of the
Seventh-day Adventist
1 Denomination
Published by the
C X 7C- )C 7C 1C lf
S. D. A.
Theological Seminary
Purpose. Graduate study in Bible, Religious His-
tory, Biblical Languages, Homiletics, Methods
of Evangelism. Speech, and Bible Teaching
M et hods.
-(Reconstituted in 1:,
H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary
of the General Conference
I +
4* +
I +
T t
4. +
+ 'Called to Service +
tt. By C. P. BOLLMAN +
+ +
CHRIST has called us to His service,
Heralds of the King to be. +
.., Go, He says, and tell the story
How from sin God sets men free. +
4. +
+ +
.:. Signs there are in earth and heaven; +
.2. +
+ Time=s last sands are running low. +
+ Speed, oh speed the timely message, 4.
+ That all men the truth may know. +
+ +
4- +
Nations everywhere are angry;
Due rewards will soon be given; 4.
.i. +
Speed, oh speed the saving message; +
Thus commands the Lord of heaven.
4 +
4. +
+ +
+ +
+ 6---......, * c......-0
+ +
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+ +
+ I
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+ +
The following pages present a directory of the conferences, missions,
and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomina-
tion. The territory is divided into the following Division Conferences,
each of which has the evangelistic organizations, churches, and mem-
bership indicated below, according to the Statistical Report for 1936:
Confer- Total Mem-
Division Unions ences Missions Orgs. Churches bership
Australasian 1 9 16 26 342 17,686
Central European 7 21 20 48 1,384 51,635
China 7 38 45 292 16,706
Far Eastern 4 23 27 ' 506 25,033
Inter-American 5 6 22 33 533 29,161
North American 9 48 6 63 2,480 161,271
Northern European 13 19 23 55 641 34,249
South American 4 5 16 25 226 28,305
Southern African 5 3 115 123 170 27,851
Southern Asia 5 30 35 124 5,366
Southern European 9 15 13 37 868 27,167
U. S. S. R. 4 17 6 27 677 13,709
Ordained Licensed Missionary Col- Evangelistic
Division Ministers Ministers Licentiates porteurs Laborers
Australasian 118 12,3 503 108 985
Central European 302 122 219 556 1,421
China 129 152 539 177 1,627
Far Eastern 96 92 245 326 835
Inter-American 92 67 188 180 543
North American 1,043 332 489 935 2,996
Northern European 143 75 178 305 739
South American 68 51 87 329 563
Southern African 118 76 1,010 84 1,288
-Southern Asia 70 84 122 74 697
Sifuthern European 171 60 180 309 720
U. S. S. R. 70 30 50 ... 175
Primary Advanced Total In.
School School Publishing Sanitarium Miscel- stitution
Division Teachers Teachers Employees Employees laneous Laborers
Australasian 272 79 45 188 900 1,484
Central European 146 55 119 127 30 477
China 204 217 76 582 ... 1,079
Far Eastern 157 110 74 198 15 554
Inter-American 72 57 ... ... ... 129
North American 1,057 1,304 535 3,638 45 6,579
Northern European 252 126 108 816 55 1,357
South American 223 81 57 77 438
Southern African 684 197 29 115 1,025
Southern Asia 204 167 58 144 573
Southern European 12 39 53 110 55 269
U. S. S. R. ... ... ... ...
Totals 3,283 2,432 1,154 5,995 1,100 13,964
Total Institutional Workers 13,964
Total Evangelistic Laborers 12,589
Grand Total 26,553
Fundamental Beliefs 5
General Conference and Departments
North America 24
Australasian 70
Central European I 80
Central European II 92
China 100
Far Eastern 122
Inter-American 139
Northern European 153
South American 174
Southern African 186
Southern Asia 205
Southern European 219
U. S. S. R. 234
Educational 235
Publishing Houses 2;16
Periodicals Issued 289
Sanitariums 306
Treatment Rooms 323
Statistical Tables 328
Constitution 342
Ministerial Directory 351
Obituary Record 432
Index 435
Seventh-day Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs, the principal
features of which, together with a portion of the scriptural references
upon which they are based, may be summarized as follows:
1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were
given by inspiration of God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His
will to men, and are the only unerring rule of faith and practice.
2 Tim. 3:15-17.
2. That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a
personal, spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite
in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal
Father, through whom all things were created and through whom the
salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit,
the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in the
work of redemption. Matt. 28:19.
3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence
as the Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon
Himself the nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man,
exemplified in His life as our Example the principles of righteousness,
attested His relationship to God by many mighty miracles, died for our
sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and ascended to the Father,
where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John 1:1, 14; Heb.
2:9-18; 8:1, 2; 4:14-16; 7:25.
4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the
new birth; that this comprises an entire transformation of life and
character by the recreative power of God through faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ. John 3:16; Matt. 18:3; Acts 2:37-39.
5. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church and should
follow repentance and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is
shown in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper
form of baptism is by immersion. Rom. 6:1-6; Acts 16:30-33.
6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended
in His law of ten commandments; that these are great moral, un-
changeable precepts, binding upon all men, in every age. Ex. 20:1-17.
7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable law requires
the observance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is .
at the same time a memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification,
a sign of the believer's rest from his own works of sin, and his entrance
into the rest of soul which Jesus promises to those who come to Him.
Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:12-17; Heb. 4:1-10.
8. That the law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of
which is death. The law can not save the transgressor from his sin,
nor impart power to keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy,
God provides a way whereby this may be done. He furnishes a substi-
tute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die in man's stead, making
-Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not
by obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By
accepting Christ, man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for
the sins of the past, and saved from the power of sin by his indwelling
life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power of God unto salvation to
every one that believeth." This experience is wrought by the divine
agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to the Sin-
Bearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where
the law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power
of the indwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the
divine precepts. The honor and merit of this wonderful transformation
belong wholly to Christ. 1 John 3:4; Rom. 7:7; Rom. 3:20; Eph. 2:8-10;
1 John 2:1, 2; Rom. 5:8-10; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17; Heb. 8:8-12.
9. That God "only hath immortality." 1 Tim. 6:15. Mortal man pos-
sesses a nature inherently sinful and dying. Eternal life is the gift of
God through faith in Christ. Rom. 6:23. "He that hath the Son hath
life." 1 John 5:12. Immortality is bestowed upon the righteous at the
second coming of Christ, when the righteous dead are raised from the
grave and the living righteous translated to meet the Lord. Then it is
that those accounted faithful "put on immortality." 1 Cor. 15:51-55.
10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness.
That all men, good and evil alike, remain in the grave from death to
the resurrection. Eccl. 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 6:28, 29.
11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the
unjust. The resurrection of the just will take place at the second
coming of Christ; the resurrection of the unjust will take place a
thousand years later, at the close of the millennium. John 5:28, 29;
1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:5-10.
12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin,
will, by the fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence,
becoming as though they had not been, thus purging God's universe of
sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23; Mal. 4:1-3; Rev. 20:9, 10; Obadiah 16.
13. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the
second advent, but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14,
terminated in 1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of
the sanctuary.
14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a
type, is the temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews
8 and onward, and of which the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest,
is minister; and that the priestly work of our Lord is the antitype of the
work of the Jewish priests of the former dispensation; that this heavenly
sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days of Dan.
8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judgment, beginning
with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judgment phase
of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed in the earthly
service of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work
of judgment in the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion
will close human probation.
15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His
uniform dealing with the human family in warning them of coming
events vitally affecting their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7), sends forth a
proclamation of the approach of the second advent of Christ; that this
work is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; and that their
threefold message brings to view a work of reform to prepare a people
to meet Him at His coming.
16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing
with the period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14,
is a time of investigative judgment, first with reference to the dead,
and secondly, with reference to the living. This investigative judgment
determines who of the myriads sleeping in the dust of the earth are
worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its living multi-
tudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4:17, 18; Dan. 7:9, 10; Rev.
14:6, 7; Luke 20:35.
17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopt-
ing the unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the
world, not loving its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies.
That the believer should recognize his body as the temple of the Holy
Spirit, and that therefore he should clothe that body in neat, modest,
dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking and in his
entire course of conduct he should shape his life as becometh a follower
of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the believer will be led to ab-
stain from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and the
avoidance of every body- and soul-defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor.
3:16, 17; 9:25; 10:31; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 John 2:6.
