Optimizing Efficiency in HF Tube Welding Process

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Optimizing Efficiency in John Wrights 30-year career in high frequency tube

welding has spanned South Africa, the United

Kingdom, and - for the last 22 years - the United

HF Tube Welding Processes States. He founded Electronic Heating Equipment

in Buckley, Washington, in 1980. The company
manufactures impeders & work coils for induction
By: John Wright, Electronic Heating Equipment, Inc. - USA tube welding, & provides technical support for all
types of high frequency tube welding equipment.

Modern solid state welders can convert 60Hz power to the high frequencies voltage causes a current to flow along the edges to the point where they meet,
used for welding at efficiencies of 90%, compared to a maximum 65% for causing rapid heating of the metal. Pressure is applied by the weld rolls, which
the older vacuum tube equipment. At the very best, improvements in welder forces the heated metal into contact, forming a hot diffusion bond. This
design may raise this figure by another 5% or so. In contrast, the process pressure forces molten metal and any impurities out of the weldment, so the
efficiency is typically less than 20%, so this is where some worthwhile resulting structure is that of a forging, rather than the casting formed by
improvement can be realized. most other welding processes, & it results in one of the strongest welded
structures possible.
If we calculate the amount of energy actually required to weld 1.5mm (0.065
in.) thick steel edge to edge at 100 meters per minute (325 fpm), it works out The only real difference between high frequency contact & induction welding
to less than 20 kW., however anyone familiar with induction welding knows is that with contact welding, the voltage is applied directly to the strip edges
that at least 100 kW. of HF weld power is normally required. 4/5 of the by means of sliding contacts, whereas in the case of induction welding, the
power generated by the welder is wasted in heating parts of the tube other voltage is induced by the magnetic flux surrounding the coil. Both methods
than the desired heat affected zone, and in waste heat developed in the coil, have their advantages & drawbacks, but in general, induction welding will
the impeder, the weld rolls & the mill structure itself. The key to minimizing produce smoother, more consistent welds but at slightly lower efficiency.
this power loss is to use proper setup of the coil, impeder & the tube mill
itself. Why Choose a High Frequency?

High frequency tube welding is one of the most forgiving industrial processes, If we were to apply 60 Hz. power to a pair of contacts positioned as shown in
& it is possible to produce acceptable tubing for most purposes even with a fig 1a, most of the current would simply flow around the back of the tube,
hopelessly incorrect setup! The main incentive for proper setup of the welder heating the entire tube. Current will always take the path of lowest impedance
is the amount of money that can be saved in electricity costs. Based on power (not necessarily resistance!). With DC & low frequency AC, resistance &
costing 10 cents per kilowatt hour, a 400 kW welder operating 60 hours a impedance are pretty much the same thing. Technically speaking, at low
week consumes $125,000.00 in electrical power each year. In many cases, frequencies, the impedance is dominated by its resistive component. As the
power consumption can be reduced by 50% just by optimizing the welding frequency is raised, the magnetic fields resulting from the current flow start
process, saving tens of thousands of dollars a year. This kind of fine tuning to affect its behavior, and inductive reactance becomes the dominant factor
usually improves product quality, reduces downtime & increases yield as well. in determining impedance.

Both the current path along the edges of the strip to the apex, and the parasitic
path around the circumference of the tube behave as inductors, & their
inductive reactance increases with frequency, however the effect of frequency
is much more pronounced on the circumferential current path.

Another reason for using a higher frequency is that in the case of induction
welding, it is desirable to keep the size of the coil reasonably small. The coil
& the tube form a transformer, with the coil being the primary winding, &
the tube being a single turn secondary. The amount of power that can be
coupled through a transformer depends on the strength of the magnetic flux,
and the rate at which it changes (frequency). The higher the frequency, the
less flux is required. This results in a coil with less turns & lower current. If it
were possible to weld tubing at 60 Hz. power line frequencies, it would require
a coil having hundreds of turns, carrying thousands of amps. A typical HF
welding coil has 1 - 3 turns & carries a few hundred amps of current.

