Is 5 Shade Card
Is 5 Shade Card
Is 5 Shade Card
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New
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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge
! > 0 B
Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
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IS 5:2007
Indian Standard
(Sixth Revision)
@ BIS 2007
NEW DELHI 110002
Paints, Varnishes and Related Products Sectional Committee, CHD 20
This Indian Standard (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian
Standards, after the draft finalized by the Paints, Varnishes and Related
Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division
This standard was first published in 1949 and since then it has been revised
five times in 1955, 1961 (and also reprinted in 1969), 1978 (also reprinted in
1984), 1994 and 2004. Considering the likelihood of variation in the
instrumental values with the earlier version, the Committee decided that new
version of IS 5 shall be sixth revision and to print fresh instrumental values in
this version. The approximate Munsell values in terms of hue, lightness value
graduation (value) and chroma are given in Table 1. The colourimetric values
in terms of trichromatic system are also given in Table 1.
An explanation of the Munsell system of colour references and glossary of
colcur terms is given in Annex A. The definition L, a and b three
dimensions of Uniform CIE colour space have been given in Annex A. L
stands for lightness, a denotes redness/greenness and b indicates yellowness/
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this
standard is given in Annex B.
In the preparation of this revised standard substantial assistance was provided
in the measurement and checking of colour values by M/s Jay Instruments
and Systems Pvt Ltd, Mumbai and active collaboration of the panel of referees
comprising of experts from National Test House, Kolkata; M/s Berger Paints
. India Ltd, Kolkata; M/s Shalimar Paints Ltd, Kolkata; MA Asian Paints Ltd,
Mumbai and M/s Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd, Mumbai in matching of colour
shades, which are thankfidly acknowledged.
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1S 5:2007
Indian Standard
(Sixth Revision)
This standard covers 104 colours for ready mixed paints and enamels grouped
under Blue; Green; Yellow,Cream and Buti, Brown and Pink; Red and Orange;
Grey; and Violet.
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions of colour terms given in Annex
A of this standard shall apply.
3.1 Three digit numbers have been given to the colours, of which the first
digit indicates the group of colours according to the seven broad colour
divisions mentioned in 1, each group having a range of numbers allotted,
Blue ......... 100-199
Green ......... 200-299
Yellow, Cream and Buff ......... 300-399
Brown and Pink ......... 400-499
Red and Orange ......... 500-599
Grey ......... 600-699
Violet ......... 700-799
3.1.1 Whenever new colours are required to be added in the above ranges,
these will be assigned numbers which do not overlap the existing numbers.
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1S 5:2007
(Foreword Clauses 2 and 4)
A-1. 1 Achromatic Sensations Visual sensations devoid of the attribute of
A-1.2 Additive Mixture The mixture of light stimuli in such a manner that
they enter the eye simultaneously or in rapid succession and are incident on
the same area of the retina, or enter in the form of a mosaic which the eye
cannot resolve.
A-1.3 Black
A-1,3,1 A visual sensation arising from some portion of a luminous field of
extremely low luminosity,
A-1.3.2 As defined in A-1.3.1, but applied to a secondary source which is
completely absorbing at all visible wavelengths.
NOTE The terms white and black are not always used in the strict sense defined
above. [t is usual to apply them to greys and neutrals, the luminance factor of which is
nearly unity or nearly zero respectively.
IS 5:2007
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1S 5:2007
A-1.17 Grey
A-1. 17.1 Any achromatic sensation of luminosity intermediate between black
and white.
A-1. 17.2 As defined in A-1.17.1, but applied to a secondary source which is
partially absorbing at some or all visible wavelengths but ti-omwhich the reflected
or transmitted light has the same colour as that of the incident light.
A-1. 18 Hue Attribute of visual sensation which has given rise to colour
names, such as, blue, green, yellow, red and purple.
A-1. 19 Light Radiant power (energy flux) capable of stimulating the eye
to produce visual sensation.
A-I.20 Minus Colours -Colours in which only the spectral components
associated with the colour named are not present to any substantial extent, for
example, minus red.
