Secret Lock - Anti Theft: Integration of App Locker & Detection of Theft Using User Pattern
Secret Lock - Anti Theft: Integration of App Locker & Detection of Theft Using User Pattern
Secret Lock - Anti Theft: Integration of App Locker & Detection of Theft Using User Pattern
Abstract - This paper presents the various methods to dependableness by asking participants to answer their own
secure or lock the mobile using user authentication. User will questions. Our experimental results affirm that the private
add multiple apps into our application for the secured access. queries associated with motion sensors, calendar, app
At the time of registration, our application can frame a group instalment, and a part of legacy app usage history (e.g.,
of normal queries along with the user runtime verification as phone calls) have the most effective memorability for users
per the planned system. If the mobile is robbed, there's only a as well as the highest strength to attacks.
pair of choices, either to alter the SIM card or to hold identical This paper proposes a new approach to theft detection
SIM card and check out to use the apps. If SIM card is with the use of user patterns with a Global Positioning
modified then naturally GPS, Voice recorder & Camera are System (GPS) along with Short Message Service (SMS)
initiated, so Location and Audio uplink are sent as SMS to the properties which helps in tracking the snatched mobile. The
backup number of the user, and photograph is mailed. If he method used is the SVM (Support Vector Machine) for User
tries to use the private apps then system can question the user Identification property.
with five random queries (three from traditional queries and a
pair of from user runtime pattern). If not licensed then 2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
camera, GPS & Voice recorder is initiated and sent to the first
user to track. Cognitive passwords are based on personal facts, interests
and opinions that are probably to be simply recalled by a
Key Words: Authentication, SIM card, GPS, Location Tracing, user and suggests their use as a method to overcome the
Audio uplink, SMS, Runtime pattern, Track dilemma of passwords that are either difficult to remember
or that can easily be guessed. Passwords are selected by
1. INTRODUCTION users, giving them a higher degree of recall than traditional
system generated or user-selected passwords. User
Many net applications give secondary authentication authentication through cognitive passwords is an extension
strategies, i.e., secret queries (or parole recovery questions), of traditional password usage. It suggests the use of fact and
to reset the account parole once a users login fails. However, opinion-based cognitive data, that is known only to the user,
the answers to several such secret queries will be simply as an authentication mechanism [1]. Recall and guessing
guessed by a colleague or exposed to a trespasser that has rates for conventional, cognitive, and word association
access to public on-line tools (e.g., on-line social networks); passwords were compared using 86 Massey University
furthermore, a user could forget her/his answers long when undergraduates. Respondents completed a questionnaire
making the private queries. Todays prevalence of covering all three parole types, returning two weeks later for
smartphones has granted us new opportunities to watch and a recall test. Each respondent also nominated a significant
perceive however the private knowledge collected by other parent, partner, etc. who tried to predict the
smartphone sensors and apps will ease to produce respondents answers.
personalized secret queries without violating the users On average, cognitive items produced the highest recall
privacy concerns. rates (80%) but the guessing rate was also high (39.5%).
This paper present a Secret-Question based Word associations produced low predicting rates (7%) but
Authentication system, known as Secret-QA, that makes a response words were poorly recalled (39%) Nevertheless,
collection of secret queries on basic of peoples smartphone both cognitive items and word associations showed
sufficient promise as password techniques to warrant
usage. We expand a model on Android smartphones, and
further investigation [3]. They study was a partial replication
evaluate the safety of the private queries by asking the
and extension of earlier research [7,8] on two such
acquaintance/intruder who participates in our user study to
techniques, using cognitive items and word associations. The
guess the answers with and without the support of on-line
cognitive items were similar to those used by Zviran and
tools; in the meantime, we observe the queries
Haga [1].
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1320
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Face-Cloak, a design that protects user privacy on a social using user pattern. Meanwhile, we check the attack
networking site by shielding a users personal information robustness of using a mixture of many lightweight questions
from the site and from other users that weren't expressly (true/false, multiple-choice) than using the blank-fillings, to
authorized by the user. It improves usability and deploy- strike a balanced trade-off between security (and/or
ability of solution [7]. A method of personalizing cognitive reliability) and usability.
passwords to each user, to close this loophole, and check its
performance against rigid cognitive passwords [8]. A 3. ARCHITECTURE
framework for designing user authentication systems with
challenge questions that includes privacy, security, and The key design is hierarchy based structure that has been
usability criteria for evaluating a candidate challenge- confirmed to be adept in app locker and theft detection. This
question system. The proposed challenge-question system technique will take benefit of all ancient techniques for
for improving user credentials is based on this framework. securing and protecting the mobile using many styles of
User Identification and Recoveryare related to user paroles. During this system, to show that the private queries
authentication. Prior to obtaining a password or other associated with motion sensors, last charged time, call log
credential for later account access, a user is typically and additionally the queries based on gallery photos. We are
identified by the account manager. The password supports a implementing this application as phone theft detection and
users further secure access. However, if a user loses or hindrance of necessary apps access. Furthermore, theyre
forgets his or her parole, there must be a form of user high dependability and security and that they can easily
recovery, which could involve repetition of the original track the mobile. They can automatically start voice recorder
identification process. It offers a candidate framework for and image capturing. The architecture of the proposed
designing challenge-question systems, providing a system is illustrated in figure 1
classification for various question and answer types and
discuss how they should meet certain privacy, security, and
usability criteria [2].
