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Dha11~njayarao Gadgjl ;Lihr.ary

Gokhale Institute of P.olitics and Economics
. (Deemed-to be a UniversitY)
. Pune - 41.1004


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Explanatory Note I

Books 1

Edited Books 2

Articles Appeared in Journals 3

Articles in Edited Books 7

Articles Available on Internet 10

Published Plays 12

Publications enlisted in this bibliography are arranged in

chronological order under the following sections:

i. Books
ii. Edited Books
iii. Articles Appeared in Journals
iv. Articles Available on Internet

In the first section, complete bibliographical details are given whereas

the website address as provided of for entries enlisted in the section
'Article Available on Internet'.

Sample entries


1. Arms, Alliances and Stability: The Development of the Structure of

International Politics. Delhi: Macmillan; New York: John Wiley, 1975.

Articles Appeared in Journals

1. The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Some Extensions.

Journal ofPeace Research. 11(3), March 1974, pp. 203-211

Articles Appeared in Edited Books

1. From Balance of Power to Imperialism. Barun De, ed., Perspectives in

Social Sciences: Historical Dimensions. Calcutta: Oxford University
Press, 1977.
Articles Available on Internet

1. Modem American Political Theory with Reference to Underdeveloped

Nations. Social Scientist. Vol. 2, No. 12 (Jul., 1974), pp. 24-42
0293%28197407%292%3A 12%3C24%3AMAPTWR%3E2.0.C0%3B2-5

1. Arms, Alliances and Stability: The Development of the Structure of International

Politics. Delhi: Macmillan; New York: John Wiley, 1975.
2. The State of Political Theory. Co-author with S. Kaviraj, S. Dattagupta and S.K..
Chaube. Calcutta: Research lndia, 1978.
3. Agrarian relations and politics in Bengal : Some considerations on the making of
the tenancy act amendment 1928. Calcutta: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences,
4. Three Studies on the Agrarian Structure of Bengal 1860-1947. Co-author with
Ashok Sen and Saugata Mukherjee. Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1981.
5. More on modes of power and the peasantry. Calcutta: Centre for Studies in Social
Sciences, 1982.
6. Bengal1920-1947: The Land Question. Calcutta: K.. P. Bagchi, 1984.
7. Bengal 1920-1947.V.I : The land question. Calcutta: K..P.Bagchi and Company
for Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, 1984.
8. Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse? London:
Zed Books; Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1986; Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 1993. Translated into Turkish and Spanish.
9. The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcoloniill Histories. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1993. Translated into Turkish, Spanish, French and
10. The Present History of West Bengal: Essays in Political Criticism. Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 1997.
11. A Possible lndia: Essays in Political Criticism. Delhi: Oxford University Press,
12. Partha Chatterjee Omnibus, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1999.
13. Itihaser uttaradhikar [The Legacy of History] (in Bengali). Calcutta: Ananda,
2000. '

14. Locating Political Society: Modernity, State Violence and Post-colonial
Democracies [in Mandarin Chinese, translated from lectures delivered in
English]. Taipei, 2001.
15. A Princely Impostor? The Strange and Universal History of the Kumar of
Bhawal. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
.16. The Politics of the Governed: Considerations on Political Society in Most of the
World, Columbia University Press, New York, 2004.
17. Colonialismo, Modemidade e Politica [in Portuguese, translated from English
articles]. Salvador-Bahia: Historias ao Sul, 2004.
18. Praja o tantra [Subjects and System] (in Bengali). Calcutta: Anustup, 2005.
19. Caste and subaltern consciousness. Calcutta: Centre for Studies in Social
Sciences, 2004.
20. Politics of governed: Reflections on popular politics in most of the world. New
Delhi: Permanent Black, 2004.


