Advanced Fuzzy MPPT Controller For A Stand-Alone PV System: Sciencedirect
Advanced Fuzzy MPPT Controller For A Stand-Alone PV System: Sciencedirect
Advanced Fuzzy MPPT Controller For A Stand-Alone PV System: Sciencedirect
Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392
The International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment
and Sustainability, TMREES14
Unit de dveloppement des equipements solaires,UDES/Centre de dveloppement des energies renouvelables,CDER,Bou-Ismail,42415,Algeria
Dpartement dlectronique ,Facultie de technologie,Universit de Stif, Route de Bejaia, 19000,Setif, Algeria
In this paper an intelligent method of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) using fuzzy logic control for stand-alone
photovoltaic (PV) system has been presented. The PV system is composed of PV solar array, buck DC-DC converter, and MPPT
controller. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is easy to implement, and does not need knowledge of the exact model of the system.
Simulation results compared with those obtained by the conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) technique show the
effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller during steady-state and varying weather conditions.
2014 Published
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier Ltd.byThis
Elsevier Ltd. access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
is an open
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD)
Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) system; MPPT;fuzzy logic controller (FLC); P&O; DC-DC converter; Matlab/Simulink.
1. Introduction
Renewable energy from solar photovoltaic (PV) is the most ecological type of energy to use. It is based on a
clean and efficient modern technology, which offers a glimmer of hope for a future based on sustainable and
pollution-free technology. The importance of using renewable energy system, including solar photovoltaic
(PV) has been attracted much these days, because the electricity demand is growing rapidly all over the
world [1]. The solar energy is directly converted into electrical energy by solar PV module. Each type of PV module
has its own specific characteristic corresponding to the surrounding condition such as irradiation, and temperature
and this makes the tracking of maximum power point (MPP) a complicated problem. To overcome this problem,
many maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control algorithms have been presented [2-7]. Fuzzy Logic
1876-6102 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD)
384 B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392
(FL) has been used for tracking the MPP of PV modules because it has the advantages of being robust,
relatively simple to design and does not require the knowledge of an exact model. In this paper, mathematical
models of the PV module, DC-DC converter, are used in the study of FL based MPPT algorithm. The Paper is
organized as follows: Section 2 discusses mathematical modeling of PV generator and DC-DC buck converter.
Section 3 describes FL based MPPT controller; simulations run with Matlab/Simulink are presented in Section 4.
Conclusions are presented in section 5.
The system studied in this paper is a stand-alone PV system within backup batteries. As shown in Fig.1, the
system consists of a PV generator, battery bank and DC-DC Converter. The Fuzzy logic based MPPT control is
performed by adjusting the duty ratio of the DC-DC converter.
G, T I DC-DC Converter Ib
Duty ratio (D)
Fuzzy Logic
V Controller (FLC)
PV generator
The PV generator is formed by the combination of many PV cells connected in series and parallel fashion to
provide desired value of output voltage and current. Solar cell consists of one diode parallel with a photo-current
source. To have more accurate model series resistance and parallel resistance added to this combination [7].
Fig.2 (a) displays equivalent circuit of one-diode model of a PV solar cell. Therefore, the I-V characteristic
equation of a PV array (arranged in NP parallel and NS series solar cell) can be described as,
V I N s N p R s V I N s N p Rs
I N p I ph N p I o exp 1 (1)
N s a V T
N s N p Rs
Where: I and V are the output current and output voltage of the PV array, Io is the diode's reverse saturation current,
a: is the diode ideality factor, Rs and Rp is the series and parallel resistance respectively. Other variables are defined
as follows: VT (=k T/q) is the thermal voltage of the PV cell, q is the electron charge (1,60210-19 C), k is the
Boltzmann constant (1,38010-23 J/K), and T is the temperature of the pn junction in Kelvin (K). Iph is the generated
photo-current, mainly depends on the insolation G and cells temperature T, which is described as [8],
Where IPh_STC (in Ampere, A) is the generated photo-current at Standard Test Conditions (STC), TSTC (25C) and GSTC
(1000 W/m2) are the temperature and the irradiance at STC. The constant Ki is the short circuit current coefficient,
normally provided by the manufacturer. On the other hand, the cells saturation current Io varies with the cell
temperature, which is described as [8],
I ph _ STC K i T T STC
Io (3)
exp V oc _ STC K v T T STC a V T 1
Where Voc,STC (in Volt, V) is the open circuit voltage at STC; Kv is the open circuit voltage coefficient, these values
are available from the datasheet [9]. In this paper, the Suntech STP135-12/Tb PV module is used for a Matlab
simulation model. The module is made of 36 multi-crystalline silicon solar cells in series and provides 135 W of
nominal maximum power. The PV module specifications are listed in Table 1 [9].
a b
Fig. 2. (a) Electrical circuit model of PV solar cell; (b) IV and PV Characteristics of a PV module under STC conditions.
