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University of North Georgia

Spring 2017: Volume II, Issue III

Department of

ach term, this newsletter highlights activities and accomplishments of our faculty
Spring 2017 Graduates..............................................2 and students. In this issue I wish to emphasize the achievements of one faculty
Sigma Tau Delta Update...........................................3 member in particular: Dr. Donna Gessell. Just about everyone knows Donna, but
Faculty News.............................................................. 4-5 not everyone knows that she has won the Triple Crown of teaching awards this year. First,
Student News.................................................................5 Donna was named Outstanding English Professor, Dahlonega Campus, by the Student
Government Association. Next, she was selected to receive the UNG Alumni Associations
award for Distinguished Professor of the Year, Dahlonega Campus. Third, Donna
recently learned that she has been named Distinguished Professor by CTLL. Donna has
undoubtedly earned this recognition for her many years of outstanding teaching and
leadership, and I feature her achievements here so that we may recognize Donna together.
Donnas success endorses my continued assertion that ours is the strongest department
of the university: three distinctly different divisions of UNG chose the same professor to
receive their highest honors!

Donna isnt the only English professor who warrants recognition here: Dr. Sam Prestridge
and Dr. Leverett Butts visited all five campuses this year in our Resident Author Series,
part of the Visiting Authors program. Both Sam and Lev delivered engaging talks on
their work: Sam read his poetry, while Lev read from his first western novel. Thanks to
both men for making our new Resident series successful. In the next academic year, our
Resident Authors will be Kathryn Hinds and John Ingrisano. Our next Visiting Authors
will be Dacre Stoker (yes, that Stoker hes a great nephew of Bram), who has written
Dracula: The Un-Dead; and in spring we will host Phillippe Diederich, author of Sofrito
and Playing for the Devils Fire. Much more information on their visits and copies of
their books will follow in the coming weeks; in the meantime, please consider including
Dracula in your syllabi (when appropriate) for fall.

Finally, at commencement last week, I counted 22 BA and 3 AA graduates from the

English Department listed in the program: congratulations to the entire department for
our students success. Please read the following pages for more English Department news.


Joyce Stavick, PhD

Chair, English Department
NEWS and UPDATES 2017 Spring Graduates
Among our 24 graduates for Spring 2017 were 11 in Writing & Publication, 2 in
Literature, 9 in English Education, and 3 earning an Associate degree in English.
Graduate names are listed below, including concentration, honors, and capstone project
titles, when available.
Jason Taylor Allred Diane E. Jagels
BA English Education (Dahlonega) summa cum laude
BA English Writing & Publication
Mary Margaret Benefield (Dahlonega)
magna cum laude The Animated Phenomenon: Impact Beyond
BA English Education (Dahlonega) Childhood

Dalton Thomas Deavers Elizabeth Claire Kitchens

cum laude BA English Education (Dahlonega)
BA English Writing & Publication
(Dahlonega) Katelyn Rose Koehler
Sophistry and the Nutritional Supplement magna cum laude
Industry BA English Education (Dahlonega)

