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ConceptDraw Project 8 Reference Mac

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o User Interface Reference

o Keyboard Shortcuts

2017 CS Odessa corp.
ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference

Welcome to ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 for macOS 1

Main Toolbar 2
................................................................................................................................... 4
Windows 6
Dashboard 7
Gantt Chart
View 8
View 10
Usage Dashboard 11
Menu 12
Main Menu
................................................................................................................................... 13
ConceptDraw ..........................................................................................................................................................
File Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Presentation......................................................................................................................................................... 18
......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Edit Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
View Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Dashboards ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Project Diagrams ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Filter Mode......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Dashboard Settings 34
Insert Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Com m unication ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu 36
Window Menu.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Help Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Menu 39
Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Multiproject View
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Gantt Chart View
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Resources View.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Resources Usage
View 50
Dialogs 51
................................................................................................................................... 52
Tasks ................................................................................................................................... 53
Effort-Driven Scheduling
.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Links ................................................................................................................................... 57
................................................................................................................................... 58
................................................................................................................................... 60
................................................................................................................................... 61
Dialog 63
Properties Dialog 66
Print Dialog
................................................................................................................................... 69

2017 CS Odessa corp.


Dialog 72
Recovery Dialog 73
Customization Dialog 74
Dialog 79
Dialog 80
Dialog 82
Dialog 83
Keyboard Shortcuts 84

2017 CS Odessa corp.

Welcome to ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 for macOS

Welcome to ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 for macOS

A full-featured project management solution with all the necessary functions right at your
fingertips. Generates an extensive variety of reports on project and task statuses.
Centralizes project information through embedded documents and hyperlinks. Unique
Multiproject Dashboard manages multiple projects from a single file. Powerful
integration with other ConceptDraw products makes project management easier than
ever before.
Manage Plans, Reports, and Changes
ConceptDraw Maintenance Assurance
Technical Support
Manage Plans, Reports, and Changes
ConceptDraw PROJECT makes planning projects and managing change easy
because of the project focused tools that manage every aspect you, the Project
Manager encounters. ConceptDraw PROJECT builds on established project
management methodologies while simplifying the process of managing project data,
making effective responses, and working with project teams.
ConceptDraw PROJECT helps you manage all of your project variables from a single
view. You can quickly generate a broad range of One Click Reports for project variables
such as resource usage, task planning by resource, and budgets. Display up-to-data
status on dashboards to keep you current as the variables change.
ConceptDraw PROJECT is the complete solution to manage single or multiple projects
and their associated resources with a very low cost of ownership.

Your Benefits
ConceptDraw PROJECT gives you the tools to evaluate your project planning.
Streamlines meetings and ensures more effective planning and control thanks to live
project dashboard illustrations, mind map reports, and knowledge metrics.

ConceptDraw Maintenance Assurance

We have developed an innovative maintenance program that makes sure you stay up to
date. At the time of your buy a ConceptDraw product, you are able to purchase
ConceptDraw Maintenance Assurance .

Technical Support
We offer unlimited free technical support to our users.
To send us a problem report or feature request, submit the ticket form in the Help Desk
section on our Web site.
Replies are normally sent within one business day. We are always happy to answer your
questions and hear your feedback.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Main Toolbar

Main Toolbar

ConceptDraw PROJECT main Toolbar contains frequently used commands and


The default Toolbar provides quick access to some commands from several menus.
These are commands for work with calendar, reports and inspector. You can customize
the default toolbar view using the toolbar context menu.

The views section allows you to switch between document views.

Switch to the Multiproject Dahboard View

Switch to Gantt Chart View

Switch to the Resources View

Switch to the Resources Usage Dashboard View

Generate Report

Adds a new item to the end of the list into the current View (Gantt
Chart, Multiproject Dashboard, or Resources).
Indent/Outdent items.

Link/Unlink items
Opens the Calendar tab of the Document Properties dialog
Generate ready-to-send Microreport

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Main Toolbar

Changes Theme of the Gantt view

Activates Filters Mode

Opens/hides the Inspectors panel
Opens Hypernote panel

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Main Toolbar Microreports


Use Micro reports as a daily communication tool for your project. Communicate daily
with quick emails consisting of data about current project status, changes, tasks,
phases, and resources.
Micro reports are generated as mind maps (cdmz), attached to email. The list of micro
reports accessible can be called from the main Toolbar by pressing Micro Reports icon
, or from the context menu of Multiproject, Gantt Chart and Resources View.

Right click on selected project, phase, task or resource and select report, required.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Main Toolbar Microreports

Multiproject Dashboard (Cmd+Opt+)

Gantt Chart View (Cmd+Opt+G)

Project Phase

Project Task

Resources View (Cmd+Opt+R)

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.



The project file contains a lot of information.

This information is presented in four types of project document views:

Multiproject View
Gantt Chart View
Resources View
Resource Usage View

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Windows Multiproject Dashboard

Multiproject Dashboard

This window is a list of projects with their characteristics.

Projects can be added to the document with one of the following methods:
o By pressing Enter;
o Clicking on the button on the toolbar;
o Applying the command Add Project from the context menu.

Columns that contain information on the multiple project can be managed using the
Column Customization dialog. The width of a column can also be changed. For this set
the cursor to the right edge of the column (the cursor should turn a double-sided
arrow) and drag it to the needed direction. You can set the visual parameters of the
multiple project Gantt chart using the Multiproject Settings.

The timescale can be changed. This can be done in the Timescale dialog, that can be
accessed from the context menu of the timescale on the project Gantt chart. Also
can change the task start/end date, its duration and completion . To change start/end
dates move the bar by your mouse. To change the task duration you need to switch
to Gantt Chart view.

You can group projects using the context menu . You can then select a project and use
the Group Projects command from the context menu or create a New Project Group
where you can then move your projects to. Project Group treats each project similarly
to a phase, so all the properties are aggregated from the projects you include. Please
note that Project Group only groups projects, so it does not have its own tasks.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Windows Gantt Chart View

Gantt Chart View

Gantt chart window consists of two parts: the task list and graphic presentation of the

Tasks can be added to the document with one of the following methods:

o By pressing Enter;
o Clicking on the button on the toolbar;
o Applying the command Add Project from the context menu.