1. Subaltern Studies VII Co-edited. with Gyanendra Pandey. Delhi: Oxford

University Press, 1992.
2. TextS of Power: Emerging Disciplines in Colonial Bengal. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
3. Subaltern studies, VII : Writings on South Asian history and society. Co-edited
with Gyanendra Pandey. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996.
4. State and Politics in India Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997.
5. The Wages of Freedom: Fifty Years of the Indian Nation-state. Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 1998.
6. Nimnabarger itihas [The History of the Subaltern Classes] Co-edited with Gautam
Bhadra. Calcutta: Ananda, 1998.
7. Subaltern Studies XI: Community, Gender and Violence. Co-edited with Pradeep
Jeganathan. Delhi: Permanent Black; New York: Columbia University Press,

8. History and the Present. Co-edited with Anjan Ghosh. Delhi: Permanent Black,
9. Social Science Research Capacity in South Asia New York: Social Science
Research Council, 2002.


1. The Classical Balance of Power Theory. Journal of Peace Research, 9(1), March
1972, pp. 51-61
2. On the Rational Choice Theory of Limited Strategic War. Indian Journal of
Political Science .34( 2), April-June 1973, pp. .
3. The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Some Extensions. Journal of Peace
Research. 11(3), March 1974, pp. 203-211
4. Bengal: Rise and Growth of a Nationality. Social Scientist .37, August 1975, pp.
5. The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Reply to the Co=ents by F. E.
Banks. Journal of Peace Research, 12(3), March 1975, pp. 239-241
6. The Ethnic Composition of Calcutta Geographical Review of India, 38 (2), June
1976, (Co-authored with Biswas Arabinda and Chaube S. K.)
7. Stability and Change in the Indian Political System. Political Science Review,
March 1977;pp. 1-42
8. Alliance Stability in Balance of Power Systems: A Note. American Political
Science Review, September 1977, pp.1047-1049
9 .. The Naxalbari Legacy. Seminar. New Delhi, December 1977, pp. 30-32
10. Violence, Revolution and Political Theory. Teaching Politics. Delhi, 1-2, 1978.
11. In Birbhum after the floods. Economic and Political Weekly 13(49), Dec 1978,
12. Dhanatantrer Pratisthaparba o Hobbeser Rashtratattva' [The Age of the Rise of
Capitalism and the Political Theory of Hobbes], Anya Artha, 12 June 1978 an<L
13 September 1978.
13. Rashtra o Samyavad [The State and Co=unism]. Ekshan, October 1980.

14. Problems of a Marxist Political Theory: Considerations on Colletti. Economic and
Political Weekly, 16(42-43) October 1981, pp. PE2-PE8
15. Bengal Politics and the Muslim Masses. Journal of Commonwealth and
Comparative Politics ;March 1982.
16. Peasants, Politics and Historiography: A Response. Social Scientist, May 1983,
pp. 58-67
17. Peasantry. Seminar, New Delhi, Mar 1984, pp. 26-29.
18. Bewussteinsformen aufstandischer Bauem. Osterreichische Zeitshcrift fiir
Soziologie, Vienna, 9:4, 1984.
19. Modes of Power: Some Clarifications. Social Scientist, February 1985, pp. 53-60
20. Transferring a Political Theory: Early Nationalist Thought in India. Economic and
Political Weekly, 21(3), January 1986.
21. The Colonial State and Peasant Resistance in Bengal ,1920-1947. Past and
Present, Oxford, 110, February 1986.
22. Transferring the political theory: early nationalist thought in India. Economic and
Political Weekly 21(3), Jan 1986, pp. 120-128
23. 'Agrarian Transformation in Bengal: Class Structure and Class Struggle. Journal
of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh 32(1), June 1987.
24. (translation into Bengali of) Section on J. B. Phear in Karl Marx. Ethnological
Notebooks, Baromas, Autumn 1987.
25. On Gramsci's "Fundamental Mistake". Economic and Political Weekly, June
26. Colonialism, Nationalism and Colonialized Women: The Contest in India.
American Ethnologist, Summer 1989.
27. 'For an Indian History of Peasant Struggle. Social Scientist, August 1989.
28. Re-presenting Colonialism. Journal of Arts and Ideas, New Delhi, September
29. For an Indian history of peasant struggle. Social Scientist 186, November 1988,
pp. 1295-1296
30. A Response to Taylor's Modes of Civil Society. Public Culture, 3(1), Fall 1990.
31. Itihaser uttaradhikar' [The Legacy of History]. Baromas, April1991.