Laura Michelle Digioia Steven Lee Lock Graduate Sawyer Henderson

magna cum laude BA English Literature (Gainesville) with Drs. Leigh Dillard and
BA English Education (Dahlonega) Ambiguously Death-Sentenced: Freudian Anastasia Lin.
Theories on Death and Life at Work
Kelly Lynne Donnelly in Don DeLillos White Noise (faculty
BA English Writing & Publication mentor: Leverett Butts) Amanda Niemann
(Gainesville) magna cum laude
The Worlds Within Us: The Chestatee Patricia Elizabeth Maddox AA English; BA English Writing &
Reviews First Electronic Magazine magna cum laude Publication (Dahlonega)
BA English Writing & Publication The Impact of Language: Cross-Cultural
Selene Alexandra Godina (Dahlonega) Confusion Regarding Families that Span
AA English (Gainesville) Oranges and Multiculturalism in American the Deaf Divide
Jackilyn B. Goe Katherine Frances Reeves
BA English Education (Dahlonega) Amanda Marie Marshall BA English Writing & Publication (Dahlonega)
cum laude
Daniel Robert Gordon BA English Literature (Dahlonega) Cody Walker Sparks
cum laude AA English (Gainesville)
BA English Writing & Publication Zoe Kathleen Moore
(Gainesville) magna cum laude Terra Leann Sullens
UNG Writing Fellows: Past, Present, Future BA English Writing & Publication
BA English Education (Gainesville)
Sawyer Cash Henderson The Lying Game: A Defense of Societys
Kassie Renae Thomas
magna cum laude Most Necessary Sin
cum laude
BA English Education; BS Psychology
BA English Writing & Publication (Dahlonega)
(Dahlonega) Michael Claude Myers
Gender as a Social Construction in The God
magna cum laude
of Small Things and The Last Report on the
Ethan Noah Howard BA English Education (Gainesville)
Miracles at Little No Horse
BA English Writing & Publication
English and Non-English Majors Use of Cassidy Lee-Ann Webber
Epicene Pronouns cum laude
BA English Writing & Publication (Dahlonega)
Tracing Native American Feminism through
Myth and Poetry

ive students and two alums with ties to of any kind that need a new home, please contact
UNG participated in the Sigma Tau Delta our book drive coordinator, Jennifer Harris. The
International English Honor Society Gainesville chapter is also pleased to announce that
Convention 30 March 1 April in Louisville, alum Brittany Barron (BA English 16), entering
Kentucky. Attendees included those from the her second year in the MFA program at Georgia
Gainesville chapter Shea Barfield, Ashley College and State University in Milledgeville,
Brooks, Emmy Dixon (BA English, 16), was awarded a $1000 Sigma Tau Delta Regent
Tara Heimberger, Joelma Sambdman, and Scholarship, her second such award in two years.
Daniela Scioscia (BA English, 16) along The chapter has also launched its own Instagram
with Sawyer Henderson, member of the at EnglishMatters.UNG, which well kick off
chapter in Dahlonega. Scioscia, Brooks, and officially in Fall 2017. Follow us!
Barfield organized a roundtable session titled
Writing and Composition in a Digital World Spring semester was busy and fruitful for
with two students from the nearby Brenau Dahlonegas Alpha Beta Epsilon chapter. We
chapter in Gainesville. Their contribution to welcomed several new members in our February
the conference program provided insight into induction and also hosted our Bad Love Poetry
some of the emerging issues writers face as Open Mic Night in celebration of Valentines
they consider a variety of digital environments. Day, a comical evening that showcased faculty
Four of the attendees also delivered critical and student performances of personal poems and