Gantt chart window consists of two parts: the task list and graphic presentation of the

All parameters can be specified in theTasks inspector. Some parameters can be

specified in the context menu and on the graphic part of the diagram.

Columns, except for the first one, can be hidden and shown again later if necessary.
This can be done in dialog Column Customization, which is called from the menu
View / Column Customization .

The width of a column can also be changed. For this set the cursor to the right edge of
the column (the cursor should turn a double-sided arrow) and drag it to the needed

The graphic part of the diagram displays task as bars. Bars are arranged in accordance
with the timescale, displaying the task start /end time and its duration. The timescale

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Windows Gantt Chart View

can be changed. This can be done in the dialog Timescale, which is called from the
context menu of the timescale on the Gantt.

On the graphic part you can change the task start/end date, its duration and
completion . To change start/end dates move the bar by your mouse. To change the
task duration draw by the right edge of the bar, to change the percentage of
completion draw by the left edge. In both cases the cursor should turn a double-sided
arrow. The non-completed part of the task is shown in blue, the completed one - in

At changing the degree of completion in accordance with WYSIWYG conception you

will see the half transparent outlines of shifting. This way you will easier figure out the
present state of a bar.

The names of the resources involved in these tasks are shown next to the tasks.

Links between dependent tasks are shown with arrows. The most common link type,
finish to start, is assigned by the following way: first select the tasks to which you
want to assign links, and then use one of the following:
o Use Link in the menu Edit.
o Press on the toolbar.

Any link type can be assigned in the dialog Predecessors (the dialog is started from the
menu Edit ).

The widths of the text and graphic parts of the diagram can be changed. For this set
the cursor on the dividing line and draw to the needed direction.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Windows Resources View

Resources View

Resources window is a list of resources with their characteristics.

Resources can be added by pressing Enter, or from the context menu by applying the
command Add Resource.

Resources can be added to the document with one of the following methods:
o By pressing Enter;
o Clicking on the button on the toolbar;
o Applying the command Add Project from the context menu.

Click the Type field of the Resource row. Add the resource type using the drop down
menu. Work resources are those with a cost over time. Other types of resources have
a fixed cost per unit.

Columns that contain the resources information can be managed using the Column
Customization dialog. The width of a column can also be changed. For this set the
cursor to the right edge of the column (the cursor should turn a double-sided arrow)
and drag it to the needed direction.

Open Gantt Chart View, select a task and assign resources to task using the Resource
Assignment Inspector. The information on the resources can be edited in the
Resources Inspector.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Windows Resource Usage Dashboard

Resource Usage Dashboard

Resource Usage diagram consists of two parts: the task list and graphic presentation
of the tasks.

It is a kind of a Gantt Chart which shows you all resources with their usage by tasks
and time.

You can see the all resources and only allocated tasks in the left part of the diagram
and their usage with timetable in the right part. Thus, you can see which resource
haven't any tasks.

To quickly move to the Resource view just make a double-click on a resource.

To move to the Gantt chart view make a double-click on a task in the left part of the
Resource Usage view.

You can show and hide tasks in the part of the window with the resource list.

The graphic part of the diagram displays task as bars. Bars are arranged in accordance
with the timescale, displaying the task start /end time and its duration. The timescale
can be changed. This can be done in the dialog Timescale,

Normally allocated resources are shown in blue color, over allocated resources - in red
color and under allocated resources are shown in yellow, so you can quickly define
which resources are over- or under allocated and find a solution for such issue.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.



ConceptDraw PROJECT Main Menu contains all application commands and functions.
Selected commands that are available in the current operation can be launched from
the Context Menus. Context menu may be shown by right mouse click.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu

Main Menu

The Main menu of ConceptDraw PROJECT consists of following drop down menus:

ConceptDraw PROJECT

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu ConceptDraw PROJECT Menu

ConceptDraw PROJECT Menu

ConceptDraw PROJECT menu contains commands for work with Preferences and
information about the software.

About ConceptDraw PROJECT - opening the About dialog.

Preferences... - setting up general properties of created documents. The dialog

Preferences will open.

Services - opening the System Preferences dialog.

Hide ConceptDraw PROJECT hiding the document.

Hide Others hiding all other documents.

Show All - showing all windows of ConceptDraw Project.

Quit ConceptDraw PROJECT quitting the program.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu

File Menu

File menu contains commands for work with files: opening, closing, saving, etc.

Open... opening the existing document. Dialog Open will open. The following
documents can be opened: ConceptDraw Project, MS Project XML or Text Outline.

New - creating a new document.

Open Recent - opening one of the recently opened documents.

Insert Project - adding project from a file to Multiproject Dashboard

Close closing the document.

Save saving the document.

Save As... - saving the document under the new name or in different format. Dialog
Save As will open.

Import importing the document from another application or different format.

Text Outline... - creating the project on the basis of information taken from .txt
formatted document.

MS Project File... creating new document on the basis of information taken

from files format, supported by Microsoft Project:
* .mpp, *.xml, *.mpt, *.mpx.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu

Mindjet MindManager - creating new document on the basis of information

taken from Mindjet MindManager * .mmap document

MS Excel Workbook - creating new document on the basis of information taken

from Microsoft Excel * .xlsx workbook

iCal Events - converting events from your macOS Calendar into a project file.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu

Export - exporting the document to another format.

Tex Outline... saving the document in the *.txt format.

MS Project File... exporting the document to MS Project XML

Mindjet MindManager - saving the document in the * .mmap format. Document

is saved into the New Document folder, located in the Documents folder on your
Mac. The Multiproject document will be exported into separate mind maps.
Ability to export and import MS Project files and Mindjet MindManager files is
delivered by Project Exchange solution.

