5s in Quality Management

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Gratiela Dana Boca

Technical University Cluj Napoca,
North Center University of Baia Mare, Faculty of Sciences, Baia Mare, Romania
[email protected]

Abstract: The fundamental principles of organization are customer satisfaction,

eliminating waste, achieving a continuous flow in production and continuous improvement.
The 5S method is a structured program for implementation the standardization and
organization, simplifies the environment of the workplace (Gemba), reduce losses and
unnecessary activities, and improve quality efficiency and safety . Keeping the workplace
clean, providing a good working environment and promote productivity, reducing
costs, ensure security and removes all types of losses. The case study present the
5S method as a tool which can be used efficiently to keep those things necessary
for the proper conduct of the organization and the elimination of unless things.

Keywords: 5S, Kaizen, quality, waste, Gemba, management change

JEL classification: M11, M12, M14

1. Introduction
The 5S is an advance management technique, which is applied to reduce waste,
pointless activities environment of workplace and under the international standards
also assurance of safety work place.
The purpose of implementation of 5S is to identify and remove dirt and disorder
into the area of employees workplace.
The organization management principles are: customer satisfaction, to eliminate wastes, to
achieve a continuous flow in production and a continuous improvement.
New ways of achieving the organization objectives in the easiest manner with the lowest
costs are a provocation for any organization.
The 5Ss method increase production, maintenance costs, also contribute to labor
motivation and improve organizations image in the eyes of economical agents and and the
It is known that at the moment the organization decide to implement the Kaizen concept
for quality improvement. The 5Ss practice is a technique used to establish and maintain quality
environment in an organisation.
The name 5Ss stands from Jananese words (Osada, 1991):
1.SEIRI -setting, elimination of unnecessary things, sorting;
2.SEITON-order, arrangement methodical appoach;
3.SEISO - inspection control, cleaning , disturbance detection the working areas,
equipment will be clean;
4.SEIKETSU-standardizing the extension of the cleaning concept;
5.SHITHSUKE-discipline, moral education, respect for others and sustain the entire activity
of organization.
5S is one of the most widely adopted techniques from the Lean Manufacturing toolbox
(Titu, Oprean and Grecu, 2010).
The Kaizen umbrella protect the continouse improvement of quality including here the
manufacturing management process where: K- represent knowledge, A-achivement, I-
innovation, Z-zero defects, E-employeers, N-nonconformity (Figure.1).

Figure 1: Step by step method to improve quality in organization
Source: By the author

Bungu, Blaga and Gherghea (2011) used 5Ss Audit method to implement 5S in
operational management and observed that organization is receiving multiple subscriptions
of the same problems:
no program to consolidate and to make information available;
untrained in using central document filling system;
unaware of duplicate subscription;
no method to centralize subscription of informations;
no space for common storage.
The management has been translate to organization departments and become a tactic
activity of the organization.
The implementation concept of continuouse improvement using 5Ss method involves the
following objective:
1. Increase the storing place;
2. Create a nonconformity report procedure;
3. Create and preserved the membership;
4. Reduce the unproductive times;
5. Redefine the access, working and storing place;
6. Readjust the location.

2. Case study
In January 2015, a survey was conducted to find out the suitability importance, difficulties
and benefits of 5S implementation.
In order to be able to comment the 5S practice, a 5S Audit Worksheet developed by Ho
(1999) was used in the study.
According to obtained a positive response to each S, the propose target for each S was 5,
so each S must obtain a minimum of 5 and a total score of 25, for all 5Ss.
A Likert scale for 5Ss rating was used to obtain the results, in function of respondent
perception the score was 0= poor-unacceptable, 1= marginal, 2= satisfactory, 3= good, 4=
excellent and 5=for strongly agree.
According to the survey for each S it was possible to identify the baseline of 5Ss Audit
from the first and from the second implementation of 5Ss method.
It is important to define the structure of 5Ss terms in order to ensure the good working of
organization and prevent the wastes.
Also the entire staff was involved in organization activity according to possibilities.

Using computerized management system 5S Audit was presented in association with each

3. Results
According to the values score obtain for each S, the organization has reached or not the
proposed target.
The 5Ss method was applied to present the results of the 5S Audit after the second
implementation of the method.
The 5S interface used the following steps: preparation, initial audit, education quality
culture and the 5Ss principles. If analyze each S, based on specific questions, qualification
of 5S is achieved by specific score for question:

For- S1-SEIRI- SORT- making the difference between necessary and unless things, giving
up the unless ones (Table 1).

Table 1: S1-SEIRI-Sort before 5S Audit

Check Item Description Score
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Materials or part Does the inventory or in-process x
inventory include any unneeded
materials or parts?

2 Machines or Are there any unused machines or x

equipment other equipment around?
3 Jigs, tools, or dies Are there any unused jobs, tools, x
dies or similar items around?

