19th Century Timeline

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19th Century timeline

July 14, 1789 Storming of the Bastille/Revolution

beginning of First Republic

July 1794 Thermidorian Revolution (begins with Robespierres death),

Thermidorian rule, and The Directory period

Nov 7, 1799 Coup dtat by Sieys, Napoleon, and Tallyrand

(18 Brumaire Year VIII)

1802 Napoleon declares himself Consul for Life

Napoleon declares himself Emperor/First Empire

Fall/Winter 1812 Failed Invasion of Russia

April 6, 1814 Napoleon abdicates; exiled to Isle of Elba

1814-15 1st Bourbon Restoration, King Louis XVIII (rule 1815-1824)

In exile 1791-1814

1815 Napoleons return/100 days (Napoleon I & Napoleon II)

June 1815 Battle of Waterloo

June 22, 1815 Napoleons return to Paris, exiled to St.
Helena (off Atlantic coast of Africa)
May 1821 Napoleon dies

1815-30 2nd Bourbon Restoration (Louis XVIII as king, lacked

strength and legitimacy)

1824 Death of Louis XVIII

Louis younger brother becomes Charles X (1824-1830)
1830 Revolution (liberal middle-class led by Lafayette & Tallyrand)
Charles X abdicates; exiled to England

1830-48 July Monarchy named for citizen-king Louis Philippe;

House of Orlans; King of French (not King of France)
June 1832 General Lamarques death
Paris blockade/June Rebellion of June 1832
(Les Misrables by Victor Hugo, published 1860s)

Feb. 22, 1848 Government prohibits banquet; protest, barricades

Feb 24, 1848 Louis Philippe abdicates; exile to England

Second Republic begins

February 1848 Revolution Alphonse de Lamartine, leader of Provisional


April 1848 Elections for National Assembly

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte elected to National Assembly

June 23-26, 1848 dissolution of National Workshops (June 21) leads to June
Riots; Government declares martial law;
Government under General Louis Cavaignac

Dec 10, 1848 Napoleons nephew elected president of Second Republic

Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte

Fall 1851 Napoleon declares martial law in some departments

Dec 1851 coup dtat by Napoleon

1848 Second Republic officially adopted motto

Libert, galit, Fraternit

Dec 14, 1852 Second Empire created by plebiscite

Dec 14, 1852 President Louis Napoleon takes the name

Emperor Napoleon III

Summer 1870 Collapse of Second Empire with Franco-Prussian War

1870 Establishment of Third Republic 1870-1941

May 1870-May 1871 The Terrible Year

Jan 28, 1871 Armistice with Prussia (Hall of Mirrors)

March 18
May 28, 1871 Paris Commune (6 weeks)
Lon Gambetta, Adolphe Thiers

May 21 28, 1871 The Bloody Week (marks end of the Paris Commune)



1832 (3 day blockade of streets of Paris; backdrop for Les Misrables)

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