MT Sy Peed
MT Sy Peed
MT Sy Peed
Electrical Engineering
Syllabi for:
M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering
(Power Electronics & Electrical Drives)
Effective from 2014-15
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Core Course Syllabi
(Effective from 2014-2015 Academic Sessions)
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EEC51101 Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines L-T-P: 3-0-0
Review of modern power switching devices Thyristor, GTO, MOSFET, BJT, IGBT and
MCT; Drive circuit and switching network for power switching devices; Boost and buck
converters using BJT and IGBT circuits; Thyristor and BJT based converter, phase control,
effect on power factor, harmonics, inverter circuit using BJT and MOS devices; PWM
technique for voltage and harmonic control.
Basic concepts, types of loads, characteristics and operating modes of drive motors; Starting,
braking and speed control of motors; Four-quadrant drives; Torque and associated controls
used in process industries; Application of solid state controllers such as choppers, rectifiers,
inverters and cycloconverters in drive systems, and their performance characteristics; Modern
trends in industrial drives and control; AC motor drives in transportation system and traction;
Electromagnetic control of motors.
Switched Mode Power Supply: Types, operation, waveforms and design, transformer design
for power supplies, small signal analysis of DC-DC converters and closed loop control;
Resonant DC-DC converters: operating principle, waveforms, switching trajectory and losses
and control; PWM inverter modulation strategies: sine wave with third harmonic, space
vector modulation and predictive current control techniques, Dynamic braking circuit, input
side bidirectional power flow requirement for regeneration, Dual thyristor bridge and PWM
rectifier; Three level inverter: basic topology and waveform, improvement in harmonics and
high voltage application; Resonant ac link / dc link inverters; Cycloconverters: Circuit,
operating principle, control, harmonics, power factor and applications; Non-drive application
of power electronic converters: back to back HVDC transmission, induction heating,
electronic ballast, UPS, SVC and active filters. Industrial PWM driver chips for power
supplies such as UC 3843, 3825 or equivalent; Industrial gate driver chips for PWM voltage
source inverters with isolation and protection circuits. Intelligent power modules.
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EEE51106 Selected Topics of Electrical Machines L-T-P: 3-0-0
Principles of operation of photodiode, PIN diode, APD, Photo transistor and photo detectors,
CCD, Opto-coupler, Injection and recombination at pn-junction, LED; Lasers-theory, types,
characteristics; Polarization, induced optical effects - Kerr effect and Pockel effect
applications; Interference, interferometers, Ring resonators; Fiber Optics basic
characteristics, sensors - basic principle and operational details; Electrooptic and magneto-
optic effect - applications, Fiber optic Gyro; Holography: principles, holographic recording
and readout devices, its application; Optical signal processing, Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) -
principles and applications; Introduction to Photonic-crystal fiber (PCF).
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Introductory matrix algebra and linear vector space; State space representation;
Linearization; Solution of state equations; Evaluation of state transition matrix; Similarity
transformation and invariance of system properties due to similarity transformations;
Minimal realization of transfer function; Discretization of a continuous time state space
model; Controllability and controllable canonical form; Pole assignment by state feedback
using Ackermanns formula; Controllable canonical form; Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)
problem and algebraic Riccati equation; Observability and observable canonical forms;
Design of full order observer using Ackermanns formula; observable canonical form;
Duality; Observer based controller design; Reduced order observer design; Internal stability
of a system; Stability in the sense of Lyapunov; Solution of Lyapunov type equation.
Measurement of voltage, current, phase angel, frequency, active power and reactive power in
power plant applications; Introduction and design of signal conditioning circuits for various
resistive, capacitive, inductive and piezoelectric transducer; Instrumentation amplifiers and
isolation amplifiers; Temperature measurement - RTD, thermocouple, thermistors, radiation
pyrometer; Optical instrumentation for electrical and mechanical quantities related to
electrical machines and power system applications; High energy arc ignition system and
flame monitoring; Measurement techniques for water quality parameters , conductivity;
Vibration transducer, magnetostrictive transducers, pressure and flow transducers, torque
transducers; position and speed transducers; DP transmitters, smart and intelligent
transmitters; Steam turbine instrumentation, flue gas analyser, hydrogen purity meter;
Introduction to feedback transducers; SCADA.
Design aspects of power electronic devices like UPS, SMPS, power factor converters, motor
control, lighting, AC to DC converters, DC to DC converters, inverters; Drive circuits for
power devices.
Magnetics for switched mode converters, thermal design for switched mode converters, current mode
control, controller designs, switched mode power supply circuits, regulation in isolated SMPS,
magnetic amplifiers.
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Elective-III & Elective-IV
General aspects of DC transmission; Converter circuits and their analysis; DC link controls,
faults and abnormal operation and protection; Mechanism of active and reactive power flow
control; Basic FACTS controllers: SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, TCPAR, UPFC; Modelling of
FACTS controllers; System static performance improvement with FACTS controllers,
System dynamic performance improvement with FACTS controllers.
16 bit microprocessor-8086 processor, architecture, Bus Interface unit and execution unit,
segmentation of memory, instruction set, assembly language programming, Interrupt-
software and hardware, priority of the interrupts; Standard peripherals and its interfacing.
Coprocessor, its internal architecture, its handshaking signals for main processor, Data
formats, stack registers, coprocessor instruction set; Bus Interface: ISA bus, the extended ISA
and VESA local bus, PCI bus, Parallel Printer Interface (LPT), Universal Serial Bus (USB),
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP); Microprocessor based control: temperature / pressure /
flow / speed control - a case study; 32-bit processor (80386 and higher processor),
architecture, memory management unit, real address mode and virtual address mode,
protected mode of operation, 32 bit processor flags, privilege levels, paging mode of
operation; Pentium processor, its architecture, memory bank, data bus and its interfacing with
32 bit memory, new instructions, System timing, burst cycle method of memory read, Intel
chipset for Pentium processors; Asynchronous and synchronous data format and data transfer,
modems and its interfacing.
Pin out descriptions of 8051, Memory organization, Register Banks, special function
registers, External Memory: External code memory access, External data memory access,
Address decoding, Addressing modes of 8051, Instructions types.
Closed loop control of solid state dc drives; Scalar and vector control of induction motor;
Direct torque and flux control of induction motor; Self controlled synchronous motor drive;
Vector control of synchronous motor; Switched reluctance motor drive; Brushless dc motor
drive; Permanent magnet drives; Industrial drives.
Experiments on simulation based power electronics and drives. Use of softwares like
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