18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support
of the gospel is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives.
and that we are stewards who must render account to Him of all that
He has committed to our possession. Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-12; Matt.
23:23; 1 Cor. 9:9-14; 2 Cor. 9:6-15.
19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit,
as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts
operate in harmony with the divine principles of the Bible, and are
given for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, the
edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 1 Cor. 1:5-7.
20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church,
the grand climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will
he literal, personal, and visible. Many important events will be asso-
ciated with His return, such as the resurrection of the dead, the de-
struction of the wicked, the purification of the earth, the reward of the
righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The almost
complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those
found in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing condi-
tions in the physical, social, industrial, political, and religious worlds,
indicates that Christ's coming "is near, even at the doors." The exact
time of that event has not been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be
ready. for "in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man" will be
revealed. Luke 21:25-27; 17:26-30; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Rev.
1:7; Heb. 9:28; James 5:1-8; Joel 3:9-16; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Dan. 7:27;
Matt. 24:36, 44.
21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the period between
the first and the second resurrections, during which time the saints
of all ages will live with their blessed Redeemer in Heaven. At the
end of the millennium, the Holy City with all the saints will, descend
to the earth. The wicked, raised in the second resurrection, will go up
on the breadth of the earth with Satan at their head to compass the
camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven
and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and his
host, the earth itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects
of the curse. Thus the universe of God will be purified from the foul
blot of sin. Rev. 20; Zech. 14:1-4; 2 Peter 3:7-10.
22. That God will make all things new. The earth, restored to its
pristine beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints of the
Lord. The promise to Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed
should possess the earth throughout the endless ages of eternity, will
be fulfilled. The kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the king-
dom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints
of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all
dominions shall serve and obey Him. Christ, the Lord, will reign su-
preme and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under
the earth, and such as are in the sea will ascribe blessing and honor
and glory and power unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto
the Lamb forever and ever. Gen. 13:14-17; Rom. 4:13; Heb. 11:8-16;
Matt. 5:5; Tea. 35; Rev. 21:1-7; Dan. 7:27; Rev. 5:13.
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination
Organized May 21, 1863
Territory: The following-named Di- General Field Secretaries
vision Conferences: North Amer- W. A. Spicer, I. H. Evans, C. H.
ican, Australasian, Central Euro- Watson, J. L. Shaw, M. E. Kern,
pean, China, Far Eastern, Inter- G. W. Wells, F. C. Gilbert, Meade
American, Northern European, MacGuire, R. Ruhling, W. Muel-
Southern African, South Amer- ler, E. E. Andross, G. W. Schu-
ican, Southern Asia, Southern bert.
European, Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics. Auditors
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Claude Conard; Associates, H.
ington. (A B C Code, fifth W. Barrows, W. E. Phillips.
edition.) Statistical Secretary
Telegraphic Address: General Con- H. E. Rogers.
ference, Washington, D. C.
(NOT Takoma Park.) Secretaries of Departments
Express and Freight Address: Bureau of Home Missions: M. N.
General Conference, Takoma Campbell; Associates: German,
Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) R. Ruhling; Swedish and Mis-
Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. cellaneous Languages, Eastern
Postal Address: Takoma Park, Division, H. 0. Olson; Danish-
Washington, District of Co- Norwegian and Miscellaneous
lumbia, U. S. A. Languages, Western Division, L.
Halswick; Jewish Dept., F. C.
Executive Officers Gilbert; Spanish Dept., F. L.
President: J. L. McElhany. Perry.
Vice-Presidents: W. H. Branson, Educational: H. A. Morrison; As-
L. 'H. Christian, W. G. Turner, sociates, W. H. Teesdale, J. E.
M. N. Campbell, C. H. Watson, Weaver.
A. Minck, Frederick Griggs, Home Missionary: Steen Rasmus-
V. T. Armstrong, G. A. Roberts, sen; Associates, Wm. Butler,
W. E. Read, N. P. Neilsen, J. F. W. H. Bergherm.
Wright, N. C. Wilson, A. V. Medical: H. M. Walton, M. D.;
Olson. Associates, M. A. Hollister, I. J.
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Woodman, Kathryn L. Jensen.
Associate Secretaries: A. W. Cor- Ministerial Association: Chairman,
mack, H. T. Elliott. J. L. McElhany; Secretary, I. H.
Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. Evans; Associates, L. E. Froom,
Undertreasurer Meade MacGuire.
W. H. Williams. North American Negro: F. L.
Assistant Treasurers Publishing: C. E. Weaks; Asso-
H. H. Cobban, J. J. Ireland. ciates, E. E. Franklin, J. J.
Office Secretary Strahle.
T. E. Bowen. Religious Liberty: . .
(An interdepartmental Committee, Incorporated 1904
for the helping of parents and
uplift of the home.) Legal Title: " General Conference
A. W. Spalding, Secretary; M. E. Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Kern, Vice-Chairman; Mrs. Flora ventistg."
H. Williams, Asst. Secretary; Constituency: The General Con-
F. M. Wilcox, H. T. Elliott, L. E. ference delegates.
Froom, H. A. Morrison, J. E. Office Address: Takoma Park.
Weaver, A. W. Peterson, C. L. Washington, D. C.
Bond, H. M. Walton, M. D., Officers
M. A. Hollister, Kathryn L. Jen- President, J. L. McElhany; Treas-
Officers: Officers:
Pres., E. A. Beavon. Pres., A. E. Millner.
Sec. and Treas., E. S. Humann. Sec. and Treas., A. 0. Bernhard.
Executive Committee: E. A. Executive Committee: A. E.
Beavon, E. S. Humann, H. Millner, P. G. Yakovenko, A. 0.
Cameron, J. MacPhail, W. E. Bernhard, 0. Jackson, C. W.
Perrin, W. R. Foulston, J. M. Deer, C. C. Voth, R. Carlill, H.
Ackerman. D. Henriksen.
Legal Assn: British Columbia Legal Assns.: "Saskatchewan
Association of S. D. A." Pres., Conference Assn. of S. D. A."
E. A. Beavon; Sec. and Treas., "The Manitoba Conference of
E. S. Humann. S. D. A."; Pres., A. E. Millner,
Department Secretaries: 404 Avenue Building, Saskatoon,
Book and Bible House, E. S. Saskatchewan; Sec.-Treas., A. 0.
Humann. Bernhard.
Educational and Home Miss., J. Department Secretaries:
M. Ackerman. Book and Bible House, A. 0.
Field Miss., R. H. Locke. Bernhard.
Religious Liberty, E. A. Beavon. Educational, Home Miss., and
Sabbath School, Dorothy Ford. Y. P. M. V., H. D. Henriksen.
Y. P. M. V., J. M. Ackerman. Field Miss., R. Carlill.
Ministers: Religious Liberty, A. E. Millner.
E. A. Beavon, J. L. Wilson, W. Sabbath School, Mary E. Neu-
J. Hurdon, W. R. Foulston. feld.
Licentiates: A. E. Millner, D. D. Neufeld,
Ainsley Blair, E. S. Humann, P. G. Yakovenko, F. T. Balmer,
J. M. Ackerman. A. M. Baybarz, H. D. Henriksen,
Missionary Licentiates: C. C. Voth.
H. Cameron, Mrs. H. Cameron, Licentiates: R. Carlill, H. Peterson.
Dorothy Ford, William Pole- Missionary Licentiates:
shuk, Alice Campbell, Carl Weis, Mary E. Neufeld, Miss S. John-
R. H. Locke. son, A. 0. Bernhard, C. L. Pad-
Church School Teachers: dock.
C. W. Mayor, E. Edstrom, Ruby Church School Teachers:
Barrett, Evelyn McLuhan, T. Mae Kinney, Fannie Robuka, M.
McMeekin, R. E. Rick, M. B. Bordson, J. A. Jewkes, Evelyn
Sutherland, Mary Edwards. Chambers, Mrs. H. W. Peterson,
Isabel PauL
Organized 1932
Organized 1902
Territory: The Provinces of Sas-
katchewan and Manitoba and Territory: The Provinces of New
that portion of Ontario lying Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
west of the 89th Meridian. Prince Edward Island, with the
Population: 1,721,281; churches, Gaspe Peninsula.
