Review Article
Recent Advances in Heat Transfer Enhancements:
A Review Report
Copyright 2010 M. Siddique et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Dierent heat transfer enhancers are reviewed. They are (a) fins and microfins, (b) porous media, (c) large particles suspensions,
(d) nanofluids, (e) phase-change devices, (f) flexible seals, (g) flexible complex seals, (h) vortex generators, (i) protrusions, and
(j) ultra high thermal conductivity composite materials. Most of heat transfer augmentation methods presented in the literature
that assists fins and microfins in enhancing heat transfer are reviewed. Among these are using joint-fins, fin roots, fin networks,
biconvections, permeable fins, porous fins, capsulated liquid metal fins, and helical microfins. It is found that not much agreement
exists between works of the dierent authors regarding single phase heat transfer augmented with microfins. However, too many
works having sucient agreements have been done in the case of two phase heat transfer augmented with microfins. With respect
to nanofluids, there are still many conflicts among the published works about both heat transfer enhancement levels and the
corresponding mechanisms of augmentations. The reasons beyond these conflicts are reviewed. In addition, this paper describes
flow and heat transfer in porous media as a well-modeled passive enhancement method. It is found that there are very few works
which dealt with heat transfer enhancements using systems supported with flexible/flexible-complex seals. Eventually, many recent
works related to passive augmentations of heat transfer using vortex generators, protrusions, and ultra high thermal conductivity
composite material are reviewed. Finally, theoretical enhancement factors along with many heat transfer correlations are presented
in this paper for each enhancer.
(4) Introducing secondary flows. photography employing the hydrogen bubble technique.
(5) Promoting boundary-layer separation. They used four tubes with rounded ribs having helix angles
between 38 and 80 and one or three fin starts, in their
(6) Promoting flow attachment/reattachment. investigation. Photographs taken by them showed that in
(7) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid laminar flow, bubbles follow parabolic patterns whereas in
under static conditions. the turbulent flow, these patterns break down because of ran-
(8) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid dom separation vortices. Also, for tubes with helical ridges,
under dynamic conditions. transition to turbulent flow was observed at lower Reynolds
numbers compared to smooth tube values. Although swirl
(9) Delaying the boundary layer development. flow was observed for all tubes in the turbulent flow regime,
(10) Thermal dispersion. the eect of the swirl was observed to decrease at higher
helix angles. Li et al. [5] concluded that spiral flow and
(11) Increasing the order of the fluid molecules.
boundary-layer separation flow both occurred in helical-
(12) Redistribution of the flow. ridging tubes, but with dierent intensities in tubes having
(13) Modification of radiative property of the convective dierent configurations. As such, mechanisms no. (4) and
medium. no. (5) are also important heat transfer mechanisms for
augmenting heat transfer.
(14) Increasing the dierence between the surface and Arman and Rabas [7] discussed the turbulent flow struc-
fluid temperatures. ture as the flow passes over a two-dimensional transverse
(15) Increasing fluid flow rate passively. rib. They identified the various flow separation and reat-
(16) Increasing the thermal conductivity of the solid phase tachment/redevelopment regions as: (a) a small recirculation
using special nanotechnology fabrications. region in front of the rib, (b) a recirculation region after the
rib, (c) a boundary layer reattachment/redevelopment region
Methods using mechanisms no. (1) and no. (2) include on the downstream surface, and finally (d) flow up and over
increasing the surface area in contact with the fluid to be the subsequent rib. The authors noting that recirculation
heated or cooled by using fins, intentionally promoting eddies are formed above these flow regions, identified two
turbulence in the wall zone employing surface roughness peaks that occur in the local heat transfer-one at the top of
and tall/short fins, and inducing secondary flows by creating the rib and the other in the downstream recirculation zone
swirl flow through the use of helical/spiral fin geometry just before the reattachment point. They also stated that heat
and twisted tapes. This tends to increase the eective flow transfer enhancement increases substantially with increasing
length of the fluid through the tube, which increases heat Prandtl number. Therefore, the mechanism no. (6) plays an
transfer but also the pressure drop. For internal helical fins important role in heat transfer enhancements.
however, the eect of swirl tends to decrease or vanish all Heat transfer enhancements associated with fully/par-
together at higher helix angles since the fluid flow then tially filing the fluidic volume by the porous medium take
simply passes axially over the fins [5]. On the other hand, place by the following mechanisms [8, 9].
for twisted tape inserts, the main contribution to the heat (7) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid
transfer augmentation is due to the eect of the induced under static conditions.
swirl. Due to the form drag and increased turbulence caused
by the disruption, the pressure drop with flow inside an (8) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid
enhanced tube always exceeds that obtained with a plain tube under dynamic conditions.
for the same length, flow rate, and diameter. (9) Delaying the boundary layer development.
Turbulent flow in a tube exhibits a low-velocity flow (10) Thermal dispersion.
region immediately adjacent to the wall, known as the
(11) Increasing the order of the fluid molecules.
laminar sublayer, with velocity approaching zero at the
wall. Most of the thermal resistance occurs in this low- (12) Redistribution of the flow.
velocity region. Any roughness or enhancement technique (13) Modification of radiative property of the convective
that disturbs the laminar sublayer will enhance the heat medium.
transfer [6]. For example, in a smooth tube of 25.4 mm inside
diameter, at Re = 30, 000, the laminar sublayer thickness Ding et al. [10] showed that fluids containing 0.5 wt.%
is only 0.0762 mm under fully developed flow conditions. of carbon nanotubes (CNT) can produce heat transfer
The internal roughness of the tube surface is well-known to enhancements over 250% at Re = 800, and the maximum
increase the turbulent heat transfer coecient. Therefore, for enhancement occurs at an axial distance of approximately
the example at hand, an enhancement technique employing 110 times the tube diameter. These types of mixtures are
a roughness or fin element of height 0.07 mm will disrupt named in the literature as nanofluids and it will discussed
the laminar sublayer and will thus enhance the heat transfer. later on in this report. The increases in heat transfer due to
Accordingly, mechanism no. (3) is a particularly important presence of nanofluids are thought to be associated with the
heat transfer mechanism for augmenting heat transfer. following mechanisms.
Li et al. [5] described the flow structure in helically (7) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid
finned tubes using flow visualization by means of high-speed under static conditions.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 3
(8) Enhancing eective thermal conductivity of the fluid double-pipe, shell-and-tube and compact heat exchangers
under dynamic conditions. [1520]. As an example, fins are used in air cooled finned
(9) Delaying the boundary layer development. tube heat exchangers like car radiators and heat rejection
devices. Also, they are used in refrigeration systems and in
(10) Thermal dispersion. condensing central heating exchangers. Moreover, fins are
(11) Increasing the order of the fluid molecules. also utilized in cooling of large heat flux electronic devices
as well as in cooling of gas turbine blades [21]. Fins are also
(12) Redistribution of the flow. used in thermal storage heat exchanger systems including
Flexible fluidic thin films were introduced in the work phase change materials [2225]. To the best knowledge of the
of Khaled and Vafai [11, 12] and Khaled [13]. In their authors, fins as passive elements for enhancing heat transfer
works, they describe a new passive method for enhancing the rates are classified according to the following criteria.
cooling capability of fluidic thin films. In summary, flexible (1) Geometrical design of the fin.
thin films utilize soft seals to separate between their plates
(2) Fins arrangements.
instead of having rigid thin film construction. Khaled and
Vafai [11] have demonstrated that more cooling is achievable (3) Number of fluidic reservoirs interacting with the fin.
when flexible fluidic thin films are utilized. The expansion (4) Location of the fin base with respect to the solid
of the flexible thin film including flexible microchannel heat boundary.
sink is directly related to the average internal pressure inside
(5) Composition of the fin.
the microchannel. Additional increase in the pressure drop
across the flexible microchannl not only increases the average According to design aspects, fins can have simple designs,
velocity but also, it expands the microchannel causing an such as rectangular, triangular, parabolic, annular, and pin
apparent increase in the coolant flow rate which, in turn, rod fins. On the other hand, fin design can be complicated
increases the cooling capacity of the thin film. Khaled and such as spiral fins [26, 27]. In addition, fins can have simple
Vafai [12] and Khaled [13] have demonstrated that the network as in finned tubes heat exchangers [20]. In contrast,
cooling eect of flexible thin films can be further enhanced if they can be arranged in a complex network as can be seen in
the supporting soft seals contain closed cavities filled with the works of [2830]. Moreover, fins can be further classified
a gas which is in contact with the heated plate boundary based on the fact whether they interact thermally with a
of the thin film. They referred to this kind of sealing single fluid reservoir or with two dierent fluid reservoirs.
assembly as flexible complex seals. The resulting fluidic Example of works based on the last classification is the works
thin film device is expandable according to an increase in of Khaled [31, 32]. In addition, fins can be attached to the
the working internal pressure or an increase in the heated surface as in the works [1525] or they may have roots
plate temperature. Therefore, mechanism no. (15) can have in the heated/cooled walls [13]. Finally, fins can be solid
an impact in enhancing heat transfer inside thermal systems. [3, 4, 1525] or they can be porous [33] or permeable [34].
Finally, the mechanism no. (14) finds its applications when
rooted fins are utilized as an enhancer of heat transfer [14]. 3.1.2. Laminar Single-Phase Heat Transfer in Finned Tubes.
Finally, the last mechanism will be discussed when the topic Laminar flow generally results in low heat-transfer coe-
of ultra high thermal conductivity composite materials is cients and the fluid velocity and temperature vary across
discussed. the entire flow channel width so that the thermal resistance
is not just in the region near the wall as in turbulent
3. Heat Transfer Enhancers flow. Hence, small-scale surface roughness is not eective in
enhancing heat transfer in laminar flow; the enhancement
From the concise summary about mechanisms of enhancing techniques employ some method of swirling the flow or
heat transfer described in last section, it can be concluded creating turbulence [6]. Laminar flow heat transfer and
that these mechanisms can not be achieved without the pressure drop in microfin tubes (discussed later) was
presence of the enhancing elements. These elements will experimentally measured by [35]. Their data showed that the
be called as heat transfer enhancers. In this report, the heat transfer and pressure drop in microfin tubes were just
following heat transfer enhancers will be explained: 3.1. slightly higher than in plain tubes and they recommended
Extended surfaces (Fins); 3.2. Porous media; 3.3. Large that microfin tubes not be used for laminar flow conditions.
particles suspensions; 3.4. Nanofluids; 3.5. Phase change This outcome has also been confirmed in the investigations
devices; 3.6. Flexible seals; 3.7. Flexible complex seals; 3.8. of Shome and Jensen [36] who concluded that microfinned
Vortex generators; 3.9. Protrusions; and 3.10. Ultra high tube and tubes with fewer numbers of tall fins are ineective
thermal conductivity composite materials. in laminar flows with moderate free convection, variable
viscosity, and entrance eects as they result in little or no heat
3.1. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Extended transfer enhancement at the expense of fairly large pressure
drop penalty.
