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March 1996

ICS 23.040.10

Descriptors: Metal tubes, steel tubes, welded tubes, seamless tubes, non-destructive tubes, ultrasonic tests, inspection, leak-tightness

English version

Non-destructive testing of steel tubes Part 7: Automatic

full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded
(except submerged arc welded) steel tubes for the detection
of longitudinal imperfections

Essais non destructifs des tubes en acier Zerstrungsfreie Prfung von Stahlrohren
Partie 7: Contrle automatique par ultrasons Teil 7: Automatische Ultraschallprfung
sur toute la circonfrence pour la dtection des nahtloser und geschweiter (ausgenommen
imperfections longitudinales des tubes en acier unterpulvergeschweiter) Stahlrohre ber den
sans soudure et souds (sauf larc immerg gesamten Rohrumfang zum Nachweis von
sous flux en poudre) Lngsfehlern
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1995-12-28. CEN members
are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comit Europen de Normalisation
Europisches Komitee fr Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

1996 Copyright reserved to CEN members

Ref. No. EN 10246-7:1996 E
EN 10246-7:1996

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee ECISS/TC 29, Steel tubes and Foreword 2
fittings for steel tubes, the secretariat of which is
1 Scope 3
held by UNI.
2 General requirements 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of
a national standard, either by publication of an 3 Method of test 3
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by 4 Reference standards 3
September 1996, and conflicting standards shall be 5 Dimensions of reference notches 4
withdrawn at the latest by September 1996.
6 Equipment calibration and checking 5
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
7 Acceptance 5
Regulations, the following countries are bound to
implement this European Standard: Austria, 8 Test reporting 6
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Annex A (informative) Table of Parts of
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, EN 10246 Non-destructive testing
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, of steel tubes 7
Switzerland and United Kingdom. Annex B (normative) Testing of tubes
having an outside diameter-to-thickness
ratio less than five 8
Annex C (normative) Manual ultrasonic
testing of untested ends/suspect areas 8
Figure 1 Reference notch forms 4
Figure B.1 Mode transformed compression
wave adaptation of shear wave testing 8
Table 1 Acceptance level designation and
corresponding reference notch depth 4
Table 2 Minimum notch depth categories 4
Table B.1 Ratios 8

2 BSI 02-1999
EN 10246-7:1996

1 Scope 3.4 The ultrasonic test frequency to be applied shall

be in the range of 1 MHz to 15 MHz dependent upon
This Part of EN 10246 specifies the requirements
the thickness and surface finish of the tube to be
for automatic full peripheral ultrasonic shear wave
testing of seamless and welded steel tubes, with the
exception of submerged arc-weld (SAW) tubes, for 3.5 The maximum width of each individual
the detection of longitudinal imperfections transducer, measured parallel to the major axis of
according to six different acceptance levels the tube, shall be 25 mm.
(see Table 1 and associated notes). For U1 and U2 category tubes with an outside
This Part of EN 10246 is applicable to the inspection diameter equal to or less than 50 mm, the width of
of tubes with an outside diameter greater any one transducer is normally restricted to a
than 10 mm, and with an outside maximum of 12,5 mm (see also 5.3).
diameter-to-thickness ratio equal to or greater than 3.6 The equipment shall be capable of classifying
five. tubes as either acceptable or suspect by means of an
For tubes with an outside diameter-to-thickness automatic trigger/alarm combined with a marking
ratio less than five, one of the options specified in and/or sorting system.
Annex B shall be used by agreement between 3.7 Where manual ultrasonic testing of untested
purchaser and manufacturer. tube ends and/or local suspect areas is required, this
European Standard EN 10246 Non-destructive shall be carried out in accordance with Annex C.
testing of steel tubes comprises the Parts shown in
Annex A. 4 Reference standards
4.1 The reference standards defined in this Part of
2 General requirements EN 10246 are convenient standards for the
2.1 The ultrasonic inspection covered by this Part of calibration of non-destructive testing equipment.
EN 10246 is usually carried out on tubes after The dimensions of these standards should not be
completion of all the primary production process construed as the minimum size of imperfection
operations. detectable by such equipment.
This inspection shall be carried out by suitably 4.2 The ultrasonic equipment shall be calibrated
trained, qualified and competent NDT personnel using a longitudinal reference notch on the outside
approved by the manufacturer. and inside surfaces, or the outside surface only of a
tubular test piece. The internal notch shall not be
2.2 The tubes to be tested shall be sufficiently
used when the tube internal diameter is less
straight to ensure the validity of the test. The
than 20 mm, unless otherwise agreed between
surfaces shall be sufficiently free from foreign
purchaser and manufacturer.
matter which would interfere with the validity of
the test. 4.3 The test piece shall have the same specified
diameter, thickness, surface finish and heat treated
3 Method of test condition as the tube to be tested, and shall have
similar acoustic properties (for example velocity,
3.1 The tubes shall be tested using an ultrasonic attenuation coefficient, etc).
shear wave technique for the detection of
4.4 The external and internal notches shall be
predominantly longitudinal imperfections.
sufficiently separated from the extremities of the
3.2 During testing, the tubes and the transducer test piece and from each other (when both are used),
assembly shall be moved relative to each other so so that clearly distinguishable signal indications are
that the whole of the tube surface is scanned. The obtained.
chosen relative speed of movement during testing
4.5 The reference notch or notches shall lie parallel
shall not vary by more than 10 %.
to the major axis of the test piece.
NOTE It is recognized that there may be a short length at both
tube ends which cannot be tested. Any untested ends shall be The reference notch or notches shall be of the N
dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the type except that the V type notch may be used at
appropriate product standards (see also Annex C). the discretion of the manufacturer when the
3.3 During testing, the tubes shall be scanned in two specified notch depth is less than or equal to 0,5 mm
opposing circumferential directions of beam travel, (see Figure 1). In the case of the N type notch, the
unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and sides shall be nominally parallel and the bottom
manufacturer. shall be nominally square to the sides.