MS Excel Workbook - Save the document as Microsoft Excel * .xlsx workbook

Create Presentation creating presentation slides.

Open in MINDMAP saving the document in ConceptDraw MINDMAP format and

opening it in ConceptDraw MINDMAP using the integration capabilities of
ConceptDraw Office applications.

Print... printing out the current page. The system dialog Print will open. The number
of pages and copies to print and other parameters are set in this dialog.

Document Properties... - opening the Document Properties dialog.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu


ConceptDraw PROJECT allows you to make slides for presentation. You can create
slides from any of project views.
Presentation functionality can be accessed from the File menu

Capture Slides - Makes a slide from a visible area of the current project view. The
slide will appear in the pop-up Slide Preview panel.
Save All Slide (s) As PNG - - Save all slides as PNG images.
You can create presentation slides from a project file using the Capture Slides
command. Slides will appear in the pop-up Slide Preview panel.

You can manage the slides in the Slide Preview panel using the context menu.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu

Capture Capture slide from a visible area of

Slide the current project view
Delete Delete the selected slides
Save as Export to PNG according to chosen
PNG option

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu File Menu


You can open the current document in ConceptDraw MINDMAP making a mind map
from your project tasks.
Mind map will consist from topics of Project Management type, which contain all
project information. Project Notes will be opened as Notes to topics, The first
hyperlink from multi hyperlink's list will be also preserved.

You can see the project data in a mind map structure by opening your project in
ConceptDraw MINDMAP. This way you are switching views without creating extra files.
You can see the same file in both applications:

ConceptDraw PROJECT

ConceptDraw MINDMAP

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Edit Menu

Edit Menu

Edit menu contains commands for document editing.

Undo cancellation of the most recent operation.

Redo reversing the canceled operation.

Cut - cutting the selected fragment or picture and putting it into buffer.

Copy - copying the selected fragment or the picture and putting it into buffer (text,
task, resource or project).

Paste - pasting from buffer the last copied fragment.

Select All - selecting all tasks, projects or resources.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Edit Menu

Delete Item(s) - deleting the selected item(s)

Find & Replace - This dialog allows you to search for text in a project schedule.

Projects - working with multi project

Create New Group - creating new Project Group where you can then move your
projects to.

Group Project(s) - moving your projects to Project Group treats each project
similar to a phase, so all the properties are aggregated from projects you

Ungroup Project (s) - moving project(s) from group

Move - moving items(s) .

Indent Task(s)- moving the selected task one step lower in hierarchy of the
project (i.d. changing a task into subtask).

Outdent Task(s) - moving the selected task one step higher in hierarchy of the
project (i.d. changing a subtask into task).

Move Up - moving the selected item one step up.

Move Down - moving the selected item one step down.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Edit Menu

Link- lets you link and unlink the selected items.

Finish To Start - lets you link the selected items from finish to start.

Start To Start - lets you link the selected items from start to start.

Finish To Finish - lets you link the selected items from finish to finish.

Start To Finish - lets you link the selected items from start to finish.

Unlink - lets you unlink the selected items.

Predecessors -adding the lag between linked items using the Predecessors dialog.

Custom Mark - Mark the tasks that need to be represented in the Timeline diagram.

Marker - making selected item look like it was marked with a highlighter pen.

Markers- description of markers by user

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Edit Menu

Calendar... - opening Calendar tab of the Document Properties dialog.

Save Baseline - saving cost of task as base cost of current task. The current value of
Cost fields for all selected tasks will be duplicated in the corresponding Base Cost

Font- lets you work with fonts.

Show Fonts - opening the system fonts dialog.

Bigger - increases the font size.

Smaller - decreases the font size.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

View Menu

View menu contains commands for choosing the document type and interface

Select Gantt Chart - displaying the Gantt chart of chosen project. This command
contains the submenu with the pull down list of projects, opened in the program.

Inspector - Show/Hide Inspectors

Multiproject Dashboard displaying the multiple project view (list of projects).

Gantt Chart View opening Gantt chart view of the current project.

Resources View displaying the resource sheet of current project.

Resource Usage Dashboard - generating the Resource Usage diagram of the current

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Reports View - opening the Reports window

Expand Sub-items - unfolding sub-items of the selected items.

Collapse Sub-items - folding sub-items of the selected items.

Expand All Sub-items - unfolding all sub-items of the project.

Collapse All Sub-items - folding all sub-items of the project (showing only phases and
items of the same level).

Outline Levels - displaying tasks of the certain outline level.

Show/Hide Critical Path - enable/disable highlighting of the critical path in your Gantt

Show/Hide Assigned Resources - show/hide assigned resources on the Gantt chart

Show/Hide Text Box(es) - show/hide Text Boxes on Project Portfolio or Gantt Chart

Wrap Text - make all content visible within a cell by displaying it on multiple lines

Multiproject Dashboard - operate the Multiproject Dashboard settings.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Filter Mode - activate the Filter Mode


Zoom In - displaying the timescale in more detail (showing days instead of weeks, etc.)
Zoom Out - displaying the timescale in generalized view (showing weeks instead of days,
Timescale... - calling the dialog Timescale for setting the timescale. There are options Zoom
In and Zoom Out and some other settings in the dialog.

Go To Today - moving the Gantt chart horizontally so that the graphic part
corresponding to present day was seen on the monitor.

Go To Selected Item - moving the Gantt chart horizontally so that the graphic part of
the selected item was seen on the monitor.

Columns - select the project grid , you want to display in your project. Use the dialog
Column Customization to customize columns appearance.

Hide Toolbar - hiding the toolbar.

Customize Toolbar... - calling the Customize Toolbar dialog.

Enter Full Screen - opening the current document in a full screen.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu


Open Reports dialog from Toolbar by pressing icon

In this dialog the report view is selected.

