Maxixe: 113 "Down in Zanzibar"
Maxixe: 113 "Down in Zanzibar"
Maxixe: 113 "Down in Zanzibar"
(United States-Brazil)
The Maxixe (mahk-SHEESH) was one of the most popular ballroom dances of 1914. It was
sometimes called the "Brazilian Tango" or "Tango Bresilenne". There was no agreement on
how to pronounce it. Besides the above, it was sometimes called mah-SHEESH, mah-CHEE-
chee, along with other pronunciations. Vernon Castle claims the "mah-SHEESH" pronun-
ciation is from the Brazilians themselves. The dance is basically a Two-Step, with body
bends and many different arm positions. This arrangemant was presented by Richard and
Melanie Powers at the 1989 University of the Pacific Folk Dance Camp.
CASSETTE: R. Powers special cassette (S) "Buenos Dias Maxixe" Side A/IO (with intro.);
R. Powers special cassette 113 "Down in Zanzibar" Side A/ll (no intro.).
2/4 meter
STEPS: Two-Step (L): Step on L to L side (ct 1); step on R beside L (ct &); step
on L to L side (ct 2); hold (ct &). Step alternates.
Heel-and-Toe Singles (also c~lled Les ~.COte)~. Semi-open 'po~, facing ~nd
moving in LOD: step fwd on L heel and slightly to R (ct 1); bring R ft up
to L, taking wt (ct &); step on ball of L ft fwd and slightly to L (ct 2);
bring R ft up to L, taking wt (ct &). R ft moves in' a straight line, while
L ft points from side to side. W step on ball of R ft fwd/R and on R heel
fwd/L, doing the counterpart of the M step.
Sliding Step: Step on one ft to the side (ct 1); bring other ft up to it,
taking wt (ct &). Two per meas.
Long Singles with Stamps: Step diag/fwd on heel of one ft (ct 1); bring
other ft up to the heel of the first, taking wt (ct &); repeat cts 1,&
(cts 2,&). Step diag/fwd on first ft (meas 2, ct 1); stamp twice (no wt)
with the other ft near the first ft (cts &, 2); hold (ct &). Can be done
with either ft, moving diag/L when starting with the L ft and diag/R when
starting with R ft.
Short Singles with Stamp: Step diag/fwd on heel of one ft (ct 1); bring
other ft up to the heel of the first, taking wt (ct &); step diag/fwd on
first ft (ct 2); brushing stamp (fwd) with other ft (ct &). Can be done with
either ft, moving diag/L when starting with L ft and diag/R when starting
with R ft.
POSITIONS: Ballroom: "Dancers stand directly in front of each other, the lady's right
hand in the gentleman's left. The elbows should be slightly bent. The
Maxixe - pg 2
gentleman's right hand should be a little above the lady's waist-line, more
or less over her left shldr-blade. The lady's left hand should rest lightly
on the gentleman's right shldr."*
Semi-open: Stand with arms as in Ballroom pos, but ptrs turn about 1/4
away from each other to face fwd in LOD.
*Modern Dancing by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1914.
1-4 No action.
)-8 Walk 8 steps in LOD in Ballroom pos. M start L ft moving fwd, W start Rft
moving bkwd. On meas 8, lower clasped hands and start to turn CW so that M
ends with his back to ctr.
Maxixe - pg 3.
1-4 Four Maxixe Two-Steps moving in RLOD, rotating 2 complete times, turning CWo
Start M Rand W L ft, lowering joined hands on meas 1. End with M back to
5-7 Six Sliding Steps to M R. M brings W R hand slowly behind her back and takes
it in his R. Then both bring free L hands out and above heads, to join in
an arch.
8 M: One more Sliding Step to R (ct 1); turn to face LOD while stepping back
on R (ct 2).
W: Step L in place, turning to face LOD (ct 1); step back on R (ct 2).
Cpls end in Skating pos, facing in LOD.
1-4 Beg L ft, Long Singles with Stamps, to diag/L and diag/R.
5-6 Beg L ft, Short Singles with Stamp, to diag/L and diag/R.
8 M: One Two-Step to R side. At same time, release R hands and turn W once
around CW, placing her directly in front in Back-to-Front pos.
W: Turn CW once around, stepping R,L,R (cts 1,&,2) to Back-to-Front pos.
1-7 Seven Two-Steps, rotating CW in place, both starting L. These should be done
leaning to L side when starting L and to the R side when starting R.
8 ~: With R hands joined, step L,R,L in place (cts 1,&,2) and help W to turn
CWo End in Ballroom pos with back to ctr.
W: With 2 steps (R,L) turn [/2 CW to face ptr and take Ballroom pos (cts 1,2).
Simple Version: Meas 1-6: Dance 6 Two-Steps rotating CW, ending M back to
ctr. Meas 7-8: M step L,R,L,R (cts 1,2,1,2). W step L,R,L, touch R ft
(cts 1,2,1,2) while turning 1/2 CW into Ballroom pos.
Optional Ending: On repeat of dance, end Fig IV, meas 6 with M facing LOD.
(31-32) M: Take W L hand in R, step L on L ft (ct 1); step R on R ft (ct 2); step L
on L ft (meas 32,ct 1); place R heel on floor pointing twd W, bending sdwd
and looking twd ptr. End in pose with L hand on hips or L arm' diag/up to L.
W: Step L on L ft (ct 1); turn 1 full CW turn with 2 steps (R,L), moving to
M R side (ct 2; meas 32, ct 1); step on R to R side, leaving L heel out twd
M and looking at him (ct 2). End in pose looking at ptr, R hand on hips or
R arm diag/up to R, matching ptr.
, J