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Figure 1 Reference notch forms

4.6 The reference notch shall be formed by 5.2.2 Minimum notch depth
machining, spark erosion or other methods. The minimum notch depth is related to the type of
NOTE It is recognized that the bottom or the bottom corners of tube used for a particular application and is denoted
the notch may be rounded.
by a sub-category as given in Table 2, unless
otherwise agreed between purchaser and
5 Dimensions of reference notches
The dimensions of the reference notches shall be as Table 2 Minimum notch depth categories
Sub-category Minimum Typical tube
5.1 Width, w (see Figure 1). The width of the notch depth condition
reference notch shall be 1,0 mm max.
A 0,1 mm Cold-finished and
5.2 Depth, d (see Figure 1). machined tubes
B 0,2 mm
5.2.1 Reference notch depth. The reference notch
depth shall be as given in Table 1. C 0,3 mm All other conditions
Table 1 Acceptance level designation and D 0,5 mm
corresponding reference notch depth NOTE 1 The minimum notch depth that can be used is related
Acceptance level Notch depth in % of the to specific tube manufacturing methods where the surface finish
specified thickness plays a dominant role in the minimum notch depth that can be
(see note 1) adopted for ultrasonic equipment calibration in order to achieve
an acceptable signal/noise ratio.
U1 (see note 2) 3
NOTE 2 Sub-categories A and B do not apply to welded tubes.
U2 (see note 3) 5
U3 10 5.2.3 Maximum notch depth
U4 12,5 The maximum notch depth for all acceptance levels
U5 15 and sub-categories shall be 1,5 mm, with exception
U6 20 that in the case of tubes with a thickness in excess
of 50 mm, the maximum notch depth, may be
NOTE 1 The values of notch depth specified in this table are
the same, for the corresponding categories, in all European extended to 3,0 mm unless otherwise agreed.
Standards concerning non-destructive testing of steel tubes 5.3 Tolerance on depth
where reference is made to different acceptance levels. It should,
however, be kept in mind that although the reference standards The tolerance on depth shall be 15 % of reference
are identical, the various test methods involved can give notch depth or 0,05 mm, whichever is the larger,
different test results. Accordingly the acceptance level
designation prefix U (ultrasonic) has been adopted to avoid any with the exception that when the notch depth is less
inferred direct equivalence with other test methods. than 0,2 mm, the tolerance on the depth shall
NOTE 2 Acceptance level U1 is not applicable to welded tubes. be 0,03 mm.
NOTE 3 For welded tubes, acceptance level U2 can be used as
an alternative to or in combination with U3 by agreement
between purchaser and manufacturer.

