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LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166

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LWT - Food Science and Technology

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Absorbent food pads containing bacteriophages for potential

antimicrobial use in refrigerated food products
^a*, Regina Ce
Delaine Meireles Gouve lia Santos Mendona, Maryoris Elisa Soto Lopez,
Las Silva Batalha
Federal University of Viosa, Avenida P.H. Rolfs s/n, 36570-000, Viosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The incessant search by the consumer for products that are ready for consumption and for new tech-
Received 19 August 2015 nologies aimed at ensuring the safety and quality of food has intensied with the adoption of measures
Received in revised form that can reduce these risks. This work shows that an absorbent food pad used in chilled meat trays,
5 November 2015
containing a mix of six bacteriophages, BFSE16, BFSE18, PaDTA1, PaDTA9, PaDTA10 and PaDTA11 isolated
Accepted 22 November 2015
Available online 25 November 2015
and characterized by the work group, used as biocontrol, has application in the food preservation area. It
is an excellent method of extending the shelf life of refrigerated processed foods ready for consumption.
The system was evaluated for the ability, in vitro, to reduce the initial count of Salmonella Typhimurium
Absorbent food pad
present in the environment. Three different phage concentrations were incorporated in pads that have
Bacteriophages the ability to reduce 4.36, 3.66 and 0.87 log cycles at 15  C, respectively, and an average 0.55 log cycles at
New technologies 10  C at the concentrations used. The higher the concentration of this bacteriophage, the better its effect
Pathogens on the host, having a greater capacity for infection. The viable phage remained on the pad during the
treatment time of 48 h.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and a plastic overwrap to seal the product within the tray, to
maintain the freshness of the contents for a nite period (Hansen,
There is growing concern in the food industry in the production Rippl, Midkiff, & Neuwirth, 1989).
and distribution of food both to comply the need of reduction risks Meat and poultry, as well as other perishable food products,
to consumer health as to comply to the stringent sanitary barriers naturally contain liquids and juices. Occasionally these liquids, with
to international trade. Thus, the search for new technologies that time, will drain from the product. When such food products are
guarantee safety and quality foods has been the subject of much packaged within a plastic wrapped tray, these liquids may collect
research. (Appendini & Hotchkiss, 2002; Hauser & Wunderlich, within the tray and may subsequently leak during transportation
2011; Soares, Silva, Pires, Camilloto, & Silva, 2009). and handling. Market analysis has also revealed that the consumer
Traditionally perishable food products such as meat, poultry, considers unappealing nd free liquid in such packages. Conse-
sh and vegetables were displayed and sold in bulk form, thereby quently, many such packages today employ an absorbent material
allowing the purchaser to select the item or items to be purchased. in the bottom of the tray to absorb the liquids as they are released
This practice was particularly true for meat and poultry products, from the food. However, whether the liquids from the food prod-
commonly sold by a butcher from a display case. More recently, ucts remain free or are absorbed in a pad, such liquids provide a
such food products are prepackaged for display and sale. Such medium for bacterial propagation and transmitting food-borne
packaging, especially with respect to meat and poultry, involves the pathogens which cause disease in humans (Hansen et al., 1989).
use of a semi-rigid tray, usually plastic, to contain the food product, Foods of animal origin present the most types of microorgan-
isms, which are part of their normal microbiota. For multiplying,
these microorganisms need favorable conditions, represented by
* Corresponding author. Av. PH Rolfs s/n, Department of Food Technology, Federal multiple factors, including temperature, which during the process
University of Viosa, Postal code: 36570-000, Centro, Viosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. of conservation is crucial to inhibit microbial growth and minimize
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.M. Gouve ^a), [email protected]
the chemical reactions that cause the spoilage of food (Mrmann,
(R.C.S. Mendona), [email protected] (M.E.S. Lopez), lais.sbatalha@
gmail.com (L.S. Batalha). Mallmann, & Dilkin, 2005).

