Lesson Project Cls. 4 in The Jungle
Lesson Project Cls. 4 in The Jungle
Lesson Project Cls. 4 in The Jungle
1. Warm-up 1. Teacher greets the 1.Students answer; Teacher-student Listening 2 -to create a pleasant
students; atmosphere
2. Teacher shows Ss a 2. SS watch the video. Speaking -to grab students
trailer of the animated film interest
2. Checking 1. Teacher asks students to 1. Students read Student-teacher Reading 2' - to verify if they did
homework read their homework, ex. homework. their homework
5/ p. 53. correctly.
3. Introducing 1. Having in view the 1. Students write the date Teacher-student Speaking 2' - to introduce today
new material video they have watched and the title. Writing topic;
previously, the teacher asks
Ss to guess the topic of the
Lead-in new lesson. T writes the
title, In the jungle, on the
board and Ss write the title
in their notebooks.
a)pre-reading 3. T invites Ss to open 3. Students open their Teacher-student Listening -to provide a context
their books on page fifty- books on page fifty-four for the lesson
four. 3'
b) while-reading 7. Teacher asks students to 7. Students read the text Student-Student Reading 8'
read the text in pairs. on roles. -to practice reading;
c) post-reading 8. T gives Ss a handout 8. Ss have to read the PW Speaking 5' - to check reading
Practice (ANNEX 1) and asks them text again and to give the Writing comprehension;
to solve ex. 1. . T monitors right answer. Students
Ss and offers more answer the questions.
explanations if they need.
4. Feedback and Teacher offers feedback Students listen Teacher-student Listening 3 - to let students know
evaluation (giving rewards) how well they
5. Homework Teacher gives students Students listen Teacher-student Listening 2 - to make sure
exercise 1 on page 58 students practise the
(Crossword: Find twelve taught material