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GA-0090.0-GB-08.04 - Copyright Actaris 2004. Photos: M Khalfi, Actaris Image Bank. All rights reserved.

Actaris reserves the right to change these specifications without prior notice. Layout & production: www. e l t o n .fr

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Gas Regulation Overview

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Regulator Product Line

Actaris Gas is a major business line of the Actaris Group, an established global
leader in metering products and systems for distributing gas, electricity,
water and heat.

Actaris has over 100 years of proven experience in the manufacture and use
of Gas Pressure Regulators and associated safety devices. Our Total Quality
policy ensures that todays technically advanced product ranges comply
with the highest national and international standards, to meet the exact needs
of different gas distribution systems in North America and Europe.

Our Gas Pressure Regulators are designed for accurate, dependable and safe
use with most non-corrosive gases including air, nitrogen, dry carbon dioxide,
and propane, in natural gas distribution systems and industrial applications
such as burners and boilers.

An extensive range of regulators is manufactured to US standards in Owenton,

Kentucky. This line is designed with a building block approach, utilising common
components and parts throughout the product range. The result is an extremely
versatile and innovative product range that offers an economical solution
to the most challenging regulator applications.

The European product line, manufactured in Karlsruhe, Germany covers most

applications in natural gas distribution, from high pressure regulators used
in city gate stations to residential regulators. These regulators and safety devices
offer a wide range of combinations, including integral safety shut-off valves
and built-in creep relief valves.

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A Unique Safety Feature: the Internal Monitor Index

A unique safety feature available exclusively prevents the venting of large amounts of
in Actaris regulators is the Internal Monitor gas into the atmosphere and does not < Low Pressure Regulators ................................ 4
(IM). A secondary orifice and valve seat require manual resetting. For added safety
enable an IM regulator to control the flow and overpressure protection, the IM is a
of gas and to lockup in the event of a cost-effective alternative to installing < Spring Loaded Service
failure at the main seat and orifice. The IM monitor regulators or external relief valves. Regulators ................................................................................... 5
Normal Operation
< Constant Loaded Regulators ................... 7

< Twin Parallel Flow Regulators ............... 9

< Field Service Regulators ................................ 10

< Regulators with built-in

Monitor Orifice Main Orifice
and Valve Seat and Valve Seat Slam-shut Valves ......................................................... 11

The internal monitor (IM) operates like a standard upstream monitor set, in that the < Pilot Operated Regulators ......................... 12
monitor orifice is wide open under normal conditions. Normal regulation and lockup
occur at the main valve seat and orifice. (The closing spring causes CL models to lock
< Spring Loaded Regulators
up at both seats under normal conditions.)
for the German Market ................................... 14

Internal Monitor Operation

< Creep Relief Valves.................................................. 15


If the regulator fails to control the flow of gas due to foreign matter or damage at For more information
the main seat and orifice, the secondary orifice automatically takes control at a on our products
slightly elevated outlet pressure. The point of regulation moves to the upstream
monitor seat and orifice. & to download our brochures,
please visit

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Low Pressure Regulators

Actaris low pressure regulators are designed for residential customers These regulators meet all security requirements for use inside
or small collective distributors wherever the network pressure is residential buildings. When necessary, they are equipped with a security
slightly higher than the typical 19 to 22 mbar, including urban centre device to protect against excess flow usually with automatic reset.
networks and old renovated networks. They function perfectly with This interrupts the gas flow if there is abnormally high demand, in the
very little pressure loss and are designed to be mounted directly onto case of rupture of a conduit downstream to the regulator, for example,
users meters or at the foot of their residential buildings. or an abnormal drop in inlet pressure in the distribution network.