In the left window, the list of the reports is located. Reports are divided into four topic
groups: general project description, budget for a certain period of time, resources and
various task states. In the report on the budget a certain time period, for which a
report will be created, is selected. The report on resources provides the list of all
resources with specification of tasks being completed. Reports on the tasks allow
showing different states of tasks: unstarted, unfinished, finished, for a certain time
period etc. In the right window the icon with the notes describing the report type are

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu


Open Project Dashboard dialog from Toolbar by pressing Dashboards icon

Live Project dashboards. Opens in ConceptDraw PRO:

Generates current project status Dashboard

Generates Radar Chart

Generates Tactical Dashboard

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Project Diagrams

Diagrams are very useful for project implementation because they help teams
visualize important details such as interrelations between tasks, critical paths,
timelines, milestones, calendars, and also resource usage.
Open Project Diagrams dialog from Toolbar by pressing icon

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Select preview of the proper project diagram to generate it. Project diagram will be
opened in ConceptDraw PRO. You should have ConceptDraw PRO installed.

Gantt Chart Resource Usage

Creates Gantt Chart Diagram Creates Resource Usage diagram
from project tasks ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in
ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in
Milestones chart Timeline
Shows milestones and their Creates Timeline diagram for
links project tasks
ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in
PERT chart
Creates PERT diagram from Timeline From Marked Tasks
project tasks Create Timeline diagram from
ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in the project tasks, marked with
the Custom Mark
Radial Structure chart WBS
Creates Radial Structure Creates WBS diagram for project
diagram from project tasks ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in
ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in
Resource Calendar
Creates project calendar for
ConceptDraw PRO plgu-in

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Filter Mode

The embedded filters of ConceptDraw PROJECT can be very useful for viewing a specific
range of information. You can apply filters to tasks, resources and even projects.
Filters mode can be activated from the View menu or using the Filter Mode button
on the Toolbar.

1. Select one of the embedded filters from the drop-down menu.

2. Toggle Show/Highlight item, if you want to just highlight filtered items without
hiding the other data.

3. Toggle Show Phases item to display phases that are associated with tasks which are
shown in the filtered view.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

4. You can reverse filtering condition using Invert button.

5. To apply filter to another filter options, click the Refilter button.

6. To remove the filter, click on the Clear Filter button.
You can manage the filtering options using the Filters dialog.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu View Menu

Multiproject Dashboard Settings

Multiproject Dashboard Settings allows you to show/hide indicators of project

completion in the Multiproject View.

Show/Hide Planned Complete- show/hide planned data of project completion.

Show/Hide Complete Change Value - show /hide percentages of project

completion (real vs planned)

Show/Hide Complete Change Rate - show /hide indicator of project completion

(real vs planned)

Tracking Period - set the frequency of complete values verification.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Insert Menu

Insert Menu

Insert menu contains commands for adding items into project workspace.

Add Item- adding item to the end of list.

Insert Item- inserting the new task before the selected one.
Add Sub-item- adding a sub-item to the selected item.
Add Project Group- adding new Project Group to the end of projects list
Add Text Box- adding text boxes to Projects or Gantt. You can use Text Boxes like
virtual Sticky Notes to add comments.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Communication Menu

Communication Menu

Communication menu contains commands for sending e-mails with To-Do lists and
reports attached.

Micro Reports - generates ready-to-send Micro Reports

Create Mind Map - Generate a mind map (*. cdmz) from selected items. The file can
be opened in ConceptDraw MINDMAP

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Window Menu

Window Menu

The Window menu contains commands on window management. At the very bottom
of the window there is a list where you can go to the needed window having selected
its header .

Zoom - zoom active window.

Minimize - minimize the window

Bring All to Front - display all windows

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Main Menu Help Menu

Help Menu

Search - Lets you search through menu items

ConceptDraw PROJECT Help - Calls the ConceptDraw PROJECT Help System. It opens in
a separate window where you can see a number of articles containing information on
how to use the product. You can read or print the articles, search them for the needed

Keyboard Shortcuts - Calls the ConceptDraw PROJECT keyboard shortcuts description.

Getting Started Video - View the video lessons on how to get started with
ConceptDraw PROJECT.

Getting Started PDF - Open the Getting Started guide in the PDF format.

User Help Desk - submit ticket to the CS Odessa Customer Support Ticket System.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu

Context Menu

Context menus may be shown on any project window by right mouse click on the
view header:

Multiproject View Context Menu

Cantt Chart View Context Menu
Resources View Context Menu

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Toolbar


The context menu of toolbar can be started from any toolbar or menu by clicking the
right mouse button or by clicking the mouse button and Control

In this menu you can configure any toolbar:

Icon&Text - to display both icons and text

Icon Only - to display icons only

Text Only - to display text only

Hide Toolbar - to hide/show the tollbar

Use Small Size - decreases size of button icons and signs

Customize Toolbar... - activates the Customize dialog for setting toolbar

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Multiproject View

Multiproject View

This menu can be accessed from the window of the projects list by clicking the right
mouse button or the mouse button and Ctrl.

In this menu all commands for work with projects are collected:

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Multiproject View

Multiproject Gantt Chart Context Menu

Add Add a new project to the end of the
Project projects list.
Cut Cut selection and put it into Clipboard.
Copy Copy the selection and put it into the
Paste Paste content from the Clipboard.
Insert Add a new project from file. Project will be
Project inserted before the selected one. If no
project is selected, inserts a project after
the last one in the Multiproject Dashboard.
Add Add sub project to selected project.
Delete Delete selected project (s) .
Add Text Add a text box to selected item.
Project Link two or more selected projects.
Create Add new project group.
Group Join selected projects into a Project Group.
Ungroup Split the Project Group into separate
Project(s) projects.
Marker Make the selected items looking like
marked with a highlighter.
Micro Generate Microreports
Create Generate a multipage mind map (*. cdmz)
Mind from selected projects. The file will be
Map opened in ConceptDraw MINDMAP.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Multiproject View

Multiproject Timescale Context Menu

Zoom In Displays timescale in more detail (day instead of
weeks, etc.)
Zoom out Displays a more generalized timescale (weeks
instead of days, etc.)
Timescale Calls Timescale dialog that allows customizing
timescale appearance. It gives more possibilities
for this than Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.
On the other hand mentioned commands allows
to changing calendar scale quicker.
Calendar Opens the Standard Calendar dialog

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Gantt Chart View

Gantt Chart View

Context Menu of the Task List

This menu can be accessed from the window of the Gantt chart task list by clicking the
right mouse button or the mouse button and Ctrl. In this menu all commands for work
with tasks are collected:

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Gantt Chart View

Add Task Add the empty task to the end of the task list on the Gantt Chart View.
Cut selection and put it into Clipboard.
Cut -
Copy the selection and put it into the Clipboard.
Copy -
Paste contents from the Clipboard.
Paste -
Inserts a task before the selected one. If no task is selected, inserts a task
Insert Task - to the end of list.