A-1.21 Munsell Chroma The estimated pure chromatic colour content
of a surface colour on a scale of equal sensation intervals extending from
grey (Chroma = O), as specified objectively by the sample of the Munsell
Atlas ( see Note ).
NOTE The Munsell System presents the closest attempt at representing the colour
solid ofsurfwe cohmrs by samples, spaced at equal sensation intervals and, therefore, the
closest corw,kI/imr with the subjective variable, which are chroma, lightness (called value)
and hue.
IS 5:2007
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IS 5:2007
~=. x Xlo
X+Y+Z Xlo=
X1O+ Y1O+Z1O
Y Ylo
= X+Y+Z ylo=
X1 O+ Y1O+Z1O
z Z1o
IS 5:2007
X, Y and Z are the tristirnulus values in the CIE 1931 Standard Colourimetric
System and X1O,Y1 Oand Z1Oin the CIE 1964 Supplementary Colourimetric
x+y+z=l andxlO+ylO+z10 =1
Illuminant D65Average north sky daylight with colour temperature 6500 K.
~, a>, b,
Three dimensions of uniform CIE colour space, L stands for
lightness, ~denotes redness/greenness and b indicates yellowness/blueness.
10 degree observer Standard CIE observer recommended wherever colour
matching conditions exceeds 4 Deg. Field of view.
A-2.1.5 Tristimulus Value Amounts of the three reference or matching
stimuli required to give a match with the colour stimulus considered, in a
given trichromatic system.
The symbols recommended for the tristimulus values are X, Y and Z in the
CIE 1931 Standard Colourimetric System and XIO, Y1O and Z1O in the CIE
1964 Standard Colourimetric System.
A-2.1.6 Luminance Value The emission by matter of electromagnetic
radiation which for certain wavelengths or restricted regions of the spectrum
is in excess of that due to the thermalradiationfromthe material at the same
temperatureis defined as Luminance.
The ratio of the luminance of a body while illuminated and observed under
certain conditions to that of perfect defiser under the same conditions.
A-2.1.7 Method ofDetermination ojChromaticity Coordinates The value of
reflectance is measured for the sample over a circular area of 8 mm in dia over
a wavelengthrange of 360 to 740 nm at 10nm interval.The MinoltaCM 3220 D
colour matching system is used for determining the reflectance values.
A-2.2 A complete Munsell reference for a colour, for example, 7.5 ~ 912
a) Hue of 7.5 R denoting a red inclined towards yellow-red,
b) Value 9 denoting a very light colour, and
c) Chroma 2 indicating that the strength of the colour is low. .
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IS 5:2007
