Biomedical Image Processing
Biomedical Image Processing
Biomedical Image Processing
Course Description:
Biomedical Image Processing aims at familiarizing the student with the basic concepts of image processing
as they are applied to medical imaging problems. The course will cover fundamental concepts in digital
image processing, including a brief overview of basic image processing, image enhancement in spatial and
frequency domain, morphological image processing, image segmentation, and feature detection.
Image analysis methods on the most common medical imaging modalities (X-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound) will
be covered. MATLAB will be extensively used for implementing and analyzing image processing algorithms.
Projects and assignments will provide students experience working with actual medical imaging data.
Recommended Books:
Class Attendance: Minimum 75% class attendance is mandatory to appear in the examinations.
Distribution of Theory Marks:
Quizzes 10%
Assignment 10%
Midterm Examinations 30%
Final Examination 50%
Total 100 %
Introduction: Digital Image, pixel, Digital Image Processing and its applications
Sources of Medical Images:
1st Week
Brief physics of X-ray, CT, PET, MRI, and ultrasound. Properties of the resulting images,
advantages and disadvantages of each imaging modality.
Digital Image Fundamentals: Characteristics of grey-level digital images, Sampling and
2nd Week quantization, Aliasing and moir patterns, aliasing in medical images, bits per pixel &
shades, spatial resolution & image size, Zooming & shrinking images.
Relationship Between Pixels: Neighbors of a pixel, Adjacency, connectivity, region &
boundaries, distance measures, Introduction to brightness and contrast
3rd Week
Basic Gray Level Transformations: Image Negative, Log transform, Gamma correction,
Piecewise linear transformations: Contrast stretching and thresholding, Intensity-level
4th Week
slicing, Bit-plane slicing.
Histogram Processing: Introduction to image Histogram, Histogram sliding, Histogram
stretching, Histogram equalization, Enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations
5th Week
Spatial Filtering: Introduction to noise and its types, smoothing spatial filters (Mean and
Median filters), sharpening spatial filters (Laplace and Sobel), un-sharp masking and
6th Week
high-boost filtering
7th Week Combining Spatial Enhancement methods, Review and midterm preparation
Frequency Domain Filtering: Review of Fourier transform and convolution theorem, 2D-
9th Week FT, FT and frequency components of an image, introduction to Lowpass and highpass
Lowpass and Highpass Filters: Ideal filters, Butterworth filters, Gaussian filters. Filters
comparison, Unsharp Masking, High-Boost Filtering
10th Week
Denoising techniques in medical imaging, edge detection in medical images
Morphological Image Processing: Dilation and erosion, Opening and closing, Hit or
11th Week miss transformation, Basic morphological algorithms, Extension to grayscale images
Image Reconstruction: Reconstruction techniques for CT (filtered back projection) and
12th Week
MRI (using the FFT)
Image Segmentation: What is segmentation, Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking
and boundary detection, Segmentation by thresholding, Region based segmentation,
13th Week Connected components labelling, Segmentation by morphological watershed.
Tissue Classification:
Color Image Processing: Representations of color in digital images, Color models,
14th Week pseudocolor Image processing, Color transformations, smoothing and sharpening, Image
Segmentation based on color, Noise in color images
Introduction to object recognition and classification of medical images, Image
15th Week
CLO/PLO Mapping
Assessments Learning
CLOs Quizzes and Skills
Mid Term Final Lab Project
CLO1 1
CLO2 2
CLO4 2