45; members, 2,313. Population: 1,124,000; churches,
Office: 404 Avenue Building, Sas- 14; members, 657.
katoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Office: 55 Argyle St., Halifax,
(Telephone 2561.) Nova Scotia. (Telephone B-8472.)
Licentiates: Licentiates:
M. A. Burgess, H. R. Murphy. C. M. Paden, R. H. Fickling, Rus-
Missionary Licentiates: sell Quackenbush, R. W. Num-
Mrs. Ethel Nell, P. C. Winley. bers, Franklin Fowler, R. K.
Krick, G. B. Hoag.
Church School Teachers:
Ellen Frazier, Garland Millet, Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. Garland Millet, Lucille Eloise F. Williams, Leslie R.
Heyward. Mansell, Mrs. Nancie Harris,
Myrtle Bateman.
Church School Teachers:
WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- John Scott, Miriam Burgess,
FERENCE Frances Dingee, Evelyn Win-
Organized 1903 ston, Grace Ashton, Florence
Territory: All of Pennsylvania ly-
ing west of the easterly line of
Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, WEST VIRGINIA CONFER-
Huntingdon, and Fulton Coun- ENCE
ties. Organized 1887
Population: 3,957,096; churches, Territory: The State of West Vir-
34; members, 1,465. ginia, except the counties of
Office: Newill Bldg., cor. Otter- Morgan, Berkeley, and Jeffer-
man and Main Sts., Greensburg, son, and including the counties
Pa. (Telephone, 2520.) of Garrett and Allegany in
Office Address: P. 0. Box 235, Maryland.
Greensburg, Pa. Population: 1,775,995; churches,
14; members, 792.
Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkers-
Pres., M. G. Conger.
burg, W. Va. (Telephone, 394.)
Sec.-Treas., C. M. Paden.
Executive Committee: M. G. Officers:
Conger, J. H. Wagner, W. A. Pres., L. H. King.
Kelly, G. H. Herdman, R. L. Sec. and Treas., N. C. VanHorn.
Boothby, E. H. Swanson, H. R. Executive Committee: L. H.
House. King, N. C. Van Horn, W. T.
Legal Assn.: " West Pennsyl- Dishman, L. 0. Coon, J. H. Mc-
vania Conference Assn. of S. Henry, T. W. Thirlwell.
D. A." Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Ad-
Department Secretaries: ventist Book Society."
Book and Bible House, C. M. Department Secretaries:
Paden. Book and Bible House, N. C.
Educational, Eloise F. Williams. VanHorn.
Field Miss., G. B. Hoag. Educational, Miss M. Vander-
Home Miss., R. H. Fickling. mark.
Religious Liberty, M. G. Conger. Field Miss., F. D. Myers.
Sabbath School, Eloise F. Wil- Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and
liams. Home Miss., Miss M. Vander-
V. P. M. V., Eloise F. Williams. mark.
Ministers: Ministers:
M. G. Conger, J. H. Wagner, E. L. H. King, Chancy Wood, A. E.
B. Swanson, Carl Bruck, R. L. Hoist, R. S. Lindsay, V. A.
Boothby. Joseph.
Licentiates: Educational:
L. W. Welch, L. A. Watt, E. T. Maplewood Academy, Hutchin-
Gackenheimer, Carl Braun. son, Minn.
Missionary Licentiates: Oak Park Academy, Nevada,
S. E. Ortner, Grace Stewart, Iowa.
R. H. Brown. Plainview Academy, Redfield, S.
Church School Teachers: Dak.
Florence Unterseher, Mrs. E. M. Sheyenne River Academy, Har-
Hagele, Lela Thompson. vey, N. Dak.
INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH- Iowa Sanitarium and Hospital,
eastern boundary being the east- Minnie Brown, Lee Fickess, Mrs.
ern line of the counties of Ma- Dorothy Gulley, Eldred Beard-
con, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon, sley, Mrs. Eldred Beardsley,
Coffee, Franklin. George Crawford, C. P. W. Han-
Population: 4,086,328; churches, zel, Effie French, W. F. Ray,
50; members, 3,439. Mrs. Sarah Whitinghill, Mrs. M.
J. Low, Mrs. I. 0. Wallace, Mrs.
Office: 2001 24th Ave., North, E. M. Powell, Mrs. Florence
Nashville, Tenn. Telephone, Taylor, Dorothy Matthews, Elsie
6-0573. Weeks, Mrs. R. P. McDonald,
Officers: Mrs. H. H. Ard, Mrs. R. B. King,
Pres., C. V. Anderson. H. A. Gober, Mrs. George Butler,
Sec.-Treas., W. E. Abernathy. Beatrice Keith, Irvin Butcher,
Executive Committee: C. V. An- Edna Hansen.
derson, W. E. Abernathy, J. E. Colored Department
All, G. E. Leffler, R. W. Martin, Committee:
Jeff Hickman, J. E. Shultz. C. V. Anderson, W. E. Abernathy,
Legal Assn.: "Kentucky-Tennes- H. E. Ford, A. B. B. Story, J. W.
see Conference Association of Jones.
Seventh-day Adventists, Inc."
Department Secretaries: Ministers:
Book and Bible House, W. E. A. B. B. Storey, J. W. Jones, T.
Abernathy. M. Fountain, H. J. Miller.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Licentiates:
L. R. Hastings, R. F. Warnick.
Field Miss., Arva, Nickless. Church School Teachers:
Home Miss. and S'ab. School, Rosetta Baldwin, Grayce Hamil-
George Butler. ton, Mrs. J. A. Wesley, Mrs.
Religious Liberty for Kentucky, Grace Frazier, Ruby Mounts.
S. G. Haughey; for Tennessee,
W. W. White.
C. V. Anderson, George Butler, SOUTHERN UNION
Arva. Nickless, G. E. Leffler, R. CONFERENCE
M. Whitsett, Allen Walker, W.
W. White, J. E. All, H. J. Welch, Educational:
G. W. Holman, Frank Weeks, Forest Lake Academy, Route 2,
S. G. Haughey. Maitland, Fla.
Licentiates: Oakwood Junior College, Hunts-
A. L. Dickerson, E. C. Banks, ville, Ala.
H. D. Colburn. Southern Junior College, Col-
legedale, Tenn.
Missionary Licentiates:
W. E. Abernathy, T. I. Rush, Publishing:
V. W. Esquilla, M. Bartholomew, Southern Publishing Assn., 2119-
Mrs. J. P. Russell, Mrs. J. W. 2125 Twenty-fourth Avenue,
Wilhelm, Kathleen Meyer. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Church School Teachers: Sanitarium:
Mrs. Mae Keel, C. E. Sauder, Orlando-Florida Sanitarium and
Thelma Wallace, Arline Cham- Hospital, Orlando, Fla.
bers, Martha Zehm, Audry Klaus, Riverside Sanitarium and Hos-
L. A. Wildes, Mrs. Ethel Wildes, pital, Route 3,' Box 53, Nash-
Jessie Pride, P. S. Haughey, ville, Tenn.
Organized Igor; reorganized 1902
Territory: The Conferences of Licentiates:
Arkansas-Louisiana, Oklahoma, F. L. Harrison.
Texas, and Texico. Honorary: G. C. Jenks, D. E.
Population: 12,585,446; churches, McNeil.
196; members, 10,745. Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: Keene, Texas. L. N. Carter, G. B. Boswell, Mrs.
(Telephone 7.) F. M. Robinson.
Officers: Union Negro Department
Pres., R. L. Benton. Pres., R. L. Benton.
Sec. and 'Treas., F. L. Harrison. Sec.-Treas., F. L. Harrison.
Executive Committee: R. L. Ben- Committee: R. L. Benton, F. L.
ton, F. L. Harrison, I. C. Pound, Harrison, I. C. Pound, J. J. Reis-
J. J. Reiswig, S. D. Smith, wig, J. D. Smith, R. P. Mont-
W. Amundsen, F. M. Robinson. gomery, J. G. Dasent, 0. J.
J. A. P. Green, G. R. Fattic, Trotter, R. E. Louden, I. A.
H. H. Hamilton, G. A. Huse. Christian.
Legal Assn.: " The Southwest- J. G. Dasent.
ern Union Conference Corpora-
tion of S. D. A." Pres., R. L.
