Leistritz Compounding ENG
Leistritz Compounding ENG
Leistritz Compounding ENG
Overview Overview
IN THE BEST QUALITY reinforcing polymers, e.g. by incorporating glass, carbon or natural fibers
improving the dimensional stability and breaking strength of polymers, e.g. by incorporating
inorganic fillers, glass beads
Focus on material characteristics
improving the flow behavior and flame resistance of polymers, e.g. by incorporating
low-viscosity substances or flame retardants
Compounding is a process in which the polymer is Compounding, in other words the processing of plastics,
the manufacture of polymer blends, e.g. by mixing compatible or incompatible polymers
melted and mixed with e.g. additives, fillers or reinforc- is one of the prime disciplines of Leistritz twin screw
(impact-resistant modification of thermoplastic materials)
ing materials. This process changes the physical, thermal, extruders. Diverse incorporation options for filler and
electrical or aesthetic properties (conductivity, flame resis- reinforcement materials into the polymer matrix are enhancing the chemical/physical durability of polymers, e.g. by incorporating stabilizers,
tance, wear resistance, color etc.) of the polymer. The final possible and lead to new material properties, which are anti-static agents
product is called a compound. used in a multitude of applications.
Basis: raw polymer Reinforcing (e.g. glass or carbon fibers) e.g. car front-end
Reactive extrusion
Its all about good dispersion
Fillers are added to polymers to improve their proper- The polymer can be mixed with up to 85% of fillers such Example of a formulation: 0 - 0% CaCO + 1 - 0% polyolefins + 0 - % additives
ties and/or reduce the price of the compound. The good as chalk or talcum.
incorporation options for fillers in the polymer matrix are Side feeders are used to incorporate fillers (see p. ).
used in a wide variety of applications, such as the manu- Two or more may be used for larger shares of fillers. gravimetric gravimetric gravimetric feeder:
facture of computer cases. Another example: drain pipes. The modular extruder is simply extended in such cases. Line layout: feeder: feeder: raw polymer
filler filler (+ possibly filler)
The filler is used here as sound insulation so that flush- The volume flow of the added materials is distributed
ing noises cannot be heard in apartment buildings, for amongst the existing feed options - depending on the
example. Leistritz extruders are able to incorporate a very formulation - to minimize abrasion and
Example of to wet thesystem
a customized filler
high share of fillers, for example in the filler masterbatch. as well as possible.
The main demand on the extruder is to incorporate large quantities of the filler. The primary task is to disperse the filler
optimally and distribute it in the polymer matrix.
Fillers are incorporated in plastics to improve the material characteristics of the compound and/or to save costs. There
FREQUENTLY USED INORGANIC are three important criteria that affect the interaction between the filler and the polymer matrix:
Particle shape of the filler
Talcum is flaky; is preferably added to the Particles with a small aspect ratio (e.g. glass beads, CaCO3 or BaSO4) do not significantly improve the tensile
melt via a side feeder; gives the final product strength and tear resistance, but do normally improve the modulus of elasticity. Particles with a large aspect ratio
special surface properties (e.g. talcum or wollastonite) help improve the tensile strength and tear resistance as well as the modulus of elasticity.
Calcium carbonate (CaCO) is cubic; avail Particle size distribution of the filler
able in three states: chalk, limestone and The behavior of filler particles during processing depends on both the Van-der-Wals forces acting between the
marble; cost-ecient particles (with particle sizes > 1 m) and the dispersive shearing forces in the extruder (with particle sizes < 10 m).
