Eldar Character Guide (6!22!17)
Eldar Character Guide (6!22!17)
Eldar Character Guide (6!22!17)
Chapter 1: An Ancient and Powerful Race
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from the Clans such as the Crow Spirits and the Twilight
Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily The Koronus Swords are a plague upon Imperial shipping, their
vessels practically impossible to track and difficult
to detect before they strike. Occasionally,
The Eldar are an ancient and enigmatic species Explorers may even be able to make deals with the
which dominated the galaxy millions of years Eldar, in those rare instances where humans have
before the rise of the Imperium. Hugely something the Eldar require, or where the
technologically advanced and knowledgeable in combined might of humans and Eldar are the only
the secrets of the universe, the Eldar once hope of facing a greater threat. Quite apart from
controlled or traversed much of the domain rousing the interest (and subsequent bloody
humans now claim. These times are past, however, retribution) of the Inquisition, such pacts are
and even by the time humanitys star was rising almost always short lived, ending either in violence
the Eldar had already begun to fade into the and betrayal, or the abrupt and mysterious
darkness of history, their civilisation crippled and disappearance of the Eldar, gone as swiftly as they
decaying from a doom now millennia old. Today arrived.
the Eldar are few in number, hidden away in
distant, secret parts of the galaxy, sailing the void
in their great world-ships or reduced to raiders and
pirates. Their civilisation has fragmented and has
largely become nomadic, its once-great clans and
peoples travelling in vast armadas of ships and
aboard mighty Craftworlds, gargantuan vessels the
size of cities or larger in space. The Eldar race has
also fragmented over the centuries, with some
choosing to wander far from their kin or turn their
backs on their past while others cling to the
teachings of their ancestors and try vainly to keep
their civilisation alive. Whatever teachings they
follow, all Eldar retain the technologically
sophisticated weapons and ships of their
forebearers and, even though their numbers are but
a tiny fraction of mankinds, they remain a
significant force within the galaxy and a constant
threat to the Imperium and its worlds.
Within the Koronus Expanse, like many of the
fringes of Imperial space, the presence of the Eldar
is a very real threat to the Imperium, and though
they do not often openly make war upon mankind,
woe to the Rogue Trader who chooses to oppose
them or meddle in their alien designs. Legends and
rumours have it that many of the worlds in the
Expanse were once controlled by the Eldar, and
still hide ruins and secrets which the ancient race
guards jealously from outside interference. Thus
an Explorer may not know he has angered the
Eldar by simply setting foot on a remote world
until an Eldar vessel emerges from the darkness
to destroy him. More likely, though, Explorers
face the Eldar in the void, where they make
for deadly raiders and pirates.
An Ancient History
Once the worlds and peoples of the Eldar As it grew in power so did the Eldars madness;
were numerous, their fleets vast and swift, and their each a vile reflection of the other, each feeding off
warriors feared by all those who opposed them. For the others twisted heart. For long years the Eldar
countless centuries the galaxy belonged to the Eldar, turned upon themselves, sinking to sickening depths;
all other races pale shadows next to their might and torturing and killing their own kind, eating their own
power. Graceful cities of slender towers and dead, and mutilating their once-great civilisation,
glittering white colonnades could be found from one until finally the warp god they had created emerged
end of the galaxy to the other, and Eldar worlds into full consciousness and power. The Chaos God
epitomised culture, knowledge, and the peak of Slaanesh was born.
civilisation. The Eldar themselves were an In its moment of birth, Slaanesh, the
enlightened people, who pursued art, language, and embodiment of all the Eldars darkest whims and
learning as much as they mastered the ways of war wanton cruelty, let out a howl across the void, a
and conquest. For millions of years their people psychic scream heard by every living Eldar, tearing
prospered, and they were the greatest of the galaxys a hole in the fabric of reality itself. In the blink of an
races; unopposed and unchallenged in their eye the heart of the Eldar civilisation was ripped out,
supremacy. its worlds plunged into the warp and all but a
Like so many great societies their fall was slow handful of its people killed instantly as the new-born
in its coming, but all the worse for the heights they god tore their souls from their flesh. Only those far
had achieved. The Eldar mind is a complex and from the epicentre survived, those who had fled to
tangled labyrinth of emotion and thought, and Eldar the edges of the galaxy and cut themselves off from
are far more susceptible to the highs and lows of their decadent kin. The Eldar were not alone in the
extreme emotions. Such was the case with the great damage dealt by Slaanesh, and countless humans,
Eldar civilisation, and as their power grew so too Orks, and other races also suffered, though it was the
did their hunger for new experiences and new end of the Eldar as a galactic power and the
sensations. Over long centuries, this began a slow beginning of their decline; never again would their
rot in the heart of the Eldar empire, as more and civilisation command the stars, nor would they be
more Eldar turned to a path of decadence and more than scattered nomads, the remains of a broken
emotional excess, indulging in their every whim and peoples, brought down by their own pride and
giving themselves over their basest desires. Cults hubris.
sprang up devoted to hedonistic pleasures and
debased rituals, the side effect of a culture that no Eldar Language
longer needed to concern itself with common labour The language of the Eldar is an ancient and
or the need for personal wealth. Even as the alien complex dialect built upon and refined over millions
empire prospered, its success fuelled this dark heart of years. Compared to the crude blunt sounds of
of indulgence and depravity, the pastimes of the idle High or Low Gothic, its words flow from one to the
populace becoming increasingly at odds with the next, each sentence a complete idea as much as a
ancient ideals of their ancestors upon which their collection of letters or numbers. Humans can imitate
civilisation was built; and so the cults gained greater Eldar speech to a certain degree, with sufficient
power and began to overtake Eldar society training, but compared to a native speaker they are
altogether. slow and halting at best. This is largely because the
It was at some point during this long unrecorded Eldar language is not words alone, but also
slide into decadence that a dark power deep within accompanied by a detailed set of poses and gestures.
the warp took notice of the Eldar, a psychic echo of The way an Eldar stands, the cast of his features or
their own excessive culture and the depths to how he moves his hands can all change the meaning
which it had sunk in the pursuit of increasingly of words, sometimes dramatically.
powerful emotions and sensations. Though it
had no name at first, it was given life by the
Eldar themselves and their increasingly
depraved actions.
Further complicating matters is that each Eldar Their dark liquid eyes are also markedly different
word or symbol is as much a concept as it is a name from human eyes, deep and full of ancient secrets,
for something. Thus while the Eldar word for rock assuring any man who looks too long into them just
might mean rock, it might also be used to convey how alien the Eldar really are, and that, despite some
permanence or stability, or in a different context passing physical resemblance, they are nothing like
lack of life or thought. To a human, words gain humanity. Part of these differences liewithin the
meaning from their context and the words around physical nature of the Eldar and their long natural
them, while to an Eldar the words themselves life span, which far exceeds that of even the most
already possess infinite meaning, manipulated by a long-lived human, even taking into account the
crooked finger or slight inflection when speaking. many ways in which man might try and prolong his
existence and cheat death. Paradoxically, though the
Eldar Physiology Eldar have exceptional longevity, their metabolism
Physiologically, Eldar appear much like is far faster than that of a human, their hearts beat
humans, though they are usually taller, more slender more quickly, pumping their blood around their
of limb, and always more graceful in the way they body in a rapid crimson torrent. It is speculated that
move. Their faces are also longer, with sharp, this increased blood flow improves their reaction
pointed features, tapered ears, and almond-shaped speed and brain function, allowing them to act and
eyes that give them an ethereal, otherworldly cast. react far more quickly than humans can.
Eldar Clans and Craftworlds In contrast to the heavy-handed tactics of the
Within the Koronus Expanse there are several Imperium, the Eldar do not crush their foes in a
different Eldar clans and at least one documented vulgar display of might, at least not right away.
Craftworld. Among the corsairs are counted the Instead, the Eldar often manipulate others to do their
Crow Spirits and the Twilight Swords, large roving fighting, or tempt, trick, and fool Explorers into
fleets of Eldar vessels which have been known to avoiding worlds they wish to protect. Should a
plunder the void from Winterscales Realm all the captain and his crew persist in countering the Eldars
way to the Accursed Demesne. There are also many agenda, they often find themselves targeted by the
minor corsairs, some consisting of but a single Guardians and Aspect Warriors of the Craftworld
wraithbone ship or single extended Eldar family itself. More than one Rogue Trader has discovered
like the Dark Lament, an ancient cruiser captained too late that he has become the target of a
by the mysterious Sydra Voidwalker, which has Craftworlds wrath when he mistakenly thought he
haunted the Heathen Worlds for countless years. was dealing only with scattered tribes and cowardly
Only the most learned Explorers can discern the pirates.
difference between clans, or the relationships Eldar within the Expanse are seldom
between themand just like the fluid nature of encountered near the Maw or Footfall, and it is
Eldar emotions, the web of alliances between almost unheard of for their ships to actually traverse
corsairs can change more quickly than humans can the unstable passage between the Calixis Sector and
follow. the Koronus Expanse. This is doubtless because of
Corsairs are also the most likely of the Eldar their access and understanding of the Webway,
groupings to make deals with human traders and which allows them to travel great distances without
void-farers, given their familiarity with the Expanse risking transition into the warp. Travellers that delve
and their limited resources. It is not unknown for deeper into the Expanse are far more likely to
clans to make use of humans (and other races) to encounter Eldar, and rumours place the location of
complete their goals, whether it is a simple act of Craftworld Kaelor somewhere out beyond the
piracy or something more complex involving the Heathen Worlds, following a vast circuit which takes
worlds once controlled by their race. In either case, it along the edges of the halo zones and into places
an Explorer would do well not to trust the clans too few Explorers are brave enough to tread. Like most
far, as deals with the Eldar have a way of turning Craftworlds, though, it remains secluded from the
and a greedy captain may well get more than he Eldars dealings with other races and far from risk of
bargained for. direct attack, its inhabitants instead using the
Of more concern to the Imperium, and with a Webway to reach any region they desire and protect
greater presence than the clans, are the Craftworlds. those worlds of interest to its Farseers.
These cities of the void have the resources and Clans like the Crow Spirits and the Twilight
power to conquer worlds should they see fit, and Swords are believed to have bases throughout the
arguably have the most effect on the galaxy as their Expanse, pirate havens where the Eldar can repair
Farseers work quietly behind the scenes to their vessels and horde their wealth. Though they are
manipulate the course of galactic events. Within the considered a fantasy by many, there are those who
Expanse, the Eldar of Craftworld Kaelor sometimes swear they have seen such places, sometimes built
make their presence known, protecting the ruins of around the hidden remains of Webway portals in the
their civilisation and furthering the unknowable deep asteroid fields of the Accused Demise or even
goals of their race. An Explorer plundering the lost under the noses of other aliens like the Orks of the
worlds of the Expanse is likely to cross paths with Undred-Undred Teef. More than once, Imperial
the Craftworld sooner or later should he lay claim to forces have launched endeavours with the aid of
worlds where Eldar ruins can be found. Rogue Traders to find these bases and destroy them,
These Eldar are quite different to the corsairs though to date no one has found definite proof of
and even to their dark kin, and function more their existence, and even their general location
like the Eldar of old, protecting their remains largely a mystery.
interests much as the Imperium
jealously guards its worlds.
Dead Gods Paths of the Eldar
Once the Eldar had many gods; each was an The Eldar mind can be a fractious thing, given to
aspect of their rich and diverse civilisation, and an extremes and excessive indulgences. In part, this
expression of the differing aspects of the Eldar was the root of the Eldars doom and the seed that
themselves. Among their numbers were counted gave birth to the cults and the destruction of their
Asuryan, the Phoenix King and lord of the Eldar empire. To harness this part of Eldar nature and use
gods; Vaul, the Smith and Creator; Isha of the it for more productive means, the inhabitants of
Harvest; Lileath, the Maiden of Dreams and Craftworlds choose to focus their attentions and
Fortune; and Morai-Heg, the Wise Crone. All of energies into specific areas, mastering a craft or
these were lost when the Eldar civilisation was vocation rather than let themselves be seduced by
destroyed, lost to the warp and to the memory and new sensations or distractions. These areas are
minds of countless Eldar. Only two have survived known to the Eldar as Paths, each a specialised role
into the present day: The Laughing God Cegorach, which an Eldar devotes his abilities to and masters
worshiped by the enigmatic Harlequins, and Kaela over the course of decades or even centuries of
Mensha Khaine, the Eldar god of war. It is said that training and practise. These Paths can vary greatly
when Slaanesh arose, Khaine was strong enough to within the society of the Craftworld, and
survive the battle, but in the process was rent into a encompasses all manner of trades and skills as well
thousand pieces and scattered across the void, where as all the arts of war. The Eldar Aspect Warriors are
he eventually came to rest in the heart of each of the built around the Paths, and an Eldar that chooses to
Craftworlds. These fragments are what give the become an Aspect Warrior, such as a Howling
Avatars their life and in this way the god lives on. Banshee or Striking Scorpion, does so at the expense
of everything else, until they have complete
understanding of their chosen means of combat.
Spirit Stones In the Expanse there is a shadowy facet of the Cold
The Paths are not the only practise born out of Trade which deals in such artefacts, and certain
the death of the Eldar empire, and not the only traders in Footfall pay high prices for a waystone
means the Eldar have of protecting themselves with the spirit of an Eldar inside. These curios are
from both their own natures and the hunger of the usually smuggled back into the Imperium to adorn
Chaos god they unleashed. When an Eldar dies, his the mantle of some decadent noble lord or lady, but
soul, like that of a humans, is cast off into the warp. the power a waystone holds can be used for darker
While a human soul retains nothing of its living purposes. For a Rogue Trader, dealing in spirit
consciousness, an Eldars mind is stronger both in stones is a dangerous game, and can draw the violent
will and psychic power and remains aware of its attention of both the Inquisition and the Eldar (who
terrible fate. Thus death, and being lost to the warp take a very dim view of those who would defile their
and the inevitable attentions of Slaanesh, is the most dead), not to mention the inherent risks of dealing
terrible end an Eldar can imagine. To avert this fate with the kinds of twisted individuals who would use
all Eldar wear a polished gemstone on their breast the stones for dark magic and warp sorcery. Just a
known as a waystone, which has been psychically few stones can bring immense profit, though, and
attuned to them in particular. When an Eldar dies, the lure of easy Thrones is often too much to ignore.
his or her spirit is then trapped in the waystone and
carried back to its Craftworld where it becomes part The Webway
of the wraithbone structure itself. Eldar Craftworlds can only travel slowly through
The suspended souls of a Craftworld are known the void and are incapable of the warp travel used by
as the Infinity Circuit and are one of the most the Imperium, and while Eldar vessels can and do
closely guarded secrets of the race. Together the make use of warp voyages they prefer not to, as it is
souls of the Infinity Circuit merge and mix over dangerous, unpredictable, and still relatively slow.
centuries as they exist in an eternal limbo accessible Instead, the Eldar use a far more sophisticated and
only by the most skilled and high-ranking of the mysterious method of travel across the stars and
Craftworlds Warlocks and Farseers. Though it is far between worlds known as the Webway. Created long
from an ideal existence, it is still preferable to the ago based on the teachings of the fabled Old Ones, it
fate which awaits them in the warpan eternity as is a network of gates which link worlds, sectors, and
playthings in the hands of hungry daemons and stars from one end of the galaxy to another. Each
vengeful gods. The Craftworld Eldar are not the Craftworld has its own gate, and therefore access to
only Eldar to use waystones, and both Corsairs and the network, which it uses to send men, materials,
Exodites also use them as a means of protection and even ships to far-flung destinations. The
from the warp after death. Webway also allows the Eldar incredible strategic
As can be imagined, the Eldar go to great freedom when fighting
lengths to recover a waystone lost to them, so that
the soul within can be properly saved from The Koronus Web
extinction or worse. Many a Rogue Trader The Expanse is littered with Eldar ruins waiting
unknowingly transporting harmless xenos gems to be plundered, from small and unnoticed temples
has found his ship left as ruined metal as Eldar to worlds where entire cities lie hidden by jungles,
raiders seek out any rumours of such items with ice, or seas. In many cases, these ruins and worlds
unrelenting prosecution. are difficult to reach or lie off the established warp
routes. Instead, they are tied together by the
Ghosts of the Expanse Webway, a system of gates which once connected
Eldar endeavour to see every waystone taken the entire Eldar empire together from one end of the
from a fallen member of their race returned to galaxy to the other. Rumour places Webway portals
their Craftworld and interred in the wraithbone in almost every region of the Expanse, from
vaults beneath its surface. In reality many are Winterscales Realm right out to the Halo Stars.
lost, either because there are no living Eldar Some Rogue Traders have even tried to map the
to collect them or because they are stolen by Koronus Web as humans know it, however more
greedy aliens or foes looking for trophies explorers disappear down its twisting paths than
or profit. return to tell the tale.
Regardless, the location of a functioning Webway Launchers and Projectiles
portal is an extraordinarily valuable piece of Eldar missile launchers use the same ancient
information, especially if it leads to a place which principles as human weapons, though they differ in
has yet to be exploited by the Imperium. Needless both size and design, and are almost universally
to say, the Eldar are very protective of the Webway lighter and easier to wield. They also use far more
and its secrets, and aggressively deal with any who advanced projectiles, missiles with massive
try and use it to plunder their worlds. destructive force at a fraction the size of anything
humanity can produce. Such is the difference in
Eldar Technology scale that Elder missile launchers rarely need to
Unlike the crude and primitive mechanisms of reload in battle, since their pods bristle with scores
the Imperium or the brutish and basic artefacts of of ordnance.
lesser alien races, the Eldar have refined their
technology to an almost perfect level. Using Laser Weaponry
psychotropic engineering, nearly all Eldar weapons, As with missile and plasma technology, Eldar
armour, ships, and even cities are crafted from long ago mastered the use of light as a weapon and
living plastics that respond to the user and are created some of the most advanced and effective
psychically attuned to the Eldar themselves. Crafted laser weapons known to the galaxy. From simple
largely from a substance known as wraithbone, pistols and guns to rapid repeating cannons, laser
Eldar technology is usually as beautiful as it is weapons make up a significant proportion of the
deadly, with smooth lines, ergonomic grips and Eldar arsenal. One of the things which makes these
sights, and lightweight design which puts the bulky weapons so effective is the perfection with which
and crude tech of humanity to shame. Eldar the Eldar craft their laser-focusing crystals, each one
weapons and armour are more grown than masterfully grown and polished to a flawless finish.
manufactured, often at the hands of skilled
Bonesingers, the architects of the Eldar cities and Monofilament Webs
masters of shaping the wraithbone. Each one is Many Eldar weapons, like the Shadow Weaver
crafted for a specific owner and made with his or cannon, fire clouds of monofilament fibres. These
her body in mind. An Eldars weapons or an Eldars terrible weapons enmesh the target in a tangle of
suit of armour are never as effective in the hands of almost-invisible wires which literally cut them to
a human as the Eldar it was created for, the pieces, either where they stand or as they try to
imprinted psychic purpose lost to the blunt mind of escape. Smaller weapons like the Harlequins Kiss
mankind. use similar principles, relying on coils of
Ostensibly, the weapons of the Eldar mirror monofilament wire to cut their foes to bloody ruin.
many of the effects of Imperial weapons, casting
bolts of plasma or sending out rays of burning
concentrated light. These are but cosmetic
similarities, howeverEldar weapons are
considerably more advanced in nature, and
considerably more deadly.
Close-Combat Weapons
Eldar make use of many kinds of close-combat
weapons, from mono-edged chain blades to
flickering, energy-wreathed swords and spears. Far
more advanced than their human counterparts,
each of these weapons is perfectly balanced and
keen edged, reducing the users reliance on
raw strength and allowing unparalleled
displays of finesse and skill at arms.
Plasma Weaponry Eldar Armour
Unlike the extremely hazardous plasma Wraithbone is also used to craft the armour of
weapons used by Imperial troops, the plasma the Eldar, from the light psycho-plastic suits worn
weapons of the Eldar are both sophisticated and safe by the Guardians to the heavier yet still flexible
to use. Long ago the Eldar mastered the use of plate version the Aspect Warriors wear in combat.
plasma technology, and this is no more evident than Like their weapons, each suit of armour is fitted for
in their Star Cannons and similar weapons, which its user, and responds to their psychic signature.
capture the fury of burning plasma in complex Lightweight and allowing unrivalled freedom of
containment fields while never risking overheating movement, it reacts to attacks by hardening before a
or explosion. blow lands, then becoming flexible once more. Eldar
do not just make use of personal armour; they also
Shuriken Weaponry use a variety of sophisticated fields and cloaking
Ranging in size from pistols and rifles up to devices on their persons, vehicles, and even their
vehicle mounted cannons and support weapons, starships, ranging from energy barriers and repulsion
shuriken catapults and casters work using the same auras to holographic mirages and
basic principle. Each has a clip of solid core distortion effects.
ammunition. When activated, the weapon then uses
high-energy pulses to shave off a mono-molecular Aspect Armour
shuriken from the solid ammunition core and The armour worn by elite Aspect Warriors and
fling it down the barrel at hyper velocities, cutting Autarchs is even more advanced than the usual Eldar
down all in its path. armour. These gem-studded, psycho-sensitive suits
are perfectly fitted for each wearer, with protection
Warp Based Weaponry designed to match the users combat mode. Aspect
Perhaps the most feared of all Eldar weaponry, Armour will vary with the Eldar wearing it.
these weapons manipulate reality itself, tearing
holes in the materium and flinging foes into the
madness and horror of the warp. Known as distort
cannons, commonly called D-Cannons, and used
primarily as support weapons (and by the silent and
terrible Wraithguard), these devices represent some
of the most advanced weapons used by the Eldar,
and are the most horrifying to behold in action.
Chapter 2: Eldar Warriors
Source Disclaimer: All lore in this section comes from the experience it affords them. Eldar are typically
Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily The Koronus
quicker and more coordinated than humans, and
though they are not especially more resilient to
Pitiless aliens all. Dont be fooled by their graceful injury, their speed coupled with their skill means
movements or soft voices; they might look a bit like us they often avoid harm by giving their foes only a
but they are every bit as dangerous as an Ork and will fraction of a second to react before they make their
kill you just as quick should it suit their purposes. own attack, be it a well-aimed shot from a Shuriken
Catapult or a swift stroke from a mono-bladed
Void Master Jaden Hoyt, Winterscales Lament chainsword.
An Eldars mind also works faster than that of a
At heart, every Eldar is a warrior. Throughout
humans and this, in conjunction with their natural
their long lives an Eldar treads many paths, most
speed and grace, also allows them to work
devoting themselves to one of the Aspects for a time
flawlessly when in combat groups, keeping avenues
and learning the arts of war much as they study their
of fire open for their companions and providing
ancient lore or master the crafts and skills of their
interlocking arcs of covering fire while at the same
ancestors. In this manner all Eldar are warriors, each
time outflanking and surrounding their foes before
one gifted with a knack for battle learnt through
they are aware of the danger. Many Imperial Guard
long years of practice and the benefits of a lifespan
squads have been overcome by Eldar warriors in this
far greater than that of a human. In fact, where a
way, the agile aliens taking the initative from the
human only masters a single vocation, be it soldier,
more sluggish human troops, sometimes even before
farmer, or scribe, an Eldar masters many and often
the humans are aware they have been engaged. This
to a degree which far exceeds a humans crude
manner of warfare is also central to the Eldars
ability. Combined with advanced technology and
mentality, for they shun the kind of attrition attacks,
the support of specialised troops in the form of the
and blunt, bloody assaults so common to humanity
Aspect Warriors, Eldar warriors are an able and
and many of the aggressive xenos of the Expanse.
resilient foe with a methodical approach to war
For the Eldar, each warrior is a valued individual,
focused on cunning and guile as much as brute
precious to their Craftworld or clan and not simply a
tally on a regimental roster to be expended like
While Eldar appear similar to humans in their
ammunition against the foe.
physiology, they are superior in many ways, not
counting their extended life spans and the additional
Craftworld Kaelor Guardians Any who travel beyond Footfall or systems
Eldar Guardians make up the bulk of the armies clustered around the mouth of the Maw run the risk
of Craftworld Kaelor and consist of citizens from of encountering either Crow Spirits or Twilight
every strata of its society. At some time or another Swords, clans known to ply the void throughout the
almost all Eldar serve as a Guardian and don armour Koronus Expanse. While they are often tarred with
and take up arms for their people. For some, this the same brush as human pirates or their own
may be a brief time in their lives (of course, brief sadistic dark kin the Dark Eldar (a detail lost on
for an Eldar may still cover many decades) before most void-farers), the Eldar Corsairs of the Expanse
they move on to other Paths, either equally martial do seem to possess a greater degree of honour and
(such as in the service of one of the Aspect Warrior purpose than would seem necessary for simple
Paths) or more focused on the crafts and culture of piracy. Though this is a distinction mostly irrelevant
their race. Unlike the common conscripts of to the crews of the ships which fall prey to them, it
humanity, Eldar Guardians come to their calling is one that certain captains and Rogue Traders
already armed with a wealth of knowledge of war especially have taken advantage of, making deals
and combat, which they then hone for many more with Corsairs or even enlisting their aid against
years, focusing on the task as only the mind of an greater foes.
