Act Mining
Act Mining
Act Mining
Each type of mining equipment comes with its own set of mining activities. The most
common types of mining equipment vary depending whether the work is being carried
out above or below ground or mining for gold, metals, coal or crude oil. From drilling
machines to excavators, crushing and grinding equipment the mining industry comes
complete with all the right tools.
Mining Drills
Probably one of the most common pieces of mining equipment, drills are an important
part of the underground mining operation. Underground mining is carried out when
rocks or minerals are located at a fair distance beneath the ground. But then they need
to be brought to the surface. Underground specialized mining equipment such as
trucks, loaders, diggers etc. are used to excavate the material and are normally hauled
to the surface with skips or lifts for further processing. Drilling is normally required to
place explosive charges to liberate the minerals from the overburden material.
Underground mining techniques have progressed significantly over the past years,
including using remote controlled machinery.
Drills assist in creating holes descending underground. If miners are required to work
underground, drills can also be used in ensuring the holes are large enough to serve as
a portal for miners to enter. Directional drilling is also a type of mining technology
where miners will use the tools and certain methods to drill wells.
Blasting Tools
Blasting tools are an essential part of the mining industry and are used to break down
and fracture materials (usually rocks) by use of a calculated amount of explosive to
liberate the sought-after product from the waste material. Blasting is also used to
remove pockets of unwanted material that are preventing mining machines and
personnel to get to the seam containing the materials of interest. Unmanned drill rigs
will drill holes at pre-determined depths and positions on a blast face to ensure that a
particular size fraction is achieved and that little of the overburden is liberated with
the blasting to reduce material handling costs. Once this process has been completed,
an excavator is used to recover the blasted rocks and other debris that has been
dislodged during the blasting. The material is then conveyed to a central conveying
system which will take it directly to the surface or via a skip and hoist system.
Blasting equipment is used for both underground and open pit mining operations and
is known to be one of the most hazardous aspects of the job.
For mining operations to be successful good blast designs are absolutely vital as poor
practices and excessive explosives can result in damage to rock structures causing
unwanted caving.
Earth Movers
For above ground mining, earth movers are utilised regularly to carry loose soil and
earth from one location to another. Earth movers play an important role in the mining
industry because the equipment is specifically designed to work on large earth-
moving and mining projects for a faster and more practical process. Used for digging,
pushing and transporting the earth, they require the specialised skills of an operator.
Earth movers are heavy mining equipment that the industry would struggle to survive
without and work hand in hand with bulldozers. Earth movers are normally used for
removing overburden or waste material, which enables the excavators to remove the
material or mineral of interest. Bulldozers are used to move this overburden material
around to create a working surface for other equipment such as haul trucks and
Crushing Equipment
As its name suggests, crushing equipment is used to crush rock and stone. Designed to
achieve maximum productivity and high reduction rate, mining crushing equipment
can come in a variety of different types for a range of jobs.
Crushing equipment is specially configured to break down the hard rock matter or
gravel to a manageable size for transportation or conveying. They are valuable pieces
of equipment in the industry because they reduce the costs associated with handling of
larger sized material and also ensure efficient liberation of elements of interest in
downstream processing of the material. In an opencast or strip mining operation, the
run of mine (ROM) material is normally transported to the primary crusher by haul
trucks, and in underground mining operations it is conveyed to the primary crusher.
Crushing equipment is important to the mining process because it reduces the use of
precious excavated resources and eliminates the amount of material on site.
Feeding and conveying equipment are necessary to the mining industry to move and
control material flow within a mining and processing operation to facilitate efficient
operation of equipment and determine operating rates and yields. In some instances
secondary crushing is required prior to processing of the material. Once the material is
at the correct size, fraction processing can occur which could include, milling,
flotation, leaching etc.
Belt scale systems let you monitor production output and inventory, or regulate
product load out, while providing vital information for the effective management and
efficient operation of your business. There are elemental cross belt analyzers that
provide real-time quality analysis of critical process streams to facilitate sorting,
blending and out-of-seam dilution control. While materials are on the troughed belt
conveyor, an automatic sampling system (which could be single or multi-stage) can
take a representative sample directly from the moving material stream. (Take a look
at this video to see how a sampling system works.) Weigh belt Feeders that convey
and control feed rate accurately and reliably can reduce material consumption, help
maintain blend consistency, and increase profits.