Surfaces (Fins)
3.1.1. Introduction. Fins are quite often found in industry, 3.1.3. Turbulent Single-Phase Heat Transfer in Finned Tubes.
especially in heat exchanger industry as in finned tubes of Turbulent flow and heat transfer in finned tubes has been
4 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
widely studied in the past and the literature available on fins, having internal fin geometries with fin starts from 6 to
the experimental investigations of turbulent flow and heat 50, 0.026 e/D 0.158, helix angles from 0 to 15 , and
transfer in finned tubes is quite extensive. One of the earliest inside diameters of 0.420 to 1.196 inch were examined for
experimental work on the heat transfer and pressure drop 7 103 Re 3 105 and 0.7 Pr 3.4. A commercial
characteristics of single-phase flows in internally finned smooth copper tube was also tested for comparison. The air
tubes dates back to 1964 when Hilding and Coogan [37] results presented show that for most tubes, from Re = 50, 000
presented their data for ten dierent internal fin geometries up to Re = 300, 000 the heat transfer is enhanced up to 95%
for a 0.55 in. (14 mm) inner diameter copper tube with over that of a smooth tube. On the other hand, in water
0.01 in. (0.254 mm) straight brass fins using air as the test flow tests, at Re = 50, 000 heat transfer is enhanced up to
fluid. Hilding and Coogan [37] observed that the heat 87% over that of a smooth tube, but at higher Reynolds
transfer is enhanced by around 100200% over that of the number, the finned tubes approached smooth tube heat
smooth tube and the enhancement is accompanied by a transfer performance. A maximum increase of 100% in the
similar increase in the pressure drop. The Reynolds number pressure drop over smooth tube was observed for tubes
in this study ranged from 15, 00 to 50, 000. with tall helical fins. Separate empirical nondimensional heat
Kalinin and Yarkho [38] used dierent fluids in the range transfer correlations were presented for water and air, for
1500 Re 400, 000 and 7 Pr 50 to investigate the both straight and spiral fin tubes, having a form similar
eect of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers on the eectiveness to the smooth tube turbulent Sieder-Tate correlation with
of heat transfer enhancement in smoothly outlined internally additional parameters consisting of the ratios of the inter
grooved tubes. The ranges of the transverse groove heights fin spacing to the tube diameter and the fin pitch to the
tested were 0.983 d/D 0.875, (where d is the fin tip tube diameter. For straight fin tubes, the inter fin spacing-
diameter and D is the inner diameter) with maximum groove to-diameter ratio and for spiral finned tubes the pitch-to-
spacing equal to the pipe nominal diameter. They reported diameter ratio were incorporated to form a modified Blasius-
that the critical Reynolds number at which transition to type correlation for predicting the friction factor. These
turbulent flow occurs decreased from 2400 for a smooth correlations predicted their data to within a maximum error
tube to 1580 at e/D = 0.875 and fin spacing equal to half of 13%.
the pipe diameter for a grooved tube, with a maximum Carnavos [44] tested eight finned tubes (both straight
increase in the heat transfer coecient of up to 2.2 times the and helically finned) to obtain heat transfer and pressure
minimum measured value. The authors also observed that drop data for cooling of air in turbulent flow employing
the behavior of the Nusselt number for the tested range of a double tube heat exchanger. The tubes tested had fin
Prandtl numbers is independent of the Prandtl number. starts from 6 to 16 and helix angles from 2.5 to 20 . The
In their two papers, Vasilchenko and Barbaritskaya [39, results were presented on the hydraulic diameter basis for the
40] published their results for the heat transfer and pressure range 104 Reh 105 and correlations were proposed to
drop of turbulent oil flow in straight finned tubes with predict the heat transfer and the pressure drop. The reported
4 N 8 and 0.13 e/D 0.3, for an operating heat transfer correlation was in the form of a modified
condition range of 103 Re 104 and 70 Pr 140. Dittus-Boelter single-phase correlation having an additional
Their results showed that the heat transfer is enhanced by correction factor F, consisting of the ratios of the nominal
30% to 70% over that of smooth tubes for the finned tubes heat transfer area to the actual heat transfer area and the
tested. Correlations for predicting the friction factors and the actual flow area to the core flow area, respectively. The
Nusselt numbers were also presented. secant of the helix angle raised to the third power was also
In the work of Bergles et al. [41], heat transfer and included in F. The friction factor was also in the form of
pressure drop data for straight and spiral finned tubes of a modified Blasius type equation with a correction factor
fin heights from 0.77 to 3.3 mm with water as the working F comprising of the ratio of the actual flow area-to-the
fluid was investigated. The Reynolds number based on the nominal flow area and the secant of the helix angle. In a later
hydraulic diameter ranged from around 1, 500 to 50, 000. investigation, Carnavos [45] used the same apparatus and
They found an earlier transition from laminar to turbulent three more tubes with number of fin starts and helix angles
flow and their friction factor data indicated that the smooth up to 38 and 30 , respectively, to extend his air results by
tube friction factor correlations could also be used for including experimental data conducted for heating of water
the tested finned tubes in the turbulent region. The heat and a 50% w/w ethylene glycol-water solution. The data
transfer coecients were found to be up to twice that of for air obtained earlier [44] was reexamined and a set of
comparable smooth tubes. From their heat transfer data, they correlations that predicted their entire data obtained with air,
concluded that the hydraulic diameter approach is eective water, and ethylene glycol-water solution to within 10%,
for correlation only in the case of straight fins of moderate were proposed in the ranges 104 Reh 105 , 0.7 Pr
heights. 30, and 0 30 . The Nusselt number correlation was
Watkinson et al. [42, 43] in their two separate works, allowed to retain its original form whereas the helix angle
performed experiments for water and air flows, respectively, dependency in the friction factor correlation was slightly
in a tube-in-tube heat exchanger under isothermal heating changed.
conditions to study the turbulent heat transfer and pressure Armstrong and Bergles [46] conducted experiments for
drop characteristics of straight and helically finned tubes. A electric heating of air in the range 9, 000 Re 120, 000
total of eighteen tubes, 5 with straight fins and 13 with spiral and Pr = 0.71, using seven dierent silicon carbide finned
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 5
tubes all having straight fins. The tubes tested had fin starts that the heat transfer is enhanced by around 30%80%. The
from 8 to 24 and e/D from 0.06 to 0.15. The results indicated authors concluded that a major part of the enhancement is
that the heat transfer is enhanced by around 30100% over due to the increase in the area available for heat transfer and
that of a smooth silicon carbide tube. Their heat transfer data a part of the enhancement is due to flow separation and flow
was predicted to within 20% by the Carnavos [45] heat swirling eects induced by the helical fins. This is because the
transfer correlation, but a large disagreement was observed corresponding increase in the heat transfer area over that in
between the measured friction factors and those predicted by a smooth tube is around 10%50% for the tubes tested. In a
the Carnavos [45] friction factor correlation. subsequent paper, Khanpara et al. [53] also reported the local
Since their introduction more than 20 years ago, heat transfer coecients for single-phase liquid R-22 and
microfin tubes have received a lot of attention playing a R-113 flowing through a smooth and an internally finned
very significant role in modern, high-eciency heat transfer tube of 9.52 mm outer diameter, in their paper on in-tube
systems. Microfin enhancements are of special interest evaporation and condensation characteristics of microfinned
because the amount of extra material required for microfin tubes. The single-phase experiments were performed by
tubing is much less than that required for other types of direct electrical heating of the tube walls in the Reynolds
internally finned tubes [47]. Of the many enhancement number range of 5, 000 to 11, 000 for R-113 and 21, 000 to
techniques which have been proposed, passively enhanced 41, 000 for R-22. The microfinned tube had of 60 fin starts,
tubes are relatively easy to manufacture, cost-eective for a fin height of 0.22 mm, and a helix angle of approximately
many applications, and can be used for retrofitting existing 17 . The heat transfer coecients for the internally finned
units, whereas active methods, such as vibrating tubes, are tube were found to be 50% to a 150% higher than the smooth
costly and complex [48]. Moreover, these tubes ensure a large tube values.
heat transfer enhancement with a relatively small increase AI-Fahed et al. [54] experimentally tested a single
in the pressure drop penalty. Microfin tubes are typically microfinned tube with a 15.9 mm outside diameter having
made of copper and have an outside diameter between 4 and 70 helical fins with fin height of 0.3 mm and a helix angle
15 mm. The principal geometric parameters that characterize of 18 using water as the test fluid in a tube-in-tube heat
these tubes [49] are: the external diameter, fin height (from exchanger. Results were presented for isothermal heating
0.075 mm to 0.4 mm), helix angle (from 10 to 35 ), and the conditions in the range 10, 000 < Re < 30, 000. Under the
number of fin starts (from 50 to 60 ). These dimensions same conditions, comparative experiments with an internally
are in contrast to other types of internal finning that seldom smooth tube were also conducted. They noted that the heat
exceed 30 fins per inch and fin heights that range from several transfer is enhanced by 20%80% and the pressure drop is
factors higher than the microfin tube height. Currently, tubes increased by around 30%80% as compared to the smooth
with axial and helical fins, in rectangular, triangular, trape- tube values. The experimentally obtained friction and heat
zoidal, crosshatched, and herringbone patterns are available. transfer data were correlated as a Blasius and a Sieder-Tate
Important dimensionless geometric variables of an internally type correlation, respectively. The heat transfer correlation
microfinned tubes include the dimensionless fin height (/D, predicted their data to within 25%, showing a large error
fin height/internal diameter) and the dimensionless fin pitch band while no error band was reported for the friction factor
(p/, fin spacing/fin height). A microfin tube typically has results. The authors reasoned that at Re > 25, 000 the heat
0.02 /D 0.04 and 1.5 p/D 2.5, [50]. As transfer enhancement ratio is moderate plausibly because
microfinnned tubes are typically used in evaporators and at higher Re numbers the turbulence eect in microfinned
condensers, thus most of the extensive existing research tubes becomes similar to that in a plain tube.
literature on microfinned tube performance characteristics Chiou et al. [55] conducted an experimental study
is devoted to two-phase refrigerant flows. Schlager et al. with water using two internally finned tubes having the
[51] and Khanpara et al. [52] are typical examples of such same outer diameter equal to 0.375 in. (9.52 mm). The two
investigations, showing a 50% to 100% increase in boiling tubes had 60 and 65 fins, fin heights of 0.008 in (0.20 mm)
and condensation heat transfer coecients with only a 20% and 0.01 in. (0.25 mm), and helix angles of 18 and 25 ,
to 50% increase in pressure drop. However, single-phase respectively. The Reynolds number in this study ranged
performance of microfinned tubes is also an important from about 4, 000 to 30, 000. Modified Dittus-Boelter type
consideration in the design of refrigeration condensers correlations were formulated to predict the value of the
as a substantial proportion of the heat transfer area of heat transfer coecient for flow Reynolds number greater
these condensers is taken up in the desuperheating and than about 15000 and 13000, respectively, for each tube.
later subcooling of the refrigerant. Consequently, accurate An available heat-momentum analogy based correlation for
correlations for predicting the single-phase heat transfer and rough tubes along with a set of constitutive equations for
pressure drop inside microfinned tubes are necessary in calculating related roughness parameters was utilized to
order to predict the performance of these condensers and to propose correlations for predicting the friction factor and the
optimize the design of the system. Nussult number for the entire range of the Reynolds number
Khanpara et al. [52] investigated the heat transfer tested.
characteristics of R-113, testing eight microfinned tubes in Brognaux et al. [50] obtained experimental single-phase
the range 60 N 70, 0.005 e/D 0.02, and helix angles heat transfer coecients and friction factors for three single-
from 8 to 25 , for 5 103 Re 11 103 . The results grooved and three cross-grooved microfin tubes all having
presented for the single phase heating of R-113 indicated an equivalent diameter of 14.57 mm, a fin height of 0.35 mm,
6 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
and 78 helical fins; only the fin helix angle was allowed to tests were also conducted under isothermal conditions. A
vary between 17.5 and 27 Using liquid water and air as the total of sixteen pairs of tubes (15 finned and one smooth
test fluid the experiments were carried out in a double-pipe tube) with a wide range of geometric variations (inside
heat exchanger. Results were presented for cooling conditions diameter 24.6421.18 mm, helix angles 0 45 , fin height
in the range 2500 < Re < 50, 000 and 0.7 < Pr < 7.85. 0.18mm2.06 mm, and number of fins 854) were tested.
Validation experiments with an internally smooth tube were In the reported results, the authors first described the
also conducted using water and air. Compared to a smooth parametric eects of dierent fin geometries on turbulent
tube, the maximum heat transfer enhancement reported friction factors and Nusselt numbers in internally finned
was 95% with a pressure drop increase of 80% for water tubes and then go on to prescribe a criterion for labeling
at Pr = 6.8. They also found that the friction factors in a tube as a high fin tube (2e/D > 0.06) or a micro fin
microfin tubes do not reach a constant value at high Reynolds tube. They stated that a microfin tube is characterized by its
numbers as is usually observed in rough pipes. The authors peculiar pressure drop behavior with long lasting transitional
also used their data in the range 0.7 < Pr < 7.85 (using only flow up to Re = 20, 000. Trends in the reported data are
2 of the tested tubes) to analyze the dependence of the heat dierent depending on whether the tube is a high-fin or a
transfer on the Prandtl number exponent. Using the heat- microfin tube. High fin tubes show friction factors curves
momentum transfer analogy as applied for rough surfaces, similar to those of a smooth tube, only displaced higher
they presented their experimental heat transfer and friction with the friction factor increasing as the number of fins
factor data as functions of the roughness Reynolds number increases. For microfin tubes, in general, the friction factor
and from cross-plots deduced the Prandtl number exponent is insensitive to the fin height and the Reynolds number
to be between 0.56-0.57. The Prandtl number exponent up to Re = 20, 000, but beyond this value the friction
between 0.550.57 was also determined for the power law factor showed a decreasing trend with increasing Re as in
formulation Nu = CRem Prn . The authors also defined an smooth tubes and the eect of number of fins, fin height,
eciency index (which gives the ratio of the increase in and the helix angle also comes into play, whenever anyone
heat transfer to the increase in friction factor for a finned of these parameter is increased the friction factor increased
and plain tube, resp.) and presented its value for the dierent (exceptions may occur due to dierence in fin profile).
