Navarathri Malar 1994 1
Navarathri Malar 1994 1
Navarathri Malar 1994 1
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Navarathri Malar 1994
This is the eighteenth Navarathri Malar offered at the Lotus feet
of ri Svapraashdanatha Hamsa Avadhut of Anakapalli,
Andhra Paraesh, India and ri Annapreshwari amba same
tha; and ri la ri Amrthanandanada arawathi of
Devipuram, Andra Pradhesh, India by the Devotees of the ri
Rajarajeswari Peetam, Rochester N.Y.
ri Rjarjeswari Peetthipathi
rlari Chaithanynanda
Navarathri 1994.
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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r Datttrya
m hrm Datttrya hare kn unmattnandadyaka
Digambara mune blapicha gynasgara dram hrm m
Atri was a great Maharishi, said to have been born from the eyes of
Brahma. He had performed many penances to beget a son. As a result, the
Tri_Mrthis Brmha, Vishu and Maheshwara blessed him with a
vision of their divine from.
The Tri_Mrthis together represent the Ultimate Formless Truth, which
had been the focus of Atri's penance. In fact, the Tri_Mrthis themselves
had been desirous of being born as the son of his chaste wife Anasy
literally, the one without an iota of jealousy. Now, Anusuya was a great
Pativrata (a woman with complete devotion to her husband). She had
performed many meritorious deeds. It is said that she once she summoned
Gana down to earth to ease the hardships of prolonged drought. On another
occasion, she collapsed ten nights into one to help the Devas battle the
The cause of the birth of Datttrya can be traced to the mischievous
Narada. Once, on a visit to Devaloka, he found Parvathi, Laxmi and
Sarswathi (Tri_akthis) each proudly speaking of their supreme devotion
towards their husbands. Narada offered to test the veracity of their claim to
pati bhakti. He invited them to prove the supremacy of their devotion by
boiling chick pies made of iron. When the Tri_akthis failed, Narada spoke
to them of the chaste Pativrata Anasy, who had performed the feat with
remarkable ease.
The Tri_akthis decided to test out Anusy's pati bhakti on their own and
to this purpose sent their husbands disguised as sanyasins to Atri's
ashramam. Janaranyam. Maharishi Atri was out for his daily ablution when
the sanyasins arrived. Anasy invited the sanyasins in and offered them
food. The sanyasins expressed a strange vow that they had taken which
permitted them to eat only when served in the nude.
After having pondered upon this strange request, Anasy took a few sips
of the water from her husband's Kamandalu and the true identity of the
sanyasins and the purpose of their visit immediately drowned upon her. She
sprinkles some of the same water to the sanyasins and transformed them
into infants. She then fulfilled her athithi dharma by feeding the infants and
enjoying the opportunity of being mother to the divine children.
The three infants assumed the divine form of Datttrya one body with
three heads. Sri Datttrya is always accompanied by four dogs (symbolizing
the four Vedas), and Kamadhenu, the Celestial Cow. Tradition has it that
Datttrya Pj should always begin with the worship of his mother
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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The temple city of Suchindram is associated with the legend of Datttrya.
The ashramam in the vicinity of this temple is supposed to be Janaranyam,
the ashramam of Atri and Anasy. In the holy sanctum of the temple, the
Siva Lingam is said to have three parts representing the Tri_Mrthis.
Legend has is that Indra worships the Lingam at the temple every night to
redeem himself of curse by Sage Kaushika. Hence the same Suchindram
which means "purification of Indra". To this day, the priest who performs
the worship last at night is not the same as the one performed the worship
first the next morning, lest it be detected that someone had performed Pj
during the night.
