Electrochemical Protection of Steel in Concrete To Enhance The Service Life of Concrete Structures 2014 Procedia Engineering
Electrochemical Protection of Steel in Concrete To Enhance The Service Life of Concrete Structures 2014 Procedia Engineering
Electrochemical Protection of Steel in Concrete To Enhance The Service Life of Concrete Structures 2014 Procedia Engineering
Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622
Corrosion of steel in concrete is a major threat to the construction industry. Ingress of chloride is the main cause of reinforcement
corrosion. To prevent corrosion many protection methods are adopted viz, coating to concrete, coating to rebar, adding inhibitors,
using supplementary cementations materials and electrochemical protection of steel, etc., Electrochemical protection of steel is
one of the method adopted to protect and minimize the rebar corrosion both for existing and new concrete structures. In the
present investigation an inhibitor injection was formulated to mitigate reinforcement corrosion in chloride contaminated concrete.
In the first stage, the efficiency of the inhibitor injection was tested in different cement environments. In the second stage, the
inhibitor formulation was injected into Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Slag Cement (PSC) with different
concentrations of chloride. The efficiency of the electro injection process was evaluated by electrochemical techniques.
Electrochemical measurements show that the EI process has a high inhibition efficiency than migration process. Electro injection
process showed a remarkable decrease in the corrosion rate of embedded in concrete steel even in the presence of aggressive
chloride ions when compared to systems without electro injection. In the third, the long term performance of the effectiveness of
the electro injection process was studied in concrete slab for an exposure period of 3 months. EI process not only enhanced the
inhibition property but also removes the free chloride ions from the chloride contaminated concrete. FT-IR results confirmed that
the inhibitor formulation has formed a passive layer on the surface of the steel rebar even in the presence of chloride through the
electro injection process.
2014 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
Keywords: Reinforcement corrosion; Electro injection; inhibited injection solution; passivity
1. Introduction
Corrosion of steel in concrete is a worldwide problem. It is influenced by various factors such as
carbonation, chloride ingress, etc., One of the early deterioration mechanisms is chloride-induced steel corrosion in
concrete. Among them chloride ingress plays an important role in decreasing the durability of concrete structures.
1877-7058 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
616 G. Mangaiyarkarasi and S. Muralidharan / Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622
Several researchers protected the steel in concrete by various methods such as coatings to steel, coatings to concrete,
cathodic protection (CP), addition of super plasticizers, electrochemical removal of chloride, desalination,
electrochemical re-alkalization and corrosion inhibiting admixtures have been reported [1-7]. The method of partial
replacement is considered the conventional option, for repair and rehabilitation but it can be time-consuming,
expensive and inconvenient, often associated with noise, dust and general disruption during the repair process. As
far as electrochemical re-alkalization is concerned, criteria for determining completion of a successful treatment and
its long-term durability have been somewhat unclear [8] and, desalination is the established method used for
extracting chloride ions from concrete [9,10]. This technique has an advantage of being a fast and temporary
treatment, although chloride ions cannot be completely removed in the treatment [11,12]. Therefore, it is important
to improve the chloride removal and simultaneously protect the steel by electro injection techniques. Two organic
migrating inhibitors (amine- and alkanolamine based) were applied on the surface of concrete and the results
showed that migrating inhibitors were not effective in reducing the corrosion rate, either for chloride or carbonation
induced corrosion, although some effect was observed on delaying the initiation of corrosion in the case of chloride
penetration. The effectiveness of the inhibitors was evaluated by long-term rebar corrosion monitoring in reinforced
concrete, and by visual inspection of rebars after five years of testing. The results provide useful information on the
corrosion prevention ability of the inhibitors, both on time-to-corrosion and on corrosion propagation.
The objective of the present investigation is directed towards the evaluation of a designed multi component
inhibitor injection solution consists of thiosemicarbazide, tri-ethanolamine, guanidine and ethyl acetate were used
as electrolyte formulation for the corrosion of steel in different types of concrete (OPC, PPC & PSC) with varying
chloride levels through the electro injection process. In the first stage, the efficiency of the inhibitor formulation is
tested in the different cement extract medium. Long term performance of the electro injection process is also
monitored for an exposure period of 12 months.
2.1. Materials
The various types of cement namely ordinary Portland cement (OPC) (IS: 8119-1989), Portland pozzolana
cement (PPC) (IS: 1489 (part-1) 1991- fly ash based and Portland slag cement (PSC) (IS: 455-1989) were used. The
chemical composition of OPC, PPC and PSC is given in Table 1. Local clean river sand (fineness modulus of
medium sand equal to 2.6) conforming to grading zone-III of IS: 3831970 was used. The specific gravity of fine
aggregates is 2.4. Water absorption of fine aggregates is 0.5%. All the solutions were prepared using distilled water.