32. Whose Imagined Community? Millennium, 20(3), Winter 1991.
33. History and the Nationalization of Hinduism. Social Research, 59(1), Spring
1992; (Reprinted in Vasudha Dalmia and Heinrich von Stietencron, eds.,
Representing Hinduism: The Construction of Religious Traditions and National
Identity, New Delhi: Sage, 1995.)
34. Their Own Words: An Essay for Edward Said. Edward Said: A Critical Reader,
Oxford: Blackwelr, 1992. (Co-edited with Michael Sprinker)

35. The Need to Dissemble. Public Culture, 6(1), Fall1993.

36. Secularism and toleration. Economic and Political Weekly 29:28, 9 Jul1994, pp.

37. Amader adhunikata' [Our Modernity] Srijnan Halder Memorial Lecture, 1994
{also published in Yogasutra, Autumn 1994) (translated into English, Russian,
French, Spanish and Portuguese).
38. Religious Minorities and the Secular State. Public Culture, Fall1995.
39. Talking About Our Modernity in Two Languages. Studies in Humanities and
Social Sciences, 2(2), 1996.
40. Beyond the Nation? Or Within? Economic and Political Weekly, January 4-11,
1997; Social Text, 56, Fa111998, pp. 57-69.
41. Community in the East Economic and Political Weekly, 33(6) February 7, 1998.
42. Civil Society and the Forms of Governmental Power: Extensions to Mamdani's
Arguments. Political Power and Social Theory, 12, 1998, pp. 253-258.
43. How We Loved the Bomb and Later Rued It Economic and Political Weekly,
33(24) June 13, 1998.
44. L'Etat et Ia communaute en Orient Critique Intemationale, Paris, 2,_ Winter
1999, pp. 1437-1441.
45. Five Hundred Years of Fear and Love. Economic and Political Weekly,
33(22),May 30, 1998, pp. 1330-36.
46. Modernity, Democracy and a Political Negotiation of Death. South Asia
Research, 19, 1999, 1, pp. 103-119.
47. Anderson's Utopia. Diacritics, 29:4, Winter 2000, pp. 128-34.

48. Democracy and the Violence o(the State. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2, 2000, 1,
pp. 7-21.
49. How unbridgeable is the Hindu-Muslim division? Frontier 33(41), May 2001,

50. How to empower women. Frontier 33(48), Jun 2001, pp6-8

51. Of unions and leaders. Frontier 33(46), Jun 2001, pp7-8

52. Has religion any relevance? Frontier 34(1), Aug 2001, pp4-5 .
53. The Nation in Heterogenous Time. Indian Economic and Social History Review,
36, 4, October-December 2001, pp. 399-418.
54. Mahasantir pare bisva [The World After the Great Peac~]. Bangadarsan, 3,
November 2001, pp. 55-74.
55. The institutional context of social science research in South Asia. Economic and
Political Weekly 37(35), Aug 2002, pp3604-3612
56. Rabindrik neshan ki?' [What is Tagore's Nation?] Baromas, 25, 2003, pp. 1-23.
57. History and the domain of the popular. Seminar 522, Feb 2003, pp31-34
58. Empire After Globalisation. Economic and Political Weekly, 39(37), September
11, 2004, pp. 4155-4164.
59. Rabindrik neshan prasange aro du-char katha' [More on Tagore's Nation],
Baromas, 26, 2004.
60. Empire and Nation Revisited: Fifty Years After Bandung. Inter-Asia Cultural
Studies, 7, 2005.
61. India's History from Below. Le Monde Diplomatique, March 2006.
62. Ray's home, Ray's world : Calcutta. Seminar 559, Mar 2006, pp48-50


