Quantitative Talent Management: A Moneyball Perspective

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Quantitative Talent Management:

A Moneyball Perspective
Just like the baseball owners of years past, many human resource professionals and line man-
agers are making mistakes in assembling their teams -- by misvaluing their employees. Now,
more than ever, a holistic approach is needed to ensure that the right data is being selected,
tracked, reported on, compared and used to improve talent management.
By Beth Bovis, Adam Pressman, Dan Gagne and Braxton Sisco

The reason the book and movie Moneyball have won many fans is To complicate matters, changing global demographics are making
not just that they tell a great underdog sports story of a small-market it harder to find high-performing employees with the right fit for
baseball team battling higher-payroll behemoths. It's that the story is changing job requirements, and the most talented "stars" are becom-
about how markets value people, as much as it is about sports. ing increasingly elusive.

"These baseball players who we all think we know and understand In a competitive job market, candidates with the highest potential
are misvalued," Moneyball author Michael Lewis told an interviewer. are like baseball's free agents, being repeatedly tempted by recruit-
"And if they can be misvalued, who can't?" ers and their own career aspirations to leave for better compensa-
tion. Regardless of the size of their budget, HR leaders should
Indeed, human resources professionals and line managers at many be making sure they are developing and rewarding the skills and
different types of companies have made similar mistakes, in assem- employee loyalty that will truly help achieve their organizations'
bling their teams -- and their outcomes have been the same: "misval- business goals.
ued" employees.
Harnessing the Data
While tools and approaches for selecting and developing talent
abound in today's marketplace, it continues to be all too easy to make Our data-driven approach, called Quantitative Talent Management,
mistakes -- and those mistakes cost organizations real money. is designed to enable HR leaders to harness and integrate all of the
relevant information for talent management. QTM involves three com-
In many ways, today's overabundance of employee-assessment ponents: data gathering, data analysis and information transparency.
instruments, performance metrics and available data makes it even
more challenging to ensure that the talent pool is aligned with stra- We advocate a data-gathering approach similar to the Oakland A's
tegic business goals and prepared to drive steadily toward continued embrace of quantitative analysis on a much larger scale than any
growth and prosperity. other team in baseball at the time, as featured in Moneyball.