presentations over the course of the four-day works, as well as recitations of classics. February
event. Barfield presented Monastic Materialism also included the Burns Supper, hosted by Dr.
Meets Criminal Conviction: Holy Retribution Joyce Stavick, in honor of Scottish poet Robert
in Robin Hood and the Monk. Brooks presented Burns. Many Alpha Beta Epsilon members took
Nursery Versus Straightjacket: The Feminist part in this unique gathering that brought together
Paradox of The Yellow Wallpaper, a look at the students and faculty in celebration of the written
Charlotte Perkins Gilmans popular short story. word. In March, our chapter began working on a
Henderson presented Recreating Medieval scrapbook service project to benefit the Lumpkin
Rhetoric in Middletons Drama, an inquiry into County Literacy Coalition. These scrapbooks
the gendered language of Thomas Middletons will be used by the LCLC as a tangible record of
satire, The Revengers Tragedy. Dixon, now the impact they have had through their service
a member of the UNG Writing Center staff, to the community. Our chapter also took first
presented Body of Christ, Bond of Man: Re- place in the UNG Honors Program Spelling Bee;
Creating Bread, an essay originally crafted in the winning team included Catherine Cubera,
one of her undergraduate classes. Both chapters Megan Broome, and Margaret Owens, who will
look forward to sending more students to next be invited to compete in the Lumpkin Literacy
years convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. Spelling Bee in the fall. Our chapter was also
excited to implement a new event which we hope
Chapter updates appear below: to put on every semester: our Life After Graduation Workshop. This
event entailed a panel of our English faculty, who answered questions and
The Alpha Upsilon Phi chapter in Gainesville had a very busy semester, shared their wisdom regarding graduate school, the job market, and other
inducting eight new members and hosting its usual flurry of events. In facets of life post-undergrad. This event, although hosted for the benefit of
February, we hosted our annual Groundhog Day Trivia Challenge, this graduating seniors, was enjoyed by students of all class standing, and we look
year teaming with the UNG Food Pantry by encouraging participants to forward to expanding this event in the future. Elections for new officers will
bring donations. The interdisciplinary faculty squad Alternative Facts be completed in the upcoming fall semester, and we look forward to seeing
took the title. The big event of the semester was the successful launch of what the future holds for the Alpha Beta Epsilon chapter.
UNGs first Little Free Library, thanks to the collaborative effort of Amber
Beauchamp for preparing a Sigma Tau Delta project grant and to Ethan Officer updates and plans for 2017-18 will appear in the next newsletter.
Jordan (BA English 16), whose current employer, The Northeast Georgian, Thanks to all our faculty for your support!
contributed the old newspaper box to house our books. (See additional
details on the announcement page.) To end the academic year, we hosted
an English department picnic/cookout, a social event for faculty, students,
and alumni; despite the cold and rainy weather, attendance was good and
the conversation lively. Maintaining our strong partnership with Athens-
based Books for Keeps, we sent five members to J.J. Harris Elementary to
help with book distribution on 17 May. Please remember that the Better
World Books/Books for Keeps drive is ongoing, so if any of you have books

