Applied Energy: Chun-Cheng Chang, Shyan-Shu Shieh, Shi-Shang Jang, Chan-Wei Wu, Ying Tsou
Applied Energy: Chun-Cheng Chang, Shyan-Shu Shieh, Shi-Shang Jang, Chan-Wei Wu, Ying Tsou
Applied Energy: Chun-Cheng Chang, Shyan-Shu Shieh, Shi-Shang Jang, Chan-Wei Wu, Ying Tsou
Applied Energy
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h i g h l i g h t s
Achieve energy saving and reduce the ON/OFF switching frequency at the same time.
Propose a PI feedback controller with a temperature zone setting.
Implement hybrid operations of rule-based and equation-based feedback control.
Introduce larger approach for the setting of the outlet cooling water temperature.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The increasing economic advantage of replacing traditional two-speed fans with variable-frequency drive
Received 19 December 2014 (VFD) fans has been gaining popularity in the industry. However, concerns regarding frequent ON/OFF
Received in revised form 3 May 2015 switching and the lack of a well-devised controller have discouraged widespread adoption. In this study,
Accepted 9 May 2015
a temperature zone method is proposed to replace the set-point method of fan control. Additionally, the
Available online 29 May 2015
highest output water temperature allowed in the process is set as the upper limit of a zone in order to
further conserve energy. Both strategies are comprehensively analyzed for a virtual cooling tower that
uses operational data from an existing VFD-fan-based cooling tower system in Taiwan. The results show
Cooling tower
Energy conservation
energy savings of 38% for a 0.75 C zone without increasing the ON/OFF switching frequency. The pro-
Variable-frequency drive posed strategies were further veried via an on-line eld experiment. The proposed methods can be uni-
Zone control versally and easily applied to any existing cooling tower, and have signicant implications for energy
Approach conservation if adopted globally.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-2619/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
492 C.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Energy 154 (2015) 491499
have addressed the optimal operation of cooling towers. Castro In traditional cooling towers, two-speed fans, i.e., OFF, low, or
et al. [10] simulated the operating cost of a water-cooling system high speed, are the most common type. The limited choices of
considering water make-up, energy consumption, and climatic fan speed make feedback controllers difcult to control outlet
effects. Cortinovis et al. [11] minimized operating costs by optimiz- water temperature at the desired target. As a result, feedback con-
ing the fan speed, rate of water removal, and the positions of valves trol is rarely used in the traditional cooling tower. With improving
at heat exchanger branches. They also suggested that economical affordability, VFD fans have gained popularity and gradually
operation would require the water outlet temperature to remain replaced two-speed fans in cooling towers. This provides a great
as high as possible. The ndings of these studies were based on opportunity to fully exploit the energy-saving potential of VFD
single-cell tower operations utilizing two-speed fan mode. Wang technology by applying feedback control to ensure outlet water
et al. [12] used statistical modeling to predict outlet water temper- temperatures are maintained at set points. Nevertheless, frequent
ature and developed a discrete model-based strategy to determine ON/OFF switching of fans and the lack of a well-devised controller
optimal fan-operating mode in a multi-cell cooling tower with prevented industry from widely adopting or wholly utilizing this
two-speed fans. In that work, the authors simulated a virtual plant technology. As an alternative, rule-coded programmable logic con-
to verify their proposed method. trollers (PLC) were used instead of the feedback controller. The
Other studies addressed the economic gains of applying VFD to control of the outlet water temperature at the highest allowable
cooling tower fans. Cohen [13] indicated that variable-speed fans temperature is then compromised, as is the energy-saving poten-
can signicantly reduce the energy requirements of cooling tower tial associated with the introduction of VFD-fans. The shortfall is
systems by precisely assigning air ow rates to the required heat more apparent in a large-scale cooling tower system comprising
dissipation. Also in his theoretical viewpoint, in a multi-fan VFD multiple cells. Therefore, this study proposes two operational
system, i.e., multi-cell, the fan speed must be synchronized, strategies to fully exploit the energy-saving potential of
because a marginal increase in fan speed increases the power con- VFD-fan-based multi-cell cooling towers.