Devices related to the transportation of coal from the mine to processing facilities to
rail loading and finally to the consumer:
conveyors, underground and overland railroad
barge trucks
Also includes devices related to the processing of coal including:
coal sampling and testing laboratories coal preparation equipment
Author References:
This article was co-written by Jayde Ferguson, who writes for Direct Mining a
leading supplier of premier mining equipment, products and services throughout
Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Stephan Nel, Global Product/Applications
Manager for Coal & Sinter at Thermo Fisher Scientific, co-wrote and edited the piece
as well.
Active Mining Companies in the
The Acoje Mining Company was organized in 1935 to take over and operate the
present group of claims, located in the municipality of Santa Cruz, Province of
Zambales Philippines Islands. These claims were located by a group of prospectors
during the big mining Boom that existed in the Islands just previous date.
The original capital of the company was one million pesos, divided into Ten Million
shares, of a par value of ten centavos each. Of this amount five hundred thousand
pesos in stock was issued to the original locators and claim owners in payment for the
property, from hundred thousand pesos worth of stock was sold at par, this being the
working capital of the company, and one hundred thousand pesos worth of stock
remained in the treasury, to be sold at some future time. Apart from current bank
loans, previous to the outbreak of the war, this was the only cash capital invested by
the company.
She asked the applicants to secure the prior and informed consent of the indigenous
community or their certification allowing the conversion of the area into a pocket
mining site. In 2004, a Minahang Bayan was proposed for Bakun town in Benguet but
the application was never resolved by the provincial mining regulatory board.
Open-cut mining
A pit is dug, progressively deeper as the ore, technical considerations, consents and
economics allow.
When complete, the pit is left as a lake for community use, or modified as agreed in
the consent conditions. This is the method adopted at the Martha gold mine at Waihi.
The footprint of an open cut mine is similar to an open cast mine.
Typical open cut grades
Gold is generally extracted in open-pit mines at 1 to 2 ppm (parts per million) but in
certain cases, 0.75 ppm gold is economical. This was achieved by bulk heap leaching
at the Peak Hill mine in western New South Wales, near Dubbo, Australia.
Gravel and stone
Metal ores, such as copper, iron, gold, silver and molybdenum
In all metal mines and many coal mines there will be a processing facility to
upgrade/refine the ore into a saleable product. At the Macraes mine for example, the
processing plant crushes, grinds and chemically treats the ore to recover the gold.
Any chemicals used are neutralised before discharge. All water (including from
rainfall) in the process plant area is collected and treated, and recycled where
possible. Any discharge is monitored and controlled to meet volume and quality
standards required in RMA consent conditions.
Requirements for rehabilitation are set out in consent conditions. An opencast mine
will rehabilitate land progressively as mining advances, usually returning to grazing
which is typically more productive than pre-mining.
Mining companies are required to put in place bonds as insurance for the regulator, in
the event the company fails.
The bond amount is typically based on an engineers peer reviewed assessment of the
cost of closure.
Underground mining
An underground mine will normally have a surface footprint of 5-10 ha.
There are a multitude of underground mining techniques to extract the maximum
amount of ore in a safe manner.
Placer mining involves any type of mining where raw minerals are deposited in sand
or gravel or on the surface and are picked up without having to drive, use dynamite or
any other significant means. The word placer means "sand bank" in Spanish. Specific
types of placer mining are panning, dredging, sluicing, using a Rocker, or just picking
up what lies on the ground.
Hydraulic mining involves high pressure water. The water is operating hydraulic
mining elevator and impounding works at North Bloomfield Mine sprayed at an area
of rock and/or gravel and the water breaks the rock up, dislodging ore and placer
deposits. The water/ore mixture is then milled. This is a very destructive way to mine
and has been outlawed in most areas.
Hard rock
Hard rock mining entails digging into solid rock to fine minerals usually in their ore
form (the metal plus oxygen). To do this, miners used picks and shovels, rock drills,
dynamite and more. Miners dug either shafts that went straight down to follow ore
bodies and veins, or tunnels which went somewhat horizontal into rock faces. Shafts
usually had some sort of head frame (pictured left) standing above them to support the
hoists. Shafts and tunnels were often supported with large timbers to prevent cave-ins.
