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International Journal of Agricultural

Science and Research (IJASR)

ISSN(P): 2250-0057; ISSN(E): 2321-0087
Vol. 7, Issue 2, Apr 2017, 217-222
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University,
Rajendranagar, India
PJTSAU, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University,
Rajendranagar, India

A field experiment was conducted on a sandy clay loam soil at college farm of Professor Jayashankar
Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana during
the kharif seasons of2014 and 2015 to study the rice varieties and combination of plant densities and fertilizers for
evaluating fertilizer use efficiency under late sown condition. Among the varieties, MTU 1010 performed superior to
Pradyumna and Rajendra. Higher fertilizer use efficiency was noticed in P3 (15 cm 10 cm) in combination with F1

Original Article
(111-32-45, N, P2O5& K2O) under late sown condition.

KEYWORDS: Jayashankar Telangana, Rajendranagar Hyderabad & MTU 1010

Received: Jan 06, 2017; Accepted: Feb 09, 2017; Published: Mar 07, 2017; Paper Id.: IJASRAPR201730


Rice (Oryza sativa (L.)) is one of the most important staple food crops in the world. However, more than
90 per cent of rice is consumed in Asia, where it is a staple food for a majority of the population, including the 560
million hungry people in the region (Mohanty, 2013). In Asia, more than two billion people are getting 60-70 per
cent of their energy requirement from rice and its derived products. Among the rice growing countries, India has the
largest area (42.27 m ha) and it is the second largest producer (105.24 m t) of rice next to China (144 m t). With an
average productivity of 2.49 t ha-1, though increasing marginally, but is still well below the worlds average yield of
4.36 t ha-1 (FAOSTAT Database, 2014). At the current population growth rate (1.5 %), the rice requirement of India
by 2025 would be around 125 m t (Kumar et al., 2009). The importance of continuing to develop new rice varieties
to guarantee Indias food security and support the regions economic development needs no special emphasis.
Varieties play a vital role in maximizing of yield by improving the input use efficiency. Optimum plant spacing
ensures plants to grow properly both in their aerial and underground parts through utilization of solar radiation and
nutrients, therefore proper manipulation of planting density may lead to increase in the economic yield of
transplanted rice. Rice yields generally depend on its genetic potential, agro climatic conditions and management
practices. Among various agronomic factors crop nutrition is of paramount importance. Fertilizer is one of the
efficient means of increasing rice yields. Rice yield per unit area per unit time is dependent on adequate
fertilization. Balanced fertilization right from the very beginning of crop growth is utmost essential to achieve better
harvest of crop (Singh and Namdeo, 2004). As about 40 percent of yield increase is accounted against fertilizer use,

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218 O Sampath & A Srinivas

the fertilizer recommendations should be matched to the basic soil fertility, season, target yield, climate etc. (Dakshina
Murthy et al., 2015). Excessive use fertilizer nutrient implies increase in cost and decrease of returns and risk of
environmental pollution. On the other hand under use of nutrients depress the scope for increasing the present level of
nutrients to the economically optimum level to exploit production potential to a larger extent (Singh et al., 2001).


Field experiment was conducted during the kharif season of 2014 and 2015 at Agricultural College Farm,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The experimental site was geographically situated at an altitude of 542.6 m above mean sea
level, on 170 191 N latitude and 780 241E longitude. It comes under Southern Telangana zone of Telangana. The soil was
sandy clay loam in texture, neutral in reaction(pH 7.2) with0.49% of organic matter, with low available nitrogen
(180.8 kg ha-1), high available phosphorus (38.6 kg ha-1) and potassium (312 kg ha-1).

The experiments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Three varieties MTU 1010, Rajendra
and Pradyumna as main plot treatments, three plant densities (P1: 20 x 20 cm, P2: 15 x 15 cm and P3:15 x 10 cm), three
fertilizer levels (F1:111-32-45, F2:153-59-68 and F3:195-86-90) as sub plot treatments.

The fertilizer levels, 111-32-45 kg NPK ha-1, 153-59-68kg NPK ha-1 and 195-86-90kg NPK ha-1 were applied as
50 per cent N, full dose of P and 50 per cent K at the time of transplanting. Nitrogen was applied as per the treatments in 3
split doses as basal 50% and at active tillering and panicle initiation stages 25% each. The remaining half of potassium was
applied at panicle initiation stage.

The efficiency with which the applied nutrient is used by the crop towards grain production was evaluated through
partial factor productivity.

The partial factor productivity (Pfp) from applied nutrient is useful measure of nutrient use efficiency because it
provide integrative index that quantifies total economic output related to utilization of all nutrient resource in the system
(Cassmenet al., 1996). It is the ratio of grain yield to the applied nutrient (kg grain kg-1 N) and was computed as follows.

Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Partial factor productivity (Pfp) = -------------------------------------------------------

Total amount of nutrient applied (kg ha-1)


Partial Factor Productivity of Nitrogen
The mean nitrogen partial factor productivity of MTU 1010 (N Pfp) (kg grain kg-1 N) was 40.17, 41.71 and 40.94
during 2014, 2015 and in pooled means. The partial factor productivity of nitrogen significantly influenced by varieties and
plant density in combination with fertility levels during both the years study (Table 2).

MTU 1010 recorded significantly higher nitrogen partial factor productivity (40.17, 41.71 and 40.94 kg grain kg-1
N in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively) as compared to Pradyumna (35.33, 36.40 and 35.86 kg grain kg-1 N in
2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively). The magnitude of such difference in the N Pfp was perhaps due to higher
grain yield with same amount of input nitrogen.

Data pertaining to nitrogen partial factor productivity of rice revealed that, higher nitrogen partial factor

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.8136 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Evaluation of Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Rice Varieties as Influenced 219
by Combination of Plant Density and Fertilizer Levels

productivity was noticed in P3 (15 cm 10 cm) in combination with F1(111-32-45, N, P2O5 & K2O) and was significantly
superior to P2 (15 cm 15 cm) and P1 (20 cm 20 cm), which in turn recorded significantly the lowest nitrogen partial
factor productivity(Table 2 ).This might be due to higher requirement by the crop at lower rates of application. Nutrient use
efficiency for plant growth and grain production irrespective of the nutrient decreased with the increase in fertility levels
(Sudhakaret al., 2006), (Mahendra Singh Pal et al., 2008).

These results are in agreement with the findings of Priyadarsini and Prasad (2003), Thakur, et al., (2013) and
Malla Reddy and Padmaja (2013).

The interaction effect on N partial factor productivity of rice during both years of study was found significant
among varieties, plant density in combination with fertility levels. Partial Factor Productivity of phosphorus

MTU 1010 recorded significantly higher phosphorus partial factor productivity (115.28, 119.74 and 117.51 kg
grain kg-1 P2O5 in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively) as compared to Pradyumna (101.16, 104.27 and 102.71
kg grain kg-1 P2O5 in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively).The lowest phosphorus partial factor productivity
(95.53, 98.23 and 96.88 kg grain kg-1 P2O5 in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively) was observed in Rajendra.

The magnitude of such difference in the phosphorus Pfp was perhaps due to higher grain yield with same amount
of input phosphorus. This might be due to higher requirement by the crop at lower rates of application. Nutrient use
efficiency for plant growth and grain production irrespective of the nutrient decreased with the increase in fertility levels
(Sudhakaret al., 2006).

Data pertaining to phosphorus partial factor productivity of rice revealed that, higher phosphorus partial factor
productivity was noticed in P3 (15 cm 10 cm) in combination with F1 (111-32-45, N, P2O5& K2O) and was significantly
superior to P2 (15 cm 15 cm) and P1 (20 cm 20 cm), which in turn recorded significantly the lowest phosphorus partial
factor productivity (Table 2).

These results are in agreement with the findings of Priyadarsini and Prasad (2003) and Thakur, et al., (2013).

The interaction effect on phosphorus partial factor productivity of rice during both years of study was found
significant among varieties, plant density in combination with fertility levels.

Partial Factor Productivity of potassium

Similarly, MTU 1010 recorded significantly higher potassium partial factor productivity (93.10, 96.68 and 94.89
kg grain kg-1 K2O in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively) as compared to Pradyumna (81.83, 84.32 and 83.07 kg
grain kg-1 K2O in 2014, 2015 and in pooled means, respectively). The magnitude of such difference in the potassium Pfp
was perhaps due to higher grain yield with same amount of input potassium.

Data pertaining to potassium partial factor productivity of rice revealed that, higher potassium partial factor
productivity was noticed in P3 (15 cm 10 cm) in combination with F1 (111-32-45, N, P2O5& K2O) and was significantly
superior to P2 (15 cm 15 cm) and P1 (20 cm 20 cm), which in turn recorded significantly the lowest potassium partial
factor productivity (Table 2). This might be due to higher requirement by the crop at lower rates of application. Nutrient
use efficiency for plant growth and grain production irrespective of the nutrient decreased with the increase in fertility
levels (Sudhakaret al., 2006).

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220 O Sampath & A Srinivas

These results are in agreement with the findings of Priyadarsini and Prasad (2003) Thakur, et al., (2013).

The interaction effect on potassium partial factor productivity of rice during both years of study was found
significant difference among varieties, plant density in combination with fertility levels.


