Question 1 (37 Marks) : Biochemistry 3 BCH 314
Question 1 (37 Marks) : Biochemistry 3 BCH 314
Question 1 (37 Marks) : Biochemistry 3 BCH 314
BCH 314
Page 1
Question 1 (37 marks)
a) A sugar solution (0.5 ml) was assayed by the Nelson-Somogyi method
and yielded an A520 of 0.2 in a 1 cm light path. If the slope of the standard
curve for this sugar (i.e. the K-value) was 5 x 10 -3 absorbance units g-1,
calculate its concentration in g ml-1. (5)
b) What volume of 0.5 mol. dm-3 Tris-HCl must be added to 45 cm3 of water
to bring the final concentration of Tris-HCl to 0.05 mol dm -3? Assume that
all volumes are strictly additive. (5)
c) Most pure proteins are insoluble in pure distilled water but dissolve in
dilute salt concentrations. However, the addition of high concentrations of
neutral salts to an aqueous solution of protein causes it to precipitate.
Name this phenomenon and suggest a molecular explanation for the
observation that high concentrations of added salts decrease the solubility
of proteins. (6)