Problem Set 1 - Solutions
Problem Set 1 - Solutions
Problem Set 1 - Solutions
1. Random choice functions: Let X be a finite Pset. A random choice Pfunction is a function
P : 2X \ [0, 1]X such that P (A)(x) 0, aA P (A)(a) = 1 and bA / P (A)(b) = 0. For
notational ease, let PA = P (A). That is, a random choice function takes a menu of options
and outputs a probability distribution over the menu, where PA (x) denotes the probability
that x is chosen from menu A.
A random choice function admits a Luce representation if there exists a set of weights
{w(x) 0 : x X} such that
P w(x) if x A
PA (x) = aA w(a) .
0 if x
Let P denote the set of all bijections from X to {1, 2, ..., |X|}. Note that P is equivalent
to the set of all strict rankings of objects in X, where f (x) = 1 is interpreted as x being
the most preferred object under ranking f . A random choice function admits a Falmagne
P if there exists a probability distribution [0, 1]P (that is, (f ) 0 and
f P (f ) = 1) such that:
{f :f (x)f (a) aA} (f ) if x A
PA (x) = .
0 if x
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Econ 201A, Fall 2016
GSIs: Avner Shlain and Mauricio Ulate
Problem Set 1 Suggested Solutions
Solution: The RIIA has a more straight forward interpretation. If both x and y have
a positive probability of being chosen out ot the sets A and B, then the probability of
choosing x relative to the probability of choosing y is the same in A and B and hence
cannot depend on the presence of different elements in A with respect to B.
(c) Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement: Let P admit a Luce rep-
resentation. Define C(A) = {x A : PA (x) > 0}. Then C is rationalizable.
Solution: Notice that even though the definition of Luce representation only requires
the set of weights to fulfill: {w(x) 0 : x X}, if any of the w(x) were zero then
P{x} (x) will not be well defined, hence for this definition to make sense we must actually
impose w(x) > 0 x X. This implies that A X, A 6= , PA (x) > 0 x A. And
hence we have C(A) = A. In particular this implies that C is non-empty, so to show that
it is rationalizable we will show that it satisfies Houthakkers axiom. If x, y A B,
x C(A), y C(B) we actually have that x B = C(B), which implies that indeed C
satisfies Houthakkers axiom.
(d) Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement: If P admits a Luce rep-
resentation, then it satisfies RIIA.
Solution: Let x and y have possitive probability of being chosen out of both A and
B (this implies x, y A B). Assume P admits a Luce representation, the previous
statement implies w(x), w(y) > 0. Also we can write:
P w(x) P w(x)
PA (x) aA w(a) w(x) bB w(b) PB (x)
= = = =
PA (y) P w(y) w(y) P w(y) PB (y)
aA w(a) bB w(b)
(e) Suppose PA (a) > 0 whenever a A. Prove that if P satisfies Random IIA, then P
admits a Luce representation (Hint: Consider a candidate for w).
Solution: Our candidate for the weight of x will be w(x) = PX (x), that is, the proba-
bility that the random choice function assigns to x when we are considering the whole
set X as domain. Notice that by the assumption PA (a) > 0 whenever a A we know
that all weights will be positive since we are using X as the reference probability set
and this set by definition includes all elements. We will now prove that if x A then:
w(x) PX (x)
PA (x) = P =P
aA w(a) aA PX (a)
Notice that for all elements a A, by the RIIA and the fact that x, a A we know:
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Econ 201A, Fall 2016
GSIs: Avner Shlain and Mauricio Ulate
Problem Set 1 Suggested Solutions
PX (x) w(x)
PA (x) = P =P
aA PX (a) aA w(a)
1 2 3 Probability
L M N 0
L N M 3/4
M L N 1/8
M N L 0
N L M 0
N M L 1/8
PA (L) = 3/4
PA (M ) = 1/8
PB (L) = 3/4
PB (M ) = 1/8 + 1/8 = 1/4
So that:
PA (L) 3/4 3/4 PB (L)
= = 6 6= 3 = =
PA (M ) 1/8 1/4 PB (M )
Which means RIIA is violated.
2. Bottles of wine: Let X = {1, ..., n} be a set of bottles of wine, indexed by their prices.
Consider a consumer who always selects the second-cheapest bottle of wine from the menu.
Prove or provide counterexamples to the following statements:
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Econ 201A, Fall 2016
GSIs: Avner Shlain and Mauricio Ulate
Problem Set 1 Suggested Solutions
Solution: C doesnt satisfy Sens , to see this let X = {1, 2, 3} with prices: pi = i i
X. Notice that 2 {1, 2} {1, 2, 3}, also 2 C({1, 2, 3}) = {2}, but 2
/ C({2, 3}) = {3}.
This is a direct violation of Sens .
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