News, Publications, and Leigh Dillard and Macklin

Cowart co-presented Problem-
Solving in the Literature Classroom: new book by our faculty
Creative Responses to Literary
Congratulations to Donna Gessell, who earned Texts at the USG T&L Conference
three teaching awards: the UNG Alumni with students Lori Biddulph, John Ingrisanos new novel,
Associations Distinguished Professor Award for Callie Bryant, and Joelma Alicia in the Ruins: A Story
2017 for Dahlonega; the UNG Dahlonega Campus Sambdman. This past year, Dillard of Survival, is about how
Student Government Associations Outstanding also completed the High-Impact one girl with an indomitable
Faculty Member for English; and the University Practices Academy led by CTLL, spirit survives the horrors of
of North Georgias 2017 Distinguished Teaching with a focus on Undergraduate modern-day sex trafficking.
Award. Research. Fifty percent of all profits will
be donated to organizations
Congratulations are also in order for Karen Dodson, In March, Terry Easton was working to stop sex trafficking
who was awarded the Excellence in Education Award the guest author for Oakhurst in our lifetime.
by Piedmont College Alumni Association. Presbyterian Church Supper Club,
where he discussed his book, Raising
This April, several faculty members and students Our Voices, Breaking the Chain:
participated in the USG Teaching & Learning The Imperial Hotel Occupation as
Conference in Athens, GA, as usual. Read on for Prophetic Politics. Easton presented
details. a paper on his book at the Atlanta manuscript of Gettin Around: Jazz, Script,
Studies Symposium, held at the Atlanta University Transnationalism went to the executive editor of
Chris Bell was elected Education Coordinator for Center in May. the University of Georgia Press and is about to be
the August Wilson Society. sent out for review.
Diana Edelman presented at two conferences
The Denver Quarterly accepted four of Ezekiel this spring. With Jim Shimkus, she presented This past spring, Brent Griffin and the Resurgens
Blacks poems. These poems were part of a series of Empowering Faculty, Staff, and Students: Applying Theatre Company partnered with UGAs
erasure poems, where he erased words from a found Growth Mindset to Writing Instruction at the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts to bring
text until nothing but a poem remained. USG T&L Conference. With her fellow CTLL Cambridges John Kerrigan to the Miller Learning
colleagues, she presented Running the Gauntlet Center in Athens. Griffin also delivered a paper on
Matthew Boedy published an essay in Technical Across Five Campuses: Creating and Sustaining Original Practices and Jonsons First Folio during
Communication Quarterly titled From Deliberation Professional Development Programs for Growing the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of
to Responsibility: Ethics, Invention, and Bonhoeffer Institutions at the Southern Regional Faculty and America in Atlanta. And as a sponsored event of the
in Technical Communication. He also wrote several Institutional Development Consortium Conference. conference, Resurgens produced their SAA remount
posts for a new rhetoric venture, CitizenCritics. This summer she will be on a panel at the British of John Websters The Duchess of Malfi, which
org, appeared on the Atlanta Journal-Constitutions Women Writers Conference presenting her essay received exceptional reviews and broke a single-
Get Schooled blog four times, and attended two Ann Radcliffe and the Sciences of Generation night attendance record at the Shakespeare Tavern
conferences. alongside former student Brittany Barron who Playhouse. UNG English majors and Resurgens
will be presenting the essay she wrote in Edelmans interns Nol Adams and Frankie Webster both
Lisa Diehl has been appointed as secretary for Gothic novel class last year, Victoria di Loredanis performed admirably in the production (as Julia and
the Permanent Section in Teaching Writing in Primal Unity in Charlotte Dacres Zofloya. Cariola, respectively).
College for the Midwestern Language Association
(MMLA) Conference held in November 2017 in Donna Gessell presented Garca Mrquez and the In April, Kathryn Hinds had three poems
Cincinnati, OH. The position entails reviewing Reclamation of Magical Thinking at the Carolina published in Violet Windows <
submitted abstracts for inclusion in the conference. Conference on Romance Studies in Chapel Hill, l5r4hc9>. This month, Hinds will be attending the
She and Matthew McEver are co-authoring a NC (March 29-31, 2017) and Heightened Critical 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies at
paper/presentation titled Academic Activism in Thinking: Requiring a Prospectus and Annotated Western Michigan University, where she will be part
the college composition classroom: Promoting and Bibliography in the Research Paper Process at the of the Medievalist Poets Reading.
integrating social justice into the university first-year USG T&L Conference.
composition classroom, which they will present at John Ingrisanos novel, Alicia in the Ruins, won the
MMLA as part of a panel entitled Deep Learning Jrgen E. Grandt presented April in Paris: award for best novel of 2017 from the Northeast
and Shifting Paradigms in the Humanities. Diehl Transnationalism and Improvisation in Paule Georgia Writers Association.
has also been invited to be a conference panelist at Marshalls The Fisher King at the annual MLA
MMLA for Writing across the Curriculum, where convention in Philadelphia, PA. In addition, Grandt In January, Kristin Kelly traveled to the Key West
she will present her embedded tutoring program to presented Immigration Blues: Social Improvisation Literary Seminar January on a teacher scholarship.
the attendees. Earlier this month, Diehl participated in Steven Spielbergs The Terminal at the annual Kelly was named to the Advisory Board for the
in UNGs 2017 Grants Academy. CLA convention in Columbia, MO. A complete Talking Service national program headquartered at