4 BSI 02-1999
EN 10246-7:1996

5.4 Length NOTE In cases where a production testing run is continuous

from one shift period to the next, the 4 hour maximum period
The length of the reference notch or notches shall be may be extended by agreement between purchaser and
at least twice the width of the transducers, with the manufacturer.
following exception: 6.4 The equipment shall be recalibrated if any of the
for U1 and U2 category tubes with an outside parameters which were used during the initial
diameter less than or equal to 50 mm and where calibration are changed.
the width of any one transducer 6.5 If on checking during production testing the
exceeds 12,5 mm, the length of the reference calibration requirements are not satisfied, even
notch or notches shall not exceed 12,5 mm after increasing the test sensitivity by 3 dB to allow
(at full depth). for system drift, then all tubes tested since the
5.5 Verification previous equipment check shall be retested after the
equipment has been recalibrated.
The reference notch dimensions and shape shall be
verified by a suitable technique. Retesting shall not be necessary even after a drop in
test sensitivity of more than 3 dB but less than 6 dB
6 Equipment calibration and checking since the previous equipment calibration, provided
that suitable recordings from individually
6.1 The equipment shall be adjusted to consistently identifiable tubes are available which permit
produce, (for example, from three consecutive accurate classification as either suspect or
passes of the test piece through the equipment), acceptable.
clearly identifiable signals from both the external
and internal reference notches or from the external 7 Acceptance
reference notch when this alone is used (see 4.2).
These signals shall be used to set the trigger/alarm 7.1 Any tube producing signals lower than the
level(s) of the equipment. trigger/alarm level shall be deemed to have passed
this test.
Where a single trigger/alarm level is used, the
transducer(s) shall be adjusted so that the signals 7.2 Any tube producing signals equal to or greater
from the internal and external reference notches are than the trigger/alarm level shall be designated
as near equal as possible and the full amplitude of suspect or, at the manufacturers option, may be
the lesser of the two signals shall be used to set the retested as specified above.
trigger/alarm level of the equipment. Where 7.3 If on retesting no signal is obtained equal to or
separate trigger/alarm levels are used for internal greater than the trigger/alarm level, the tube shall
and external reference notches, the full signal be deemed to have passed this test.
amplitude from each notch shall be used to set the Tubes giving signals equal to or greater than the
relevant trigger/alarm level of the equipment. trigger/alarm level shall be designated suspect.
6.2 During calibration, the relative speed of 7.4 For suspect tubes, one or more of the following
movement between the test piece and the actions shall be taken, subject to the requirements
transducer assembly shall be the same as that to be of the product standard.
used during the production test, except that a) The suspect area shall be explored by dressing
semi-dynamic calibration may be used when using an acceptable method. After checking that
dynamic calibration is impractical. In this case, any the remaining thickness is within tolerance, the
necessary adjustment to sensitivity shall be made to tube shall be tested as previously specified. If no
allow for differences in signal magnitude between signals are obtained equal to or greater than the
semi-dynamic and dynamic calibration. trigger/alarm level, the tube shall be deemed to
6.3 The calibration of the equipment shall be have passed this test.
checked at regular intervals during the production The suspect area may be retested by other
testing of tube of the same specified diameter, non-destructive techniques and test methods, by
thickness and grade, by passing the test piece agreement between purchaser and manufacturer
through the inspection equipment. to agreed acceptance levels.
The frequency of checking the calibration shall be
at least every 4 hours or once every 10 production
tubes tested, whichever is the longer time period,
but also whenever, there is an equipment operator
change-over and at the start and end of the
production run.

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b) The suspect area shall be cropped off. The

manufacturer shall ensure to the satisfaction of
the purchaser that all the suspect area has been
c) The tube shall be deemed not to have passed
this test.

8 Test reporting
When specified, the manufacturer shall provide the
purchaser with, at least, the following information:
a) reference to this Part of EN 10246;
b) date of test;
c) acceptance level and sub-category;
d) statement of conformity;
e) product designation by grade and size;
f) type and details of inspection technique;
g) description of the reference standard.

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Annex A (informative)
Table of Parts of EN 10246 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes

Purpose of test Title of part Part No. ISO ref.