< WMR Designed for residential applications from low pressure service lines. WMR can be mounted directly to
meter inlet pipe. Its compact angle design makes it specially adequate for installation in space saving
meter boxes, indoors or outdoors, or in meter bars.
Outlet Pressure: up to 35 mbar up to 13 WC
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 500 mbar 7 psig
Connection Sizes: meter couplings 3/4 and 1
Options: Gas loss protection, meter bar mounting

< SERus Light, compact and fire-resistant regulator for mounting on 2-pipe meters (RF1 G4, RF1 G6, G10, G16)
or mono-pipe meters (RF1 G4, RF1 G6).
Outlet Pressure: up to 33 mbar up to 14 WC
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 200 mbar 1.5 psig
Connection Sizes: meter couplings 3/4, 1, 1-1/4 and 1-1/2, mono-pipe meter coupling 1
Options: Gas loss protection

< HR 91 Series Range of fire-resistant regulators fitted with safety diaphragm, for multiple residential users.
Outlet Pressure: up to 50 mbar up to 20 WC
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 100 mbar 1.5 psig
Connection Sizes: screwed 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2 and 2, mono-pipe meter coupling 1
Options: Gas loss protection

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Spring Loaded Service Regulators

Actaris Spring Loaded Service Regulators are used primarily for final stage high flows caused by spring and diaphragm effect.
lower outlet pressure applications (20 mbar to 150 or 350 mbar - Inches W.C. < Controlled Breather Opening
to 2 or 5 psig). Typical applications include residential and low outlet pressure All regulators are equipped with a soft seat vent valve to ensure proper
commercial and industrial gas supply, and all types of gas-fired equipment breathing and stability under all conditions.
including furnaces, boilers, dryers, ovens, heaters etc. Spring loaded regulators < High Capacity Internal Relief
provide extremely fast response to changing downstream flow conditions. All spring loaded regulators are equipped with internal relief as standard,
Unique features of Actaris spring loaded service regulators include: relief flow paths are as large as practical to provide the least resistance to
< Controlled Boost venting gas in the event of an over pressure situation, thus minimizing
All regulators are equipped with boosting devices (B42: raised lip on pressure build-up.
valve seat, all others: adjustable loading ring) to offset pressure droop at

< B42 Series Light, compact service regulator that provides the power, capacity and relief performance of much larger
Outlet Pressure: LP to 340 mbar WC to 5 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1/2, 3/4, 1 and 1-1/4
Options: Relief valve

< B31 Series High-performance service regulator with a large effective diaphragm area and powerful lever ratio.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 140 mbar WC to 2 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4, 1 and 1-1/4
Options: Relief valve, Internal Monitor

< B34S Series Compact and cost-effective regulator designed for mid-range commercial applications,
well suited for quick on/off applications where shock problems occur.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 140 mbar WC to 2 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/2, 2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief valve

< B34 Series Versatile, large diaphragm controlled service regulator. Rugged construction enables the basic B34 model
to cover applications through 350 mbar by merely changing adjustment springs.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 340 mbar WC to 5 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/4, 1-1/2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief valve, Internal Monitor

< B38 Series Service regulator with large orifices for high capacity or low inlet pressure, with massive relief capacity.
The need for external relief valves for full capacity relief is eliminated in most applications.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 340 mbar WC to 5 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/2, 2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief valve, Internal Monitor

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Spring Loaded Regulators: Principle of Operation

Inlet pressure is reduced to a lower outlet pressure by restricting flow < As downstream demand decreases, outlet pressure increases
through an orifice to match a fluctuating downstream demand. slightly, moving the diaphragm upward. The valve seat moves closer to
the orifice face to restrict flow to match the decreased demand.
< As downstream demand increases, outlet pressure drops slightly,
and the diaphragm moves downward. The valve seat moves farther < When demand is shut off, outlet pressure continues to rise, moving
away from the orifice face to allow flow to increase to match the the diaphragm up farther. The valve seat is driven into the orifice face,
increased demand. shutting off the flow of gas bubble-tight (lockup).




