Lampiran: Geographic Kernel: Fixed Bi-Square
Lampiran: Geographic Kernel: Fixed Bi-Square
Lampiran: Geographic Kernel: Fixed Bi-Square
* Semiparametric Geographically Weighted Regression *
* Release 1.0.80 (GWR 4.0.80) *
* 12 March 2014 *
* (Originally coded by T. Nakaya: 1 Nov 2009) *
* *
* Tomoki Nakaya(1), Martin Charlton(2), Paul Lewis(2), *
* Jing Yao (3), A. Stewart Fotheringham (3), Chris Brunsdon (2) *
* (c) GWR4 development team *
* (1) Ritsumeikan University, (2) National University of Ireland, Maynooth, *
* (3) University of St. Andrews *
Session control file: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlr0_f2.ctl
Data filename: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlt_teg0.CSV
Number of areas/points: 32
Model settings---------------------------------
Model type: Logistic
Geographic kernel: fixed bi-square
Method for optimal bandwidth search: interval search
Criterion for optimal bandwidth: AIC
Number of varying coefficients: 13
Number of fixed coefficients: 0
Modelling options---------------------------------
Standardisation of independent variables: On
Testing geographical variability of local coefficients: OFF
Local to Global Variable selection: OFF
Global to Local Variable selection: OFF
Prediction at non-regression points: OFF
Variable settings---------------------------------
Area key: field2: "Kecamatan"
Easting (x-coord): field5 : "x_coor"
Northing (y-coord): field6: "y_coor"
Cartesian coordinates: Euclidean distance
Dependent variable: field3: "y"
Offset variable is not specified
Intercept: varying (Local) intercept
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field7: "x1"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field8: "x2"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field9: "x3"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field10: "x4"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field11: "x5"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field12: "x6"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field13: "x7"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field14: "x8"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field15: "X9"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field16: "x10"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field17: "x11"
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field18: "x12"
Global regression result
< Diagnostic information >
Number of parameters: 13
Deviance: 23.961616
Classic AIC: 49.961616
AICc: 70.183838
BIC/MDL: 69.016183
Percent deviance explained 0.397185
Variable Estimate Standard Error z(Est/SE) Exp(Est)
-------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.831201 0.866914 2.112322 6.241377
"x1" 0.710285 1.161279 0.611641 2.034571
"x2" -2.770010 2.000599 -1.384590 0.062661
"x3" 0.242789 0.737905 0.329025 1.274799
"x4" -0.038386 0.839650 -0.045716 0.962342
"x5" -0.586162 1.056446 -0.554844 0.556459
"x6" 0.074532 0.802271 0.092901 1.077380
"x7" 0.372063 0.679825 0.547292 1.450725
"x8" 0.139569 1.722229 0.081040 1.149778
"X9" -0.796813 0.842304 -0.945992 0.450763
"x10" -0.361061 1.267214 -0.284925 0.696936
"x11" -1.394346 1.054591 -1.322167 0.247995
"x12" -2.376606 1.139122 -2.086350 0.092865
GWR (Geographically weighted regression) bandwidth selection
GWR (Geographically weighted regression) result
Bandwidth and geographic ranges
Bandwidth size: 1.000000
Coordinate Min Max Range
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
X-coord 124.102908 124.799658 0.696750
Y-coord -10.124487 -9.612753 0.511734
Diagnostic information
Effective number of parameters (model: trace(S)): 14.180917
Effective number of parameters (variance: trace(S'WSW^-1)): 14.184257
(Warning: trace(S) is smaller than trace(S'S). It means the variance of the predictions is
inadequately inflated.)
(Note: n - trace(S) is used for computing the error variance as the degree of freedom.)
Degree of freedom (model: n - trace(S)): 17.819083
Degree of freedom (residual: n - trace(S)): 17.822423
Deviance: 18.067347
Classic AIC: 46.429181
AICc: 72.028593
BIC/MDL: 67.214660
Percent deviance explained 0.545470
<< Geographically varying (Local) coefficients >>
Estimates of varying coefficients have been saved in the following file.
Listwise output file: C:\TESIS_TEGUH\GWLR_teguh\gwlr0_f2_listwise.csv
Variable Lwr Quartile Median Upr Quartile
-------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Intercept 1.851548 1.941976 2.091912
"x1" 0.210930 0.569980 0.877256
"x2" -2.817971 -2.637990 -2.412413
"x3" 0.202015 0.275911 0.372176
"x4" -0.296234 -0.145250 -0.060238
"x5" -0.781711 -0.575716 -0.477943
"x6" 0.120359 0.168499 0.250212
"x7" 0.299212 0.366432 0.458566
"x8" -0.310172 0.070925 0.363636
"X9" -0.969481 -0.872437 -0.725169
"x10" -0.509027 -0.362431 -0.153929
"x11" -1.512859 -1.335323 -1.164857
"x12" -2.875786 -2.588287 -2.449285
GWR Analysis of Deviance Table
Source Deviance DOF Deviance/DOF
------------ ------------------- ---------- ----------------
Global model 23.962 19.000 1.261
GWR model 18.067 17.822 1.014
Difference 5.894 1.178 5.005