Benton; Sec. and Treas., F. L. ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA
Auditor, F. L. Harrison. Arkansas Organized 1888
Trans. Agent, R. L. Benton. Louisiana Organized 1900
Board of Trustees: R. L. Benton, Consolidated 1932
Pres.; F. L. Harrison, Sec. and
Treas.; H. H. Hamilton; J. D. Territory: States of Arkansas and
Smith. Louisiana.
Population: 3,956,075; churches,
Department Secretaries: 44; members, 2,381.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little
G. R. Fattic. Rock, Ark. Phone 4-4501.
Field Miss., J, A. P. Green. Officers:
Home Miss., Pres., I. C. Pound.
Religious Lib., R. L. Benton. Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bell.
Negro Secretary, J. G. Dasent. Executive Committee: I. C.
Medical, Pound, 0. J. Bell, J. L. Neil, W.
Ministers: E. Bement, G. M. Brown.
Legal Assn.: "Arkansas Confer.
R. L. Benton, H. S. Miller, H. H. ence Association of Seventh-day
Hamilton, F. M. Robinson, J. A. Adventists."
P. Green, G. R. Fattic.
Honorary: J. G. Oblander, G. M. Department Secretaries:
Brown, E. B. Hopkins, H. Pann- Book and Bible House, 0. J. Bell.
koke, U. B. Dake, H. B. French, Assistant, Louise Dunn.
B. M. Garton, W. R. Pohle, J. P. Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Hampton, H. C. Hartwell, J. I. W. E. Bement.
Taylor, E. M. Gates, D. U. Bale. Field Miss., C. E. Lambeth.
Established 1802. SION
(Included as part of the Central Established 1892; reorganized 1916
Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923; Comprising the following former
reorganized 1923.) missions Society Islands, and
Territory: Those islands compris- Pitcairn 'Island.
ing the Cook or Hervey Group,
and other small islands adjoin- Territory: All the Pacific Islands
east of the 160th degree of west
longitude, and south of the tenth
Headquarters: Box 16, Rarotonga, parallel of north latitude.
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti,
Officers: Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Supt., A. G. Jacobson.
Licentiate: A. G. Jacobson. Officers:
Missionary Licentiates: Supt., P. J. Wright.
Mrs. A. G. Jacobson, Tauraki. Licentiate: P. J, Wright.
Officers: Ministers:
Pres., G. Mai. H. Glass, W. Noack, M. Zielinski,
Sec. and Treas., H. Dilumichen. W. Kloss, H. Korsch, W. Adam-
Executive Committee: G. Mai, sky, E. Rathke, K. Pansegrau, A.
0. Haase, E. Kolsch, W. Oest- Arnhold, F. Rinder, P. Kiipping,
reich, W. Rogge, H. Schacht, A. H. Dombrowsky, P. Behrendt,
Schenck, E. Schubert. W. Gotz.
Department Secretaries: Missionary Licentiates:
Field Miss., E. Schubert. E. Karwatzke, W. Uhlig, K.
Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Weise, E. Tulaszewski, J. Ku-
Y. P. M. V., 0. Haase. lessa.
Welfare, O Brozio.
G. Mai, A. DOrner, A. Schenck, FREE STATE OF DANZIG
A. Behrens, F. Kessel, 0. Haase, Population: About 589,176;
R. Scheibitz, A. Heumann, F. churches, 2; in embers, 95.
Brandt, W. Ninow, R. Langholf, Minister: 0. Kielmast.
G. Ronisch, W. Quass, H. Riistig,
Licentiates: CONFERENCE
H. Dliumichen, 0. Brozio, R. Organized Jan. 1, 1929
Helm. Territory: Districts of Liegnitz,
Missionary Licentiates: Upper and Lower-Lausitz, Grenz-
A. Reinhold, W. Korinth, K. mark and the territory of prov-
Danke, H. Ventzke, J. Muller, ince Brandenburg except the dis-
P. Fentross, Miss H. Junker, tricts belonging to the Berlin
Mrs. K. Horn, Mrs. E, Trusen, and Pomeranian Conferences.
Miss M. Thiimmel, Mrs. M. Soyk. Population: About 2,350,000;
churches, 63; members, 1,690.
Office Address: Kaiser-Wilhelm-
EAST PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Organized 1903 (Telephone, 2993.)
Territory: Provinces of East Prus- Officers:
sia. Pres., P. Horn.
Population: About 2,396,252; Sec. and Treas., F. Vogt.
churches, 63; members, 1,981. Executive Committee: P. Horn,
R. Dangschat, H. Kobs, W.
Office Address: KneiphOfsche Hof- Klinkintiller, P. Schulze, A. Klap-
gasse 22, I., Konigsberg (Pr.), per, W. Suckert.
Germany. (Telephone, 32292.)
Department Secretaries:
Officers: Field Miss., G. Oerterer.
Pres., Hugo Glass. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and
Sec. and Treas., E. Tulaszewski. Y. P. M. V., R. Dangschat.
Executive Committee: H. Glass, Ministers:
W. Noack, F. May, J. Heimann, P. Horn, E. Dwehus (honor-
G. Dobinski, M. Zielinski, J. Ur- ary), 0. Schwenecke, A. Kraut-
gien. schick, R. Dietrich, W. Radke,
Department Secretaries: H. Kobs, A. Faetting, K. Hoff-
Field Miss., Joseph Kulessa. mann, R. Dangschat, H. Langner,
Home Miss., Sabbath School, and A. Brendel, T. Bottcher, E. Si-
Y. P. M. V., W. Noack. mon, H. Schaper, G. Hummel.
Ministers: Officers:
B. Ohme, H. Schmidt, 0. Baus- Pres., F. Hambrock.
cher, F. Grellmann, A. Walter, Sec., W. Racker.
K. Tulaszewski, G. Lehmann, Treas., W. Wolf.
W. Giildenpfennig, E. Pistorius, Executive Committee: F. Ham-
H. Neumann, F. Jurke, K. Kel- brock, W. Racker, E. Lippert,
ler, J. Kanzok, H. Laue, K. Ame- R. Queck, M. Baier, Rh. Kohler.
Honorary: A. Langholf. Department Secretaries:
Licentiate: H. Schaller. Field Miss., 0. Wilde.
Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and
Missionary Licentiates: Sab. Sch., W. Ritcker.
P. Schaar, M. Czerwonka, A.
Thomsen, H. Gunther, F. Bes- Ministers: '
mehn, R. Irmer. F. Hambrock, A. Krautschick, K.
Thiele, E. Jager, K. Jonuleit, H.
WEST SAXONIAN CON- Hufnagel, P. Haufe, 0. P. Mul-
FERENCE ler, A. Dolling, W. Oswald, 'W.
Organized 1920 Racker, E. Kok, R. Schafer, R.
Territory: District of Chemnitz Biller.
and Zwickau. Licentiates:
Population: 2,000,000; churches, F. Dombrowsky, J. Klingbeil, E.
76; members, 2,800. Rahn, Kurt Kohler, H. Saborow-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: sky, K. Wagner.
Adventhaus, Chemnitz.
Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans Missionary Licentiates:
Sachs-strasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- E. Laser, F. Tertel, S. Krauts-
many. (Telephone, 51332.) chick.
Auditor: For the Union, the Di- Full Title in German: Gemein-
vision Auditor. For the Con- schaft der Siebenten-Tags-Ad-
ferences, the Union Treasurer. ventisten, Mitteldeutsche Verei-
Executive Committee: H. Fen- nigung.
ner, C. A. Motzer, W. Althoff, Officers:
A. Pioch, W. Peters, L. Lutz, Pres., W. Althoff.
R. Dettmar, 0. Gmehling, A. Sec., H. Teichmann.
Vollmer, K. Faesecke, E. Ka- Treas., P. Jilschke.
mann, Th. Schriider. Auditor: The treasurer of the
Legal Assn: Westdeutsche Grund- West German Union.
stiicks Gesellschaft ro. b. H., Executive Committee: W. Al-
Hamburg. thoff, A. Bremer, O. ' Stein, J.
Office: Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Illihn, A. Lanz.
Hanover-N.; Manager, Hans Fen- Department Secretaries:
ner. Field Miss., A. Lanz.
Department Secretaries: Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V.,
Field Miss., Lorenz Lutz. H. Teichmann.
Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Ministers:
Y. P. M. V., R. Dettmar. W. Althoff, A. Bremer, W. Her-
Ministers: bert, 0. Panzig, G. Fischdick,
H. Fenner, R. Dettmar, 0. H. Teichmann, M. Schmidt, H.
Gmehling. Knoner.