Leak tightness Automatic electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except Part 1 9302
submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for verification of
hydraulic leak-tightness
Automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded (except Part 2
submerged arc-welded) austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steel tubes
for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness
Longitudinal Automatic eddy current testing of seamless and welded (except Part 3 9304
and/or submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections
Automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing Part 4 9598
of seamless ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of transverse
Automatic full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing Part 5 9402
of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded)
ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal
Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless steel tubes Part 6 9305
for the detection of transverse imperfections
Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded Part 7 9303
(except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of
longitudinal imperfections
Automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld seam of electric resistance Part 8 9764
and induction welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal
Automatic ultrasonic testing of the weld seam of submerged Part 9 9765
arc-welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or
transverse imperfections
Radiographic testing of the weld seam of submerged arc-welded steel Part 10 12096
tubes for the detection of imperfections
Surface Liquid penetrant testing of seamless and welded steel tubes for the Part 11 12095
imperfections detection of surface imperfections
Magnetic particle inspection of the tube body of seamless and welded Part 12 13665
ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections
Thickness Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic thickness testing of seamless Part 13 10543
and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes
Laminar Automatic full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded Part 14 10124
imperfections (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of
laminar imperfections
Automatic ultrasonic testing of strip/plate used in the manufacture Part 15 12094
of welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections
Automatic ultrasonic testing of the areas adjacent to the weld seam Part 16 13663
of welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections
Ultrasonic testing of the tube ends of seamless and welded steel tubes Part 17 11496
for the detection of laminar imperfections
Magnetic particle inspection of the tube ends of seamless and welded Part 18 13664
ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections

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Annex B (normative) Annex C (normative)

Testing of tubes having an outside Manual ultrasonic testing of untested
diameter-to-thickness ratio less than ends/suspect areas
five C.1 Untested tube ends
When the ratio of the outside diameter to the When specified by the relevant product standard,
thickness of the tube is less than five, either tube end zones which cannot be tested by the
clause B.1 or clause B.2 shall be applied by automatic ultrasonic equipment shall be subjected
agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. to a manual/semi-automatic ultrasonic test around
B.1 When the ratio of the outside diameter to the the full periphery of the tube, from the ultimate tube
thickness of the tube is less than five but greater ends and over the length of the original untested
than or equal to four, the internal notch depth shall zone plus 10 %.
be increased in relation to the external notch depth The manual/semi-automatic ultrasonic test shall be
as given in Table B.1. carried out so that the whole surface of the untested
Table B.1 Ratios end is scanned with a 10 % overlap of adjacent
scanning paths, with reference to the ultrasonic
Tube outside diameter- Internal reference notch depth
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- transducer width used, measured in the direction
Tube thickness External reference notch depth
parallel to the major axis of the tube.
5,00 1,0 The manual/semi-automatic ultrasonic test shall be
< 5,00 4,75 1,6 carried out using the same ultrasonic shear wave
< 4,75 4,50 1,9 technique, test sensitivity (reference notch depth)
and general test parameters, as used during the
< 4,50 4,25 2,2 original automatic test on the main tube length,
< 4,25 4,00 2,5 with the restrictions given in C.3 below.
C.2 Local suspect areas
B.2 When the ratio of the outside diameter to the
Where appropriate, local areas on the tube deemed
thickness of the tube is less than five but greater
than or equal to three, a mode-transformed suspect by the automatic ultrasonic equipment shall
be subjected to a manual ultrasonic test using the
compression wave adaption of shear wave testing
same ultrasonic shear wave technique, test
shall be used, as shown in Figure B.1. In this case,
sensitivity (reference notch depth) and general test
the ratio of internal to external notch depth shall be
parameters, as used during the original automatic
by agreement between purchaser and
manufacturer, but in no circumstances be less test, with the restrictions given in C.3 below, so that
the whole of the local suspect area is scanned.
than 1,0 or greater than the relevant ratios given in
Table B.1.

Figure B.1 Mode transformed compression wave adaptation of shear wave testing

8 BSI 02-1999
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C.3 Manual ultrasonic test restrictions C.3.5 The ultrasonic angle in steel used during
The following restrictions apply to the application of manual ultrasonic testing shall be nominally the
a manual ultrasonic test to untested end zones same as that used during the original automatic
and/or local suspect areas. test.
C.3.1 The scanning speed over the tube surface C.3.6 The ultrasonic transducer type to be used
shall not exceed 150 mm/s. during manual ultrasonic testing shall be of the
contact, gap-scan or immersion type. Means shall be
C.3.2 Scanning shall be carried out in both
provided to ensure that the transducer is held at the
circumferential directions of ultrasonic beam travel.
correct altitude in relation to the tube surface
C.3.3 The nominal ultrasonic test frequency of the e.g. for contact type transducers, the wear-face at
transducer used in manual testing shall not vary the front face of the transducer shall be profiled to
from that used during the original automatic test by the radius of curvature of the tube under test.
more than 1 MHz.
C.3.4 The width of the transducer, measured
parallel to the major axis of the tube, used in the
manual ultrasonic test shall not exceed that used
during the original automatic test.

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