Essay Quiz
Essay Quiz
Essay Quiz
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What is the only type the operations manual - it contains the processing
of program instructions
documentation that
should be provided
to the computer
What is the principal CPU - includes the control unit, the internal storage
hardware component unit, & the arithmetic logic unit
in an IT system?
in an IT system?
nature & function of consists of programs & routines that facilitate the
computer software operation of a computer
traditional file for separate files of data are created for each processing
organizing data application - the files are organized into master files &
transaction files
database methods for stores all data in one central file & allows each user
organizing data access to the portion that is needed
sequential methods files are arranged sequentially & transaction data are
of data processing sequenced before processing - the entire file must be
read by a computer each time the transaction is
direct access file data are not maintained in any order - it is not
processing necessary to read the entire file in updating
advantages of 1. consistency
computer processing 2. more timely reports may provide management with
over manual systems more effective means of analyzing, reviewing &
risks of computer 1. may produce a transaction trail that isn't available for
processing over very long
manual systems 2. less documentary evidence
What are the general they all pertain to the IT environment & all IT activities
controls' common
A problem for a CPA the audit trail is sometimes generated only in machine-
associated with readable form
advanced IT systems
is that:
An example of an password
access control
What would the programmers are allowed access to the file library
auditors consider to
be a weakness in an IT