Changes in HPC301

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Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.

38 (02/01/07)

Fixed a problem on the HCC301s CONF panel (German version only)

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.37 (11/14/06)

Supports Palm LifeDrive.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.36 (11/04/05)

Improvements to the communication with the Tungsten T5 and E2.

Supports Palm TX.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.33 (03/01/05)

Supports the LD301 device, version 6.05.

Enhancements to the Spec. Monit Panel.

NOTE: HPC301 Version 3.31 and 3.32 should not be used, please install version 3.33.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.30 (01/12/05)

Supports the LD301 device, version 6.04.

Supports the DT301 device, version 2.05.
Supports the TT301 device, version 2.05.
Supports offline configuration for the SP301 device.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.29 (08/04/04)

Supports the HCC301 device, version 1.02.

Includes the SP301 from Spirax Sarco Italy.
HPC301 (v3.28 and above) now supports the Tungsten T3, but requires SerialFix
version 2.2

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.28 (05/05/04)

HPC301 now supports the Tungstem T|C

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.27 (04/15/04)

Corrected the procedure of LD301's Cutoff Mode.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.26 (03/18/04)

Enhancements to the Temperature Trim of the DT301 device.

Corrections to procedures on the TT411 and TT421.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.25 (01/22/04)

Supports the TP301 device, version 1.09.

Corrections to procedures on the 4301 device from Solartron Mobrey.
General additions and fixes on Smar devices.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.24 (10/19/03)

Includes the TT411 and TT421 devices from Smar.

HPC301 now supports the Tungstem|T and T2.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.22 (06/27/03)

HPC301 now supports the Palm Zire 71.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.21 (04/01/03)

Includes the EJA device from Yokogawa.

Added support to Common-Practice command 39 (EEPROM Control) for Generic
Added a tuning screen for the FY301 device.
Fixed a bug on the MSP900/400 device from Solartron Mobrey.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.20 (02/04/03)

Improved communication liability.

Supports the FY301 device, version 2.13.
Fixed a bug found on the Configuration Panel of the HCC301 device (Portuguese and
German version only).

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.15 (01/17/03)

Fixed a bug found on the Sensor Panel of the TT301 device (Portuguese and German
version only).
Fixed a bug found on the Cutoff mode of the LD301 device (Portuguese version

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.14 (01/03/03)

Includes Series 2000 Config, 2000 Analog and 2000 IS from Micromotion.
Fixed problems related to the Offline application.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.12 (11/14/02)

Includes MLT100, MSP100, 4301, and MSP900/400 device additions from Solartron
Fixed problems related to the Offline application.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.11 (09/03/02)

Fixed a bug from version 3.10

Supports the TP301 device, version 1.07 (Table configuration).

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.10 (08/12/02)

Supports DT301 version 2.02.

Supports offline configuration for LD301, TT301, FY301, and DT301 devices.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.08 (05/10/02)

Fixed problems related to the DT301 device (version 2.00 and version 1.04).

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.07 (05/08/02)

The software is now available in Portuguese and German.

Supports the DT301 device, version 1.04
Supports the LD301 device with HART revision 4.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.04

Includes the 3144 and 3244MV devices from Rosemount.

Supports the FY301 device, version 2.12
It is now possible to read C-low and C-high for the LD291 device.
The structure of the Offline data has changed, but is still compatible with older
Minor enhancements to the user interface.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.03

Improved Date button procedures of the info form.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.02 (Released only at ISA show)

Enhanced user interface by extending pop-up lists.

Check date before Os, avoiding a possible bug.
Includes the DT301 device (version 2.00) and the FY401 device.
Improved communication liability.
The offline application now has the capability to export Offline data to MemoPad.
Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.01
Changed the Version String.

Major improvements in the HPC301 - version 3.00

Includes the TP301 device.

Includes the 3051c device from Rosemount.
The key code was removed. License key is no longer required.
Includes the Offline configuration (Upload and Download).*
Improved user interface in some forms.
Fixed some bugs.

*The offline data includes the following parameters:

- Tag,
- Descriptor,
- Date,
- Message,
- Function,
- Range Unit,
- LRV (Lower Range Value),
- URV (Upper Range Value),
- Damping and
- PV Unit.

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