Eldar can. This means that every Guardian is an It is also a mistake to think of Eldar Corsairs as
expert at his or her role within their squad and outcasts or pariahs from the Craftworld kin; they
capable of taking on other tasks should the need seem equally as invested in their races survival, and
arise. Eldar also possess more independence and just as interested in the pillaging of Eldar ruins or
initiative than human warriors, and while a human events which would adversely affect any of their
soldier has his individuality beaten out of him, the people, whether they are part of their Corsair clan or
Eldar embrace their uniqueness and accept that the not. This all contributes to make the motives of
false ranks so loved by humanity are but titles Eldar Corsairs mysterious at best, and while they
which do not especially empower or elevate the man might seem to be simple pirates, plundering alien
or woman who bears them. and Imperial shipping alike, there are usually deeper
The Eldar of Kaelor choose to become motives at work. For all the seeming randomness of
Guardians for their Craftworld because of a desire Corsair raids, they are usually following a well-laid
to protect their people, not because a far-off plan with far-reaching consequences.
monarch or unseen authority has commanded it so.
Where the forces of Craftworld Kaelor are found,
their Guardians are never far off, and for an
Explorer the presence of these Guardians is often
the first sign of the Craftworlds involvement,
representing a mobilisation of its populace to war.
In this way, the Eldar Guardians are much the same
across the galaxy as they are within the Expanse and
represent the few remaining people of a dying race
defending their species by turning to the ways of
Aspect Warriors
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section comes from the Rogue unseen Dark Reaper is watching over the
Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily the Koronus Bestiary. proceedings to ensure the safety of their charges.
The Dark Reapers are ensconced in the heaviest
Dark Reaper armour available to Eldar warriors. The thick plates
The warriors of the Dark Reaper temple are and reinforced strapping of their psycho-sensitive
among the most feared and mysterious known to the armour is adorned with weapon stabilisers and
Imperium. Personifying the aspects of their alien graceful limb supports. Those warriors in the
god as destroyer and harvester of souls, they are the Expanse wear gleaming black armour with bone
long arm of death incarnate, reaching forth from any accents; their helmets bear a signature skull motif,
distance to claim its victims. The Dark Reapers adorned with wide sensor wings to either side that
specialise in delivering a shower of precisely- house an array of targeting and tracking equipment.
argeted death across the battlefields of the galaxy, Warriors of this temple carry the large Reaper
often before their enemy knows it is under attack. Launcher into battle. It fires a fusillade of armour-
When the Eldar march to war, the Dark Reapers iercing missiles with such a withering number of
hold back behind the advancing lines, ready to lend shells that an entire area can be saturated with a
fire support across a wide front. Any concentration single salvo. Though smaller than the bulky Imperial
of enemy infantry or light vehicles can then be shells, each Reaper missile round can pierce all but
broken up and pummelled into submission from afar the strongest armour.
and prepared for the inevitable assault of the Eldar It is not entirely implausible that any number of
advance. The power of the Dark Reapers is such spectacular attacks occurring across the Expanse
that only the most heavily-armoured foes are even may have been the work of Dark Reapers. Lord
remotely safe. Many a Rogue Trader has been Veldire of House DeFrane, a Rogue Trader of dark
brought to ruin when a trusted retinue or expensive reputation, was in the process of completing
mercenary unit has descended into an alien admittedly hostile negotiations with trapped Eldar
landscape seeking xenos artefacts and treasures, dignitaries when his entire force was devastated by
only to be battered to pieces under the torrent of fire long-range cascading fire from a nearby tower.
unleashed by a team of Dark Reapers. Often when There were few survivors, and the attacking
Eldar dignitaries appear to conduct negotiations, an marksmen disappeared without a trace.
Fire Dragon
No Eldar Aspect Warriors revel more in
destruction than those who serve the temple of the
Fire Dragons. Taking as their totem the fierce, fire-
Breathing creatures of Eldar legend, they epitomise
the brutal, wanton destruction of war. When called
to arms their goal is the total annihilation of their
foes to the exclusion of all else.
In battle, the Fire Dragons are tasked primarily
with targeting enemy tanks and heavy installations.
Wielding their terribly effective fusion guns, these
elite warriors make a mockery of the heaviest
vehicle armour and the most wellprepared
fortifications. When these weapons are turned upon
regular infantry, the results are even more horrific.
While these warriors excel as demolition
experts, they may also be called in should a
transaction or negotiation turn bitter; few protective
armours, including the mighty Tactical Dreadnought
Armour of the Adeptus Astartes, can withstand the
concerted attention of the Fire Dragons.
Those Fire Dragons operating in the Expanse
wear mediumweight armour, made from the same
psycho-sensitive material used by other Aspect
Warriors. It is usually coloured in fiery hues of
muted reds and golds, then studded with rubies and
carnelians. Their dreaded fusion gun allows them to
bring this fire to their enemies, fuelled by the heat
of the very stars themselves. These weapons are
capable of reducing flesh and armour to molten slag
in moments, and only its relatively short range
mitigates its lethality in combat.
Fire Dragons are so skilled with their chosen
weapons that they are capable of using the Eldar
version of a melta-bomb at a distance. They are able
to throw these explosives in such a way that the
shaped charge is still effective, visiting focused
devastation upon the target from a relatively safe
Rumours abound of Rogue Traders who run
afoul of Eldar dignitaries finding themselves
stranded after the sudden and brilliant destruction of
their transportation. Baron Torvald Binder, a Rogue
Trader late of Faldon Kise in the Calixis Sector,
found out firsthand how treacherous the Eldar can
be when he arranged a meeting with a particularly
elusive Autarch on the desiccated ruins of
Jerazol. Binder left his Aquila lander in a
sheltered vale for the meeting, only to have
his negotiating position severely weakened
with its fiery destruction moments later.
Howling Banshee Recently, rumours have intensified though of tall,
The alluring and mysterious Eldar warriors of lithe figures half-glimpsed escaping from fresh
the Howling Banshee temples style themselves after atrocities across the Accursed Demesne. Strange
a fearful figure in Eldar legend, a terrifying shrieks have been reported echoing down the halls
harbinger of woe and death whose horrific shriek of understaffed research and observations stations
can separate body from soul. In battle, they embody across the region, and entire lines of investigation
the very essence of the swift and artistic fatal strike. have been halted as specialists scattered throughout
To witness a Howling Banshee in melee is to see the the Expanse have died mysterious and often bloody
personification of precision and efficiency in deadly deaths.
The Howling Banshees fight like a
choreographed team, gliding across contested
terrain and striking the opponents strongest
infantry, sowing confusion and disruption. With
their terrifying shrieks echoing across the devastated
landscape, often their mere appearance is enough to
cause an enemy commander to quit the battlefield.
The characteristic bodysuit armour of the
Howling Banshee temple is lighter than other
Aspect Warriors, allowing for more freedom of
movement but retaining the characteristic flexibility
and rigid defence when struck. Within the Expanse
these warriors are almost always clad in dull ivories
and subdued reds, reminiscent of bones and blood.
Unlike other temples, they are exclusively female.
The Howling Banshees carry a shuriken pistol
and the graceful Banshee power sword into battle,
but their emblematic wargear is the Banshee Mask
built into their helmets. This mask contains an array
of psychosonic amplifiers that intensifies their
distinctive battlecry into a devastating weapon.
Crushing waves of sound and psychic force hammer
the target, stunning and even causing horrifying
neural damage to their foes. The xenos then step in
for the kill; tavern tales in Port Wander speak of the
Howling Banshees dancing about downed
opponents, awaiting the perfect moment for the
elegant final blow.
In the Koronus Expanse, the only verified
sightings of the Howling Banshees have been in the
retinues of Eldar commanders. They are used
primarily as bodyguards in sensitive situations and
in circumstances where the beauty of these
primarily female warriors can pose a useful tactical
distraction. Most traders dismiss tales of the
Howling Banshees acting as assassins to eliminate
key personnel or security assets as pure
speculation and unsubstantiated gossip,
designed to thwart profitable business
Shadow Spectre xenos present, the more deadly their impact, and few
Honestly! Being spooked by a few unknown xenos armours are proof against their wrath.
skulking around near the dig site! That hill is hundreds Scholars can only speculate regarding these warriors
of metres away, and at that range, a few infantry can armour and weapons, but much can be guessed from
hardly pose a threat to - what the Imperium knows of Eldar capabilities in
-Final words of Alek Lir, Excavator Engine Driver general. It can be assumed that the Shadow Spectres don
light psycho-sensitive armour for battle, given the
In recent decades in the Expanse, tales have spread reports of their manoeuvrability and airborne
of spectral forces that bring destruction down upon even movements. Most tales in the Expanse have them in soft
the most well prepared party, especially along the Rifts grey or faded white armour, with pale streamers and
of Hecaton. Accounts have circulated of established tattered robes that trail behind them as they drift upon
Rogue Traders and their retinues destroyed by half-seen, the wind.
floating figures garbed in pale robes. Imperial Their weapon appears to be a laser rifle variant of the
xenographers have now begun to connect these reports crystalline cannons found on their heavy grav-tanks,
with the whispered tales of the Shadow Spectres, called a Prism Rifle. These smaller weapons share many
perhaps the least well-documented of the Eldar Aspect traits with the Eldar Lasblaster, with the additional
Warriors. ability to somehow link together for more power and
There are no substantiated sighting of these xenos range; this may explain the wildly varying reports of the
warriors in the Expanse, and all reports seem more the weapons efficacy in combat reports. Shadow Spectres
result of poor quality amasec than reputable accounts. also appear to employ a form of mobility via xenos jet
They tell of ethereal figures, floating gently in midair, packs, given the reports of sustained flight.
that appear out of nowhere to unleash devastating Many xenos scholars hold that these aspect warriors
firepower and then disappear again, leaving only represent the righteous vengeance of the unquiet dead. It
burning wreckage behind. All tales agree that the more is possible these warriors are used in other roles than
battlefield terror weapons, but as of yet there are none
who have lived to speak of them.
Striking Scorpion Rumours have circulated for the last several
The Eldar of the Striking Scorpion Temple years of Striking Scorpions infiltrating various
epitomise stealth and force in warfare. installations, neutralising guards or outright
Exemplifying the strategies of clandestine activity destroying colonies that have unknowingly incurred
and overpowering strength in battle, these highly the Eldars wrath. On the fringes of the Expanse
trained close combat troops wield the dual weapons there are tales of mysterious armoured figures
of force and surprise in service to their mysterious guarding seemingly innocuous ruins or ancient battle
homeworlds. sites. Those who venture too close to learn more are
On the battlefield, Striking Scorpions often rarely heard from again. Further rumours even
infiltrate the enemys rear and strike targets essential accuse Striking Scorpions of eliminating various
to strategic operations. Attacking from the shadows, members of the Adeptus Mechanicus and other
they also target well-armoured enemy infantry, Imperial organisations during their travels through
bringing them down in a welter of blood, spinning the Expanse.
monomolecular disks, and roar of chainswords.
An Aspect Warrior is never seen without its
distinctive gear, always in colours and designs that
indicate the warriors temple, craftworld, and rank.
Striking Scorpions wear a heavy, plated suit of
psycho-sensitive armour that conforms to their
bodies fluid motions but turns rigid when struck.
Examples sighted in the Expanse have typically
been a muted green and gold, perhaps to aid with
This uniformity extends to their weaponry as
well. Striking Scorpions almost exclusively wield
an Eldar Shuriken Pistol and Scorpion Chainsword,
the latter a deceptively fragile appearing blade that
issues a soft and menacing roar as it slices foes
apart. The signature weapon of every Striking
Scorpion, however, is the Mandiblaster. Located on
either side of the warriors helmet, these weapons
fire in tandem to launch a fusillade of needlelike
crystals in a rain of accelerating lasers, erupting in a
devastating plasma discharge. Activated through a
neural link within the armour, these weapons can
bring a foeman to his knees before combat is even
Most Aspect Warriors witnessed so far have
been in service to high-ranking Eldar officials
working for the Eldar Craftworlds rather than in full
scale combat. These officials, both the mysterious
Farseers and the more straightforward Autarchs, are
often accompanied by retinues of Eldar warriors to
serve them in their quests and dealings. There
have have been whispers, however, of these
warriors being put to more direct uses.
Swooping Hawk Aside from the impressive wings that sweep up
Vengeance and retribution are constant themes from their shoulders, each made up of thousands of
within Eldar legends, and the root philosophy feather-like gravitic plates, the Swooping Hawks of
behind many Aspect Warrior temples. The temple of the Expanse are often identified by their usual light
the Swooping Hawks takes as its totem a creature of armour of lacquered blues and turquoise, polished to
great beauty and grace whose purpose within the a rich lustre with accents of white or bone, though
mythology is to swoop down upon oath-breakers other colours have appeared. Their primary weapon
and traitors, and destroy them in a whirling display is the Lasblaster, a refined and elegant energy rifle
of retaliatory justice. far more efficient and powerful than the standard
Across countless battlefields, the Swooping Imperial lasgun. In addition, the Swooping Hawks
Hawks use their agility and speed to reconnoitre also carry small micro-grenade packs that can drop
ahead of the main Eldar advance, often striking at devastating explosives down upon their targets in
the enemys weakest points far behind the mid-flight.
battlefront. Using their dreaded grenade packs and Though they lack the sheer power of some other
the saturating fire of their lasblasters, these warriors temples, the Swooping Hawks use of harassing
can threaten any enemy asset anywhere on the field. attack from above makes them terrible foes.
The Swooping Hawks flight also allows him to Explorers operating around the Accursed Demesne
access areas other, less mobile, searchers would find whisper tales of the fate of archaeologist Haddracke
hard to reach. Oftentimes these xenos are seen Cain. Cain and his band of servitors and
soaring around the cyclopean ruins of ancient xenos debt-labourers landed on the dead world of
civilisations, or delving deep into enormous craters Melbethe in search of xenos artefacts, but were
and fissures in the crusts of dead, desiccated worlds. ambushed while deep within the Abyssal Maze.
It is not known what these warriors are seeking, but Their path to safety became strewn with the bodies
only the most intrepid explorers would dare to of their fallen, riddled with las-burnsone by one as
investigate. they fled. Cains body was never found.
Warp Spider Warp Spiders in the Koronus Expanse have
One of the strangest tales of the Eldar typically been sighted amidst Eldar enclaves that
Craftworlds is of creatures living in the fabric of have recently appeared on unsettled planets, perhaps
each vessels infinity circuit, defending against as part of exploration expeditions. As with many
warp incursions as they travel through the Aspect Warriors, while tales of increasing activity
Empyrean. Referred to as Warp Spiders, these have multiplied, there are few concrete reports.
creatures are said to melt into the infinity circuit, Rumours of Rogue Traders isolated by the sudden
travelling throughout the ships and appearing and messy deaths of their entourages before
wherever they are needed. negotiations with the xenos, or of personnel in
The Warp Spider Aspect Warriors epitomise the various securely-locked observation stations across
doctrine of swift and aggressive defence personified the Expanse brutally murdered at their work stations,
by their totem creature. Much like the Warp Spiders are typical.
of their itinerant homes, these xenos exemplify
sudden and terrible attacks from unanticipated or
unknown quarters, counterattacking with silent,
vicious effectiveness.
In battle, the Warp Spiders use arcane
technology to circumvent enemy defences or
frontline formations to make precise, targeted
attacks at the most significant threats. With their
terrible weapons and silent materializations inside
the most secure areas, they cause confusion and
terror across a broad front of enemy advance,
attacking where the foe is most vulnerable and
disappearing before a counter strike can be
Warp Spiders operating in the Expanse are
easily identified by their large suits of armour. Wide
shoulders house the specialised Warp Jump
Generator that allows them to make a mockery of
any readied defence. Their primary weapon is the
Death Spinner, which spools a ball of monofilament
wire into a temporary suspension field at the muzzle
of the weapon, then hurls the deadly snarl at its
target. Although relatively short-ranged, the effect
of these whispers of xenos razor-sharp wire is
horrifying as it slices through entangled flesh and
bone. The more the victim struggles to get free, the
more the filaments cut deeper until there is little to
recognise as the original target.
Their most unique wargear is their Warp Jump
Generator. This arcane technology allows the
warrior to make short, controlled warp jumps in a
much more precise and predictable manner than any
fielded by Imperial forces. There is still a deadly
element of risk involved in each jump, however;
there are reports of these warriors sometimes
teleporting into solid objects or even other
soldiers with spectacularly fatal results.
Aspect Commanders
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is from the Rogue as military advisors to a Farseer on the rare
Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily the Koronus Bestiary. occasions when these highest of Eldar leaders appear
among humans. When Eldar parties venture off on
Autarch their own, often seeming to pursue knowledge or
Compared to humans, the Eldar are incredibly artefacts of ancient providence, an Autarch often
long-lived. In the ancient past, this xenos race leads these small teams on particularly important
learned the dangers of unfettered indulgence, much missions. Sometimes an Autarch ventures forth on
to their loss, and so their society is now rigidly his own in search of information or historical data to
structured around the concept of the Paths of Life. further their military studies.
Over the course of their long lives, Eldar choose The armour and weapons of the Autarchs are
many different Paths, not moving onto another until second to none among xenos warriors already
they have mastered their current choice. The Paths famous for wielding some of the most lethal
most familiar to Imperial scholars are the Paths of equipment known to the Imperium. Protected from
the Warrior and the Paths of the Seer. head to toe in intricately-decorated psychosensitive
Following the Paths of the Warrior, an Eldar bone plate glittering with multi-coloured gems of
choose one Warrior Aspect of their war god, Kaela dazzling quality, the Autarch is also warded by the
Mensha Khaine, and pursue it to total mastery. Most most advanced personal forceshields to be found in
of these warriors then put aside their armour and the Expanse. The colour of this elaborate armour
weapons and pursue a new Path, completely varies from one individual to the next, perhaps to
unrelated to warfare and violence. Rarely, an Aspect denote rank, personal history, or various possible
Warrior becomes lost on the Path, forever trapped allegiances. The training and status of the individual
within the pursuit of martial superiority; these so armed and armoured is among the best and
warriors become the dreaded Exarchs, the leaders highest, as they are masters of almost every Eldar
and high priests of the Warrior Temples. weapon or piece of wargear available.
Even rarer, however, are those Eldar that do not Autarchs are thought to be rare in the Koronus
become lost along the Warrior Path, but rather Expanse, with confirmed sightings only within the
develop a deep fascination with all elements of last few decades. They seem to be guiding some sort
warfare and conflict. Often these Eldar master one of concerted effort, often investigating events or
Warrior Path only to leap to a different Warrior phenomenon or exploring various regions. Other
Path, mastering that as well. Frequently they master times they attempt to negotiate or forcibly acquire
many different Paths, becoming utter experts in the the return or access to various artefacts of ancient
Eldar arts of war. They develop a passion for wider xenos origin. Xenographers agree the Autarchs
tactical studies and elaborate strategic planning. appear to have become more aggressive, acting
Specialists and scholars in all forms of warfare and openly to dissuade human exploration in certain
conflict, these Eldar attain the highest military rank systems even as they delve deeper themselves.
for any of the Craftworld warriors: the Autarch.
On the battlefield these beings are the supreme
commanders of the Eldar warhosts. An Autarch
oversees every battle from its initial planning stages
to the final, killing blow. Despite maintaining a
wider view of events, the Autarch is still a fearsome
warrior in his own right. Because of their
background on the Path of the Warrior across many
different temples, the Autarch is familiar with a
dizzying array of weapons and wargear, and can
easily adapt to whatever roles the current battle
In recent experience within the Koronus
Expanse, Autarchs have often served as the lead
negotiators when Eldar consent to address
humans directly. In larger parties led by the
vaunted Eldar psychic leadership, these
consummate warriors have been seen acting
Legendary Autarchs of the Koronus Expanse Most elusive and mysterious of all Autarchs,
Among the most infamous Autarchs operating in however, is Surinthiel Mihrendelas, the Collector.
the Expanse is Athanwe Illunivar, Scourge of From Port Wander to the Rifts of Hecaton, from the
Serator Prime. Terrible in his defence of the Eldar, Frozen Sisters to Aubrays Anvil, Mihrendelas can
their ancient sites, and their artefacts, Illunivar has be found, tracking down rumours and legends of
brought many an inquisitive Rogue Trader to ruin. ancient xenos artefacts. Ruthless in the extreme, no
In recent history, Illunivar appears to have become a price is too high and no sacrifice too great in the
major guardian of sites and locations sacred to the pursuit of these artefacts.
Eldar, in particular throughout Winterscales Realm. Several Rogue Traders have been utterly ruined
Illunivars complete destruction of the Rogue through the acts of Mihrendelas, their only crime
Trader Pietro Ironarms flotilla in orbit around being in his way. Renowned Rogue Trader Bradfreid
Valcettis Salvation marked the intensifying of Eldar Craven was rendered all but destitute when he was
aggression in the region. Ironarms flotilla had stranded on Solace Encarmine, his ship destroyed in
followed years of research that indicated the hidden orbit when Mihrendelas created a new asteroid field
location of an ancient xenos crash site on Salvation. from the planets third moon in search of a
Soon after the first survey craft had landed, legendary artefact. No one knows if the xenos was
however, a wave of Eldar assault ships attacked, successful or not.
destroying all of the ships in orbit. The Rogue
Traders forces still on the ground were annihilated
by an overwhelming force of Aspect Warriors, led
by Illunivar himself, his Swooping Hawk Wings
allowing him to descend upon Ironarm as he fled
into the desert.
More insidiously dangerous is Autarch
Nyathuren Kithmenras, the Wandering Scholar.
Most often alone, she travels from planet to planet
compiling a collection of all knowledge concerning
ancient battles. All of her research revolves around
mankinds earliest wars within the region, and she
has amassed vast amounts of knowledge from that
period, but she does not part with her wisdom
lightly. To beg for her assistance is often more
dangerous than to meet her in open combat. A
Rogue Trader desperate enough to brave the
Scholars wrath, however, may seek out Kith- enras
when all other options have been exhausted, but
most come to regret the decision.
After years of fruitless searching for any news
regarding his fathers lost fleet, Rogue Trader Josef
Sendaarin sought the guidance of Kith-menras.
Though she proved almost as elusive as the
information he originally hunted, Sendaarin finally
tracked down the Eldar war-sage on the battlefield
world of Zayth. None know the price she exacted
from this desperate scion of a once-noble family,
but he returned to Port Wander a broken man and
has not spoken of his father since.
The Dire Tides of War
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this sections is from the Rogue The Wraithcannon uses unknown xenos
Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily the Koronus Bestiary. technology to fire unstable matter, opening a small
warp rift at the target in a wide variety of effects.
Wraithguard These can range from messy implosions to a sudden
Rarely seen by humans, the Wraithguard are and complete disappearance as the foe is dragged
thought to be very uncommon to the Expanse. Tales into the warp forever. No armour has ever been
from distant battlefields, though, talk of these found to be effective against this weapon, and only
animated hulking constructs forming implacable its relatively short range and long recycle time offer
waves, moving inexorably across blasted any hope at all to forces arrayed against the
landscapes, ignoring all but the most potent attacks Wraithguard. Its power source is unknown; all that
and bearing terrifying weapons capable of can be determined is that once removed from its
obliterating any man-made substance. bearer, the weapon becomes nothing more than
Xenographers believe the Wraithguard are interesting but useless xenos sculpture.
almost never utilised except in times of desperate In the Koronus Expanse, Wraithguard have been
war. It is known that the Eldar look upon their sighted acting as silent bodyguards for the most
deployment with sadness and regret. However, the important Eldar psykers. When these dignitaries
most rapacious Rogue Trader would have to think deign to meet with humans, they are often flanked
twice about crossing any Eldar who is guarded by by two Wraithguard standing eerily in the
these tireless sentinels and their gruesome weapons. background. Few confirmed records exist of
Constructed from the same psychoplastic, bone- Wraithguard being used in actual combat, though
like material as the larger Wraithlords, Wraithguard this could be due to a lack of survivors in the case
share the same basic design, down to the beautiful of such encounters. Despite this, enough rumours
gems scattered across the armour. Although not as abound of the efficacy of their weaponry and
powerful or implacable as a Wraithlord, the fear their fearsome abilities to firmly establish
inspired by these lesser cousins is no less severe due their reputation.
to their unique weapon, the Wraithcannon.
History abounds with tales of enormous statues
magically coming to life in defence of primeval
crypts or to avenge ancient wrongs. The image of
these towering constructs shuddering into animation
is ingrained in the human psyche, and explains the
visceral reaction most Explorers have when first
encountering the Wraithlords.
A graceful statue of Eldar manufacture, each
Wraithlord is encrusted in glittering gemstones and
scrolling alien glyphs. With a smooth, featureless
head sweeping back from broad, fragile-seeming
shoulders, the inhumanity of the gigantic statue is
immediately evident. Their armour is decorated by
arrays of gleaming precious stones, which Imperial
scholars believe both power and guide these
daunting constructs. A Wraithlords seemingly
delicate armour is nearly impossible to breach
without the heaviest of military-grade weapons, and
in battle they form mobile strong points,
spearheading assaults as they lead elite Eldar
warriors against their foes.
Sightings of Eldar Wraithlords in the Koronus
Expanse are exceedingly rare. In skirmishes with
security forces or indigenous feral enclaves, a
Wraithlord dominates the encounter, presenting an
almost unstoppable threat. Often local authorities
have assumed these towering figures were mere
statuary, only to be proven horribly wrong as they
awakened with a fearsome array of weaponry and Wraithlords are entirely constructed of a
deadly purpose. psychoplastic, bone-like material. Those few
specimens that have been seen in the Expanse are a
uniform bone colour, with ribbons or streamers of
light blue hanging from various points. They do not
appear to be armed uniformly; various sightings
have reported shuriken weaponry, flamers, an array
of heavy weapons, and even massive swords
wielded with alarming grace and skill.
