Feminine Attractiveness
Feminine Attractiveness
Feminine Attractiveness
The Feminine
Is Abundant
There is never a shortage of women or
feminine energy. If a man feels that there arent
enough women, or that life isnt giving him what
he wants, he is simply negating his relationship to
the feminine. This sense of starvationlife is not
sustaining me or there are no good womenis
usually rooted in a mans early childhood relationship
with his mother. Life itself is the feminine. There is
never a shortage of feminine energy, only a resistance
to receiving, trusting, and embracing it.
ou must actually refuse feminine energy in order to feel tired, dry,
and hungry for a woman. You are living in an ocean of feminine
energy right now. Feminine energy is filling your body with life, beating
your heart, and breathing your breath. There are women all around you
who, with the proper initiation into mutually surrendered loving, would
feed every cell of your body with juicy, enlivening, rejuvenative feminine
energy. If you feel stranded on your own masculine island of weariness
and hunger, it is because you are refusing to embrace the energy and
women around you.
Whenever you are feeling isolated and weary, feel the present mo-
ment as if it were a woman. Feel like you are embracing a woman,
physically. Feel the front of your body as if it were pressed against the