tubes tested. The higher the eciency index, the better the Overall the reported increase in friction factor for the high
enhancement geometry. finned tubes ranged from 40%170% and in microfin tubes
Huq et al. [56] presented experimental heat transfer and from 40%140%, over smooth tubes. For both types of tubes
friction data for turbulent air flow in a tube having internal the reported trends of the slope of the Nu curves generally
fins in the entrance region as well as in the fully-developed followed that of the smooth tube; however, the trends
region. The tube/fin assembly was cast from aluminum to revealed a dierent slope at lower Re for the two categories
avoid any thermal contact resistance. The uniformly heated of tubes. This characteristic was attributed by the authors to
test section was 15.2 m in length and the inner diameter the greater capacity of swirling flow for higher finned tubes.
of the tube was 70 mm which contained six equally spaced However, the trends with geometry were similar to those
fins of height 15 mm. The Reynolds number based on noted for the friction factors. Overall, the reported increase
hydraulic diameter ranged from 2.6 104 to 7.9 104 . in Nu for the high finned tubes ranged from 50%150%
The results presented by the authors exhibited high pressure and in microfin tubes from 20%220% over smooth tubes.
gradients and high heat transfer coecients in the entrance They reported that the correlations from the literature poorly
region, approaching the fully developed asymptotic values predict their data and based on the findings from the
away from the entrance section. The enhancement of heat trends observed went on to develop new correlations for
transfer rate due to integral fins was reported to be very friction factors and Nusselt numbers separately for the two
significant over the entire range of flow rates studied in categories of tube categories (high and microfin) identified
this experiment. Heat transfer coecient, based on inside by them. These correlations are applicable to a wide range of
diameter and nominal area of finned tube exceeded unfinned geometric and flow conditions for both categories of tubes
tube values by 97% to 112% for the tested Reynolds number and estimated well their data as well as the data from the
range. When compared at constant pumping power, an literature.
improvement as high as 52% was also observed for the overall Webb et al. [58] investigated the heat transfer and fluid
heat transfer rate. flow characteristics of internally helical ribbed tubes. Using
With the expressed objective of developing physically liquid water as the test fluid the experiments were carried
based generally applicable correlations for Nusselt number out in a double-pipe heat exchanger. Results were presented
and friction factor for the finned tube geometry, Jensen for cooling conditions in the range 20, 000 < Re < 80, 000
and Vlakancic [57] carried out a detailed experimental and 5.08 < Pr < 6.29. A total of eight tubes (7 ribbed and
investigation of turbulent fluid flow in internally finned one smooth tube) all having an inside diameter of 15.54 mm
tubes covering a wide range of fin geometric and operating but a wide range of geometric variations (helix angles
conditions. Two geometrically identical double pipe heat 25 45 , rib height 0.327 mm0.554 mm, and number of
exchangers were used. The test fluid (water and ethylene fin starts 1045) were tested. The authors presented power
glycol were used) flowed through the tube side of each of law based empirical correlations using their experimental
the heat exchangers in counter-flow with hot water in one data for the Colburn j-factor and the fanning friction factor,
test section and cold water in the other. Friction factor which predicted their data reasonably well. The finned tube
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 7
performance eciency index as defined by Brognaux et al. also validated the finding of Brognaux et al. [50] that the
[50] was also determined for the tubes tested, from which friction factors in microfin tubes do not reach a constant
the authors concluded that the two key factors that aect value at high Reynolds numbers as is usually observed in
the increase of the heat transfer coecient in helically-ribbed rough pipes surface. No attempt was made to present a
tubes are the area increase and fluid mixing in the inter direct comparison of heat transfer enhancement between a
fin region caused by flow separation and reattachment, and smooth and a microfinned tube, but an eciency index was
the combination of the two determines the level of the heat defined. Smaller value of eciency index means increased
transfer enhancement. friction penalty to establish a given enhancement level. Using
Copetti et al. [49] tested a single internally microfinned this index, the authors noted that the tubes with higher
tube of 9.52 mm diameter using water as the test fluid. relative roughness and smaller spiral angle show a better heat
Microfin height was 0.20 mm, fin helix angle was 18 , and transfer performance than tubes with larger spiral angle and
number of fin starts was 60. Results were presented for smaller relative roughness. The authors concluded that the
uniform heating conditions in the range 2, 000 < Re < heat transfer area augmentation by higher relative roughness
20, 000. Under the same conditions, comparative experi- is the main contributor to the eciency index.
ments with an internally smooth tube were also conducted. Li et al. [61] experimentally investigated the single-phase
They noted that the microfin tube provides higher heat pressure drop and heat transfer in a microfin tube with a
transfer performance than the smooth tube although the 19 mm outside diameter having 82 helical fins with a fin
pressure drop increase is also substantial (in turbulent flow height of 0.3 mm and a helix angle of 25.5 using oil and
hmicrofin /hsmooth = 2.9 and pmicrofin /psmooth = 1.7 at water as the test fluid in a tube-in-tube heat exchanger.
the maximum Reynolds number tested). The finned tube Results were presented for cooling conditions in the range
performance eciency index as defined by Brognaux et 2500 < Re < 90, 000 and 3.2 < Pr < 220. The pressure drop
al. [50] were also determined which showed that the heat data were collected under adiabatic conditions. Under the
transfer increase was always superior to the pressure drop same conditions, comparative experiments with an internally
penalty. The experimentally obtained Nusselt numbers were smooth tube were also conducted. Their results showed that
empirically correlated separately as a Dittus-Boelter, a Sieder- there is a critical Reynolds number, Recr , for heat transfer
Tate, and a Gnielinski type correlation. These correlations enhancement. For Re < Recr , the heat transfer in the microfin
predicted their data reasonably well. tube is the same as that in a smooth tube, but for Reynolds
Wang and Rose [59] compiled an experimental database numbers higher than Recr , the heat transfer in the microfin
of twenty-one microfin tubes, covering a wide range of tube is gradually enhanced compared with a smooth tube. It
tube and fin geometric dimensions, Reynolds number and reaches more than twice that in a smooth tube for Reynolds
including data for water, R11, and ethylene glycol for friction numbers greater than 30, 000 with water as the working fluid.
factor for single-phase flow in spirally grooved, horizontal They attributed this behavior to the decrease in the thickness
microfin tubes. The tubes had inside diameter at the fin root of the viscous sublayer with increasing Reynolds numbers.
between 6.46mm and 24.13 mm, fin height between 0.13mm When the microfins are inside the viscous sublayer, the heat
and 0.47 mm, fin pitch between 0.32mm and 1.15 mm, and transfer is not enhanced, while when the microfins are higher
helix angle between 17 and 45 . The Reynolds number than the viscous sublayer, heat transfer is enhanced. They
ranged from 2.0 103 to 1.63 105 . Six earlier friction also investigated the Prandtl number dependency of the
factor correlations, each based on restricted data sets, were Nusselt number in the form of NuPrn and found that the
compared with the database as a whole. They reported that Nusselt number is proportional to Pr0.56 in the enhanced
none was found to be in good agreement with all of the data region and is proportional to Pr0.3 in the nonenhanced
and indicated that the Jensen and Vlakancic [57] correlation region. For the high Prandtl number working fluid (oil,
was found to be the best and represented their database 80 < Pr < 220), the critical Reynolds number for heat
within 21%. transfer enhancement is about 6000, while for the low
Han and Lee [60] obtained experimental single-phase Prandtl number working fluid (water, 3.2 < Pr < 5.8), the
heat transfer coecients and friction factors for four micro critical Reynolds number for heat transfer enhancement is
finned tubes all with 60 helical fins using liquid water as about 10, 000. The reported friction factors in the microfin
the test fluid in a double-pipe heat exchanger. The tubes tube are almost the same as for a smooth tube for Reynolds
tested had fin helix angles between 9.2 and 25.2 and numbers below 10, 000. They become higher for Re > 10, 000
fin height between 0.12 mm and 0.15 mm. Results were and reach values 40%50% greater than that in a smooth
presented for cooling conditions in the range 3000 < Re < tubes for Re > 30, 000. They also concluded that the friction
40, 000 and 4 < Pr < 7. Validation experiments with an factors in the microfin tube do not behave as in a fully rough
internally smooth tube were also conducted. Using the heat- tube even at a Reynolds number of 90, 000.
momentum transfer analogy, as used by Brognaux et al. [50], An artificial neural network (ANN) approach was
they presented their experimentally determined heat transfer applied by Zdaniuk et al. [62] to correlate experimentally
and friction factor correlations as functions of the roughness determined Colburn j-factors and Fanning friction factors
Reynolds number, Re , with a mean deviation and root for flow of liquid water in straight tubes with internal helical
mean square deviation of less than 6.4%. They noted that fins. Experimental data came from eight enhanced tubes
the microfin tubes show an earlier achievement of the fully reported later in Zdaniuk et al. [63]. The performance of
rough region which starts at Re = 70 for rough pipes and the neural networks was found to be superior compared to
8 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
the corresponding power-law regressions. The ANNs were In a subsequent analysis, Zdaniuk et al. [67] using genetic
subsequently used to predict data of other researchers but programming extended their earlier work [63] presenting
the results were less accurate. The ANN training database a linear regression approach to correlate experimentally-
was expanded to include experimental data from two determined Colburn j-factors and Fanning friction factors
independent investigations. The ANNs trained with the for flow of liquid water in helically finned tubes. Experimen-
combined database showed satisfactory results, and were tal data came from the eight enhanced tubes used in their
superior to algebraic power-law correlations developed with previous study [63] discussed above. This new study revealed
the combined database. that, in helically finned tubes, logarithms of both friction and
Siddique and Alhazmy [64] also tested a single inter- Colburn j-factors can be correlated with linear combinations
nally microfinned tube with a nominal inside diameter of of the same five simple groups of parameters identified in
7.38 mm. Microfin height was 0.20 mm, helix angle was their earlier work [63] and a constant. The proposed func-
18 , and number of fin starts was 50. Experiments were tional relationship was tested with independent experimental
conducted in a double pipe heat exchanger with water as the data yielding excellent results. The authors concluded that
cooling as well as the heating fluid for six sets of runs. The the performance of their proposed correlations is much
pressure drop data were collected under isothermal condi- better than that of the power law correlations and only
tions. Data were taken for turbulent flow with 3300 Re slightly worse than that of the artificial neural networks.
22, 500 and 2.9 Pr 4.7. The heat transfer data were corre- More recently, Webb [68] investigated the heat transfer
lated by a Dittus-Boelter type correlation, while the pressure and friction characteristics of three tubes (19.05 mm O.D.,
drop data were correlated by a Blasius type correlation. 17.32 mm I.D.) including one developed by the author
These correlations predicted their data to within 9% and 1%, (designated as tube T3) having a conical, three-dimensional
respectively. The correlation predicted values for both the roughness on the inner tube surface with water flow in the
Nusselt number and the friction factors were compared with tube. Experiments were conducted in a double tube heat
other studies. They found that the Nusselt numbers obtained exchanger with water as the cooling as well as the heating
from their correlation fall in the middle region between fluid. The pressure drop data were collected under adiabatic
the Copetti et al. [49] and the Gnielinski [65] smooth tube conditions. The data were taken at a tube side Reynolds
correlation predicted Nusselt number values. For pressure number range of 400024, 000 and the Prandtl number
drop results, they reported the existence of a transition zone varied from 6.6 to 5.9. The heat transfer data were correlated
for Re < 11, 500 in which the friction factor data exhibited by a Dittus-Boelter type correlation, while the pressure
a local maxima. The presented correlation predicted friction drop data were correlated by a Blasius type correlation.
factors values were nearly double that of the Blasius smooth The measured maximum uncertainty in the friction factor
tube correlation predicted friction factors. The authors was reported to be 5.96%, while for most data points,
concluded that the rough tube Gnielinski [65] and Haaland the uncertainty in the measured value of the inside heat
[66] correlations can be used as a good approximation to transfer coecient was stated to be 8%. The experimentally
predict the finned tube Nusselt number and friction factor, obtained values for the Nusselt number were compared with
respectively, in the tested Reynolds number range. an independent study and were found to be 9%12% higher.