sumption, whereas synchronized fan speed put more cells into ser-
vice and maximize the total heat transfer surface while minimizing
2. Operational strategies
the power consumption. Muntean et al. [14,15] implemented tem-
perature control for VFD-fan operation in a cooling tower and
Section 2.1 describes the effects of a larger approach value on
found that energy savings and control of out-ow water tempera-
energy savings during fan operation. Section 2.2 details the imple-
ture are the two major advantages. They also claimed that using
mentation and theoretical development of zone-setting
VFD technology to track wet-bulb temperature throughout the
proportional-integral (PI) controllers. The rule based control strat-
year resulted in annual energy savings of 83% compared to running
egy to avoid frequent ONOFF switch is described in Section 2.3.
the fans continuously at full speed. These studies addressed the
advantages of VFD installations and the congurations of the sim-
ulation examples. However, as pointing out in this work, synchro- 2.1. Larger approach strategy
nizing fan speeds across the cells during low-speed stages is not
practical because it may cause frequent ONOFF switching among In a cooling tower system, heat is removed from the water by
fans. It is the very reason that we propose temperature zone con- sensible heat, via temperature differences; and by latent heat, via
trol, and hybrid operation of rule-based and equation-based feed- the evaporation of small amounts of water. The evaporation pro-
back control in this study. cess accounts for 80% of total heat removal. The rate of water evap-
Yu and Chan [16] used a load-based method to control the oration in a cooling tower is determined by relative humidity,
speed of cooling tower fans and condenser water pumps in order ambient air temperature and airow rate. The thermal perfor-
to improve the energy efciency of a cooling tower system, and mance of the cooling tower depends principally on the wet-bulb
highlighted the need to widen the use of such control systems. temperature of inowing air. The lowest outlet water temperature
Aha and Mitchell [17] proposed optimal supervisory control strate- is limited by ambient air wet-bulb temperatures.
gies for the set points (exact values) of controlled variables such as Two kinds of temperature differences are indexed for the design
supply air, chilled water, and condenser water temperatures. The and operation of tower systems, namely, range and approach. The
fan speed was controlled via a proportional-integral-derivative temperature difference between water entering and leaving the
(PID) feedback controller such that the water temperature reached cooling tower is called range, (or cooling tower range, or cooling
the set point designated by the optimal supervisory control strat- range). Range is determined using a heat load and water ow rate,
egy. Those studies considered the integration of cooling towers rather than by the thermal capability of the cooling tower. The dif-
and chiller systems. However, previous studies have not addressed ference between the outlet water temperature and the wet-bulb
the frequency of ON/OFF switching in VFD fans. temperature of inowing air is termed approach. At the design
C.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Energy 154 (2015) 491499 493
stage, the approach value is vital for determining the physical size controls the outlet water temperature. Given the relationship
of the cooling tower. between fan operating frequency (Hz) and power requirement,
Water temperature decreases along its path through the tower, the power necessary to achieve the desired outlet water tempera-
due to evaporative cooling. The specic enthalpy of the saturated ture can be calculated. Hence, outlet water temperature and fan
air lm and its variation with water temperature is given by the power are considered as CV and MV respectively. In the following
saturation curve on the psychometric chart. The difference feedback controller, the objective is to reduce the error to zero:
between the specic enthalpies of saturated and bulk air is the
enthalpy driving force responsible for evaporative cooling. The ek ysp;k yk 1
driving force can be visualized in the enthalpytemperature plot
where k is the sequence index, ek is the error term on the kth run, yk
as shown in Fig. 1. The distance between the process line and the
is the measured value of the CV at the kth run, and ysp is the set
saturation curve is the enthalpy driving force for evaporative cool-
point of the CV.
ing at certain points, e.g., line AA0 , line BB0 , line CC0 , line DD0 . [18,19]
The discrete PI control algorithm is considered most appropri-
It is apparent that the enthalpy driving force varies along the path
ate because of its exibility, computational simplicity, cost effec-
from cooling water entering to its leaving. The average enthalpy
tiveness, and transparency [20]. The goal of feedback control is to
driving force can be dened as the area above the process line
maintain the measured value of the CV at its set point.