1. Cassman, K. G., Gines, C. G., Dizon, M. A., Samson, M. I and Alcantar, J. M. 1996. Nitrogen use efficiency in tropical
lowland rice systems: contribution from indigenous and applied nitrogen. Field Crop Research.47: 1-12.

2. Dakshina Murthy, K. M., Upendra Rao, A., Vijay, D and Sridhar, T. V. 2015. Effect of levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium on performance of rice. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.49 (1):83-87.

3. Kumar, R. M., Surekha, K., Padmavathi, Ch., Rao, L. V. S., Latha, P. C., Prasad, M. S., Babu, V. R., Ramprasad, A. S., Rupela,
O.P., Goud, P. V., Raman, P. M., Somashekar, N., Ravichandran, S., Singh, S.P and Viraktamath, B.C. 2009. Research
experiences on System of Rice Intensification and future directions. Journal of Rice Research.2: 61-73.

4. Mahendra Singh Pal, Zhang Guoping and Chen Jinxin.2008. Nitrogen uptake and N use efficiency in hybrid and common rice
as influenced by nitrogen fertilization. Oryza. 45 (2): 156-159.

5. Malla Reddy, M and Padmaja, B. 2013.Response of rice (Oryza Sativa) varieties to nitrogen under aerobic and flooded
conditions. Indian Journal of Agronomy.58(4): 500-505.

6. Mohanty, S. 2013. Trends in global rice consumption. Rice Today: 44-45.

7. Priyadarsini, J and Prasad, P. V. N. 2003. Evaluation of Nitrogen Use Efficiency of different rice varieties supplied with
organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen.The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 50(3&4):207-210.

8. Singh, H. P., Sharma, K. L., Ramesh, V. and Mandal, U. K. (2001). Nutrient mining in different agro climatic zones of Andhra
Pradesh. Fertilizer news 46(8):29-42.

9. Singh, R. K and Namdeo, K. N. 2004. Effect of fertility levels and herbicides on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of direct-
seeded rice (Oryzasativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 49 (1): 34-36.

10. Sudhakar, P. C., Singh, J. P., Yogeshwarsingh and Raghavendra singh.2006. Effect of graded fertility levels and silicon
sources on crop yield, uptake and nutrient use efficiency in rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy.51(3):186-188.

11. Thakur, A. K., Sreelatha Rath and Krishna Gopal Mandal. 2013. Differential response of system of rice intensification (SRI)
and conventional flooded rice management methods to application of nitrogen fertilizer. Plant and soil.221-227.


Table 1: Grain Yield of Rice as Influenced by Rice Varieties in Relation to Combination of Planting Densities and
Fertilizer Levels During kharif 2014 and 2015
Grain yield (Kg ha-1)
2014 2015 Pooled
Main treatments (Varieties)
V1- MTU 1010 5891 6113 6002
V2-Rajendra 4885 5022 4954
V3- Pradyumna 5195 5351 5273
SEm 57 63 60
CD (0.05) 223 247 235
Sub Treatments(Combination of Planting Density and
Fertilizer Levels)
T1-P1F1 4092 4239 4165

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.8136 NAAS Rating: 4.13

Evaluation of Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Rice Varieties as Influenced 221
by Combination of Plant Density and Fertilizer Levels

Table 1: Contd.,
T2-P1F2 4499 4660 4579
T3-P1F3 4685 4817 4751
T4-P2F1 4986 5141 5064
T5-P2F2 5378 5571 5474
T6-P2F3 5613 5814 5714
T7-P3F1 5826 6034 5930
T8-P3F2 6341 6532 6437
T9-P3F3 6494 6647 6570
SEm 78 78 78
CD (0.05) 222 222 221
SEm (Vx T) 139 142 140
CD (0.05) NS NS NS
SEm (TxV) 135 135 135
CD (0.05) NS NS NS

Plant Density Fertilizers (N,P2O5,K2O kg/ha)

P1 : 25 hills m-2 (20x20 cm) F1 : 111-32-45
P2 : 44 hills m-2 (15x15 cm) F2 : 153-59-68
P3 : 66 hills m-2 (15x10 cm) F3 : 195-86-90

Table 2: Partial Factor Productivity of NPK in rice as Influenced by Rice Varieties in Relation to Combination of
Plant Densities and Fertilizer Levels During kharif 2014 and 2015

Plant Density Fertilizers (N,P2O5,K2O kg/ha)

P1 : 25 hills m-2 (20x20 cm) F1 : 111-32-45
P2 : 44 hills m-2 (15x15 cm) F2 : 153-59-68
P3 : 66 hills m-2 (15x10 cm) F3 : 195-86-90

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