Add Subtask Add subtask to the selected task

Removes the selected task(s).
Delete Task
(s) - Add the text box to selected task.

Add Text Open the list of tasks Link options.

Box - Move the selected task one level deeper.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Gantt Chart View

Tasks Link - Move the selected task one level closer to the root.

Indent Task Mark the tasks that need to be represented in the Timeline diagram.
Make the selected items looking like marked with a highlighter.
Task - Generate Task Status micro report

Custom Generate a mind map (*. cdmz) from selected tasks. The file will be
mark - opened in ConceptDraw MINDMAP

Marker -

Reports -

Create Mind
Map -

Context Menu of the Timescale

This menu can be started from the timescale of Gantt chart graphic part by clicking the
right mouse button or by clicking the mouse button and Control key.

In this menu all commands for timescale scaling are collected:

Zoom In - displays timescale in more detail (day instead of weeks, etc.)

Zoom Out - displays a more generalized timescale (weeks instead of days, etc.)

Timescale... - calls Timescale dialog that allows customizing timescale appearance. It

gives more possibilities for this than Zoom In and Zoom Out commands. On the other
hand mentioned commands allows changing calendar scale quicker.

Calendar - opens the Standard Calendar dialog.

Context Menu of the Task List Heading Line

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Gantt Chart View

This menu can be started from the window of Gantt chart task list heading by clicking
the right mouse button or by clicking the mouse button and Control

Sort Ascending - enables ascending sorting by the selected column values.

Sort Descending - enables descending sorting by the selected column values.

If sorting is enabled the selected column is marked by arrow which shows the
direction of sorting.

No Sorting - disables sorting.

Hide Column - hides the selected column. Disabled for the Name column.

Column Customization... - opens the Column Customization dialog. This command is

also accessible from the menu View.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Resources View

Resources View

This menu can be accessed from the window of the resources list by clicking the right
mouse button or the mouse button and Ctrl.

In this menu all commands for work with resources are collected:

Add Resource Add a new resource into Resource list Add a new project on the end of

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Resources View

- the projects list.

Cut - Cut selection and put it into Clipboard.
Copy - Copy the selection and put it into the Clipboard.
Paste - Paste content from the Clipboard.
Insert Insert a new resource before the selected one. If no resources are
Resource(s) - selected, inserts a resource to the end of list.
Delete Delete selected resource(s)
Resource(s) -
Marker - Make the selected items looking like marked with a highlighter.
Micro Reports Generate Microreports

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Menu Context Menu Resources Usage View

Resources Usage View

Context menu of the Resources Usage view can be started from the Resources Usage
view by clicking the right mouse button or by clicking the mouse button and Control.

By clicking on a resource name you can open this menu: Show Resource Sheet - open
the Resource Sheet view.

By clicking on a task name you can open this menu: Show Gantt Chart - open the
Gantt Chart which contains the selected task.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.



Some controls in ConceptDraw PROJECT are rendered in dialog boxes and Inspectors.
ConceptDraw PROJECT includes the following inspectors and dialogs:
All Inspectors are combined into two side panels:
Info panel displays the following inspectors

Hypernote panel brought together the functions of adding text notes and multiple
hyperlinks. The earlier versions of ConceptDraw PROJECT had two different panels
for these functionalities.
Column Customization
Customize Toolbar
Document Recovery
Document Properties

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Projects


The panel can be accessed from the Info button on the Multiproject
Dashboard. The main information about the project is denoted in this panel:

o Name - the name of the project

o Start Date - the start date of the first project task

o Finish Date - the start date of the first project task

o Budget - the project budget

o Company - the name of the company

o PM - the project author's name

o Site - the project related website

o Objective - the goal of the project

o Priority - project priority

o Marker - project marker

IMPORTANT: Changing of the start date will affect all tasks in you project.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Tasks


The panel can be accessed from the Info button on the Gantt Chart. The main
information about the project is denoted in this panel:

At the section Info the basic information about the task is denoted:

o Name - task name

o Duration - task duration

o Complete - task completion degree

o Priority - task priority

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Tasks

o Marker - task marker

o Milestone - defines whether the task is a Milestone

At the section Costs, cost of the task is denoted:

o Base - supposed cost (entered by user)
o Actual - real cost (calculated by the program based upon cost of using resources and
displayed in this field)

At the section Dates dates of task start and completion are denoted:
o Start - date of task start
o Finish - date of task completion
o Deadline - the last date of task completion

At the section Scheduling the Task Types are denoted:

o Fixed Duration - fixed task duration
o Fixed Units - fixed amount of resources units
o Fixed Work - fixed amount of work

At the Effort driven section you can On/Off the Effort-Driven scheduling.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Tasks Effort-Driven Scheduling

Effort-Driven Scheduling

Effort- driven scheduling means that calculating project task duration is based on
assigned resources. Effort-driven scheduling is the default method of scheduling in
ConceptDraw PROJECT. The duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are
added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a
task remains unchanged. The idea is, that based upon the resources available for a
given project, each task can be scheduled and estimated according to the number of
work hours available.