1. Bharatiya Ganatantra o Bourgeois Pratikriya' [Indian Democracy and Bourgeois

Reaction], Anya Artha Calcutta,"May 1975.
2. From Balance of Power to Imperialism. Barun De, ed., Perspectives in Social
Sci~nces: Historical Dimensions. Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1977.
3. The External Policy of the Indian State. A. Mukhopadhyay, ed., Society and
Politics in Contemporary India. Calcutta, 1978.
4. Thinking About Ideology: In Search of an Analytical Framework. J. S.,Bains and
R. B. Jain, eds. Contemporary Political Theory. New Delhi: Radiant, 1980
5. Agrarian Relations and Communalism in Bengal1926-1935. Ranajit Guha, ed.,
Subaltern Studies I. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1982.
6. Spontaneity and Organization in Peasant Movements in Bengal1920-1947. W. H.
Morris-Jones and James Manor, ed. Political Violence. London: Institute of
Commonwealth Studies, 1982.
7. Caste and Politics in West Bengal. Gail Omvedt, ed., Land, Caste and Politics in
Indian States. Delhi: Authors Guild, 1982.
8. Contribution to the Discussion. Anouar Abdel-Malek and Anisuzzaman, eds.
Culture and Thought. London: Macmillan, 1983.
9. More on Modes of Power and the Peasantry. Ranajit Guha, ed., Subaltern Studies
II. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1983.
10. Gandhi and the Critique o~Civil Society. Ranajit Guha, ed. Subaltern Studies III.
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1984. (translated into Spanish and Japanese).
11. The Fruits of Macaulay's Poison Tree. Ashok Mitra, ed., The Truth Unites: Essays
in Tribute to Samar Sen. Calcutta: Subamarekha, 1985.
12. The Analysis of Indian Nationalist Discourse. Bhikhu Parekh and Thomas
Pantham, eds. Political Discourse. New Delhi: Sage, 1986.
13. Culture and Power in the Thought ofBankimchandra. Thomas Pantham and
Kenneth L. Deutsch. eds. Political Thought in Modem India. New Delhi: Sage,

14. Planning and the Political Process in India: Duality and Differentiation. Amiya
Kumar Bagchi, ed., Economy, Society and Polity: Essays in Honour of Professor
Bhabatosh Datta. Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1988. (Co-authored with
Ashok Sen)
15. The Nationalist Resolution of the Women's Question. Kumkum Sangari and
Sudesh Vaid, eds. Recasting Women. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1989.
16. Caste and Subaltern Consciousness. Ranajit Guha, ed., Subaltern Studies VI.
Delhi:'Oxford University Press, 1989.
17. Political Culture in Calcutta. Sukanta Chaudhuri, ed Calcutta: The Living City,
vol. 2. Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1990.
18. A Religion of Urban Domesticity: Sri Ramakrishna and the Calcutta Middle
Class. Partha Chatteijee and Gyanendra Pandey, eds. Subaltern Studies VII.
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1992.
19. Their Own Words: An Essay for Edward Said. Michael Sprinker, ed. Edward
Said: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.
20. Claims on the Past: The Emergence ofNationalist Historiography in Nineteenth-
Century Bengal . David Arnold and David Hardiman, eds. Subaltern Studies VIII.
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994.
21. Development Planning and the Indian State. T. J. Byres, ed. The State and
Development Planning in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994.
22. Was There a Hegemonic Project of the Colonial State? Shula Marks and Dagmar
Engels, eds. Contesting Colonial Hegemony: State and Society in Asia and
Africa.London: British Academic Press, 1994.
23. History and the Nationalization of Hinduism. Social Research (New York), 59, 1
(Spring 1992); reprinted in Vasudha Dalmia and Heinrich von Stietencron, eds.,
Representing Hinduism: The Construction of Religious Traditions and National
Identity. New Delhi: Sage, 1995.
24. The Disciplines in Colonial Bengal. Partha Chatteijee, ed. Texts of Power:
Emerging Disciplines in Colonial Bengal. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1995.