Valve Seat


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Constant Loaded Regulators

These regulators use constant pressure supplied by a pilot regulator as the < Accurate Regulation
loading element for the main regulator. This design eliminates the outlet Constant loading pressure is supplied to the main regulator by a pilot
pressure droop at high flows associated with the spring effect in spring loaded regulator enabling straight-line regulation to be maintained over a
regulators. CL regulators can thus maintain extremely accurate regulation at wide range of flows and outlet pressures.
higher flows and higher outlet pressures than spring loaded regulators. Typical < Internal Bleed
applications include elevated pressure gas system to commercial and Loading pressure bleeds downstream through the main diaphragm. No
industrial installations, fixed factor metering installations (eliminating the need bleed occurs at lockup.
for expensive instrumentation), and all types of applications requiring accurate < Low Pressure Differential
psi-to-psi regulation at widely varying flow rates. CL regulators can operate with as little as 30 mbar differential between
Features of Actaris constant loaded regulators include: inlet and outlet pressure.

< CL31 Series Provides extremely accurate regulation of intermediate volumes of gas at elevated pressure.
Only 1 pilot to cover the entire range of outlet pressure.
Outlet Pressure: 70 mbar to 1.4 bar 1 to 20 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4, 1 and 1-1/4
Options: Relief-type pilot, Internal Monitor

< CL231 Series Compact and cost-effective regulator for accurate regulation at elevated pressures.
Only 1 pilot to cover the entire range of outlet pressure.
Outlet Pressure: 70 mbar to 1.4 bar 1 to 20 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief-type pilot

< CL34 Series Provides extremely accurate regulation of gas over a wide range of flows and outlet pressures.
Typical applications include fixed factor billing on commercial and industrial installations.
Outlet Pressure: 70 mbar to 4 bar 1 to 60 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 10 bar 150 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief-type pilot, Internal Monitor

< CL38 Series Designed for high accuracy in high capacity applications. Typical applications include fixed factor billing
on large commercial and industrial installations, and low pressure district regulator stations.
Outlet Pressure: 70 mbar to 2 bar 1 to 30 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 10 bar 150 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/2, 2, Flanged 2 and 3
Options: Relief-type pilot, Internal Monitor

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Constant Loaded Regulators: Principle of Operation

Inlet pressure is piped through external tubing to the piliot regulator. downstream demand and recover desired outlet pressure.
The pilot regulator is adjusted to reduce the inlet pressure to the
desired outlet pressure plus enough pressure to overcome the light < When flow decreases, outlet pressure increases slightly, causing a
closing spring (loading pressure). Constant loading pressure is piped to decrease in pressure differential across the diaphragm. The closing
the top of the main regulator diaphragm. spring causes the diaphragm to move upward. The main valve is
repositioned to restrict flow to match the decreased downstream
< When demand is approximately some hundred dm3/h or less, gas is demand and recover desired outlet pressure.
supplied through a bleed hole in the main diaphragm.
< When demand is shut off, outlet pressure continues to rise. The
< When demand increases above what can be supplied through the increased pressure is transmitted through the bleed hole to the pilot
bleed hole, outlet pressure decreases slightly, causing an increase in regulator. The pilot regulator locks up bubble-tight. The closing spring
pressure differential across the diaphragm. The diaphragm moves maintains bubble-tight lockup at the main valve.
downward, and the main valve is repositioned to match the increased


Regulator Light






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Twin Parallel Flow Regulators

These regulators incorporate two diaphragm actuators and a single The Internal Monitor versions of the twin regulators provide the highest
valve body into a self-contained regulator. Parallel regulation through level of safety available in a single regulating device. Twin sliding
dual orifices allows increased capacities. Twin relief valves (spring orifices provide normal dual regulation, with secondary monitor
loaded models) provide double relief capacity. The use of two smaller regulation and lockup in the event of multiple internal seat failures
orifices in place of one large orifice improves lockup, inlet effect and/or a single diaphragm or lever failure.
performance, and relief performance.

