Bts Packet 2017-2018

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Lincoln Elementary

tsacK-To -5 cHooL Great Falls, MT

September 2017
Mrs. To ylor Room 7
oily Schedules Report Cords
Specialist Schedule Your child will receive a report card every nine
weeks, Grades on report card will be based on
Monday: 11:15-12:00 Library effort, classwork, and homework. Wednesday
envelopes will have your child's work throughout
Tuesday: 9:30-10:00 Music the week, It would be a great review to discuss
what they learned, There will be two scheduled
Wednesday: 8:45-9:15 Counseling conferences during the year, but if you ever feel
the need to discuss anything with me before or
Thursday: 9:15-10:00 Gym after these times, just let me know,
Friday: 9:15-10:00 Gym

Recess and Lunch Schedule Porent Volunteer Opportunties

AM Recess 10:45-11:00 (Tues. and Wed, only) Here are some examples of how parents may contribute in
the classroom:
PM Recess 2:15-2:30 Lunch: 12:10-12:50
xSend child to school well-fed and rested every day

xSupport child nightly in doing homework

xWork one on one with students

xWork with small groups of students

xRead to class, read with a small group/ or listen to

individuals read

xStuff Wednesday envelopes

Supples xGet projects ready

Thank you for supplying the needed supplies xBake or cook for class
for your child. Each child has limited supplies
in their desk. I have placed all their extra xDo odd jobs in the classroom
pencils, markers, glue sticks, etc. in a file
cabinet to replenish when they need, This xHelp with class projects and experiments
will help keep desks organized.
Please fill out the Parent Helpers and Parents are Partners
Periodically ask your child if they are running forms included in your folder to inform me of your parent
low on any supplies, involvement interests. I truly believe there are many
benefits of parents being involved in their children's
I'll let you know throughout the year if your learning,
child needs any supplies replenished.
Mrs. Toylor's Porent Night Newsletter Page 2

Homework ltrs. Toylor's

Each week (except for short weeks),
students will have spelling words to study, a
Contoct Info
math review sheet (10 problems), and a School Office
nightly reading requirement (at least 60
minutes/week). Students will also be 268-6800
completing a book report each quarter, This Classroom
year, we'll have a "study hall" time at least 268-6816 (leave message during
twice a week to support homework, school day)
Students will be using planners. E-mail
sha nnon_taylor@gfps. k 1 2. mt. us
Remnders for Room 7
. Send money in sealed envelope
with student's name on it and
purpose (lunch ticket, book Birthdoys
order, etc.)
. Send note if coming for hot Birthdays are a special event! You are
lunch with your child welcome to send treats to celebrate.
We will eat after 3:O0 and there are 26
. Check on supplies periodically to children in our class. If your child has
see if they need to be a summer birthday, pick a day this
year to celebrate in class. Please let
replenished me know ahead of time so I can make
sure to schedule time for treats.

Clossroom Manogement
Classroom Rules

Please refer to the letter in your parent

Don't Forget packet that describes my classroom
1. Library books are due on management plan. Feel free to contact me
Mondays. if you have any questions or concerns.
2. Gym shoes are needed on
Thursdays and Fridays.
I looking forward to a wonderful
3. Sign and return Wednesday year wit,h your chil-d! Don't forget
Envelopes on Thursday.
to read to your child, have your
4. Students'homework is the chil-d read to you, model reading,
spelling and reading and have fun ! ! ! Thanks for coming
expectation. Periodically
check in with your student
and for the opportunity to work
regarding their progress. with you and your child this year !

O Mrs. Taylor
Procedures and Expectations for Room 7
Mrs. Taylor


1. Lincoln's 4 B's - Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Productive

2. Respect everyone's right to learn
3. Ask for support when needed
4. Use materials appropriately
5. Follow instructions


1. Reteach, practice, celebrate! !!

2. Planned ignoring using the principle of extinction
3, Teach and use "secret signals"
4, Proximity
5. Call name with specific directions.
6. Teacher moves near student, student moves near teacher, or student moves
to another place.
7. Phone calllnote home
8. Loss of privilege (recess, participation in activity, use of equipment)
9. Tune-up
10. Office Referral

1't offense - Re-teach
2nd offense - Re-teach and related consequence
3'd offense - Re-teach, phone call home and Tune Up
4th offense - Re-teach and Offce Referral

Every evening
,/ Study Spelling
,/ READ (at least 60 minutes each week)
- Students are required to do I book report per quarter
/ Mathreview sheet (10 problems)
As needed:

o Unfinished class work

o Study for upcoming tests and quizzes
o 'Work
on projects
o Practice multiplication and division basic facts.


Students may use the bathroom during recess and break times. If it's an
emergency, the student may go, but it shouldn't be a regular occurrence. Every
minute counts!
**Please see me if there are special considerations regarding your child and
bathroom breaks! @

Students are responsible for keeping 3 sharpened pencils at all times. If they get
low, it is their responsibility to let their parents or Mrs. Taylor know.

Students may get drinks during recess, lunch or independent work time. Students
may keep a spill-proof water bottle at their desks.

Students may bring a snack from home to eat after morning recess. Please make
sure that it is relatively healthy and easy to clean up.

1.Face forward
2. Keep hands to self
3. Use walking feet
4. Zero voices

"May I have your attention please?" and count down from 5. Students are
expected to be in their seats and ready to receive instructions.

Dismissal is at 3:20 every day except Wednesdays, which is 2:40. There will be
1:15 early dismissal at the end of each quarter. Mrs. Taylor will walk the class out
the front doors at the end ofeach day.

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