April 2004: Opular Oodworking
April 2004: Opular Oodworking
April 2004: Opular Oodworking
Garden Bench
Combine five 2x4s, a handful
of screws and a long afternoon
to build a handsome and sturdy
sitting spot for your deck or garden.
This bench is designed to be built by Christopher Schwarz & Kara Gebhart are the same length and trim them
using just five 10'-long 2x4s. You Comments or questions? Contact Chris at 513-531-2690 ext. 1407
to size simultaneously, as shown
can build it from sugar pine, paint or [email protected]. Contact Kara at 513-531-2690 ext. 1348 above. This works no matter what
it and spend less than $10. I al- or [email protected]. tool you use for crosscutting.
popwood.com 81
60" 19 1/2"
4 1/2" 4 1/2" 31/2"
12" 27" 12" 1/2" E
B B 31/2"
D 161/2" 31/2"
C C 31/2"
A A 41/2"
4" 41/2" 4
31/2" 31/2"
Sanding (Insert Groan Here) the edges of all the boards. This
Its tempting to screw this proj- is pretty simple to do. Just grab
ect together immediately, but Id some #120-grit sandpaper and L E T. NO. ITEM DIMENSIONS (INCHES) M AT E R I A L
suggest you do all you can to re- take a couple of licks on all the
A 8 Legs 11 2 31 2 15 Redwood
sist the urge to assemble. edges of each board (youre try-
B 2 Top cross braces 11 2 31 2 191 2 Redwood
A better bet is for you to sand ing to remove any sharp edges). 1 1
C 2 Low cross braces 1 2 3 2 16 Redwood
all your pieces to remove marks This will make the bench more D 2 Stretchers 11 2 31 2 44 Redwood
and dings. This helps get them comfortable to sit on and less like- E 5 Top boards 11 2 31 2 60 Redwood
ready for whatever finish youll ly to splinter when it gets wet.
be applying (paint, deck stain,
tung oil or nothing). Leg Assembly you a 3 16" pilot hole and a coun- brace to the legs using two screws
Once the faces and edges have This bench goes together quick- tersink simultaneously. These bits in each. You can use polyurethane
been sanded, you need to break ly. Chuck a bit in your drill to give are available from most home- glue or a water-resistant glue such
supply or hardware stores. as Titebond II.
Begin by assembling one of Put another piece of scrap 2x4
the leg structures. First find a piece against the top cross brace and
of scrap thats 412" wide and place center the low cross brace below
it between two of the leg pieces. that scrap. Then glue and screw
Center the top cross brace on the low cross brace to the legs.
the two legs, flush everything up, Next, put two more legs on
then glue and screw the cross top of the cross braces and place
the 4 1 2" scrap spacer between
41 2"- them. Glue and screw these two
legs to the cross braces. Repeat
this same procedure for the other
leg assembly. Youre almost done.
Plug It Up
For a finished look, we took a few
minutes to plug the holes made
by the countersink. Our coun-
tersink made a 38"-diameter hole.
You can plug the hole with
store-bought 3 8" plugs or 3 8"-
Use scraps as spacers to ensure that your leg assemblies go
diameter dowels. We took some
3 3
together just right. This is a lot easier than measuring every- 8" x 8" square stock, whittled
thing. Then screw it together using stainless steel screws. one end and glued it in place. The
popwood.com 83