Health Check Docs Status of Sap System:-: Done by Connecting To The SAPGUI

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done by connecting to the SAPGUI

SP12 Check temse consistency

TemSe Data Storage > Consistency check


1) Launch transaction DB12

2a) Following screen appears when backups are finished OK:

2b) Following screen appears when there was some failed backup recently:
3) Click on "Overview of database backups".

4) In case there are some failed backups not followed by successful ones (RC: 0000 or
0001) we put KO and incident number in table in report into the report for customer.

RZ20 Oraarch Checking

(green if it is <40%, orange if superior, red if more than 90%)

CCMS monotitor sets ---> SAP CCMS Monitor Templates > Filesystems

find oraarch line


number of updates in error

- Status: canceled
- From day: day -1
- To day: today
click on execute

Green if all instances available if not missing instance
- select application server - and double click on it to check free work processes ( Green if
all processes available and functionnal if not list of defect process )


number of TRFC in error

Display perod: day-1 - today

User name: *

put number or errors and export it to SM58 part

download the list System->List->Save->Local File and choose Text with Tabs.
Ctrl+A & Ctrl+V into Excel sheet, remove blanks rows and count number of TRFC


number of QRFC in error (Press F8)


number of QRFC in error (pres F8)

DB02/DB13 DB Size /Free /used

/DB size / Used / Free
DB13 (DB Check/ Update Statistics/ Cleanup Logs / DB Verify)
make sure that all checks for last 24 hours were done without any errors or warnings


Date: day-1 , today


press - Start
put number of errors and all information to sheet ST22

==> If number of errors is significantly higher than previous day, check with CTL, If ticket
creation is needed


High severity messages only for last 24 hours. Make copy in excel format and insert into
report on SM21 sheet
ST03n Dialog response time

ST03n Dialog step for task type

ST03n workload

Report Dialog
Step by Server
on Previous
Day for task
type, dialog,
batch, RFC
SM12 High
water mark for
lock entries

number of
max lock
entries during
last 24Hours

Extras >
SCC 4 SAP Client configuration

Green if configuration is ok
- production client should be no chanenges allowed
SP01 (spool errors)

Created by: *
Date created: Day-1 to: today
Client: *
Request status: Problem
System > LIst > Save > Local file > Text with Tabs > save to file
ST02 Buffer Swap

IBM to propose Threshold : Hit Ratio > 99,5 %

ST04 DB cache quality

IBM to propose Threshold : Hit Ratio Data cache > 96 %

SM37 aborted job list

number and list of job list aborted during the last 24hours

System-->List-->save-->Local file ---> Text with tabs (or HTML format), copy to excel file
as separate list
==> If number of canceled jobs is significantly higher than previous day, check with CTL,
If ticket creation is needed

SM37 Hanging jobs

number and list of jobs not finished in the hours of check

DB14 DB Lock
find checks for last 24 hours with RC = 1 and more and put errors/warnings to the report

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