< B531 Series Designed for light to medium commercial applications where the added safety of twin sliding orifices
and dual relief is desirable. Small diaphragm cases allow the B531 to respond quickly to fast on/off loads.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 340 mbar WC to 2 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Inlet: 3/4, 1 and 1-1/4 Outlet: 3/4, 1-1/4, 1-1/2 and 2
Options: Relief valve, Internal Monitor

< B838 Series Provides increased capacity inherent in parallel flow regulators to handle large loads even at elevated
pressure. It addresses fixed factor needs while retaining all of the favourable characteristics of spring
loaded regulators, such as quick response, low lockup and internal relief.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 340 mbar WC to 5 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 2 x 2, Flanged 2 x 2, 2 x 3 and 2 x 4
Options: Relief valve, Internal Monitor

< CL838 Series Provides extremely accurate regulation of gas in high capacity, elevated outlet pressure applications.
Typical applications include district stations and high capacity fixed factor installations.
Outlet Pressure: 70 mbar to 2 bar 1 to 30 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 10 bar 150 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 2 x 2, Flanged 2 x 3 and 2 x 4
Options: Relief-type pilot, Internal Monitor

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Field Service Regulators

These regulators are designed to provide dependable first and second stage applications include first stage regulation, farm & suburban taps, compressed
regulation for intermediate and high pressure applications. Typical air systems and medium to high pressure industrial applications.

< B35 Series High pressure, first-cut regulator, ideal for use in multistage pressure reduction installations and monitor
Outlet Pressure: 340 mbar to 10 bar 10 to 150 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 69 bar 1.000 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4 and 1
Options: Relief valve

< VR 75 Series Features integral resistance and versatile connection styles for pipeline tap applications.
Outlet Pressure: 0.5 to 16 bar 7 to 250 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 100 bar 1.500 psig
Flanged version up to 40 bar 600 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1, Flanged 1

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Regulators with built-in Slam-shut Valves

Actaris safety valves are designed to shut off under specific conditions < High capacity The size of the clapet ensures a very high flow even
such as excess pressure (OPSO), or, (optional) if there is a fall in with low upstream pressure.
downstream pressure (UPSO), due to downstream pipe rupture, for < Easy to use shut-off valve The safety valve is easily regulated on
example. This increases the safety of the installation. The shut-off valve site, independently of the setting of the regulator. An integrated bypass
is completely independent of the regulator but both are integrated into ensures that it is reset correctly.
the same body, making a self-contained, autonomous and extremely < Internal Creep relief Most regulators can be fitted with a built-in
compact unit. creep relief valve that maintains downstream pressure under the relief
Features of Actaris regulators with built-in shut-off valves include: set value by venting excess gas into the atmosphere. This ensures the
< Balanced valve The balanced valve design allows the regulator to safety shut-off valve is not triggered in the event of thermal expansion
maintain a constant outlet pressure under any inlet pressure conditions or during transient regimes of regulators.
and accommodates inlet pressures significantly higher than < Simple maintenance The functional regulation parts and safety
conventionally designed regulators. A single orifice size eliminates the valves are accessible and can be dismounted easily and independently,
need to select the orifice size according to operating conditions. making maintenance and repair particularly cost-effective.

< RB 1200 Designed for residential and light commercial applications. Its valve design makes it specially adequate for
medium pressure service lines where it accommodates large inlet pressure variations while keeping very
constant outlet. The RB 1200 offers angle or in-line connection styles providing flexibility for meter
mounting or integration in compact meter boxes.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 140 mbar up to 2 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 10 bar 150 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, creep relief valve

< RB 2000 and 3200 Series High-performance regulators with powerful lever ratio. The balanced-valve design provides constant outlet
pressure under all inlet pressure conditions.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 180 mbar WC to 2,6 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 10 bar 150 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1 and 1-1/2
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, creep relief valve
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV 8200 and 8300 Series

< RB 1700, 1700 H and 4000 Series Compact regulator for high inlet pressure, such as first stage LPG pressure reduction. Extremely versatile
series of direct-acting regulators with high flow rate turn-down and fast response, appropriate for
commercial and industrial service, district stations and as well for burners and large appliance regulation.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 5 bar WC to 70 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 16 to 25 bar 250 to 360 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4, 1 and 1-1/2, Flanged DN 25, 40, 50, 50x80, 80 and 100
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV 8500 and 8600 Series

