Extemporaneous Biblical Speaking
Extemporaneous Biblical Speaking
Extemporaneous Biblical Speaking
1. The contestant (one contestant per local center) has to present an original talk on an issue drawn
from the salver served by an official member of the committee. No prepared speeches, outlines,
notes, parts of speeches such as introduction, conclusions or other prepared material are to be
brought into the preparation.
2. Each contestant is given 3 minutes to prepare his talk. And 3-5 minutes will be given for the
contestant to deliver his/her talk. There will be deduction of points if the speaker fails to talk with
less than 3 minutes or more than 5 minutes. (Note: 2 points deduction for every 15 seconds if the
contestant exceeded the timeframe).
3. The topic is from the bible verses. (The verses are being translated from English to Filipino to
4. The contestant is free to use from any language or dialect he/she is comfortable with.
5. Before speaking, the participant must read the verse before answering it.
7. Notes are permitted but limited to both sides of one/half crosswise coupon bond paper provided
by the committee at the start of the contest. The note cards shall be uniform and identifiable
bearing the signature of the chair of the committee.
8. Contestants must wear proper Sunday service attire. It should be white upper.
Content. 35 pts.
(It refers to the organization, relevance and depth of ideas presented)
Delivery 35 pts.
(It includes such items as vocal articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch and voice quality as
well as facial expression, eye contact, gestures and bodily movements)