Using the PV generator model given by previous equations, and the electrical specification listed in Table 1,
currentvoltage (I-V) and powervoltage (P-V) characteristic curves for different temperature and insolation levels
can be plotted. Fig.2 (b) shows the IV and PV characteristics of a PV module under STC conditions of 25C
temperature and 1000 W/m2 of insolation. There is a unique point on the PV curve, known as the maximum power
point (MPP), in which at this point the solar module is said to operate at maximum efficiency and produces its
maximum output power (Pmax) correspondent to a specific current (Impp) and voltage (Vmpp). This point also
changes with environmental conditions of temperature and insolation as shown in fig.3. The PV module output
current (I) and power (P) are greatly influenced by the change in radiation G, whereas the output voltage V stays
approximately constant (fig.3.a). In contrast, for an increasing temperature one can see that the voltage decreases
widely while the current remains unchanged (fig.3.b).
a b
Fig. 3. IV and PV characteristics of a PV module: (a) for various values of irradiance at a temperature of 25 C,
(b) for various values of temperature at irradiance of 1000 W/m2..
In order to always ensure the operation point on the maximum power point, or close to it, specific circuit, called
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT), is employed. Usually, the MPPT is achieved by interposing a power
converter (DC-DC converter) between the PV generator and the load (battery), thus, acting on the converter duty
cycle (D) it is possible to guarantee the operation point as being the MPP [10]. Fig. 4 shows the circuit of the buck
converter, whose output voltage (Vb) is less than or equal to the input voltage Vi (PV generator voltage).
+ +
Vi C1 C2 Vb
- -
Fig. 4. The buck DC-DC converter circuit.
The switch S operates at a high frequency to produce a chopped output voltage. This converter is suitable for use
when the array voltage is high and the battery voltage is low. The power flow is controlled by adjusting the on/off
duty cycle of the switching [11]. The average output voltage is given by equation (4), [12].
D (4)
The buck converter can be used to drive a low voltage load from a high voltage PV array, and it can operate
efficiently at any insolation level. Therefore, the utilization of the buck converter in PV applications, which contain
lower voltage batteries, is highly recommendable [13]. The dynamic model of the used buck converter (fig.4) can be
derived as,
d V i 0 0 V i C11 0 D
D Vb (5)
dt i
L L 0 i L 0 1
I b
B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392 387
Fuzzy logic or fuzzy set theory is a new method of controlling the MPPT in obtaining the peak power point [14].
Knowledge base
Fuzzy set
ce CE SD
Inference engine Defuzification
SCE Fuzzification
3.1. Fuzzification
The fuzzification makes it possible to pass from the real variables to fuzzy variables. The actual voltage (V) and
current (I) of PV generator can be measured continuously and the power can be calculated (P = VI). The control is
determined on the basis of satisfaction of two criteria relating to two input variables of proposed controller, namely
error E (which represents the slope of P-I characteristic) and change of this error (CE), at a sampling instant k [14].
The variable E and CE are expressed as follows,
P ( k ) P ( k 1)
E (k ) (6)
I ( k ) I (k 1)
CE ( k ) E ( k ) E ( k 1) (7)
Where P(k) and I(k) are the power and current of the PV generator, respectively. Therefore, the input E(k) shows
if the operating point at the instant k is located on the left or on the right of the MPP on the P-I characteristic, while
the input CE(k) expresses the displacement direction of this point . The change in duty ratio (') of the DC-DC
converter is used as the output of proposed controller. Therefore, the control is done by changing this duty ratio
according to the slope E(k) in order to bring back the operation point on the optimal point where the slope is zero.
As shown in fig.5, the input variables of the fuzzy controller (E, CE) are derived from the actual signals (e, ce)
by multiplying with the corresponding scale gains (SE, SCE), and then converted to the linguistic variables such as PB
(positive big), PS (positive small), Z0 (zero), NS (negative small), NB (negative big) using basic fuzzy subset. Fig.6
shows the membership grades of five basic fuzzy subsets for input and output variables.
which each part of the antecedent has been satissfied for each rule [16]. Table.2 shows the rule table of ffuzzy
controller, where all the entries of the matrix are fuzzzy sets of error (E), change of error (CE) and change of duty ratio
') to the converter.
a b c
The 25 control fuzzy rules included in Table.2 caan be presented in 3-dimensions (3-D) graph as shown in fig.77 (a).