< RR 16 Series Cartridge-type regulator with multiple orifice size(s) to match demanding flow requirements. The safety
slam-shut valve 033 offers a very compact overpressure protection for inlet pressure up to 5 bar,
while SL-IZ is adequate for higher inlet.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 1.1 bar WC to 16 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 16 bar 250 psig
Connection Size(s): Flanged DN 25, 50 and 80
Options: Noise abatement, OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV SL-IZ Series

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Pilot Operated Regulators

Pilot operated regulators are equipped with a separate control system district stations.
or pilot that provides the necessary energy for large size They are also used in large metering stations which supply large
regulators or for those working in high pressure. These regulators are industrial customers. With either integrated or separate safety valves,
commonly used in all types of network stations, from city gate to they allow for different arrangements of control and safety devices.

< RB 4700 Series Pilot-operated regulators providing extremely accurate regulation over a wide range of flows and outlet
pressures. The self-contained pilot system and the building block design eases the maintenance to
an unprecedented extent. Typical applications include large industrial services, district stations and
city gate stations.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 13 bar WC to 190 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 25 bar 360 psig
Connection Size(s): Flanged DN 25, 40, 50, 80 and 100
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, noise abatement
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV 8500 and 8600 Series

< RB 4600 Series A unique series of regulators featuring an active and a monitor RB 4700 pilot-operated regulator built
together with a safety slam-shut valve on the same body. The result is a space-saving combination for
very demanding gas pressure reducing installations.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 13 bar WC to 190 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 25 bar 360 psig
Connection Size(s): Flanged DN 25, 40, 50, 80 and 100
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, noise abatement
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV 8500 and 8600 Series

< 12P Series Designed for the high inlet pressure inter-regional piping systems for which its full safety concept
and separated function blocks are particularly well-suited.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 38 bar WC to 550 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 40 bar 600 psig
Connection Size(s): Flanged DN 25, 50, 80 and 100
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, noise abatement.
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV SL-IZ Series, also available up to DN 200 and 100 bar pressure rating

< Alphard P/AP Pilot-operated regulators offering the most complete combination of features and safety options for high
pressure city gate stations, such as fail-open or fail-close modes, integral monitor regulator, high
efficiency built-in silencer, and integral shut-off valve.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 60 bar WC to 870 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 100 bar 1.500 psig
Connection Size(s): Flanged DN 25 to 300
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, noise abatement, monitor
Stand-alone slam-shut valve: SSV CA Series

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Pilot Operated Regulators: Principle of Operation

Inlet pressure is piped through external tubing to the pilot system. First motorization pressure increases and moves the regulator valve thus
the inlet pressure is filtered through a fine filter and pressure is allowing flow to increase to match the increased demand.
reduced to the outlet pressure plus enough pressure to overcome the
regulator closing spring (feeding pressure). < As downstream demand decreases, outlet pressure increases,
moving the pilot diaphragm to reduce the pilot valve flow.
This feeding pressure is then modulated by the pilot valve: the outlet The motorization pressure decreases and regulator closing spring
pressure sensed by the pilot sensing line - moves the pilot causes the main valve to move closer to the seat. This restricts
diaphragm which controls the pilot valve flow. Modulated pressure flow to match the decreased demand and recovers desired
(motorization pressure) is piped to the regulator actuator where it outlet pressure.
opposes the closing spring and the outlet pressure, and bleeds
downstream though a bleed hole. < When demand is shut off, the pilot valve locks up bubble-tight.
The regulator closing spring maintains bubble-tight lockup
< As downstream demand increases, outlet pressure drops slightly, at the main valve.
and the pilot diaphragm moves to open further the pilot valve. The




Feeder valve




Closing regulator

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Spring Loaded Regulators for the German Market