Licentiate: 0. Lutz. Licentiates:
J. Fenner, L. Martin, G. Busch-
CENTRAL GERMAN CON- ner, R. Linker, A. Weisse, A.
FERENCE S'cherf, W. Riekmann.
Organized 1934
Missionary Licentiates:
Territory: The Free-States Bruns-
wick,-Anhalt; from the Free- E. Sutor, E. Fischdick, P. Schorn-
State Thuringia the district stein.
Sondershausen; from the prov-
ince Saxony (Free-State Prus- HANOVER CONFERENCE
sia) the administrative district Organized 1919
Merseburg; the administrative
district Erfurt without Erfurt; Territory: From the Province Han-
from the administrative district over (Free-State Prussia) the
Magdeburg the districts Werni- administrative districts Lithe-
gerode, Halberstadt city and ru- burg, Stade, Aurich; the admin-
ral, Quedlinburg city and rural, istrative district Hanover with-
Aschersleben, Oschersleben, Wan- out Hameln-Pyrmont. The ad-
zleben, Calbe, Wolmirstedt, Neu- ministrative district Osnabruck
haldensleben, Jerichow I, and II., city and rural, Melle, Wittlage,
Magdeburg city; from the prov- Iburg. From the Province Sax-
ince Hanover (Free-State Prus- ony (Free-State Prussia) the dis-
sia) the administrative district tricts: Gardelegen, Osterburg,
Hildesheim. Salzwedel, Stendal city and
Population: 4,400,000 churches, rural. The Free-State Bremen,
48; members, 1,648. the Free-State Oldenburg with-
Office Address: Fasanenstr. 63, I., out Birkenfeld and Eutin.
Braunschweig, Germany. (Tele- Population: 3,500,000; churches,
phone, 4167.) 51; members, 1,563,
and rural, Wittlage, Melle and and the districts St. Goarshau-
[burg; from the administrative sen, Niederlahnstein, Oberlahn-
district Hanover the district stein, Braubach.
Hameln city and Hameln-Pyr- Population: 7,300,000; churches.
mont. The Free-States Schaum- 54; members, 2,723.
burg-Lippe and Lippe Detmold. Office Address: Adlerstrasse 70,
Population: 6,500,000; churches, Diisseldorf, Germany. (Tele-
55; members, 1,745. phone, 161,67.)
Office Address: Brtickenstrasse 34a, Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der
Hamm i/W., Germany. (Tele- Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten,
phone, 158.) Rheinische Vereinigung e. V.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Officers:
Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Pres., W. Peters.
Hessisch-Westf nisch e Vereini- Sec., Fritz Hilmer.
aung, e. V. Treas., Martha Fuchs.
Officers: Auditor, the treasurer of the
Pres., A. Pioch. West German Union.
Sec., Ewald Bartz. Executive Committee: W. Peters,
Treas., August Pohl. W. Schtin, P. Knitter, E. Kamann,
Auditor, the treasurer of the 0. Adolph, F. Metz, F. Riiger.
West German Union. Department Secretaries:
Executive Committee: A. Pioch, Field Miss., Paul Knitter.
E. Bahr, Th. Schrader, S. Hoh- Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V.,
mann, A. Bente. Fritz Hilmer.
Department Secretaries: Ministers:
Field Miss., H. Grave. W. Peters, R. Stein, H. Potschke,
Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., F. Hilmer, W. Schon, 0. Pelzer,
E. Bartz. K. Drage, R. Rittau, R. Rich-
Ministers: wald.
A. Pioch, E. Bahr, F. Backer, H. Licentiates:
Watty, A. v. Wallenstern, W. E. Wenzel, K. Schieber, K. Schu-
Pohland, H. Begemann. bert, G. Wucherer, K. Voget, H.
Licentiates: Tilgner, K. Gotzinger, 0. Hesse.
P. Paprotny, W. Rohde, P. Wiirz- Missionary Licentiates:
berger, F. Schliiter, B. Engel. H. Rohwedder, G. Ludwig, E.
Missionary Licentiates: Detlefsen, H. Kachel, A. Soetber,
H. Waldeck, E. Christoffers, P. F. Ernst, 0. Westermann, Miss
Giide, E. Binanzer. M. Diekmann.
FERENCE Publishing House (Branch of
Organized 1901. Hamburg House) ; Boekenhuis
Territory: The Netherlands. van de Advent-Zending; Van
Population: 8,500,000; churches, Weede van Dijkveldstr. 77, The
33; members, 1,340. Hague, Netherlands. (Tele-
Office Address: Lange Beesten- phone, 554 140.)
Childrenhome "Zonhenvel," Bilt-
markt 102, The Hague, Nether- scheweg 14, Bosch en Duin b.
lands. (Telephone, Den Haag
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pres., J. Wintzen. NORTH AUSTRIAN
Sec., P. Voorthuis. CONFERENCE
Treas., I. Krautschick. Organized 1936
Executive Committee: J. Wint-
zen, P. Voorthuis, J. Toben, T. Territory: Vienna, Lower Austria,
Eijkelenboom, J. Kerssen, C. Upper Austria, Burgenland.
Schutte. Population: 4,500,000; churches,
16; members, 905.
Legal Name: Kerkgenootschap der Office: Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV,
Zevende - Dags - Adventisten in Austria.
Nederland, Gevestigd te's-Gra-
venhage. Officers:
Pres., L. Schneebauer.
Department Secretaries: Treas., Miss B. Bruscha.
Field Miss., J. van Iterson. Auditor, P. A. Brandt.
Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Executive Committee: L. Schnee-
Sabbath School, . bauer, K. Floder, R. Grabner, E.
Welfare Work, H. Eelsing. Pickhart, E. Pfingstl, A. Walter,
Ministers: H. Auer.
J. Wintzen, P. Voorthuis, H. Department Secretaries:
Eelsing, W. Betram, A. Schmutz- Field Miss., R. Grabner.
ler, P. v. Oossanen, J. W. Berth- Sabbath School, Home Miss., and
old, H. Schor. Y. P. M. V., L. Sehneebauer.
Licentiates: Ministers:
J. Lankhorst, H. Schmitz, F. J. L. Schneebauer, Fr. Gruber, F.
Voorthuis. Pfingstl, J. Penner.
Missionary Licentiates: Licentiates:
I. Krautschick, C. P. de Ruiter, R. Liihner, H. Schnotzinger, Th.
1'. Klop, C. A. L. Havenstroom, Erbes.
J. Hoer, D. Vink, G. Faber, B. Missionary Licentiate:
Slond. Br. Simon.
Dr. Geneva Beatty, Mrs. Roger Miss Ivy Woo, Mrs. D. G. Liu,
Paul, Mrs. Hazel B. Sevrens, Tsao Chuin Kai, Chuan Hsi Tien,
Della L. Rice, S. J. Lee, Wang Helen Pang, Dr. S. H. Pang, Dr.
Wen Tien, Hwang Yao Tso, C. C. Wong, Ethel Chenalloy,
Mrs. B. A. Liu, Mrs. Wang Yong Chu Yu Ming, Swen Dji
Yao, Dr. C. L. Ling, Mrs. C. L. Ling Wei Su, Liu Chi Ming, C.
Ling, Wang Sien Tung, Mrs. C. Krohn, Mrs. C. C. Krohn,
Wang Sien Tung, Li Hwa Nung, Gertrude Green, Ethel Porter.
Officers: Ministers:
Supt., A. H. Roth. G. C. Nickle, C. B. Sutton,
Sec., Emma Rodriguez. Ishmael Ellis.
Advisory Committee: A. H. Licentiate:
Roth, D. E. Lust, A. E. Lutz, Clinton Woodland.
0. D. Andrean, Emma Rodriguez.
Missionary Licentiates:
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Emma A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. A. L. Ede-
Rodriguez. burn, Mrs. C. B. Sutton, Mrs. R.
Field Miss., A. E. Lutz. R. Mattison, Mrs. G. C. Nickle,
Home Miss., D. E. Lust. Mrs. Clinton Woodland, Mrs. A.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Roth, Jose Chavanz, R. T. New-
Mrs. D. E. Lust. ball, Joseph Bryan, Sam. Farrell.