0023-6438/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
160 D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166

For example, mesophilic bacteria producing food poisoning or the lid of the Petri dishes, and the base plates contained an agar
infections can be isolated from chilled meat, including Salmonella base (Tryptic Soy Broth 1.2% agar - Himedia, India) containing the
sp., Clostridium botulinum, C. perfringens, Campylobacter sp., bacteria previously activated (incubated at 35  C 2  C for 18 h)
Escherichia coli and even Listeria monocytogenes (Hoffmann, and inoculated using smear swab. The plates were kept in an
Mansor, Coelho, & Vinturim, 2002; Soares & Hotchkiss, 1997). incubator (Greenhouse Incubator for B.O.D - biochemical oxygen
Spector and Kenyon (2012) report that the major sources of Sal- demand - Biosystems, Brazil) using two different temperatures
monella for humans are contaminated or infected beef, pork, eggs, (15  C and 10  C) for seven days. The antimicrobial activity of the
poultry, fruit, vegetables or derivatives and by-products of these absorbent food pad was determined qualitatively, by identifying
foods, such as peanut butter, mayonnaise, etc. Salmonella sp. are the area with an absence of bacteria and checking the spread of
able to adapt, grow and/or survive in a wide range of stressful en- bacteriophage to a solid medium, simulating the contact of the pad
vironments, such as extracellular pH between 3.99 and 9.5, media with food. The experiment was conducted in three experimental
concentrations up to 4% NaCl and temperatures as high as 54  C or repetitions for each temperature.
as low as 2  C.
In recent years, researchers have dedicated themselves to 2.3. In vitro activity of absorbent food pads using different phage
studies of packaging that not only acts passively, but also interacts concentrations
with food. These studies have named the subject active packaging
(Kerry, O'Grady, & Hogan, 2006). Active packaging with antimi- The absorbent food pad with their added concentrations of the
crobial agents have been developed in order to increase the shelf mix of bacteriophages (106, 108, and 109 PFU mL1) were xed to
life of food and reduce microbial risk potential (Hauser & the base within the plates. It was added to the pad 12 ml of TSB
Wunderlich, 2011). The antimicrobial agents can be added to the broth (Tryptic Soy Broth e Himedia, India) containing pre-activated
food surface and thus reduce the microbial counts. The antimi- bacteria at a concentration of 106 CFU mL1, showing a bacterio-
crobial serves a current consumer demand, which is the search for phage infection capacity of 1, 2, and 3 MOI (multiplicity of infec-
food free of preservatives, and is added only where their presence is tion). Control plates were added with only 12 mL of broth
required, ie where most of deterioration occur (Han, 2005; Soares containing the bacteria at a concentration of 106 CFU mL1 under
et al., 2009). There are several antimicrobial agents that can be the same conditions, and for the control zero time was considered.
added and/or incorporated into packaging. But among the main The experiment was conducted in three experimental repetitions
advantages of incorporating antimicrobial on the package is that for each temperature.
the antimicrobial be released into the food slowly and steadily At times of 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h the bacterial growth counts
extending the antimicrobial activity taking place more intensively were performed. For that, 10 mL of SM buffer solution (50 mmol l1
and where it is necessary (Melo et al., 2012). TriseHCl (Vetec, Brazil) [pH 7.5], 0.1 mol l1 NaCl (Vetec, Brazil),
The use of bacteriophages to control pathogens is promising and 8 mmol l1 MgSO4$7H2O (Vetec, Brasil), 0.01% gelatin (Himedia,
is becoming a reality. Although the practice of primary bacterio- India)) was added to the plates (treatment and control) to rinse the
phage therapy has been performed with a view to the treatment of pads. The solution was collected in centrifuge tubes and centrifuged
bacterial infections in humans, the concept of removing undesir- at 13.000 g for 5 min at 15  C; the supernatant was used to assess
able bacterial populations using bacteriophages can be extended to the presence of bacteriophages in the same period. The pellet was
animals, plants, foodstuffs and other domains (Gill & Young, 2011). resuspended in saline solution (NaCl 0.85% w/v sterile) and serial
Many authors report an absorbent pad containing antimicrobial dilutions were made and plated on specic medium SS (Salmo-
agents such as bacteriocins, antibiotics, or a virucidal composition, nellaeShigella Agar e Himedia, India). The plates were incubated at
which includes citric acid, malic acid and others (Hansen et al., 35  C 2  C for 18e24 h. After the incubation time the colonies
1989; Laiewski, Hessen, Hardy & Gilvin, 1986; Rothe, Creagan, & were counted, and the efcacy of treatment was analyzed.
Spiegelberg, 1988). However, its incorporation in packaging is still
unknown, and it is necessary to better understand and evaluate its 2.4. Evaluation of the presence of the phage
limitations. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ef-
ciency of absorbent food pads, used in meat trays, incorporated The supernatant collected above containing the bacteriophage
with bacteriophages for potential antimicrobial use in refrigerated was diluted in SM buffer and plated according to the methodology
foods. described by Sambrook and Russell (2001). On an agar overlay
(TSB 0.6% agareagar e Himedia, India) were placed 100 mL of the
2. Material and methods dilution of phage and 100 mL of pre-activated bacteria, and poured
on plates containing agar base (TSB 1.2% agareagar e Himedia,
2.1. Microorganisms used India). The plates were incubated at 35  C 2  C for 6e18 h; after
the incubation period, were observed the formation of lysis plaques
The bacteriophages used were BFSE16, BFSE18, PaDTA1, PaDTA9, (PFU - Plaque Forming Units).
PaDTA10, and PaDTA11. Bacteriophages were isolated from chicken
feces, poultry exudates and swine feces and characterized in the 2.5. Statistical analysis
laboratory. The bacterial strain used as the host target was Salmo-
nella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028. To evaluate the spread of bacteriophage of pad to the mix the
solid medium containing the bacteria was used DIC (completely
2.2. Qualitative in vitro simulation of absorbent food pads in randomized design) in factorial scheme (3  2) three concentra-
contact with a surface containing the bacteria tions (20%, 50%, and 80%) and two temperatures (15  C and 10  C).
The result was analyzed qualitatively.
The phage mix was added to the absorbent food pad (Techno- From the experiment arranged in a randomized design, a block
paper, Brazil) by being dripped onto their surface. The amount used diagram for evaluating the in vitro activity of pads containing the
was 20%, 50%, and 80% (volume used in each pad) solution in bacteriophage was arranged in a factorial arrangement (3  5) with
bacteriophage of 109 PFU mL1 concentration, in accordance with three concentrations of bacteriophages (106, 108, and 109 PFU ml1)
the weight of the pads mass. The pads were xed on the inside of and ve incubation times (6; 12; 24; 36, and 48 h). Two
D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166 161

