Lampiran: Geographic Kernel: Fixed Bi-Square

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Lampiran: Geographic kernel: fixed bi-square

* Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression *
* Release 1.0.80 (GWR 4.0.80) *
* 12 March 2014 *
* (Originally coded by T. Nakaya: 1 Nov 2009) *
* *
* Tomoki Nakaya(1), Martin Charlton(2), Paul Lewis(2), *
* Jing Yao (3), A. Stewart Fotheringham (3), Chris Brunsdon (2) *
* (c) GWR4 development team *
* (1) Ritsumeikan University, (2) National University of Ireland, Maynooth, *
* (3) University of St. Andrews *
Session control file: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlr0_f2.ctl
Data filename: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlt_teg0.CSV
Number of areas/points: 32

Model settings---------------------------------
Model type: Logistic
Geographic kernel: fixed bi-square
Method for optimal bandwidth search: interval search
Criterion for optimal bandwidth: AIC
Number of varying coefficients: 13
Number of fixed coefficients: 0

Modelling options---------------------------------
Standardisation of independent variables: On
Testing geographical variability of local coefficients: OFF
Local to Global Variable selection: OFF
Global to Local Variable selection: OFF
Prediction at non-regression points: OFF

Variable settings---------------------------------
Area key: field2: "Kecamatan"
Easting (x-coord): field5 : "x_coor"
Northing (y-coord): field6: "y_coor"
Cartesian coordinates: Euclidean distance
Dependent variable: field3: "y"
Offset variable is not specified
Intercept: varying (Local) intercept
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field7: "x1"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field8: "x2"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field9: "x3"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field10: "x4"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field11: "x5"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field12: "x6"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field13: "x7"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field14: "x8"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field15: "X9"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field16: "x10"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field17: "x11"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field18: "x12"
Global regression result
< Diagnostic information >
Number of parameters: 13
Deviance: 23.961616
Classic AIC: 49.961616
AICc: 70.183838
BIC/MDL: 69.016183
Percent deviance explained 0.397185

Variable Estimate Standard Error z(Est/SE) Exp(Est)
-------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.831201 0.866914 2.112322 6.241377
"x1" 0.710285 1.161279 0.611641 2.034571
"x2" -2.770010 2.000599 -1.384590 0.062661
"x3" 0.242789 0.737905 0.329025 1.274799
"x4" -0.038386 0.839650 -0.045716 0.962342
"x5" -0.586162 1.056446 -0.554844 0.556459
"x6" 0.074532 0.802271 0.092901 1.077380
"x7" 0.372063 0.679825 0.547292 1.450725
"x8" 0.139569 1.722229 0.081040 1.149778
"X9" -0.796813 0.842304 -0.945992 0.450763
"x10" -0.361061 1.267214 -0.284925 0.696936
"x11" -1.394346 1.054591 -1.322167 0.247995
"x12" -2.376606 1.139122 -2.086350 0.092865

GWR (Geographically weighted regression) bandwidth selection

Bandwidth search <interval search> min, max, step

1, 32, 1
Bandwdith: 32.000 Dev: 23.956 trace(Hat): 13.001 Criterion: 49.958 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 31.000 Dev: 23.956 trace(Hat): 13.001 Criterion: 49.958 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 30.000 Dev: 23.955 trace(Hat): 13.001 Criterion: 49.958 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 29.000 Dev: 23.955 trace(Hat): 13.001 Criterion: 49.957 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 28.000 Dev: 23.954 trace(Hat): 13.001 Criterion: 49.957 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 27.000 Dev: 23.954 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.957 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 26.000 Dev: 23.953 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.956 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 25.000 Dev: 23.952 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.956 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 24.000 Dev: 23.951 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.955 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 23.000 Dev: 23.951 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.955 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 22.000 Dev: 23.950 trace(Hat): 13.002 Criterion: 49.954 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 21.000 Dev: 23.948 trace(Hat): 13.003 Criterion: 49.953 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 20.000 Dev: 23.947 trace(Hat): 13.003 Criterion: 49.953 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 19.000 Dev: 23.945 trace(Hat): 13.003 Criterion: 49.952 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 18.000 Dev: 23.944 trace(Hat): 13.003 Criterion: 49.950 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 17.000 Dev: 23.941 trace(Hat): 13.004 Criterion: 49.949 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 16.000 Dev: 23.939 trace(Hat): 13.004 Criterion: 49.947 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 15.000 Dev: 23.936 trace(Hat): 13.005 Criterion: 49.945 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 14.000 Dev: 23.932 trace(Hat): 13.006 Criterion: 49.943 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 13.000 Dev: 23.927 trace(Hat): 13.007 Criterion: 49.940 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 12.000 Dev: 23.921 trace(Hat): 13.008 Criterion: 49.936 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 11.000 Dev: 23.913 trace(Hat): 13.009 Criterion: 49.932 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 10.000 Dev: 23.903 trace(Hat): 13.011 Criterion: 49.925 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 9.000 Dev: 23.890 trace(Hat): 13.014 Criterion: 49.917 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 8.000 Dev: 23.870 trace(Hat): 13.017 Criterion: 49.905 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 7.000 Dev: 23.842 trace(Hat): 13.023 Criterion: 49.888 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 6.000 Dev: 23.799 trace(Hat): 13.031 Criterion: 49.861 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 5.000 Dev: 23.728 trace(Hat): 13.044 Criterion: 49.817 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 4.000 Dev: 23.597 trace(Hat): 13.069 Criterion: 49.735 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 3.000 Dev: 23.313 trace(Hat): 13.124 Criterion: 49.560 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 2.000 Dev: 22.504 trace(Hat): 13.280 Criterion: 49.064 Valid_fit
Bandwdith: 1.000 Dev: 18.067 trace(Hat): 14.181 Criterion: 46.429 Valid_fit
Best bandwidth size 1.000
Minimum AIC 46.429

