How To Stay Connected and Secure With Corporate Mobile Banking

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Industry Insights, exclusively from KeyBank

How to Stay Connected

and Secure with Corporate
Mobile Banking
Sarah Shatila, KeyBank, Enterprise Commercial Payments
AVP, Senior Commercial Channel Manager

CFOs, treasurers and other financial professionals are finding that corporate mobile banking is a safe, secure way
to keep the business going when they dont have access to a desktop computer. No longer just a way to stay in
touch while travelling, our mobile devices have become a central part of our personal and business lives. Whether
its smartphones or tablets, mobile devices are clearly revolutionizing the way we communicate and get work done.

Going Mobile with

Corporate Banking Key Takeaways
It wasnt that long ago that online access required a desktop or
laptop computer with a dedicated high-speed connection. That
seems like ancient history now with the advent of increasingly
sophisticated smartphones and other devices that provide easy
online access. Today, smartphones have become an essential Mobile banking today is more secure
than eversecurity concerns shouldnt
business tool for senior business executives: according to the IDG stop you from using your mobile device
Global Mobile 2014 Survey, the overwhelming majority of senior to manage your companys finances.
executives (92%) own a smartphone used for business.

Corporate financial professionals are now demanding the same

convenience and functionality to manage their company finances
that they have with their personal mobile devices, said Ken Gavrity
Director, Enterprise Commercial Payments Product and Innovation. Corporate Mobile Banking makes
They want to take full advantage of mobile technology to manage it easier to keep business going,
their businessesthey expect real-time information, a consistent whether you are out of the office
or just away from your desk.
experience across channels and always-available banking.

Fewer than one-third of the largest

50 U.S. banks by asset size had
launched a corporate mobile
solution by September 2013. Consider mobile if you have a lean
staffing model, financial decision
makers who are out of the office
frequently, or if youre looking for a tool
to help with business continuity.
The growing demand for mobile corporate banking is being driven by long-term trends in the workplace, including:

24/7 Work Schedule: Your workdays dont end when you leave the office, and your mobile device
helps you stay connected at all times.

Mobile Workforce: Technology is changing the way business views not only how you get work
done but where. Workers are mobile, and the office is anywhere theyre connected.

Business Continuity and Security: Just because you cant get to the office doesnt mean
payments are going to stop. And corporate mobile banking ensures that you can stay on top
of suspect transactions and possible fraud attempts.

Growing Demand for Mobile Banking Functionality

Corporate treasurers are showing heightened interest in being able to perform advanced financial management
functions using a mobile device. Results from a recent study revealed that corporate financial professionals are seeking
mobile functionality.

Question: In the next 12 months, how interested would your business be in considering
making the following types of bank transactions via a smartphone or tablet if that ability
were offered by your bank?
Would be
Would be nice to have Already use

Approve wire payments 51% 24% 11%

Reset passwords 46% 38% 11%

Make pay/no-pay decisions

43% 35% 11%
for Positive Pay

Add new users or manage

38% 38% 8%
entitlements for existing users
Approve payroll and
other ACH payments 35% 27% 11%

