Nursing/Nursing Forms/Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Aoih0718
Nursing/Nursing Forms/Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Aoih0718
Nursing/Nursing Forms/Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns Aoih0718
2. Mucous Membranes
a. Mouth
i. Moist__ Dry__
ii. Lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: __________________________
iii. Color: Pale__ Pink__
iv. Teeth: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:____________________
v. Dentures: No__ Yes__ Upper__ Lower__ Partial__
vi. Gums: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:____________________
vii. Tongue: Normal__ Abnormal__ Describe:___________________
b. Eyes
i. Moist__ Dry__
ii. Color of conjunctiva: Pale__ Pink__ Jaundiced__
iii. Lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe:___________________________
6. History of incontinence: No__ Yes__ Related to increased abdominal b. Pulses: Easily palpable?
pressure (coughing, laughing, sneezing)? No__ Yes__ Carotid: Yes__ No__; Jugular: Yes__ No__; Temporal: Yes__ No__
Radial: Yes__ No__; Femoral: Yes__ No__; Popliteal: Yes__ No__;
7. History of travel? No__ Yes__ Where?____________________________ Postibial: Yes__ No__; Dorsalis Pedis: Yes__ No__
2. Oxygen use at home? No__ Yes__ Describe: ______________________ SLEEP REST PATTERN
3. How many pillows do you use to sleep on?_____
4. Do you frequently experience fatigue? No__ Yes__ Describe: _________ OBJECTIVE
5. How many stairs can you climb without experiencing any difficulty (can be
individual number or number of flights)? ___________________________ SUBJECTIVE
6. How far can you walk without experiencing any difficulty? _____________ 1. Usual sleep habits: Hours per night ___; Naps: No__ Yes__ a.m.__
7. Has assistance at home for self-care and maintenance of home: p.m.__ Feel rested? Yes__ No__ Describe: ________________________
No__ Yes__ Who? __________ If no, would you like to have or believes 2. Any problems:
needs assistance: No__ Yes__ With what activities? _________________ a. Difficulty going to sleep? No__ Yes__
8. Occupation (if retired, former occupation): _________________________ b. Awakening during night? No__ Yes__
9. Describe you usual leisure time activities/hobbies: c. Early awakening? No__ Yes__
___________________ d. Insomnia? No__ Yes__ Describe: _____________________________
___________________________________________________________ 3. Methods used to promote sleep: Medication: No__ Yes__ Name: _______
10. Any complaints of weakness or lack of Warm fluids: No__ Yes__ What? __________________; Relaxation
energy? No__ Yes__ Describe: techniques: No__ Yes__ Describe:
___________________________________________________ _______________________________
Nursing\Nursing Forms\Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns
3. Knowledge level
OBJECTIVE a. Can define what current problems is: Yes__ No__
1. Review sensory and mental status completed in health perception-health b. Can restate current therapeutic regimen: Yes__ No__
management pattern
2. Any overt signs of pain? No__ Yes__ Describe: SELF-PERCEPTION AND SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN
SUBJECTIVE 1. During this assessment, does patient appear: Calm__ Anxious__
1. Pain Irritable__ Withdrawn__ Restless__
a. Location (have patient point to area) : __________________________ 2. Did any physiologic parameters change? Face reddened: No__ Yes__;
b. Intensity (have patient rank on scale of 0 to 10): __________________ Voice volume changed: No__ Yes__ Louder__ Softer__; Voice quality
c. Radiation: No__ Yes__ To where? changed: No__ Yes__ Quavering__ Hesitation__ Other: ______________
_____________________________ ___________________________________________________________
d. Timing (how often: related to any specific events): ________________ 3. Body language observed: ______________________________________
________________________________________________________ 4. is current admission going to result in a body structure or function change
_ for the patient? No__ Yes__ Unsure at this time__
e. Duration: _________________________________________________
f. What done relieve at home? SUBJECTIVE
__________________________________ 1. What is your major concern at the current time? ____________________
g. When did pain begin? _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
2. Do you think this admission will cause any lifestyle changes for you?
2. Decision-making No__ Yes__ What? ___________________________________________
a. Decision making is: Easy__ Moderately easy__ Moderately difficult__ 3. Do you think this admission will result in any body changes for you?
Difficult__ No__ Yes__ What? ___________________________________________
b. Inclined to make decisions: Rapidly__ Slowly__ Delay__ 4. My usual view of myself is: Positive__ Neutral__ Somewhat negative__
Female 1. History of prostate problems? No__ Yes__ Describe: ________________
1. Date of LMP:___ Any pregnancies? Para__ Gravida__ Menopause? 2. History of penile discharge, bleeding, lesions: No__ Yes__
No__ Yes__ Year__ Describe: ___________________________________________________
2. Use of birth control measures? No__ N/A__ Yes__ Type: _____________ 3. Date of last prostate exam: _____________________________________
3. History of vaginal discharge, bleeding, lesions: No__ Yes__ Describe: 4. History of sexually transmitted diseases: No__ Yes__ Describe: ________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
4. Pap smear annually: Yes__ No__ Date of last pap smear: ____________
5. Date of last mammogram: Both
______________________________________ 1. Are you experiencing any problems in sexual functioning? No__ Yes__
6. History of sexually transmitted disease: No__ Yes__ Describe: _________ Describe:___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ 2. Are you satisfied with your sexual relationship? Yes__ No__
If admission is secondary to rape: 3. Do you believe this admission will have any impact on sexual functioning?
7. Is patient describing numerous physical symptoms? No__ Yes__ No__ Yes__ Describe: ________________________________________
Describe: ___________________________________________________
8. Is patient exhibiting numerous emotional symptoms? No__ Yes__ COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN
Describe: ___________________________________________________
9. What has been your primary coping mechanism in handling this rape OBJECTIVE
episode? ___________________________________________________ 1. Observe behavior: Are there any overt signs of stress (crying, wringing of
hands, clenched fists, etc)? Describe: ____________________________