Zdaniuk et al. [63] experimentally determined the heat The author reported that the TC3 truncated cone tube
transfer coecients and friction factors for eight helically provides a Nusselt number 3.74 times that of a plain tube, but
finned tubes and one smooth tube using liquid water at it has it has nearly 60% higher pressure drop and concluded
Reynolds numbers ranging between 12, 000 and 60, 000. that the three-dimensional roughness oers potential for
The helically-finned tested tubes had helix angles between considerably higher heat transfer enhancement (e.g., 50%
25 and 48 , number of fin starts between 10 and 45, and higher) than is given by helical ridged tubes. Accelerated
fin height-to-diameter ratios between 0.0199 and 0.0327. particulate fouling data were also provided for TC3 tube, and
Power-law correlations for Fanning friction and Colburn j- for five dierent helical-ribbed tubes for 1300 ppm foulant
factors were developed using a least-squares regression using concentration at 1.07 m/s water velocity (Re = 16, 000).
five simple groups of parameters identified by Webb et al. The fouling rate was compared with helical-rib geometries
[58]. The performance of the correlations was evaluated reported earlier by Li and Webb [69]. The author noted
with independent data of Jensen and Vlakancic [57] and that the TC3 tube shows a very high accelerated particulate
Webb et al. [58] with average prediction errors in the 30% to fouling rate, which is higher than that of the helical-ribbed
40% range. The authors also gave recommendations about tubes tested by Li and Webb [69] and recommended that
the use of some specific tubes used in their experimentations the 3-D roughness tubes should experience minimal and
and concluded that disagreements in the experimental results acceptable low fouling, if used with relatively clean or treated
of Webb et al. [58], Jensen and Vlakancic [57], and their water.
own study imply that a broader database of heat transfer Most recently, Bharadwaj et al. [70] experimentally
and friction characteristics of flow in helically ribbed tubes determined pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of
is desirable. The authors further recommended that more liquid water flowing in a single 75 fin start spirally grooved
research should be performed on the influence of geometric tube (inside diameter = 14.808 mm, f in helix angle = 23 ,
parameters on flow patterns, especially in the inter fin and f in height = 0.3048 mm) with and without a twisted
region using modern flow visualization techniques or proven tape insert. Results were presented for uniform heating
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. conditions at Pr = 5.4 in the range 300 < Re < 35, 000.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 9
The grooves are clockwise with respect to the direction of data do exist for predicting pressure drop and heat transfer
flow. The authors noted that for the microfin tube experi- in turbulent flow in finned tubes, but it also seems that there
ments transition-like characteristics begin at Re 3000 and is a substantial disagreement between the results predicted
continued up to Re = 7000. Beyond this value of Re, the by these dierent correlations; therefore, a need exists for
friction factor remained nearly constant similar to flow in further research in this area.
a rough tube. Power law-based correlation for the friction
factors and Nusselt numbers were presented in the ranges of 3.1.4. Mathematical Modeling of Fins
300 < Re < 3000 (laminar), 3000 < Re < 7000 (transition),
and Re > 7000 (turbulent). They noted that in the laminar General One-Dimensional Model. Consider a fin having a
and turbulent ranges of Re, Nu is almost doubled compared length L and a cross-sectional area AC extending from a
to its value in a smooth tube as predicted by the Dittus base surface. The thermal conductivity of the fin is k f . The
Boelter correlation. But, for the transition range 3000 < Re < convection coecient for the fin facing the outside fluid
7000, the Nu-data almost coincide with the same smooth- stream is h f . It is assumed that h f does not vary with
tube correlation predicted value, indicating no enhancement position and that the variation of the fin temperature in the
in heat transfer in this range. Constant pumping power com- transverse direction is negligible. The x-axis is directed along
parison with smooth tube showed that the spirally grooved the fin center line starting from the base. The heat diusion
tube without twisted tape yields maximum heat transfer equation for the fin is
enhancement of 400% in the laminar range and 140% in the
turbulent range. However, for 2500 < Re < 9000, reduction 1 d dT f h f dAs
Ac T f T = 0, (1)
in heat transfer was noticed. For the experiments with the Ac dx dx k f Ac dx
twisted tape inserts having twist ratios of 10.15, 7.95, and 3.4,
compared to smooth tube, the heat transfer enhancement where T f and T are the fin temperature and the external
due to spiral grooves was found to be even further enhanced. fluid far stream temperature, respectively.
They found that the direction of twist (clockwise and
anticlockwise) influences the thermo-hydraulic characteris- Joint-Fins. Consider a thin wall separating two convective
tics. Constant pumping power comparisons with smooth media having free stream temperatures T1 and T2 on the
tube characteristics show that in spirally grooved tube with left and right sides, respectively. It is assumed that T1 > T2 .
twisted tape, heat transfer increases considerably in laminar The convective media with temperature T1 is refereed to as
and moderately in turbulent range of Reynolds numbers. the source while the other one is refereed to as the sink.
However, for the spiral tube with anticlockwise twisted tape Suppose that a very long fin having a uniform cross-sectional
(Y = 10.15), reduction in heat transfer was noticed over the area AC penetrates through the wall linking thermally both
transition range of Reynolds numbers. the source and the sink. The terminology joint fin is used to
From the above comprehensive literature review, it is refer to such kinds of fins. It is assumed that the conduction
clear that many studies have been conducted to investigate heat transfer at the fin tips on the source and the sink sides
the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of inter- are negligible and that the convection coecient for the fin
nally finned tubes for single phase situations. However, much in the source side is h f 1 while it is h f 2 on the sink side. Now
of the reported data pertains to large fin systems. Most of consider that fin to have a finite length L and insulated from
the experimental correlations are applicable only for the its both ends. The fin heat transfer can be calculated from
particular system they were developed for. It is also apparent either the receiver or the sender fin portions. It is equal to the
that quite a few empirical correlations based on experimental following in a dimensionless form [31]
h f 1 k1 PAC T1 T2 tanh[m1 L(L1 /L)]
qf =
, (2)
1 + tanh[m1 L(L1 /L)]/ tanh m1 L h f 2 /h f 1 (k1 /k2 )(1 (L1 /L)) h f 1 /h f 2 (k1 /k2 )
where m1 and m2 (the receiver and sender fin portion indices) primary fin. The resulting fin system is referred as to a hairy
are equal to fin system. The secondary fins are uniformly distributed
over the primary fin surface. The x-axis is taken along the
h f 1P h f 2P length of the primary fin starting from the base cross-section
m1 = , m2 = . (3) while the y-axis is taken in the transverse direction. The
k1 AC k2 AC
one-dimensional conduction heat diusion equation can be
found to be equal to the following [30]:
Hairy Fin System. Consider a rectangular fin (primary fin)
having a length L and a constant perimeter P and a constant
cross-sectional area AC . It is extending from a surface which
d 2 T f d
is kept at a base temperature Tb . A large number of pin rods 1 + hd kd d m2 T f T = 0, (4)
2 2
dx 2 hf
(secondary fins) are attached on the outer surface of the
10 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
where hd , kd , d, and T f (x) are the convection coecient the energy equation can be found to be equal to the following
between the surface of the secondary fins and the [32]:
surrounding fluid, thermal conductivity of the secondary
fin, secondary fin diameter and the temperature of the main d2 T 2
m T f Te = 0, (7)
fin at the location of the secondary fin base, respectively. The dx2
ratio is equal to the total base area of the secondary fins where
to the total surface
area of the primary fin. The index m is
equal to m = h f P/(k f AC ). h1 P1 + h2 P2
m= ,
Rooted Fins. Consider a fin having a length L and a uniform T1 + (h2 P2 /[h1 P1 ])T2
Te = .
cross-sectional area AC extending from the interior surface 1 + (h2 P2 /[h1 P1 ])
of a wall having a thickness L1 , (L1 < L). The temperature
of the interior surface is Ti while it is equal to To for the Biconvection Longitudinal-Wise Fins. Consider a fin with
exterior surface. The thermal conductivity of the wall and uniform cross-section AC and perimeter P having a thermal
the fin are kw and k f , respectively. The fin portion facing the conductivity k f and a very long length. The fin portion
outside fluid stream is subject to convection with free stream starting from the base and ending a distance L1 from the base
temperature equal to T and convection coecient of h f . It is subjected to convection with a free stream temperature
is assumed that h f does not vary with position and that the of T1 and a convection heat transfer coecient h f 1 .
variation of the fin temperature in the transverse direction is The remaining portion is subjected to another convective
negligible. As such, the performance indicator can be equal medium with T2 and h f 2 as the convective parameters.
to the following [14]: Assuming the temperature variations along the cross-section
is negligible, the fin heat transfer rate can be found to be
equal to the following [32]:
qf kAC dT/dx|x=o q f = kAC Ph1 (Tb T1 )
= =
qf k f AC h f P(To T )
very long 1 + h1 /h2 tanh(m1 L1 )
L1 =0
tanh(m1 L1 ) + h1 /h2 (9)
1 1
mL1 [((Ti T )/(Ti To )) 1] ((T1 T2 )/(T1 Tb ))sech(m1 L1 )
tanh(m1 L1 ) + h1 /h2
o (mL1 )2 (L/L1 1) [(Ti T)/(T i To) 1]1
+ ,
[sinh(nL1)/nL1 ] o (mL1 ) (L/L1 1)+nL1 /tanh(nL1)
2 whereTb is the base temperature, m1 = h1 P/(kAC ) and
m2 = h2 P/(kAC ).
Biconvection Span-Wise Rectangular Fins. Consider a rect-
where o is the eciency of the fin portion facing the outside angular thin fin having a thermal conductivity k f , length
stream. The surface with x = 0 is the fin root base surface. L and a thickness t. The fin surface is subjected to two
The factor n is equal to dierent convection conditions. The first region has a span
height H1 while the second region has a span height H2 .
k SP The convection medium facing the first region has T1 and
n= , (6) h f 1 as the free stream temperature and the heat transfer
k f AC
convection coecient, respectively, while T2 and h f 2 are
those corresponding to the convection conditions for the
where S is the shape factor. The unit of S is the reciprocal of
second region. For very long fin, Khaled [32] showed that
the length unit. For example, if the wall temperature reaches
the fin total heat transfer is equal to the following:
its one-dimensional temperature field at an average distance
t from the surface
of the fin, then S = 1/t. The index m is q f = m2 H2 k f t(T1 T2 )
equal to m = h f P/(k f AC ).
(m2 H2 + m1 H1 )1b k f t(T1 T2 )+k f t(T1 T2 )
Biconvection Perimeter-Wise Fins. Consider a fin with uni- ((h /h ) 1) coth(m H ) ((h /h )1)coth(m H )
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
form cross-section AC having a thermal conductivity k f . A ,
uniform fin portion of perimeter P1 is subject to convection h /h coth(m H ) + h /h coth(m H )
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
with a free stream temperature of T1 and a convection heat (10)
transfer coecient of h f 1 while the remaining fin portion
of perimeter P2 is subject to another convection medium where m1
= =
h1 P1 /(kAC1 )h1 /(kt) and m2 =
with T2 and h f 2 as the convective parameters. Assuming the h2 P2 /(kAC ) = h2 /(kt), Tb is fin base temperature and
temperature variation along the cross-section is negligible, 1b = (Tb T1 )/(T2 T1 ).
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 11
Permeable Fins. Consider a permeable fin with uniform coecient by increasing mixing or the thermal dispersions
cross-section AC (AC = 2Ht) and a perimeter P (P = 2H) levels between the ambient fluid and the solid phase of the
having a thermal conductivity k f and a very long length. The porous fin. They found that using a porous fin with certain
fin encounter uniform flow (with density and specific heat porosity might give same performance as conventional fin
c p ) across its thickness with an average suction speed at the and save 100 times porosity percent of the fin material.
upper surface of Vo where is the ratio of holes area to the In addition, Kiwan and Zeitoun [71] found that porous
total surface area. The upper surface of the fin is subjected fins enhanced the heat transfer coecient more than 70%
to convection with a free stream temperature of T and a compared to that of conventional solid fins under natural
convection coecient h f . The direction of Vo is from the convection conditions.
upper surface to the lower surface of the fin. Khaled [34] has
shown that the fin heat transfer rate is obtained from Capsulated Liquid Metal Fins. A capsulated fin is a capsule
full of a liquid metal made of a very thin metal shell
qf k f (1 )AC dT f /dx f of very high thermal conductivity. The capsulated fins are
x f =0
qf attached to hot surfaces in dierent manners and directions,
=0 k f AC h f P(TB T )
=0 which allow for the activation of natural convective currents
$ %
in the liquid metal held inside the capsules. There must
(0) Pr fo be some temperature increase in the direction of the
= (1 )
, gravitational force to activate the free convective currents
(0) |=0 1 (0) |=0
within the liquid metal. Aldoss et al. [72] introduced this
novel type of heat transfer enhancement technique for
where Pr is the external fluid Prandtl number. He also the first time, and numerically estimated and compared
derived a correlation for (0) using similarity solution for the thermal performance of a liquid metal capsulated fin
the boundary layer problem above the upper surface of the with that of a conventional solid fin, investigating the
fin. This correlation is equal to eect of several design and operating parameters. Two
equal-size geometries for the capsulated fins longitudinal
b5 b6 sectional area were considered: the rectangular and the half-
b1 Prb2 Prb3 + b4 fo (12) circular fins. It was found that using capsulated fins might
(0) =
(1 + b7 Prb8 ) enhance the performance over an equal-size conventional
solid fin by about 500% for the conventional steel fin, 270%
b1 = 1.0605 b2 = 1.1424 b3 = 1.6070 for the conventional solid sodium fin, and 150% for the
b4 = 4.7261 b5 = 2.3293 b6 = 0.3782 conventional aluminum fin for a fin length to width ratio
of 5. Using capsulated fins is justified in applications that
b7 = 0.6104 b8 = 0.4466 (13) involve a high-base temperature, high height-to-width aspect
ratio, and a high external convective heat transfer coecient.
uo H Vo
ReH = fo = ReH .