The higher frequencies also affect the behavior of the current that flows in
Figure 1
the vee. As frequency is increased, the current tends to concentrate closer
HF Welding theory & closer to the edges of the strip. This is partly due to the skin effect (fig. 2)
which causes current to flow on the surface of conductors at high frequency,
HIGH FREQUENCY WELDING is a form of electrical resistance welding and partly due to the proximity effect (fig. 3) which causes current on
(ERW). A voltage is applied (HF contact) or induced (HF induction) across adjacent conductors to concentrate on the adjacent surfaces. Both of these
the edges of the open tube just prior to the point of closure (see fig. 1). This effects are caused by distortion or interaction between the magnetic fields

TUBE & PIPE TECHNOLOGY - November/December 1999

Figure 2 Figure 3
associated with the current flow. The combined skin and proximity effects Shortening the vee and keeping it narrow reduce its impedance. A longer vee
result in less metal being heated, using less current, which translates into also provides more time for heat to conduct away from the edges, so
higher efficiency. conduction losses increase as well. It is important to realize that vee length
has more effect on the heat affected zone width than welder frequency!
Frequencies used for tube welding range from roughly 100kHz to 800kHz.,
with lower frequencies being used for large, heavy wall tube, and the upper Shortening the work coil & increasing the tube diameter both increase the
range being used for small, thin walled products, especially those using non- impedance of the tube I.D. The I.D. impedance can be further increased by
ferrous material. placing an impeder in the tube. Under ideal circumstances, this impedance
is raised to a point where most of the current flows in the vee, but this is not
Efficient welder operation possible with small tube diameters because of the limited space available for
the impeder. The introduction of I.D. scarfing equipment also takes up space
The primary cause of low efficiency is incorrect coil & impeder position. that might otherwise be available for ferrite.
When a voltage is applied (or induced) across the strip edges, current will
flow in two main paths. The current that flows along the edges of the strip to Edge presentation
the apex of the vee heats the strip to welding temperature. Current will also
tend to flow around the inside circumference of the open tube. This heats If the strip edges are not presented in a parallel fashion, or if they have burrs
the entire tube, and does not contribute to the welding process. With induction or irregularities that have not been completely planished in the fin passes,
welding, the sum of these two currents also flows on the outside surface of efficiency will suffer because a larger mass of metal must be heated before a
the tube, as this is the return path that completes the circuit. Note that any wall-to-wall weld can occur. Bad edge condition also results in excessive
current that flows on the inside surface also returns on the outer surface, squeeze out of molten material, causing a large & often irregular weld bead
resulting in twice the power loss! Power is proportional to the square of current, which must be trimmed off. Such a condition nearly always results in weld
so a small increase in current results in a large increase in power. defects as well.

The amount of current that flows along the vee & around the inside
circumference depends on the impedance of these two paths (fig. 4).

Figure 5

A common condition is that where the inside corners of the strip meet before
the outside corners, as illustrated in fig. 5a,b&c. This occurs because both
top & bottom surfaces of the strip had the same width when it was flat, and
Figure 4 when it is formed into a tube, the inside surface must be compressed and/or

TUBE & PIPE TECHNOLOGY - November/December 1999

the outside surface stretched in order for the edges to become parallel. Usually diameter & a height equal to the measured distance provides the approach
both stretching & compression occur, & most of this takes place in the fin angle. For a 3mm drill that stops 45mm from the apex, the angle is equal to
passes. If these rolls are worn, or improperly set, edge presentation will not 90 - (tan-1 45/3), or 3.8.
be correct.

When the inside corners meet first, most of the current will flow along
these corners because the vee length is shortened. This causes excessive heating
& melting, which in turn produces a large & usually ragged inside bead. In
order to get a weld that extends through the entire thickness of the tube to
the outside surface, a much greater amount of weld power is needed.

Fig. 5d,e & f show the correct, parallel presentation of the edges & the
resulting weld formation.

Roll design for proper edge presentation is beyond the scope of this article,
however any roll manufacturer can provide assistance in this area.

