Land Reforms: Definition and Need For It
Land Reforms: Definition and Need For It
Land Reforms: Definition and Need For It
It is against this background that the specific objectives of the Project
in India have been articulated as:
• To raise popular and elite awareness on issues related to land,
particularly in the present context of the LPG thrust of the
government since the 1990s.
• To monitor specific projects and programes being aided by
international financial institutions in some states of India in order
to assess their true impact on the rural community directly
• To monitor and scrutinize national and transnational economic
trends that have a specific bearing on issues related to land and
• To explore the efficacy of the current developmental model that
perceives land only as a factor of production, and not as a means
of survival, equity and dignity.
• To examine possible strategies for facilitating reconciliation
between the claims of the market over land and land reforms to
ensure social change based on justice and equity.
• To document historical strategies of land reforms and place them
in the socio-economic-political context in which they were
effective or not and accordingly cull out lessons for the future.
• To recommend alternative policies and approaches to
contemporary land challenges.
• To provide research and analytical support to the existing land
movements, and facilitate better networking among them.
• To awaken the weakening social consciousness of an
increasingly consumerist society by drawing linkages between
the economic policies of globalization at the macro level and its
impact on human livelihoods at the micro level.
The Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act 1976 of has been
repealed by the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999
passed by the Parliament. The Repeal Act has been notified on
23.3.99. The legislatures of the States of Punjab and Haryana have
already approved the repeal.