Models for Heat Transfer Correlations for Microfins. In exper-
The velocities uo and Vo are equal to the following: imental work on turbulent single-phase heat transfer in
internally finned tubes, most of the heat transfer correla-
$ %
VH d V d tions can be broadly classified as simple nondimensional
uo = 1 , empirical correlations, compounded/modified nondimen-
l 24 t
(14) sional empirical correlations containing additional variables
adjudged to be of controlling importance by the researcher,
1 d V d
Vo = V, and lastly correlations based on the heat-momentum transfer
24 t
analogy model for rough surfaces as first proposed by
where d and V are the far stream external normal velocity Dipprey and Sabersky [73] are used for microfinned tubes.
and d is the diameter of the holes on the fin, respectively. is The simple nondimensional correlations use the gov-
the dynamic viscosity of the external fluid. erning dierential conservation equations of the tube side
fluid turbulent boundary layer as a basis for defining the
appropriate nondimensional groups for correlating the heat
Porous Fins. Heat transfer in porous fins has also gained
transfer data. Thus, the Nusselt number is proposed as
a recent attention of many researchers. Porous materials
a function of the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. The
of high thermal conductivity have been used to enhance
heat transfer data from these investigations are typically
heat transfer as will be discussed in Section 3.2. Kiwan
correlated by a relationship of the form
and Al-Nimr [33] were among the recent researchers who
numerically investigated the eect of using porous fins on hd
the heat transfer from a heated horizontal surface. The basic Nu = = C Rem Prn , (15)
philosophy behind this kind of enhancers is to increase the
eective area through which heat is convected to ambient the so-called Dittus Boelter type correlation. The variables
fluid in addition to augment the convection heat transfer h, d and k are the fully developed convection heat transfer
12 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
coecient, pipe inner diameter, and the fluid thermal where Ns is the number of fin starts, e/D is the fin height to
conductivity, respectively. The experimental data is then used diameter ratio, and is the helix angle.
to find coecients C, m, and n using regression analysis or Using the heat-momentum transfer analogy as applied
cross-plotting. for smooth surfaces, Dipprey and Sabersky [73] showed that
In experimental works where very limited testing has a similar analogy model is applicable for sand-grain type wall
been done, for example, using only a single microfinned roughness. For turbulent flow in a rough circular tube, this
tube, very simple correlations of the Dittus Boelter type have can be given as
been proposed to explain the data trend. A good example
of this type of a correlation is found in the work of Chiou f /2 Re Pr
Nu = 0.5 & ', (22)
et al. [55], in which the average Nusselt numbers from the 1 + f /2 g(e+ )Prn B(e+ )
experimentally obtained data were correlated as
where the Nusselt number is a function of Reynolds and
Nu = 0.043Re0.8 Pr0.4 . (16) Prandtl numbers and the friction factor ( f ) which depends
on the geometrical variables (e/D, Ns and ) of the microfin
In the same way Copetti et al. [49], have correlated their heat
tube. B(e+ ) is the friction similarity function for the
transfer data as
rough/microfinned tube where e+ is the roughness Reynolds
Nu = 0.0034Re1.1 Pr0.4 . (17) number, while the g(e+ ) is the correlating function for
the rough/microfinned tube determined separately. These
Another variation of this approach is seen in the work of Al- functions will be dierent for dierent roughness types, that
Fahed et al. [54] who correlated the average Nusselt numbers is, for geometrically dierent microfinned tubes.
from their experimentally obtained data in a Sider-Tate type An example of this type of heat transfer correlation is
correlation as found in the work of Copetti et al. [49], who have also
0.14 correlated their microfinned tube heat transfer data as
0.8 1/3 b
Nu = 0.039Re Pr . (18) f /2 (Re 1000)Pr
w Nu = 0.5 . (23)
1 + f /2 [8.05Pr0.38 + 9.09]
As stated above, the compounded/modified nondimensional
empirical correlations contain additional variables adjudged 3.2. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Porous Media
to be of controlling importance by the researcher. A good
example of this approach is seen in the work of Carnavos 3.2.1. Introduction. Porous media are used to enhance the
[45], who conducted an extensive experimental investigation rate of heat and mass transfer in energy systems. The
using eleven internally finned tubes with air, water, and values of Nusselt number in presence of porous media are
ethylene glycol-water solutions. His heat transfer correlation approximately 50% above the values predicted for laminar
is given as flows in channels without porous materials [74]. Moreover,
the convective heat transfer coecient is larger for systems
Nu = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4 F, (19) filled with porous material than the systems without porous
material due to the large thermal conductivity of the
where porous matrix compared with the fluid thermal conductivity,
0.5 especially for gas flows. However, porous media results in
Afa An
F= [sec()]2 . (20) substantial pressure drop [9]. To minimize pressure drop,
Afc Aa
partially fillings of porous media can be used.
We see that this heat transfer correlation is in the form of a Partial filling of the porous medium has advantage of
modified Dittus-Boelter single-phase correlation having an reducing the pressure drop compared with a system filled
additional correction factor F, consisting of the ratios of completely with porous medium [9]. A partial filling of
the actual flow area (Afa ) to the core flow area (Afc ) and the a channel with porous media redirects the flow to escape
nominal heat transfer area (An ) to-the actual heat transfer from the core porous region, depending on the permeability
area (Aa ), respectively. The secant of the helix angle () raised of the porous medium, to the outer region. This eect
to the third power is also included in F. reduces the boundary layer thickness. As such, the rate of
Another variation of nondimensional correlation type heat transfer is enhanced. Moreover, the porous medium
is to fit the heat transfer data in terms of the so called increases the eective thermal conductivity and heat capacity
Colburn j-factor, modified by additional variables adjudged of the fluid-porous material medium and the solid matrix
to be of controlling importance. An example of this can be enhances the rate of radiative heat transfer in a system
seen in the work of Zdaniuk et al. [63] who experimentally especially if the gas is the working fluid. In summary, the
determined the heat transfer coecients and friction factors heat transfer enhancements associated with partial filing of
for eight helically-finned tubes and one smooth tube using the porous medium take place by three mechanisms: (i) flow
liquid water. Their heat transfer correlation is given as redistribution, (ii) thermal conductivity modification, and
0.0877 (iii) radiative property modification of the medium.
e Many works have been conducted in the domain of
j = St Pr2/3 = 0.029Re0.347 Ns 0.252 0.362 , (21)
D partially fillings of porous media. For example, Jang and
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 13
Chen [75] conducted a numerical study for a forced flow where and T are the porosity (void-volume-to-the-
in a parallel channel partially filled with a porous medium total-medium-volume ratio) and tortuosity of the medium,
by adopting the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model with respectively.
a thermal dispersion term. Chikh et al. [76, 77] presented
an analytical solution for the fully developed flow in annulus Generalized Flow Transport Model. In cases where fluid
configuration partially filled with porous medium. Al-Nimr inertia is not negligible, another drag force starts to become
and Alkam [78] extended the analysis to the transient significant which is the form drag excreted by the fluid on
solution for annulus flow with porous layer. They found that the solid. Vafai and Tien [91] suggested a generalized model
an increase of up to 12 times in the Nu number was reported for flow transport in porous media based on Brinkman
when annuli partially filled with porous substrates located and Forchheimers equations. The latter equation takes into
either on the inner or the outer cylinder in comparison considerations the presence of form drags due fluid inertia.
with the clear annuli. Alkam and Al-Nimr [79] further This generalized model is summarized in the following
investigated the thermal performance of a conventional con- equation:
centric tube heat exchanger by placing porous substrates on
both sides of the inner cylinder. Numerical results obtained 1 v 1 vv 1 2
f + = (P) + v
showed that porous substrates of optimum thicknesses t f
yield the maximum improvement in the heat exchanger (27)
cF f
performance with moderate increase in the pumping power. v 1/2 |v|v,
This kind of heat transfer enhancers are used in wide range K K
of practical applications including: (a) forced channel flow where cF and f are the dimensionless form-drag constant
applications [8084] and (b) renewable energy applications and the fluid density, respectively. For packed bed of solid
[82, 85]. Recent reviews of the subject are available in spheres of diameter d p , K and cF are equal to the following:
[74, 86].
3. d2p 1.75
K= ; cF = . (28)
3.2.2. Mathematical Modelings 150(1 )2 1503
Darcy Law. Darcy law is one of the earliest flow transport In addition, the previous equation did not neglect flow
models in porous media. In his experiments on steady- convective terms as does (24) and (25), the terms on the
state unidirectional flow in a uniform medium, Darcy [87] left side. Note that the last term on the right represents the
revealed proportionality between flow rate and the applied form drag term. The previous equation is usually referred as
pressure dierence. In modern notation, Darcy is expressed Brinkman-Forcheiners equation (Table 1).
Heat Transfer inside Porous Media. Following the works of
u= , (24) Amiri and Vafai [8, 92] and Alazmi and Vafai [93] and based
x on the principle of local thermal nonequilibrium conditions
where u, P, and K are the Darcy velocity, fluid pressure, between the fluid and the solid, the energy equations for both
dynamic viscosity of the fluid and the permeability of the the solid and fluid are equal to
porous medium, respectively.
T f f
c p + u f
Brinkmans Equation. As seen from (24), Darcy law ignores
the boundary eects on the flow. This assumption may
not be valid especially when the boundaries of the porous = kaf
T f + h f s
T s
T f ,
medium are close to each other. Therefore, the following is
T s
used as an extension for the Darcy equation for unidirec- (1 ) c p = ksa
T s + h f s
T f
T s ,
tional flow
P = v + (2 v. (25)
K where
T f ,
T s , u f , kaf , ksa , , and h f s are the local fluid
Equation (25) has been referred in the literature [88, 89] averaged temperature, local solid averaged temperature, fluid
as Brinkman equation. The first viscous term on the right velocity vector, fluid eective thermal conductivity tensor,
is the Darcy term while the second term in the right is solid eective thermal conductivity tensor, porosity of the
analogous to the momentum diusion term in the Navier tensor and interstitial convective heat transfer coecient. As
Stokes equation with ( as the eective dynamic viscosity seen from (29), the energy equations for both phases are
of the medium. For isotropic porous medium, Bear and coupled by the interstitial convective heat transfer between
Bachmat [90] showed that the eective viscosity is related to the fluid and the solid. The concept of local thermal nonequi-
the porosity through the following relation: librium and fluid thermal dispersion are well established in
the theory of porous media. Examples on corresponding
( 1 researches can be found in the works of Amiri and Vafai
= , (26)
T [8, 92] and Alazmi and Vafai [93].
14 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
In applications involving porous media of small sizes of (a) higher thermal conductivities than that predicted by
both the pores and the solid particles and as illustrated in currently available macroscopic models,
[8, 92], Khanafer and Vafai [95] and Marafie and Vafai [96],
(b) excellent stability,
local thermal equilibrium may serve as a good approxima-
tion for the temperature field. In these applications, the solid (c) little penalty due to an increase in pressure drop, and
temperatures as well as fluid temperatures are the same and (d) little penalty due to an increase in pipe wall abrasion
(29) reduces to the following equation: experienced by suspensions of millimeter or microm-
T eter particles.
s c p (1 ) + f c p f + c p u f T
t f
The suspensions of nanoparticles in nanofluids are found
= ksa + kaf T . to increase the eective thermal conductivity of the fluid
under macroscopically static conditions. Numerous studies
The second term on the left is responsible for heat transfer have been carried on this aspect [101, 103111]. On the
due to convection. The thermal conductivity tensors for other hand, there are few number of studies have been
isotropic materials are equal to the following: conducted on other aspects like phase change behaviour of
$ % nanofluids [112117]. Moreover, there are few researches
f uf d
ksa = (1 )ks ; kba = + 0.5Pr kb . (31) that demonstrate the enhancement in the convection heat
f transfer coecient caused by nanofluids [118124].