Authentication mechanisms designed it to reduce
vulnerability to statistical guessing attacks, responses could
be penalized in proportion to their popularity. This could
limit attackers to two or three popular answers [4]. Two
such major factors are web browser and GPS services. Both
of these functionalities are already implemented but are only
in the hands of makers not in the hands of users due to
proprietary problems, the system doesnt allow the user to
use the mobile hardware directly. From the available GIS
processing tools in Android we can realize all three kinds of
LBS services as a mobile can be configured as a server and
for that we can also use the SQLite database [6].
We explored the Android Operating System (OS) and
software development setting and evaluated several of its
capabilities by constructing a working application. This
application collected speed and location data from the Global
Positioning System (GPS) receiver, used the Google Maps Fig-1: Architecture Diagram
Application Programming Interface (API). It combines both
the GPS data and google search services [5]. A quasi- 3.1. METHODOLOGIES
interferometric technique is for measuring the flight times of
signals broadcast by global system for mobile In Proposed system to enhance the performance of the
communication [9]. Enabling end users to easily app we use four methodologies like
communicate sensitive data online was a significant i) SVM (Support Vector Machine)
milestone in the development of todays net, and, arguably, a ii) GPS (Global Positioning System)
necessary condition for its explosive growth [10]. iii) SMS (Short Message Service)
Such existing proposals serve as a good dawn of using iv) E-mail
ones short-term activities to form secret queries as well as
trying different question types. Since the smart phone has i) SVM (Support Vector Machine)
become ones most indivisible device of recording his life,
this paper presents a user authentication system Secret-QA Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a directed machine
to study on how ones short-term historyalmost all types learning algorithmic rule which might be used for both
of ones activities wise to the smartphonecan benefit the classification or regression challenges. However, its largely
safety and reliability of private queries and theft detection
used in classification issues. During this algorithmic rule, we
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1321
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
plot each data item as a point in n-dimensional space (where Each of the satellites is in an orbit that enables a receiver
n is number of features you have) with the worth of each to detect a minimum of four of the operational satellites. The
feature being the value of a particular coordinate. Then, satellites send microwave signals to a receiver wherever the
we do classification by finding the hyper-plane that separate built-in computer uses these signals to work out your precise
the two classes very well (look at the below distance from each of the four satellites and then
snapshot). triangulates your precise position on the planet to the closest
few meters based on these distances. The Method of
measuring the gap from satellite to GPS receiver is based on
timed signals.
iv) E-mail
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a network of orbiting The design of the proposed system consisting of four
satellites that send exact details of their position in space modules based on the function accomplished:
back to earth. The signals are obtained by GPS receivers, like a) User Registration with Standard Questions
navigation devices and are used to calculate the precise b) Server
position, speed and time at the vehicles location. There are c) Runtime Analysis
three components to a GPS system: a constellation of d) Phone Theft Analysis
between 24 and 32 solar-powered satellites orbiting the
earth in orbits at an altitude of roughly 20000 kilometers, a a) User Registration with Standard Questions
master control station and four control and monitoring
stations (on Hawaii, Ascension Islands, Diego Garcia and The Application Initial Page contains the User Registration
Kawajale) and GPS receivers. method. Well produce the User Login Page by Button and
A GPS receiver uses trilateration (a more complex version Text Field Class in the Android. Whereas making the Android
of triangulation) to determine its position on the surface of Application, we have to style the page by dragging the tools
the earth by timing signals from three satellites within the like Button, Text field, and Radio Button. Once we designed
Global Positioning System. The GPS is a network of satellites the page we have to write down the codes for each class.
that orbit the earth and send a signal to GPS receivers Once we produce the complete mobile application, itll
providing exact details of the receiver's location, the time of generated as Android Platform Kit (APK) file. This APK file
day, and also the speed the device is moving in connection to are going to be put in within the Users Mobile as an
the three satellites. Application. Using this APK user are going to be registering
with the server by adding alternative mobile number &
Email ID. Users IMSI number is additionally captured by the
server and also register the standard questions and answers.
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1322
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
b) Server
c) Runtime Analysis
Fig-7: Screenshot of 2nd 3rd & 4th Static Questions Fig-10: Screenshot of Invalid Pin
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1323
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1324
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1325