The ri Rajarajeswari Peetam subscribes to the Datttrya Kaulachara
Parampara. r Datttrya is the Prathana Guru of this great tradition of r
Vidy. Parashurma and Prahalda were among the first to the many
evolved souls to have perfected this Vidy which has been passed down to
the devotees of this Peetam through Svapakshanda, Amrthnanda and
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Anusy Dhynam
Aruna Datttreya Pj
Atha Dhynam
Jytirling mahvedh brahmarandhra gat ivah
Viaya grahae nityamukt datttreyhamruah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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etnasya mahim at jyygumcha pruh
pdsya viv bhtni tripdasymtam divi
Aim hrm rm drm drm klm blm sah
Datttreyam digambaram sandhyruam tarpaymi
- Pdayh pdyam samrpaymi namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Tasmdyagytsarvahutah sambhtam padjyam
Pagumsrgumchakre vyavyn ranyn grmycha ye
Aim hrm rm drm drm klm blm sah
Datttreyam digambaram sandhyruam tarpaymi
- divya r gandham chandanam samrpaymi namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Tasmdav ajyanta ye ke chbhaydatah
Gv ha jagyire tasmt tasmjjt ajvayah
Aim hrm rm drm drm klm blm sah
Datttreyam digambaram sandhyruam tarpaymi
- dhpam grpayami
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Sarvni rupni vichitya dhrah nmni ktvbhivadan yadste
Aim hrm rm drm drm klm blm sah
Datttreyam digambaram sandhyruam tarpaymi
- mantra pupni samrpaymi namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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Datttreya Ahttara atanmvali
1. m Datttreyya Namah
2. m Anusy Namah
3. m Dattya Namah
4. m Atri putrya Namah
5. m Mahmunaye Namah
6. m Ygndrya Namah
7. m Pua Purya Namah
8. m Deveya Namah
9. m Jagadvarya Namah
10. m Paramtmya Namah
11. m Parabrahmae Namah
12. m Sadnandya Namah
13. m Jagadgurave Namah
14. m Nityatptya Namah
15. m Nirkrya Namah
16. m Nirvikrya Namah
17. m Niranjanya Namah
18. m Gutmakya Namah
19. m Guttya Namah
20. m Brahm Vihu ivtmikya Namah
21. m Nrrpatarya Namah
22. m Nityya Namah
23. m ntya Namah
24. m Kntya Namah
25. m Kpnidhaye Namah
26. m Bhaktapriyya Namah
27. m Bhayaharya Namah
28. m Bhagavate Namah
29. m Bhagananya Namah
30. m di Devya Namah
31. m Mah Devya Namah
32. m Deveya Namah
33. m Bhuvanevarya Namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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34. m Vednta Vedyya Namah
35. m Varadya Namah
36. m Vivarpya Namah
37. m Avyayya Namah
38. m Haraye Namah
39. m Sachchidnandya Namah
40. m Sarveya Namah
41. m Ygya Namah
42. m Bhaktavasalya Namah
43. m Digambarya Namah
44. m Divyamrtya Namah
45. m Divyabhtya Namah
46. m Vidhtya Namah
47. m Andi Siddhya Namah
48. m Sulabhya Namah
49. m Bhakta Vnchita Dyakya Namah
50. m Bhukti mukti pradtre Namah
51. m Krtavrya vara pradyine Namah
52. m Eknaikya Namah
53. m Nadvityya Namah
54. m Nigamgama vanditya Namah
55. m vatnm mahtmane Namah
56. m Vivtmya Namah
57. m Vivat Mukhya Namah
58. m Sarvevarya Namah
59. m Sad tuya Namah
60. m Sarva mangala dyakya Namah
61. m Nikaankya Namah
62. m Nirbhsya Namah
63. m Puruttamya Namah
64. m Lka nthya Namah
65. m Pura puruttamya Namah
66. m Apra mahimya Namah
67. m Anantya Namah
68. m dyantarahitya Namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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69. m ivya Namah
70. m Samsra bhayadvgnaye Namah
71. m Bhavasgara trakya Namah
72. m rnivsya Namah
73. m Vilkshya Namah
74. m Kshrbdhi ayanya Namah
75. m Achyutya Namah
76. m Sarva ppakshayakarya Namah
77. m Tpatraya nivraya Namah
78. m Lkeya Namah
79. m Sarva bhteya Namah
80. m Vypakya Namah
81. m Karukarya Namah
82. m Brahmdi vandita padya Namah
83. m Munivandyya Namah
84. m Stuti priyya Namah
85. m Nn rpya Namah
86. m Kriyttya Namah
87. m Nihsphya Namah
88. m Mydhya Namah
89. m Mahtmya Namah
90. m Mah devya Namah
91. m Mahevarya Namah
92. m Vyghra charmmbarya Namah
93. m Ngakundala bhaya Namah
94. m Sarva lakshaa sampannya Namah
95. m Sarvasiddhipradyakya Namah
96. m Savagyya Namah
97. m KaruAsindhave Namah
98. m Sarpahrya Namah
99. m Sadivya Namah
100. m Sahydri vsya Namah
101. m Sarvtmya Namah
102. m Bhava Bandha vimchanya Namah
103. m Vivambarya Namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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104. m Vivanthya Namah
105. m Jagannthya Namah
106. m Jagatprabhave Namah
107. m DattAtreya mah munaye Namah
108. m Gynnanda parabrahmae Namah
Published by Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam RUSH . N.Y
Edited by SAMBAVI on December 17, 2001
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