temperatures (15  C and 10  C) were tested at different times. control pad in contact with the medium containing the bacteria
Concentrations of bacteriophages were characterized by treat- where there was no cell death.
ments T6, T8 and T9, respectively. In the plates incubated at 10  C bacterial growth was less sig-
The data were analyzed at 5% probability by analysis of variance nicant because the bacterial metabolism is slower at lower tem-
(ANOVA). Differences between means were analyzed by Tukey's peratures (Forsythe, 2002; Malheiros, Paula, & Tondo, 2007;
HDS test using MINITAB 16 (Minitab Inc., USA) as a statistical Spector & Kenyon, 2012). One can also notice that there was no
resource. difference in relation to inhibition of the pathogen between the
quantities of bacteriophage added to the pad. All quantities added
3. Results and discussion to the mix of bacteriophages in pad 20%, 50% and 80% have the same
effect when visually observed.
3.1. Qualitative simulation of absorbent food pads
3.2. In vitro activity of absorbent food pads in liquid medium
Figs. 1 and 2 show the spread of bacteriophage in the medium
containing the Salmonella Typhimurium culture at 15  C and 10  C, In Figs. 3 and 4 the antimicrobial effect of bacteriophage on the
respectively. The plates containing absorbent food pads with the Salmonella cell count can be seen. We observe that the treatment
mix of bacteriophages were analyzed after seven days of incuba- with the concentration of 109 PFU mL1 of bacteriophage on the
tion. In both temperatures, the bacteriophage could diffuse into the pad (T9) and the concentration of 108 PFU mL1 of bacteriophage
solid medium containing the bacterium (Figs. 1 and 2). It was (T8) were more efcient. The results were more signicant at the
observed that in place around the pad touches the medium there is temperature of 15  C than at 10  C for the rst 12 h of treatment,
no growth of the cells, indicating lysis caused by the phage. In the and the log cycle reduction was more signicant at 15  C. It reached
control pad, in contrast, there was no cell lysis around the pad. 4.36 log cycle reductions for treatment T9, 3.66 log cycles for
When bacteriophage is in contact with the bacteria, the bacterio- treatment T8 and 0.24 log cycles for treatment T6 (bacteriophage
phage adsorbs in the cell wall of bacteria and infects the host concentration in pad of 106 PFU mL1). After 24 h the bacteria
causing cell lysis and death. This can be observed around the began to grow both in the control and in the treatment, but kept the