GWR (Geographically weighted regression) result
Bandwidth and geographic ranges
Bandwidth size: 1.000000
Coordinate Min Max Range
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
X-coord 124.102908 124.799658 0.696750
Y-coord -10.124487 -9.612753 0.511734

Diagnostic information
Effective number of parameters (model: trace(S)): 14.180917
Effective number of parameters (variance: trace(S'WSW^-1)): 14.184257
(Warning: trace(S) is smaller than trace(S'S). It means the variance of the predictions is
inadequately inflated.)
(Note: n - trace(S) is used for computing the error variance as the degree of freedom.)
Degree of freedom (model: n - trace(S)): 17.819083
Degree of freedom (residual: n - trace(S)): 17.822423
Deviance: 18.067347
Classic AIC: 46.429181
AICc: 72.028593
BIC/MDL: 67.214660
Percent deviance explained 0.545470

<< Geographically varying (Local) coefficients >>
Estimates of varying coefficients have been saved in the following file.
Listwise output file: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlr0_f2_listwise.csv

Summary statistics for varying (Local) coefficients

Variable Mean STD
-------------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.907101 0.176995
"x1" 0.547269 0.452771
"x2" -2.535448 0.277308
"x3" 0.299257 0.143363
"x4" -0.185126 0.167213
"x5" -0.655703 0.262178
"x6" 0.182318 0.105435
"x7" 0.384976 0.125434
"x8" -0.037735 0.533816
"X9" -0.843688 0.165959
"x10" -0.309913 0.245704
"x11" -1.334016 0.252643
"x12" -2.548712 0.342206

Variable Min Max Range

-------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.680862 2.316949 0.636087
"x1" -0.352820 1.575083 1.927903
"x2" -3.130679 -2.072404 1.058275
"x3" 0.132363 0.728560 0.596197
"x4" -0.682510 0.008555 0.691065
"x5" -1.437992 -0.443204 0.994788
"x6" 0.006122 0.447370 0.441248
"x7" 0.235634 0.744216 0.508582
"x8" -1.554297 0.632380 2.186677
"X9" -1.269189 -0.601285 0.667904
"x10" -0.743187 0.320646 1.063833
"x11" -2.018150 -1.010449 1.007701
"x12" -3.444106 -2.006333 1.437773

Variable Lwr Quartile Median Upr Quartile
-------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.851548 1.941976 2.091912
"x1" 0.210930 0.569980 0.877256
"x2" -2.817971 -2.637990 -2.412413
"x3" 0.202015 0.275911 0.372176
"x4" -0.296234 -0.145250 -0.060238
"x5" -0.781711 -0.575716 -0.477943
"x6" 0.120359 0.168499 0.250212
"x7" 0.299212 0.366432 0.458566
"x8" -0.310172 0.070925 0.363636
"X9" -0.969481 -0.872437 -0.725169
"x10" -0.509027 -0.362431 -0.153929
"x11" -1.512859 -1.335323 -1.164857
"x12" -2.875786 -2.588287 -2.449285

Variable Interquartile R Robust STD

-------------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 0.240364 0.178180
"x1" 0.666327 0.493941
"x2" 0.405558 0.300636
"x3" 0.170162 0.126139
"x4" 0.235996 0.174942
"x5" 0.303768 0.225180
"x6" 0.129852 0.096258
"x7" 0.159354 0.118127
"x8" 0.673808 0.499487
"X9" 0.244312 0.181106
"x10" 0.355098 0.263230
"x11" 0.348002 0.257971
"x12" 0.426502 0.316161
(Note: Robust STD is given by (interquartile range / 1.349) )

GWR Analysis of Deviance Table
Source Deviance DOF Deviance/DOF
------------ ------------------- ---------- ----------------
Global model 23.962 19.000 1.261
GWR model 18.067 17.822 1.014
Difference 5.894 1.178 5.005


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