Inhibited injection solution consists of 0.1M guanidine, 0.1M thiosemicarbazide; 2M triethanolamine and 2M ethyl
acetate. Sodium chloride (3%) by weight of cement was added to the concrete during casting. Thermomechanically
treated (TMT) rebar of size 12 mm diameters was used. The composition of PC-TMT (wt. %) are as follows:
C=0.17; Mn=0.88; P=0.023; Si=0.075; S=0.038 and Fe remainder with carbon equivalent= 0.32%.
SiO2 20-21 28-32 26-30
Al2O3 5.2-5.6 5.0-8.0 9.0-11.0
Fe2O3 4.4-4.8 4.9-6.0 2.5-3.0
CaO 62-63 43-45 44-46
MgO 0.5-0.7 1.0-2.0 3.5-4.0
SO3 2.4-2.8 2.4-2.8 2.0-2.4
LOI 1.5-2.5 3.0-3.5 1.5-2.5
A cubical concrete specimen of size 100 mm X 100 mm X 100 mm and concrete slab specimen of size 1 m
X 1 m X 0.1 m were cast using OPC, PPC and PSC with 3% NaCl by weight of cement. The rebar size is 12 mm
diameter and 950 mm length, were embedded with a concrete cover thickness of 25 mm. Concrete specimens were
cast using 1:1.8:3.69 mix (cement: 369.79 kg/m3; sand: 665.63 kg/m3; coarse aggregates: 1364.52 kg/m3 and NaCl:
11.09 kg/m3 (3% NaCl by weight of cement) with a w/c ratio of 0.55. During casting, the specimens were
mechanically vibrated. After 24 hrs, the specimens were demoulded and cured for 28 days in distilled water to avoid
any contamination. Both concrete specimens were given enough time to induce accelerated corrosion of steel rebar
due to aggressive chloride ion.
Cube: Concrete specimen is placed in an electrolytic cell immersed with inhibited injection solution. Rebar
embedded in concrete acts as cathode and stainless steel plate act as anode. The electrolytic cell was
galvanostatically maintained at a D.C current density of 0.5 A m-2.
OCP measurements were carried out regularly for the rebar embedded in concrete as per ASTM C-876.
After the electro injection process, the same setup was made use of polarization measurements to carry out
in order to evaluate the corrosion kinetic parameters. Both cathodic and anodic polarization curves were recorded
potentiodynamically using ACM Instruments, UK.
After the electro injection process, TMT steel rebars embedded in concrete specimens were subjected to
A.C impedance measurements. The same three electrode cell assembly was used here also. The real part (Z) and the
imaginary part (Z) of the cell impedance were measured for various frequencies (300000.01 Hz). Plots of Z
versus Z were made. For comparison, impedance was also carried out for the system without electro injection.
At the end of an electro injection process, the amount of chloride released into the electrolyte was estimated.
The amount of residual free chloride and bound chloride contents in concrete was also estimated as per the standard
procedure [13].
The OCP of embedded steel in different concrete system was noted during the electro injection process is
given in Fig.1a. Here it was observed that inhibited injection system shifted the potential towards a more positive
direction when compared to a system without injection. At the end of 7 days, the OCP of TMT steel was found to be
-719 mV for system without electro injection and -236 mV for systems with electro injection. This observation
clearly brings out the fact that inhibitor injection is able to inject electrochemically into the concrete and reached the
steel and shifted the potential towards a more positive direction and protect the rebars from the corrosive
environments. The inhibition of corrosion was due to the passivation of steel surface by inhibitors.
618 G. Mangaiyarkarasi and S. Muralidharan / Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622
Similarly PPC concrete admixed with 3% NaCl during the electro injection process is given in Fig.1b. As
observed in the OPC concrete, here also electro injection was found effective and shifted the potential towards the
positive side. The difference in the shifting of potential for systems with and without electro injection process was as
high as 505 mV for 3 % chloride. These data confirmed that the inhibitor molecules reached the steel surface and
maintained the steel in passive condition.
The potential-time behaviour of TMT steel embedded in PSC concrete admixed with 3% NaCl during the
electro injection process is given in Fig.1c. As observed in the OPC and PPC concretes, here also electro injection
was found effective and shifted the potential towards the more positive side. At the end of electro injection the
potential for various systems are as follows:
Potential-time studies indicated that a multi component inhibitor injection was quite suitable for electro
injection process into concrete even in the presence of higher amount of chloride ions. The whole process was
successfully completed within 7 days which is quite reasonable time for the repair and rehabilitation of any concrete
structures. Among the three types of concrete studied, PSC performed well in all the three chloride levels.
