The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning To Improve Students
The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning To Improve Students
The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning To Improve Students
A. Background
questions, or negating. Many people have the potential to speak but there are lists
of problems they are facing when they want to speak, for example lack of
global language. Many of my collages from junior high school, senior high school
until college confront themselves that they have difficulties in speaking English.
There are many factors of the difficulties in speaking such as, the lack of
reasons, many people could not express themselves in front of other people
despites of their bright mind. Sometimes people call other person smart if he or
she is fluent in speaking even though that other person is cleverer than the fluent
Experiencing the learning teaching in the class a few years ago is definitely
back, the teaching process was 90% just focused on Reading and Writing only.
Speaking and Listening were so rare as if it were never existed. While the
National Examination were not just Reading, there was Listening as well where I
found out that it was very different from what we have learned in the class.
At High School, most of the learning was just structure, structure and
structure. Speaking was absolutely forgotten and from what we have seen in the
real world, we need to speak to be connected with others. That is the whole point
of language and then writing and gesture come along. Even though that the
students have a grade mark on structure but if they do not know how to speak it
Many people admit that Speaking is very hard. Therefore, the question for
them is why. Their answers are all different but most of them because they were
afraid to be getting wrong. They do not have the courage to say what they think
because they are afraid to be misunderstood. From my point of view, they just
need a little practice on their Speaking so they will get use to it and feel no longer
Due to the fact that English is a global language, speaking in English is very
helpful because people can interact with many people all around the world. People
written by Thomas (2000 p: 1), it says that Project Based Learning is a model that
organizes learning and projects. Projects as stated in the journal are complex
Project Based Learning (PBL) is one of the models that suits to improve the
people. Project Based Learning also suits in any parts of the curriculum whether
in any subjects but the researcher will be focusing on improving the speaking in
English Class.
chosen model to improve the students speaking skill. The project will be from the
curriculum, depends on which curriculum the university uses. The project will be
presented in front of the class with its miniature or picture of the selected material.
From the activity of presentation, students will be able to speak fluently and
Palopo is the main problem. In order to elaborate the main problem, the research
C. Research Objective
This study aims at improving speaking skill of the second grade students of
D. Research Significance
may contributes and become the benefits for all the people especially whom work
around education.
1. Theoretical Significance
2. Practical Significance
are many practical significances of the research which can be useful for
students, teachers, and for the next researchers. First, for the students, this
research will be about the project-based learning where the researcher will
conduct the PBL model in learning so it will bring the excitement in the
class. Second, for the teachers, this research will offer the information to
the significance of the Project Based Learning. Third, for the next
researcher, this research can be the reference of his or her that related to
the research.
E. Research Scope
To make this research clearer and specific, the limits of this research is the
effectiveness of using PBL in speaking skill. The PBL here means a task of which
the students will be given and present their own work in the front of the class. The
speaking criteria chosen for this research are accuracy fluency and
are fluency, accuracy and comprehensibility. Fluency in this matter is how the
students speak very clear and without any hesitation about what they are talking.
Accuracy here means that the students present their work like a native, which
means they have a good pronunciation like a native-like and easy to understand of
what they explain. Comprehensibility means that what the students talk about
Palopo. For the subjects, the chosen semester is the second semester students of
Cokroaminoto University Palopo. The method that will be used in this research is
which targeted problems are solved is what this research is for. In this
matter, the targeted problem is the speaking and the models that we want
2. The PBL that will be conducted is a task that is given to the students that
have a long period to be done so the project will be nicely prepared. The
project is also according to the curriculum that the university uses. The
students will be given the project that will be done outside the class and
Based Learning that can improve the students speaking skill. Improve
here means that the ability of the students speaking skill becomes better or
These are 9 steps in conducting the PBL written in the book of Teachers as
Classroom Coaches by Andi Stix and Frank Hrbek in Oct 2006. The steps are:
With the help of the school's science teacher, Mr. Jordan set the
stage for his students to study the arch bridge. He explained that the major
advantage of the construction was that it had a large passage for vessels to
pass through. The Roman transportation system was a key priority for
continuous military campaigns, as well as for the trade that was carried to
all corners of the empire. Mr. Jordan showed the students different types of
bridges, demonstrating the differences between the arch bridge and the
Having his goal in mind, Mr. Jordan assigned the students their
commissioned by the emperor, but had to use paper materials for their
Students conducted research on the arch bridge and learned that the
They saw the advantage of the Roman arch bridge over post-and-lintel
constructions, which did not offer as much clearance for whatever passed
keystone made the structure more reliable, adding a degree of stability and
Mr. Jordan and his students determined the parameters of the
construction, setting strictly defined limits to the length of the bridge and
Mr. Jordan and his students decided that the projects should be
Did the group design and construct a bridge that employed the
Did the bridge support the weight that was placed upon it?