Fig. 1. Bacteriophage quantity in the solid medium containing the Salmonella Typhimurium at a temperature of 15  C, (a) control; (b) 20% (v/w); (c) 50% (v/w); and (d) 80% (v/w),
162 D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166

Fig. 2. Bacteriophage quantity in the solid medium containing the Salmonella Typhimurium at a temperature of 10  C, (a) control; (b) 20% (v/w); (c) 50% (v/w); and (d) 80% (v/w),

reductions compared to the control after 48 h of contact. Oliveira, Vieira, Sutherland, & Azeredo, 2004a) and this is seen in
Bacteriophages depend on host metabolic function for their the charts during the rst 12 h of infection, when the bacterial cell
morphogenesis and replication process. Because the phage de- is in exponential phase. When the cells become older (stationary
pends on the metabolic function of the host, at a temperature of phase), the infection efciency decreases. There is a long latency
10  C to cell lysis was less efcient. Under optimal growth condi- period when the cells are in the decline phase. In this aspect in-
tions, the host has a higher metabolic rate, favoring the replication hibition of cellular protein synthesis can occur, which may increase
process of bacteriophage and cell lysis. Physiological changes in the the latency period of the bacteriophage. The release rate of the
microorganism due to the variation in temperature and nutritional bacteriophage may occur with an increase in the growth rate of the
conditions can affect the infection of the bacteriophage by the host microorganism (Abedon, 2014; Miller & Day, 2008). The transition
(Hungaro, Mendona, Gouve ^a, Vanetti, & Pinto, 2013; Kim, Klumpp, from exponential phase to stationary, results in a dramatic change
& Loessner, 2007). in cell morphology, in rates of macromolecular synthesis and
Studies with Pseudomonas uorescens showed a greater con- degradation, and in the formation and surface characteristics of the
centration of proteins and RNA in the bacteria's optimum growth cell wall (Abedon, 2014; Rossi & Aragno, 1999).
temperature when this temperature was changed. Furthermore, Therefore, the physiology of the cell inuences the adsorption
there was also a change in the behavior of bacteriophage (Guillou & rate of the bacteriophage, and may cause a longer latency period
Guespin-Michel, 1996; Sillankorva, Neubauer, & Azeredo, 2008a). when the cells are in the decline phase. Host cells only release new
These authors report that optimal temperatures for growth of the viral particles when they grow back after cell division. This de-
bacterial cells are higher, which probably explains a higher creases the rate of cell lysis and release of the bacteriophage.
adsorption of phage on the surface and consequently a greater ef- Bacteriophages have an important part as regulators of micro-
fect of lysis. One of the important factors in phage infection is the bial growth, provided that they are present in high-density envi-
presence of receptors on the cell wall that allow its adsorption. ronments (Miller & Day, 2008), under favorable conditions
When the temperature is not the optimum temperature for growth (Moisture, Water Activity, Nutrients, etc.) that allow them to meet
of the microorganism, it may inuence the presence of such re- the bacteria and infect them, because bacteriophages are non-
ceptors in the cell wall of bacteria (Sillankorva, Neubauer, & motile. The efciency of the bacteriophages can be affected by
Azeredo, 2008b). the nutritional and physiological state of the host bacterium, and
The release rate of the bacteriophage is higher with cells in this infection may determine the parameters and their efciency.
exponential phase than in stationary phase cells (Sillankorva, TSB medium favors the growth of bacteria, affecting the latency
D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166 163

Fig. 3. Phage viability compared in the reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium at 15  C. (a) CFU log Control ( ) and log CFU of Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of a
bacteriophage mix at the concentrations of 109 (T9 ), 108 (T8 fx3) and 106 PFU mL1 (T6 fx4); (b) CFU log Control ( ), PFU log T9 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium in
the presence of T9 (at bacteriophage concentration 109) ( ); (c) CFU log Control ( ), PFU log T8 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of T8 (at
bacteriophage concentration 108) (fx3); and (d) Control of CFU log ( ), PFU log T6 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of T6 (at bacteriophage con-
centration 106) ( ).