and below the saturation curve, as area ABB0 A0 , and CDD0 C0 shown
In this study, the measured value of the CV can be lower than
in Fig. 1, divided by cooling tower range.
the set point during periods of cold weather. When the sustained
At steady state, the heat load and water ow rate are constant,
error occurs, the integral term keeps accumulating and continues
and thus, the range is also constant. Subsequently, the enthalpy
to build up to saturate the controller output element (e.g., fully
driving force increases as the outlet water temperature increases.
open or close of valves) in the traditional PI controller. Further
Taking the selected cooling tower as an example, the operational
buildup of the integral term while the controller is saturated is
conditions are assumed as follows: input water temperature of
referred to as reset windup, and usually results in overshooting.
35.0 C, air temperature of 25.4 C, relative humidity of 75%, and
The velocity form of PI control is chosen in order to avoid the
ratio of liquid to air ow rate of 2.02. If the output water temper-
above-mentioned reset windup problem for the proposed temper-
ature is 31.5 C, then Range is 3.5 C, the operation line is AB and
ature control. This approach inherently resolves anti-reset windup,
the average enthalpy driving force is area ABB0 A0 divided by 3.5,
because the summation of errors is not explicitly calculated. The
as shown in Fig. 1. If the output water temperature is maintained
velocity form of the formula for discrete PI control is described in
at 33.0 C, then the operation line shifts to the line CD; the average
Eq. (2).
enthalpy driving force becomes the area CDD0 C0 divided by 3.5. It is
obvious that area CDD0 C0 is larger than ABB0 A0 , so is the average
driving force of the shifting operation line in the latter case of high Pk1 pk K c ek ek1 ek 2
output water temperature. Operations with large driving force
consume less energy. Here, p is the value of the MV, namely the power requirement of fan
For the operation of an existing cooling tower, a large driving set; Kc is the controller gain; s1 is an adjustable parameter and is
force means a large approach and, as indicated in Fig. 1, a high out- referred to as integral time; Dt is the sampling period; and K c and
let water temperature. Equipped with feedback control, a cooling sI are determined by the process reaction curve method. In this
tower with variable-speed fans can be automatically operated at study, these values are also further optimized by using
the highest allowable outlet temperature. data-driven estimation and a Matlab function, fmincon.
Zone control strategies have been proposed to stabilize some
feedback control systems [21,22]. Theoretical developments of this
2.2. Temperature zone control strategy method have been widely discussed in previous works. In order to
reduce the number of ON/OFF events, the temperature zone con-
For a feedback control system, two process variables must be trol strategy is adopted in this work. The temperature is controlled
identied: the controlled (CVs) and manipulated (MVs) variables. within a pre-set zone rather than by a precise target value. When
In a VFD-controlled cooling tower, operators adjust the fan operat- the measured outlet temperature is outside the upper or lower
ing frequency (Hz), which in turn determines the fan speed and limits of the temperature zone, the target is set as the zone
mid-value; the target is set to the present outlet temperature when
its value is within the zone, i.e.,
Saturation Curve 8
Operating Line D' < ysp;k T sp ; T w;out;k > T UL
B' ysp;k T sp ; T w;out;k < T LL 3
Enthalpy driving force ysp;k T w;out;k ; T UL > T w;out;k > T LL
120 C'
Enthalpy (kJ/kg)
combining (1) and (3) gives,
100 8
< ek ysp yk ; yk > T UL
ek ysp yk ; yk < T LL 4
80 >
B ek 0; T UL > yk > T LL
60 C where Tw,out,k is the temperature for the kth run; Tsp is the set point
temperature; and TUL and TLL are the upper and lower limit values,
40 respectively. The three values have the following relationship:
28 30 32 34 36 38 40 TLL < Tsp < TUL. The power requirement can be calculated using Eqs.
