Mor Report Outline

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Synthesizing Historical Events If the deductive method of reasoning is used, the

generalization could be: The Filipino armed forces could not

In writing a history, there are certain problems or processes stem the advance of the American armed forces due to the
involved among which are the following: formers inferior arms, lack of adequate military traini

History writing involves identifying and defining the SYNTHESIZING HISTORICAL EVENTS
problem. Then, the problem must be delimited to a
reasonable scope. Perhaps, it is wise for the researcher to In writing a history, there are certain problems or processes
select a problem which his professional competence may involved among which are:
enable him to tackle. There re historical research problems
that are very complex, even incapable of solution, and the 1. Identification and definition of the problem
researcher should be able to determine a kind of problem
The problem must be delimited to a reasonable
which he is capable of solving.
The researcher must select a problem which is
After identifying and defining the problem, the historical within his professional competence to tackle.
researcher should formulate hypothesis or hypotheses to
2. Formulation of hypothesis
be guided in the investigation. Without any hypothesis,
searching for facts would be aimless. The hypothesis should To guide him in his investigation
state exactly what
Without any hypothesis, he would be searching
historical data must be found. It should be noted that in for facts aimlessly.
historical research, the hypothesis need not be expressly
stated. The specific questions raised at the beginning of the The hypotheses should state exactly what
inquiry serve as the hypotheses. For example, if one makes historical data must be found.
a research on and writes a history about the Fil-American
war, one hypothesis may be the following: Why were the The specific questions raised at the beginning of
Filipino forces defeated by the American forces? This the inquiry serve as the hypotheses
question or hypothesis points out exactly what data have to
be found: the data showing why the Filipino forces were 3. Inductive-deductive reasoning
defeated by the American forces. In inductive reasoning, related particulars are
INDUCTIVE DEDUCTIVE REASONING given first, that lead to the formulation of a
In inductive reasoning, related particulars are given first,
that lead to a formulation of a generalization but, in In deductive reasoning, the generalization is
deductive reasoning the generalization is given first before given first before giving the particulars.
giving the particulars. Example: In the hypothesis Why
4. Historical perspective
were the Filipino forces defeated by the American Forces
during the Fil-American war? Generally, one historical There are two ways in evaluating historical
event is not made to happen by the only one cause, there events.
must be several causes. So, in determining why the Filipino
forces were overwhelmed by the American forces, several First one is to evaluate historical event or
points have to be considered. Had the Filipino soldiers practice in terms of contemporaneous events,
inferior arms? Did they lack adequate military training? Did conditions, practices, and traditions existing as
they lack efficient military organization? Did they lack an the time the event occurred and in the same
effective unified command? Was there enmity ( a very deep environment.
unfriendly feeling) between President Aguinaldo and his
military generals? If the answer to all these questions is yes, Second one is to judge the event in terms of
the inductive generalization would be: During the Fil- present day events, conditions, practices and
American war, the Filipino soldiers had inferior arms, lacked traditions in terms of those existing in other
adequate military training, lacked efficient military places which are better known.
organizations, lacked effective unified command, and there
5. Central theme or principle of synthesis
was enmity between President Aguinaldo and his generals
and hence, they were defeated by the Philippine Army at In writing the history of some events, institutions,
that time was only barely one year old and not much could or regions, there must be a central theme around
be expected from such an army in the face of a well- which the history is woven.
organized, well-armed force like the American Army.
This frequently means that
painstakingly gathered data must be
GUIDELINES TO EFFECTIVE WRITING OF HISTORICAL discarded to promote condensation off
RESEARCH the scene, the main actors and events
of the narrative.
There are certain guidelines to an effective writing of
Art of narration
historical research among which are:
o While the purpose of history is not
Mastery of materials primarily to entertain or to please, there
o Effective modern historical writing is no reason why good history should
shows evidence of scholarship, not possess literary excellence. Both the
research, and mastery of materials, science of research and the literary art
presented without ostentation. of narration are essential for effective
Historians have a good mastery of their historical work. The concept of history
materials before writing their historical as an art, however, should not be
report, not necessarily memorizing the pushed to the point of filling in missing
facts but a full knowledge of the events details through sheer play of the
they are writing about. May it be added imagination, merely for the sake of
that the materials must be authentic, completeness and symmetry, as does
genuine and adequate the painter or the poet; therefore,