The vast majority of humans in the Expanse
have heard only the vaguest whispers about these
towering devices. Most information comes from
disabled Imperial Guard personnel who have left the
Imperium behind for a life beyond Port Wander.
These veterans tell soul-shivering tales of massive
figures visiting destruction all around them with
blasts of vile xenos power and sweeps of their huge
blades. It is said that even the mightiest warriors of
the Expanse should rethink their battleplans should
they find themselves facing such a foe.
Chapter 3: Eldar Presence in the Expanse
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from the A Sundered People
Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily Edge of the Abyss. For around ten thousand years, the Eldar have
been a scattered and divided species, surviving
Too often, the meddling of humanity uncovers things it within myriad Craftworlds, Corsair fleets, Exodite
should not know, your kinds base thoughts unclouded by
regret and driven only by reckless ambition. I think the colonies and in other places besides. As time has
universe would thank me if I killed you now, before you passed, each of these groups have found their own
can do any greater harm. identities and become different from the others, and
Caedovir Oriosrith of Iliasanaes Weeping while a common racial heritage is shared by all,
disagreements and differing goals can cause further
The Eldar are amongst the oldest remaining division between the different kindreds and factions
species in the galaxy, with some suggesting that of the Eldar.
they may have existed for millions of years before This is not only the case on a galactic scale, but
Mankind built its fi rst stone tools. It is thought that, on a more local one as well. Within the Koronus
at one point, the Eldar ruled an empire of such size Expanse, there are at least four distinct groups of
and might that it would dwarf the Imperium of Man. Eldar, in addition to those who cannot be identifi ed
However, for reasons none but the Eldar themselves as belonging to any one of those groups. These four
know, it collapsed, leaving the Eldar scattered groups are the Eldar of Craftworld Kaelor, their
across the galaxy, a pale refl ection of their former pirate kin the Twilight Sword Corsairs, the savage
might. For all they have lost, however, the Eldar are and mysterious Children of Thorns, and the
still powerful, possessing sophisticated technology enigmatic Crow Spirits. While these factions seldom
and powerful psykers reputed to be able to tell the come to blowsor at least, such kinstrife, as the
future with uncanny accuracy, and graced with an Eldar call this form of internecine warfare, is seldom
ageless talent for warfare and voidfaring that makes observedthey appear to have very different goals
them deadly in spite of their depleted numbers. and motivations, making cooperation just as
Within the Calixis Sector the Eldar have unlikely.
historically been a rare sight, with artefacts scattered
across the region capable of projecting psychic Craftworld Kaelor
beacons that warn others away. Many have Distant and isolated even by the standards of the
wondered if the Eldar consider the place cursed, and Craftworlds, Kaelor lingers on the edge of the
why such an ancient and powerful species would be galaxy, passing through the Calixis Sector only once
reluctant to travel there. Nonetheless, the Eldar do in a millennium. As that time draws near once again,
pass through Calixis at times, but seem to frequent Kaelor sends warriors out into the Koronus Expanse,
the Expanse more. Several distinct factions seem to for its Farseers have seen something approaching,
call the Koronus Expanse their home. For the most something wreathed in shadows that their sight
part, they choose not to involve themselves in local cannot penetrate, which promises only doom for
matters, seldom dealing with humanity save where those that cross its path.
it is absolutely necessary, and even then only for Already, several of its outposts and a number of
brief periods, often with bloodshed rather than with the Maiden Worlds under its protection have
negotiations. suffered sudden and catastrophic losses, leaving
Yet, in spite of their typically isolationist them utterly devoid of inhabitants and deathly silent
attitude, the Eldar within the Koronus Expanse are save for the psychic echoes of something in great
getting bolder and sightings of their craft are pain. In the last few decades, sightings of Eldar
becoming more frequent. It is whispered that so wearing Kaelors crimson and orange livery within
long-lived a species cannot act without great the Koronus Expanse have increased dramatically,
forethought, and that the Eldar do not do things particularly within the Heathen Stars region.
without a reason, even if that reason may not be
understood by man. Something is drawing them to
the Expanse against their better judgement and
the advice of their forebears, and few would
be foolhardy enough to say that their
presence heralds something good.
The most prominent leader of the Craftworld is Methods of War
Farseer ElaAshbel, an especially gifted and The Kaelor Craftworld warhost follows a
powerful psyker. Blinded at a young age during a doctrine of aggressive defence, preferring to strike
confrontation with Chaos Space Marines of the hard and fade away before the enemy can gain the
Word Bearers Legion, she sheds tears of blood when initiative. Kaelor possesses many shrines to the
she manifests her potent psychic abilities. Warp Spider Aspect Warriors. These Eldar wear a
ElaAshbel has a long history of manipulating heavily armoured suit containing a short-range warp
humans and using agents of the Imperium as her jump teleporter device. Warp Spiders follow a
cats-paws, often drawing them into conflicts that philosophy of war that perfectly matches Kaelors
inexorably lead along paths of fate she has foreseen approach, attacking and then vanishing in the blink
that lead towards the eventual benefit of Craftworld of an eye. The Kaelor warhost also contains a large
Kaelor. number of fast vehicles, including many grav-
Craftworld Kaelor seems to have an especially vehicles such as Falcons and Vypers. It is not
close tie to a band of Eldar Corsairs known as the unknown for ElaAshbel to lead her kin in battle,
Twilight Swords. These piratical Eldar primarily riding a custom Vyper where her psychic powers can
operate in the Koronus Expanse, occasionally have the greatest effect upon the enemy.
assisted by Kaelor Aspect Warriors or supported by Although the Kaelor warhost generally avoids
Kaelor Dragonships. What Kaelor gains from this engaging the enemy with their full force unless
relationship is an enigma, although some in the absolutely necessary, they are quite proactive and
Ordo Xenos conjecture that ElaAshbel has made a aggressive when following the visions and
pact with the Twilight Swords wherein the Corsairs prophecies of their Farseer, ElaAshbel. Under
serve in the role of a stalking horse, drawing out ElaAshbels guidance, Kaelors forces do not
potential enemies and scouting ahead for the forces generally seek out conflict against the Imperium,
of the Craftworld. The Farseer may, in fact, be using preferring to use deceit and guile to mislead such
the Corsairs for her own purposes, as she has been Imperial forces that they encounter. When forced
carefully directing their efforts in a search pattern into battle, however, the Kaelor warhost attacks
throughout the Expanse. Exactly what, or whom, without mercy.
she is searching for is so far unknown. Unlike some other Eldar Craftworlds, who may
see a host of equal threats in a hostile galaxy, Kaelor
Survivors of Strife regards the Chaos powers as the most dire. The
The Eldar of Craftworld Kaelor are more aware Farseers of Kaelor actively oppose the forces of
than most of the consequences of straying from the Chaos, and they often guide the dragonships and
Eldar path of discipline and control. Over three Aspect Warriors of their kin to skirmishes and
thousand years ago, the Craftworld was engulfed in assaults that serve to hinder the servants of the Dark
a divisive conflict amongst its own people. Many Gods.
Eldar had turned away from the paths and instead
sought their own pleasures, a dark echo of the same
behaviour that had heralded the Eldar races fall
from grace and the birth of the Dark God, Slaanesh.
This conflict was eventually brought to an end, and
the Craftworld united, but the Eldar consider this
event a most recent and distressful portion of their
Thus, Kaelor is now home to a very pragmatic
and dedicated populace, each with a keen
understanding of their own relative vulnerability.
This has led the Eldar of the Craftworld to be very
loathe to take risks unless forced into action, their
outlook upon the universe coloured with
caution and tempered with ruthless
applications of practicality.
A Fateful Meeting The Twilight Swords
Millenia ago on the planet Tyrine, ElaAshbel The Twilight Swords Corsairs have always been
confronted the Chaos Space Marine Kor Phaeron, a a presence within the Koronus Expanse, for as long
Dark Apostle of the World Bearers Legion. This was as humans have explored there. Their distinctively-
to be a most fateful encounter, for neither the Eldar coloured livery has often been an uncertain omen for
Farseer or the ancient Chaos Marine emerged other travellers, as the Twilight Swords are known to
unscathed. ElaAshbel lost her physical sight, but be as often friend as foe, though one thing is always
gained a great insight into both her own abilities and certainthey never appear for peaceful reasons.
the Dark Gods who guide the Word Bearers in their Many Rogue Traders have found their fortunes
unholy crusade. Kor Phaeron, in contrast, was left bolstered or saved by the intervention of Twilight
with a deep and abiding hatred of the Eldar, a thirst Swords vessels at a crucial juncture, only to see the
for vengeance that still burns brightly within his Corsairs vanish as the battle is won, or to linger only
hearts centuries later. to pass on some cryptic message. At other times,
they have appeared to cripple or crush a Rogue
The Children of the Thorns Traders aspirations, taking to battle for only the
Perhaps unusually, the Eldar pirates known as briefest of times before disappearing from augurs
the Children of Thorns seem completely oblivious altogether.
to whatever it is that has the other Eldar factions so Many see them as being guided by some
concernedoblivious, or entirely uncaring. This prophetic witch, for the Eldar are known to employ
faction seems to stand aloof from other Eldar, not such methods extensively, overseeing some grand
deigning to involve itself in their business. plan several millennia in the making. Others see
However, even they seem to be arriving in the their attacks and assistance as little more than the
Expanse with greater frequency in the last century work of a spiteful and capricious mind, revelling in
or are simply becoming bolder in their attacks the power to shape lives at a whim. The truth is both
and raids. of these.
Vicious and sadistic even by the standards of At the leadership of Caeluthin Baharrudor and
their kind, the Children of Thorns are said to prize his predecessor, the Twilight Swords have struck as
stealth and surprise over all other strategies, and when they desire for no reason other than that
ensuring that attacks can rarely be defended against they desire it, driven by their moods and their
as fleets of lightning-fast black-hulled raiders inclination towards thrill-seeking. Yet, amidst this,
appear from nowhere bearing hosts of shrieking, many Twilight Swords are former citizens of Kaelor,
darkly graceful beings who seem to desire only to and still have some loyalty for their old home,
inflict bloodshed and pain. willing to accept the advice and the guidance of one
Few humans have faced the Children of Thorns of its Farseers from time to time. At Kaelors
and lived, but those lucky survivors report seeing direction, the Twilight Swords have halted the
tall, gaunt figures, enclosed fully in black armour advance of many human expeditions that would lead
covered in barbs and blades. They whimper about them to precious maiden worlds or hidden colonies.
the capricious maliciousness of their foe, how they The connections between the Twilight Swords
vanish as quickly as they appear, and how many of and Kaelor have become increasingly apparent as
their victims seem to vanish with them. the latter has become a greater presence in the
Disturbingly, the Children of Thorns appear to have Koronus Expanse, and Twilight Swords vessels have
grown bolder in recent years, appearing more been seen supporting Kaelor ground troops with
frequently and hiring out their services to ever-greater regularity. Amidst this, the Twilight
unscrupulous humans, promising ruination to their Swords have worked to retain their independence,
erstwhile allys enemies in exchange for... striking out at their own targets with greater
something. Nobody is entirely certain what it is that frequency than they have in the past.
the Children of Thorns accept in payment, for no Over the last few decades, the traditionally
man will admit to hiring them, but more than a gleeful nature of the Twilight Swords has taken a
few colonists have been redirected from their dark turn. They, like their brethren on Kaelor,
intended destinations, never to be seen have seen signs of something vast and terrible
again. coming, and desire to avert its arrival.
The shock of discovering so great a threat so close This viewpoint conflicts with the guidance of
at hand has shaken them from complacency, and ElaAshbel of Craftworld Kaelor, and is the cause of
now they look upon the Koronus Expanse to see contention as the two sides work together more
what is actually there, and shudder at the thought often. It is possible that the Farseers council may
that they could have missed so much. The rising tide moderate Caeluthins viewsor that her preference
of Chaos, the gathering hordes of the Orks, and the to use humanity to further Eldar goals may have
nascent menace of the RakGol all pose a threat to
the Eldar within the Koronus Expanse, and the
Twilight Swords are becoming desperate to do
something about it. With their brethren from Kaelor,
the Twilight Swords make plans to strike their
opponents and establish their dominance in the
Koronus Expanse, while preparing to face the
greater threat to come.
The Crow Spirits: Murderous Spectres In their long years fighting Eldar Corsairs, some
Alongside the Twilight Swords, the Crow Navy officers have encountered large Eldar void-
Spirits have been a constant presence in the stations. One of these Haven-class spires could
Koronus Expanse since before the Imperium first serve as a base for extended periods of time, and be
discovered it. However, where the Twilight Swords hidden in almost any star system or vast nebula.
have demonstrated at least some signs of As with both the forces of the Craftworld Kaelor
benevolence towards mankind, even if that and the Twilight Swords Corsairs, the Crow Spirits
benevolence is fickle, the Crow Spirits are nothing have become even more active in the last few
but hostile. decades, as if some part of their unknown plan was
Ever since humanity has ventured into the approaching a crucial point, or perhaps as if some
Koronus Expanse, the Crow Spirits have struck at event had spurred them to greater action. However,
them with unerring precision and a cold and many of their recent actions have been just as
calculating wrath that seems to possess no source perplexing as the pattern of their attacks. On a dozen
nor be directed at any individual. Not every human occasions within the last thirty years, Crow Spirits
to travel the Expanse is targetedindeed, only a ships have been sighted in direct and vicious confl
minority suffer that misfortunenor are those who ict with ships of other Eldar, most frequently those
voyage to worlds identified as having significance of the Children of Thorns, but occasionally those of
to the Eldar targeted consistently. Whatever guides the Twilight Swords or Kaelor as well. While such
their attacks and chooses their targets, it follows an violence between different factions of Eldar is not
unfathomable plan. unknown, the frequency and brutality of these
In particular, their priorities appear to be the battles is unsettling; what could drive the Eldar to
Unbeholden Reaches and Accursed Demesne. It is turn on their own kind so aggressively?
rare to encounter the ghostly-pale vessels of the Extensive divination, including several hundred
Crow Spirits beyond those regions, though what readings of the Emperors Tarot by Inquisitorial
signifi cance those places hold is unknown, seers and the Astropaths of paranoid Rogue Traders
particularly as they border the blighted anomaly have proved to be of little benefit. The majority
known as the Rifts of Hecaton. None could imagine simply produce no result whatsoever, while a few
that any creatures could keep something of predict what a handful of others have foreseen: an
significance close to such a dread place, yet the unholy green light, worlds stripped of inhabitants, a
Crow Spirits seem intent to drive mankind away great pale horror, a cataclysm given form and
from it. In addition, the Crow Spirits have been substance, and the screaming of the ghosts of those
sighted in Winterscales Realm, near Maleziel and slain long ago.
the Serpents Cradle, though they do not tarry in Worse still, something unspeakable plagues the
Winterscales Realm. Instead they pass through it as dreams of psykers across the Expanse, passing from
hurrying to another destination. memory upon waking but leaving the impression of
Where all the other Eldar within the Expanse some vast and dreadful presence moving slowly
have made some contact with humans besides overt through the void, leaving only silence and death in
aggression, the Crow Spirits remain a mystery, and its wake.
little is known of their nature or their objectives
beyond the most obvious facts. Many years and
many lives have been spent attempting to discern Amongst the Crows
their goals, so that they can more easily be defended The Eldar have long been a spacefaring race, and
against, but with little success. No signs exist of a many ancient traditions have built up over the ages.
base of operations anywhere near to the Rifts of The complex nature of Eldar culture, and the
Hecaton, and given so inexplicable an origin, none mingling and evolving of cultures since The Fall,
have ruled out that they may originate from means that no two fleets of Eldar vessels are
somewhere else. Interestingly, the most well- structured in quite the same way, and though there
thought out suggestion as to the Crow Spirits base are common themes and shared elements, there are
of operations comes from the Imperial Navy as many differencesparticularly where groups
squadrons assigned to guard Port Wander. of Eldar are isolated from their kin.
Within the Crow Spirits, the following is true. Cold and utterly ruthless, Ilistaneth harbours a
At their head, leading each and every ship, is a profound loathing for all that is not Eldar and knows
Craftmaster, or Athkion as it is known within the joy only in the moment of triumph.
Crow Spirits traditions. As a spacefaring culture, Ilistaneth does not question the instructions
the role of a Craftmaster is not entirely dissimilar to given to him by his masters; his hatred for the
that of a Rogue Trader or pirate captain. Subservient enemies of his kind dwarfs any empathy he might
to the Craftmaster are several individuals of have for the plight of his targets. A master of many
significance. weapons and just as many poisons, Ilistaneth is a
The two chief advisors of a ships Craftmaster terrifying adversary to face, and as many foes have
are known as the Bloody Hand, or Kaelamen, a died to his blades with a look of dread upon their
deadly warrior and bodyguardwho advises in all face, as have perished at a great distance never
matters of warfare, and the Silent Hand, or knowing the cause of their demise.
Istaurmen, who is a skilled intelligence-gatherer, Ilistaneth possesses a vast and bewildering array
spy, and diplomat. Depending on the inclinations of of armaments and tools. The most astounding is a
their Craftmaster, either or both may also have skill Holo-Suitnormally worn by the mysterious Eldar
as assassins and saboteurs. warrior-troubadours known as Harlequins, gifted to
Alongside the Hands, are Voidspeakers, him by a troupe of Harlequins as a reward for
powerful psykers who communicate with other parts slaying a target whose fate interfered with their own.
of the fleet and foretell the future to better guide the
Crow Spirits. Finally, are the Bonesingers, who are
artisans responsible for growing and shaping all
kinds of Eldar technology, and in the case of those
aboard a starship, are responsible for repairing it in
battle as well. Above and beyond all these, however,
are the Infinity Circuits of each ship. Containing the
bound and conscious souls of past crew, each
Infinity Circuit, like the far larger versions which
form the hearts of Craftworlds, communes with the
living to guide and advise them, adding the
experiences of past generations to aid those who
live now.
With the Crow Spirits, this organisational
structure is mirrored to the very highest levels, with
the shadowy Lords of Crows ruling above all the
captains and advised by the seniormost Craftmaster,
Bloody Hand, Silent Hand, and Voidspeaker within
the fleet. However, it is said that the Lords of Crows
and their Council are not simply Craftmasters
elevated amongst their peers. It is said they are
powerful Eldar psykers, Farseers and Warlocks who
guide the path of the Crow Spirits.
Ilistaneth Anturien
Bloody Hand of the Crow Spirits
The Crow Spirits have a long and bloody
history, and much of it within the last eleven
centuries can be attributed to one being. The
deadliest and most experienced warrior of the
Crow Spirits, Ilistaneth Anturien has been
directly responsible for more death than
almost any other individual within the
Chapter 4: Eldar Explorers
Source Disclaimer: This section makes reference to official an Eldar Explorer using the following instructions:
and unofficial fluff. Make sure to consult your DM regarding
what is being used in your game.
1. When building an Eldar Explorer, a player first
Eldar who embark upon The Path of the Outcast selects one of the Paths of Ages Past. These paths
forsake the more rigid structures of traditional Eldar reflect the exposure that the explorer has had to one
society to roam the stars. Frequently they become of the many paths that Eldar Society has, or an
Corsairs or Rangers and traverse the stars, seeking innate gift with an area.
out ruins and recovering lost Eldar relics. Some 2. The player then generates the characteristics
others become raiders, pillaing and stealing what that define their Explorer's personal attributes, and
they can from the other races of the galaxy. Others selects which advancement path to embark upon to
sate their wanderlust and eventually return to their finialize attributes, either The Path of the Outcast, or
craftworld, returning to the paths that their society The Path of the Seer.
offers. 3. Finally, the player spends the 500 starting XP
The rules included in this supplement allow that all characters get, a process which is described
players to create their own Eldar Explorers, and on page 30 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook,
replace the usual rules for character creation in the which can be spent on the Advancement tables they
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. A player can create selected which are detailed later in this chapter.
Paths of Ages Past:
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is based on
information from warhammer40k.wikia.com and Path of the Healer
wh40k.lexicanum.com. The Path of the Healer is pursued by those Eldar
who find spiritual satisfaction in bringing living
Eldar embark upon many paths during their things back to full wellness. Eldar healers include
lifetimes, but some have a predilection for certain all physicians, surgeons, and what humans might
skills and abilities, or simply happened to be on that consider biomedical researchers. Outcasts who are
path before embracing the way of the Outcast. drawn to this path may re-roll one failed Medicae,
However they came upon it, the Eldar possess Chymistry, or Scholastic Lore (Beasts). check per
certain affinities based on the paths they have been session.
exposed to. Begin the character creation process by
selecting one of the following Path abilities for the Path of the Mariner
outcast to reflect these skills. Those Eldar who embark upon the Path of the
Mariner serve as the crewmen and officers of their
Path of the Artisan home Craftworld's fleet of starships. Those who
Those Eldar who are driven to create works of great seek this Path often wish to see the sights of the
skill, and includes many sub-specializations galaxy and also seek inner peace after a period in
including the Path of the Poet, Path of the Musician, which they have felt lost. Outcasts drawn to this
Path of the Painter, and so on. Outcasts with path may re-roll one test per session relating to
experience in this path may re-roll one test per Voidships, be it Commanding, Maintenance,
session relating to crafting. Piloting, Navigation, or Combat.
Path of Shaping Eldar and other intelligent species and as an
The path of Shaping is a specialisation of the Path ambassador to these beings for his Craftworld.
of the Artisan, closely linked to the Path of the Seer. Previous exposure to this path opens up the mind of
It is undertaken by those Eldar who become the Outcast to the various species of the galaxy and
Bonesingers, the skilled artisans who are part how to interact with them. Outcasts who are drawn
psyker, part artist, and part engineer. Bonesingers to this path may re-roll one Interaction test or
train their innate psychic powers to create and mend Telepathy Psychic Discipline Test once per session.
all of the constructs of Wraithbone used by the
Eldar. Outcasts drawn to this path may re-roll one Path of the Warrior
test per session pertaining to maintenance or The Path of the Warrior is trod by those Eldar who
construction of technology. seek to improve their martial prowess. This path
represents a calling to the war that rages in the
Path of the Thought Talker galaxy, and produces the specialized Aspect
A Thought Talker is an Eldar Telepath who is rained Warriors, should the Eldar keep to this path.
to function both as an interpreter beween Outcasts drawn to this path may re-roll one combat
related test once per session.
The Path of the Outcast
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from and Infinity Circuit, threatening the very survival of
warhammer40k.wikia.com a Craftworld. Outcasts are also disruptive to the
highly structured societies of the Craftworlds in
Eldar Outcasts are those rare members of the another sense, for their presence can distract the
Eldar race who have left their home Craftworld to young and inexperienced from the Eldar Paths
wander the galaxy when they find the rigid Eldar through their romantic tales of travel, plunder
lifestyle suffocating or because they have and freedom.
committed some unforgivable crime against their The Outcasts rarely divulge the hardships
fellow Eldar. Many Eldar Outcasts often take up of their lives or their constant mental
daring lives as pirates or raiders and thus are struggle to maintain themselves
sometimes confused with their Dark Eldar uncorrupted by the darker impulses of
counterparts. the Eldar nature without the aid of the
Sometimes the rigid constraints of the Eldar Eldar Paths.
Paths are intolerable even for an Eldar to bear; such
individuals leave their Craftworlds and willingly
become Outcasts. Many Eldar spend years or
decades as Outcasts before they return to the Eldar
Paths, though most do eventually feel the need to
return to Eldar society unless they have been
forcibly exiled from their former home. Outcasts
must bear the terrible burden of their heightened
Eldar consciousness and psychic abilities without
the mental protections offered by the Eldar Paths.
Only Eldar of remarkably strong characters can
survive for long as Outcasts. After years of
adventure and wandering, or sailing the seas of
space with the Eldar pirate fleets, most Eldar
eventually return to the sanctuary of the Eldar Paths
and the warm collective familarity of the
There are many kinds and degrees of Eldar
Outcasts. They can serve as Rangers, the scouts of
their Craftworlds, well-trained survivalists and
marksmen able to find the eye sockets and neck
joints of even the most heavily armoured enemy
troops with their Long Rifles. The most skilled of
the Eldar Rangers are known as Pathfinders. Others
choose to leave their Craftworlds and live
elsewhere, often wandering the galaxy and visiting
the worlds of Mankind or the Exodites. They are
not welcome aboard Craftworlds except briefly, for
their minds are dangerously unbounded and attract
predators from the psychic realms of the Warp.
Daemons or other Warp entities can home in on the
undisciplined and extremely powerful mind of an
Outcast and lodge in the psycho-supportive
environment of the Craftworld's Wraithbone core
Eldar Corsairs are those Eldar Outcasts who Outright alliance between fleets acting on the
have deliberately chosen to make their living by will of a Craftworlds Seers and the more volatile,
raiding the commerce of the other star-faring self-serving Eldar Corsairs is relatively rare, but
intelligent races of the Milky Way Galaxy, certainly not unknown. It usually only occurs when
particularly the shipping of the Imperium of Man. a knowledgeable Corsair leader of great influence is
They are a constant threat to Imperial merchant present, able to both satisfy the measured desires of
shipping, though they lack the ability to face off the Seers at the same time that he can prove his raw
against a true Imperial Navy battlefleet of any real might to the more aggressive Eldar pirates. Such
size. leaders, like the legendary Prince Yriel of Iyanden,
Aware that it was the ineffable power of their are rare, but the fleets they command are invariably
own whims and desires that brought about the very powerful and capable of giving even the most
downfall of their species and led to the birth of potent forces of the Imperial Navy substantial
Slaanesh, the survivors of the Fall of the Eldar, the opposition.