Minister: D. E. Lust. Honorary: Miss Licientiate, Fe-
Licentiate: 0. D. Andrean. lix Vega.
Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. D. E. Lust, A. E. Lutz,
Emma Rodriguez, Roger Brooks. SALVADOR MISSION
Church School Teacher: Reorganized 1927
Fritzel Brooks. Territory: The Republic of El Sal-
vador, Central America.
PANAMA CONFERENCE Population: 1,635,000; churches, 7;
Organized 1906 members, 306.
Territory: Republic of Panama, Cable Address: " Adventista," San
Canal Zone,Talamanca Valley Salvador, Republic of El Salva-
(Costa Rica, and the islands of dor, Central America.
San Andr6s and Old Providence Office Address: 8a Ave. Norte, No.
(Colombian). 57, San Salvador, Repnblica de
Population: 500,000; churches, 31; El Salvador, Central America.
members, 1,483.
Cable and Wireless Address: "Ad- Officers:
ventist," Cristobal, Canal Zone. Supt., P. Nygaard.
Office Address: Masonic Temple, Sec. and Treas., Eugenia Robin-
Eleventh and Bolivar Sts., Cris- son.
tobal, Canal Zone. Advisory Committee: P. Ny-
Postal Address: Box M, Cristo- gaard, L. Concepcion, Eugenia
bal, Canal Zone. (Phone 3-1325.) Robinson.
Officers: Department Secretaries:
Pres., G. C. Nickle.
Sec. and Treas., A. L. Edeburn. Book and Bible House, Miss
Executive Committee: G. C. Eugenia Robinson.
Nickle, A. L. Edeburn, Roy Field Miss., .
Haight, R. T. Newball, Ishmael Home Miss., P. Nygaard.
Ellis, D. A. Cone, C. W. Omphroy. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Mrs. P. Nygaard.
Department Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, A. L. Ministers:
Edeburn. P. Nygaard, L. Concepci6n.
Field Miss.,
Home Miss., G. C. Nickle. Missionary Licentiates:
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. C. Mrs. P. Nygaard, Eugenia Rob-
Nickle. inson, E. Revelo, Victor Prin-
Y. P. M. V., Clinton Woodland. temps.
Organized 1927
Territory: The Republics of Co- Population: 1,220,983; churches, 9;
lombia, Venezuela, and the Is- members, 446.
lands of Curacao, Aruba and Cable Address: "Adventists," Bar-
Bonaire. ranquilla, Colombia, South Amer-
Population: 11,745,348; churches, ica.
37; members, 1,764. Postal Address: Apartado 261,
Cable and Wireless Address: "Co- Barranquilla, Colombia, South
loven," Medellin, Colombia, South America.
America. Office Address: Calle Magdalena,
Postal Address: Apartado 39, Me- esquina Carrera Cuartel, Bar-
dellin, Colombia, South America. ranquilla, Colombia, South Amer-
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo ica.
Apartado 609, Medellin, Colom- Officers:
bia, South America. Director, N. H. Kinzer.
Officers: Sec. and Treas., W. H. Wineland.
Advisory Committee: N. H. Kin-
Supt., L. V. Finster. zer, Aquilino Gonzales, Charles
Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. W. Sutherland, Pedro Gonzales, W.
Cole. H. Wineland.
Advisory Committee: L. V. Fin-
ster, J. W. Cole, M. E. Lowry, Department Secretaries:
L. H. Olson, W. E. Baxter, E. P. Book and Bible House, W. H.
Howard, N. H. Kinzer, G. W. Wineland.
Chapman, R. 0. Garner, E. M. Field Miss., Pedro Gonzales.
Trummer. Home Miss., N. Hz Kinzer.
Sabbath School, Mrs. N. H. Kin-
Department Secretaries: zer.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Mrs. L. V. Finster. Mrs. W. H. Wineland.
Field Miss., M. E. Lowry. Minister: N. H. Kinzer.
Home Miss., L. V. Finster.
Minister: L. V. Finster. Licentiate: W. H. Wineland.
Missionary Licentiates:
Licentiates: Mrs. N. H. Kinzer, Pedro Gon-
J. W. Cole, M. E. Lowry. zales, Mrs. W. H. Wineland,
Missionary Licentiates: Aquilino Gonzales.
Mrs. J. W. Cole, Mrs. M. E.
G. W. Chapman, Esther Pierce,
Mrs. L. V. Finster, Elizabeth Reorganized 1929
Baxter. Territory: Departments of Antio-
quia, Santander del Norte, San-
tander del Sur.
Population: 2,112,837; churches, 9;
Organized 1926 members, 333.
Territory: Departments of Atlan- Postal Address of Director: Apar-
tico, Bolivar, Magdalena, and the tado 83, Bucaramanga, Colombia,
territory of La Goajira. South America.
LIBERIAN MISSION African: I. W. Harding, N. S.
Entered 1927 During.
Territory: Republic of Liberia. Licentiate: T. Ketola.
Population: 1,527,000. Missionary Licentiates:
Membership: 71.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Konola, European: Mrs. K. F. Noltze,
Mrs. T. Ketola.
c/o A. Woermann, Monrovia.
Liberia, West Africa. African: J. J. Moseray, W. Hel-
big, J. H. Hallowanger, C. C.
Officers: Payne, E. Gboya.
Supt., K. F. Noltze.
Sec. and Treas., K. F. Noltze. Station Schools: 3.
Ministers: Village School: 1.
European: K. F. Noltze. Dispensary: 1.
Organized igig
Territory: Burma, including the Ministers:
Shan States; the Andaman, and J. 0. Wilson, J. Phillips, W. W.
Nicobar Islands. Christensen.
Population: 14,696,601; churches, Licentiates:
11; members, 624. J. IV. Baldwin, Freedie l3a Tin.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Ran- Missionary Licentiates:
Office Address: 30 Voyle Road, 0. F. Mac Gowan, D. C. Jacob,
Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Ma Faery, Saya Pein Kyi, Mrs.
Officers: J. 0. Wilson, Mrs. A. E. Crane,
Supt., J. 0. Wilson. Mrs. F. A. Wyman, Mrs. J.
Sec., J. 0. Wilson. Phillips, Mrs. R. A. Beckner,
Treas., D. C. Jacob. Mrs. H. G. Woodward.
Executive Committee: J. 0. Wil-
son, D. C. Jacob, Thara Peter, IRAWADDY DELTA MISSION
E. A. Crane, F. A. Wyman, J. FIELD
Phillips, R. A. Beckner, Thara Territory: Irawaddy Delta.
Myat Po, Pastor H. G. Wood- Address: 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon,
ward. Burma.
Department Secretaries: Churches: 8; members, 346.
Field Miss., B. F. Mac Gowan. Cable Address: "Adventist," Ran-
Home Miss., J. 0. Wilson. goon.
Educational, J. Phillips. Officers:
Medical, E. A. Crane. Supt. and Sec., E. A. Crane.
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. 0. Wil- Treas., D. C. Jacob.
son. Executive Committee: E. A.
Y. P. M. V., .1. Phillips. Crane, 1). C. Jacob, H. G. Wood-
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
P. 0. Htugyi, Heuzada Dist., Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0.,
Burma. Burma.
Director: Pastor Po Toke. Church: 1; members, 134.
Ministers: Officers:
Village Schools: Supt., Thara Peter.
Village School Teachers: . Sec. and Treas., Tun Maung.
Executive Committee: Thara
Peter, Thara Tun Maung, Thara
FIELD Thara Paul, J. 0. Wilson.
Minister: Thara Peter.
Territory: North Burma.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission
Training School, Meiktila, Bur- KAMAMAUNG MISSION
Cable Address: "Adventist," Meik- Office Address: S. D. A. Mission,
tila. Kamamaung, P. 0. Shwegon,
Churches: 2; members, 144. Thaton District, Burma.
Officers: Director: Pastor Peter.
Supt., F. A. Wyman. Ministers:
Sec. and Treas., .Union Training Village Schools:
School Treasurer. Village School Teachers: .
Organized roro
Territory: The Presidency of Ben- Missionary Licentiates:
gal; the Provinces of Bihar and Miss Edna Dyer, Mrs. H. G.
Orissa and Assam. Woodward, Mrs. R. J. Borrow-
Population: 102,664,778. dale, Mrs. J. F. Ashlock, Mrs. R.