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1. 101 Sky Blue 0.2949 0.3567 8.3G 6.09/2,86 62.69 -15.16 4.19
2. 102 Turquoise Blue 0.2655 0.3494 4,5BG 5.26/4,22 54.79 -21.69 -1,08
3. 103 Peacock Blue 0.2544 0.3231 0.8B 3.96/3.28 41.47 -14.86 -6.76
4. 104 Azure Blue 0.2388 0.2674 3,8PB 3.47/4.48 36.7 -4.5 -18.02
5. 105 Oxford Blue 0,2644 0,2804 5.7PB 2.82/2,56 29.5 -0.37 -11,61
6. 106 Navy Blue 0.2933 0.3083 6.2PB 2.61/0.95 26.91 0.22 -4,73
7. 108 Aircraft Blue 0.2349 0.2564 5.OPB 3.28/4.82 34.77 -2.47 -19.91
8. 166 French Blue 0.2279 0.2569 3,8PB 416.13 42.45 -5.52 -23.37
9. 169 Traffic Blue 0.25 0,31 4.7B 3.96/3.4 41.65 -13.04 -9.71
10. I 74 Oriental Blue 0.2513 0.3357 8. lBG 5.48/4.9 57.3 -23.92 -5.88
l], 176 Phirozi 0.2112 0,2748 8.5B 4.92/7.38 52,54 -19,95 -24.04
12. 177 Satin Blue 0.2789 0.3274 2.8B 7.4/3.17 76.04 -13.9 -6.15
13. 216 Eau-de-NiI 0.3499 0,4035 5.7GY 6.8914.22 69.71 -10.83 25.29
14. 217 Sea Green 0.3615 0,4445 6,2GY 6.12/6.15 61.93 -16,75 34,83
15. 218 Grass Green 0.3393 0,4442 8.2GY 4,65/5.52 47.41 -19.01 25.2S
16. 219 Sage Green 0.3604 0.4083 3.5GY 4.58/3.37 46.64 -6.36 20.72
17. 220 Olive Green 0.3349 O,382X 6,0GY 3.44/2.17 35.05 -5.83 10.35
18. 221 Brilliant Green 0.3164 0.4421 0.3G 4, 16/5,42 42,71 -22,66 20,41
19 222 Light Bronze 0,3698 0,4072 l,3GY 4. t 8/3.09 42.43 -3.58 20.23
20. 223 Middle Bronze 0.3332 0.3709 5.3GY 3.29/1.66 33.54 -3,81 8,03
21 224 Deep Bronze Green 0.3205 0.3606 7.7GY 3.11/1.36 31.87 -4,4 5.15
22. 225 Light Brunswick 0.3211 0.414 9.8GY 3.88/4.01 39.66 -15.55 15.19
23. 226 Middle Brunswick 0.304 0.3911 1.8G 3.21/3.13 32.99 -13,54 8.53
24. 227 Deep Brunswick 0.3042 0.3585 3,8G 2.9/1.74 29.81 -7.16 3,38
25. 267 Traffic Green 0,2985 0.3951 2.5G 3.73/3.79 38.37 -17.07 9,61
26. 275 C)paline Green 0,3183 0.3886 0.5G 6.43{4 65.6 -16.73 15.59
27. 276 Lincoln Green 0.3159 0,3863 0.3G 3.53/2.81 36.18 -10.82 9.39
28. 277 Cypress Green 0.3319 0.4048 7.7GY 3.64/3.22 37.13 -10.8 I 14.08
29. 278 Light Olive Green 0.3533 0.407 4.9GY 5.07/3.6 51.77 -8.47 21.19
30. 279 Steel Furniture 0.3314 0.3546 9,9Y 3.16/0.85 32.31 -1.01 5,17
IS 5:2007
Table 1 Continued
S1 Indian Ndme of Co[our Chromaticity Approximate Lnminance Value
No. Stan- Shade Coordinates Munsell Value
(lSC) XY Hue VaIue/ L a b
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
31. 280 Verdigris Green 0.2967 0.4053 2.9G 5.4/5.57 55.51 -25.47 14.6
32. 281 Apple Green 0.3266 0.4113 9.4GY 5.76/4.79 58.81 -18.52 20.56
33. 282 Forest Green 0.3116 0.392 0.9G 3.59/3.13 36.83 -12.99 10.03
34. 283 Aircraft Gery 0.3339 0,3741 5.8GY 5,07/2.16 51.92 -5.85 11.79