period and the cell lysis time, since the medium is rich in nutrients exposure time at temperatures of 15  C and 10  C is shown in a
that can directly affect the phage receptor, the ATP levels and cyclic simple linear regression graph (Figs. 5 and 6). Each time of analysis,
AMP, or even enhanced expression of genes characteristic of lyso- the bacteriophage remained constant relative to its initial concen-
genic replication (Miller & Day, 2008). This may explain the growth tration for T9 and T8 treatments. For the T6 treatment we observe
of bacteria after 12 h of incubation, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. an increase in bacteriophage titer, reaching levels of 107 PFU mL1
According to Hungaro, Lopez, Albino, and Mendona (2014), at 15  C after 48 h incubation. This occurs due to the increase in
inactivation of microorganisms in food is only achieved by using a bacterial cells and, consequently, a greater phage infection
high bacteriophage-host relationship (multiplicity of infection or demonstrated by the increase of viral cells. At 10  C the concen-
MOI). When this inactivation occurs at temperatures below the tration remained practically constant for all three treatments. Most
minimum, lysis of host growth can occur from the outside through of the current understanding of factors that contribute to the sta-
a large number of phages bound to the cell wall of the cell. This was bility of viral particles is largely based on empirical observations.
reported in the inactivation of Salmonella in melons stored at 5  C Based on these observations, the main factors that can increase the
and at a MOI of 200 (Leverentz et al., 2001). However, some evi- stability of viral particles include preventing and/or limiting
dence suggests that lysis from the outside and infection can occur oxidative damage to DNA/RNA and viral capsid components and
simultaneously, and contribute to cell death (Kim et al., 2007; stabilization of the structure of the viral capsid proteins
Kutter & Sulakvelidze, 2005). (Wigginton, Pecson, Sigstam, Bosshard, & Kohn, 2012).
Vonasek, Le, and Nitin (2014) evaluated the release of encap-
3.3. Presence of phage on the pad sulated bacteriophages in edible lms of whey protein (WPI) in an
aqueous medium and on the surface of foods. It was observed that
One of the main challenges in the development of phage-based the release in aqueous medium phage was greater than on the food
antimicrobial packaging materials is the stability of the phage surface. It can be noted that in an aqueous medium there was an
materials. Most of the current understanding of phage stability is increase in the concentration of phage after 6 h.
based on the analysis of phage in an aqueous medium, while there According to Sillankorva, Oliveira, Vieira, Sutherland, and
is limited knowledge of phage stability in material formulations Azeredo (2004b) the effect of temperature has no effect on phage
(Jepson & March, 2004; Schaper, Dura n, & Jofre, 2002). growth. The bacteriophage remains viable during the treatment
The viability of the bacteriophage on the pad during the time, which can be seen in the graph. However, the temperature
164 D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166

Fig. 4. Phage viability compared in the reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium at 10  C. (a) CFU log Control ( ) and log CFU of Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of a
bacteriophage mix at the concentrations of 109 (T9 ), 108 (T8 ) and 106 PFU mL1 (T6 ); (b) CFU log Control ( ), PFU log T9 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium
in the presence of T9 (at bacteriophage concentration 109) (fx3); (c) CFU log Control ( ), PFU log T8 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of T8 (at
bacteriophage concentration 10 ) ( ); and (d) CFU log Control ( ), PFU log T6 ( ), and log CFU Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of T6 (at bacteriophage concentration
106) ( ).

Fig. 5. Phage viability evaluation in absorbent food pad over time at 15  C. (T9 e bacteriophage treatment at the initial concentration 109 PFU mL1 ( ); T8 e bacteriophage
treatment at the initial concentration 108 PFU mL1 ( ); and T6 e bacteriophage treatment at the initial concentration 106 PFU mL1 ( )).
D.M. Gouv^ea et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 67 (2016) 159e166 165

Fig. 6. Phage viability evaluation in absorbent food pad over time at 10  C. (T9 e bacteriophage treatment at the initial concentration 109 PFU mL1 ( ); T8 e bacteriophage
treatment at the initial concentration 108 PFU mL1 ( ); and T6 e bacteriophage treatment at the initial concentration 106 PFU mL1 ( )).

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