Eldar of the Craftworlds, have developed a way to Some Eldar Corsairs have been known to hire
control their own inner natures. Every Eldar chooses themselves out as mercenary forces for various
for himself a discipline which he then makes it his foolish and often very wealthy human factions
task to master. It may take many standard years to within the Imperium. A fleet of Corsairs can prove to
successfully accomplish this, perhaps more than a be a powerful force on the battlefield for their
single human lifetime. Each discipline is called a patrons. But the fickleness of Eldar Corsairs is
Path, and each Path may necessitate further choices legendary and more than one group of these xenos
and specialisations. For example, the Path of the pirates has been known to suddenly change sides or
Warrior has many Aspects, and whilst all enable the even turn on their human patrons after a battle is
Eldar to master the skills of combat, each Warrior won to seize a greater share of the rewards. In these
Aspect brings with it its own special techniques and situations, the Corsairs' employers usually find their
abilities. Other Eldar Paths include that of the own blood coating the Outcasts' potent blades.
Bonesinger, as the psycho-technicians of the Eldar Outcasts are extremely pragmatic realists
Craftworlds are called, who craft Wraithbone and and are often very tough, sinister individuals. In
other psycho-plastic materials to fashion the their manner and actions they are often complete
material artefacts of the Eldar civilisation. There are opposites of the Craftworld Eldar. Those Outcasts
innumerable Paths, some of which are chosen only who walk this path for too long may ultimately be
rarely, but each offers its followers a complete way consumed by the Path of Damnation and so begin to
of life during the time which they tread upon it. be enslaved by the same lust for suffering and death
Eldar Pirates are always followers of the Path of that corrupted both their Dark Eldar cousins and the
the Outcast - Eldar who have turned away from the ancient Eldar pleasure cults that led to the Fall of
Paths and abandoned their Craftworld. These Eldar civilisation more than 10,000 Terran years
eldritch wanderers live quite apart from the orderly, ago.
disciplined Eldar of the Craftworlds, and form
ravenous bands of pirates, corsairs and raiders.
As with other outcasts, some of these eventually
Eldar return to the Paths, or may retain some ties to
their Craftworld of origin. However, the willful and
unaccountable actions of the Outcasts stand far
apart from the carefully scryed and considered
actions of the Craftworld Eldar, and for the most
part the Farseers show great reluctance for their own
peoples to mix with the wayward and dangerous
The Path of the Outcast Characteristics
As with human characters, Eldar Outcasts also
have characteristics that their players generate at
character creation. Unlike human Explorers, Eldar
Outcasts have different base values for their
Characteristics, see below.
The Path of the Seer
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section comes from the Rogue These incredibly potent psykers often assume
Trader Roleplaying Game, primairly The Navis Primer critical leadership roles among each Craftworld, but
also are compelled to act upon the visions that they
A warrior may become as skilled with a blade as he discover as they study the countless strands of fate.
wishes, but he is still subject to the fickle whim of his
destiny, and his doom. We who walk the Path of the Seer Powerful and prescient, Farseers are Eldar who
take destiny into our own hands, and wield doom as our became trapped on the Path of the Seer. Responsible
blade. for leading the slowly dwindling Eldar diaspora in
Spiritseer Baluithe of Craftworld Kaelor its twilight, Farseers typically guide their people as
leaders of the massive Craftworlds that roam the
The Eldar of the Craftworlds live their lives in trackless void. They use their not insubstantial
rigid cycles of intense devotion to a particular field psychic powers to peer into the future where they
of study. Only with these strict controls in place can pluck apart the strands of time and possibility
these xenos hope to maintain a society that would through the casting of Runestones. By reading the
not bow before the power of the Chaos God throw of these Wraithbone icons, the Farseers
Slaanesh. Each of these disciplines is referred to as determine the best of all possible courses for their
a path. Arguably the most challenging of these is the people. While the results of their divination are quite
Path of the Seer, which calls upon its followers to accurate in the short-term, even the most powerful
develop their psychic abilities. Key to these abilities Farseers have difficulty seeing into the distant
for all Eldar is the nature of runic symbolism and future.
their alien forms of divination. As their psychic While not as martially powerful as those Eldar
powers continue to develop, they are often haunted who follow the Path of the Warrior, Farseers are as
by visions of the future and the horrible doom of competent leading in wartime as they are during eras
their race. of peace. Their foresight and powers of precognition
Even within this path, there is further allow them to foretell an enemys actions and relay
stratification. Some Eldar may master one aspect of this information to their allies and subordinates.
the Path of the Seer, only to embark upon a different This, along with their prodigious psychic powers,
path at a later point in their lives. Others might makes them incredibly dangerous on the battlefield
never travel this path, choosing to focus their talents or the bridge of an Eldar cruiser.
in a more mundane fashion. There are numerous
specialisations within the Path of the Seer, but all of
those who walk it endanger their very souls for the
good of their people, pitting their wills against the
hungering doom that awaits all Eldar in the Sea of
The Path of the Seer, also known as the Path of
the Witch, is the longest, most treacherous, most
complex, and rarest of all paths. Its members are the
psychic Seers. Of those who embark upon the path,
some of the most developed powers include the
Farseers, Void Dreamers, and Warlocks.
Eldar Farseer:
Without mercy or moral feeling, the Farseers
consciousness stands upon the edge of spiritual
Inquisitor Czevak
Void Dreamer
The void roils with dreams, with half-forgotten
memories and long lost emotion. I must pierce through
this sea of eternal ephemerality with the swiftness and
precision of a spear. Every cast decides our fate: safety
or doom, oblivion or glory.
Diumraid the Shining, Corsair Void Dreamer
On this twisted, trying path, I have learned to see the
skeins of the future and walk towards the fate I choose.
And yet, now that I find my decisions are my own, I
discover that I have no choice. There is only one course.
I am a warrior, so let the battle be joined.
Unknown Warlock, shortly before his death
variants of the Path of the Seer is that of the Those who walk in the spirit world for too long
Warlock. Since Warlocks are Seers who once trod find their affinity with the departed growing ever
the Path of the Warrior, their previous experience as stronger. For a mind as perceptive and prone to
Aspect Warriors allows them to harness their more obsession as those of the Eldar. To be steeped in the
destructive impulses when using their psychic deathly currents of the afterlife is to experience a
powers in combat. The ornate helmets worn by taste of limbo that stains the soul. Each time a
Warlocks in the field are kept in the shrines of the Spiritseer delves into the infinity curcuit, it becomes
Warrior Aspects as a sign of the close link between harder to return until, after many long years, it is
Warlocks and their former status as Warriors. A impossible.
Warlock can only attain that status by returning to When the craftworld goes to war, those
the Aspect Shrine that he once belonged to and Spiritseers still able to walk the mortal world are of
receiving his helmet from the shrine's Exarch as part great value. Whilst all Seers are capable of
of the same blood-ritual undergone by Aspect separating a precious spirit stone from the infinity
Warriors. curcuit and placing it within the automaton shell of a
Whenever the Craftworld Eldar go to war, their ghost warrior, only a Spiritseer can guide that
Warlocks accompany their forces of Aspect Warriors warrior's labours upon the battlefield. To one of the
and Guardians. They use their psychic powers both departed who has returned to the mortal plane,
to protect the Eldar Warriors and to wreak havoc thoughts and feelings are the only reality. Yet by
among their foes; a thought-wave from a Warlock holding the immortal and immortal realms in their
can instil courage in his comrades or sear the souls minds eye at once, Spiritseers provide clarity and
of the Eldar's enemies. Though not as psychically focus. With such assistance, the Ghost Warriors
powerful as Farseers, few of the psykers found bring the gift of death to the foe, their shots
among the other intelligent species of the galaxy can unerringly finding their mark and sword-strokes
equal the arcane might of an Eldar Warlock or arcing down with uncanny skill.
match their combat prowess with the power of the
Source Disclaimer: Spiritseer lore is from the 6th Edition Eldar
Codex. The Spiritseer discipline was based on this lore.
Bonesinger Path, the Path of Shaping, is closely related to both
Source Disclaimer: This lore is from the Path of the Artisan and the Path of the Seer.
warhammber40k.wikia.com During his or her time on the Path of Shaping, the
Bonesinger is tasked with the construction and
A Bonesinger serves as a psychic engineer and maintenance of Eldar structures, weapons and
craftsman for the Eldar. The Bonesingers are the machinery. They do this through the psychic
builders and maintainers of all Eldar weapons, tools manipulation of Wraithbone, summoning this
and even the Craftworlds themselves. These material into being from the raw energy of the Warp,
powerful xenos psykers are gifted in the arts of then shaping and moulding it into various items,
construction using the solidified power of the Warp. with the typical Eldar concern that the item be
They use their telepathic ability to summon or aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. While
psychically generate the solidified substance of the Wraithbone is capable of naturally repairing itself
Immaterium the Eldar call Wraithbone, which they over time, the process can be greatly enhanced by
construct into buildings or tools and use to repair the psychic abilities of a Bonesinger. Bonesingers of
the Eldar's vehicles, weapons and armour. Like all the Il-Kaithe Craftworld are said to be the most
of their kind, the Bonesingers are following one of skilled of the Eldar Bonesingers, able to practice
the many Paths of the Eldar that determines their their art even in the heat of battle.
current focus and purpose in life. The Bonesinger's
Shadowseer -- an island of sinister calm amid a raging ocean of
Source Disclaimer: This lore is from madness, robes swirling as their faceless mask
warhammer40k.wikia.com reflects naught but the emptiness of the void. During
a Masque the Shadowseers of a Harlequin troupe act
Shadowseers, known in the Eldar Lexicon as as the primary storytellers, releasing programmed
esdainn, are powerful Eldar Harlequin psykers hallucinations from their creidann hallucinogen
whose abilities are centred around spreading grenade launcher backpacks which form scintillating
confusion and fear during both a Harlequin phantoms that dance and duel in the air. In older
performance or Masque and on the battlefield. As Imperial texts they are sometimes referred to as
the spiritual guides of the Harlequins, Shadowseers Harlequin Warlocks.
are enigmatic and mysterious individuals. Though
not affiliated to a Troupe, they perform alongside
them as part of a masque, using their psychic
powers to subtly enhance a performance. In battle,
however, the Shadowseer turns his psychic might
upon the enemy, invading their minds and souls to
cause terror and mayhem. Like Eldar seers of old,
the Shadowseer wears long robes, his head covered
by a long cowl weighted with sun and moon
trinkets. Further curios hang from his belt, including
two Harlequin masks and mysterious pouches,
while in his left hand he wields a Miststave -- both a
mark of office and a potent close combat weapon.
To augment his prodigious psychic skills, the
Shadowseer wears a fluted Creidann Grenade
Launcher that fires hallucinogenic cartridges, while
his Harlequin mask is disturbingly blank and
impassive. That is, until an unsuspecting victim
gazes into it and sees a distorted reflection of their
future self. This disturbing vision, combined with
the narcotic gas, leaves most foes incapable of
defending themselves against the Shadowseer.
Illusion, misdirection and terror whirl about the
Shadowseer like a psychic tempest. With a subtle
twist of the mind, these warrior mystics can erase
the memory of the Harlequins from their enemies'
thoughts, clouding their perceptions with confusion
or horror. It is child's play for Shadowseers to bind
their victims within the twists of their own minds,
engaging them in one-sided psychic duels, or
tricking their bodies into stopping hearts and
choking off breath. Wherever the Shadowseer treads
the battlefield, shards of illusory light and shadow
blind the foe, while clouds of hallucinogenic gas Wandering Seers:
send them into paroxysms of terror or bewildered Source Disclaimer: This is fan material
joy. Discipline collapses, replaced by a bedlam of Explorers who follow the path presented in this
screams, gibbering and panicked, aimless gunfire. guide are following the path of a Wandering Seer,
Warriors stagger drunkenly, slashing their blades at one who has, like the Outcast, elected to develop
phantom foes. Through it all strides the Shadowseer and practice their abilities without the structured
guidance and mentoring of their Craftworld.
This separation necessitates a higher amount
of personal experimentation and additional
practice in order to master their abilities.
The Path of the Seer Characteristics
As with human characters, Eldar Seers also
have characteristics that their players generate at
character creation. Unlike human Explorers, Eldar
Seers have different base values for their
Characteristics, see below.
New Skills
Common Lore
(Advanced, Investigation)
Intelligence, Skill Group: Eldar
The Common Lore Skill allows the Explorer to
recall general information, procedures,
divisions, traditions, famed
individuals, and superstitions of a
particular world, group, organization, or
race. The following additional Skill Group
has been added to those available. The
manner in which this skill functions remains
Eldar: Knowledge of the social and political
structures of Eldar society. This also comes with an
understanding of Eldar nature and history.
Forbidden Lore
(Advanced, Investigation)
Intelligence, Skill Group: Webway
Forbidden Lore Skills represent knowledge
usually hidden, veiled or proscribed by an
organisation or society. The following additional
Skill Group has been added to those available. The
manner in which this skill functions is unchanged.
Webway: Knowledge of the secrets and hidden
nature of the labyrinth dimension of the Eldar,
typically known only to the mysterious Harlequins
of the Laughing God and to a select few extremely
learned Eldar.
(Advanced, Exploration)
Intelligence, Skill Group: Webway
The Explorer uses the Navigation Skill to plot a
course between two points. The following
additional Skill Group has been added to those
available. The manner in which this Skill functions
is unchanged.
Webway: This Skill permits an Explorer to
determine the safest and quickest route to a location
using the myriad passages and pathways between
worlds known as the webway. As many routes
through the webway are blocked, sealed or simply
closely guarded secrets, and because the webway
itself does not connect to every world, there may
be many destinations that simply cannot be
reached in a single trip, if at all.
New Talents
Source Disclaimer: These talents are based on the lore in the
previous sections and taken from existing Eldar profiles in the Aspect Warriors are specialized soldiers that fill a
Rogue Trader, and Dark Heresy RPG. niche depending on their training. Those that
become lost on the Path of the Warrior become
Eldar Talents Exarchs, leaders and high priests of the warrior
These talents may be selected whenever an Eldar temples that train these Aspects. Becoming an
Talent talent appears on the Path of the Outcast Exarch grants certain bonuses to the preferred
advance table, provided that the Outcast meets all weaponry of the Aspect, detailed in the
the prerequisites of the talent. Requirement. When an Exarch wields the preferred
weapon of their Aspect it is treated as two qualities
Ancient and Ruthless Command: higher than it actually is (Example: Common quality
Requirements: Eldar, Into the Jaws of Hell, Iron would be Best quality in their hands), gains an
Discipline, Air of Authority additional +2 Damage, +2 Penetration, and the
The Eldar are dwindling in number, and grow Proven (4) Quality. This talent may only be taken
fewer with each passing century. This has lead to a once. These bonuses cannot be applied to Voidship
grim determination in those left behind and fills weapons. At rank 9+ the Aspect Warriors gain an
them with an almost supernatural drive and courage, additional +2 Damage and +2 Penetration.
but in the eyes of their foes an otherworldly terror
and ruthlessness. The Outcast gains the Fearless Cover and Displace:
talent, and may spend a fate point to gain the From Requirements: Eldar, Rank 7, Acrobatics +20,
Beyond trait until the end of the encounter and all Tracking +20
the benefits it entails. Some outcasts are exceptional snipers and are
experts at hiding, displacing, and making use of
Aspect Armor Mastery cover. The armor points of any cover the outcast
Pre-Requisites: Eldar benefits from are doubled (for the outcast only).
This talent reflects that the Explorer has not only The outcast can re-roll failed Agility Tests when
familiarized themselves with the use of Aspect moving through difficult terrain.
Armor, but has begun customizing it to their own
specifications. The Explorer may now add half their Eldar Psychic Discipline
Rank (rounded down) to the Armor Points provided Requirements: Eldar, Psy Rating, The Path of the
by Aspect Armor. At Rank 9 and above, this Seer Career Path
becomes their full rank as a bonus to Armor Points. Eldar Seers select one additional Psychic
Discipline upon purchasing this Talent that is drawn
Aspect Warrior Exarch: from the following list. The Seer may only ever
Pre-Requisites: Varies (See Below): possess one instance of this talent, meaning it may
Dark Reaper: Eldar, Rank 8, BS 55, 5 Ranged never be purchased by way of the Psychic Discipline
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Reaper Launcher) Talent or Eldar Talent. After selecting this talent, the
Fire Dragon: Eldar, Rank 8, BS 55, 5 Ranged Seer gains the ability to purchase Eldar Psychic
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Fusion Gun) Powers from the discipline they selected. The Seer
Howling Banshee: Eldar, Rank 8, WS 55, 5 Melee may select either the Eldar Farseer, Eldar Warlock,
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Banshee Power Eldar Void Dreamer, Bonesinger, Spiritsinger, or
Sword) Shadowseer Psychic Disciplines, detailed in the
Shadow Spectre: Eldar, Rank 8, BS 55, 5 Ranged Psychic Powers section.
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Prism Rifle)
Striking Scorpion: Eldar, Rank 8, WS 55, 5 Melee Exarch of Weapons:
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Scorpion Requirement: Eldar, Any Seven Exotic Weapon
Chainsword) Proficiency (Eldar) Talents, Weapons of a Dying Age
Swooping Hawk: Eldar, Rank 8, BS 55, 5 Ranged Through practice, exposure, and dedication, the
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Swooping Hawk Outcast has mastered the wide variety present in the
Grenade Pack, Lasblaster) Eldar arsenal. The versatility offered by dedicated
Warp Spider: Eldar, Rank 8, BS 55, 5 Ranged training makes the Outcast a force to be reckoned
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Death Spinner) with on the battlefield. The Outcast is
Other: WS or BS 55, 5 Ranged or Melee considered to be proficient with all
Talents, Exotic Weapon Training (Weapon(s) Exotic Eldar Weapons.
of Aspect)
Embracing the Path: Secrets of the Seers
Requirement: Eldar, Traveling the Path, Purchased Requirements: Eldar, Psy Rating, The Path of the
10 Skill, Talent, or Characteristic Advances Seer Career Path
Relating to Path (Starting Skills and Talents do not Eldar possess an innate connection to the
count). substance known as Wraithbone, and those initiated
After keeping to a path for a prolonged period of in the path of the seer can interact with artefacts
time, a true understanding and comprehension of it sculpted from it in a way that strangers to these
becomes apparent to the Outcast. Benefits are mystic secrets cannot hope to understand. Those
gained depending on which Path of Ages Past was with the Secrets of the Seers Talent can access the
selected upon character creation. The Outcast may Witch-Edge quality of the weapons they wield,
automatically succeed on any test relating to their which lie dormant in the hands of untrained users.
Path once per session. In instances where Degrees
of Success matter, the Outcast is assumed to Swift and Silent:
succeed by the minimum number of Degrees needed Requirements: Eldar, Rank 7, Concealment +20,
to be successful. Shadowing +20, Silent Move +20
Spending years alone on strange worlds, walking
Lost Nobility: the Webway and shadowing the enemies of the Eldar
Requirements: Eldar, The Path of the Outcast certain outcasts learn to be ghosts; mere shadows
Career Path, Must be taken at character creation within shadows. The outcast may re-roll any failed
Whether actual former Eldar Nobility who have concealment or silent move tests. In addition, the
left the Craftworld or one who has developed a gift outcast gains a bonus degree of success to any
for understanding the social graces required of one successful Concealment or Silent Move Tests. The
on the Path of the Outcast, this talent reflects their outcast also never suffers penalties to Concealment
charismatic aptitudes. The outcast may purchase or Silent Move as a result of terrain, lighting, or
Fellowship characteristic advances at a cost of related factors.
Simple for 100, Intermediate for 250, Trained for
500, and Expert for 1000. If using Ascended Rules Traveling the Paths
(See Chapter 9), the additional Fellowship advances Prerequisite: Eldar, Purchased 5 Skill, Talent, or
may be purchased for 1000, 1500. Characteristic Advances Relating to Path (Starting
Skill and Talents do not count).
Outcast Weapon Training: Beginning down a path is an incredibly difficult
Requirements: Eldar and time consuming process, but once the Outcast
The Outcast has familiarized themselves with the begins to embrace and devote themselves towards a
common weapons of their race found in the path, incredible things can occur. Benefits are
Koronus Expanse. The outcast is proficient in using gained depending on which Path of Ages Past was
Shuriken Pistol, Shuriken Catapult, Shuriken selected upon character creation. The Outcast gains
Cannon, Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle, and Ranger the ability to choose either the original roll or the re-
Long rifle, Eldar Plasma Grenade, Xenofilament roll when utilizing their Path of Ages Past Reroll.
Grenade, as well as Primitive and Melee Weapons
from throughout the galaxy. Traversing the Paths:
Prerequisite: Eldar.
Precision Fire: Eldar are incredibly long lived, and embark upon
Requirements: Eldar, Deadeye Shot, Hip Shooting, many different paths in their life. Choose another
Crack Shot Path from the Paths of Ages Past Section, you gain
With the dwindling numbers of Eldar in the that benefit in addition to the one selected at
galaxy, accuracy and efficiency in shooting are Character Creation. This talent may be purchased a
paramount. Long hours of practice, both maximum of two times.
intentional and impromptu, have lead to the
Outcast possessing an almost preternatural
accuracy. The outcast no longer suffers
penalties from firing into melee.
Wanderer's Familiarity Weapons of a Dying Age
Requirements: Eldar, Psy Rating, The Path of the Requirements: Eldar, Any Three Exotic Weapon
Seer Career Path Proficiency (Eldar) Talents
Through hard won practice and exposure to the Variety and preparation help survive this war-
warp, the Explorer has become more resistant to the struck time, and the Outcast has begun to embrace
perilous eddies of the warp. Choose one result on this. The vast array of Eldar weaponry has become
the Psychic Phenomena chart on page 160 of the much less confusing through exposure and training.
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook (Other than Perils of The Outcast reduces the penalty for using Exotic
the Warp). When rolling for Psychic Phenomena, Eldar Weapons with which he is not proficient by
the Explorer may substitute his trademark result for half.
the effect rolled on the table, so long as he does not
roll Perils of the Warp Withering Strikes
Requirements: Eldar, Rank 5+, Agility 60+, Melee
Weapon Training (Any)
The Eldar has learned how to apply their grace
into precision strikes. The Eldar now adds either
their Strength or Unmodified Agility Bonus to all
melee damage. At Rank 10+ this becomes Modified
Agility Bonus.
New Traits
Chapter 5: Eldar Armory
Source Disclaimer: Weapons in this section are taken from the Shuriken Catapult
Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily the Core
Rulebook and Koronus Bestiary.
Shuriken catapults are the mainstay weapon for the
Eldarthis alien races basic citizen-warrior
This chapter contains the statistics and special Guardians use these weapons. They are
abilities of the Eldar weapons and equipment. More lightweight and can be easily fired on the move.
information on Eldar technology can be found on These weapons fire razor-sharp disks at high
Page 9-10. Their Combat statistics for the regular velocity to shred a target into pieces.
Eldar weapons can be found on page 63, and those
for Exotic Eldar Weapons on page 63.
Shuriken Cannon
To the Shuriken Catapult as the Heavy Bolter is to
the Boltgun, Shuriken Cannons are a common
support weapon amongst Eldar forces, variously
carried by an Eldar warrior, mounted on a floating Splinter Weapons
gun carriage or fitted to a vehicle. Extremely light These cruel weapons used by Eldar pirates and
for their size, Shuriken Cannons are capable of raiders are a fearsome sight to many a merchant
unleashing a deadly torrent of blades at speeds vessels crew. The crystalline ammunition is broken
sufficient to dismember or decapitate men or to into tiny splinters in the firing process, emerging
pierce the armoured hides of all but the toughest from the weapon as a high-speed cloud of deadly
vehicles. Because of the Eldar mastery of anti-grav projectiles. The crystals often contain virulent
technology, some Shuriken Cannons are fitted with toxins, such that even the tiniest cut can cause
systems equivalent to the suspensors occasionally festering wounds of intense pain. The weapons
used on Imperial heavy weaponry. Weapons so themselves carry a wide variety of cutting blades
upgraded are Extremely Rare, and count their and combat attachments, making them doubly useful
operators as having the Auto-stabilised Traitthey in closequarters fighting. Like all Eldar weaponry,
are always considered to be braced and the weapon they are surprisingly lightweight and deceptively
may be fired on semi- or full-auto as a Half Action. fragile in appearances. In Melee combat, a Splinter
This weapon may use any specialist shuriken Pistol counts as a Mono-Knife; a Splinter Rifle
ammunition. counts as a Mono-Spear.
Eldar Chainsword Dragon's Breath Flamer
A seldom-seen weapon, Eldar chainswords bear As elegant and deceptively fragile-looking as all
only a superficial resemblance to the roaring, heavy Eldar devices, the Dragons Breath is more
blades of humans or Orks. Almost silent, they sophisticated and efficient than bulkier Imperial
produce little more than a sibilant whisper as they flame weapons. It utilises a trio of rare, highly-
tear through flesh and bone. Swiftly-cycling rows of compressed chemicals designed to ignite when
mono-edged teeth cause considerable damage to any mixed, forming liquid gouts of flame that arc
creature in their path. outward in a deadly spray. The chemicals do not
need air for combustion, and the heavy spray
adheres to most surfaces, making extinguishing the
flames difficult. The Dragons Breath flamer must be
used in an atmosphere, but that atmosphere does not
Eldar Plasma Grenade have to be the standard oxygen-nitrogen mix.