35. 284 India Green 0.2941 0.4114 2.4G 3.76/4.55 38.79 -21.22 11.93
36. 294 Scamic 0.3324 0,3643 3.8GY 3.55/1.33 36.37 -2.87 7.33
37. 298 Olive Drab 0.3393 0.3638 0.2GY 3.37/1.25 34.39 -1.2 7.58
38. 299 Bus Green 0,2734 0.4053 5.4G 3.6/4.86 37.38 -24.68 8.83
39, 309 Canary Yellow 0,462 0.4645 4.8Y 7.89/11,02 78,18 6.54 76.58
40. 352 Pale Cream 0.3895 0.4002 3.7Y 7.99/5.12 80.08 3.63 35.07
41, 353 Deep Cream 0.4144 0.4107 2.4Y 8.01/6.73 79.9 8,68 43,84
42, 354 Primrose 0.4261 0.4371 4.7Y 7.4117.57 74.16 3.63 52.35
43. 355 Lemon 0.4824 0.4505 2.OY 7.49/1 1.54 74.16 16.08 74.99
44. 356 Golden Yellow 0.4926 0,4376 9.9YR 7.06/1 1.42 70.04 21.83 69.78
45. 358 Light Buff 0,4191 0,3994 9,7YR 7/6. 15 70.26 12.8 37,02
46 359 Middle Buff 0.4379 0.4079 9.4YR 6.3416.77 63.72 14.55 40.37
47. 360 Deep Buff 0.423 0.3871 7.2YR 5.7/5,43 57.63 15.37 29.15
48, 361 Light Stone 0,3894 0,3836 10.OYR 6.7614.26 68,27 8.37 26.15
49, 362 Middle Stone 0.4176 0.3933 9.OYR 5.35/4.84 54,19 11,64 28,41
50. 363 Dark Stone 0.4119 0.3865 8.4YR 5,1/4.4 51.75 11,62 24,96
51. 364 Portland Stone 0.3627 0.3807 4.8Y 7.61/3.16 76,77 0,68 22,96
52. 365 Vellum 0.3553 0,3721 4,0Y 8.01/2.73 80.77 0,96 19,94
53, 368 Traffic Yellow 0.4928 0.3998 4,8YR 6.21/10.05 62.09 30.77 49,77
54. 384 Light Straw 0.3702 0.3811 3,1Y 7.4613.49 75.22 3.21 24.02
55. 385 Lig!lt Biscuit 0.3866 0.395 2.9Y 8.15/4,9 81,71 4.47 33.4
56. 386 C!lanrpagne 0,3847 0.3839 0,8Y 7.6114.4 76.5 7.44 27.91
57. 387 Sunshine 0.3735 0.3822 2.9Y 7.02/3.49 70.86 3.81 23.74
58, 388 Beige 0.3771 0.3783 0.9Y 7.213.73 72,6( 6.43 23.76
59 397 Jasmine Yellow 0.4177 0.4305 4.6Y 8.2717.53 82,44 3.27 52,63
60. 410 Light Brown 0.4184 0,384 7,2YR 4.77/4.44 48.27 i3, 14 24.07
61. 411 Middle Brown 0.4018 0.3678 5,3YR 3.84/3.14 38.98 11.46 15.58
62. 412 Dark Brown 0,3646 0,3426 0,7YR 3.23/1.75 32,9 8,27 6,16
63. 413 Not Brown 0.3425 0.3412 4.5YR 2.97/0.83 30.26 3,82 3,79
64. 414 Golden Brown 0.4413 0.38 4.6YR 4,54/5.41 45,88 18,68 25,64
65. 415 India Brown 0.3954 0.3565 2.7YR 3.76/3,02 38,18 12,54 12.55
66. 439 Orange Brown 0.4272 0.3512 9.7R 3.78/4.68 38.29 20.27 15.18
67. 442 Light SahnonPink 0.3939 0.3799 8,1YR 7.7115.09 77.48 12.23 28,72
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Is 5:2007
Table 1 Concluded
S1 Indian Name of Colour Chromaticity Approximate Luminance Vahse
No. Stan- Shade Coordinates Munsell Value
Colour ~~~
(Isc) XY Hue Value/ L a b
No. Chroma
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo)
68, 443 Salmon Pink 0.3925 0.36 2,5YR 6,3U4,7 64 16.45 19,01