Temperature of water (OC) (2) and (4). If the outlet temperature remains within the target zone
no adjustments are necessary, so the power requirement remains
Fig. 1. Inuence of range shifting on enthalpy driving force. constant.
494 C.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Energy 154 (2015) 491499
2.3. Hybrid operation 30 Hz, provide a larger heat transfer surface than one cell with a
fan operating at 60 Hz. For multiple-fan applications, it is recom-
For a multi-fan cooling system, there are two types of fan oper- mended that all fans are operated simultaneously at the same fre-
ations, namely, whole set of fans and partial set of fans in opera- quency [13] without considering the frequent ONOFF switching of
tion. In the cold weather, only partial set of fans are needed for fans in the situation of low cooling water temperature.
service. A slight change of outlet cooling water temperature might Prior to the improvement strategies, the cooling tower opera-
cause frequent ONOFF switch of fans, especially when fans are tion followed a set of heuristic rules based on the experience of
operated at the lowest speed. With the additional consideration the operators. Table 1 shows the main principles of the rules,
of energy saving, we would devise looking-up tables to determine which are written in a PLC. There is no denite target for control-
the number and the frequency of fans needed for operation. This is ling the outlet water temperature. The rules initialize the rst fan
the stage of rule-based operation when power requirement are low at 30 Hz; when the outlet water temperature exceeds 31.0 C, an
and partial set of fans are needed in service. additional fan is operated for every 0.5 C increment until the out-
When in the hot weather, all fans are needed to put in service, let water temperature reaches 32.5 C. Subsequently, the outlet
the frequency of fans are determined by computing the power water temperature is checked every 20 min. At each check, the fre-
requirement. This is the stage of equation-based operation. The quency of all fans is simultaneously increased by 5 Hz if the tem-
cut-off value of power requirement, pcutoff is needed to decide in perature is found to be increasing. The rules for switching the
which stage the operation is. To avoid frequent ONOFF switching fans off are similar, but are applied in the reverse order; the only
of fans, we suggest that the cut-off value is computed by the sum- difference is the target temperature: the last fan is turned off when
mation of power of one fan operating at the lowest speed and pow- the outlet temperature drops below 30.0 C.
ers of the rest fans operated at the next-to-lowest speed. Except during hot seasons, the ON/OFF frequency is high when
In Summary, when the required power is larger than pcutoff , all the original plant operation mode is applied. For example, operat-
fans are operated simultaneously at the same frequency. If the ing one fan at 30 Hz is insufcient to cool water, so a second 30-Hz
required power is smaller than pcutoff , the number of fans required fan is required. Subsequently, the outlet water may become cooler
and their frequency are based on a rule-based table. There is no than the target temperature, and so one 30 Hz fan is turned off to
general rule-based table. A rule-based table is decided by number conserve energy. As a result, the water temperature may increase
of fans and their operating frequency. The basic principle of a again, and thus the ON/OFF cycle is frequently repeated.
rule-based table is to minimize ON/OFF switch possibility. The
rules of turning one more fan ON (or OFF) need to be carefully 4. Virtual plant simulation
devised by the consideration of not turning the very one OFF (or
ON) again if the consequent temperature slightly drops (or rises). This study uses real operational data from an eight-day period
Therefore, the orders of switching fans ON when cooling water of March 21 to 29, 2014 to model the energy-saving effect of the
temperature increases and that when temperature decreases are proposed strategies. During that period, average daily energy con-
not the same. The rule-based tables for looking-up in these two sumption was 1334.6 kW h, and statistics for cooling water and air
cases are slightly different. properties are shown in Table 2. The air temperature and humidity
data reect the typical spring season in Taiwan.
3. Plant description The model estimates outlet water temperature for the selected
cooling tower, which is a function of inlet water temperature, air
In this study, the cooling tower of a steel plant was investigated. temperature, relative humidity, water ow rate, and air ow rate.