Most shaft or tunnel mines would eventually flood as they hit the water table and
water would have to be continually pumped out. Sometimes there was so much water
they had to abandon the mines.
Placer Claims
- Mineral deposits subject to placer claims include all those deposits not subject to
lode claims. Originally, these included only deposits of unconsolidated materials, such
as sand and gravel, containing free gold or other minerals. By Congressional acts and
judicial interpretations, many nonmetallic bedded or layered deposits, such as gypsum
and high calcium limestone, are also considered placer deposits. The maximum size
of a placer claim is 20 acres per locator. An association of two locators may locate 40
acres, and three may locate 60 acres, etc. The maximum area of an association placer
claim is 160 acres for eight or more persons. The maximum size of a placer claim for
corporations is 20 acres per claim. Corporations may not locate association placer
claims unless they are in association with other private individuals or other
corporations as co-locators.
Tunnel Sites
A tunnel site is where a tunnel is run to develop a vein or lode. It may also be used for
the discovery of unknown veins or lodes. To stake a tunnel site, two stakes are placed
up to 3,000 feet apart on the line of the proposed tunnel. Recordation is the same as a
lode claim. Some States require additional centerline stakes.
Advantages of Mining
Mining has a lot of benefits in ones daily life, it provides job to people by means of
operating in a mining company, raising the standard of the community. Materials
generated from mining produces helps in developing facilities like school, hospitals
and other social amenities. Mining is also important for the growth of the countrys
economy. From the things around us, mining has a very big impact in ones daily
need. From the fuel of every transportation vehicle like airplane, from the materials
used in developing a structure up until our personal needs like jewelries, accessories
or the material that composes the things around us. Mining has a place of
improvement in ones life; it is also the way of improving our lives through these
processes. It helps our work to become easier and faster, more comfortable and easy.
Mining has a very big help towards achieving more innovated and improved living.
Disadvantages of Mining
Even though mining has a very big help in peoples lives still, it has a very big impact
especially in our environment. Mining processes causes big effect in our Climate due
to the gases produced by this processes which leads to Global warming. Mining also
causes a lot of pollution from Land up until Water pollution affecting every living
organisms habituating that certain place. Mining also causes deforestation which can
lead to wider problem such Flooding and Landslide as mentioned. Erosion and
distraction of landform as well as the contamination of water. Mining can also affect
peoples health due to chemical hazards and can also harm animals and even the
habitats they are habituating. Mining can lead to more serious problems in our
environment causing bigger effects that could affect ones life and the environment.
Mining can cause damage to our natural habitat that may affect the next generation
and the life of every living thing. There are a lot of things that mining can affect to us.
From our health up to the environment we are living.
Mining and its Purpose *Romano Corpuz
Mining means removing of minerals from the ground (Taylor, R.B., 1974). It is the
process of obtaining minerals or metals on Earth. It is very destructive to the environment
and one of the major causes of deforestation. When mining you need to cut down and
burn trees. It occurs to many places around the world including the Philippines.
Philippines is rich in mineral deposits. It is estimated to be fifth largest reserve of gold
and copper in the world with an estimated reserve to be at 976,180,197 MT while copper
was put at 5,301,507,657 MT (DENR 2002). According to National Economic
Development Authority (NEDA) in 2005, the Philippines have a total of USD 840 billion
worth of minerals. Mining could be in large scale or small scale. In large scale mining it
involves a company with different or many employees while in small scale it only
includes small group of men. These types of mining use bulldozers and excavators to get
or extract metals. Mining can also contaminate the water which is used for bathing,
cooking and others. One of the major hazards during mining activity is when there's a
high level of radioactive and mercury beneath the ground which adds toxic to the body of
the workers that can cause rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, and even death. With
issues to climate change and global warming, public antipathy is increasing towards
mining activities in the Philippines, Canada, Australia, and anywhere in the world
(Creamer, 2010). In the Philippines, mining industry as of 2014 has a total of 44
companies. And the estimated total employment is 235,000 (DENR 2015). Mining could
be advantageous to the government and people but it could be also disadvantageous to the
nature and can cause different bad affects to mankind. Due to mining many people have
regular work but it harms to their body due to high radiation and mercury content beneath
the ground. But without mining we couldn't have jewelries, cell phones, missiles, and
medicate items such as x-rays or surgical tools. All of these things are the output of