Linear Variable Differential Transformer

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Linear variable dierential transformer

1 Introduction
LVDTs are robust, absolute linear position/displacement
transducers; inherently frictionless, they have a virtually
innite cycle life when properly used. As AC operated
LVDTs do not contain any electronics, they can be de-
signed to operate at cryogenic temperatures or up to 1200
F (650 C), in harsh environments, under high vibra-
tion and shock levels. LVDTs have been widely used in
applications such as power turbines, hydraulics, automa-
tion, aircraft, satellites, nuclear reactors, and many oth-
ers. These transducers have low hysteresis and excellent
The LVDT converts a position or linear displacement
from a mechanical reference (zero, or null position) into
a proportional electrical signal containing phase (for di-
rection) and amplitude (for distance) information. The
LVDT operation does not require an electrical contact
Cutaway view of an LVDT. Current is driven through the primary between the moving part (probe or core assembly) and
coil at A, causing an induction current to be generated through
the coil assembly, but instead relies on electromagnetic
the secondary coils at B.

A 2 Operation
The linear variable dierential transformer has three
solenoidal coils placed end-to-end around a tube. The
center coil is the primary, and the two outer coils are the
top and bottom secondaries. A cylindrical ferromagnetic
core, attached to the object whose position is to be mea-
sured, slides along the axis of the tube. An alternating
current drives the primary and causes a voltage to be in-
duced in each secondary proportional to the length of the
core linking to the secondary.[1] The frequency is usually
in the range 1 to 10 kHz.
B As the core moves, the primarys linkage to the two sec-
ondary coils changes and causes the induced voltages to
change. The coils are connected so that the output volt-
Principle of rotary variable dierential transformer age is the dierence (hence dierential) between the
top secondary voltage and the bottom secondary voltage.
The linear variable dierential transformer (LVDT) When the core is in its central position, equidistant be-
(also called just a dierential transformer,[1] linear tween the two secondaries, equal voltages are induced in
variable displacement transformer,[2] or linear vari- the two secondary coils, but the two signals cancel, so
able displacement transducer [3] ) is a type of electri- the output voltage is theoretically zero. In practice minor
cal transformer used for measuring linear displacement variations in the way in which the primary is coupled to
(position). A counterpart to this device that is used for each secondary means that a small voltage is output when
measuring rotary displacement is called a rotary variable the core is central.
dierential transformer (RVDT). When the core is displaced toward the top, the voltage


in the top secondary coil increases as the voltage in the How LVDTs Work
bottom decreases. The resulting output voltage increases
from zero. This voltage is in phase with the primary volt- Phasing Explanation
age. When the core moves in the other direction, the LVDT models and applications
output voltage also increases from zero, but its phase is
opposite to that of the primary. The phase of the output Analog Devices AD598 datasheet
voltage determines the direction of the displacement (up
or down) and amplitude indicates the amount of displace-
ment. A synchronous detector can determine a signed Selection,_Handling_and_Installation_Guidelines.
output voltage that relates to the displacement. pdf LVDT selection, handling and installation
guidelines; describes parameters that are signicant
The LVDT is designed with long slender coils to make the in the application of LVDTs
output voltage essentially linear over displacement up to
several inches (several hundred millimetres) long.
of_the_LVDT.pdf The LVDT: construction and
The LVDT can be used as an absolute position sensor.
principle of operation
Even if the power is switched o, on restarting it, the
LVDT shows the same measurement, and no positional
information is lost. Its biggest advantages are repeata- Technology.pdf March 2013; pictures of inter-
bility and reproducibility once it is properly congured. nal construction; cross-axis rejection, shielding,
Also, apart from the uni-axial linear motion of the core, corrosion issues
any other movements such as the rotation of the core
around the axis will not aect its measurements.
Because the sliding core does not touch the inside of the
tube, it can move without friction, making the LVDT a
highly reliable device. The absence of any sliding or ro-
tating contacts allows the LVDT to be completely sealed
against the environment.
LVDTs are commonly used for position feedback in
servomechanisms, and for automated measurement in
machine tools and many other industrial and scientic ap-

3 See also
Dot convention
Linear encoder
Rotary encoder

4 References
[1] Baumeister & Marks 1967, pp. 168

Baumeister, Theodore; Marks, Lionel S., eds.

(1967), Standard Handbook for Mechanical En-
gineers (Seventh ed.), McGraw-Hill, LCCN 16-

5 External links
How LVDTs Work (interactive)

6 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

6.1 Text
Linear variable dierential transformer Source:
669523972 Contributors: Heron, Wapcaplet, Nabla, Hooperbloob, Wtshymanski, ReyBrujo, Tommycw1, Jshadias, Chobot, Bgwhite,
YurikBot, Grabert, Eskimbot, Nick Levine, Neo139, Barney Stratford, SashatoBot, Soap, Thijs!bot, Pjvpjv, AntiVandalBot, Magioladitis,
Email4mobile, Panchhee, Glrx, Rustyguts, VolkovBot, Bfpage, SieBot, ClueBot, JuanMac, Muro Bot, SoxBot III, DumZiBoT, MystBot,
Addbot, Mugs021, Luckas-bot, Capricorn42, We love wiki, SpaceFlight89, Zvn, Filip Albert, Dgnospam247, ClueBot NG, Satellizer,
PoqVaUSA, Habib drsr, Akshat.gupta.06, Miessen, Pigeot-Al-787, Anky24, Nkolb1, Crystallizedcarbon and Anonymous: 61

6.2 Images
File:LVDT.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:RVDT.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Origi-
nal artist: Menner

6.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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