The three Task Types used in ConceptDraw PROJECT are Fixed Units, Fixed Work, and
Fixed Duration. Fixed Units is set as default. Each of the task types affects scheduling
when you edit one of the three elements as follows.

Task Type Unites is edited Duration is edited Work is edited

Fixed units Duration is Work is recalculated Duration is

recalculated recalculated

Fixed work Duration is Units is recalculated Duration is

recalculated recalculated

Fixed duration Work is recalculated Work is recalculated Units is


Effort-driven scheduling only takes effect when resources are added to or removed
from a task. Effort-driven calculation rules are not applied when you change work,
duration, and unit values for resources already assigned to a task.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Tasks Effort-Driven Scheduling

When working with effort-driven scheduling, keep the following in mind:

o The effort-driven calculations apply only after the first resources are initially
assigned to the task. After the first resources are assigned, the work value doesn't
change as new resources are assigned to or removed from the same task.

o If the assigned task type is Fixed Units, assigning additional resources shortens the
duration of the task.

o If the assigned task type is Fixed Duration, assigning additional resources decreases
the individual unit values for resources.

o If the assigned task type is Fixed Work, assigning additional resources shortens the
duration of the task.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Links


The panel can be accessed from the Info button on the Multiproject
Dashboard and the Gantt Chart. The main information about the project is denoted
in this panel. The panel contains information about project links between tasks,
phases and projects. Once you have created a list of project tasks, you need to edit
your project schedule in more detail by moving tasks, setting dependences between
project tasks, or making other changes using the Toolbar tools. For example: you have
tasks that you would like to link together. But, also you need to add lag time between
2 tasks. You can make this also using the Predecessors dialog.

If you need to set a time lag between selected task and the subsequent one, you have
to use the Successors tab.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Assignments


The panel can be accessed from the Info button on the Gantt Chart. The main
information about the project is denoted in this panel:

Use Resource Assignment dialog to assign resources to project tasks,

Open Gantt Chart View and select a task to assign resources.
Select a particular resource from the resources listed at the Resource Assignment
inspector and assign it to a task by double clicking or pressing the Enter key.
You can even create a new resource using buttons. The new resource will be added to
both the Resource Assignment dialog and the Resources list.

The Work resource you have assigned is displayed as 100% implementation. The other
type resource is displayed as 1 unit implementation.You can change this allocation
manually after the resource has been assigned.

Using the Effort Driven scheduling, when you assign or remove people from a task,
the duration of the task will be the lengthened or shortened based on the number of
resources assigned to it.

The resources for tasks completion are assigned in this dialog:

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Assignments

Resource - name of the resource

Units - occupation degree of the resource in task (in % for human resources or in
items for material resources).
Work - man hours
Set the resource type using Drop-down list.
To assign a resource just make a double-click on it and enter the amount of
resource loading. The entered information will be applied right after you quit the
dialog by clicking with mouse on any place of the document out of the edited field.
Use button "+" to add new resource into Resources list.
Use button "-" to remove resource from Resources list
Use button for switching to the Resources list.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Resource


The panel can be accessed from the Info button on the Resource window. The
main information about the project is denoted in this panel:

The information about resources is denoted in this dialog:

o Name - the name of the resource.

o Type - the type of the resource (human or material).
o Cost - the resource cost. For human resources the numeral value together with the
cost units (hours, days, weeks and months) are denoted. For material resources only
the numeral value is denoted. It is possible to denote units in the floating dialog
o Group - resource's group.
o E-Mail - doer's e-mail.
o Marker - Marker color of resource.

The entered information will be applied right after you quit the dialog by clicking with
mouse on any place of the document out of the edited field.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Hypernote


The panel can be accessed from the button on the Main Toolbar. This panel
brought together the functions of adding text notes and multiple hyperlinks. The
earlier versions of ConceptDraw PROJECT had two different panels for these

The additional information about the task or resource can be denoted in The Note
section. The entered information will be applied right after you quit the dialog by
clicking with mouse on any place of the document out of the edited field.

You can add several files hyperlinked to one task in your project file. You can add
hyperlinks to documents or Web pages. Hyperlinks can also jump to tasks, resources
or projects within your project file. The number of hyperlinks, you can add to each
project item is unlimited.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Hypernote

1 - Add a hyperlink to URL.

2 - Add hyperlink to document.

3 - Add hyperlink to folder.

4 - Add hyperlink to e-mail.

5 - Add hyperlink within current project.

6 - Remove hyperlink

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Preferences Dialog

Preferences Dialog

In the dialog Preferences document preferences are set. The dialog can be started by
applying the command Preferences from the menu ConceptDraw Project. It consists of
3 tabs:

1. General - general document properties are specified.

2. Calendar - the default calendar, which will be used at creating new documents, is set
3. Save - saving options of an open document are set.

Tab General - On this tab some parameters for created documents are specified:

Display on new document - select from the pull-down list the document view, which
will be displayed at the program start: Gantt chart or Projects. Font - select default
font for document In the field Currency the currency displaying is set:
o Currency Symbol the used currency symbol
o Currency Position the currency position: before the number or after it
o Decimal Digits - the number of decimal digits

In the Behaviour field you can ON/OFF the Smart Enter Mode. When the Smart Enter
Mode is active, a new task will be added by the Enter key.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Preferences Dialog

Tab Calendar - On the tab Calendar the default calendar is set. On its basis all new
documents will be created:

Default Work Units

In the field Default Work Units the first weekday and the number of working hours per
specified period of time are defined:
o Week Start on - the first day of the working week.
o Hours per Day - the number of working hours per working day.
o Hours per Week - the number of working hours per week.
o Days per Month - the number of working days per month.
Default task type - Choose what you would like to fix: Units, Duration or Work
Default task duration - Set up a task duration on default
Default task start date - Set up a default start date of the new task
Effort - driven check box - Set up the effort-driven options for the new tasks

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Preferences Dialog

Working Weekdays

Working days are marked in check-boxes.