4 Visual control Is it obvious which items have been x

marked as unnecessary?
5 Written standards Has establishing the 5S's left x
behind any useless standard?
Sub Total 2 9 4
Sort Average 3
Source: By the author

Total score achieved is:

red labels have been applied to all marks, which were not necessary during the
all the useless things have been stored and eliminated;
rules specific to this activity have been stated and are to be implemented.

For- S2-SEITON-ORDER-ordering and arrangement. The ordering of all items the results
are presented in Table 2.

Table 2: S2-SEITON- Order before 5S Audit
Check item Description Score
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Location Indicators Are shelves and other storage areas x
marked with location indicators and

2 Location indicators. Do the shelves have signboards x

Item Indicators showing which items go where?

3 Quantity Indicators Are the maximum and minimum x


allowable quantities indicated?

4 Demarcation of walk Are white lines or other markers used to x

ways and in-process clearly indicate walkways and storage
inventory areas areas?
5 Jigs and tools Are jigs and tools arranged more x
rationally to facilitate picking them up
and returning them?
Sub Total 8 3
Straighten Average 2,5
Source: By the author

Total score is:

All objects which were placed inappropriately have been taken inventory of;
The locations of al objects necessary in the workplace have been define;
The access, storing areas have been established.

For- S3-SEISO-CLEANING. Directley the staff its encourage to suggest and make
improvements in organization management in different departments ( Table 3).

Table 3. S3-SEISO-Cleaning before 5S audit

Check item Description Score
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Floors Are floors kept shiny clean and x
free of waste, water and oil?

2 Machines Are the machine wiped clean often x

and kept free of shavings, chips
and oil?
3 Cleaning and Is equipment inspection combined x
checking with equipment maintenance?
4 Cleaning Is there a person responsible for x

responsibilities overseeing cleaning operations?

5 Habitual cleanliness Do operators habitually sweep x
floors, and wipe equipment
without being told?
Sub Total 6 6
Shine Average 2,4
Source : By the author

ForS4-SEIKETSU STANDARDIZATION. After the interpretation of the results, 5S will

confirme that the implementation, application of the method and method concepts, dont
need any investment only more attention to details and practical work inteligently (Table 4).

Table 4: S4-SEIKETSU Standardization before 5S audit
Check item Description Score
0 1 2 3 4 5

1 Improvement Are improvement memos regularly x

memos being generated?
2 Improvement Are improvement ideas being acted x
ideas on?
3 Key procedures Are standard procedures clear, x

documented and actively used?

4 Improvement plan Are the future standards being x
considered with a clear
improvement plan for the area?
5 The first 3 Ss Are the first 3 Ss (sort, set locations x
and shine) being maintained?
Sub Total 4 9
Standardize Average 2.6
Source: By the author

For-S5-SHITSUKE-SUSTAIN. A good organization, a well know role in team and the

responsabilities, are the objectives of the organization which should be clearley define and
accepted by all its members.
The 5Ss was implemented, but the results are low for S5, the score encourage and confirm
that some changes in organization are necessary (Table 5).

Table 5: S5-SHITSUKE Sustain before 5S audit

Check Description Score
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Item Training Is everyone adequately trained in x

standard procedure?
2 Tools and Are tools and parts being stored x
parts correctly?
3 Stock controls Are stock controls being adhered to? x

4 Procedures Are procedures up-to-date and x

regularly reviewed?
5 Activity boards Are activity boards up-to-date and x
regularly reviewed?
Sub Total 6 12
Sustain Average 3,8
Source : By the author

The next application in organization is recycling cars specific components, using a

computerized micro-program for implementation of 5S with positive effects in manufacturing
and remanufacturing production (Daraba, 2007).
After a detailed analysis, we can observed that even in the area where initially we consider
they dont need changes, improvements are needed, with a lot of possibilities which dont
need investments (Figure 2).

Figure 2: 5Ss in organization before 5Ss method and after 5Ss Audit
Source: By the author

If 5S is not taken up seriously then it leads to 5Ds: delays, defects, dissatisfied customers,
declining profits and demoralized employee.
A new management concept of total productive maintenance has formulated, which
together with other pillars of the company, preventive maintenance, maintenance -
productive, 5S, auto-maintenance and continuous-improvement, give the answer to the link
between quality and organization maintenance (Boca. G.D., 2012).

4. In conclusion
The 5S method is a structured program for implementation the standardization into
organization, simplifies the environment of the workplace (Gemba), reduce losses and
unnecessary activities, improve quality, efficiency and workplace safety a new S6.

The foundation of the Gemba house, is focus on wastes activities. 3Ms muda, mura and
muri is understandable because pulling out wasteful activities is one of the foundation of
continuouse improvement (Figure 3).
Another important component for the house foundation 5S is keeping the discipline in
house quality of organization.