Vee length & angle

From a pure efficiency standpoint, the vee should be as short as physically

possible, in order to reduce conduction losses, and to direct the majority of
the induced current to flow in the vee. In practice, there are several other
factors that must be considered. In most installations, the vee length is
determined by the size of the weld rolls. Many weld box designs are derived Figure 6
from those used for low frequency ERW, and the large side rolls force the
coil to be positioned further from the apex than is ideal. Smaller weld rolls Impeder Design
are certainly more efficient, but may require more frequent regrinds &
bearing replacements. The primary function of an impeder is to increase the impedance of the
parasitic current path around the inside circumference of the tube, thus
Tube wall thickness also influences vee length. High frequency welding tends diverting more of the available energy into the weld vee. Impeders also
to heat the corners of the strip first, which is the reason for the familiar concentrate the magnetic flux created by current in the work coil, so that a
hourglass shape of the heat affected zone. If the vee is too short, the greater amount of energy is induced into the tube. A selection of typical
temperature distribution across the edges of the strip will be uneven, resulting impeders is shown in fig. 6
in an incomplete weld, or overheating of the corners & possible
decarburization of certain steels. The design & placement of the impeder are among the most important areas
in which efficiency can be improved. Impeders are critical components in
How do we define the vee length? Heating of the strip edges begins to occur the induction welding process, however since they are low cost consumable
prior to entry of the strip into the coil so the popular notion of measuring items, many buyers base their choice on price alone. Welder manufacturers
vee length from the exit end of the coil to the apex is obviously wrong. A have always used electrical efficiency as a major selling point for their particular
more realistic method is to measure from the center of the coil to the apex. brand of equipment, however in reality, there is only a difference of a few
Using this model, vee length should be approximately equal to 1-1/2 times percentage points between the best and the worst on the market, and this can
tube diameter. This can be reduced in the case of large diameter, thin walled usually be seen only under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. In
tubing, and usually has to be increased in the case of tube sizes below 25mm contrast, the selection of an impeder can affect weld speeds for a given power
(1inch) due to the mechanical constraints imposed by the weld rolls. Its level by as much as fifty percent. This would increase the speed of a mill
interesting to note that as the vee length increases, relative to tube diameter, from 200 to 400 feet per minute without any increase in weld power, or if
more & more magnetic flux has to be carried by the impeder. In the case of speed were kept constant, would cut power costs in half. Since the average
small tubes, the relatively long vee accentuates the role of the impeder at the annual cost of impeders for a single 2" tube mill is less than $8,000.00,
very point where the physical size of the impeder is limited by the space cheap impeders are frequently a very costly item.
available within the tube. Ultimately it is this which limits the minimum
tube size that can be economically welded using the high frequency induction The life expectancy of an impeder is another important factor to consider.
process. It would be possible to weld 1/4 O.D. tubing if you could use 1/ Most cost less than $25.00 each, but it takes an average of twenty minutes to
2 O.D. weld rolls! change one. If downtime is only rated at a conservative $500.00 per hour,
the cost of downtime is seven times the cost of the impeder itself!
The angle at which the strip edges meet (approach angle or vee angle) also
affects efficiency. A smaller angle requires less weld power because the The most important component in an impeder is the ferrite. Some
proximity effect is greater, concentrating more power at the surface of the manufacturers use a grade that is inexpensive, but is designed for use as antenna
steel. A small approach angle also reduces the magnetic flux in the impeder, rods in portable radios, not for the high power density and high temperatures
and may be helpful in cases where impeder saturation is a limiting factor in which occur in tube welding. Impeder ferrite should have the highest possible
weld speeds. Using too small an approach angle is detrimental because it saturation flux density and amplitude permeability, and at the same time
may result in pre-arcing. A small angle also accentuates any mechanical should have electrical & magnetic losses low enough to keep cooling
instability in the strip, caused by worn roll bores or bent shafts. The optimum requirements reasonable. Sometimes these parameters are mutually exclusive,
approach angle for carbon steel is 3-4. Stainless steels & most non ferrous so picking the right grade of ferrite requires a thorough knowledge of high
metals weld better with approach angles in the 5-8 range. frequency welder operation, as well as magnetic circuit design.

The approach angle can be difficult to measure. One quick & dirty method The position of the impeder within the tube is extremely important. Since
that works surprisingly well is to slide a small twist drill or dowel towards magnetic flux can only enter the impeder through the open vee (it does not
the apex until it touches both sides of the open vee, then measure the distance penetrate through the wall of the tube), an impeder is most effective if it is
from the drill to the apex. Solving the triangle for a base equal to the drill positioned close up under the faying edges. Unfortunately it is also most

TUBE & PIPE TECHNOLOGY - November/December 1999

Work coils for solid state induction welders normally use wide bands of pure,
oxygen free copper, with cooling tubes brazed to the outside, to minimize
their electrical resistance. Normally these coils have only one or two turns.
Because solid state welders deliver a lower voltage to the coil, the coil
inductance must be lower. This often means that the coils must be made
longer, thus increasing the effective vee length & reducing the efficiency of
the welding process. Proper coil design requires a thorough knowledge of the
welders matching requirements, as well as the induction welding process

Distance "B" is the effective vee length & should be kept

short for maximum efficiency. This requires that "C" & "D"
also be minimised. "F" is the ferrite length & should be twice
B or greater. "G" is the weld coil I.D. & is normally 1.2-1.5
times tube O.D. (A). "E" should be at least 1.25 times "F".