Default Working Time - working time and breaks. In the left cell Start Time of the
working time is set, in the right one Finish Time. The difference between the Finish
Time of one part and Start Time of the other is a work break. By default, a working day
is divided into 2 parts with 1 lunch break. The program, however, allows you to split a
day in an arbitrary number of parts from 1 to 5.

Tab Autosave - On the tab Save document saving options are set:

In the section Autosave options auto saving parameters are set.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Document Properties Dialog

Document Properties Dialog

In this dialog, document properties and calendar are set.

The dialog can be started from the menu File / Document Properties.

Tab General

Section Currency:
o Currency symbol - the used currency symbol.
o Currency position - the currency position: before the number or after it.
o Decimal digits - the number of decimal digits.

Section Work Units :

o Week start on - the first day of the working week.

o Hours per day - the number of working hours per working day.

o Hours per week - the number of working hours per week.

o Days per month - the number of working days per month.

o Cancel - close the dialog without saving the changes.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Document Properties Dialog

o OK - close the dialog having applied the changes.

Tab Calendar

In this tab a schedule for any week-day is set.

In the pop-up list at the upper part of the dialog the calendar can be chosen: for the
whole document (Document Calendar) or for one specific resource.

In the Calendar the week-day for which an individual schedule is assigned, is chosen.
The upper arrows are for scrolling the time scale: double ones - for changing the year,
single - for changing the month.

In the field Set selected day(s) as the type of timescale is chosen.

Standard - use default settings (which are set in the dialog Preferences on the tab
Set the individual schedule using the Drop-down list of resources.
Nonworking - make the day non-working

Set the working times of a day in the fields below.

o Apply - apply settings without closing the dialog.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Document Properties Dialog

o Cancel - close the dialog without saving changes.

o OK - close the dialog having applied the changes.

Tab Advanced
This tab allows you to set the critical path and critical task parameters.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Print Dialog

Print Dialog

The Print dialog box lets you select options for a particular print job. You can specify
the printer to use, the range of pages to print, and the number of copies. To display
the Print dialog, click Print on the File menu .

You can make advanced settings for printing in this dialog box using the Show Details
Use the Page tab to set the print area of a time scale, as well as page layout, scale and
the visibility of the legend.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Print Dialog

Use Margins and Header&Footer tabs to set margins and Header/Footer options for
the current document.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Print Dialog

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Customize Dialog

Customize Dialog

In this dialog, interface settings are done: contents of menu and icons, their size, etc.

Dialog can be started from the menu View \ Customize Toolbar... or from the
window's context menu Customize Toolbar....

Drag the required buttons into the toolbar, place spaces and separators or just use the
default set.

In the Show section you choose a style for buttons in the toolbar:
o Icon&Text - to display both icons and text
o Icon Only - to display icons only
o Text Only - to display text only

Mark the Use Small Size field to use small buttons. Press Done after you made all

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Document Recovery Dialog

Document Recovery Dialog

In this dialog the report view is selected.

If the program has been incorrectly closed, at the next start the Document Recovery
dialog will appear.

This dialog contains the list of not saved documents which you can open, or delete.
Check the needed documents and press the Restore button to open these auto saved
documents. You can remove checked documents from the list of auto saved pressing
the Delete.

To close the dialog without restoration of documents, click Close.

If after closing the dialog in the list there were documents in relation to which any
action have not been taken (not restored and not removed), at the next start of the
program the Document Recovery dialog will be opened again, containing these files.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Column Customization Dialog

Column Customization Dialog

Column preferences are set in this dialog.

The dialog can be started from the menu View / Column Customization, from the
context menu or by double - click from the tasks list heading panel.

Check boxes are marked next to the columns, which will be displayed in Gantt chart
task list.

The Column Customization dialog contains the following columns:

Gantt Chart View

Baseline Cost Total planned cost for an task

Baseline Finish The planned completion date for a task.

Baseline Start The planned beginning date for a task.

The current status of task in percentages of the

tasks duration that has been completed.

Cost The total scheduled cost for a task

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Column Customization Dialog

The piece of total scheduled cost that remains

Cost to Completion
for a task completion.
The custom column, user can use to enter any
additional information on the task cost
Tasks, marked in this column make a project's
critical path.
Indicates tasks marked to be used in the
Custom Mark
Timeline from Marked Tasks report.
The target data, indicates when the task should
be completed

Duration The total span of a working time for a task

The earliest date that a task could possibly be

Early Finish
The duration between the Early Start and Early
Early Slack
Finish Dates

Early Start The earliest date that a task could possibly begin.

The date when a task is scheduled to be


Hyperlinks Add/Edit hyperlinks to a task

The latest date that a task can finish without

Late Finish
delaying the finish of the project.
The duration between the Late Start and Late
Late Slack
The latest date that a task can start without
Late Start
delaying the finish of the project.

Name Project task name

Comment you can enter about the current

project using the Hypernote panel

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Column Customization Dialog

Displays the place of task in the project outline

Outline Level
The number that displays the associated tasks
Outline Number
position in the project outline hierarchy.
The planned task completion status
Planned Complete
(percentages) at the current date.
The tasks numbers (#) on which the task
depends before it can be started or finished.
The level of importance given to a task by project

Resources Resources assigned to task

Start The date when a task is scheduled to be started

The tasks numbers (#) that act as successors for

Successors the current task (tasks, whose start or finish date
is driven by their predecessor task.)
The total amount of time , scheduled on a task
for all assigned resources., or the total amount
of time , scheduled for particular resource on a
task (Resource Assignment Inspector ).
The Unique ID field contains the number that
ConceptDraw PROJECT automatically designates
Unique ID
whenever a new task is created in the current

Multiproject View

Baseline Cost Total planned cost for an project

Baseline Finish The planned completion date for a project

Baseline Start The planned beginning date for a project.

