Overweight and Blood Pressure: Results From The Examination of A Selected Group of Adolescents in Northern Italy
Overweight and Blood Pressure: Results From The Examination of A Selected Group of Adolescents in Northern Italy
Overweight and Blood Pressure: Results From The Examination of A Selected Group of Adolescents in Northern Italy
Submitted 22 February 2007: Accepted 9 September 2007: First published online 16 November 2007
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate blood pressure (BP)
levels and their relationship with different indices of body fat in a group
of adolescents, in order to evaluate the prevalence of hypertension and plan
preventive and corrective strategies.
Design: Cross-sectional study in primary care.
Setting: All high schools in the Aosta Valley region, northern Italy.
Subjects: Five hundred and thirty-two adolescents of both sexes, aged 154
(standard deviation 07) years. The following parameters were measured: body
weight, body height, body mass index (BMI), four skinfold thicknesses, body fat
mass, waist and hip circumferences and BP.
Results: BMI data indicated a high prevalence of overweight subjects in both sexes,
but higher in males, while the prevalence rate of obese adolescents was lower. Of
the total, 118 % of subjects suffered from systolic hypertension, while 69 % suffered
from diastolic hypertension. In linear correlation analysis, BMI and all adiposity
indices, except waist:hip ratio, were found to be significantly associated (P ranging
between 005 and 0001) with both systolic BP and diastolic BP in both sexes, with
r ranging between 0152 and 0359. Multiple regression analysis with the stepwise
method showed BMI and body fat mass to have the strongest association (P , 0001)
with BP, with r ranging between 0275 and 0359. Overweight
Conclusion: Unless reversed, these conditions are worrying and predict the Blood pressure
possible development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. There is a pressing Hypertension
need to develop a comprehensive medical and nutrition plan, together with Body mass index
preventive and corrective strategies, in school programmes. Adiposity indices
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood elevated BP levels at a young age may be predictive of
and adolescence is increasing rapidly worldwide(13). early signs of essential hypertension in adulthood. Careful
Epidemiological data show that prevalence rates are measurements of BP and thorough evaluation of adoles-
increasing not only in industrialised countries but also in cents with sustained high BP should make it possible to
developing countries(4), especially as far as the adolescent identify those who require treatment.
population is concerned. In general, prevalence rates are Even though BP levels are positively correlated with
higher in adolescents than in children(5), and are also height, most authors agree that body mass index (BMI)
higher among males than females. Overweight and contributes significantly to BP variability and is the best
obesity at a young age predicts the likelihood of obesity predictor of BP values(1821). In a sample of 155 Native
in adulthood(6). American youths aged 518 years, Smith and Rinder-
Overweight and obesity at a young age are important risk knecht(22) showed that mean systolic blood pressure
factors for several disorders(7) such as hypertension(8,9), early (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increased with
atherosclerotic damage(10), cardiovascular disease(1113), increasing BMI percentile. Martinez et al.(23) revealed a
metabolic syndrome(14), the onset of non-insulin-dependent 083 mmHg increment in BP for each unit increment of
diabetes mellitus(15) as well as morbidity and mortality in BMI in a sample of 2115 secondary-school students aged
later life(16,17). 148 (standard deviation, SD 16) years.
The importance of measuring blood pressure (BP) In a sample of 2365 healthy schoolchildren aged 816
in childhood has been widely recognised, given that years, Reich et al.(24) showed a significant trend towards a
Percentile Percentile
Triceps skinfold thickness (mm) 116 59 52 98 232 172 54 94 168 262
Biceps skinfold thickness (mm) 62 38 29 49 134 93 45 42 85 178
Subscapular skinfold thickness (mm) 100 43 58 88 177 116 40 70 109 198
Suprailiac skinfold thickness (mm) 144 98 51 115 364 171 78 77 160 344
Body fat mass (%) 193 56 116 187 305 233 44 161 236 300
Waist circumference (cm) 756 107 660 740 942 696 77 605 690 840
Hip circumference (cm) 907 105 790 900 1052 905 91 790 900 1040
Waist:hip ratio 085 036 076 083 092 079 048 070 077 085
Table 3 Blood pressure measurements obtained in the present study compared with reference standard values of Menghetti et al.(31)
SBP (mmHg) DBP (mm Hg) SBP (mm Hg) DBP (mm Hg)
SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; M, males; F, females; SD, standard deviation.
Overweight and blood pressure in adolescents 909
Table 4 Prevalence rates of hypertensive subjects by gender and weight status
n % n %
in males and between the 25th and 50th percentile in Smoking and alcoholic drinking habits and
females, while the DBP mean value in both sexes was physical activity level
between the 25th and 50th percentile. Only 26 subjects (49 % of the sample) reported being
Based on the Fourth Task Force Report cut-off values current smokers; therefore, no correlation could be
on hypertension(35), in the overall sample 118 % of the carried out between BP values and smoking.
adolescents were systolic hypertensive, while 69 % were Regarding alcoholic drinking habits, only 45 subjects
diastolic hypertensive (Table 4). In addition, the dis- (84 %) reported being habitual consumers of two glasses of
tribution of hypertensive adolescents among normal- wine per day, while the consumption of other alcoholic
weight subjects and overweight plus obese subjects for drinks was occasional. Therefore, the number of drinking
both sexes is provided. In males, the percentage of subjects was too small to carry out statistical analyses.
hypertensive adolescents was higher in the overweight Finally, lower BP values emerged in very active sub-
plus obese subjects both for SBP and DBP compared with jects (practising physical activity for 6 h or more per
normal-weight subjects; in females, the percentage of week, 185 % of subjects) compared with those measured
hypertensive subjects was higher in the overweight plus in sedentary subjects (practising no habitual physical
obese subjects for SBP, while for DBP the percentage of activity, 297 % of subjects), but without any significant
hypertensive subjects was higher in the normal-weight difference. Nevertheless, a negative trend was observed
subjects than in the overweight plus obese subjects. between both SBP and DBP levels and increasing
physical activity practice.