Working Outline certain gaps or missing links may be a
o Before note-taking has gone far, a characteristic of authentic history.
preliminary outline is necessary to guide Dramatization, rhetoric and style
the selection and arrangement of notes; o A historical composition can be written
then, as accumulated material is simply and clearly, without excessive
digested, the outline can be revised dramatization, exaggerated rhetorical
radically as necessary. Like any other flourishes, or undue appeal to the
writing activity, a historian must have a emotions. In other words, historical
good working outline before starting to writing should possess the
write. A working outline shows the characteristic of a good story.
direction toward which the writing is Dramatization and rhetoric are
heading to. A good working outline frequently overdone when narrating
gives continuity to the writing of the the splendor of kings and the noise of
historical report. battle in political and military history.
o Good history has progression; that is, it
moves forward, although it does not Borg has pointed out some typical errors found in historical
show in mechanical fashion the original research conducted by graduate students in education:
condition, the action, and the results. (Cited by Manuel and Medel, p.31)
This movement of progression should
employ a thesis or principle of synthesis A research area is selected in which
as a theory of causation to explain the sufficient evidence is not available to
cause-effect relationships. In writing conduct a worthwhile study or test the
history, there must be logical hypothesis adequately.
sequences of events. The causes and Excessive use of secondary sources of
their effects; the effects and their information is frequently found in
causes must be given due emphasis. studies not dealing with recent events.
The whys of events must be stressed. Attempts to work on a broad and poorly
Emphasis on Major Elements defined problem.
o The major elements in any place of Historical data are poorly and
effective writing, historical or inadequate evaluated.
otherwise, stand out in bold relief like Personal biased tends to influence the
the large cities, rivers, bodies of water, research procedures.
and mountain ranges on a map. A good The facts are not synthesized or
working outline, a guiding thesis, and integrated into meaningful
more detailed generalizations for the generalization.
major sections of the work are essential
to the accomplishment of this purpose
and the subordination of the details. CHARACTERISTICS OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH
Historical research has five characteristics according to People become more open to change if they are
Helmstadter. (Cited by well informed about the past, especially about
tragic events.
Treece and Treece, Jr., pp. 167-168) People are motivated to respect the contributors
of the people of the past to the present state of
Observations in historical research cannot be
things, especially those of heroes.
repeated in the same manner as in laboratory
experiments and descriptive surveys. It is not a WHEN TO USE HISTORICAL RESEARCH
mere accumulation of facts and data or even a
portrayal of past events. Historical research may be utilized when it is desired to
The researcher must find satisfaction in spending write a history of any of the following:
vast amounts of time in the library and in pursuing
minute details in relation to the topic under Any geographical area or place, say, a historical
study. Involves the process of collecting and site, barangay, town, province, region, country, or
reading the research material collected and the world for that matter.
writing the manuscript from the data collected Any institution, say, a school, a club or
A historical project is usually conducted by one association, courtship and marriage or any other
person. No two investigators would reach the custom, the army, Christmas, government,
same conclusions in a given instance communism, Christianity, etc.
Any important historical event, say, the Battle of
A hypothesis is not always necessary in historical Bataan, the Leyte Landing, the Liberation of
research; inferences are made more often from manila, all of which occurred during the
the bits of information gathered to produce the occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese
general description of the event or the situation. during the World War II, etc.
It deals with discovery of data that already exists
and does not involve creation of data using
structured tools.
The writing style of the written report tends to be
more flexible because the researcher wishes to
present the facts and information in an
interesting manner.
In addition, data are often ideas, concepts, and
opinions and hence, conclusions, generalizations,
and inferences become subjective.
. It is analytical in that it uses logical induction.

No two investigators would reach the same

conclusions in a given instance


Historical research is important due to the following:

A study of the past makes people understand the

present better, especially the factors affecting the
present. For instance, the Philippines is a Catholic
nation because for more than three centuries she
was occupied by Spain, a zealous Catholic
propagator, and she will remain Catholic for a
long, long time to come. History has a three-fold
purpose: giving us a knowledge of the past, a
better understanding of the present, and a means
of predicting the future. (Lacuesta, etal, p. vii)
Historical information serves as a preliminary to
reform. Mistakes of the past may be avoided if we
have a knowledge of them.

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