The Eldar long ago refined the use of plasma in
weaponry, creating devices that are stable and safe Eldar Blaster
to use while still proving effective against the Some Eldar corsairs favour this small, pistol-like
enemy. Their plasma grenades are a case in point weapon for devastating short range attacks against
where human-made plasma warheads rely on the armoured targets. It fires a stream of mysterious dark
unstable and destructive nature of uncontained energy, still under investigation by the Adeptus
plasma, Eldar plasma grenades unleash a precise Mechanicus and the Ordo Xenos. This energy is
pulse of heat and electromagnetic force that not only similar to laser emissions in some respects, but
burns, but also leaves foes disoriented. rather than punching holes through armor and flesh
it instead rips apart targets in explosive blasts
leading to its common Imperial designation as a
Blaster. Such is the potency of this energy that
even the thickest armour can be compromised with
Eldar Sunrifle Spinneret Rifle
A more advanced version of the Lasblaster, a A rare and strange weapon, as lethal as it is bizarre,
Sunrifle sacrifices a longer range for even more the Spinneret Rifle shoots a single monofilament
firepower. Each discharge fires as many bolts of wire over a considerable distance until it pierces a
energy as a squad of Imperial guardsmen. target, at which point it coils tightly within flesh and
armour, causing considerable internal injury before
Eldar Firepike recoiling swiftly to re-enter the weapon. The
These potent weapons pre-date the Imperium, weapons unique method of slaughter requires
having been created by Eldar artisans. Operating extreme precision, making it difficult to use but
similarly to most melta weapons, firepikes project a utterly devastating in the right hands. A well-placed
lance of intense heat and radiation over a shot can shred a mans heart or brain with startling
considerable distance, capable of melting flesh and efficiency, leaving nothing but ruined flesh behind
steel, carving through the toughest armour with the tiniest of punctures.
deadly precision. Rare even amongst the arsenals of
the Eldar, they are most often borne by the mightiest Mandiblasters
champions of their kind, relic weapons beyond An Eldar weapon system in the form of pods built
contemporary means to reproduce. into either side of the helmets of Striking Scorpions.
Known also as the Scorpion's Sting or the Sting of
the Scorpion, Mandiblasters are neurally activated
weapons which fire a hail of deadly metallic shards.
These shards, while capable of cutting and lacerating
flesh, are not particularly powerful alone; they act as
a conductor to a follow-up intense laser burst.
Eldar Fusion Gun Special: These may be used once per round as a
Similar to meltaguns in effect and purpose, the Free Action and count as a single attack. They may
fusion guns used by the Eldar are far more accurate also be used in Melee combat in the same manner as
and efficient, utilising technologies far more a Pistol weapon.
advanced than those of the Adeptus Mechanicus. In
the hands of a skilled warrior, a fusion gun can sear Prism Rifle
through the weak points of an armoured vehicle, An Eldar energy weapon and the primary weapon of
disabling or destroying it with almost surgical the Shadow Spectres Aspect Warriors. The Prism
precision and contemptuous ease. Rifle is an antiquated weapon, an artifact lost to
most of the remaining Eldar race. Using the same
technology as the far larger Prism Cannon, each rifle
is connected to a single targeting matrix, known as
the Ghostlight. Through it each rifle's energy pulse
converges into a single beam of bright light that can
tear apart tanks and larger targets with ease.
Hawk's Talon Special Prism Rifle Ghostlight
Capable of unleashing a withering torrent of Multiple Shadow Spectres may use the sophisticated
powerful lasblasts, Hawks Talons are ancient and targeting matrices in their Prism Rifles, called
powerful precursors to the lasblasters used by a Ghostlights, to combine their weapons for one
variety of Eldar warriors. Reserved for the deadliest devastating attack. All Shadow Spectres must spend
combatants, these weapons are incredibly rare, and their turn joining their weapons into this unified
the Eldar will show no mercy to those they find mode; when the final Shadow Spectres initiative
bearing the relics of their kind. Many Hawks turn arrives, it fires the Ghostlight aimed merged
Talons mount a small powered blade in the stock or shot as it would make a normal shooting attack.
beneath the barrels, allowing the wielder to strike Each prism rifle involved in the attack increases the
down his foes as easily in melee as he can at range. Range of the attack by 30m and the Damage by
Reaper Launcher Banshee Power Sword
An Eldar weapon used by Dark Reapers, the Eldar A power sword utilized by the Howling Banshees
path devoted to providing long range fire support on Aspect Warriors.
the field of battle. It is a fast firing heavy weapon
which launches a barrage of armour-piercing Scorpion Chainsword
missiles to devastate the enemy, and utilizes Dark A deadly one-handed melee weapons whose vicious
Reaper Range Finder equipment which allows the blade is comprised of diamond-toothed edges that
user to "see" from the muzzle of the weapon itself. mangle and tear flesh. First amongst the ritual
While similar to the Missile Launchers used by weapons used by the Striking Scorpions Shrine,
Imperial forces, Eldar versions of this technology these distinctive chainswords bolster the strength of
utilize a number of complex chambered pods their users considerably.
containing a variety of ammunition types. These
pods allow the firer to perform a number of support
duties such as anti-tank or anti-infantry, and all but
eliminate the need to reload.
Eldar Biting Blade A creature that is actively attempting to hold on to
Reminiscent of the massive eviscerators used by the weapon must make a Very Hard (30) Strength
zealots within the Imperium, Biting Blades are Test; if it succeeds, then it, too, is dragged back to
long- bladed, two-handed chainswords. However, the psyker along with the Singing Spear.
where eviscerators are heavy, noisy machines,
Biting Blades are slender and quiet, but no less Void Sabre
deadly for their relatively light weight. Wielded Supposedly cursed blades that many high-ranking
properly, the razorsharp teeth can tear through flesh Eldar void pirates carry, these wraithbone swords are
and bone with horrific speed, and a skilled warrior embedded with shards of strange crystal formations
can cleave a man in two without difficulty. found on certain worlds in the dark fringes of space.
Special: For every two degrees of success scored Many Craftworlders look upon the blades with a
when rolling to hit with a Biting Blade, the mixture of disdain and fear, but many amongst the
weapons deals 2 additional damage. ranks of the Eldar Corsairs carry them as badges of
Mirrorswords Special: If a character wielding a void sabre scores
Exquisitely balanced for dual-wielding, Righteous Fury when rolling for Damage caused by
Mirrorswords are extremely lightweight power this weapon, he adds +8 to the weapons Penetration
swords, capable of gliding through all but the for that attack.
toughest armour with ease. Wielded only by the
most nimble amongst a species renowned for their Witchblade
grace and speed, these blades become a deadly wall Witchblades are psychically attuned weapons that
of glittering steel. Eldar walking the Path of the Seer often carry to
Special: When wielded as a pair by a character with battle. These blades resonate with their users,
an Agility bonus of 5 or more, Mirrorswords reduce enhancing their strength to terrifying levels; Farseers
any penalties for dual wielding melee weapons by have been known to slash through the heaviest of
10, to a maximum of +0. power armour or cleave battle tanks clean in half
Their balance and design make them ideal for with devastating blows from these weapons.
defence as well as attack, adding an additional +10
bonus to parry, for a total of +20, so long as these
swords are wielded as a pair.
Singing Spear
Singing spears are weapons that are related to the
witchblades wielded by Farseers and Warlocks that
take the form of a long spear, thus providing greater
striking range and penetrating power. They are also
known for their odd property of returning to the
users hands when called. This quality is
particularly useful for Farseers and Warlocks who
hurl their spears in battle, and often catches foes
flat-footed. Once per Round, as a Free Action, the
weapons user may recall it to himself from
anywhere within a number of metres equal to five
times his Psy Rating, at which point it flies back to
him and comes to rest gently in his hand (if he does
not have a Psy Rating, he simply cannot perform
this action). The weapon will automatically dislodge
itself from any objects or individuals in which it is
Eldar Armor
Armor Stats and Availability are located on page 63. Ghosthelm
Covered in spidery, arcane runes, a ghosthelm is a
Eldar Aspect Armor potent and ancient device worn by Farseers to
The armour worn by elite Aspect Warriors and protect them from the dangers of the Warp. The
Autarchs is even more advanced than the usual wearer of a ghosthelm may make a Very Hard (30)
Eldar armour. These gem-studded, psycho-sensitive Willpower Test to remain unaffected by the results
suits are perfectly fitted for each wearer, with of any roll on Table 63: Psychic Phenomena or
protection designed to match the users combat Table 64: Perils of the Warp (see pages 160161
mode. of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. The effects of
the result rolled on the table still occur, and may
Eldar Raider Armor affect others or the environment.
Eldar pirates wear armour that functions in much
the same way as basic Eldar armour, but is covered
with spikes and cutting blades after the fashion of
their weapons. Even an unarmed raider will always
have a plethora of malicious devices on his person,
ready to rend their foes in bloody sport. Anyone
wearing this armour always counts as having a
mono-knife in melee combat.
Eldar Gear
Source Disclaimer: Equipment in this section is taken from Forceshield
gear listed in profiles in the Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, Rather than relying on cumbersome (by their
primarily The Koronus Bestiary.
standards) physical armour, many of the higher-
Banshee Mask anking Eldar leaders instead turn to field protective
When a Howling Banshee makes a Charge Action, devices. Forceshields are one such item, often worn
she may choose to activate her mask as part of that on the arm or belt. These provide protection on par
action. The object of the Howling Banshees charge with the more powerful Imperial fields, but without
must pass a Difficult (10) Willpower Test or count the bulk or weightindeed many resemble the
as Surprised (even if possessing the Rapid Reaction ovoid jewels or other ornamentation.
Talent) and suffer 1 wound for every two Degrees of Protection Rating: 75
Failure; targets with Resistance (Psychic
Techniques) may use this talent against the attack. Grav Platform
Wounds received in this way ignore all armour Commonly used by the Guardian forces of the
except fully-enclosed helms with auto-senses. In mysterious Craftworld Eldar to carry heavy
addition, while the Howling Banshee wears her weaponry, grav-platforms seem to require no
helmet, she gains the Disturbing Voice Talent. obvious power source in order to maintain their
perpetual lift, and are quite capable of supporting
Eldar Medkit considerable weights without suffering any
A series of intricate Wraithbone instruments and particular detriment.
first aid supplies designed to aid those trained in the While most commonly fitted with Eldar heavy
arts of healing. This grants a +20 to Medicae skill weapons, a few Rogue Traders have made a point of
tests for those trained in the skill. retrofitting these devices to mount obviously human
weaponry. In any case, a heavy weapon mounted on
Eldar Medkit (Advanced) a grav-platform always counts as braced, even if the
A series of intricate Wraithbone instruments and platform moves.
first aid supplies. Produced by Bonesingers to aid Eldar grav-platforms are directed from a simple
Eldar troops on the field, this This item grants a and intuitive control box, allowing them to be
+20 bonus to Medicae skill Tests and can be used moved around fairly swiftly - a grav- platform can
even if user does not have the skill. move 6m as a single half action, taking no effort on
the part of the operator. If an Eldar heavy weapon is
Eldar Scanner mounted on the platform, it can also be operated
These devices are used to detect energy emissions, from the control box, but the necessary
motion, and biological life signs. A character using customisation to allow non-Eldar devices to work on
an auspex gains a +20 bonus to Awareness Tests and the platform prevents this function in any other
may make a Tech-Use Test to spot things not situation.
normally detectable to human senses alone, such as Eldar grav-platforms are average- sized targets
invisible gases, nearby bio-signs, or ambient with 15 AP. Any damage suffered by the grav-
radiation. The standard range for an auspex is 50m, platform disables it, rendering it immobile. There are
though walls more than 50cm thick and certain no mechanical benefits for different Craftsmanship
shielding materials can block the scanner. levels in regard to this item. However, the better the
Craftsmanship, the less it has been used and worn in
Flip Belt the time it was last activated.
Anti-grav Flip-belts are used by the decadent Eldar
of the so-called Harlequin cult, in a sheer affront to Runes of Warding
the laws of physics. They allow the user to partially Farseers often embellish their equipment with
negate the effects of gravity; the impossibly defensive runes that interfere with the psychic
acrobatic movements allowed by the belt along with powers of their foes, and thus protect the Farseer
the wearers natural agility and skill make the from harm. On the field of battle, these baleful runes
taunting Harlequins extremely difficult targets to hit cast their gaze upon the Farseers foes, cursing
despite their outlandish costumes and coloration. A these adversaries with ill fortune. Enemy
flip-belt grants the Hover Trait (6) and +20 psykers within the psykers Perception
on all Agility-based Tests, and requires the
Pilot (Personal) Skill to use. All Flip-
belts are at least Good Craftsmanship.
Characteristic in metres add +10 to all rolls they make of Slaanesh, the Eldar value spirit stones in a way that
on both Table 63: Psychic Phenomena and Table 64: most species cannot truly understand and do not hesitate
Perils of the Warp (see pages 160-161 of the Rogue to kill members of lesser species with the gall or bad
Trader Core Rulebook). fortune to come into possession of these treasured relics.
Once per combat encounter, the wearer may tap into
Runes of Witnessing the power of his spirit stones during his Turn to use one
Farseers carry countless trinkets, esoteric devices, and of his Psychic Techniques as a Free Action.
runes to assist in their divinations and panoply of other Should an Eldar lose their Spirit Stone or have it
rituals and powers. Runes of witnessing are designed to taken from them, a paranoid madness begins to overtake
help lead the Farseer to the destinies he chooses, without their mind. For every week they do not have a soulstone
becoming lost in the ineffable web of fate. Once per or fail to recover a stolen filled one, they must make a
Round, a character with Runes of Witnessing may Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or gain 1d5+2
choose to reduceor increasethe result of a roll that Insanity that cannot be reduced. For each week past the
he has made on either Table 63: Psychic Phenomena first, they suffer a cumulative -10 penalty to this test.
and Table 64: Perils of the Warp (see pages 160-161
of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook) by a number equal Swooping Hawk Wings
to his Perception Bonus. These allow the Swooping Hawk to glide safely down
from any height and make an unlimited number of short
Shrieker Ammunition jumps, doubling his Base Movement in any direction and
These barbed crystalline discs are hollow and filled ignoring all intervening terrain and obstacles. The
with a virulent genetic toxin that turns a victims Swooping Hawk must normally land at the end of his
biochemistry against itself explosively. The ammunition turn, but may use maximum power to gain the Flyer (12)
gets its name from the harrowing noise the discs Trait for up to five minutes before the wings require a
produce as air is dragged into the poison reservoir to minute to recharge. Swooping Hawk Wings require the
replace the toxin as it floods into the targets body. The Pilot (Personal) Skill to use.
toxin subverts the victims genetics, defiling tissues and
causing organs to fail spectacularly. The resultant Void Gear
damage often causes the victim to detonate, spraying An upgrade that can be applied to any Eldar armour,
tainted blood and viscera everywheresomething quite providing full life support as well as long-ranged vox
distressing for his allies. and auspex and the Dark Sight trait. This also grants the
Effect: The shot is considered to have the Toxic user Flyer (12) in zero gravity and a +10 bonus to pilot
quality, with the following change: if the Toughness Test (Personal) tests.
is failed, the weapon deals 3d10 Explosive damage.
When using Shrieker Ammunition, all RoFs of the Warp Jump Generator
weapon (except single shot) are halved (so RoF //6 This wargear allows the Warp Spider to make small,
would become //3) controlled jumps through the warp, disappearing with a
Used With: Shuriken Cannons. soft clap and reappearing many metres away with a rush
of displaced air. The Warp Spider may double its Base
Spectre Jetpack Movement and ignore intervening obstacles. In addition,
A Jetpack utilized by the Shadow Spectre Aspect he may choose to push the mechanisms of the generator
Warriors. This Jetpack confers the flyer (12) trait on the to move a further 2d10 metres with no penalty, but
wearer, and requires the Pilot (Personal) skill to use, but should the Warp Spider roll double ones, he must pass a
otherwise functions the same as the Jump Pack in the Hard (20) Willpower Test or disappear forever,
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook claimed by the warp. Should he pass the Test, he may
only take a Half Action next turn as he staggers back into
Spirit Stones the material universe. Warp Jump Generators require the
Eldar Outcasts carry empty spirit stones to capture Pilot (Personal) Skill to use.
their spirits as their essence departs their bodies,
snatching them from the thirsting maw of Slaanesh. Imperial Gear Equivalents:
These empty spirit stones funtion as a charm. Eldar may purchase wraithbone and other
Some Seers carry spirit stones that have taken on the technological equivalents of Imperial gear. It retains the
spirits of their powerful predecessors into battle, so that same bonuses and penalties, and is generally more
they may call upon the psychic might of those who difficult to find, 1-2 steps higher or more at GM
came before them in battle. Because spirit stones discretion.
contain the essence of revered ancestors and
represent the only way for an Eldar spirit to Gear Rarity, Weight, and Availability
evade the incomprehensibly agonising embrace All these relevant statistics can be found on page 54.
Eldar Armory Statistics
Chapter 6: Eldar Psychic Powers
Source Disclaimer: Powers in this section are taken from the greater breadth of skills that those Disciplines have.
Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily The Navis Primer. Some of the powers listed have prerequisites, as
listed in their descriptions. After being purchased,
This chapter contains the descriptions of the the powers can be utilized like any normal psychic
various psychic powers available once a player who power. For more information see the Psychic
has purchased the Eldar Psychic discipline talent. Powers section of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook.
The Eldar Psychic Discipline talent can be A Seer may only ever have one of the Eldar
purchased for one of the three disciplines, Farseer, Psychic Disciplines, even if they come into the Eldar
Void Dreamer, and Warlock. Psychic Discipline talent through other means, such
The powers may be purchased with the Eldar as by purchasing it earlier than rank 4 with one of
Psychic Power talent, each costing 500 XP and are the Eldar Talents, as they are narrow areas of
presented at several different ranks amongst The concentration that require devotion to master. If an
Path of the Seer Career Path. Some Eldar Explorer does wind up with two instances of the
Disciplines have fewer powers than others, which talent, the second instance does not grant access to
means that not all of the Eldar Psychic Talents can another discipline, and is effectively wasted
be utilized. This is intentional, and reflects the experience.
Eldar Farseer Discipline
Eldar Farseer Discipline Battle Fate
Some Eldar who travel the Path of the Seer Focus Power Time: Half Action
become trapped among its countless turns. As they Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
send their minds out to explore the tangled skein of Range: 2m x Psy Rating
fate and destiny, they become obsessed with its Sustained: Yes
nature. Their psyches compel them to constantly As a dying race, the Eldar often focus upon
take action so that they can ensure that time and psychic techniques that might effectively preserve
events shape the galaxy in ways that have been the lives of those who yet remain. However, these
preordained. These psykers wield their potent and Eldar established their dominance through their
highly trained abilities and lead their people in devastating psychic abilities, and those have not
endless quests to preserve their race. been lost. Just as a Farseer can glean the best path
for an Eldar to preserve his life, he may also
Fortune determine what path could be most destructive to the
Focus Power Time: Half Action enemy. With this knowledge in hand, the psyker may
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience be able to see to it that his forces can destroy their
Range: 2m x Psy Rating opponents before the Eldar sustain meaningful
Sustained: Yes losses, or decide that a sacrifice is necessary for the
As Farseers spend a substantial portion of their good of the Eldar.
lives focusing upon the strands of destiny, it is not The psyker activates this Technique with a Focus
uncommon for them to see visions of those that they Power Test. Allies within range come under the
know. Particularly stressful situations, often effects of Battle Fate. Each Degree of Success
including physical conflicts, can become focal increases the range of the Technique by an additional
points for fate. Different destinies can interweave 2 metres. All characters under the effect of Battle
leading to alternative outcomes, and a talented Fate receive a bonus of 10 + Psy Rating to Weapon
psychic may learn to twist and manipulate world Skill as long as the psyker sustains the Technique.
events so that the pattern takes on a different shape.
Farseers can manipulate these strands as they learn Force Of Asuryan
to predict the actions of their opponents. Learning Focus Power Time: Full Action
an opponents common strategies is nowhere near as Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
reliable as foreseeing the actions that he is most Range: 2m x Psy Rating
likely to take based on following the chains of Sustained: Yes
causality itself. With such knowledge in hand, the By carefully studying the skeins of fate as they
psyker can carefully prepare for a future that has not are linked to a group of individuals, the Farseer can
yet arrived, assuring that his people are capable of direct them so that they can study and react with
dealing with the mostly probable outcomes. seeming preternatural quickness to situations.
The psyker activates this Technique with a Because of their divinations, such actions become
Focus Power Test. All friendly characters within 5 the work of careful training and direction to events
metres x Psy Rating come under the effects of that have been foretold rather than the reactions of a
Fortune. Each Degree of Success raises the range of moments notice. In this way, the Farseers allies are
the Technique by an additional 2 metres. Any enemy better prepared for a conflict than any virtually other
that attempts to attack a character under the effects force.
of Fortune must reroll its first successful Weapon
Skill or Ballistic Skill Test each Round, using the
second result even if it is worse.
The psyker activates this Technique with a The Farseer selects a target and makes a Focus
Focus Power Test. All friendly characters (including Power Test to unleash a corona of crackling energy
the psyker himself ) within range come under the that strikes out with arcs of lightning. His Warp-
effects of Force of Asuryan. Every Degree of uelled anger can hurl his opponents in all directions
Success on the Focus Power Test increases the as the energies of the Immaterium are transformed
range of the Technique by an additional 2 metres. into raw destructive power. The target and all living
All characters affected by the Technique gain an beings within 2 metres x Psy Rating immediately
additional Half Action and an additional Reaction as suffer 3d10 + Psy Rating Energy Damage with a Pen
long as the psyker sustains the Technique. of 8. Each Degree of Success extends the radius of
the attack by 2 metres. Eldritch Storm is considered
Crystal Seer an area effect weapon for purposes of Dodging.
Focus Power Time: Full Action Anyone the Eldritch Storm strikes is knocked prone
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience by the furious blast
Range: Self
Sustained: No Phoenix Spirit
For a Farseer, linear time is an inconvenience, Focus Power Time: Full Action
but one that can often be overcome. Just as the Focus Power Test: Willpower
psyker may peer into the future to advise his forces, Range: 10m x Psy Rating
he may be able to call upon the services of those Sustained: No
who have come before. Within any given conflict, Farseers often commune with the spirits of their
the spirit of an ancestral Eldar may be available to Craftworlds Infinity Circuit. The psyker can come
assist in any psychic conflict. At times, the Farseer to grips with notions of mortality and also to the
may have to call upon these ancient ones for understanding of how an Eldars soul might
assistance, but just as often their aid might appear continue to exist within its spirit stone. A Farseer
without request. can learn how to permit an Eldar to remain in
The psyker makes a Focus Power Test to control of his physical body for a few moments after
activate this Technique. On success, he may his apparent demise.
immediately use two Focus Power Tests to activate The Farseer selects an Eldar target that has died
Psychic Techniques other than Crystal Seer as Free recently and makes a Focus Power Test. The subject
Actions. For every two Degrees of Success on the may immediately Stand as a Free Action and then
Focus Power Test, the Farseer may make another take a full Turn. The target character is not healed,
Focus Power Test to use an additional Technique but may act without any penalties incurred by injury
other than Crystal Seer as a Free Action. These other that those associated with dismemberment. For
Techniques may not be used at a Psy Rating higher every two Degrees of Success on the Focus Power
than the one used for Crystal Seer and the psyker Test, the target character persists for another Round,
gains one level of Fatigue for each additional acting normally at the Farseers initiative. Once the
Technique that he activates this way. power ends, the target falls dead once more and
cannot be revived again by this power.
Eldritch Storm
Focus Power Time: Half Action Temporal Exile
Focus Power Test: Willpower Focus Power Time: Full Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
Sustained: No Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Even with their extensive planning and Sustained: No
understanding of destiny, there are times when a A Farseers abilities are focused tightly upon his
Farseer must unleash the raw potential of the Warp knack for manipulating the skeins of fate. One who
against his foes. On such occasions, the Farseer may becomes particularly adept at these techniques may
truly exhibit his races psychic potential as these directly influence how anothers strands are
exhibitions of raw energy can yield tremendous interwoven into the webwork of the galaxy. Using
destructive force. his psychic abilities, the Farseer may choose to
render a subjects thread completely isolated, as
unweaving it from time itself.
Such isolation leaves the subject incapable of Doom
acting upon any other targets. Generally, Farseers Focus Power Time: Half Action
are reluctant to use this ability, as it may have Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
consequences upon the future. Even in those Range: 20m x Psy Rating
circumstances where they come to accept its Sustained: Yes
necessity, they may hesitate before applying it The psyker chooses a foe and, focusing his mind,
liberally. delves into the myriad threads of causality to find
The psyker selects a target and makes a Focus the ones in which blows strike true against this
Power Test. If the psyker succeeds, he cuts the enemy no matter how robust its defences. Some of
target free from the flow of causality and the target the few who have survived being the target of this
can take no Actions nor be affected by others for technique describe feeling as if the psykers blows
one Round. For every 2 Degrees of Success on the had landed before he even attacked and that his
Focus Power Test, the individual remains isolated strikes wove in and around their defences of their
for an additional Round. Upon returning to the own accord.
normal fabric of causality, the target must make a The psyker selects a target within range and
Challenging (+0) Willpower Test; if he fails, he makes a Focus Power Test. If he succeeds, as long as
gains 1d5 Insanity Points, his mind shaken by the the psyker sustains this power, all attacks made
paradoxical experience of being removed briefly against the target hit, regardless of the results of
from the tapestry of space and time. Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests, and the target
suffers a 5 penalty to Dodge and Parry, with an
additional 5 for each Degree of Success by which
the psyker won the Opposed Test. The affected
character may spend a Fate Point at any time to end
this effect; if he does so, he becomes immune to this
power for the remainder of the encounter.