69. 444 Terra Cotta 0.4396 0,3416 7.OR 4.1616,32 42,2 26,88 15.85
70. 445 Venetian Red 0.4294 0.3404 7,1 R 3.63/5. 15 36,78 22.72 12.96
71. 446 Red Oxide 0.4151 0.3409 7,6R 3.38/4,1 34.23 18.84 10.93
72, 448 Deep Indian Red 0.3748 0.3328 4,9R 3.1712.59 32,31 12.29 5.38
73. 449 Light Purple Brown0,3619 0.3285 3,2R 3.07/2. 14 31.36 10.48 3.45
74. 451 Chocolate 0.3365 0,3385 3.5YR 2.82/0.67 28,77 3.07 2.8
75, 473 Gulf Red 0.3925 0.3317 4,8R 3.25/3.45 33.07 16.2 6.9
76, 489 Leaf Brown 0,4091 0.3639 3.3YR 4,02/3.65 40.79 14,29 16.19
77. 490 Beech Brown 0.3777 0.3492 2.3YR 3.31/2.15 33.65 9.61 8.56
78. 499 Service Brown 0.3516 0.3497 7.7YR 3.19/1.14 32,45 4.12 6.12
79. 536 Fire Red 0.5378 0.3402 7.OR 4.6/12,51 46.29 49.87 32.88
80. 537 Signal Red 0,512 0,3306 5.4R 4.23/1 1.16 42.76 45.02 24.04
81. 538 Post Oftice Red 0.4757 0.3231 4.2R 3.55/8.39 35,85 35.33 14.83
82, 540 Crimson 0.3975 0.3223 2.9R 2.9513.96 29.87 18.1 5.36
83. 541 Maroon 0,3428 0,3257 1.3R 2.911.36 29.69 7 i.37
84. 557 Light Orange 0.5121 0.3822 1,9YR 5.69/10.83 56.99 38.43 45.76
85. 570 fratllc Red 0.4728 0,3504 8.1 R 4.4t17.96 44.55 32.58 23.22
S6, 574 lndian Saffrou 0,4996 0.3537 8.2R 5.21/10.57 52.61 42.01 32,13
87. 591 Deep Omngc 0,S076 03597 8.9R 5.04/10.38 50.84 40.85 34.52
88. 592 International 0.5221 0.3485 7.8R 4.89/1 1.54 49.26 46.35 33.53
89, 628 Silver Grey 0,3369 0,364 1.5GY 5.96/1 .59 60,95 -2.66 11.29
90. 629 Quaker Grey 0.347 0.366 6.2Y 5.52/1.73 56.38 -0.02 12.39
91, 630 French Grey 0.3341 0.3576 0.4GY 5.91/1.27 60,5 -1,61 9.29
92. 63 I Light Grey 0.3129 0.3451 2.OG 5.71/0.96 58,72 -4,77 3.38
93. 632 Dark Admiralty 0.2973 0.3232 8,1 B 4,42/1,01 45.73 -2.65 -3.25
94. 633 AF Blue Grey 0,301 0,3252 7.3B 3.32/0.57 34,22 -1,74 -2.01
95, 634 Slate 0.3277 0.3557 4.IGY 4.34/1.11 44.54 -2.48 6.3
96, 635 Lead 0.3106 0.3453 2.8G 3.62/0.96 37,28 -3.98 2.23
97. 671 Middle Graphite 0.3037 0.3249 IO,OB 3.66/0.52 37,75 -1.11 -1.97
98, 692 Smoke Grey 0.2773 0.3t29 8,5B 5,5 1/2.78 57,23 -7.02 -8.67
99. 693 Aircraft Grey 0.311 I 0.3394 4,7G 5.43/0.67 55.91 -3,45 1.69
100. 694 Dove Grey 0.3133 0.3376 2,3G 5.53/0.48 56.92 -2.23 1,54
101, 695 Dark Blue Grey 0.3073 0.3275 9,2B 2.82/0.2S 28.96 -0,68 -1
102, 697 Light Admiralty 0.3051 0.3419 9.4G 7.3411.35 75.02 -7,84 2
103. 698 Steel Grey 0.3079 0.3309 8.2BG 3.03/0.31 31,16 -1.26 -0.47
104. 196 Dark Violet 0.2977 0.2662 6.1 P 3,5/4.27 36.33 12.76 -13.67
Published by Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi and Printed at The Ganges Printing Co.
Ltd., 9, Old Post Otfice St., Kolkata 700001.