Man Machine- Materials Quality

Methods- Measurement Cost
Microclimate Delivery

5S House Keeping Discipline


Figure 3: Gemba House in organization
Source: By the author

The six major sources of losses in that study which can lead and support the
implementation of 5Ss system are: stop-time accidental, time to change, adjustment and
adaptation of equipment, micro-machine stops, slow-functioning equipment, defect quality
and start-faults.
The 5S Audit was conducted using monthly schedule, but whenever is requiered by
auditors from quality department, it is possible to establish specific objectives with different
priorities like in Table 6.

Table 6: Specific objective

Priority Frequency of use How to use
Low Once per year Throw away
Less than once per year Store away from the work place
Average Once per month Store together but offline
Once per week
High Once per day Locate at the workplace
Source : By the author

The pillars of Gemba house are represented by the 5Ms man, machine, material, method
of controls, quality measure and microclimate (work environment).
Manager as a leader can improve his qualities and capabilities through training and
practice, and organization can move pushing for continuous training of employees.
Using the 5Ss method was possible to identify also for leadership the 5Ss keys.
The leadership keys can be structured in four categories primary understanding of S,
secondary supervisory understanding of S, waiting progress review of S and auxiliary key
with the specific elements of S impact in organization (see Table 7).

Table 7: The 5S for leadership
5S Understanding of Executives Primary 1
* General Awareness understanding
* Executive Involvement
5S Understanding of Supervisory & Front line Secondary 2
* General Awareness supervisory
* Executive Involvement
5S is included as part of monthly progress review Waiting 3
* Evidence of discussions (Agenda, minutes) progress
* Evidence to follow up review
Orderliness and cleanliness of gate/entrance/ Auxiliary 4
lobby areas & first impressions to a visitor
* Entrance area
* Lobby area
Source : By the author

In conclusion applying the 5Ss Audit, the score before the implementation of 5Ss was
equal with 70 points and after the Audit the organization obtained a significant
improvement to 88 score.
Each S who obtain low score, needs a new action, a plan aimed to increase the score and
improve the organization conditions (Table 8).

Table 8: 5S Auditresults

Source: By the author

Using the 5Ss data was possible to influence S2, S3, S4 from low values to maximum
values of 15 points after audit and improve the micro-environment organization conditions.
For S5=sustain, even the values before and after the 5Ss implementation, are high, the
organization has some problems between manager-subordinates relationship, regarding
the staff training and communication.
Analyzing the results, according to the spider diagram for the first implementation of 5Ss
method (Figure 4), we can identify a good score for S3=shine from 12 to 15 maximum
score, and for S4= standardization from 13 to 15 maximum score.

5S Audit before

Figure 4:The Spider diagram after first implementation of 5Ss

Source: By the author

We may establish also for each S, the values before and after the 5Ss Audit method and
encourage the organization to apply the method (Figure 5).

5S Audit after

Figure 5:The Spider diagram after second 5Ss Audit

Source: By the author

A new development direction has been defined and it is definitely one based on quality
(Abrudan, 2012).
Quality standards have been promoted and production has experienced all necessary
modification in order to suite them.
As a conclusion, when we are added the 5S element, the quality management,
environmental management and safety management systems can be steered towards
Total Quality Management (TQM), as shown in the flow diagram below:

5-S ISO 9000 / ISO14000 / OHSAS 1800 TQM

Quality management doesnt need to prove its importance anymore. In the new modern
age quality has become a heraldic element inside every organization that participates to
production and distribution of goods and services under the quality passport (Table 9).

Table 9: Quality management heraldic elements
5S ISO 9000 ISO 14000 OHSAS 1800
improve efficiency Quality Environment Security
basis for improvement Management Protection Safety
support positive motivation Standards Standards Standards
for operators
built the company image = = =
identify quality problems Quality Protection Human
Management Management Resources


Source: By the author

Abrudan, I.(2012), Managerial Culture, Editura Digital Data,Cluj,pp. 516
Boca G.D., (2012)Study case: Yellow Tag vs Quality Management, Procedia Soacial
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Darab, D., (2007) Remanufacturing Opportunities and Barriers, Published in
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Manufacturing Technology, pag 165-170, Romania, Baia Mare, 2007, ISSN-1224-3264.
Ho,S.K.M.(1999), TQM: An Integrated Approach-Implementing TQ through Japanese 5-S
and ISO 9000, Kogan Page, UK (95 & 97 Ed.), HKBU (99 Ed.).
Osada T. (1991), The 5-S: Five Keys to a T.Q. Environment, Ed. Asian Productivity
Organization, Tokyo.
Titu, M.A, Oprean C., Grecu D.(2010) Applying the Kaizen Method and the 5S Technique
in the activity of post sale servicess in the knowledge based organization , Proceeding of
the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 , Vol.III,
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