Barium sulfate (BaSO) are rhombic crystals Surface of the filler
(cuboid); added via a side feeder, has a high The specific surface (m/g) indicates the number of adhesion points between the filler and polymer chains: large
specific weight and density surface > numerous adhesion points > better mechanical properties (higher stiffness and surface gloss of the poly-
mer, better tensile strength and tear resistance as well as impact strength). The surface coating is also important
Wollastonite is fibrous: added via the side
because it changes the surface energy: a hydrophilic surface becomes hydrophobic. This hydrophobing means that
fewer agglomerates form and the free-flowing property is improved. The wetting is essentially affected by how far
apart the surface energies of the particles and the polymer matrix are. The closer together they are, the better the
Example of a compounding plant to incorporate calcium carbonate
(further details on p. /)
Break resistant and stiff
Particularly for applications requiring properties such as The addition and combination of the polymer chains to Application example: incorporation of glass fibers (40%) into polycarbonate (60%)
strength and stiffness, the polymer (e.g. PP or PA) is rein- and with the fiber structures creates a very strong bond
forced with materials such as glass fibers, carbon fibers, that matches, and sometimes even exceeds the proper-
and also natural fibers. The filler content of PP with glass ties of metallic materials. Their low weight make rein-
gravimetric gravimetric
fibers, for example, can be up to 60% depending on the forced thermoplastic materials a very popular material, feeder: feeder:
application. particularly in automobile manufacturing. Line layout: glass fibers raw polymer
(+ possibly filler)
long fiber lengths better mechanical product properties, poorer flow behavior in the melt
(e.g. during further processing in injection molding)
short fiber lengths poorer mechanical product properties, better mold-filling behavior during
injection molding
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) are materials in which TPEs are used in a wide variety of industries: in the Blends offer the possibility of creating a whole series of new, more ecient and less expensive polymers with customized
elastic polymer chains are incorporated in a thermoplas- automotive sector, for example, they are used as window properties from the available potential of basic polymers. Their main field of use is in the automotive and electrical indus-
tic material. They can be processed in a purely physical surrounds or control elements. They are also used in try. They are found here in shock absorbers or hub caps as well as the casing material for telephones and computers.
process through the use of high shearing forces, expo- industry for tool handles or sealing rings, for example. Or
sure to heat and subsequent cooling. They can be melted in the consumer sector for toothbrushes or packaging. The compatibility of the basic polymer is crucial and plays an important role for the compounding. There are three groups:
and shaped by heating again.
blends with full compatibility between the basic polymers (e.g. SMA + SAN, PPO + HIPS)
The production of numerous different thermoplastic
partially compatible blends: basic polymers form a two-phase matrix, but with good
A number of TPEs exist that differ greatly in both their elastomers calls for a profound knowledge of machines
physical interaction (e.g. PC + ABS, PC + PBT)
polymer structure and their properties. Their common and process engineering. Depending on the type of
blends with incompatible basic polymers (e.g. PA + ABS, PPO + PA)
feature is the basic structure in the form of block poly- elastomer (from a standard SEBS through to dynamically
mers in which the elastomer segments copolymerize cross-linked TPE-V systems) various machines concepts
with the basic polymer. The share of elastomer chains in are applied. What is important is the necessary process
the overall polymer can be varied broadly for a number engineering know-how and flexible extruders. The pro-
of TPE classes. This means that settings from very stiff to cess lengths of the twin screw extruders used here range Application example: PC + ABS blend
almost gel-like are possible. from 8 L/D up to 8 L/D. The addition of oil, fillers or feeders:
various cross-linking agents varies depending on the PC + ABS
possibly additives
Line layout:
Competent system supplier
design, planning and construction of a large-scale Panorama view of the overall plant
compounding plant (climate zone from -40 +40 C).
Plant concept:
material supply in a nitrogen atmosphere from a reactor
mixing and supply silos
dosing units
extrusion line with a ZSE 180 MAXX twin screw extruder
Plant overview
The side feeder is mostly used to add powders. Leistritz can offer the right side feeder for every application and all extruder Apart from the generally known process tasks such as melting, mixing or homogenizing, the degassing of volatile sub-
sizes. The LSB XX series convinces through the high OD/ID ratio (2.0) of the screws and can also convey materials with very stances is a key part of plastics processing. Leistritz can offer the perfect side degasser for every application and all extruder
low bulk densities. sizes. As an alternative to conventional passive degassing systems, there are the Leistritz side degassing LSE XX and the
Leistritz vertical degassing LVE XX. They allow a safe degassing of the extrusion process, even in unfavorable process con-
ditions such as during start-up or heavily foaming products.
In connection with the largest possible free volume in the screw flight of the extruder and the constant renewal of the
product surface, it creates optimum conditions for degassing the polymer molten mass. The two screws that rotate in the
same direction that are fitted in the side degassing force any melt that tries to escape back into the process chamber but
allow all gases to pass. This avoids any blockages or deposits in the degassing barrel. The productivity and safety of extru-
sion plants are increased in this way.
Screw speed
infinitely variable -6
Leistritz Advanced Technologies Corp., Headquarters Leistritz Machinery (Taicang) Co., Ltd.,
Somerville, NJ Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH, Taicang
Leistritz Italia Estrusione, Leistritz France Extrusion, Leistritz SEA Pte Ltd,
Castellanza Ceyzeriat Singapore
LEX-8 en 1/16 0,5' t