This cooling tower is one of relatively few retrotted with In this system, water ow rate is usually constant and therefore
VFD-fans. It provides cold water for a tandem cold mill and contin- does not form an input variable to the model. There are three water
uous annealing line. The designed water circulation rate is streams returning to the cooling tower, each with its own temper-
11,000 m3/h. The operating water ow rate is around 4000 m3/h. ature measurement. Moreover, air ow rate is not measured, but
The tower has six cells, each of which originally had a two-speed the total power for fan operation is logged. The air ow rate is
fan, of which four have been replaced with VFD-fans and the determined by fan speed, which is proportional to fan frequency
remaining two are usually operated at low speed throughout the and is a cubic root function of fan power. In summary, the outlet
year. The size of each cooling tower is 11 15 8.6 m. The basin water temperature is modeled using three inlet water tempera-
beneath the cooling tower is 10.8 15 5.9 m. The real system tures, air temperature, relative humidity, and total fan power.
residence time is about 15 min. The fan diameter is 7.31 m and
Table 2
maximal fan speed is 150 RPM. The operating frequency of each Statistics of ambient air and cooling-water data used to model a virtual plant.
VFD-fan is from 30 and 60 Hz. The corresponding energy consump-
Tw,in,1 Tw,in,2 Tw,in,3 Tair H Tw,out
tion is from 10 to 55 kW h. The energy consumption has a cubic
(C) (C) (C) (C) (%) (C)
relationship with the fan operating frequency. Marginal increase
Max. 38.1 35.1 36.6 31.9 94.6 32.9
in fan operating frequencies therefore requires a large increase in
Min. 35.5 32 29 18.8 52.3 30.2
energy consumption. It requires less power to run two fans at Average 36.8 33.5 33.3 25.4 74.6 31.6
30 Hz, i.e., 10.51 kW 2, than to run one fan at 60 Hz, i.e., Standard deviation 0.5 0.6 1.8 3.2 7.8 0.5
54.59 kW. Furthermore, two cells, i.e., two fans operating at
Table 1
ON/OFF rules of fan operations in the studied plant.
The following equation (6) is obtained from linear regression of the all four fans are on 30 Hz. Therefore, the cut-off value is based on
actual data set, and functions as the virtual cooling tower system: the case of one 30 Hz fan and three 35-Hz fans, i.e., 55.36 kW.
When power requirement exceeds the cut-off value, all four
T w;out 0:539 T w;in;1 0:221 T w;in;2 6:32 102 fans are required, and Eq. (6) is executed:
T w;in;3 3:61 102 T air 5 f 17:093 1:86 106 p3 1:23 103 p2 0:376 p
3 3
6:49 10 H 2:16 10 P 0:814 6
where Tw,in,1, Tw,in,2, and Tw,in,3 are the temperatures of each inlet where f is the operated frequency, and p is the power requirement.
water stream; Tair is air temperature; H is relative humidity; and In Eq. (2), the MV (i.e., power requirement) is calculated in the
P is total power consumption of the cooling tower fans. controller. The number of fans required is determined by compar-
Fig. 2 shows the modeling and prediction results. The data from ing the power requirement to pcutoff . If number of operating fans is
the rst seven days are implemented as the modeling set, and the less than 4, then one of the rules in Table 3 matching with the
data of the last day are used as the prediction set. The model gives power requirement is executed, otherwise Eq. (6) is computed to
an R2 value of 0.85 and the mean square error (MSE) of the predic- determine appropriate fan frequency.
tion set is 0.05. The results indicate that the model can accurately The proportional and integral parameters, Kc and s1, of the con-
represent a cooling tower system to examine the implementation troller in the virtual system are calculated by the process reaction
of the proposed operational strategies. In this study, a linear model curve method and further optimized by using data-driven estima-
is favorable because of its explicit form. And it is accurate for the tion and a Matlab function, fmincon. Kc and sI are obtained as 42.62
simulation of an eight-day operation. To build a general purpose and 0.52 respectively. The heat load of the process is assumed to be
of a cooling tower system for a whole year operation is not within constant during the studied period.
the scope of this research. The authors [7,12,23] proposed Fig. 3 shows the ow chart of detailed operation procedures of
multiple-linear-models dealing with the complex nonlinearity of the virtual plant simulation.
a cooling tower system.