Budget The budget, allocated to a project.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Column Customization Dialog

Company Company Name

The current status of project in percentages of

the projects duration that has been completed.
Changing of the Complete value between the
Complete Increase current and previously saved measured in
Changing of the Complete Increase value
Complete Increase Rate between the current and previously saved
measured in percent

Cost The total scheduled cost for a project

The piece of total scheduled cost that remains

Cost to Completion
for a project completion
The date when a project is scheduled to be
Finish Date

Hyperlinks Add/Edit hyperlinks to a project

Objective Project objectives

The planned project completion status

Planned Complete
(percentages) at the current date.
The level of importance given to a project by
project manager

Project Description Short description of the project

Project Manager Who is project Manager?

Project Name Project name

Project Site Url of the corresponding website

The date when a project is scheduled to be

Start Date

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Column Customization Dialog

Resources View

For Work resource displays the cost that accrues

every time unit, the resource is used.
For a non-human resource displays the cost that
accrues at one unit of the resource usage.

Email Contact email address assigned to resource

A customizable field to structure resources into


Hyperlinks Add/Edit hyperlinks to a resource

Name Resource name

Comment you can enter about the current

Type of the resource (work, material, cost,
equipment, company)
The Unique ID field contains the number that
ConceptDraw PROJECT automatically designates
Unique ID
whenever a new resource is created in the
current project.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Timescale Dialog

Timescale Dialog

In this dialog, time measurements for graphic displaying of tasks can be set.

The dialog can be started from the context menu on the header bar of the diagram
graphic part.

In the section Top tier formatting the measurements for the top part of the header bar
can be set:
o Units - time units (from years to minutes).
o Align - alignment by the left, right or by the center.

In the section Bottom tier formatting the measurements for the bottom part of the
header bar can be set:
o Units - time units (from years to minutes).
o Align - alignment by the left, right or by the center.

Count - the interval the dates are shown with (1 means that all the dates in succession
are shown; 2 - every second; 3 - every third etc.)
Cancel - close the dialog without saving the changes
OK - close the dialog having applied the changes.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Filters Dialog

Filters Dialog

Those who use ConceptDraw PROJECT in their daily work may have faced the need to
filter their project in some special way to get the appropriate information. To
customize filtering options use the Filters dialog. To open the Filters dialog select the
"Manage filters" option from the drop-down menu of the Filter Mode.
In the left part of the window, you can specify the project view, which is filtered by
default. There is also the filters list which contains predefined and user created
filtering options.

Filters for - Specify the project view, which is filtered by default: Project, Tasks, or
Available Filters List - The filters list which contains predefined and custom filters.
- Add the new custom filtering condition.
- Remove the selected filters.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Filters Dialog

Duplicate - Duplicate the selected filters. If you need to modify predefined filter, you
should duplicate this filter by clicking Duplicate filter
Import - This operation allows importing your custom filters from XML file. Thus, the
filters will be available on any computer no matter which ConceptDraw PROJECT
document you work with.
Export - This operation allows exporting selected custom filters into single XML file
and copying it to other computer.

Edit custom filter using editing window

Add/Remove criterion row using and buttons.

IMPORTANT : *The predefined filtering options cannot be edited or removed.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Find/Replace Dialog

Find/Replace Dialog

This dialog allows you to search for text in a project schedule. You can search and edit
text of a project schedule.

The Find & Replace dialog:

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Dialogs Predecessors Dialog

Predecessors Dialog

Predecessors dialog can be accessed from the Edit menu.

Once you have created a list of project tasks, you need to edit your project schedule in
more detail by moving tasks, setting dependences between project tasks, or making
other changes using the Toolbar tools. For example: you have tasks that you would
like to link together. But, also you need to add lag time between 2 tasks.
You can make this using the Predecessors dialog.

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Operation

ConceptDraw Office Tools

Cmd + Shift + M Create ConceptDraw MINDMAP File

Documents and Windows

Cmd + N Create a New Document

Cmd + O Open a Document

Cmd + S Save the active document

Cmd + Shift + S Save the active document under a

new file name
Cmd + P Print Preview

Cmd + F Activate the Quick Find tool

Cmd + Opt + F Open the Find&Replace dialog

Cmd + W Close active document

Esc Close Dialog


Cmd +Shift+P Capture Slide


Cmd + H Hide ConceptDraw PROJECT

Cmd + Option + H Hide other applications

Cmd + Q Quit ConceptDraw PROJECT

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Operation

Cmd + , Preferences (Application Settings)


Opt+Cmd+Return Add tasks

Cmd + Return Add new subtask

Shift + Return Insert new task after selected

Opt + Return Add task to end of the list

Delete Delete selected task(s)

Cmd + Right Indent task

Cmd + Left Outdent task

Shift + Left Collapse selected phase

Shift + Right Expand selected phase

Cmd + Down Move item to the next position (one

line down)
Cmd + Up Move item to the previous position
(one line up)
Cmd + L Link selected tasks

Cmd + Shift+L Unlink selected tasks

Cmd + G Go to selected task

Return The functional key of Outline view is

used for fast adding of new entities

Cmd + Shift + N Insert a new project below the


ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Operation

Delete Delete selected project(s)

Opt + Cmd + Return Add a new project at the end of the


Cmd + Opt + G Switch to Gantt Chart View

Cmd + Opt + R Switch to Resource Sheet View

Cmd + Opt + J Switch to Multiproject Dashboard

Cmd + Opt + U Switch to Resource Usage View

Cmd + Opt + P Switch to Reports ViewReports

Shift + Mouse wheel Horizontal Scroll

Tab Switch view to next


Cmd + Z Undo the last operation

Cmd + Shift + Z Redo what was reserved by Undo

Cmd + X Cut the selection to the Document

Cmd + C Copy the selection to the Document

Cmd + V Paste the content from the


Select with Cmd Allow to select several tasks

Select with Shift Allow to select several tasks (from

the first to the second)

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Operation

Cmd + A Select all the tasks on document

ConceptDraw PROJECT v8 User Interface Reference 2017 CS Odessa corp.

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