The enhancements in thermal conductivity of nanofluids
3.3. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Fluids with Large are due to the fact that particles surface area to volume
Particles Suspensions. Huge number of investigations has ratio increases as the diameter decreases. This eect tends
been carried out in the past in order to seek for developing to increase the overall exposed heat transfer surface area
novel passive methods for enhancing the eective thermal for a given concentration of particles as their diameters
conductivity of the fluid or increasing the convection heat decreases. Further, the presence of nanoparticles suspensions
transfer coecient. One of the methods is introducing in fluids tend to increase the mixing eects within the fluid
into the base liquid high thermally conductive particulate which produce additional increase in the fluids thermal
solids such as metals or metal oxides. Examples of these conductivity due to thermal dispersion eects as discussed
investigations according to Ding et al. [10] are seen in by Xuan and Li [122].
the works of Sohn and Chen [97], Ahuja [98, 99] and Nanofluids possess a large eective thermal conductivity
Hetsroni and Rozenblit [100]. These early investigations for very low nanoparticles concentrations. For instance, the
used suspensions of millimeter or micrometer sized particles. eective thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol is increased
They showed some enhancement. However, they introduced by up to 40% percent higher than that of the base fluid
problems to the thermal system such abrasion and channel when a 0.3 volumetric percent of copper nanoparticles of
clogging due to poor suspension stability especially in the mean diameter less than 10 nm are suspended in it [125].
case of mini- and/or microchannels. A new passive method This enhancement is expected to be more as the flow speed
developed by Choi [101] which is termed nanofluids has increases resulting in an increase in the thermal dispersion
shown to resolve some disadvantages associated with the eect [120]. Lee et al. [105] measured the eective thermal
suspensions of large particles. conductivity of Al2 O3 and CuO suspended nanoparticles in
water and ethylene glycol. They found out that the eective
3.4. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluids thermal conductivity was enhanced by more than 20% when
a 4% volume of CuO/ethylene glycol mixture was used.
3.4.1. Introduction. Nanofluids are fluids that contain sus- Ding et al. [10] indicated that Xuan and Li [122]
pensions of nanoparticles of high thermally conductive showed that the convection heat transfer coecient was
materials like carbon, metals, and metal oxides into heat increased by 60% for an aqueous-based nanofluid of 2%
transfer fluids to improve the overall thermal conductivity. Cu nanoparticles by volume, but the nanofluid only had an
These nanoparticles are usually of order 100 nm or less. eective thermal conductivity approximately 12.5% higher
Nanoparticles could be either spherical or cylindrical like than that of the base liquid. Also, they indicated that Wen
carbon multiwalled nanotubes [102]. The advantages of and Ding [124] observed a 47% increase in the convective
properly engineered nanofluids according to Ding et al. [10] heat transfer coecient of aqueous c-alumina nanofluids at
include the following: x/D 60 for 1.6 vol.% nanoparticle loading and Re = 1600,
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 15
which was much greater than that due to the enhancement where k p and kbf are the thermal conductivity of the
of thermal conduction (<10%). Amazingly, Ding et al. nanoparticles and the base fluid, respectively. According to
[10] showed that nanofluids containing 0.5 wt.% of carbon formula (34), 2.0% volume fraction of copper particles pro-
nanotubes (CNT) produced enhancement in convection heat duces 8.0% increase in (knf )o when compared to the thermal
transfer which may be over 350% of that of the base liquid conductivity of the pure fluid. However, Das et al. [114]
at Re = 800, and the maximum enhancement occurs demonstrated that the 1% particle volumetric concentration
at an axial distance of approximately 110 times the tube of CuO/water nanofluids, the thermal conductivity ratio
diameter. This increase is much greater than that due to increased from 6.5% to 29% over a temperature range of
the enhancement of thermal conduction (<40%). The 2151 C. Liu et al. [127] synthesized a copper nanofluid
observed large enhancement of the convective heat transfer which showed thermal conductivity enhancement of 23.8%
coecient is associated with the following reasons: for 0.1% volumetric concentration of copper particles in
water. Therefore, new studies have been implemented for
(a) enhancement of the thermal conductivity under the seeking new models for the eective thermal conductivity of
static conditions, nanofluids.
(b) further enhancement on the thermal conduction Of these studies is the study of Yu and Choi [128]. They
under the dynamic conditions (shear induced), proposed a renovated Maxwell model which includes the
eect of the eect of the nanolayer surrounding nanopar-
(c) reduction of the boundary layer thickness and delay
ticles. They found that this nanolayer has a major role
in the boundary layer development,
on the eective thermal conductivity of nanofluids when
(d) particle re-arrangement due to non-uniform shear- the particle diameter of less than 10 nm. The eects of
rate across the pipe cross-section, and the surface adsorption of nanoparticles on the thermal
(e) high aspect ratio of carbon nanotubes. conductivity of the nanofluid were modelled by Wang et al.
[110]. They showed a good agreement between the model
The thermal capacity of nanofluids (C p )nf is equal to and their experiment for 50 nm CuO/deionized water of
dilute concentration (<0.5%). Koo and Kleinstreuer [129,
C p = 1 C p + C p , (32) 130] presented a thermal conductivity model for nanofluids
nf bf p comprising a static part and a dynamic part due to the
Brownian motion of nanoparticles. The thermal conductiv-
where the subscript nf, bf and p denote the nanofluid or the
ity model of nanofluids developed by Hamilton and Crosser
dispersive region, base fluid and the particles, respectively.
[131] and the Bruggemen [132] model was found to be
The parameter is the nanoparticles volume fraction which
dierent by the thermal conductivity measurement data
represents the ratio of the nanoparticles volume to the total
of Murshed et al. [133] by about 17% for a 5% particle
volume of the nanofluid. A nanofluid composed of pure
volumetric concentration.
water and copper nanoparticles suspensions with 2% volume
Researches have also took in their account the role of the
fraction has a value of (C p )nf equal to 99% that for the pure
eective thermal conductivity of the interfacial shell between
water which is almost the same as the thermal capacity of the
the nanoparticle and the base fluid as can be seen in the
pure fluid.
work of Xue and Xu [134]. The eective thermal conduc-
tivity model of nanofluids proposed by Chon et al. [135]
3.4.2. Eective Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids. One of was developed as a function of Prandtl number, particle
the elementary models of the eective thermal conductivity Reynolds number based on the Brownian velocity, thermal
of nanofluids is that of Xuan and Roetzel [120]. They conductivity of the particle and base fluid, volume fraction
suggested the following mathematical model for the eective and particle size. Moreover, Prasher et al. [136] presented a
thermal conductivity of the nanofluid, knf Brownian motion based convective-conductive model for the
eective thermal conductivity of nanofluids. The nanofluid
knf = (knf )o + C c p nf
hu, (33) thermal conductivity developed model of Jang and Choi
[137] took into account the collision between base fluid
where C is a constant depending on the diameter of the molecules, thermal diusion of nanoparticles in fluids,
nanoparticle and its surface geometry. The constant (knf )o collision between nanoparticles and nanoconvection due to
represents the eective thermal conductivity of the nanofluid Brownian motion. A comprehensive review of experimental
under stagnant conditions where the bulk velocity u is equal and theoretical investigations on the thermal conductivity of
to zero. This constant is proposed by Xuan and Roetzel [120] nanofluids by various researchers was compiled by Wang and
to be equal to that predicted from the Maxwell model for Mujumdar [138] and Vajjha and Das [139]. The previously
eective thermal conductivity of solid-liquid mixtures for developed models are presented in the works of Vajjha and
micro or millimeter sized particles suspended in base fluids Das [139].
[126]. It has the following form: It should be mentioned that Buongiorno [140] con-
sidered seven slip mechanisms that can produce a relative
(knf )o k p + 2kbf 2 kbf k p velocity between the nanoparticles and the base fluid: iner-
= , (34) tia, Brownian diusion, thermophoresis, diusiophoresis,
kbf k p + 2kbf + kbf k p Magnus eect, fluid drainage, and gravity. Of all of these
16 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
mechanisms, only Brownian diusion and thermophoresis in heat transfer due to the addition of nanoparticles in the
were found to be important. Buongiornos [140] analysis base fluid. To what degree and by what mechanism is still
consisted of a two-component equilibrium model for mass, debatable. However, the following trends were in general
momentum, and heat transport in nanofluids. He found agreement with all researchers [142].
that a nondimensional analysis of the equations implied
that energy transfer by nanoparticle dispersion is negligible (i) There is an enhancement in the heat transfer coe-
and cannot explain the abnormal heat transfer coecient cient with increasing Reynolds number.
increases. That is the second term of (33) on the right side (ii) The heat transfer coecient enhancement increases
is negligible. Buongiorno suggests that the boundary layer with decreasing nanoparticle size.
has dierent properties because of the eect of temperature
(iii) The heat transfer coecient enhancement increases
and thermophoresis. The viscosity may be decreasing in
with increasing fluid temperature (more than just the
the boundary layer, which would lead to heat transfer
base fluid alone).
enhancement according to the analysis of Buongiorno [140].
Although Buongiorno [140] found out that thermal disper- (iv) The heat transfer coecient enhancement increases
sion mechanism for enhancing heat transfer in convective with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction.
conditions is negligible, many researches still adopt the fact
that it is a major mechanism. Example of these works is the Some nanofluid researches conflict. Below are some
recent work of Mokmeli and Saar-Avval [141]. explanations as to why there might be such a discrepancy
Recently, Vajjha and Das [139] developed a model between results [142].
for thermal conductivity of three nanofluids containing
aluminum oxide, copper oxide, and zinc oxide nanoparticles A. Aggregation. It has been shown that nanoparticles tend
dispersed in a base fluid of 60 : 40 (by mass) ethylene glycol to aggregate quite quickly in nanofluids, which can impact
and water mixture. The developed is a refinement of an the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of the nanofluid.
existing model, which incorporates the classical Maxwell Not all researchers account for this whether it is through
model and the Brownian motion eect to account for the experimental or numerical research.
thermal conductivity of nanofluids as a function of tem-
perature, particle volumetric concentration, the properties B. Unknown Nanoparticle Size Distribution. Researchers
of nanoparticles, and the base fluid. The developed model rarely report the size distribution of nanoparticles or
agrees well with the experimental data. The several existing aggregatesthey only list one nanoparticle sizewhich
models for thermal conductivity were compared with the could aect results. Many researchers do not measure the
experimental data obtained from these nanofluids, and nanoparticles themselves, and rely on the manufacturer to
they do not exhibit good agreement except for the model report this information.
developed by Koo and Kleinstreuer [129].
C. Dierences in Theory. Researchers have not agreed upon
Vajjha and Das [139] Eective Thermal Conductivity Model which heat transfer mechanisms are important, dominate,
for Nanofluids. The model of Vajjha and Das for the and how they should be accounted for in calculations. The
thermal conductivity model of nanofluids is presented in the discrepancy leads to dierent analyses and dierent results.
following equation:
k p + 2kbf 2 kbf k p D. Dierent Nanofluid Preparation Techniques. Depending
(knf )o = kbf on how the nanofluids are made, for instance whether it
k p + 2kbf + 2 kbf k p is by a one-step of two-step method, the dispersion of
the nanofluids could be eected. Some researchers coat the
T nanoparticles to inhibit agglomeration, while others do not.