To validate the proposed strategies, the virtual plant must be 5. Results and discussion
equipped with a PI feedback controller, which replaces the
rule-based PLC used in the existing system. The construction of This section at rst illustrates how much increasing enthalpy
the proposed control loop is described in Section 2. To reduce driving force inuence the reduction of fan energy requirements
ON/OFF switching of the fans, this PI feedback controller must by taking the operation of the virtual plant as the case study. The
adopt hybrid operations that combine rule- and equation-based strategies of large allowable approach and temperature zone con-
operations. trol are employed to operate the virtual cooling tower system,
When ambient air temperature is low, partial startup of the whose construction is based on the data acquired from the existing
four-fan set can sufciently cool the water; the rules shown in
Table 3 are adopted in this controller. Table 3 shows that shifting
from three-fan operation to four-fan operation is from the case of
one 40 Hz fan and two 35 Hz fans to the case of one 30 Hz fan
and three 35 Hz fans. This arrangement provides less opportunity
to immediately turn OFF one of the fans in the system when cool-
ing water temperature subsequently decreases. Say, right after
shifting to turn all fans ON, (i.e., one 30 Hz fan and three 35-Hz fans
ON), if the temperature drops slightly, then we may turn one of the
35 Hz fans to 30 Hz, then another one of 35 Hz fans to 30 Hz, until
03/21 03/23 03/25 03/27 03/29
Fig. 2. Modeled results of the virtual plant. Fig. 3. Flowchart of operation procedures of the virtual plant simulation.
Table 3
Operation rules for power requirement less than 55.36 kW.
system. The data of energy consumption and ON/OFF frequency of 5.2. Implementation of the larger approach strategy
the fans from the existing system are served as the benchmarking
values. The comparison of the results from the virtual plant against The simulation presented in this study demonstrates how a
the benchmarking data validates the effects of the proposed strate- zone-control PI controller maintains the largest allowable
gies in this section. approach in the process by minimizing ON/OFF switching. The sim-
ulation experiments were conducted on the same period of eight
5.1. Relationship between driving force and energy consumption days. The simulated results were compared with those of the exist-
ing system.
Fig. 4 shows how the target outlet water temperature affects For this cooling tower, adjustments to the fan operation fol-
the average driving force and daily energy consumption in the vir- lowed the rules coded in the PLC, as shown in Table 1. The opera-
tual system in the different seasons in Taiwan. The original data of tional histories of the outlet water temperature and power
eight-day period from the existing system represent the typical cli- consumption of the four-fan set are documented in Fig. 5.
mate conditions in spring season. The average temperature and Throughout the entire period, the fans were almost always auto-
humidity of air in this data set are Tair = 25.4 C and H = 74.6% matically controlled by the PLC, except between 17:00 on
respectively. We designate average air properties of Tair = 20.4 C, 03/23/2014 and 11:00 on 03/24/2014 when, for unknown reasons,
H = 69.6% as the typical climate conditions in cold and dry winter they were switched to manual control and set at 50 Hz. For the
and Tair = 30.4 C, H = 79.6% as in hot and humid summer. Then, majority of that time, the outlet water temperature differed from
the difference value, i.e., 5 C and 5% between summer (or winter) the acceptable highest temperature (32.5 C) and at least one of
and spring is added (or subtracted) to (or from) each datum in the fans was operational because the temperature never dropped
original data set to mimic the climate conditions in the summer below 30.0 C, which is the lower limit at which the coded PLC
and winter in Taiwan. Then the datasets are obtained for the case rules would turn OFF all fans. During that period, ON/OFF fre-
study in summer and winter respectively. quency was 60 and daily energy consumption was 1334.6 kW h.