Figure 7 Figure8
vulnerable to damage in this position, so some compromise is usually necessary. It is important to follow the welder manufacturers recommendations as to
A good rule is to position the impeder one strip thickness below the top coil design, and in many cases the additional cost of buying coils from the
inside surface of the tube. Most impeder installations on small mills make no manufacturer or another dependable source is more than offset by the
attempt to support the impeder within the tube; it simply slides along on the reduction in power consumption that these coils can provide.
bottom. Not only is it least effective in this position, it may wear out
prematurely due to friction with the moving tube. Failure to support the Welder Frequency
impeder properly may also cause it to move up & down within the tube,
causing the weld temperature to vary. The term high frequency, when applied to tube welding, can mean anything
from 80kHz., to over 800kHz. Although frequency within this range has
For best efficiency, the ferrite in an impeder should extend from the center of little direct effect on the width of the heat affected zone, & thus upon the
the coil to a point slightly past the apex, and an equivalent distance back quantity of metal heated, there are several indirect effects which relate to
from the coil toward the last fin pass. The minimum impeder length can be efficiency.
found by adding the weld roll diameter to the coil length, as seen in fig. 6.
Using an impeder that is too short will cause a dramatic drop in welding Impeders are more effective at the higher frequencies, however their losses
efficiency. Some mill operators prefer to position the impeder upstream of increase with frequency, so keeping them cool can be difficult. The welders
the optimum position, particularly when welding materials that produce a themselves also convert power more efficiently at lower frequencies, and the
lot of weld spume. Doing so may extend the life of the impeder, but it does lower coil voltages reduce the likelihood of flashovers.
so at the expense of increased power consumption. A better solution to the
spume problem is to find out why it is occurring & if possible, eliminate the Higher frequencies are better suited to small diameter tube production,
problem at its source, or use an impeder design that is more tolerant to spume. whereas lower frequencies are a better choice for larger tube & pipe. The
ideal situation is one in which the welder frequency can be adjusted, & this
type of equipment is now available from several manufacturers.
Coil Design
Modern solid state (transistor inverter) welders are far more efficient & reliable
than the vacuum tube equipment that they have replaced, however coil design High frequency tube welding is the most widely used method of producing
for these welders is far more critical. Solid state welders are low voltage, high welded pipe & tubing, and the most efficient in terms of cost. Because profit
current devices, which contributes to their reliability but results in coil currents margins are fairly small in the tube & pipe industry, even a small increase in
that may be five times higher than in older welders. Because power dissipated efficiency can make a big difference to the bottom line! Not only will there
in the work coil itself is proportional to the square of current, be direct savings in power costs, but product quality & yield will usually
(POWER=CURRENT2 x RESISTANCE), even a small amount of electrical increase as well.
resistance in the coil can cause a huge increase the power wasted heating the
coil itself. Even downtime & maintenance costs are reduced by operating an induction
welder efficiently, because the equipment is not working as hard to produce
As an example of this, a typical solid state welder may generate a coil current the same production output.
of 1500 amps. Even with a coil resistance as low as 1/100, this translates to
a power loss in the coil of 22.5 kilowatts! This can easily negate any gain in ELECTRONIC HEATING EQUIPMENT, INC.
the efficiency of a solid state welder, over that of a vacuum tube type. The P.O. Box 7139, Bonney Lake, WA 98390 USA
coil losses in a comparable vacuum tube welder would be less than 1 kilowatt. Fax: 1-360-829-0170 Phone: 1-360-829-0168
Typical coils for both solid state & vacuum tube welders are shown in fig. 8. email:- [email protected]. www.impeder.com

TUBE & PIPE TECHNOLOGY - November/December 1999

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