+ 5 104 bf C p f T, , (35)
bf pdp
3.5. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Phase-Change Devices.
f T, = 2.8127 102 + 3.917 102 A heat pipe is an ecient compact device with a simple
structure and no moving parts that allows the transfer of
+ 3.0669 10 3.91123 103 ,
2 a large amount of heat from various engineering systems
through a small surface area. It basically consists of a duct
where is the Boltzmann constant ( = 1.381 1023 J/K), closed at both ends whose inside wall is covered with a
To is a reference temperature (To = 273 K), (C p )bf is the layer of a porous wicking material saturated with the liquid
specific heat of the base fluid, bf is the base fluid density, p phase of the working fluid while the vapor phase fills the
is the density of the nanoparticle and d p is the nanoparticle central core of the duct. Heat is transferred from one end
diameter. Note that the base fluid is 60 : 40by mass (the evaporator) of the pipe to the other (the condenser)
ethylene glycol and water mixture (Table 2). by evaporation from the wick at the evaporator, flow of
vapor through the core to the condenser, condensation on
3.4.3. Summary of Literature on Nanofluids. All of the the wick in the condenser, and return flow of liquid by
research on heat transfer in nanofluids reported increases capillary action in the wick back to the evaporator. If the
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 17
Table 2: -Functions and Variable Ranges for Three Nanofluids, 60 : 40 (by Mass) Ethylene Glycol and Water Mixture [139].
condenser is above the evaporator, then the liquid returns recent years to predict the performance of MHPs as evident
under gravity to the evaporator and the need for a wick can in the excellent review papers of Vasiliev [148] and Sobhan
be avoided. A heat source and a heat sink usually diering by et al. [149] on MHP research and development work.
a small temperature dierence are present at the ends of the Phase-change is also used in many other applications
heat pipe. The heat pipe performance depends on the flow to enhance heat transfer as illustrated in the work of
rates of the vapor and liquid, generally requiring the pressure Khadrawi and Al-Nimr [150], who proposed and then
gradient in the vapor to be negative, and positive in the liquid analytically investigated a novel technique for the cooling
as provided by the self-pumping ability of the wick material. of intermittently working internal combustion engines. This
The heat transfer capability of a heat pipe is mainly related technique utilizes a phase change material, which absorbs
to the transport properties of selected working fluid, system heat to melt itself, and thus cools the engine as it runs, while
operating pressure, and wick porosity characteristics. Since the same phase change material releases heat upon restarting
the earliest theoretical analysis of heat pipes was presented of the engine. The main findings of this work show that as the
by Cotter [143], a lot of work of research has been conducted melting temperature and the enthalpy of melting increases
on heat pipes. Vasiliev [144] has reviewed and listed the the operational time of the system increases, especially for
heat pipe R&D work on conventional heat pipes, heat pipe large values of melting temperature. The surface temperature
panels, loop heat pipes, vapor-dynamic thermosyphons, when using a phase change material is much lower than that
micro/miniature heat pipes, and sorption heat pipes in of conventional air cooling case.
dierent industrial applications. A novel approach is to
utilize nanofluids to enhance the capabilities of heat pipes.
Shafahi et al. [145] analyzed and modeled the influence of a 3.6. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Flexible Seals. Single
nanofluid on the thermal performance of a cylindrical heat layered (SL) and double layered (DL) microchannels sup-
pipe. The authors reported that the nanoparticles within ported by flexible seals are analyzed in the woks of Vafai and
the liquid enhance the thermal performance of the heat Khaled [151]. In their work, they related the deformation
pipe by reducing the thermal resistance while enhancing of the supporting seals to the average internal pressure by
the maximum heat load it can carry. The existence of an the theory of elasticity. This relation is coupled with the
optimum mass concentration for nanoparticles in maximiz- momentum equation which is solved numerically using an
ing the heat transfer limit and that the smaller particles iterative implicit finite dierence method. After solving these
have a more pronounced eect on the temperature gradient equations, they solved the energy equation. For the same
along the heat pipe was also established. Recently, Yau and flexible seals, they showed numerically that a flow that cause
Ahmadzadehtalatapeh [146] conducted a literature review an expansion in the microchannel height by a factor of 1.5
on the application of horizontal heat pipe heat exchangers causes a drop in the average surface temperature for SL
for air conditioning in tropical climates. Their work focused by 53% times its value for rigid SL at the same pressure
on the energy saving and dehumidification enhancement drop under the same constant heat flux. They showed that
aspects of horizontal heat pipe heat exchangers. The related cooling eect due to hydrodynamic expansion increases as
papers were grouped into three main categories and a sum- Prandtl number decreases. Further, their results show that
mary of experimental and theoretical studies was presented. SL flexible microchannel heat sinks mostly provide better
A variation of the heat pipe called the microheat pipe cooling attributes compared to DL flexible microchannel
(MHP) mostly used in electronic cooling applications heat sinks delivering the same coolant flow rate and having
was first proposed by Cotter [147]. Unlike conventional the same flexible seals. However, they showed that rigid DL
heat pipes, MHPs do not contain any wick structure, but microchannel heat sinks provides better cooling than rigid SL
instead consist of small noncircular (usually triangular) microchannel heat sinks when operated at the same pressure
channels instead; the sharp-angled corner regions in these drop. Finally, they concluded that SL flexible microchannel
noncircular tubes serve as liquid return arteries. Microfluid heat sinks are preferred to be used for large pressure
flow channels in MHP have hydraulic diameters on the drop applications while DL flexible microchannel heat sinks
order of 10500 m. Smaller flow channels in MHP are are preferred to be utilized for applications involving low
desirable in order to achieve higher heat transfer coecients pressure drops along with sti seals. Later on, Khaled [13]
and higher heat transfer surface area per unit flow volume. found out that the average temperature of the heated plate
MHPs are also capable of removing large amounts of heat decreases as seals number (Fn ) increases until Fn reaches an
with the possibility of achieving extremely high heat fluxes optimum after which this temperature starts to increase with
near 1000 W/cm2 . Much research has been carried out in an increase in Fn .
18 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
3.6.1. Models for Heat Transfer Correlations. Khaled [152] Note that uo is the average flow speed at exit. Note that
later analyzed analytically two dimensional flexible thin film Khaled [13] considered flexible thin films with heated lower
channel that has a small and variable height h compared to its plate with constant heat flux (q ) and insulated upper plate.
length B. The x-axis is taken along the coolant flow direction
while y-axis is taken along its height. The width of the thin 3.7. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Flexible Complex
film channel, D, is assumed to be large enough such that two- Seals. Khaled and Vafai [12] have also demonstrated that
dimensional flow between the plates can be assumed. The significant cooling inside flexible thin films including flexible
height of the flexible thin film channel is considered to have microchannel heat sinks can be achieved if the supporting
the following generic form: seals contain closed cavities which are in contact with the
1/n $
1/n %
h(x) hi hi x heated surface. They referred to this kind of sealing assembly
= 1 , (36) as flexible complex seals. For example, their results showed
he he he B
that expansion of microchannels of magnitude of 1.26 the
where n, he and hi are the power-law index, exit, and inlet initial height can cause a drop in the temperature of 16% the
heights, respectively. When n = 1.0, the inclination angle initial average heated plate temperature. Later on, Khaled
of the upper plate is uniform. As such, formula (36) with [13] showed that the average temperature of the heated
n = 1.0 models the height profile for flexible thin film plate always decreases as thermal expansion parameter (FT )
channels having inflexible plates. However, each dierential increases if thermal entry region is to be considered. While,
element of the upper plate will have a dierent slope when it decreases as FT increases until FT reaches a critical value
n= / 1.0. As such, formula (36) models height distributions of after which that temperature starts to increase for developed
flexible thin film channels having flexible upper plates and flows. Further, he showed that the decrease in the heated
fixed lower plates when n = / 1.0. The case when n = 0.25 plate temperature is significant at lower values of Re, Pr and
mathematically represents the height profile when the upper microchannel aspect ratio.
plate stiness is negligible compared to the seals stiness.
Recall that the seals stiness is the applied tension force on 3.7.1. Models for Heat Transfer Correlations. Khaled and
the seal that is required to produce 1 m elongation in its Vafai [153] generated the following correlation are for aver-
thickness. age Nusselt number (Nu)AVG and the dimensionless average
Khaled [152] showed that the maximum reduction in mean bulk temperature (m )AVG for thin films supported
dimensionless heated plate temperature (W )AVG associated by flexible complex seals with flexible upper plates for the
with case n = 0.25 is 55% less than that for case with n = 1.0 specified range of parameters, 1.0 < S1 < 10, 1.0 < Pe < 50
(when Hi = hi /he = 3.0). In addition, the maximum increase and 0 < FT1 < 1.0:
in wall shear stress for case with n = 0.25 is 44% greater
than that for case with n = 1.0. The former percentage NuAVG
is greater than the latter one which again demonstrates
the superiority of flexible thin film channels with flexible 0.0455(Pe)0.6793 FT1
+ 1.5285(Pe)0.2877 S0.3225
plates over those with inflexible plates. Finally, Khaled = 0.5503 ,
[13] developed a correlation for design purposes that
0.5169K10.620 + 1.255 103 FT1
relates (W )AVG to Hi , n, and Pe for the following range:
R2 = 0.996,
1.0 < Hi < 3.0, 1.0 < Pe < 50 and 0.1 < n < 2.0.
1 H (13n)/n 1 (m )AVG
(W )AVG = + 1/n i ,
NuAVG 2 Hi 1 (1 3n)Pe
1.3709(Pe)0.7717 FT1
+1.1520(Pe)0.9898 S10.4380
= 2.4686 ,
NuAVG = 2.509 + 0.507n + 0.141(Pe) 0.108Hi 2.1144S10.3449 +1.8401FT1
where FT1 is the thermal expansion parameter which is equal a fin tube heat exchanger, for a range of Reynolds number
to varying from 500 to 6300. A pair of delta winglets was used
as the vortex generator. They estimated the local surface heat
FT1 = . (41) transfer coecient and pressure drop. They found that the
k addition of a single winglet pair could increase the heat
The coecient is thermal expansion coecient of the transfer by 38%. They also found that the increase in the
flexible complex seals. The parameter FT1 increases as the friction factor due to the addition of a winglet pair was less
heating load q, the thermal expansion coecient and than 10% over the range of Reynolds numbers studied.
the reference thin film height increase while it decreases Tsay et al. [160] numerically investigated the heat transfer
as the fluid thermal conductivity k decreases. The stiness enhancement due to a vertical bae in a backward-facing
parameter S1 is related to the elastic properties of the flexible step flow channel. The eect of the bae height, thickness,
complex seals. (Nu)AVG is defined as and the distance between the bae and the backward facing
step on the flow structure was studied in detail for a range
(hc )AVG ho 1 of Reynolds number varying from 100 to 500. They found
NuAVG = ,
k (W )AVG (m )AVG that an introduction of a bae into the flow could increase
(42) the average Nusselt number by 190%. They also observed
Tm,W AVG T1 that the flow conditions and heat transfer characteristics are
m,W AVG = .
qho /k strong function of the bae position
Joardar and Jacobi [161] carried out experimental inves-
3.8. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Vortex Generators. tigations to evaluate the eectiveness of delta-wing type
Acharya et al. [155] conducted experiments using internally vortex generators by full-scale wind-tunnel testing of a
ribbed channel with cylindrical vortex generators placed compact heat exchanger typical to those used in automotive
above the ribs. They studied the eect of the spacing between systems. The mechanisms important to vortex enhancement
the vortex generators and the ribs. They found that the heat methods are discussed, and a basis for selecting a delta-
and mass transfer depend on both the generator-rib spacing wing design as a vortex generator is established. The heat
to rib height (s/e) ratio and the Reynolds number. They transfer and pressure drop performance are assessed at full
showed that at low Reynolds number (Re = 5000), the scale under both dry- and wet-surface conditions for a
heat transfer enhancement was observed for all s/e ratios. louvered-fin baseline and for a vortex-enhanced louvered-
However, at high Reynolds number (Re = 30, 000), the fin heat exchanger. An average heat transfer increase over the
enhancement was observed only for the largest s/e ratio baseline case of 21% for dry conditions and 23.4% for wet
(s/e = 1.5). For this ratio, the generator wakes and rib conditions was achieved with a pressure drop penalty smaller
shear layer interact with each other and promote mixing and than 7%. Vortex generation is proven to provide an improved
thus, enhance heat transfer. For the smallest s/e ratio (s/e = thermal-hydraulic performance in compact heat exchangers
0.55), due to the smaller gap between the generatorribs, at for automotive systems.
high Reynolds numbers the ribs act as a single element and Heat transfer enhancement in a heat exchanger tube by
prevent the redevelopment of the shear layer causing reduced installing a bae is reported by Nasiruddin and Siddiqui
heat transfer [162]. They conducted a detailed numerical investigation
Lin and Jang [156] numerically studied the performance of the vortex generator design and its impact on the heat
of a wave-type vortex generator installed in a fin-tube heat transfer enhancement in a heat exchanger tube. The eect of
exchanger. They found that an increase in the length or bae size and orientation on the heat transfer enhancement
height of the vortex generator increases the heat transfer, as was studied in detail. Three dierent bae arrangements
well as the friction losses. They reported up to 120% increase were considered. The results show that for the vertical bae,
in the heat transfer coecient at a maximum area reduction an increase in the bae height causes a substantial increase
of 20%, accompanied by a 48% increase in the friction factor. in the Nusselt number but the pressure loss is also very
Tiwari et al. [157] numerically simulated the eect of significant. For the inclined baes, the results show that
the delta winglet type vortex generator on the flow and the Nusselt number enhancement is almost independent of
heat transfer in a rectangular duct with a built-in circular the bae inclination angle, with the maximum and average
tube. They observed that the vortices induced by the vortex Nusselt number 120% and 70% higher than that for the case
generator resulted in an increase in the span-averaged of no bae, respectively. For a given bae geometry, the
Nusselt number at the trailing edge of the vortex generator Nusselt number enhancement is increased by more than a
by a factor of 2.5 and the heat transfer enhancement of 230% factor of two as the Reynolds number decreased from 20, 000
in the near wake region. to 5000. Simulations were conducted by introducing another
Dupont et al. [158] investigated the flow in an industrial bae to enhance heat transfer. The results show that the
plate-fin heat exchanger with periodically arranged vortex average Nusselt number for the two baes case is 20% higher
generators for a range of Reynolds number varying from than the one bae case and 82% higher than the no bae
1000 to 5000. They found that the vortex intensity increases case. The above results suggest that a significant heat transfer
with the Reynolds number. enhancement in a heat exchanger tube can be achieved by
OBrien et al. [159] conducted experimental study in a introducing a bae inclined towards the downstream side,
narrow rectangular duct fitted with an elliptical tube inside with the minimum pressure loss.