The students decided that they would use paper or soft balsa wood
and glue or tape to make their arch bridges. Mr. Jordan told them that any
material they needed would have to be purchased at a mock store, and they
Students decided that the bridge that withstood the most weight and was
graphic organizers until they decided on a final design. During this stage,
Mr. Jordan served as coach, moving from group to group to guide the
GOPER Model, the students used their own intellects to solve problems
The students in each group prepared for the final stages, discussing
display cards had to be written. They also made note of the following:
Who designed and built the arch bridge
how engaged they are in presenting their projects. Each group in Mr.
Jordan's class showcased its arch bridge to the class, explaining how the
design was achieved. Testing one bridge at a time, weight was placed on
top of it, to determine how much stress the bridge could bear without
collapsing. Not one student was absent on the day of the competition.
working in pairs or small groups, and how one student's idea would spawn
another student's idea. They discussed what they liked about the materials
note what they had in common and what was special to each pair or to
different school have the different kinds of method to teach, one of them
is the conventional way and the other one is treated by the PBL method.
British Secondary Schools study was conducted by following a
cohort of students from each school (300 students in all) for three years as
they moved from Year 9 (age 13) to Year 11 (age 16). Boaler observed
teachers at the beginning and the end of the research period. In addition,
that they found (the) work boring and tedious." Moreover, "the students
administered in each of the three years favored the students at the project-
better than students at the traditional school on items that required rote
Therefore, the results of the study was that the school with the
treatment of Project Basel Learning was more significantly better than the
with multiple perspectives, within a social activity, and allows for self-awareness
of learning and knowing while being context dependent stated Duffy &
Cunningham, 1996 in Tamim and Grant 2013, p: 73. Thomas (2000) sets five
problems that drive the students to struggle with major concepts, involve the
Those observation are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of the
test takers listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and the
validity of an oral production test (Brown, 2004). Extensive oral production tasks
opportunity for oral interaction from listener is either highly limited or ruled out
From the definitions above, the researcher concluded that PBL is the method
that can improve the speaking skill of the students because the PBL is a
productive method.
H. Theoretical Framework
The conceptual framework underlying this research can be design as
J. Research Method
1. Research Design
the Pretest and Posttest Control Group Design that the sample will be chosen
randomly as group. The pretest-and posttest control group design requires at least
two groups (L. R. Gay, p: 254). In this method, there will be two classes, which
are experimental class and controlled class. In the experimental class, the Project
Based Learning will be conducted as well as pretest and posttest and the
controlled class will only get pretest and posttest. This method is appropriate in
the research because it can describe whether Project Based Learning is effective
or not.
E= O1 X O2
C= O3 O4
E= Experimental Class
C= Controlled Class
2. Research Variable
consciousness. Well, in this research, there are two variables that consist of
independent and dependent variable. According to the title of this research namely
1. Population
106). The five classes will be chosen randomly so there will only two
L. Research Instrument
achievement test. The achievement test is an oral test that will be systematically
will be measuring the students speaking skill in both experimental class and
controlled class. The pretest and posttest will be the same so it can decrease the
The researcher will collect the data by test (pre-test and post-test) that will be
Control Group Design, the pretest will be conducted in the two classes that has
been chosen. The pre-tests will be used oral test that the material is based on the
curriculum used at the school. After giving the pre-test, then the treatment will be
given to the experimental class. The treatment is Project Based Learning where
the students will be given a project that will be based according to the curriculum
while the control class will be taught by using conventional dealing model. The
project will be presented in front of the class where the speaking of the students
will be assessed using Heaton criteria speaking assessment. After that, the post-
test will be conducted to the students of the two classes where the speaking of the
the pretest. The data which will be taken are going to be recorded so it will make
After conducting posttests in the experimental class and the controlled class,
the result of the pre-test will be analyzed from these two classes. In the
experimental class, the treatment of Project Based Learning will be given to the
students where they will explain about a picture or a topic while the other class
will be given the conventional dealing model. In the experimental class, to make
the experiment to be more specific and clear, the students will be asked to take
pictures when they are doing the project. Therefore, there will be a logbook to
make the research more convincing. After giving the treatment to the experimental
class, then the result of post-tests from the both classes will be analyzed to see if
The formula that will be used in calculating the mean score of the students
answer is:
x x 100
x = mean score
x = sum of all scores
N = total number of the respondents
x2 = the sum of all square; each score is squared and all the squares
are added up
(x)2 = the square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the sum
is square, total.
The formula that will be used in finding out the differences between students
x 1 x 2
( n1+n
SS 1+ SS 2 1
)( 1
+ )
22 n 1 n 2
t = test of significance
unnatural pauses.
Has to make an effort time to search for
of expression.
Has to make an effort too much of the
Long pauses while he searches for the
of expression.
Full of long and unnatural pauses. Very
range expression.
2. The table for accuracy scoring in pre-test and post-test:
Pronunciation is still moderately
have said.