MDTS 5705: Guidance: Lecture 1: Guidance System Requirements

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MDTS 5705 : Guidance

Lecture 1 : Guidance System Requirements

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Course Admin

Instructor : Gerard Leng

Office : E2 -02 - 37

Contact : phone 6 874 6548

fax 6 779 1459
e-mail [email protected]

Consultation : Mon-Fri 12-2pm (happy hour)

Course Website :

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Course Outline
Course Organisation

4 lectures/tutorial

1 : Guidance System Requirements
2 : Line-of-sight Guidance
3 : Homing Guidance
4 : INS/GPS Guidance

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Course Objectives & Requirements

1. Understand theoretical guidance concepts

2. Relate these concepts to practical weapon systems

Required Background

Basic engineering or science degree

( calculus, differential equations, particle dynamics )

Some programming experience ( eg : Matlab )

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

E. Fleeman, Tactical Missile Design, AIAA, 2006

Recommended references

P. Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance , AIAA Progress in

Astronautics & Aeronautics, v239, (6th edition), 2012

P. Garnell & D.J. East, Guided Weapon Control Systems, Pergamon

Press, 1977
A.S. Locke, Guidance, Principles of Guided Missile Design, van
Nostrand, 1955

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Grading Policy

Proposed grading - Plan A

Project 40%

Final Exam 60%

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.0 What is a guided weapon ?

Guided Weapon = Sensors (Eyes & Ears)

+ Guidance Logic (Brain)

+ Control & Propulsion (Muscles)

+ Warhead

In other words .
A guided weapon is a weapon system that can
correct its course to hit a target

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Example : The earliest guided bomb
WWII German Fritz X

Weight 1300 kg, 270 kg AP warhead
Wing span 1.6 m
Guidance joy stick, radio link
Range 5.6 km

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Example : The earliest guided missile
WWII German HS 293

Launch weight 1045kg, 295 kg HE warhead
Wing span 3.10m
Guidance joy stick, radio/wire link
Propulsion rocket
Range 18 km
Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS
Question : What can we observe & conclude from
these early guided weapons ?

A guided weapon doesnt have to be really high-tech or even


So can we build one with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)

components ?

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1. 1 Mission profile of guided weapons
1.1.0 Guided weapons with different missions
Anti Tank Guided Missile ATGM
Air to Ground Missile AGM
Anti-Ship Missile ASM
Surface to Air Missile SAM
Air Interdiction, Air-to-Air Missile AIM, AAM
Anti-Missile Missile AMM
Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles UCAV

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.1.1 Anti-Tank Missile Mission Profile

Question :Is a direct head on impact the most effective way for an ATGM
to destroy a tank ?

1. missile aligned with tank 2. head -on impact on the front hull

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

What is the best way to destroy a tank ?

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Russian MBT T-72

Basic protection : 520mm - 590mm turret armour against HEAT

Main armament : 125-mm gun with range of 2000 m
Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS
Question : Where should the ATGM hit ?

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

ATGM flight trajectories

1. Direct - Milan

2. Elevated - Hellfire

3. Arched - Javelin
Whats this ?

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.1.2 Anti-tank missile guidance requirements
1. Additional protection eg : ERA (explosive reactive armour)

2. Attack armoured targets at the weakest point (top armour)

3. Guidance design implications :

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.2 What is the best way to destroy a ship ?
1.2.0 Warships can detect and defend against in-coming missiles

A : detection & launch

B : align with intercept plane
C : intercept course
D : target neutralised

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.2.1 Anti Ship Missile Mission Profile

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.2.2 Anti-ship missile guidance requirements
More complicated guidance design for different phases of mission

launch : dive/climb

mid-course : altitude hold

tactical maneuvers

terminal : pop-up

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.3 How to destroy an in-coming missile ?

1.3.0 Problems

Target can be as fast as your missile

Target may approach from any direction

Target can perform evasive maneuvers

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.3.1 Anti-Missile Missile Mission Profile

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.3.2 AMM guidance requirements
Vertical launch to optimal altitude

Tip-over to correct plane for interception

Mid course guidance to close with target.

Terminal guidance to counter evasive maneuvers

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.4 What are the guidance requirements for a UCAV
or a cruise missile ?

X45 X47

Hint : What kind of targets are suitable for UCAV or cruise missiles ?
Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS
1.4.1 UCAV/Cruise Missile Mission Profile

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.4.2 Cruise missile, UCAV guidance requirements

1. Long range, low-level terrain hugging flight

2. Best used against large stationary targets

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.5 The First Lesson of Guidance System Design

The design of the guidance system must suit the

mission profile and must function within the
limits of available sensors and controls

To paraphrase Sun Tzes Art of War

Know your guided weapon, know your target.

In a 100 firings, you get a 100 hits (or close)

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

1.6 Basic Trajectory Analysis
V 1.6.0 Kinematics

J g (1) Position of P
a X = R cosq
Y = R sinq
R (2) Velocity of P
X = V cosg
Y = V sing

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS
1.6.1 Turn rate and latax

1. Differentiate eqns (1)

X = cosq -sinq R
Y sinq cosq Rq

2. Substitute eqns (2)

Vcosg = cosq -sinq R
Vsing sinq cosq Rq

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS


R = V cos(g - q )
R q = V sin(g - q )

3. Conclusions :

a) The velocity component parallel to OP affects the rate of change of


b) The velocity component perpendicular to OP affects the rotation rate

of OP

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

4. From the diagram, the lateral acceleration a = a { -sin g, cos g }

Differentiate eqns (2),

X = cosg -sing V
Y sing cosg Vg

5. Noting that the LHS is the lateral acceleration a

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

We obtain

V = 0
Vg = a

6. Conclusion

The (applied) lateral acceleration (latax) changes the turn rate but not
the speed

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Exercise : Getting a physical feel for the math
A fighter aircraft flying at 180 m/s (Mach 0.6) executes a 9g turn.
What is the turn rate ?

Noting that Vg = a

mVg = ma = 9 mg

Hence g =

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

Exercise : Estimating performance Aster 30 AMM
Reported : Dec 1997 test firing
of the Aster 30 AMM
Intercepted target from above
at Mach 2.68
miss distance < 4 m
max load = 60 gs
Whats the turn rate ?

max turn rate =

Gerard Leng, MDTS, NUS

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