the Great Books Foundation in Chicago, IL. With with awards. English minor
her Presidential Semester Award for Fall 2017, Kelly Jessica Brown won 2nd
will finish an article on art and combat trauma and place presentation overall
then begin a book called Standing on the Bridge: for her essay Thus in
Civilian Witness to the Long Wars. the zenith of my lust I
reign; Rochesters Sodom as
Anastasia Lin was the Keynote Speaker at the Social and Political Satire
in Restoration England
Oglethorpe University 2017 Symposium of the
(faculty mentor: Shannon
Liberal Arts & Sciences. Her talk focused on literary
Gilstrap). Marcel Cantu
cartography and undergraduate research. Lins won 3rd place presentation
project, Mapping Los Angeles: Yamashitas Tropic overall for A Feminist
of Orange, GIS (Geographic Information System), Reading of The Brief and
and Cartographic Pedagogy, was presented (in Wondrous Life of Oscar
absentia) at the MLA Convention in January. In Wao (faculty mentor:
April, she presented Reading the Fuku as Structural Anastasia Lin). A complete
Violence in the Classroom: The Brief Wondrous Life list of presenters appears
of Oscar Wao, Silence, and Pedagogy at Multi- on Digital Commons
Ethnic Literature of the U.S. (MELUS) Conference <
in Cambridge, MA. Above: Ashley Brooks with an excited young reader at
J.J. Harris Elementary in Athens.
Matt McEvers short story, Starlight Drive,
Two student authors from the twentieth issue of The Council Conference (February) as well as the
appeared in Great Jones Street in April.
Chestatee Review placed in The Southern Literary Southern Regional Honors Council conference in
Festivals Writing Contest. This includes Third Asheville, NC (March).
Complete bibliographical details of 2016-17
Place for Megan Broomes formal essay Shadowed
publications and presentations will appear in the Three English majors completed thesis projects this
Memories, an Honorable Mention for her creative
August issue of the newsletter. Send additions and nonfiction work The Depth of Humility, and an past semester to graduate with Honors. Sawyer
revisions to [email protected]. Honorable Mention for Quentin Morgans fiction Henderson, a double-major in English Education
work Home Again. In April, The Chestatee Review and Psychology, produced a library studies-oriented

Student Achievements published its twenty-first issue. project titled Reading the Rainbow: Availability
of Young Adult Queer Literature in Select Georgia
The Fencing Club placed second in the foil Secondary Schools (chair: Leigh Dillard). Zoe
The English Department had 20 majors and/ competition at the Kennesaw Collegiate Fencing Moore completed a project titled Effects of English
or those mentored by English faculty present at Tournament. Orthography on ELL Adult Attainment of Written
the 22nd Annual Research Conference (ARC) in Proficiency in English (chair: Donna Gessell).
March. Along with presentations in various panels, Shea Barfield has been selected from a pool of Cassidy Webbers project is titled Tracing Native
two students from our department were recognized national Sigma Tau Delta applicants as the Intern for American Feminism Through Myth and Poetry
Better World Books, an Alpharetta-based (chair: Anastasia Lin).
online book retailer. This summer position
will give Barfield invaluable experience Senior Capstone projects were completed by 28
in the publishing field and, regardless of students this past semester, including those in both
where she goes next, help sharpen her the Literature (6) and Writing & Publication (22)
communication and organizational skills. pathways. Capstone titles for Spring 17 graduates
are listed above. Abstracts from select projects
Castiel Dixon presented a paper titled are on display on the Digital Commons <http://
Silenced by Noise: Vonneguts Unique>.
Symbols of Perpetual Disruption at
the Georgia Collegiate Honors Council Complete bibliographical details of 2016-17 student
Annual Conference, held February 18, publications and presentations will appear in the
2017, in Columbus, GA (faculty mentor: August issue of the newsletter. Send additions to
Terry Easton). [email protected].

