invest - gov security, money market (medium returns), AAA (medium),BBB and CCC(low
but positive return), cap. goods (low), FMCG (medium), gold and silver (constant
@2.8%),agri (medium)
interest rate is steady, market is recovering ( markets had bottomed last year)
INVEST - CCC,BBB high, AAA(medium) money market and gov secur. medium, commodity
high, cap goods high, finance high, defensive low to medium, gold @2.8%, high in
metals, medium in agri.
INVEST-money market medium, gov. security high,AAA, very high in BBB and CCC,
invest everyting in cap goods, put everthing in gold
finance minister advocated greater lending, growth momentum will get strong
INVEST- CCC,BBB,AAA has hgih returns, commodity medium, cap goods high, finance
high, defence medium, Metal, agri and gold medium.
Growth numbers come sharply lower than expected
Market Voices: Its a one-off, numbers should be seen as a trend. Risk-Off is the
time to buy!
INVEST in AAA,gov security, finance and defensive, gold and agri. rest, not so much
INVEST- money market, low in bonds of aa and bbb and ccc, DONT invest in finance go
for commodity,, gold and metal
INVEST-money market 2.1,gov sec. 3.4,aaa 4%, lower in bbb and ccc, commodity 2%,cap
good and finance 1.5, negatve in defensive,agri and metal, negative in gold
re-levaragind cycle under way