20 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
Table 3: Constants (a)(d) for formula (45) along with the Ranges of the Parameters [154].
H (m) a b c D
Delta winglets are known to induce the formation of practical solutions should be both thermally ecient and not
stream wise vortices and increase heat transfer between a expensive in terms of the pumping power. Three reference
working fluid and the surface on which the winglets are cross sections, namely circular/elliptical, rectangular, and
placed. Lawson and Thole [163] employed delta winglets to triangular, at various aspect ratios are considered. The eect
augment heat transfer on the tube surface of louvered fin heat of the blockage ratio, the Reynolds number, and the relative
exchangers. It is shown that delta winglets placed on louvered position and orientation of the obstacle are also studied.
fins produce augmentations in heat transfer along the tube Some design guidelines based on two figures of merit (related
wall as high as 47% with a corresponding increase of 19% to thermal eciency and pressure drop, respectively), which
in pressure losses. Manufacturing constraints are considered could be used in an engineering environment are provided
in this study, whereby piercings in the louvered fins resulting Sheik Ismail et al. [169] have presented a review of
from stamping the winglets into the louvered fins are sim- research and developments of compact oset and wavy plate-
ulated. Comparisons of measured heat transfer coecients fin heat exchangers. The review has been summarized under
with and without piercings indicate that piercings reduce three major sections. They are oset fin characteristics, wavy
average heat transfer augmentations, but significant increases fin characteristics and nonuniformity of the inlet fluid flow.
still occur with respect to no winglets present. The various research aspects relating to internal single phase
Air-side heat transfer and friction characteristics of five flow studied in oset and wavy fins by the researchers are
kinds of fin-and-tube heat exchangers, with the number of compared and summarized. Further, the works done on the
tube rows (N = 12) and the diameter of tubes (Do = 18 mm), nonuniformity of this fluid flow at the inlet of the compact
have been experimentally investigated by Tang et al. [164]. heat exchangers are addressed and the methods available to
The test samples consist of five types of fin configurations: minimize these eects are compared.
crimped spiral fin, plain fin, slit fin, fin with delta-wing
longitudinal vortex generators (VGs), and mixed fin with 3.8.1. Models for Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correla-
front 6-row vortex-generator fin and rear 6-row slit fin. The tions. Recently, Eiamsa-ard et al. [170] have experimentally
heat transfer and friction factor correlations for dierent investigated the heat transfer, flow friction and thermal
types of heat exchangers were obtained with the Reynolds performance factor characteristics in a tube fitted with delta-
numbers ranging from 4000 to 10000. It was found that winglet twisted tape, using water as working fluid. Influences
crimped spiral fin provides higher heat transfer and pressure of the oblique delta-winglet twisted tape (O-DWT) and
drop than the other four fins. The air-side performance of straight delta-winglet twisted tape (S-DWT) arrangements
heat exchangers with the above five fins has been evaluated are also described. The experiments are conducted using the
under three sets of criteria and it was shown that the heat tapes with three twist ratios (y/w = 3, 4 and 5) and three
exchanger with mixed fin (front vortex-generator fin and depth of wing cut ratios (DR = d/w = 0.11, 0.21 and 0.32)
rear slit fin) has better performance than that with fin with over a Reynolds number (Re) range of 300027, 000 in a
delta-wing vortex generators, and the slit fin oers best uniform wall heat flux tube. Note that d, y, and w are the
heat transfer performance at high Reynolds numbers. Based depth of wing cut, the twisted tape pitch and the tape width,
on the correlations of numerical data, Genetic Algorithm respectively. The obtained results show that mean Nusselt
optimization was carried out, and the optimization results number and mean friction factor in the tube with the delta-
indicated that the increase of VG attack angle or length, winglet twisted tape increase with decreasing twisted ratio
or decrease of VG height may enhance the performance (y/w) and increasing depth of wing cut ratio (DR). It is
of vortex-generator fin. The heat transfer performances for also observed that the O-DWT is more eective turbulator
optimized vortex-generator fin and slit fin at hand have been giving higher heat transfer coecient than the S-DWT. Over
compared with numerical method. the range considered, Nusselt number, friction factor and
A systematic numerical study of the eects of heat thermal performance factor in a tube with the O-DWT are,
transfer and pressure drop produced by vortex promoters of respectively, 1.04 to 1.64, 1.09 to 1.95, and 1.05 to 1.13 times
various shapes in a 2D, laminar flow in a microchannel have of those in the tube with typical twisted tape (TT).
been presented by Meis et al. [168]. The liquid is assumed Empirical correlations for Nusselt number (Nu), friction
to be water, with temperature dependent viscosity and factor (f ), thermal performance factor () are developed
thermal conductivity. It is intended to obtain useful design for the tube with delta-winglet twisted tape inserts in the
criteria of microcooling systems, taking into account that range of Re between 3000 and 27,000, Pr = 4.915.57, twist
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 21
ratio (y/w = 3, 4 and 5), and depth of wing cut ratios fins. The creation processes of the temperature and velocity
(DR = d/w = 0.11, 0.21 and 0.32) as follows. The predicted fluctuations have been studied and the dissimilarity between
data are within 10% for Nusselt number and 10% for these has been proved.
friction factor. They are the following for oblique delta- Jubran et al. [173] investigated experimentally the eects
winglet twisted tapes: of rectangular and noncubical obstacles of various lengths,
widths and heights on pressure drop and heat transfer
y d enhancements. They found that changes in obstacle size
Nu = 0.18Re0.67 Pr0.4 1+ , or shape can lead to Nusselt number increases as height
w w
1.87 as 40%. Sparrow et al. [165, 166] found out that mass
y d transfer enhancements of up to 100% can be obtained
f = 24.8Re0.51 1+ , (43)
w w using perturbations of uniform arrays of square obstacles.
0.45 An extensive investigation of the fluid and heat transfer in
y d
= 2.04Re0.042 Pr0.4 1+ , a parallel plate channel with a solid conducting obstacle
w w is conducted by Young and Vafai [154]. The rectangular
while they are the following for straight delta-winglet twisted obstacle was found to change the parabolic velocity field
tapes: significantly resulting in recirculation zones both up- and
downstream and a thermal boundary layer along the top face.
0.76 Their results show that the shape and material of the obstacle
y d
Nu = 0.184Re0.675 Pr0.4 1+ , have significant eects on the fluid flow and heat transfer.
w w
y d 3.9.1. Models for Heat Transfer Correlations. Young and Vafai
f = 21.7Re0.45 1+ , (44)
w w [154] proposed Correlation for the obstacle mean Nusselt
0.356 numbers were found to describe the numerical results
y d
= 2.164Re0.0435 Pr0.4 1+ . with mean errors less than 6%. The correlations have the
w w following functional form:
3.9. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Protrusions. The eect h H ks /k f
Num = m = aRebDh (1 + w)d , (45)
of repeated horizontal protrusions on the free-convection kf c + ks /k f
heat transfer in a vertical, asymmetrically heated, channel
has been experimentally investigated by Tanda [171]. The where hm , H, ks , k f , and w are the average convection heat
protrusions have a square section and are made of a low- transfer coecient over the whole obstacle surface, channel
thermal-conductivity material. Experiments were conducted height, obstacle thermal conductivity, fluid thermal con-
by varying the number of the protrusions over the heated ductivity, and the obstacle length along the flow direction,
surface (whose height was held fixed) and the aspect ratio respectively. The constants a, b, c and d are found from
of the channel. The convective fluid was air and the wall- Table 3 along with the range of the parameters where the
to-ambient air temperature dierence was set equal to 45 K. inlet length before the obstacle is long enough such that the
The local heat transfer coecient was obtained by means of flow before the obstacle is fully developed. The length of the
the schlieren optical technique. The protrusions were found channel after the obstacle is considered long enough such
to significantly alter the heat transfer distribution along that the recirculation zones down stream after the obstacle
the heated surface of the channel, especially in the vicinity reattached well ahead before the channel outlet. Note that um
of each obstacle. For the ranges of parameters studied, the is the mean flow velocity inside the channel. The correlation
addition of low-conductivity protrusions leads to a decrease is based on insulated lower and upper channel boundaries
in the average heat transfer coecient, as compared to that and that the heat flux at the lower obstacle surface is
for the smooth surface, in the 07% range for the largest constant (q ) where it is equal to q w = hm (2h + w)(T w
channel aspect ratio and in the 1843% for the smallest Te ). In another work, Young and Vafai [174] performed a
channel aspect ratio. comprehensive numerical investigation of fluid and thermal
Saidi and Sunden [172] have conducted a numerical transport within two-dimensional channel containing large
analysis of the instantaneous flow and heat transfer has arrays of heated obstacles. They found that widely spaced
been carried out for oset strip fin geometries in self- obstacles can eectively transfer thermal energy into the
sustained oscillatory flow. The analysis is based on the two- fluid. They studied the eect of the periodicity of the obsta-
dimensional solution of the governing equations of the fluid cles on heat transfer by doubling the number of obstacles
flow and heat transfer with the aid of appropriate compu- and evaluating the mean Nusslet numbers. The mean Nusselt
tational fluid dynamics methods. Unsteady calculations have number was found to reach 5% and 10% dierence levels,
been carried out. The obtained time-dependent results are referenced to ninth obstacle, at the eighth and the seventh
compared with previous numerical and experimental results obstacles, respectively. The case with porous inserts have
in terms of mean values, as well as oscillation characteristics. been discussed in the works of Alkam et al. [175].
The mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement are discussed
and it has been shown that the fluctuating temperature and 3.10. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Ultra High Thermal
velocity second moments exhibit non-zero values over the Conductivity Composite Materials. Composite materials have
22 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
Table 4: Estimated the highest recorded heat transfer enhancement level due to each enhancer.
Heat transfer due presence of the enhancer
Heat Transfer Enhancer Type
Heat transfer in absence of the enhancer
been used primarily for structural applications. However, complicated designs of twisted tapes. It was concluded that
they have been found to be useful for heat dissipation more attention should be made towards single phase heat
especially in electronic devices. An example of such these transfer augmented with microfins in order to alleviate the
material is the metal matrix composite (MMC). Typical disagreements between the works of the dierent authors.
MMCs that includes aluminum and copper matrix com- Also, it was found that additional attention should be made
posites do not show substantial improvements in thermal towards uncovering the main mechanisms of heat transfer
conductivity except when reinforcing agent of vapor grown enhancements due to the presence of nanofluids. Moreover,
carbon fiber (VGCF) is used as shown in the work of Ting we concluded that perhaps the successful modeling of flow
and Lake [176]. For example, VGCF-reinforced aluminum and heat transfer inside porous media, which is a well-
matrix composite exhibits a thermal conductivity that can recognized passive enhancement method, could help in well
be 642 W/mK with a density of 2440 kg/m3 using 36.5% discovering the mechanism of heat transfer enhancements
of VGCF. However, all MMCs are electrically conductive. due to nanofluids. This is due to some similarities between
Chen and Teng [167] have shown that VGCF mat reinforced both media. In addition, it is concluded that noticeable
epoxy composites can have thermal conductivities larger attentions from researchers are required towards further
695 W/mK with density of 1480 kg/m3 in addition of having modeling flow and heat transfer inside convective media
an electrically insulating surface. This is with a reinforcement supported by flexible/flexible-complex seals in order too
of 56% by volume of heat treated VGCF. Recently, Naito et al. compute their levels of heat transfer enhancements. Eventu-
[177] have shown that grafting of high thermal conductivity ally, many recent works related to passive augmentations of
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is very eective in improving the heat transfer using vortex generators, protrusions, and ultra
thermal conductivity of certain types of carbon fibers, which high thermal conductivity composite material have been
can reach to 47% improvement. reviewed. Finally, the estimated maximum levels of the heat
transfer enhancement due to each enhancer described in this
4. Conclusions report were presented in Table 4.
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