25. A Science of Politics for the Colonized. Partha Chatteijee, ed. Texts of Power.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
26. Alternative Histories, Alternative Nations: Nationalism and Modem
Historiography in Bengal. Peter Schmidt and Tom Patterson, eds. Making
Alternative Histories: The Practice of Archaeology and History in Non-Western
Settings. Santa Fe: School of American Research, 1996.
27. A Political History of Independent India. Partha Chatteijee, ed. State and Politics
in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997.
28. On Religious and Linguistic Nationalism: The Second Partition of Bengal. Peter
van der Veer and Hartmut Lehmann, eds. Nationalism and Religion: Perspectives
on Europe and Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999, pp. 112-128.
29. Two Poets and Death: On Civil Society in the Non-Christian World. Timothy
Mitchell, ed. Questions of Modernity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 2000.
30. On Civil and Political Society in Post-colonial Democracies. Sudipta Kaviraj and
Sunil Khilnani, eds. Civil Society: History and Possibilities. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 165-178.
31. Nationalism. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences,
London: Elsevier, 2001.
32. Subaltern History. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral
Sciences, London: Elsevier, 2001.
33. Are Indian Cities Becoming Bourgeois At Last. Indira Chandrasekhar and Peter
Seel, eds. Siting Contemporary Culture in India. New Delhi: Tulika,
34. The Sacred Circulation ofNational Images. Maria Antonella Pelizzari, ed. Traces
of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850-
1900. Montreal: Canadian Center of Architecture, 2003.
35. The Modem Social Sciences in India. Theodore Porter and Dorothy Ross, eds.
Cambridge History of Science, vol. 7, The Modem Social Sciences. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2003.

36. B. R. Ambedkar and the Troubled Times of Citizenship. V. R. Mehta and Thomas
Pantham, eds. Political Ideas in Modern India: Thematic Explorations. New
Delhi: Sage, 2005, pp. 73-90.
37. Fasting for Bin Laden: Problems of Secularization in India. David Scott and
Charles Hirschkind, Problems of the Secular Modern: Tala! Asad and His
Interlocutors. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006.


1. The Classical Balance of Power Theory. Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 9, No. I
(1972), pp. 51-61
3433%281972%299%3A1 %3C51 %3ATCBOPT%3E2.0.C0%3B2-F

2. The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Some Extensions. Journal of Peace

Research. Vol. ll,.No. 3 (1974), pp. 203-211
3433%281974%2911 %3A3%3C203%3ATETOAR%3E2.0.C0%3B2-7

3. Modem American Political Theory with Reference to Underdeveloped Nations.

Social Scientist. Vol. 2, No. 12 (Jul., 1974), pp. 24-42
URL: http;

4. Bengal: Rise and Growth of a Nationality. Social Scientist. Vol. 4, No. 1, The
National Question in India Special Number (Aug., 1975); pp. 67-82
0293%28197508%294%3A1 %3C67%3ABRAGOA%3E2.0.C0%3B2-B

5. The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Reply to the Comments by F. E. Banks
Journal of Peace Research. Vol. I2, No.3 (I975), pp. 239-24I

6. Peasants, Politics and Historiography: A Response. Social Scientist Vol. I1, No.
5 (May, I983), pp. 58-65
0293%28I98305%29II %3A5%3C58%3APPAHAR%3E2.0.C0%3B2-5

7. Modes of Power: Some Clarifications. Social Scientist. Vol. I3, No.2 (Feb.,
1985), pp. 53-60

8. The Colonial State and Peasant Resistance in Bengali920-I947. Past and

Present. No. 1I 0 (Feb., 1986), pp. I69-204

9. For an Indian History of Peasant Struggle. Social Scientist. Vol. I6, No. II
(Nov., I988), pp. 3-17
0293%28I988II %29I6%3AII %3C3%3AFAIHOP%3E2.0.C0%3B2-L

I 0. Colonialism, Nationalism, and Colonialized Women: The Contest in India

American Ethnologist. Vol. I6, No.4 (Nov., I989), pp. 622-633

11. Beyond the Nation? Or within? Social Text No. 56 (Autumn, 1998), pp. 57-69
URL: 164-
2472%28199823%290%3A56%3C57%3ABTNOW%3E2.0.C0%3B2-8 .
496%28198911 %2916%3A4%3C622%3ACNACWT%3E2.0.C0%3B2-1

12. Anderson's Utopia Diacritics. Vol. 29, No.4, Grounds of Comparison: Around
the Work ofBenedic Anderson (Winter, 1999), pp. 128-134

PUBLISHED PLAYS (In Bengali, All Produced on Stage):

Kono Ekdin (1983)

Ramnidhi (1986)

Svapnalabdha (1989)

Kacher Putul (1990)

Ajker Hajabarala (1995)

Shatabdir Shesh (1999)

Chokher Bali (2005)


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