Freshman Samantha Franklin presented

two papers composed in Matt McEvers
Fall English 1102 class--Victims of
Economic Failure: A Marxist Critique
of The Wolf of Wall Street and Quentin
Compsons Regression and Stance as an
Unreliable Narrator in That Evening
Sun--at the Georgia Collegiate Honors

Announcements and book. Our structure,
made from a recycled
Summer Events newspaper vendor box
donated by The Northeast
Georgian, sits outside the
Leigh Dillard will be traveling to London
Nesbitt Building and
for the European Council study abroad
boasts a variety of titles
program in July/August. Colleague Kasee
for all ages. Stop by! For
Laster has been selected to teach in the 2018
more info, see <https://
Paris program, so if you have students who>.
might be interested, send them her way.
Setting up a meeting with
Students who have presented at a capstone,
a colleague on a different
internal conference, or external event are
campus but dont need
encouraged to submit manuscripts to Papers
a full videoconference
& Publications. This process often starts with
setup? Dont forget that
a word of encouragement from faculty, so
the department has USB
please review the work of your best students
cameras to help make
from the past year and tell them to consider Resurgens will be producing Anonymous (and
this possible if youd like to use Skype for Business
revising for this purpose. Submissions are accepted Shakespeares?) Arden of Faversham. In April, the
or another similar platform. Contact your campus
year round at < company will stage Thomas Heywoods A Woman
department admin for more details. And if youre
edu/papersandpubs/> and are welcome from current Killed with Kindness. Look for more details in the
a committee chair, remember to use the online
students and those who have graduated within the August issue of the newsletter.
event request system at <
past year. And if P&P isnt the right fit, encourage
emswebapp/> to book your room(s).
them to submit elsewhere! Dacre Stoker will be the Visiting Author for Fall
2017. Mr. Stoker (pictured above: left) is the great-
In the next issue...
The English Department was awarded a $30,000 grandnephew of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula.
Along with the usual reports on department news,
grant from Affordable Learning Georgia to develop Dacre is a writer and filmmaker. He is the author
publications, presentations, and graduates, the Year-
an open-access textbook for English 2112: World of Dracula the Un-Dead, a sequel loosely based
in-Review issue will include committee updates.
Literature II. Anita Turlington is the project on Brams own notes and letters, and co-editor of
Were also working on a where are they now feature
manager, and the rest of the committee consists The Lost Journal of Bram Stoker: The Dublin Years.
for our graduates. Please email UNGEnglish@gmail.
of Matthew Horton, Laura Ng, Karen Dodson, The Spring 2018 Visiting Author will be Phillippe
com with news or suggestions for other items youd
Laura Getty, Kyounghye Kwon, and Corey Diederich, son of Bernard Diederich, who was our
like to see included.
Parson. first Visiting Author. Phillippe (pictured above:
right) is the winner of the 2017 PEN/Phyllis Naylor
In the fall, the First-Year Composition Program, Working Writer Fellowship and author of Sofrito and
under the direction of Michael Rifenburg, is Playing for the Devils Fire. Our Resident Author for
hosting four workshops on antiracist writing the fall will be Kathryn Hinds. She has published
assessment. To structure our time together, we will a novel, The Healers Choice, as well as a collection
use Asao Inoues award-winning and open-access of poetry, Candle, Thread, and Flute. She has also
book Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching published a number of short stories, poems, and
and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future. Be on over four dozen non-fiction historical/cultural books
the lookout for dates and times. for young readers. In the spring, John Ingrisano,
author of Alicia in the Ruins : A Story of Survival and
Resurgens Theatre Company has announced its Captain Jollys Do Over, will be Resident Author. Stay
lineup for the 2017-18 academic year. In November, tuned for more details.

As noted on the Sigma Tau Delta

recap, the Gainesville chapter
cut the ribbon on UNGs first
Little Free Library in April. For
those unfamiliar with the Little
Free Library program, these
tiny, freestanding structures are
Amber Beauchamp and Kory Laird
meant to encourage enthusiasm
pose with the Little Free Library.
for reading and the open
sharing of books under the
mantra Take a book. Leave a
News not included? Email details to [email protected] for the next newsletter,
due out in August 2017. And dont forget to follow the department calendar at sites.

Volume II, Issue III UNG Department of English Newsletter designed by Leigh G. Dillard, edited by Cameron Crawford, May 2017.

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