With an outlet cooling water temperature and the average air The green lines in Fig. 5 indicate the results of operating the PI
properties, we can calculate the average enthalpy driving force controller in the virtual system. The estimated outlet temperature
for each dot in Fig. 4. Taking the constant range of 3.5 C and is similar to or less than the target temperature of 32.5 C. For
liquid-to-air ow ratio of 2.02, average driving forces are calcu- those periods when the temperature is less than 32.5 C, water
lated by following the procedures described in Fig. 1 and can be cooled using the two xed-speed fans, and it is not neces-
Section 2.1. Also with the dataset of eight-day in each season, we sary to turn on any of the VFD-fans.
calculate the energy consumption for the whole period and take In the simulation, estimated daily energy consumption was
the daily unit with the rst piece of datum as the initial value in 625.9 kW h, which is only 47% of the real energy consumption, rep-
operating the virtual plant. resenting a signicant saving for the VFD-equipped cooling tower.
Fig. 4 demonstrates that the cooling tower has the largest driv- The results reveal that the approach must be adjusted in order to
ing force and the lowest energy consumption during winter. The conserve energy. With a PI controller, the cooling tower can be
target outlet water temperature strongly affects energy consump- automatically operated at the highest allowable outlet tempera-
tion by the fans. Increasing the target outlet water temperature ture. However, the side effect of attempting to achieve a precise
from 30.0 to 32.5 C reduces daily energy consumption of the fan target temperature, as shown in Fig. 5, is that the simulated
from 2417 to 9 kW h in winter, and from 4851 to 1234 kW h in ON/OFF frequency was 199, which is three times greater than that
summer. From this denition of approach, it is clear that higher of the real operation. This outcome is considered unacceptable;
outlet water temperature is associated with larger approach value. therefore, temperature zone control is proposed, combined with
For an existing cooling tower, whether or not the heat load is con- a PI controller.
stant, it is always practical and cost-effective to set the outlet
water to the highest temperature allowable by the process, in
order to take advantage of the large driving force, i.e., a large
approach, and thereby achieve the required energy savings. 34
estimated Tout
Original Tout
T target
TCW,out (O C)
100 5000
Driving force - Winter
Energy consumption per day, (kWh/day)
estimated fan power consumption
40 2000 250 real fan energy consumption
20 1000 150
0 0
29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 33
target of outlet water temperature, (oC) 03/21 03/23 03/25 03/27 03/29
Fig. 4. Relationship between driving force, energy consumption, and outlet water
temperature. Fig. 5. Estimated results of precise target control operation.
C.-C. Chang et al. / Applied Energy 154 (2015) 491499 497
TCW,out (O C)
ON/OFF switching. The set point temperature in a PI controller is 32
an interval rather than a specic value. When outlet water temper-
ature is outside the zone limits, the target temperature is set to the
zone mid-point. While the outlet water temperature remains 30
within the zone, the set point is the present outlet water temper-
ature. When the controller is congured according to zone setting, 03/21 03/23 03/25 03/27 03/29
fan operations remain unchanged unless the CV, i.e., outlet temper-
Table 4
Number of ON/OFF switching operations and energy consumption for precise and zone-control strategies.
TCW,out ( O C)
ing: implementation of a PI feedback controller and setting the lar-
gest allowable approach as the target temperature achieves
Zone control
maximum energy efciency of an existing VFD-fan system, but at 31
PLC mode
the expense of frequent ON/OFF switching of the fans; the addition Target
of zone control to the PI feedback control signicantly reduces
ON/OFF frequency and further conserves energy. 10:04 10:33 11:02 11:31 12:00 12:28 12:57
consumption of 63 kW. Subsequently, the temperature uctuated
Precise control slightly but never dropped below 31.5 C, and therefore all the fans
PLC mode remained ON. Average energy consumption throughout this period
Target was 56.3 kW compared to 63 kW in the case of PLC operation. The
30 zone control case required 1 ON/OFF operation, whereas the PLC
10:48 12:00 13:12 14:24 15:36
scenario required none.
time Both experiments were conducted at noon with high ambient
air temperature. The resulting energy savings are less than those
fan power consumption (kW)
precise control shown in the virtual simulation cases. Nevertheless, both experi-
80 PLC mode ments verify that the proposed strategies, when applied in the
eld, produce similar results to those of the simulation.
6. Conclusion
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