Eldar Void Dreamer Discipline
Eldar Void Dreamer Discipline Soul Scry
Along with their numerous Divination powers, Focus Power Time: Full Action
the Eldar Void Dreamers have a handful of special Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
techniques unique to them. Range: 5m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Yes
Empyrean Hunter With this power, the Void Dreamer looks into the
Focus Power Time: Full Action immediate future, teasing apart the tangled strands
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience of fate and happenstance and taking the measure of
Range: 5 VU x Psy Rating his companions courage and dedication. In doing
Sustained: Yes so, he sees what will and will not work to inspire or
The connection that a Void Dreamer shares with drive them and uses the information accordingly.
the Immaterium is such that he can track other This power makes the psyker a powerful and
vessels through realspace or the Warp the same way prescient advisor.
a bloodtracker trails his prey. As long as the psyker sustains this Technique, he
As long as the psyker sustains this Technique, and a number of allies equal to his Psy Rating within
he can follow another vessel using the Tracking range gain a +5 bonus to Interaction Tests, with an
Skill (page 88 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook). additional +5 bonus to these Tests per Degree of
He can follow a ships trail as old as a number of Success he scores on the Focus Power Test.
months equal to his Perception Bonus, plus one
month per Degree of Success that he scores on his Spirit Shield
Focus Power Test. Focus Power Time: Half Action
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Shearing Light Range: 5m x Psy Rating Radius
Focus Power Time: Half Action Sustained: Yes
Focus Power: Willpower The Spirit Shield technique allows the Void
Range: Self Dreamer to use his unique powers to protect himself
Sustained: Yes and his allies against the depredations of enemy
The psyker focuses on his desire to break psykers and Daemons.
through his enemies defences and rips a crimson Upon activation, the power creates a powerful
shaft of energy from the Immaterium. This weapon disruptive aura centred on the psyker. As long as the
slices through unnatural protection granted by the psyker sustains this power, each ally within range
Warp as easily as through mortal flesh, allowing the may use the Void Dreamers Willpower
Void Dreamer to combat the monsters lurking in the Characteristic instead of his own for Opposed
aether. Willpower Tests and Tests to resist Fear and Pinning.
If the psyker succeeds on the Focus Power Test,
he calls a weapon with the following profile into Void Watcher
being: Carmine Lance of Khaine (Melee; 1d10+X Focus Power Time: Full Action
E, Pen X; Tearing) or (Thrown; X x 10 metres; Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
1d10 + X E; Pen X; Tearing), where X equals the Range: 10 VU x Psy Rating
psykers Psy Rating when he calls it forth. Sustained: No
This weapon ignores bonuses to Armour or This power allows a Void Dreamer to gaze into
Toughness and other defences granted by psychic the black gulf around his ship and divine the nature
abilities or the Daemonic Trait. Only the psyker of any and all celestial objects within his range. It
may wield this weapon and it vanishes moments can reveal hidden dangers such as mines, debris
after he stops sustaining the Technique or after it fields, void creatures, and even other voidships.
strikes (or misses) when thrown. With a successful Focus Power Test, the Void
Dreamer detects all foreign objects within range. If
he scores three or more Degrees of Success on his
Focus Power Test, the Void Dreamer also detects the
immediate intentions and desires of any living
beings within range unless they are aware of his
psychic vigil and pass a Very Hard (30)
Deceive Test.
Withering Radiance
Requirements: Shearing Light Psychic Power
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Focus Power: Willpower
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Drawing forth the very stuff of the Warp, the
Void Dreamer forms a deadly spear made of pure
amber energy. This spear is a deadly weapon when
hurled at a foe, but on top of its impossibly sharp
edge, it also withers those it strikes with the fury of
time itself, inflicting ravages of years in the instant
the strike lands.
If the psyker succeeds on the Focus Power Test,
he calls a weapon with the following profile into
being: Brilliant Withering Spear (Melee; 1d10 + X
E, Pen X; Balanced) or (Thrown; X x 10 metres;
1d10 + X E; Pen X; Accurate), where X equals the
psykers Psy Rating when he calls it forth.
Further, when a target suffers Damage (after
reductions from Armour and Toughness Bonus)
from an attack with this weapon, it must
immediately make a Difficult (10) Toughness
Test. If it succeeds, it gains one level of Fatigue. If it
fails, it gains one level of Fatigue and suffers 1d10
Characteristic Damage to a randomly chosen
Characteristic. This Characteristic Damage does not
begin to heal while the psyker who inflicted it draws
breath. Only the psyker may wield this weapon and
it vanishes moments after he stops sustaining the
Technique or after it strikes (or misses) when
Eldar Warlock Discipline
Eldar Warlock Discipline
When the Eldar must go to war, Warlocks wield their Most Warlocks learn the Embolden technique so that
psychic powers among their brethren. Their abilities are they might share a portion of their courage with their
focused both on disrupting their opponents and on fellows, aiding them as they endeavour to fulfil their
defending their fellows. In concert with their dreaded duties. In this way, the psyker instils an unshakeable
psychically active Witchblades, Warlocks are respected sense of bravery and invulnerability upon his comrades,
and feared by those few who survive fighting against reaching into their minds with visions of mighty heroes
them, and by any who hear the tales of these swift and and great victories. With this effect, the xenos become
brutal conflicts. far bolder in the ways that they undertake their
responsibility of service.
With a Focus Power Test, the Warlock uses the power
Destructor of the Warp to channel a portion of his courage into
Focus Power Time: Half Action those who stand nearby. If he succeeds, as long as the
Focus Power Test: Willpower Warlock sustains this power, all allies within 2 metres x
Range: 20m x Psy Rating Psy Rating receive a 10 + Psy Rating bonus to their
Sustained: No Willpower Characteristic. Every Degree of Success on
After spending years treading the Path of the the Focus Power Test adds an additional +5 bonus to
Warrior, violence and anger often become the core of an Willpower. Note that multiple instances of this
Eldars being. Upon switching to the Path of the Seer, Technique are not cumulative.
the act of harnessing the Warp for destructive purposes
is intuitive for a Warlock. Consequently, for many
Warlocks, this is the first technique that they master. For
these natural psychics, channelling the raw energies of
the Warp is often the easiest step. Exerting the fine
control to destroy only their targets, without affecting
their allies or their environment, can be a much more
difficult stage of the learning process. For many,
mastery of the Destructor technique is undertaken at the
same time as they learn to focus their talents through a
The Warlock selects a target and makes a Focus
Power Test to unleash a devastating surge of psychic
power. His fury creates a roiling blast of raw psychic
power that engulfs his enemies. The target and all living
beings within 1 metre x Psy Rating immediately suffer
2d10 + Psy Rating Energy Damage with a Pen equal to
his Psy Rating. Every 2 Degrees of Success extends the
radius of the attack by 1 metre. Destructor is considered
an area effect weapon for purposes of Dodging.
Focus Power Time: Half Action
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: 2m x Psy Rating
Sustained: Yes
All Eldar are expected to rise to the defence of their
Craftworld when called to do so in times of need.
Consequently, even those who have never undertaken
the Path of the Warrior are capable of effectively
utilising the tools of an Eldar Guardian. To these
comparatively untrained individuals, the Craftworlds
Warlocks are inspiring and intimidating individuals. The
rank and file look up to these psychic warriors as
symbols of the heroic might, boundless bravery,
and mental fortitude that symbolises their race.
Conceal Degree of Success expands this range by 1 metre. All
Focus Power Time: Half Action allies receive a bonus of 10 + Psy Rating to their Weapon
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience Skill and Agility Characteristics. Note that multiple
Range: 2m x Psy Rating instances of this Technique are not cumulative.
Sustained: Yes
The Conceal power allows a Warlock to guide his Executioner
forces in battle while minimising losses amongst the Focus Power Time: Full Action
troops he leads. Rather than actively assisting his Focus Power Test: Willpower
fellows, he instead clouds the minds of on- looking Range: 20m x Psy Rating
opponents. Those who fall prey to the technique become Sustained: Yes
incapable of accurately identifying the location of the As part of their training, Warlocks learn the critical
Warlocks companions. This enables the Eldar forces to value that they hold as part of their Craftworlds
move about the battlefield with relative impunity. defences, just as they are constantly reminded of the
The Warlock makes a Focus Power Test. If he immeasurable value of each Eldar life. The Executioner
succeeds, for as long as he sustains this power, the technique serves as a way for a Warlock to engage
Warlock and all allies within 2 metres x Psy Rating of particularly potent opponents without endangering his
the psyker are affected by Conceal. Each Degree of own life. In this way, a foe may be tested and possibly
Success extends the range by an additional 1 metre. Any even overcome without significant risk to a valuable
character that attempts to attack a target affected by this Eldar asset. It also allows the Warlock engage in a
Technique suffers a penalty of 20 + Psy Rating to his dramatic display of psychic power that may serve to both
Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test for that attack. Note inspire and reassure his fellows.
that multiple instances of this Technique are not When activating this ability, strands of incandescent
cumulative. energy stream from the Warlocks outstretched fingertips
and weave themselves into a monstrous glowing form
Enhance near a foe. The form is a psychic projection of the
Focus Power Time: Half Action Warlock, which immediately springs forward to attack
Focus Power Test: Willpower the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. While the projection
Range: 2m x Psy Rating may be capable of destroying an opponent, the foe is
Sustained: Yes unable to physically injure the remote psyker.
When working in concert with more experienced The psyker activates this Technique by making a
warriors or when engaging lesser foes, a Warlock need Focus Power Test and choosing a point within range. If
not focus his skills on bolstering the courage of his he succeeds, he conjures a shadowy doppelganger into
allies. Instead, he has the luxury of using his psychic existence to fight at his side. The psychic creation has a
abilities to increase his comrades abilities, so that the profile and equipment identical to that of the psyker,
Eldars enemies can be overcome more swiftly. With the except that it may not cast Executioner and the entire
Warlocks psychic guidance, even the least trained of construct simply dissipates if it suffers Critical Damage,
warriors are capable of fighting like battle-hardened leaves the range of the power, or if the psyker ceases
veterans. sustaining the power. The construct acts at the psykers
The Warlock activates this ability with a Focus initiative. Each Degree of Success on the Focus Power
Power Test. If he succeeds, for as long as he sustains the Test grants the creation a +5 bonus to Weapon Skill. The
power, the psyker bolsters all of his allies within 2 psyker may only ever sustain one instance of this
metres x Psy Rating (but not the psyker himself ). Each Technique at a time.
Eldar Bonesinger Discipline
Eldar Bonesinger Discipline Equipment. This equipment gains a bonus to
Source Disclaimer: This discipline is purely fan made and may Damage and Penetration equal to one-half the
be used or disregarded as needed. Bonesinger's Psy Rating. This power does not have
any effect on Voidship weaponry.
The Bonesinger disciple relates to the telepathic
ability to summon or psychically generate the Aetherspike
solidified substance of the Immaterium the Eldar Focus Power Time: Half Action
call Wraithbone, which they construct into buildings Focus Power Test: Willpower
or tools and use to repair the Eldar's vehicles, Range: Self
weapons and armour. Sustain: Yes
Focusing the powers of evoking Wraithbone the
Basic Technique: Wraithbone Calling Bonesinger may produce a deadly spear of
The Bonesinger is able to call forth that which Wraithbone Energy which devastates any that might
comprises the bulk of Eldar technology and shape it cross their path.
into useful form. As a Half action his power produces a wicked
This allows the Psyker to call forth and speak composed entirely of Wraithbone in the hands
manipulate Wraithbone in the Material realm. of the Bonesinger. It may be used as a Melee
Typically this is used to create Arms and Armour for Weapon or Thrown Weapon depending on the needs
the Eldar or to repair damaged equipment. A of the Bonesinger. If used as a Melee Weapon it
Bonesinger may use the Psyniscience skill in place deals 1d10+Psy Rating Energy damage with Pen Psy
of a Tech-Use or Trade (Armourer) or Trade Rating with the Tearing Quality. If used as a
(Shipwright) to work with Wraithbone and the Thrown Weapon it uses the same profile as Melee
Common Lore (Eldar) and Forbidden Lore (Warp) but gains a range of 10xPsy Rating. The Bonesinger
Skills regarding information pertaining to their is considered to be proficient with both
workings in place of Common Lore (Tech) and manifestations of the Aetherspike.
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)
Immaterial Reinforcement
Aether Pulse Modulation Focus Power Time: Full Action
Focus Power Time: Full Action Focus Power Test: Willpower
Focus Power Test: Willpower Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Range: 10m x Psy Rating Sustain: Yes
Sustain: Yes Developing an innate perception for the strengths
Incredibly attuned to the nature of Wraithbone, and weaknesses of the Wraithbone around them,
the Bonesinger is able to perceive the slightest Bonesingers can reinforce Wraithbone already
imperfections within the firing mechanisms of forged into the weapons of war.
weapons. Tapping into the energies released by The Bonesinger pulls small amounts of
Wraithbone, the Bonesinger enhances the Wraithbone from the Empyrean to increase the
destructive power of any nearby weapons by density and make it more resilient to incoming
correcting any slight imbalances. trauma. As a Full Action the Bonesinger chooses a
As a Full Action the Bonesinger reduces erratic number of targets equal to their Psy Rating within
energy modulation in nearby Wraithbone weaponry range (which may include themselves) who are
and causes them to operate much more efficiently. equipped with Wraithbone Armour. These targets
The Bonesinger chooses a number of targets equal gain a bonus to Armour Points equal to one-half to
to Psy Rating in range (which may include Bonesinger's Psy Rating to all locations that the
themselves) who are wielding Wraithbone worn Armour covers.
Soulfire Barrage systems running at peak efficiency and can even
Focus Power Time: Extended Action restore Voidships far from their drydocks by pulling
Focus Power Test: Willpower Wraithbone from the Warp. This power allows the
Range: Touch Bonesinger to restore Hull Points to a Voidship both
Sustain: No in Strategic Combat and out.
Those Bonesingers who are stationed aboard the
Strategic Application: If used in combat, this
Voidships of the Corsair and Craftworld fleets are power restores 1d10+Psy Rating Hull Points
privy to the secrets of some of the most advanced to the vessel they are on, provided it is
technologies of their race. Through careful study constructed of Wraithbone. This may one be
and exposure they have learned to channel the done once per year as it is incredibly taxing
power of Wraithbone to deliver devastating blows to on the ship's superstructure. A successful
stellar adversaries. Extended Repairs test utilizing Psyniscience
The Bonesinger forms a synchronization of all or Tech-Use will restore the superstructure
components of the Wraithbone in a voidship and may allow this power to be used in this
weapon, granting it unparalleled performance for a fashion more often at the GM's Discretion.
short period. This power is an Extended Action to
Other Applications: If used outside of
manifest, and takes effect the turn it is manifested. Strategic Combat, this power allows the
For one Strategic Turn the weapon gains a bonus Bonesinger to enact Extended Repairs
depending on the type of weapon it is. Repairs action (see page 228 of the Rogue
Macrobatteries gain +1 Range, Lances gain +2 Trader Core Rulebook) without returning to
Damage, Torpedoes gain +1 Speed, and Launch a Craftworld. This power is used in place of
Bays gain a +10 to the Command+Craft Rating the Acquisition test described for every 5
Test. This power is incredibly taxing on the points of Hull Integrity restored, but suffers
Bonesinger and they must wait 1+(10-Psy Rating) the same penalties and restrictions. A failure
Strategic Turns before using the power again. represents the Bonesinger overtaxing
themselves and they must wait 3d5-Psy
Voidfarer's Touch Rating (Minimum 3) days before attempting
Focus Power Time: Extended Ation or More to return to the task.
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: Touch Wraithbone Manipulation
Sustain: No Focus Power Time: Full Action
The Bonesingers of the Eldar Fleets are able to Focus Power Test: Willpower
perform amazing feats with the wonder that is the Range: Touch
Wraithbone Voidship. They are able to keep the Sustain: No
There are those who have spent many hours
deployed on the vehicles and vessels upon which the
Eldar wage war. They have become so adept at
understanding the needs of the Wraithbone that they
can perform massive repairs almost instantly, though
it does tire them.
This power allows the Bonesinger to, as a Full
action, repair a Vehicle in the midst of battle. Upon
a successful Focus Power Test, the Bonesinger
restores a number of Hull Points equal to 3 x Psy
Rating to a vehicle. This power may only be used
once per vehicle per encounter as it is incredibly
tiring on the Bonesinger and taxes the structural
integrity of the vehicles it is used upon. After
successful long term maintenance (requiring an
extended Psyniscience or Tech-Use Test) it can be
used on a vehicle again, potentially sooner than
normal at the GM's discretion.
Phantasmancy Psychic Discipline
Phantasmancy Discipline veiling their sight and baffling their senses. Soon
Source Disclaimer: This disciple is purely fan made but is enough they see only a whirling bank of lambent
based off the Phantasmancy descriptions from the 7th Edition silver mist. The sounds of battle echo weirdly
Harlequin Codex. Power descriptions include codex exerpts. through this icy murk, and shadows prowl beyond
Shadowseers are the masters of illusion and the edge of sight. The enemy are left deaf, blind, and
misdirection. Such is their power and intellect, they all but helpless as the Shadowseer's comrades
can reach into the minds of mortals and twist their descend upon them.
perceptions at a whim. This may involve shrouding As a Full Action the Shadowseer manifests a
the presence of the Harlequins from the victims' concealing mass of shadows and light. All those in
mind, or trapping the foe in purgatorial thought- the targeted area must make an Opposed Willpower
mazes of their own worst fears. Whatever the test versus the Psyker. Those that fail suffer a
precise nature of the manipulation, it will invariably penalty to all Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, and
be subtle, sinister, and dangerously cruel. Known Dodge tests equal to 2 x the Psyker's Psy Rating.
powers of the Phantasmancy Discipline include: Those that remain in the area may make an Opposed
Willpower Test versus the Psyker to end the effect
Dance of Shadows the next round, and gain a +10 to break out for each
Focus Power Time: Full Action round they have been under Fog of Dreams.
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Range: (10m x Psy Rating) Radius Mirror of Minds
Sustain: Yes Focus Power Time: Full Action
The Shadowseer uses his powers of illusion to Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
exaggerate the play of light and shadow around his Range: Psy Rating Meters
allies. The effect swiftly intensifies, shrouding the Sustain: Yes
unit in a whirling vortex of gloom, shot through The Shadowseer singles out a foe and appears to
with blinding pulses of light. them as an apparition lodged in their subconscious.
As a Full Action this power grants the Reality falls away before the helpless victim,
Shadowseer and a number of allies equal to up to replaced by a warped mirrormaze of the
twice their psy rating the ability to make Shadowseers making. Though only seconds pass in
Concealement, Shadowing, and Silent Move tests the real world, within the victim's mind they must
even while being directly observed. They suffer no strive against the Shadowseer's will for days,
penalties for moving above normal speed and months, even years in their efforts to escape. Many
attempting to make these tests. Enemies within the never do. Their souls erode until nothing remains
range of this power may make an Opposed but a ghost, wandering mad and alone within the
Willpower test with the Psyker to negate the effects prison of their own mind.
of this power. As a Full Action the Shadowseer chooses a single
target in range and makes an Opposed Willpower
Fog of Dreams test against them. If the Psyker is successful, the
Focus Power Time: Full Action Target is unable to act that round and gains 1d5
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower Insanity Points. The Psyker may maintain this
Range: Psy Rating Radius Circle within Psy Rating ability each round, making an Opposed Willpower
x 10 Meters. test each round. If the target is attacked during this
Sustain: Yes power's duration it ends immediately, but may be
Soft and subtle, the Shadowseer sends his manifested again. Each subsequent use of this
consciousness forth like a creeping mist. Moment power on a target grants them a cumulative +10 to
by moment, his thoughts seep into those of the foe, resist it as they become used to the effects of the
Peal of Discord Veil of Tears
Focus Power Time: Full Action Focus Power Time: Full Action
Focus Power Test: Willpower Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Range: Psy Rating Meter blast centered on Psyker Range: (10m x Psy Rating) Radius
Sustain: No Sustain: Yes
Drawing in a slow breath of Warp energy, the Sketching a gesture in the air, the Shadowseer
Shadowseer throws back his head and sings out a snatches the image of the Harlequins from the minds
perfect note, interwoven with a horrific banshee of their foes, and plucks it out, hiding them from
scream. Soaring and plunging, the wave of sound sight.
rolls outward, a crashing discordia that shatters As a Full Action, this power grants the
bones, bursts brains, and leaves the few survivors Shadowseer and a number of allies equal to up to
bleeding and befuddled. twice their Psy Rating a bonus equal to 3 x Psy
This power produces a devastating shockwave as Rating to Concealment, Shadowing, and Silent
a Full Action that causes injury to all those within Move Tests. Those under the effect of this power
the blast radius. All those within the blast radius gain the benefits of the Hard Target talent for it's
may attempt a Dodge to avoid this attack per duration. Enemies may make an opposed Willpower
standard Dodging out of Blast rules. Those that fail test with the Psyker to negate the effects of this
suffer 1d10+Psy Rating with Penetration Psy Rating power and see through the illusion.
with the Shocking Quality (see Core Rulebook page
116). Those stunned by this power are stunned for
one round. The Psyker who manifested the power is
not considered to be in the area of effect.
Shards of Light
Focus Power Time: Full Action
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: 5m x Psy Rating Radius
Sustain: No
The Shadowseer reaches out and plucks blades
of light from thin air. Though nothing but illusion,
this trick is so realistic that it fools the senses
utterly, the blades inflicting horrific psychosomatic
wounds as they whistle through the air to blind and
As a Full Action the Shadowseer attempts to
manifest the power. If successful, the Shadowseer
may may pick a number of targets in range equal to
Psy Rating and make an attack action on those
individuals treating the Focus Power test as a
Ballistic Skill Test. If successful, the target suffers
damage equal to 1d10+Psy Rating with a pen of Psy
Rating with the Shocking Quality. An enemy may
not be targeted with this power more than once per
round. This power may be dodged.
Spiritseer Psychic Discipline
Spiritseer Psychic Discipline Spiritseer to select a number of Common Lore,
Source Disclaimer: This Psychic Discipline is purely fan made Forbidden Lore, or Scholastic Lore tests equal to
but based on the description of Spiritseer abilities from 6th one-half their Psy Rating as though they were
Edition Eldar Codex.
Trained in those skills. This increases to Trained
Spiritseers are those upon the Witch Path who (+10) at Psy Rating 4 and Trained (+20) at Psy
are called to commune with the dead a chilling Rating 8. This power may be sustained for long
concept, even amongst the Eldar. Though periods of research. For each subsequent
Spiritseers help to ensure the survival of the entire manifestation of this power per day there is a
Eldar race, their actions are perceived by those cumulative -10 penalty as the amount of knowledge
around them as akin to Necromancy; yet another infusing the Spiritseer's brain becomes a jumble.
depth the craftworlds must sink to in their struggle Multiple instances of this power do not stack and
to stave off a lingering demise. manifesting the power again overwrites previously
selected Lore Skills.
Basic Technique: Liasion to Infinity
This Technique allows the Spiritseer to Guiding the Fallen
communicate with Wraithguards and Wraithlords Focus Power Time: Extended Action
via a psychic link at a range of 10km per Psy Focus Power Test: Willpower
Rating. If they have any powers from the Telepathy Range: Special
Discipline they may add any Wraithguard or Sustain: No
Wraithlord to such techniques, normally impossible. There are times when an Eldar ship must make
boarding actions, and when they do the inclusion of
Channeling Infinity the Wraithguard can provide a devastating edge.
Focus Power Time: Full Action Spiritseers are able to lend cohesion and efficiency
Focus Power Test: Willpower to such actions.
Range: 5x Psy Rating Meters This power allows the Spiritseer to lead
Sustain: No Wraithguard in ship to ship boarding actions and
Those Eldar who reside within the Infinity make sure that their focus stays on the goal of
Circuit can grant a Spiritseer incredible but brief causing havoc. This power grants a +20 bonus to
insight into the effect their actions will have and the Hit and Run action as long as the Spiritseer is
how best to maximize their effectiveness. involved in it. This power may be used once per
As a Full Action the Spiritseer gains a number of Strategic Round in Void Combat as an Extended
targets equal to Psy Rating in range (which may Action.
include themselves) a bonus on their next Test equal
to 2 x Psy Rating as they are able to receive Spirit Consultation
impressions from the departed. This power may not Focus Power Time: Full Action
be used in conjunction with any Acquisition test. Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Communion of Knowledge Sustain: No
Focus Power Time: Full Action The souls in the Infinity Circuit watch over the
Focus Power Test: Willpower living Eldar, and their eyes can be given a more
Range: Self tangible presence with the aid of a Spiritseer.