This range of regulators, from residential to light commercial applications, < Fire resistance
meets the most stringent requirements of the German codes of They have the ability to withstand high temperatures while only a very
practices. All are approved by DIN-DVGW and meet DIN 33882/VP200 limited quantity of gas is released into the atmosphere. For regulators
(PN 1 and PN 4 regulators) or the earlier DIN 3380 or 3381. fitted with shut-off valve, a thermal fuse triggers the valve at a preset
Unique safety features include:
< Gas loss protection PN1 regulators are fitted with a safety diaphragm, while a safety relief
The gas supply is shut down if valve travel exceeds a set value (non valve is optional for inlet pressures above 1 bar. The safety shut-off
adjustable) in the event of high flow and/or low inlet pressure. Reset valve, a feature of PN 1 and PN 4 regulators, includes a thermal fuse
can be automatic or manual. to meet G495 requirements.
< High flow cut-off
The gas supply is shut down if flow exceeds a set value (non adjustable) In addition, these regulators can be certified in our laboratory for
to protect downstream system against unauthorized intervention. energy billing systems to comply with Richtlinie G8.

< SER 10 Series Designed for residential and light commercial applications. Its unique two-stage design provides
exceptional safety and accuracy in medium pressure service lines. The SER 10 gives utilities all the feature
required by the German DVGW code of practices. It offers also a large choice of connections to replac
larger residential regulators.
Outlet Pressure: up to 25 mbar up to 10 WC
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 6 bar 90 psig
Connection Size(s): Screwed 1-1/2, Flanged DN 25
Options: Creep relief valve, gas loss protection, safety shut-off valve with thermal fuse

< 133 Series High-performance regulators with multiple combinations of connection styles and safety arrangements,
for residential and small commercial applications.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 420 mbar WC to 6 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4, 1, Screwed 1-1/2, Flanged 1
Monopipe meter coupling 1
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, creep relief valve,
safety diaphragm, gas loss protection

< 233 Series Versatile, large diaphragm-controlled regulators for large commercial applications.
Outlet Pressure: LP to 700 mbar WC to 10 psig
Max. Inlet Operating Pressure: 8.6 bar 125 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1-1/2, Flanged DN 40 and 50
Options: OPSO or OPSO/UPSO protection, creep relief valve,
safety diaphragm, fire resistance

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Creep Relief Valves

Actaris creep relief valves maintain downstream pressure under set value is acceptable, in industrial, district stations or city gate stations,
by venting excess of gas to the atmosphere, avoiding triggering safety
devices by thermal expansion or during transient regimes of regulators. The SRV 275 relief valves are spring-loaded throttling relief valves.
Colour coded springs in combination with a reinforced diaphragm provide
The SRV 285 relief valves are used downstream of pressure regulators good performance over their range of relief pressure.
to relieve limited volumes of gas where some pressure relieving tolerance

< SRV 155 SRV 155 relief valves

Setting Range: 0.2 to 9.5 bar 3 to 140 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4 and 1

< SRV 275 SRV 275 relief valves

Setting Range: LP to 0.5 bar WC to 70 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4 and 1

< SRV 285 SRV 285 relief valves

Setting Range: 2.5 to 16 bar 36 to 230 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 3/4

< SRV 803 SRV 803 relief valves

Setting Range: 0.15 to 5 bar 1 to 70 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1

< SRV 801 and 811 SRV 801 and 811 relief valves
Setting Range: LP to 700 mbar WC to 10 psig
Connection Size(s): Threaded 1

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GA-0090.0-GB-08.04 - Copyright Actaris 2004. Photos: M Khalfi, Actaris Image Bank. All rights reserved. Actaris reserves the right to change these specifications without prior notice. Layout & production: www. e l t o n .fr
Owenton, USA Karlsruhe, Germany

Actaris Gaszhlerbau GmbH

Hardeckstrasse 2 Tel: +49 721 5981 0
D-76185 Karlsruhe - Germany Fax: +49 721 5981 189

Actaris Metering Systems Tel: +1 502 484 5747

970 Highway 127 North Fax: + 1 502 484 6223
Owenton, KY 40359-9302 - USA

For more information, please visit:

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