Churches: 19; membership, 770. L. Kimble, Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," C. A. Larsen, Mrs. W. B. Votaw,
Ranchi. Mrs. LeRoy Hunter, Mrs. H. D.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Strever, Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Mrs.
Baragain, Ranchi. H. E. Voorhees, Mrs. J. J. Mat-
Officers: son,' Mrs. J. Johannes, Mrs. H.
Supt., F. H. Loasby. H. Mattison, Mrs. F. J. Main-
Sec.-Treas., F. J. Mainstone. stone.
Executive Committee: F. H. Mission Office Workers:
Loasby, F. J. Mainstone, J. F. J. M. Wickins, Miss P. Hart.
Ashlock, G. A. Hamilton, H. D.
Strever, H. H. Mattison, H. E.
Voorhees, Dr. J. Johannes, N. G. ASSAM MISSION FIELD
Mookerjee, P. C. Gayen, R. L. Territory: Assam.
Nimble. Population: 9,247,857.
Department Secretaries: Churches:
Membership: 6.
Book Depot, F. J. Mainstone. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nong-
Educational, E. D. Thomas. thymmai, Shillong, Assam.
Home Miss., F. H. Loasby.
Field Miss., H. E. Voorhees. Officers:
Asst. Field Miss., P. K. Mandal. Supt., J. F. Ashlock.
Medical, Dr. J. Johannes, M.D. Sec.-Treas., J. F. Ashlock.
Sabbath School, E. D. Thomas. Executive Committee: J. F. Ash-
Y. P. M. V., J. M. Steeves. lock, F. H. Loasby, R. E. Rajee.
Minister: J. F. Ashlock.
Ministers: Missionary Credentials: Mrs. J. F.
H. G. Woodward, R. J. Borrow- Ashlock.
dale, J. F. Ashlock, G. A. Hamil- Indian Workers: 2.
ton, R. L. Kimble, C. Jensen, Station: Shillong.
C. A. Larsen, W. B. Votaw, P.
C. Gayen, Benjamin Peters, Le-
Strever, F. H. Loasby. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nong-
Licentiates: thymmai, Shillong, Assam.
H. E. Voorhees, T. C. Bairagee, Director: J. F. Ashlock.
J. J. Matson, B. K. Haldar, U. N. Village Schools: .
Haldar, Dr. J. Johannes, S. C. Vernacular Teachers: .
Madhu, P. N. Baroi, Barko Evangelists and Workers: 2.
Kisku, N. G. Mookerjee, A. K.
Bairagee, I. B. Bairagee, Jonas BENGAL MISSION FIELD
Singh, H. H. Mattison, Patras
Khakha, Hanukh Tiru, Samuel Territory: Bengal.
Kandulna, F. J. Mainstone. Area: 82,955 square miles.
CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Executive Committee: M. Frid-
Entered 1935 lin, A. M. Sall6e, Z. Yeretzian, P.
Territory: Cape Verde Islands, Benezech, R. H. Bergstrom.
Population: 142,000; churches, 1; Department Secretaries:
members. 25. Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Address: Nossa Senhora do Monte. Z. Yeretzian.
Brava, Cape Verde Islands. Sabbath School, M. Fridlin.
Officers: Minister: M. Fridlin.
Director, A. F. Raposo. Licentiates:
Treasurer, A. F. Raposo. A. M. Sall6e, Z. Yerazian., P.
Minister: A. F. Raposo. IBtsnezech, R. H. Bergstrom.
Missionary Licentiates: Missionary Licentiates:
Mrs. A. F. Raposo, Miss A. Cosendai, I. Curmatureamt,
Raposo. Mrs. A. M. Sall6e, Mrs. Z.
Mission School: Yeretzian, Mrs. P. Benkech,
Teacher, Miss R. Raposo. Mrs. M. Fridlin, Mrs. A. Cosen-
d.ai, Mrs. I. Curmatureanu.
EQUATORIAL AFRICAN Teachers: 14 natives, and 3S cate-
MISSION chists.
Entered 1928 Mission Schools: 3.
Village SChools: 22.
Territory: The Cameroon, Ouban- Mission Stations:
gui-Chari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Nanga-Eboko, Batouri, Ndourabi,
Spanish-Guinea, Fernando-Po, and Maroua.
St. Thomas and neighboring is- Dispensaries: Nanga-Eboko, Ndo-
lands. umbi, Marotta.
Population: 2,741,000; churches,
3; members, 154.
Postal Address: Mission Advert- INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-
tiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Ya- ERN EUROPEAN DIVISION
ound6, Cameroon, West Africa Educational:
Officers: Ethiopian Union Training School
Supt., M. Fridlin. for Boys, Box 145, Addis
Sec.-Treas., Ababa, Ethiopia.
SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR Previously known as South India.
COLLEGE 'framing School, Established 1915.
Beene, Texas Now Division Institution.
Established 1894 Reorganized 1937
Board of Management: R. L. Ben- Address: Bangalore Heights, South
ton, Chairman; H. H. Hamilton,
Sec.; R. P. Montgomery, G. R. Faculty: Pastor L. B. Losey, B.A.,
Fattic, Wesley Amundsen, J. A. Principal. Poultry, Agriculture,
P. Green, L. N. Carter, R. L. Bible, Business Manager; Mrs.
Carr, J. D. Smith, J. J. Reiswig, L. B. Losey, First Aid; E. W.
H. C. Hartwell, F. L. Harrison, Pohlman, B.A., Theology and
G. A. Huse. History; Mrs. E. W. Pohlman,
Administration: H. H. Hamilton, Library, English, Physiology;
Pres. and Business Manager; E. J. Henning, B.A., Mathematics,
L. N. Carter, Treas.; R. L. Carr, Science, Radio Engineering; Mrs.
Industrial Manager; A. Earl E. J. Henning, B.A., Normal; L.
Hall, Registrar; J. P. Laurence, G. Mookerjee, Bible Instruction;
Dean of Men; Olive S. Fattic, M. S. Prasada Rao, Treasurer,
Dean of Women; Ruth V. Foote, Commercial Department; M.
Matron; James Yates, Broom Amirtham, Preceptor, Instructor
Making; R. E. Lynn, Printing; in Commercial Department; Mrs.
E. S. Kyle, Planing Mill; J. C. Cole, Preceptress and Matron.
Turner, Farm; B. Putnam, Main- Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman;
tenance Department; Veda Sue A. E. Nelson, J. M. Steeves, E.
Marsh, Staff Nurse. M. Meleen, F. H. Loasby, J. 0.
Wilson, H. Christensen, L. B.
Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, B. A., Losey, E. W. Pohlman, N. G.
President; J. P. Laurence, B.A., Mookerjee, E. J.,Henning, M. S.
Dean of Men, Asst. in His-
tory; Olive S. Fattic, B.A., M.A., Prasada Rao.
Industries: Gardening, Poultry,
Dean of Women, Modern Lan-
guages; H. S. Miller, B.A., Bible; Radio Repair, Printing, Dairy-
S. W. Dale., B.A., Commerce; P.
M. Foster, B.A., M.A., Mathe-
matics, Science; A. E. Hall, B.A., SUJI TRAINING SCHOOL
M.A., History; Letha Taylor, Address: Suji Mission, Private
B.A., M.A., English; Ruby Me- Bag, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika
Gee, B.A., M.A., Education; Ruth Territory, East Africa.
V. Foote, B.S., MA., Matron, Principal: A. Sprogis.
advent Review and Sabbath Her- cents. Published by the Review
ald: Denominational church pa- and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
per, established 1849; published Park, Washington, D. C.; editor,
weekly; annual subscription, C. S. Longacre; associates, H. H.
$2.75; Review and Herald Pub- Votaw, C. P. Bollman; manag-
lishing Association, Takoma ing editor, T. M. French.
Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, The Present Truth: a one-topic 8-
F. M. Wilcox; associate editors, page semimonthly for genei I
W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. missionary purposes; illustrated.
D. Nichol, T. M. French. Single subscription, 35 cents.
The Signs of the Times (leading Postage extra to foreign coun-
missionary paper and prophetic tries. Published by the Review
expositor); illustrated 16-page and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma
weekly; annual subscription, Park, Washington, D. C.; editor,
$1.50; published by the Pacific F. D. Nichol; associate editor,
Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, F. A. Coffin; assistant editor,
Calif.; editors, A. S. Maxwell, M. R. Thurber.