Sustain: Yes As a Full Action the Psyker grants a number of
There is much information held amongst the targets equal to Psy Rating one temporary Fate Point
Infinity Circuit, and Spiritseers are able to retrieve that can be spent but not burnt. This power cannot
such wisdom and use it to further the needs of the supply multiple Fate Points to any target. These
Eldar. Fate Points last until used or an Endeavour has been
As a Full Action the Spiritseer may commune completed, whichever comes first. This power may
with the Infinity Circuit to take advantage of the be manifested multiple times, but each subsequent
knowledge of those within it. This allows the manifestation suffers a cumulative -10 penalty as the
limits of the Infinity Circuit are stretched.
Translating the Material Wisdom of the Ancients
Focus Power Time: Full Action Focus Power Time: Full Action
Focus Power Test: Willpower Focus Power Test: Willpower
Range: 100m x Psy Rating Range: Self
Sustain: Yes Sustain: Yes
Spiritseers are vitally important for leading those The spirits of the Infinity Circuit bestow their
Eldar who now reside within the Wraithguard and knowledge and skills upon the Spiritseer and allow
Wraithlords. Without them, the automaton frames them to act with their own proficiency.
would have difficulty translating the material realm As a Full Action the Psyker may gain any skill as
and can get distracted. a trained skill as long as this power is sustained, this
As a Full Action the Spiritseer removes the increases to Trained (+10) at Psy Rating 4 and
Wraithsight (See the Koronus Bestiary p56) and Traned (+20) at Psy Rating 8. Each time per day
Ancient Memories traits from any Wraithguard or this power is used, the Spiritseer takes a -10 penalty
Wraithlords that are within range of this power, to the test to re-manifest it as the knowledge begins
greatly increasing their effectiveness and allowing to run together in their head. Multiple instances of
the minds of those ensconced within these this power may not be sustained and manifesting
wraithbone frames some temporary peace of mind. this power again overwrites previously selected
Chapter 7: Eldar Starships
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section and starship rules shape, generally possessing rounded, almost oval
come from the Rogue Trader Roleplaying Game, primarily hulls, and an organic look (although nowhere near
Battlefleet Koronus, Edge of the Abyss, and Fallen Suns.
the quasi-insectoid appearance of Tyranid vessels).
Naval officers sighting Eldar voidships for the first
If we do not destroy one of your ships now and time often dismiss them as easy prey for Imperial
then, you will forget who and what we are. macrobatteries and lances. Nothing, however, could
Corsair Captain Shibn Nyssyn to a foe. be further from the truth.
The Eldar are perhaps the most accomplished
Possibly the oldest space-faring race in the starfarers in the galaxy. Their ships are significantly
galaxy, the Eldar were travelling among the stars more advanced than those of the Imperium, and are
while mankind was still learning to walk upright. equipped with technologies far beyond the abilities
Close to human in appearance, Eldar tend to be of the Adeptus Mechanicus to understand, much less
taller and slimmer than the average Imperial citizen, duplicate. The hull of an Eldar ship is made not from
with sharply-angled features and distinctive pointed adamantium plating, but from a material called
ears. They are best known for the sublime grace of wraithbone. Molded by Eldar craftsmen known as
their movements as well as possessing blindingly Bonesingers, wraithbone is literally grown into what
fast reflexes. A tremendously long lived people, ever shape is needed, be it armour, weapons,
with life-spans measured in centuries, the Eldar are buildings, or kilometres-long voidships. Durable,
also a slowly dwindling race. Their homeworld was difficult to damage, and even capable to a certain
lost long ago during the catastrophic collapse of the degree of self-repair, wraithbone is psychically
Eldar civilisation, and they are now scattered across active and on Eldar ships replaces the vox units and
the galaxy, mostly dwelling on planet-sized cogitators found on Imperial vessels. Wraithbone
spaceships known as Craftworlds. also manifests innate psychic shielding, partially
protecting the vessel (and its crew) against certain
Wraithbone Warships manifestations from the void.
Eldar starships, when compared to the massive Instead of crude plasma drives, the Eldar use
cruisers of the Imperium, seem almost fragile. Their vast solar sails to collect the light of the stars. These
ships lack the thick plating, heavy prows, and sails allow Eldar ships to move swiftly and securely,
bristling towers of Imperial Navy vessels, instead and are one of the reasons behind their impressive
sporting long masts which support the vessels sail- and unparalleled manoeuvrability.
like solar collectors. Their ships also have a sleeker
Small craft may only have a single solar sail, while The use of wraithgates and the webway allows the
larger craft may have two or three, giving the ships Eldar access to almost anywhere they choose, and is
the appearance of winged creatures. one of the major reasons the Eldar are able to make
Defensively, Eldar forego the use of void shields the most of their small numbers. By using a
and instead rely on their holofields for protection. A wraithgate in an otherwise empty section of space,
holofield confuses a ships targeting sensors by the Eldar can often assemble a fleet of strike craft
creating multiple ghost ships randomly across an undetected, and either flank or bypass an enemys
area of space. These ghosts mask the actual location defences. Once their raid is over, they can retreat the
of the Elder ship. While this means an Eldar ship way they came, vanishing silently into the void.
can be nigh-impossible to hit, their lack of void
shields renders them vulnerable to those shots that Eldar Weaponry
do find their target. While immensely sophisticated, Offensively, the Eldar utilise advanced laser and
even Eldar construction is not as durable as multi- plasma weaponry backed by highly sophisticated
metre thick adamantium armour layers and torpedoes. A common macrobattery weapon is the
thousands of redundant components and starcannon, consisting of clustered plasma
replacement crew. generators mounted in turrets. These starcannon are
far more powerful than the crew-served weapons of
The Webway the same name used by Eldar infantry and light
Possibly the greatest accomplishment of the vehicles. As accurate as they are deadly, starcannon
Eldar is their ability to travel the galaxy without can wreck horrific damage on enemy vessels with
entering the warp. Instead, they utilise the the preciseness of their fire. Once their starcannons
webway, a network of warp tunnels dating back to have battered down an enemys void shields, the
when the Eldar were the sole rulers of the galaxy. Eldar turn to their pulsar lances, which fire volleys
Capable of transporting anything from a single of intense laser bolts, each capable of ripping
Eldar on foot to an entire space-borne battle fleet, through a target starship.
the webway allows the Eldar to slip in and out of
Imperium space almost undetected. In addition, Phantom and Pulsar Lances
many webway tunnels have planet-side terminus Similar in design to human lances, the Phantom
points, allowing the Eldar to land almost anywhere Lance is used on smaller vessels as it requires less
they choose both quickly and safely. This also energy to power. In contrast, the Pulsar Lance fires a
means Eldar do not need to rely on the dubious burst of high-intensity laser bolts. The energy
mechanisms of a warp drive or Gellar Field. requirements for this weapon are tremendous, but a
For those worlds without webway access, the single Pulsar Lance can strike multiple devastating
Eldar utilise the nearest webway egress to come as blows.
close as possible, then move in at top speed. It is
this same network that allows Eldar Corsairs to Macroweaponry
strike without warning and then slip away almost The Eldar disdain using shells and crude
quickly as they came. Worse yet, the largest Eldar warheads on their starships, preferring elegant and
ships contain internal webway points (known as deadly laser and plasma-based macrocannons. These
wraithgates), which are used to open warp portals potent weapons are devastatingly accurate.
to planetary surfaces so the Eldar can swiftly deploy
ground forces while simultaneously providing Torpedoes
covering fire from orbit. Eldar torpedoes are equipped with holofields of
their own, to ensure they go undetected. In addition,
Hit and Run they contain highly sophisticated tracking and
Although possessing vastly superior technology targeting systems and are frighteningly effective at
to most other races, this is often not enough to make finding and hitting their targets.
up for the Eldars lack of numbers. The Eldar are
acutely aware of this and prefer rapid strikes
and lightning-quick raids to prolonged ship-
to-ship conflicts.
Attack Craft Sailing On The Solar Winds: Ships equipped with
To complement their offensive weaponry, many Solar Sails subtract one from their Speed value if
Eldar vessels also carry various forms of attack they begin a Strategic Turn moving towards the
craft. These include Darkstar fighters, which often nearest sun, use listed speeds while flying away, and
serve as escorts for Eagle bombers. For atmospheric add one to their Speed value when moving at a
operations, the Eldar utilise Nightwing fighters and (roughly) right angle to it. However, these
Phoenix ground-attack craft. When the time comes modifications only apply within a solar system and
to transport troops, the Vampire raider is brought can be ignored if the vessel is in deep space.
into play, along with the heavily-armed Vampire Supreme Manoeuvrability: A ship with Solar Sails
Hunter. Eldar starfighters are among the most may interrupt its Manoeuvre Action at any point to
advanced in the galaxy; the Darkstar is easily able perform a Shooting Action. Once the Shooting
to outrun and outmanoeuvre anything fielded by the Action is resolved, it must complete the remainder
Imperial Navy. In addition, Eldar attack craft of its Manoeuvre Action. The limit of one Shooting
possess holofields, making them nearly impossible Action per turn still applies. In addition, all Eldar
to hit when they make their attack runs. When vessels can make turns of 90 degrees, regardless of
coupled with their armour-cracking sonic charges, hull size.
this makes the Eagle one of the most feared Holographic Cloaking: All attacks made against a
bombers in space. ship with a functioning Holofield suffer 40 to any
Test to hit in addition to any other penalties (for
example, this would include both a Ballistic Skill
Eldar Vessel Special Rules Test to hit the ship with lances, and a Pilot (Space
All Eldar ships are subject to the following Craft) + Manoeuvrability Test to ram the
special rules: Holofield equipped ship). Macrobatteries, due to
Master Starfarers: The Eldar are some of the most their massive broadsides capable of filling a large
skilled voidfarers in existence and their ships are area of space with ordinance, only suffer a 20 to
designed to make the most of their talents. Any hit. Ships also suffer a 30 to any attempts to use
Eldar aboard an Eldar vessel may re-roll any any Extended Actions against the a holofielded ship
Piloting Tests for Manoeuvre Actions. that involve Detection (such as Lock on Target and
Path of the Warrior: When a Craftworld Eldar Focused Augury).
vessel engages in a boarding action, it doesnt send Eldar Defensive Doctrine: Eldar ships have no
mere ratings into the fray. Instead, well trained and Void Shields, and always have their Holofield active
well armed Eldar Aspect Warriors will lead the unless it is destroyed.
attack (or defence). Thus, Craftworld Eldar receive
+10 on any Command Tests made as part of a
Boarding Action and inflict 1d5+2 Crew Population
and 1d5+2 Morale Damage to enemy ships
(representing the ease with which Aspect Warriors
slaughter their foes).
Limited Crew: The Eldar are not a numerous
people and the size of their ships crews reflect this.
In addition, many Eldar vessels are controlled in
part (or whole) by an Infinity Circuit containing the
souls of dead Eldar, further reducing crew
requirements. All Eldar Crew Population losses are
increased by one.
Dedicated Crew: Any given Eldar has seen
centuries or even millennia pass by. Thus, they are
highly proficient in their duties and difficult to
rattle. Any time an Eldar ships loses Crew
Morale, it loses 1 less point of Morale (to a
minimum of 1).
Eldar Weapon Special Rules Traversing the Webway
The following rules apply to certain Eldar Eldar do not usually travel by way of the Warp,
weapons, reflecting their radical and alien nature: but by that of the Webway, a series of interconnected
Superior Accuracy (Any Eldar Macrobattery): gates located throughout the immaterium. The
Eldar gain a +10 to Ballistic Skill Tests made to fire Webway is a comparatively safer method of
any Eldar macrobattery. traversing the void, and lessens the chance of
Pulsed Fire (Pulsar Lance Only): The Eldar long incursions while en route.
ago mastered the technology of laser weapons, and To travel through the Webway, utilize the same
their lances are far superior to the crude lances used method detailed in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook
by other races. When an Eldar pulsar lance scores a for traversing the warp, but utilize the Navigate
hit, roll to hit again, applying the same bonuses and (Webway) skill instead. Should the initial location
penalties. A pulsar lance can score up three total hits or entry into the Webway check fail, the rest of the
when fired. process continues utilizing the standard rolls and
Self-Guided Targeting (Eldar Torpedoes): All modifiers presented in the Rogue Trader Core
Eldar Torpedoes use the rules for Seeking Torpedoes Rulebook as the ship passes through a breached
(see page 9). section of Webway, and is subjected to standard rolls
Defensive Holofield (Eldar Torpedoes and Bombers): on the Perils of the Warp table.
Both Eldar torpedoes and anti-ship bombers have a Should the initial checks be successful, the
powerful holofield. The holofield negates any Turret process continues as detailed, but apply a +20 bonus
Rating bonuses the target ship would normally get to all rolls made on the Perils of the Warp table due
when attempting to shoot down in an incoming to the Webway's relatively safer nature. If utilizing
salvo or attack craft wave. the Perils of the Warp chart presented in The Navis
Primer, this would become a -20.
Modifiers from components or high skill
checks add together with this bonus, reflecting the
relatively safer nature of the Webway.
Constructing Eldar Starships
Source Disclaimer: While based off of existing profiles, these Holo Field:
rules are purely fan made. Feel free to adjust them needed. This component replaces the Void Shield
component on Imperial ships, and grants some of the
Eldar Starships are constructed much in the ship abilities described on page 71, namely
same way as Imperial Starships, with some Holographic Cloaking and Eldar Defensive
differences to the rules. Begin by selecting a Hull Doctrine. The Holo Field's Space and Power
from the Eldar Hull Types, and note whether or not Requirements are included on page 79.
it is a Craftworld hull or not, as that will apply
bonuses mentioned on page 71. After this is done, Eldar Bridge:
proceed with selecting Essential Components, Eldar bridges function much the same as
checking below to make sure what parts and effects Imperial ones, and and as such provide the same
are available. bonuses. Utilize Imperial Bridge Components with
the same statistics, benefits, and restrictions
Essential Components: presented in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook and
Essential Components are required for a starship to other supplements.
function. A ship must have one (no more)
Component from each of the following categories, Eldar Life Sustainer:
lest the ship lose some vital function. Without a life Eldar Life Sustainers fill a vital role, providing a
sustainer, for instance, the vessel is nothing more ship with clean air and water. Eldar Life Sustainers
than a cold and empty tomb, while a ship would be function with the same statistics, benefits and
blind and deaf without an auger array. restrictions as Life Sustainers in the Rogue Trader
Core Rulebook and other supplements.
Solar Sails:
Note: This component replaces Plasma Drives Eldar Crew Quarters:
The Eldar disdain the use of brutish plasma Even the lowliest crew require bunks and mess-
drives, and instead soar across the void powered by halls to live in, and on Eldar ships this is no
the light of stars, caught in vast solar sails that different. Eldar Crew Quarters have the same
extend from the ship like wings. This both powers statistics, benefits, and restrictions in the Rogue
the ship and provides propulsion. A solar sail allows Trader Core Rulebook and other supplements.
an Eldar ship to move, and provides it with power.
In addition, it provides some of the benefits Eldar Sensor Array:
mentioned on page 71. Statistics regarding power The starships eyes, allowing it to see space far
are included on page 79. beyond the range of normal eyesight. Eldar Sensor
Arrays function with the same benefits, statistics,
Warp Plotter: and restrictions as Auger Arrays in the Rogue Trader
This mysterious component allows Eldar Core Rulebook and other supplements.
Vessels to traverse the immateriam. For statistics, it
functions identically to the Imperial Warp Drive, but Essential Component Notes:
also allows travel in the Webway. Utilize Warp While mechanically the same, the appearence of
Drive Statistics in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook these various ship components is wildy divergent
and other supplements with the same benefits and from those of the Imperium of Man. Components
restrictions, but note that any bonuses to Navigation may not be given to Imperial vessels unless already
(Warp) also apply to Navigation (Webway). the rules already exist in a Xenotech ship section.
Those not proficient with Wraithbone suffer a
Runecaster: -20 to all tests when attempting to work with the
This component provides protection to the ship technology. (Eldar are considered to be proficient)
as it traverses the immaterium. For statistics utilize
Imperial Gellar Field Statistics in the Rogue Trader Supplemental Component Notes
Core Rulebook and other supplements with the Eldar ships may purchase Eldar equivalent
same benefits and restrictions, but the of any Imperial Supplemental Component,
protection extends to the Webway. Any provided there would logically be one.
bonuses to Navigation (Warp) also apply to
Navigation (Webway).
Starship Hulls
Starship Variety
Eldar Starship are constructed with two different
needs in mind. Corsair Ships are designed with
trade and exploration as their primary purpose, and
tend to rely on speed and agility. Craftworld Ships
are designed with the defense of one of the last
remaining ships of a people, and can bring to bear
an incredible amount of firepower.
Regardless of intent, both varieties of ship hull
origin are incredibly agile, capable of running
circles around Imperial vessels and often doing so.
Craftworld Ships gain additional bonuses as
dictated on page 80.
Corsair Ships
The typical Eldar Corsair vessel is the size of an
Imperial light cruiser and as well armed. Equipped
with Pulsar Lances and holofield-protected
torpedoes, one such ship can easily shred the
average transportnot to mention giving a good
account of itself when facing raiders and frigates. Of
course, most Corsairs never hunt alone, and tend to
travel in small groups in order to combine their
strengths to make for an even greater whole. Due to
their use of the webway, Eldar Corsairs are often
able to get extremely close to a desired target before
starting their attack. Once they arrive, their
holofields render them nearly invisible to augurs of
all kinds, while their ships solar sails enable them
to approach an unsuspecting victim without the
glare of a plasma drive to give them away.
Once they begin their attack, Corsairs is
relentless. They strike swiftly and accurately,
seeking to disable their targets, usually by targeting
the engines. To make matters worse, attacking Eldar
often divide into two (or more) wings, enabling
them to strike from several directions at once.
Only after rendering their quarry adrift in space
will the Eldar board, at which point almost all hope
is lost for the remaining crew. In some ways, the
Eldar known as the Crow Spirits are the best of the
lot, as they simply destroy ships outright, as
opposed to looting them and slaying the crew.
Corsair Ship Hulls
Corsair Frigate Class Ship Hulls Hemlock Class Destroyer
Corsair Light Cruiser Ship Hulls Corsair Cruiser Ship Hulls
Craftworld Hulls
Craftworld Ships
An Eldar Craftworld is a sight never to be
forgotten. The size of a small planet (or even larger),
they drift serenely through deep space, travelling
paths known only to the Eldar Farseers.Made from
wraithbone, the same material used to create Eldar
armour, vehicles, and starships, Craftworlds are all
the Eldar have left to remind them of their past
Craftworlds are usually well guarded by large
battlefleets. Normally, these fleets remain close to
their respective worlds, as there are space-borne
threats enough to worry about. But, there come
times when the Eldar fleets will amass in force and
venture forth to do battle. Normally, such
campaigns are made in defence of a Maiden World
planets transformed by the Eldar into lush
paradises. More than once the Eldar ruthlessly
exterminated the unwanted inhabitants from one of
their Maiden Worlds, as they see any non-Eldar
settlers to be invaders, regardless of how long the
colonists have dwelled there or how long its been
since the Eldar last visited.
Craftworld ships range in size from small
raiders (used for close-in defence of the Craftworld
itself ) to immense battleships equal in size and
power to the greatest of Imperial Navy vessels.
Their ships tend to be slower than those of the
Corsairs, but also sturdier and capable of enduring
more punishment in a traditional ship-to-ship
engagement. It is almost unheard of for Eldar
corsairs to use craftworld ships, and vise versa.
The following is a sampling of Eldar Craftworld
vessels. Any such ships encountered in the Koronus
Expanse are almost certain to call Craftworld
Kaelor home. This craftworld drifts through the
edges of the galaxy, its current course bringing it
close to the Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse.
Craftworld ships gain additional bonuses, as
detailed on page 80.
Craftworld Ship Hulls
Craftworld Raider Ship Hulls
Hull: Raider
Dimensions: .8km long, 0.15km abeam
Mass: 3 Megatonnes
Crew: GM Discretion
Accel: 10 Gravities Max Sustainable (Minimum)
These tiny vessels are among the smallest encountered in Speed: 8 Manoeuvre: +24
Eldar fleets. Almost always found in small packs, theyre Detection: +20 Hull Integrity: 55
primarily used for close defence of Craftworlds and rarely Armor: 18 Turret Rating: 1
(if ever) venture far out into deep space. Incredibly agile, Space: 45 Ship Points: 55
even for an Eldar ship, Shadowhunters are capable of Weapon Capacity: Prow 2, Keel 1
engaging enemy fighter craft directly (usually with their --------------------------------------------------------------------
starcannons) and often engage in rapid strafing actions Craftworld Cruiser Ship Hulls
against larger capital ships. When defending their
Craftworld, the Shadowhunters act as the last line of Dragonship Class Cruiser
defence, swarming over anything that manages to get past
the other, larger, Eldar ships and pursuing their quarry Hull: Cruiser
down almost to the surface of the Craftworld itself. Dimensions: 4.5-5.5km long, 0.4-.6km abeam
Mass: 16-20 Megatonnes
Crew: GM Discretion
Accel: 7-8 Gravities Max Sustainable
The name dragonship doesnt refer to a specific
Eldar vessel per se, but instead to a wide variety of
similar ships designed along the same basic layout.
These ships are usually identifiable by their size
theyre among the largest in the Eldar fleet, and by the
use of the name dragon as part of the ships class. In
Speed: 15 Manoeuvre: +50 fact, the Eldar often give them unique names based on
Detection: +20 Hull Integrity: 15 their weapon configurations and roles in battle.
Armor: 14 Turret Rating: 0 For example, the Ghost Dragon is so named because
Space: 25 Ship Points: 35 they have virtually no crew and are instead piloted solely
Weapon Capacity: Prow 1 by the ships Infinity Circuit, where Void Dragons are
Limited Resources: Shadowhunters are designed to equipped for extended operations away from the
operate in close proximity to their Craftworld with limited craftworld. Craftworld Kaelor utilises the Night Dragons
crews and normally only stock about a months worth of designed to be hard to detect and possess highly-
supplies. In addition, Shadowhunters may not initiate advanced auger arrays, Nova Dragonsarmed almost
boarding actions or Hit and Run Attacks. exclusively with starcannon cluster batteries to serve as
Small and Agile: Due to their small size and phenomenal close-in support during fleet actions, and Star Dragons
manoeuvrability, Shadowhunters are capable of attacking
which use massed pulsar lances to engage enemy
and destroying torpedoes and attack craft. A Shadowhunter
ignores penalties for firing on such targets. vessels. There may be other Dragons as well, with
--------------------------------------------------------------- different weaponry and uses.
Craftworld Light Cruiser Hulls
Eldar Starship Components
Essential Ship Components Supplemental Components, however, that need
As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, clarification, namely Eldar weaponry.
Eldar have a number of different Essential
Components to their ships. Functionally they work Macrocannons
in much the same way, Solar Sails provide power to The Eldar have long perfected plasma
their components instead of the clunky Imperial technology, and do not arm their vessels with crude
Plasma Drives, however Holo Fields, replacing Void projectile cannons. Their macrobatteries are made
Shields, instead apply a penalty to any attempting to up of multiple turrets of immense clusters of
attack the ship. Included in the table to the right are starcannons, capable of punching through armour
the power and space statistics of the new essential with intense plasma beams. Eldar only utilize the
components, where needed. Starcannon Cluster Macrobattery on their ships.
Descriptions of the various items can be found
earlier in the chapter. Lances
Eldar use the Pulsar Lances on most Corsair
Supplemental Components ships and Phantom Lances on Craftworld ships.
As mentioned earlier in the chapter, Eldar may
purchase any Imperial Supplemental Component, Landing Bay and Torpedo Tubes
pending GM approval. There are certain Eldar may use any Imperial Equivalent
Chapter 8: Alternate Career Ranks
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section varies, see specific Lastly, each Alternate Career Rank has a set of
Alternate Ranks for sources. Ranks at which it can be selected. Typically, this is a
minimum Rank within a Career Path that the
Alternate Career Ranks represent diversions and Alternate Career Rank can replace (such as Rank 3
differing branches to a characters basic Career or higher).
Path. These might be the result of exposure to new If an Explorer meets all the above requirements
cultures or agencies in the Expanse, hidden secrets a for an Alternate Career Rank, he can select it in
character chooses to reveal to his fellow Explorers, place of one of his normal Career Paths Ranks
or the result of specialised training or equipment a when he earns enough xp to access that Rank. The
character has gained in his travels. Note that these Explorer replaces the Rank he would have taken
Alternate Career Ranks do not fundamentally with the Alternate Career Rank. The Explorer
change a characters nature; if a character is exchanges the Alternate Career Ranks Advance
following the Arch-militant Career Path, then his Table for the usual Rank he would be able to make
path stays focused on martial abilities and conflict. purchases from as part of his Career. At this point,
Rather, they signify a characters experiences the Explorer has access to the new Advances and
moving along a side path, learning new abilities and may spend xp to purchase these Talents, Traits, and
gaining new experiences along the way. Skills. Some of the Alternate Career Ranks also have
Alternate Career Ranks can let a player special Traits or other abilities that the Explorer
differentiate and personalise his character, gains immediately upon selecting the Alternate
especially in situations where several players have Career Rank. Once the Explorer has earned enough
chosen the same Career. Based on the new xp points to reach the next Rank in his Career, he
directions a player wishes his Explorer to follow, he returns to the next Rank in his original Career Path.
might find his character evolving in ways the player While any new Alternate Career Rank is filled
had not initially anticipated when creating him. with new opportunities, there are some drawbacks to
Alternate Career Ranks also allow a character to diverging off of the standard path. This new focus
become even more firmly rooted into the settings of might deny an Explorer access to other Skills and
Rogue Trader, the Calixis Sector and the Koronus Talents, or force the Explorer to pay more
Expanse. Each of these paths offer Explorers new experience for them. A player could even find his
and exciting ways to interact with the rest of their characters maximum ability with certain Skills
surroundings. reaching its upper limit earlier than he had planned.