-800 -1000
:LWKRXW(,33&1D&O :LWKRXW(,36&1D&O
-900 :LWKRXW(,2 3& 1D&O -900 :LWK(,36&1D&O
-700 :LWK(,33&1D&O
:LWK(,2 3& 1D&O
-800 -800
-600 -500
-500 -400
-300 -400
-200 -300
-100 -100 -200
0 -100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table 2. Shows the amount of free chloride released into the electrolyte with respect to different systems at
the end of the electro injection process. It was observed from the table that a considerable amount of free chloride is
released into the electrolyte for all the systems at the end of 7 days. During electro injection process 2410 ppm, 2148
ppm and 2143 ppm of free chloride is estimated in the electrolyte within 7 days of exposure for OPC, PPC and PSC
concretes respectively. The release of free chloride from concrete is an added advantage of the electro injection
process. Compared to OPC concrete, blended concrete (PPC and PSC) released less free chloride contents into the
electrolyte. This is due to the fact that chloride binding capacity of Portland pozzolona and Portland slag concrete is
greater than Portland cement concrete. Therefore it favors the formation of more complex Friedel's salt
[3CaO.Al2O3.CaCl2.10H2O] [14]. Hence the the formation of bound chloride was maximum for PPC (3955 ppm)
and PSC (4005 ppm) than OPC (3568 ppm).
The typical polarization curves for TMT steel embedded in OPC, PPC and PSC concretes admixed with 3%
NaCl after electro injection is shown in Figs 2 to 4. Polarization curves obtained for TMT steel embedded in
concrete admixed with 3% NaCl without electro injection is also given in the above figures for comparison.
Here it was observed that systems with electro injection showed less icorr values than systems without
electro injection. The corrosion rate for TMT steel in OPC concrete with and without electro injection was found to
be 0.6993 mmpy and 10.6500 mmpy respectively. A similar observation was noticed in PPC and PSC systems
studied. Potentiodynamic polarization studies clearly bring out the fact that within 7 days of exposure injected
inhibitor is able to reach the steel and thereby prevent the corrosion of TMT steel in concrete. The efficiency of the
electro injection process calculated on the basis of reduction in corrosion rate was found to be >93% in all the
systems studied.
It is a fact that the electrochemical behavior of steel in concrete is expected to be in passive, although is
very well known that in the presence of chlorides the passive range is reduced (pitting potential vs. transpassivity).
Only when very high chloride concentration of chlorides is present the behaviour becomes active. These
observation was noticed from Figs 2 to 4 that, the specimen without electroinjection which contains high
concentration of chloride shows only active condition of rebar. On the other hand, specimens with electroinjection
shows a passive condition of rebar. The exchange current density values are also shifted from 10-3 mA.cm-2 to 10-5
mA.cm-2. All these results confirmed that electoinjetcion process was effective and protect the steel by passivation
The typical Nyqusit plots for TMT rebar embedded in electro injected concrete are shown in Figs.5 to 7.
Impedance plots for TMT steel embedded in concrete admixed with 3% NaCl without electro injection is also given in
620 G. Mangaiyarkarasi and S. Muralidharan / Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622
the above figures just for comparison. The impedance parameters are given in Table 4. Here it was observed that
almost all the Nyquist plots are not perfect semi circles and this may be due to frequency dispersion. It is interesting to
note that systems with electro injection showed a 5 times increase in Rct values when compared to systems without
electro injection. For example OPC concrete showed Rct values of 1.019 x104 .cm2 and 5.735x104 .cm2 for systems
without electro injection and with electro injection respectively. Similar trend in Rct values were noticed for PPC and
PSC concretes also. Electro injected specimens showed lower magnitude of corrosion current (icorr) when compared to
without electro injected specimens. The same observation was already noticed in potentiodynamic polarization studies
Table 2 : Amount of various chloride contents in concrete before and after electro injection (EI) process
Table 3 : Polarization parameters for the corrosion of rebar embedded in OPC, PPC and PSC concretes with and
without electro injection process
G. Mangaiyarkarasi and S. Muralidharan / Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622 621
Fig.5. Impedance plots for TMT steel in OPC Fig.6. Impedance plots for TMT steel in
(OPC+3%NaCl) after electroinjection process PPC(PPC+3%NaCl) after electroinjecti
(a) Without electro injection -on process (a) Without electroinjection
(b) With electro injection (b) With electroinjection
Fig.7. Impedance plots for TMT steel in PSC(PSC+3% NaCl) concrete after electro injection process
(a).Without electro injection; (b).With electro injection
Impedance parameters
Table 4 : Impedance parameters for the corrosion of rebar embedded in OPC, PPC and PSC concretes with and
without electro injection process
622 G. Mangaiyarkarasi and S. Muralidharan / Procedia Engineering 86 (2014) 615 622
4. Conclusions
A new inhibited injection is designed and successfully injected into concrete at a cathodic current density
of 0.5 Am-2.
Potential- time studies indicated that within 7 days of exposure, the rebar potential shifted towards more
positive direction even in the presence of chloride.
The release of free chloride contents from concrete is an added advantage of electro injection process.
Blended concrete released less free chloride contents.
Potentiodynamic polarization studies proved that the corrosion rate of embedded steel was drastically
reduced for systems with electro injection. The multi component inhibitor injection showed more than 95%
efficiency in terms of reduction in corrosion rate irrespective of chloride levels in different concretes.
Electro injection showed a 2 times increase in Rct values when compared to systems without electro
The authors would like to acknowledge the CSIR-CECRI for funding through I-HEAL project (ESC 0110).