.B. and M.T.L. performed 10.1126/science.1215704
icroRNAs (miRNAs) are short en-
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1 from targeted genes by pairing to
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protein expression of miRNA-targeted genes with-
out obvious effects on mRNA abundance (710).
the Mtn promoter and at its 3 end to synthetic or
Fig. 1. Steady state evaluation of miRNA-mediated gene silencing using a copper-inducible in vivo reporter system. (A)
Measured protein amounts (luminescence) from transfected nontargeted (NT), targeted (T), and control (con) constructs
24 hours after induction. Additional expression of bantam miRNA, not Argonaute 1, results in increased repression for
synthetic bantam targeted constructs (fig. S1). (B to E) Ratios of steady-state protein amounts for synthetic and natural miRNA-targeted constructs 48 hours
after induction. In each case, mean values T SD from three independent triplicate experiments are shown as a normalized ratio of protein amounts (NT/T).
Fig. 2. Time-resolved progression of miRNA-mediated gene silencing es- reporter genes from oligo(dT)25 resin precipitation or from total RNA
tablishes that repression of protein synthesis precedes mRNA deadenylation presented as ratios of poly(A) and total mRNA, respectively. Each data point
and decay. (A to D) Normalized levels of protein amounts for both miRNA- represents the mean value T SD calculated from three independent
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rable to those observed with equivalent constructs by mRNA deadenylation and decay. Although it RNA 3, 983 (1997).
carrying a poly(A) tail (Fig. 2A versus Fig. 3E). is possible that the order of events is different in 25. S. Iwasaki, T. Kawamata, Y. Tomari, Mol. Cell 34, 58
These data provide further support for the idea other systems or in a fashion that is mRNA- (2009).
that deadenylation is not required for translational specific, our data in Drosophila are consistent. 26. W. F. Marzluff, E. J. Wagner, R. J. Duronio, Nat. Rev.
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repression by miRNAs (5). However, deadenyl- Moreover, these observations are consistent with 27. J. E. Braun, E. Huntzinger, M. Fauser, E. Izaurralde,
ases may play a direct role in translational repres- earlier studies on miRNA-mediated silencing Mol. Cell 44, 120 (2011).
sion independent of their deadenylation activity in vitro (15, 17) and with previous studies of trans- 28. M. Chekulaeva et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 18, 1218
(2729), and deadenylation may consolidate the lation as affected by iron levels (24). With these (2011).
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To define where in the translation cycle the volved in miRNA-mediated gene silencing, we 30. K. Kuroha et al., EMBO Rep. 11, 956 (2010).
miRNA-mediated stalling occurs, we developed can now focus subsequent molecular mechanistic
an approach that uses as a read-out the specific analysis on these earliest triggering steps. Acknowledgments: We thank K. Wehner, J. Doudna,
M. Jinek, N. Guydosh, and J. Coller for helpful comments.
cleavage of mRNAs when ribosomes stall during
Funding is from HHMI.
translation elongation (30) (fig. S9). We inserted
12 lysine codons at position 6 in both the natural References and Notes Supplementary Materials
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Materials and Methods
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Figs. S1 to S11
idues (fig. S10). By using qRT primers that en- 4. A. J. Giraldez et al., Science 312, 75 (2006); 10.1126/
Tables S1 to S4
compassed the predicted cleavage site as well as References
5. A. Eulalio et al., RNA 15, 21 (2009).
the stall sequence, we determined the extent of 6. T. H. Beilharz et al., PLoS ONE 4, e6783 (2009). 24 October 2011; accepted 13 March 2012
cleavage of both targeted and nontargeted report- 7. P. H. Olsen, V. Ambros, Dev. Biol. 216, 671 (1999). 10.1126/science.1215691
Editor's Summary
Translation Block
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNA genes that are found in the genomes of most
eukaryotes, where they play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Although whether
gene activity is repressed by blocking translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) targets, or by promoting
their deadenylation and then degradation, has been open to debate. Bazzini et al. (p. 233, published
online 15 March) and Djuranovic et al. (p. 237) looked at early points in the repression reaction in the
zebrafish embryo or in Drosophila tissue culture cells, respectively, and found that translation was
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