This is a potential price for taking a more
Taking an Alternate Career Rank generalised character in a more specific and
Alternate Career Ranks might look very specialised direction.
appealing, and not just because they represent As all of this can complicate the normal
something that diverges from the standard Career character progression system, Alternate Career
Path. With access to new powers, Skills, and Ranks are recommended for more experienced
Talents, a character can stand out from others and, players. Keep in mind also that regardless of how
ideally, better aid his fellow Explorers. However, many new options an Explorer gains, an Explorers
some Alternate Career Ranks can complicate the Rank is still governed by the total amount of xp he
campaign at large, and players should always ask has earned over the course of his development.
for the GMs permission before having their
Explorers take on Alternate Career Ranks. Elite Advances from Missed Career Ranks
Each Alternate Career Rank has several Choosing an Alternate Career Rank means a
Prerequisites that an Explorer must meet before character has diverged from the generalised regular
selecting it. Many of these Prerequisites are Talents, path of his career for a more specialised one. While
Skills, or Characteristic thresholds, and an Explorer this means access to new and often unique abilities
must fulfil all of the listed Prerequisites for an during his tenure, it can often mean missing out on
Alternate Career Rank before selecting it. the opportunities afforded in the regular
In addition, some Alternate Career Ranks are only development of his character. The Explorer can
available to Explorers from certain Careers. purchase these missed Skills and Talents
Other Alternate Career Ranks have various
restrictions in this regard.
with the GMs approval as Elite Advances in the Career Progression
missed Rank at a cost set by the Game Master. A Advancing to a characters next Rank is done
recommended base cost for these Advances is twice normally once the character has accumulated and
the original cost (so a 200 xp Skill would cost 400 spent enough xp. The character might find in later
xp, while a 500 xp Talent would cost an impressive Ranks that the digression he took for his Alternate
1,000 xp). The GM can modify this amount up or Career Rank has left him bereft of certain Skills,
down as he sees fit, keeping in mind that Alternate ones needed as Prerequisites for some of the
Career Ranks present opportunities to characters Advances the character might wish to have. To
they normally would not have, and there should be a acquire them the player must obtain them as Elite
trade-off for this opportunity. Advances. Alternately, the player might find
developing the new Advances his character gained in
his Alternate Career Rank is a way to further
individualise a character and make up for the missed
opportunities of the path not taken.
Corsair Prince
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this sections is fan written but There are many Corsair Princes who have risen
based on the Corsair Prince information on
warhammer40k.wikia.com and in the Rogue Trader
to their position by raiding, pillaging, and stealing.
Roleplaying Game. Section includes direct excepts from these They tend to be ruthless individuals who care little
sources. for those not under their command, and sometimes
not even those. There are some who retain an air of
Eldar Corsairs tend work as an at least semi- nobility about their task, and utilize an appropriate
cohesive unit to achieve much greater results than level of force (by contrast), and allow survivors to
they could individually. Though notoriously fickle, surrender or flee.
a consequence of the path they walk, there are those Not all Corsairs turn to the path of Piracy, and
who manage to earn the loyalty of the those that serve a more pragmatic purpose. Fostering trade
travel with them. Be it through intimidation, between groups of wayward Eldar and even between
negotiation, or through valor and deed, there are themselves and the Imperium of Man, these Corsairs
those Corsairs who rise above the rest of their bring the lifeblood of supplies to their steadily
fellows to become leaders of their respecitve bands. declining homewords, though they are never truly
An Eldar Corsair band is usually led by a trusted by the Craftworld defenders.
member of the Eldar nobility with the title of prince
(or princess) who has chosen the Path of the
Outcast. To a human these Eldar might seem aloof
and arrogant, but the remnants of the lost Eldar
empire's ancient aristocracy are natural leaders,
brilliant tacticians and bold warriors in battle.
Corsair Prince Requirements and Progression
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from They perform frenetic, acrobatic dances for the
warhammer40k.wikia.com. spectators there which are called Masques. Their
artistic works portray the Fall, the legendary decline
"All theatres are theatres of war. War must, needs be that destroyed the Eldar empire, the birth of the
theatrical." Chaos God Slaanesh, and many other tales from the
long history and ancient mythology of the Eldar
Farseer Ro-fhessi of Craftworld Ulthwe, people.
describing a Harlequin performance
Isha's Chosen
Source Disclaimer: This Alternate Rank is purely fan written, Isha's Whispers
but is based off of lore regarding a surviving Eldar Goddess Source Disclaimer: Lore from this point forward is purely fan
and is designed to provide Eldar with the option to become written, feel free to use or disregard it as needed.
medical specialists. Lore includes official and fan written Though captive in the Garden of Nurgle, there are
components which are clearly identified below.
some who say Isha's gifts can still be heard by the
Who is Isha? Eldar people. Legend tells that those who listen
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from often find themselves lost upon the path of Isha's
wh40k.lexicanum.com and is referenced from Warhammer Chosen, where they learn impeccable mastery of
40,000 Compilation and Codex: Chaos Daemons 4th Edition. medicine and chemistry. Their skills are an
A god of the Eldar, Isha was associated with incredible boon to any Corsair Prince or Craftworld
healing, fertility and the harvest. that they travel with. Regardless of what the legends
She is the mother of the Eldar race and it was she and those who believe them might say, thus far there
who inspired the creation of Asuryan's barrier exists no clear indicator if it is merely natural skill or
between the mortals and their gods, weeping over the hand of Isha at work. No matter the exact
the destruction that Khaine was causing. It is also reason, they remain highly sought after by many in
said that the spirit stones are made out of her tears. the Expanse.
The spirit stones allowed the gods and mortals to
communicate with each other. One of these stones
was given to Isha and the rest to the Eldar. When
Asuryan learned that his order had been violated he
gave Isha and her lover, Kurnous, to Khaine to do
with as he wished. Khaine tortured the two of them
in a burning pit until Vaul, the only Eldar god who
was moved to, struck a bargain with the war god to
create one hundred swords for him in exchange for
their release. Vaul failed in his task but tricked
Khaine and when Khaine found out it sparked off a
war between him and Vaul.
Millennia later, the Fall of the Eldar took place
and all the Eldar gods except Khaine and Cegorach
were believed destroyed by Slaanesh. However,
there is a single Craftworld which tells the tale of
Isha surviving her fate, being claimed by Slaanesh
as his. She cried out for help and was heard by
Nurgle who entered into a long war with his newest
peer. Nurgle emerged victorious and took Isha as his
companion. A goddess of rejuvenation and a god of
decay seemed an odd pairing, but Nurgle adores her
like no other. However, Nurgle shows his adoration
as only a Chaos God can, keeping her trapped in a
cage in the Garden of Nurgle, in the corner of a
room where he keeps the cauldron in which he
creates all of his plagues.
Being a goddess of healing, Isha can cure
herself of any of Nurgle's diseases. Nurgle takes
advantage of this by force-feeding her his latest
creation and sees how long it takes the goddess to
overcome its effects. If he is pleased, he releases it
upon some unsuspecting world, if not, he starts
over, working at his cauldron until he has something
new to give to his "companion." Whilst he is busy
working though, Isha takes advantage of his
distraction to instruct mortals on how to rid
themselves of Nurgle's poxes.
Isha's Blessing Isha's Favor
Prerequisites: Isha's Sight Prerequisites: Isha's Sight, Isha's Blessing
Once they have refined their skill, Eldar who The treating of those who are stricken ill by
become truly skilled at the medical arts can restore diseases are uncountable and from all walks of life,
to health even those who have suffered the most and has given them a familiarity with other species.
grevious of injuries. This talent allows the Eldar to This talent removes all penalties for treating a
restore a number of wounds equal to twice their character not of their race.
Intelligence Bonus on a successful Medicae test. If
the Eldar has the Unnatural Intelligence (x2) or Isha's Sight
greater trait, instead they increase their Unnatural Prerequisites: Isha's Chosen
Multiplier by one, but only for the purpose of There are those Eldar who are incredibly gifted at
restoring wounds on a successful Medicae test. understanding biological systems and their
interactions. This talent allows a character to count
all patients they are treating as lightly wounded.
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from and causes them to react more slowly to changes on
wh40k.lexicanum.com and is referenced from Codex: Eldar the battlefield. As a result, they are often led by
3rd, 4th, and 6th Edition.
spiritseers, Eldar psykers who specialize in guiding
The Wraithguard are Eldar warriors whose spirits and summoning the souls of the dead. The
are saved from death itself and arise once more to Wraithguard are also fearless in battle due to the
wage war for their kin. nature of their bodies and undead souls. The most
These warriors are saved through the guidance of feared and wrathful of the Wraithguards are known
a Seer who removes the fallen warrior's Spirit Stone as Wraithblades, specializing in close-quarters
from the Infinity Circuit in order to place it into a combat.
psychoplastic body made of Wraithbone. Through
the act, the robotic body is empowered with a living Becoming a Wraithguard
intellect that guides its artificial nature. This is done Source Disclaimer: This is a fan written rules clarification.
only in the times of emergency or when there is a Taking the Wraithguard Alternate Rank has
lack of warriors. This is because the act of placing several differences from other Alternate Ranks. You
an Eldar essence into such a construct is considered must first meet the requirements as normal, but then
abhorrent among their race, akin to necromancy, but apply the Characteristic Adjustments and gain the
none can deny the resulting warrior that emerges Starting Traits/Talents noted in the table.
from the combination that adds to their arsenal Special: This Alternate Rank may be taken at
against their enemies. Character Creation with the GM's permission. If
However, the Wraithguard suffer from a you are permitted to do so, you being play with 0
phenomenon known as "Wraithsight" which alters Fate Points but may otherwise advance according to
their perception of the world from that of mortals, the Wraithguard rules.
Source Disclaimer: Lore in this section is taken from which controls it is never able to be as alert as those
wh40k.lexicanum.com and is referenced from Codex: Eldar 2nd still alive, inhabiting a dimension both in the 'real'
and 4th Edition and Fulgrim.
world and the warp at the same time. This
Wraithlords (also known as Iron Knights, phenomenon is known as 'Wraithsight', and can
Wraith-Giants and Eldar Dreadnoughts)are giant affect the Wraithlord in battle by making them
Wraith-constructs made of wraithbone and inhabited slower to act and occasionally stopping them from
by the souls of dead Eldar heroes. Towering far acting at all. As a result, a Spiritseer must remain in
above their still-living brethren, the Wraithlord is a close proximity to Wraith constructs in order to
force to be reckoned with. Only the most capable guide their actions.
warriors of the Craftworlds are encased inside them.
They can be armed with a myriad of weapons, Becoming a Wraithlord
including close combat, short ranged and long Source Disclaimer: This is a fan written rules clarificaiton.
ranged weaponry with the ability to smash most Taking the Wraithlord Alternate Rank has several
enemies in combat. differences from other Alternate Ranks. You must
The creation of a Wraithlord involves first meet the requirements as normal, but then apply
empowering an Eldar Spirit Stone with the proper the Characteristic Adjustments and gain the Starting
soul of an Eldar, plucked from the Infinity Circuit. Traits/Talents noted in the table, which replace
The soul is then placed into the forehead of a certain existing Traits/Talents where noted.
Wraithlord chassis. Should the Wraithlord fall in This Alternate Rank is designed as a progression
battle, the Spirit Stone will be recovered and either of the Wraithguard Alternate Rank, representing the
be placed onto another Wraith construct, or be character becoming used to a Wraithbone body and
returned to the Infinity Circuit. Despite the fact that being entrusted with a more devastating one. Feel
the Wraithlord exists in the real world, the spirit free to alter the justification to make it fit as needed.
New Wraithguard and Wraithlord Traits
Source Disclaimer: Traits in this section are taken from or Shoulder Mounting (Left/Right)
based on information from Rogue Trader: The Koronus This trait reflects the mountings formed on the
Bestiary and Deathwatch: Rites of Battle.
shoulders of Wraithlords. These mountings can
hold a Pistol or Basic weapon (traditionally of
Ancient Memories Eldar Make) and are treated as an MIU Weapon
Wraithguards and Wraithlords are controlled by Interface Cybernetic (See page 151 of the Rogue
those Eldar that inhabit the soulstones affixed to Trader Core Rulebook). This talent may be taken
their bodies. Unfortunately, their ability to focus is twice, once for each shoulder.
somewhat erratic, and as a result their knowledge
can slip away into the wilds of the infinity circuit. Weapon Mounting (Left Forearm/Right
At the beginning of each Endeavour, roll an Forearm)
Intelligence Test, on a success there is no change in This trait reflects the mountings formed on the
the Wraithguard or Wraithlord's knowledge. On a forearms of the Wraithlords. These mountings can
failure the character suffers a -5 to all Fellowship hold a Pistol or Basic Weapon (traditionally of
and Intelligence based skills per degree of failure as Eldar make) that can be used as normal when
their minds begin to wander. A Spiritseer utilizing mounted. These mounted weapons do not
the Translating the Material Psychic Power interfere with any melee wielded in the hands.
temporarily removes this Trait. This Trait has two separate iterations, reflecting
the mounting on each forearm of the Wraithlord.
Improved Natural Weapons (Fists) Mounted weapons can be used as though they
The Wraithguard are incredibly deadly with their were being wielded in the hands but do not grant
new frames and can hit much harder than their additional attacks.
living fellows. Wraithguards gain the Natural
Weapons Trait (see page 366 of the Rogue Trader Wraithbone (X)
Core Rulebook), but remove the Primitive Quality Wraithguards and Wraithlords are composed
from their weapons and treat them as having a entirely of Wraithbone and animated by the will
profile of 1d10+SB Impact Damage with a Pen of 3. of the spirit stones attatched to them. This trait
bestows the Machine Trait (X) Trait, where X is
the amount of armour granted by the trait.
New Wraithguard and Wraithlord Traits
Wraithbone War Engine Wraithsight
When an Eldar's soulstone is affixed to a Wraithguard and Wraithlords are vessels
Wraithguard frame, they are permanently changed animated by the soulstones of long-dead Eldar
and no longer an Eldar in the traditional sense. As warriors and can sometimes lose their focus in the
such, characters with the Wraithbone War Engine mortal realm if left unattended. If there is a
trait gain the following benefits and disadvantages. Spiritseer manifesting the Translating the Material
Wraithguards may only purchase advances from Power then it may act normally. If the vessel is
the Wraithguard and (if they choose to become alone, however, then it must make a Challenging
one later) Wraithlord Advancement Tables. (+0) Perception Test. If successful it may act
Wraithguard and Wraithlords have a tenuous normally. Otherwise, it moves off in a random
connection to the material plane. As such, direction (see page 248 of the Rogue Trader Core
Wraithguard and Wraithlords begin play with Rulebook) at its normal Move (i.e., not running),
the Ancient Memories Trait (See page 101). and takes no other actions until the next Round
Wraithguards and Wraithlords are not affected by when it may attempt another Perception Test.
Blood Loss or Fatigue
Seers who choose this Alternate Rank lose access
to their Psychic Abilities and any skills directly
relating to them (Ex: Psyniscience, Invocation),
though they keep any knowledge that they
might have of such things (Ex: Forbidden Lore
(Psykers, Warp).
Wraithguards and Wraithlords are unable to speak
and must communicate via a Spiritseer, writing,
or gesticulation.
Wraithguard have hands clumsier than that of
Eldar, and suffer a -20 penalty to all tasks that
require fine manual dexterity. Wraithlords are
even more clumsy and cannot complete tasks
that require fine manual dexterity at all.
Wraithguard and Wraithlords can only be healed
by means of the Tech-Use skill (if being
repaired by an Outcast affixing new plates) or
Psyniscience (if being treated by a Bonesinger).
This functions for all intents and purposes as
the Medicae skill for recovering lost wounds
and repairing critical damage.
Wraithgaurd suffer a -15 penalty on all tests when
attempting the following skills: Climb,
Concealment, Shadowing, Silent Move,
Wrangling. Wraithlords increase this penalty to
a -30.
Wraithguard suffer a -15 penalty on the following
skills: Acrobatics, Contortionist, Sleight of
Hand, and Swim. Wraithlords cannot use these
skills at all and automatically fail them should
they try. The GM is the final arbiter and may
decide that any number of other applicable
skills are also not suited for a Wraithguard or
Wraithlord and will suffer penalties or
automatically fail respectively.
New Wraithguard and Wraithlord Weapons
Bright Lance Starcannon
Class: Exotic (Heavy), Range: 120m, RoF: S/-/-, Class: Exotic (Heavy), Range: 120m, RoF: S/3/-,
Damage: 4d10+10 E, Pen: 13, Clip: 35, Rld: 2 Damage: 1d10+6 E, Pen: 12, Clip: 90, Rld: 2 Full,
Full, Special: -, Wt: 27, Availability: Near Unique Special: -, Wt: 20, Availability: Near Unique
Source Disclaimer: warhammer40k.wikia.com, referenced Source Disclaimer: warhammer40k.wikia.com, reference from
from Codex: Eldar 3rd and 4th Edition Codex: Eldar 3rd, 4th, and 6th Edition
The Bright Lance is one of the most powerful The Starcannon is the most common form of
heavy weapons in the arsenal of the Eldar and is an Eldar Plasma Weapon, and makes use of a small
equivalent of the Imperial Lascannon in utility and nuclear fusion reaction to superheat a stream of
power. The Bright Lance is a far more efficient matter into its plasma state. The Starcannon is a
weapon than its cruder, human-made counterpart, in rapid-fire weapon and its potent blasts are able to
part due to its use of psychically-grown crystals to pierce all but the heaviest types of armour worn by
serve as a lasing matrix. It also possesses greater infantry. It is also hauntingly accurate due to its use
accuracy than a Lascannon and can penetrate any of a sophisticated electromagnetic pulse to guide its
form of armour that is less than a certain thickness. lethal blasts to enemy targets. The Eldar Starcannon
is far superior to its Imperial counterparts as the core
of the Eldar Plasma Weapon is protected by a
sophisticated series of electromagnetic containment
fields to ensure the weapon will never overheat in
the hands of its wielder, despite producing the
Scatter Laser incandescent heat of a sun. However, a Starcannon is
Class: Exotic (Heavy), Range: 100m, RoF: -/-/12, too large to be carried by infantry and is only
Damage: 1d10+7E, Pen: 2, Clip: 120, Rld: 2 Full, mounted on Eldar vehicles, such as Wave Serpents,
Special: -, Wt: 17, Availability: Near Unique Falcons, and War Walkers, or fire support platforms
Source Disclaimer: Warhammer 40k.wikia.com, referenced which commonly accompany Guardian squads.
from Codex: Eldar 2nd and 3rd Edition Despite this limitation, the Starcannon is favoured
The Scatter Laser is a mountable laser weapon by many Eldar commanders due to its sheer
that can be added to Eldar Wraithlords, War destructive power.
Walkers, Falcons, Wave Serpents and Vypers. The
Scatter Laser can also be used as a support weapon
for Guardian Squads whilst mounted to a Grav
Platform. The weapon itself has six seperate laser
chambers which allow it to fire in bursts or all six
chambers at once, at either the same target or a
multitude of different ones. It, like most Eldar
weapons, has an Imperial counterpart, this being the
Wraithcannon Wraithsword
Class: Exotic (Basic), Range: 50m, RoF: S/-/-, Class: Exotic (Melee), Range: -, RoF: -, Damage:
Damage: See Entry, Pen: See Entry, Clip: -, Rld: -, 2d10+6 E, Pen: 10, Clip: -, Rld: -, Special: Power
Special: Reliable, See Entry, Availability: Near Field, Balanced, Wt: 14, Availability: Unique
Unique Source Disclaimer: warhammer40k.wikia.com, referenced from
Source Disclaimer: warhammer40k.wikia.com, referenced Codex: Eldar 5th Edition and Rogue Trader: The Koronus
from Codex: Eldar 4th Edition Bestiary
An Eldar Wraithcannon is basically a smaller, A Wraithsword is a huge close combat weapon
more portable version of the D-Cannon. It is used used only by the massive war machines known as
by the Eldar Wraithguard to great effect as a strong, Eldar Wraithlords. A Wraithsword is a massive
armour-piercing weapon since no amount of armour Wraithlord-sized Power Sword in which the hilt is
can protect a foe from this dimension-warping studded with Spirit Stones that amplify the
attack. It functions by opening a small rift into the Wraithlord's already impressive abilities in close
Warp into which the enemy is sucked. combat. This is because the Eldar spirits embedded
When a target is hit by a Wraithcannon, roll within the gems form a sentience unto themselves
2d10. This is the amount of Damage the that assists the Wraithlord by compensating for the
Wraithcannon inflicts, ignoring Armour and construct's vision-obscuring Wraithsight. Thus, a
Toughness. In addition, if the Damage result is 19- Wraithlord is able to cleave apart multiple enemies
20, the target is destroyed outright, regardless of the with alarming grace and skill with each swing of its
number of wounds it possesses (Fate Points may be Wraithsword. A Wraithlord wielding a Wraithsword
burned as normal). If the Damage result is 2-10, the treats the Perception Test for Wraithsight as a
target takes Damage and is teleported a number of Routine (+20) Test instead of a Challenging (+0)
metres equal to the result in a random direction (see Test.
page 248 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook).
If the target is teleported into the same space as
another object, move the target into the closest
available space; the target then takes 1d5 additional
Damage, ignoring Armour or Toughness. As long as
the Wraithguard is active, the weapon never runs
out of power. If removed from the user, it falls silent
Wraithlord Fist
Class: Exotic (Melee), Range: -, RoF: -, Damage:
2d10+2 E, Pen: 10, Clip: -, Rld: -, Special: Power
Field, Wt: 10, Availability: Extremely Rare
Source Disclaimer: This is a fan written
description/ability. Feel free to alter it as needed.
A massive melee weapon that enhances the
already devastating natural attacks of the
Wraithlords frame, the Wraithlord Fist is a weapon
that many forces in the galaxy have viewed as their
last sight in the material realm.
Chapter 9: Ascendant Eldar
This section of the guide is meant to provide These Expanded Ranks function identically to the
additional ranks for the Rogue Trader system, ranks described in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook,
bringing it's Experience Totals up to equal those and function in exactly the same manner. Upgrades
presented in the Dark Heresy: Ascension Rules are purchased from the given rank or a previous one
Supplement and the Deathwatch Core Rulebook. until the requisite amount of experience has been
This supplement provides three new Ranks for each spent to reach the next rank. Also provided are two
Career Path presented in the Rogue Trader Core Additional Characteristic Advances. These
Rulebook. These ranks follow the normal rules for Additional Characteristic Advances each provide an
Rank progression as detailed in the Rogue Trader additional +5 to attributes, and are purchased in the
Core Rulebook. They may also be replaced by same fashion as regular characteristics as detailed in
Alternate Ranks as detailed in Into the Storm and the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. These new ranks
other Rogue Trader Supplements. may, at the player's option, be swapped out for
There are also several new talents and alternate ranks provided in Into the Storm and other
abilities available as characters progress into this Rogue Trader Supplements, following the standard
level of expertise and ability, which are all detailed rules for Alternate Ranks.
in the New Talents section. These talents are all Remember to check the New Talents section
based off existing talents present in other lines, and for clarification of any talents that are not presented
inherent abilities presented at the end of the Career in the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, and apply the
Paths section of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook. benefits described to the character.
The intent is to provide special abilities to every Below you'll find expanded career paths for
character at this power level, but not to cause power the ones presented earlier in the guide, placed at the
levels to become too divergent. The three new end of the guide in case Legends of the Expanse
Expanded Ranks utilize the following experience mechanics are not being used. I hope you enjoy the
levels: expanded character creation rules now in the Eldar
Character Guide!
Rank 9: 35,000-39,999
Rank 10: 40,000-44,999
Rank 11: 45,000-49,999
The Path of the Outcast Expanded Career Path
The Path of the Seer Expanded Career Path
New Talents
New Talents
New Talents
New Talents
New Talents
A Note from the Author
And so this is the complete version of the Eldar Character guide as of 6-22-17 (in US date notation).
This project was a blast to work on, and I'd like to thank Fantasy Flight Games for their continuing work the
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay system, providing an incredible amount of lore and examples to go on, and
wish them good luck and success in their production of quality books for their lines.
I'd also like to extend a huge thanks to all the fans who created artwork that has been used in this
Character Guide. I did not think to save sources to include credits, so if your artwork is here or if you happen
to be an enterprising sort who decided to find the image sources, just let me know and I will create a 'Credits'
page with a link to the source with name of the artist and piece title.
An additional huge thanks goes out to the team that created LibreOffice, the freeware software on
which this guide was created. Couldn't have done it without your excellent programs!
Special thanks to all those on the Rogue Trader Forums at FFG for helping find balance issues,
confusing rulings, and editing issues, in particular aleandro01 and Utherix. It's been a huge help!
Hopefully this guide is a fairly well balanced addition to the current lineup of Rogue Trader Xenos
races, and if nothing else a helpful lore guide to the Eldar that live in the Koronus Expanse. Thanks for
showing interest in the work, and if there's any typos or suggestions that people may have for the guide in
terms of Alternate Ranks, additional weapons, or balance concerns, feel free to email me at
[email protected], or visit http://www.lodgeblackmangames.jigsy.com.