Initiate wire payments 30% 46% 5%

Initiate ACH payments 27% 43% 8%

Check account balances 24% 54% 19%

Make transfers between

24% 59% 8%
accounts at the same bank

Source: Aite Groups panel of corporate treasurers, May 2014

Getting the Functionality Right Diminishing Concerns
The corporate mobile banking experience has improved about Security
dramatically over the last few years, said Ken Gavrity, When corporate mobile banking was launched several
Director, Enterprise Commercial Payments Product years ago, security was a leading concern among
and Innovation. First-generation corporate mobile financial professionals, one that was significant enough
providers tried to do too much and included anything to prevent them from adopting a mobile solution.
and everything in their mobile solutions. As a result,
To address these issues, bank providers developed
user screens were cluttered with functions that finance
precautions to make mobile solutions safe and secure,
professionals would rarely if ever need via mobile. In
including password protection, strong encryption and
addition, banks have learned that their mobile solution
security protocols, and masking or omitting sensitive
works best for users when its an extension of the
information, to name a few. Bank providers also
online channel with a consistent layout and streamlined
implemented effective communications and educational
workflows. Ideally, the corporate user should have the
efforts to address security worries of businesses.
same experience no matter which channel is used.
Successful corporate mobile Treasury Executive Perceptions
banking solutions today focus
of Mobile Banking Security
on critical features, including: In 2010 By 2014
 ser interface optimized to
fit smaller device screens.
 unctionality refined to address
clients on-the-go needs,
43% 5%
were concerned about security in a mobile
banking environment.
including approvals for wire and Source: Aite Group survey
ACH transactions, customer
self-service administration, payment initiation, book/ Security on my mobile device has never been a concern
account-to-account transfers and limited money for me, said Jaime Cannon, chief financial officer of
movement capabilities. Terreno Realty Corporation. Terreno is already set up
 ime-critical decision making and suspect for dual controls and approvals, which helps mitigate
item review. online risk. I also know how thoroughly my bank vetted
Streamlined information reporting capabilities. the technology before it was rolled out, and I can see
the attention given to security. The range of functions is
well defined with parameters that have been designed to
minimize risk. For example, users cant make fat-finger
mistakes and accidentally initiate a wire transfer.

Mobile banking solutions provide a number of benefits to CFOs and treasurers, including access to more
channels for account management and faster payment processing approval. Because financial professionals
have the ability to review transaction information and flag suspect items, mobile corporate banking strengthens
a companys control over their finances and their ability to guard against fraud. Importantly, it can also be an
important part of a companys business continuity and disaster recovery plan.

Ken Gavrity, Director, Enterprise Commercial Payments Product and Innovation

Selecting the Right Bank for Reviewing account balances and
making transfers between accounts
Your Corporate Mobile Solution
Are the steps involved for each function
All bank mobile solutions are not alike. Choosing the
the same as other online channels?
right corporate mobile solution to meet your specific
needs is critical, and the up-front work you do to assess What reporting capabilities are available and how have
your alternatives will pay dividends in the long run. First, they been adapted for mobile devices?
many banks do not offer corporate mobile banking.
In its September 2014 study called Mobile Banking:
Describe your security framework.
The Corporate Treasurers Perspective, Aite Group
estimated that fewer than one-third of the largest 50 U.S. Review security protocols for various day-to-day
banks by asset size had launched a corporate mobile scenarios, including:
solution by September 2013 and projected that no more Multifactor login: When users log in for the
than five additional banks would have a solution in place first time or from a new device, does the site prompt
by year-end 2014. them for more than a user ID and password?
Once youve identified prospective providers, take M
 asked account information: Is sensitive
them through a focused due diligence exercise, information masked or omitted on the site to avoid
asking these questions: compromising client accounts if a device is lost with
Functionality an active session open in the browser?
 ow is your solution accessed? Is it an IOS/Android T
 imed session logouts: Does the site log the user
specific native application that leverages phones out after a specified length of inactivity?
functions, or a mobile-optimized URL that allows
 emote service kill switch: Can the app or site owner
access from any device?
discontinue service to the user remotely if the device
 ow have you adapted the user interface to fit the is reported missing?
mobile device screen?
What functions are available via mobile, such as:
When did you launch your mobile solution?
Approving wire payments
How did you involve corporate users in the design and
 dministrative: Resetting passwords, testing phase?
adding new users, changing existing users
How are you using client feedback to enhance your
 ositive Pay suspect item review and mobile offering?
decision making
May I speak with a current user?
 pproving payroll and other ACH payments
Do you offer message center alerts and texts in real time?
Initiating wire and ACH payments

How Key Can Help with Corporate Mobile Banking

Key Total Treasury (KTT) provides users with a convenient and secure way to approve payments, make
decisions on Positive Pay items, view account information and perform self-service administrative functions.
Created for your mobile device, KTT Mobile is designed to provide you with the critical information you
need to make decisions on the go.

To learn more about how KTT Mobile can provide convenient online access to
your Key Total Treasury account, please call our Support Center, 1-800-539-9039,
option #2.

This document is designed to provide general information only and is not comprehensive nor is it legal advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the
services of a competent professional should be sought. KeyBank does not make any warranties regarding the results obtained from the use of this information. is a
federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. 2015 KeyCorp. KeyBank is Member FDIC. E82891 CARMA1976 05-15

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