When employee skills, traits, motivations and knowledge are out of The A's took advantage of a wealth of statistical data to use new,
sync with the requirements of the job, everyone loses, including the more effective metrics. For example, although baseball traditionalists
employee, his or her team, the organization and markets served. valued "batting average" as a measure of offensive talent, "on-base
percentage" (which also accounts for walks) was actually a far-better
Now, more than ever, a holistic approach is needed to ensure that the measure of a player's contribution to victory.
right data is being selected, tracked, reported on, compared and used
to improve performance. Rising commodity costs, fierce competition The team also ignored the traditional dismissal of college statistics
and fewer consumer dollars put pressures on profits. Global leaders as inconsequential and saw that statistical analysis indicated they
are responsible for ever-larger portfolios of products and teams of were surprisingly good indicators of professional performance. And,
people, and they need transformative approaches to sustain and grow conversely, they recognized that some hallowed numbers -- such as
their companies. fastball velocity -- offered more glamor than substance.
In business, too, there has been a data revolution. Companies have So, why aren't companies applying the same principles in the HR de-
available a wealth of sophisticated tools to gather and convert data partment? Quantitative analyses can show which skills lead to success
into intelligence regarding the workforce. Yet how many HR execu- -- and which skill deficits lead to bottlenecks.
tives -- as they power their way through days filled with firefighting
and tactical issues -- feel confident that they are thoroughly evaluat- HR executives need to determine which skills are important by break-
ing talent through use of the most relevant and effective metrics? ing down accepted metrics (e.g., widgets produced, billable hours,
occupancy rates) into more actionable, skill-based components.
To take an obvious example: Is a salesperson measured by the
revenues she brings in or the profitability of her sales? Or, are The final component of QTM is information transparency. That's
upstream measures such as frequency of customer contact and nothing new to baseball, where all players live in a world of constant
sales-cycle times, which are tracked in the CRM system, more feedback, with statistics that show their performance in real time.
important? That's good. Top performers want to know what the goals are and
how they are doing.
In decades past, data for performance evaluation was minimal. But
today, organizations can drill down through reams of data -- gathered And most businesses can do a better job of compiling and sharing
by human resources, on the shop floor, within service organizations, metrics that depict employee value. If your data gathering and analy-
and from integrated processes that span the organization -- to find sis efforts provide the metrics, it only makes sense to be transpar-
better metrics for managing talent. ent with the information they provide. Let your employees see the
metrics in real time.
Any single piece of data is, of course, meaningless by itself. Data
analysis is required, involving comparisons between relevant data, in Benefits of a Quantitative Approach
order to derive meaningful interpretations.
For the Oakland A's, the Moneyball approach lowered talent acquisi-
The A's were drawn to on-base percentage because of its relationship to tion and replacement costs. Oakland's cost-per-hire dropped signifi-
winning. They studied 70 years of statistics to build an entire model of cantly for both mid-career and emerging players. They could pay less
success. It was a model based not upon the characteristics of people -- for a mid-career free agent because plate discipline was undervalued
such as size, speed, athleticism and leadership abilities -- but on skills. in the marketplace. They could trade stars overvalued by the market,
such as "closer" relief pitchers, for younger, less expensive, and/or
In seeking to properly value talent, the leaders of the A's took a dif- better fitting talent.
ferent approach, carefully and methodically separating championship
skills from the player. In their model, as described in Moneyball, suc- And they could lower their risks in drafting emerging players because
cess (i.e., a championship) could be predicted by monitoring certain their advanced statistics could better predict future success.
statistics, such as on-base percentage.
The end result of the new focus was that the A's delivered baseball's
In turn, on-base percentage was found to result from specific activi- highest ROI for talent, the most wins per payroll dollar.
ties (e.g., hits and walks), which arose from specific skills (in this
example, plate discipline). Because evidence suggested that plate Selecting Useful Metrics
discipline might be more innate than learned, it was adopted as a skill
to recruit for, even at the lowest levels. We recently worked with a global retail company that operated on
thin margins, and knew that in-person customer service was a key
Some of Moneyball's best scenes showed scouts exasperated with differentiator in competing with online rivals.
the directive to discount athletic qualities that stirred their romantic
imaginations in favor of wonkier measures. But the new data-driven, Traditionally, the company had recruited and rewarded store manag-
albeit, less emotionally stirring, approach worked. ers using a single metric: store sales. And, not surprisingly, employees
responded to their incentives with excellent, yet sometimes counter-
Such analysis may be trickier in business than baseball because of the productive performance.
vast variety of skills, activities, metrics and even definitions of win-
ning. But trickier doesn't mean impossible. In short, although same-store sales grew, so did costs -- and profit-
ability suffered. For example, purchases of back-office store supplies
For example, in production processes, Statistical Process Control or were not tracked, relative to depletions, and many managers ordered
Theory of Constraint approaches use an analytical framework for far more than they needed. One even leased an offsite storage facility
turning facts into insights that improve performance. And these ap- because all of the extra supplies wouldn't fit in his back room.
proaches guide the user to interpretations based on a deeper analysis
of skills, rather than just results. An analysis of the store's data yielded information that was used to
drive more effective performance. For example, stores with greeters
For example, they might focus on the location of bottlenecks in an up- had higher sales volumes. That was instructive, but , the QTM ap-
stream process, rather than purely on outcome data, such as how many proach went deeper, to determine the activities that drove those sales.
units are completed per hour. These more sophisticated approaches to
operational performance management facilitate construction of models In this case, the company realized the sales results were driven by
that link success back to certain activities and skills. customer engagement. Greeting was an important component of
engagement, but so were other activities, such as initiating conversa- for specific traits, skills and competencies that may be undervalued in
tions and matching customer types to display areas. the marketplace.