Relationships between BP levels and
adiposity indices
In the linear correlation analysis, BMI and all the adiposity
indices, except WHR, were found to be significantly asso-
BMI data show the high prevalence of overweight sub-
ciated (P ranging from 005 to 0001) with both SBP and
jects in both sexes, although our data are lower than
DBP, with r ranging from 0152 to 0359. BMI and body fat
those found in southern Italy(3639), consistent with a
mass had the strongest association with BP. Multiple
higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in that area.
regression analyses showed that BMI was the strongest
As far as body fat mass percentage is concerned, our data
predictor for SBP in males (P , 0001, r 5 0275) and
are higher than those reported by Schaefer et al.(40) in
females (P , 0001, r 5 0336). For DBP, body fat mass was
a German adolescent population (12 % body fat mass
the strongest predictor only in males (P , 0001, r 5 0359).
for males, 21 % for females) and also those reported
by Ellis(41) in a Caucasian male adolescent population
Parental investigation (148 %), supporting a greater risk, mainly for males, to
Adolescents BMI correlated positively to the same extent develop obesity, as already revealed by the higher pre-
with both the fathers (P , 001) and the mothers valence rates of overweight and obesity in this gender.
(P , 001) BMI in males and females, with r values equal Such a high percentage of overweight subjects is a
to 023 and 024, respectively. While BMI did not show a public health threat; preventive and counteractive strate-
significant correlation with parental socio-economic and gies need to be undertaken in school programmes aimed
educational levels, it nevertheless showed a positive trend at reducing this risk condition.
towards both parental low educational and low socio- With regard to body circumferences, our data are
economic levels. On the other hand, both SBP and DBP higher than those reported by other researchers in same
values showed no correlation or trend with parental BMI, age groups. In British adolescents waist circumference
education or socio-economic level. A positive trend values were 708 (SD 71) cm in males and 649 (SD 49) cm
emerged between BP levels (either SBP or DBP) and a in females(42). In Cuba the 50th percentile waist cir-
positive history of familial hypertension (data not shown). cumference values were equal to 68 cm for males and
910 G Turconi et al.
64 cm for females . On the other hand, our data are to the high prevalence rates of overweight and obesity, as
supported by studies carried out in the USA(42) and well as the high values of adiposity indices, which are
Spain(44) (50th percentile waist circumference values well-known risk factors for hypertension.
equal to 74 cm for males and 69 cm for females), showing The prevalence rates of systolic and diastolic hyper-
that our population is more similar to these ones. tensive adolescents are high, but they are mostly related
The present SBP and DBP values are higher (Table 5) to SBP (118 % of subjects). Comparison of our data with
than those reported as Italian reference standards(31) for a others (Table 6) shows higher values than those in ado-
young population aged 15 years. Concerning Menghetti lescent populations of different ages and in different
et al.s data(31), they show that Italian childrens and geographical areas(23,4952).
adolescents BP levels are slightly higher than those of Higher prevalence rates of hypertensive adolescents in
Americans, in contrast with the belief that Italian people overweight plus obese subjects (Table 4), when com-
are protected against cardiovascular risk factors, including pared with normal-weight subjects, support previous
hypertension, more than other populations. findings(1823,53) reporting that high BMI values are a
Our values are higher than those found some years ago predisposing factor in the development of hypertension.
by Maida et al.(45) in Sardinian adolescents aged 1115 Nevertheless, the percentage of hypertensive subjects
years and higher than those reported by Paradis et al.(46) found even in the group of normal-weight subjects,
in Canadian adolescents aged 16 years. On the other consistent with other studies(24,25), shows that hyperten-
hand, they are quite similar to those found in 1526 Bel- sion is an under-recognised clinical entity in children and
gian adolescents(47), aged 1217 years, who had been adolescents, while monitoring of BP levels might help in
selected from a high cardiovascular risk population. Even detecting occult hypertension at a young age and limiting
the 50th percentile values are higher than those reported the magnitude of cardiovascular risk. Indeed, hyperten-
in Brazilian adolescents of the same age(48). sion is the most common form of cardiovascular disease
The SBP and DBP 90th percentile values found in males and it is often associated with overweight and obesity.
in the present study are higher than those in the USA(31) Although it is less common in adolescents than in adults,
(128/79 mmHg) and in northern Europe(31) (137/77 mmHg) hypertension and the associated organ damage can and
in the same age group, while in females they are similar often do begin early in life. Unless reversed, this condi-
(126/80 mmHg in the USA(31) and 130/76 mmHg in northern tion could determine cardiovascular disease outcome in
Europe(31)). In males, the SBP 90th percentile value is adulthood. Consequently, for many with high BP levels,
particularly high (140 mmHg); it is even equal to the value measures directed at the long-term prevention of cardio-
considered as an indicator of first-degree hypertension in vascular morbidity may need to be started in adolescence
the adult population. These values in males may be due to achieve maximal effectiveness.
Table 5 Mean blood pressure values in the present sample compared with those found in other adolescent groups
SBP/DBP (mmHg)
SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; M, males; F, females.
*50th percentile values.
Table 6 Prevalence rates of systolic hypertensive adolescents (males plus females) in the present sample compared with those found in
other young groups
Age (years)