These rules are employed for the controlling of thee DC-DC buck converter such as the MPP of the PV generattor is
reached. As shown in the Table 2, the main idea off the rules is to bring operating point to the MPP by increasinng or
decreasing the duty ratio depending on the positio on of the operating point from the MPP. If the operating poiint is
distant from the MPP, the duty ratio will be increeased or decreased largely. Fig.7(b) demonstrates an exampple of
control rule: IF E is PB AND CE is NB THEN D D is PB. This implies that if operating point is distant from M MPP
towards left hand side and the change of slope in P-I characteristic is big in the opposite direction, then the duty ratio
is largely increased.
In general the fuzzy control uses one of the fo ollowing methods: Max-Min, Max-Prod, Somme-Prod inferrence
technique. In our case we used the inference method of Mamdani [17], which is the Max-Min fuzzy combinationn.
Fig.7.(a): The overview of control rules,(bb): Rule viewer in Matlab windows of fuzzy logic controller.
B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392 389
3.3. Defuzzification
It was seen that the inference methods provide a function for the resulting membership variable; it thus acts of
fuzzy information. Being given that converter DC-DC requires a precise control signal D at its entry it is necessary
to envisage a transformation of this fuzzy information into deterministic information, this transformation is called
defuzzification. Defuzzification can be performed normally by two algorithms: Center of Area (COA) and the Max
Criterion Method (MCM). The most used defuzzification method is that of the determination of the centre of gravity
(COA) of final combined fuzzy set. The final combined fuzzy set is defined by the union of all rule output fuzzy set
computed point-wise by,
P 'D j 'D j
j 1 (8)
P 'D j
j 1
Once the fuzzy controller output, which is the change of duty ratio '(k), is defuzzified by (8) and scaled by the
gain SD, it is converted to the actual duty ratio D (k) by:
4. Simulation results
Fig. 8 shows the developed PV model system consisting of PV array, DC-DC buck converter with an MPPT
controller connected to a load, as implemented in Matlab/simulink environment. The PV module considered in the
simulation is the Suntech STP135-12/Tb in which the data of the PV module is shown in Table 1 [9]. The PV array
with a capacity of 810 W consists of 6 PV modules connected in series. A buck DC-DC converter is used to convert
the high DC input voltage (105-V) to the 48-V battery [18] voltage level. Fuzzy logic toolbox of Simulink is used to
achieve the FLC [19]. Then, the fuzzy logic (FL) based MPPT controller is simulated and compared with the
conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) based MPPT controller.
Fig.8.(a) : Simulink implementation of the stand-alone PV system,(b): Block diagram of fuzzy MPPT algorithm.
390 B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392
Fig.9 shows, by way of comparison, the simulation results of the PV generator output power ,operating voltage,
operating current, and the duty ratio D using a buck converter under standard test conditions (STC) between FL
based MPPT and conventional P&O MPPT. It has seen clearly how FL based MPPT controller reduced the response
time of photovoltaic system. It has observed obviously that the system with P&O MPPT has a loss of energy. Fig.9
(b) has detailed results of fig.9 (a). It has been seen clearly continues oscillation of operation point for the P&O
conventional technique. It is a result of the continuous perturbation of the operating voltage in order to reach the
MPP. Whereas this phenomenon of oscillation it doesnt observed in FL based MPPT technique, where signals of
power, voltage, current, and duty ratio remain almost constant. This has as result a power losses reduction.
A rapid increase in irradiance from 1000W/m2 to 1200W/m2 within a time period of 2 seconds was simulated
(Fig.10). The cell temperature was kept at a constant value of 25C. Under these operating conditions the FL based
MPPT method is more significant. Fig.10 shows how the power output of the FL based MPPT increases linearly,
whereas the conventional P&O MPPT technique experiences a vast deviation from the MPP.
A rapid increase in cell temperature from 25C to 50C within a time period of 2 seconds was simulated (Fig.11).
The irradiation was kept at a constant value of 1000W/m2. Fig.11 shows how the power output of the tow MPPT
(FL and P&O) decrease linearly, but the conventional P&O MPPT technique experiences a low deviation from the
(a) (b)
Fig.9. (a) Comparison of two MPPT (FL and P&O) signals ;(b) Comparison of detailed signals MPPT at a frequency of 10 Hz (STC).
B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392 391
Fig.10 .Signals of the tow MPPT (FL and P&O) techniques under rapidly increasing irradiation.
Fig.11 Signals of the tow MPPT (FL and P&O) techniques under rapidly increasing temperature.
392 B. Bendib et al. / Energy Procedia 50 (2014) 383 392
5. Conclusion
The PV array has a maximum power point (MPP) which varies with the change of solar irradiation and cell
temperature. In this paper, Fuzzy logic (FL) based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is developed
to identify the MPP, subsequently regulate the PV array to operate at that particular operating voltage. The FL
controller presented and implemented in Matlab-Simulink environment, provides a better response than a
conventional P&O controller in terms of the maximum power tracking performance.
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