The company also analyzed high-margin point-of-sale purchases, which * Better retention: Armed with knowledge of the abilities that predict
revealed the importance of merchandising and suggestive selling skills. future success --whether success is defined as staying happily in the
same job or mov ing up through the ranks -- companies can reduce
In the area of transparency, the company revised its approach hiring risks.
to incentive compensation by using individual data (rather than
store data) to determine performance metrics. It identified man- * Situational deployments: With a better understanding of which
aging costs and merchandise selling as valuable skills, and gave skills are needed in which situations, companies can better tap the
pay increases and public praise to employees with those skills. right person for the right assignment at the right time.

These changes improved employee satisfaction, because managers * Improved Incentives: By showing individuals which skills contrib-
now had tools to improve -- or at least recognize -- their limitations. ute to corporate success, and how they are performing relative to
The company was also able to lower its acquisition costs, because those measures, companies can give employees the right incentives in
with better clarification of needed skill sets, it was more easily able to real time.
narrow its candidate pools.
And the Beat Goes On
Struggles with Attrition
The only constant is change. In a competitive marketplace that in-
In another situation, we worked with an inbound contact center evitably produces followers of winning approaches, the Oakland A's
interested in using QTM to improve its hiring processes. Like most succumbed. After experiencing far greater success than their budget
contact centers, it struggled with employee attrition. Furthermore, should have allowed, they saw the wealthier Boston Red Sox adopt
new developments in the industry, such as an increasing focus on a similar approach -- of assigning value for previously undervalued
social media and a trend toward at-home employment, had the po- skills -- and go on to win their first championship in 86 years in
tential to change the skill set required for success. 2004. The A's have still never won a championship since adopting
this approach.
Traditionally, the data used for talent management in this industry
has been outcome-based: call time, hold time, calls per hour, resolu- But there is no single championship in the corporate world. Some
tion time and customer satisfaction. companies will lead, some will follow, and some will fail to stay in
the game due to poorly structured performance goals and metrics.
But what really constitutes success in this arena?
The name of the game is change, and using a quantitative talent
Given the increasing adoption of self-service capabilities and an management approach allows companies to be flexible, dynamic
increasing focus on customer experience, a more important metric and respond to volatile conditions in the marketplace. To stay on
might be first contact resolution. And employees need soft skills to top of the game, companies must discover the most important
succeed at that. They must be able to listen and logically distill the call information to track, which may be hidden within volumes of less
input into manageable resolution steps. relevant data.

This client was using three tools in its interview process: a math assess- And they must remain ever ready to adapt and make adjustments
ment, a typing assessment and an in-person interview. After analyzing along the way.
these tools against the employees' actual performance, we found that
the in-person interview was the worst predictor of future success. Beth Bovis is a partner with A.T. Kearney, the global manage-
ment consulting firm. She has more than 18 years of global con-
We also increased the organization's transparency. Although, like sulting experience with a focus on organizational transforma-
many call centers, it displayed site- or team-based metrics to ensure tion, talent management, SG&A functional excellence, offshore
cultural continuity, it adopted the QTM approach by showing in- strategies and change management, and can be reached at (312)
dividual employees their own performance metrics. That gave each 223-6696 or [email protected]. Adam Pressman is a
one a framework for improving performance and compensation. principal at A.T. Kearney, where he is a member of the global
retail industry practice and is one of the leaders of the firms
The benefits of a carefully crafted, quantitative approach can improve Strategic Information Technology Practice. He can be reached
hiring processes, employee engagement, and many other components at (312) 223-6103 or [email protected]. Dan
of talent management similar to the way the use of "sabermetrics" Gagne and Braxton Sisco are both managers at A.T. Kearney
transformed the Oakland A's. and members of the Organization & Transformation practice.
Gagne has led engagements in multiple industries and specializes
Specifically, the increased focus on workplace analytics and transpar- in restructuring and change management initiatives in both the
ency can result in: commercial and public sector. Sisco has led engagements focus-
ing on executive-level issues across strategy and organizational
* Lower cost-per-hire: Instead of overpaying for highly thought of, yet transformation for multiple industries, bringing significant depth
vague qualities such as an Ivy League education, a company can hire in both CPG and pharmaceutical/healthcare operations.
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
222 West Adams Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Telephone: 1 312 648 0111

Reprinted from HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTIVE ONLINE, June 2012, Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

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