. . , editor emeritus.
The Present Truth (British): De-
A. 0. Tait. voted to a presentation of the
The Watchman Magazine: General second coming of Christ, and
missionary journal and Bible ex- general Bible truth; 16-page
positor; an illustrated monthly semimonthly, annual subscrip-
magazine; annual subscription, tion, 4/6 ($1.10) Stanborough
$1.00; J. E. Shultz, editor; H. K. Park, Watford, Herts, England;
Christman, circulation manager; editor, W. L. Emmerson.
published by the Southern Pub- The Signs of the Times (devoted
lishing Association, Nashville,
to an exposition of Bible truth
Tenn. and signs of the times); 16-page
The Youth's Instructor: organ of weekly, annual subscription, 5/-
Young People's Missionary Vol- to countries outside of Australia,
unteer Department of the Gen- and in the Postal Union, 8/6
eral Conference, also contains the ($2.00), Warburton, Victoria,
Sabbath School lessons for the Australia; editor, A. L. King.
youth; published weekly; an-
nual subscription, $1.95; Six Canadian Watchman Magazine:
months, $1.15. Published by the Sixteen-page monthly; annual
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., subscription, $1.00 a year; pub-
Takoma Park, Washington, D. lished by the Canadian Watch-
C.; editor, Miss Lora E. Cle- man Press, Box 398, Oshawa,
ment. Ontario, Canada.
Liberty: a magazine of religious The Ministry: Forty-eight page
freedom; an illustrated quar- monthly; annual subscription,
terly; organ of the Religious $1.50; official organ of the Min-
Liberty Association; single copy, isterial Association of Seventh-
15 cents; yearly subscription, 50 day Adventists; also medium of
ro 289
Notes of Progress: published monthly; published by the
monthly by the Malayan Union faculty and students of Union
Mission, 399 Upper Serangoon Springs Academy, Union Springs,
Road, Singapore, S.S.; editor, L. N. Y.; fifty cents a year; editor,
F. Bohner. R. 'H. Libby.
The Jamaican Visitor: 6-page, The Aurora: Published yearly by
monthly; 25 cents a year; edi- the Promotion Association of
tor, C. E. Andross; published by Canadian Junior College; price
the Jamaica Conference of Sev- 50 cents.
enth-day Adventists, 176 Orange The Bethelight: eight pages, pub-
St., Kingston, Jamaica; printed lished ten times during the
by the West Indian Training school year; Bethel Academy,
College, Mandeville, Jamaica, Arpin, Wis.; editor, D. D. Morse.
B. W. I. Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page,
The Potomac Promoter: four-page issued quarterly, by the Boulder-
weekly, by the Potomac Confer- Colorado Sanitarium Nurses Al-
ence, 411 Cedar St., Takoma lumni Assn., Boulder, Colo.; sub-
Park, D.C. scription price 50 cents per year
editor, C. A. Skinner; associate
SCHOOL AND SANITARIUM editors, Miss Verna Burdick, Mrs.
Academy Forum: Four-page The Broadcaster: 4-page monthly,
Tekens van die Tye (Signs of the Burmese Kin Saung (Watchman) :
Times): 16-page monthly; an- a monthly missionary paper pub-
nual subscription 3/6; published lished and printed by the Ori-
by the Sentinel Publishing Co., ental Watchman Publishing
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, House, Post Box 35, Poona, In-
South Africa; editor, L. L. Mof- dia; editors, R. A. Beckner and
fitt; associate editor, J. L. Mil- Saya Saw U. C/o 30 Voyle
ford. Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Nhung Su Tich Hay Trong Kinh- Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church
Thanh (Sabbath School Quar- paper; editor, F. A. Pratt; as-
terly); 40 pages; containing sociates, R. R. Figuhr, W. B.
the General Conference Sabbath Riffel, Isabelo Kintanar; 50 cents
School Department lessons; an- gold a year; Philippine Publish-
nual subscription, 40 cents, F. ing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila,
I. C. currency; Malayan Signs Philippine Islands.
Press, 399 Upper Serangoon
Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Also an undated missionary pa-
ments. per in Cebuan by the Philippine
Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813,
ARABIC Manila, Philippine Islands; edi-
Life and Health: 16-page quar-
tor, F. A. Pratt.
terly; annual subscription, for CHINESE
North Africa, 9.- francs (Frch) ;
for other countries, 12.- francs (Periodicals issued by the Signs
(Freh); editor, E. Rey, 12 rue de of the Times Publishing House,
Mulhouse, Algeria; manager, P. 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Douay. China.)
BICOL Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the
Times) ; 36-page monthly mag-
Mizpa: a church paper in Bicol; azine; yearly subscription, $1.20;
published by the Southern Luzon editors, John Oss, Y. H. Chu;
Mission of S. D. A., P. 0. Box 32, associate editors, 0. A. Hall,
Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Is- Joseph May; circulation man-
lands; editor, F. A. Pratt; asso- ager, H. L. Shull.
ciate, Pedro Diaz. Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last
Also an undated missionary pa- Day Shepherd's Call) Manda-
per in Bicol; published by the rin; 32-page semimonthly; year-
Philippine Publishing House, P. ly subscription, 60 cents, gold;
0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine editor, 0. A. Hall; associates,
Islands; editor, F. A. Pratt. Gob Djao 0, John Oss, S. L.
(Arranged alphabetically)
ADVENTIST EYE CLINIC Board of Directors: Malayan Union
Established 1937 Mission Executive Committee.
Address: Sultanabad, Iran. Local Board: E. A. Moon, Chair-
Director: Dr. H. E. Hargreaves. man, Dr. R. E. Waddell, Vice-
Board: Iran Mission Committee chairman, Kon Vui-leong, Pleng
and head nurse of Hospital. Vitiamyalaksna, A. P. Ritz, Mrs.
A. P. Ritz, Mrs. R. F. Waddell.
BAD AIBLING SANITARIUM Medical Supt. and Business Man-
Established 1920 ager: R. F. Waddell, M.D..
Address: Bad Aibling, Kurhaus, Nurses: Miss Bheuwan Tawata-
Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Ger- nanda, R.N., Miss Prayed Vimuk-
many. tanandana, R.N., Mrs. Prayura,
Board: G. Seng, W. Edener, E. R.N., Mrs. A. P. Ritz, R.N., Mrs.
Mayer, A. W. Muller, A. Sach- R. F. Waddell, R. N.
senineyer, H. Erzberger, 0. Neu- Assistants: Enoch Tang, Choy
bauer, A. Wicklein, W. Mein- Meng Ko, Pleng Vitiamyalaksna,
hardt. Miss Tan Su-eng, Mrs. Kon Vni-
leong, Miss Teo Mui-kim.
Address: 4986 Plabplachai Road, Postal Address: I.epi, Angola;
Bangkok, Siam. Portuguese West Afriea.
Foreign All Per Cap. of
fear Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Oftga. Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00 $2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.68
1875 8,022 32,618.62 $ 536.57 4.13
1880 15.570 61,856.88 3,160.22 $ 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20.547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73.331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 66,547 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.74
1905 77/.43 858,014.91 169.335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1910 90.808 1,338,689.65 458.943.70 426.134.17 21.27
19.15 136.879 1,968,168.26 872.666.84 566.463.07 24.89
1916 141.488 2,291.423.46 963,700.23 695,368.09 27.92
1917 153.857 2,946,907.49 1,353.686.07 819,089.88 33.28
1918 162,667 3,841.317.96 2.072.917.21 981,484.65 42.39
1919 178.239 4,989,305.28 2,091,278.38 1,496,467.20 48.12
1920 185,450 7,195.463.04 3.251.550.01 1,407,391.18 63.92
1921 198,088 4,237,745.31 2,781,728.23 1,488,582.65 42.95
1922 208,771 4,230,230.04 2,765,461.51 1,325,170.29 39.86
1923 221,874 4,814,554.87 3,004,641.73 1,337,585.35 41.45
1924 238.657 5.466,431.17 3,344,723.07 1,530,407.03 43.33
1925 250,988 5,909,496.99 3,520,347.95 1,665,502.3744.21
1926 261,834 5,964,331.83 3,757.579.06 1,730,206.30 - 43.74
1927 274.064 6.211,759.20 3.770,888.29 1.962,167.53 43.58
1928 285.293 6,373.147.36 3.881.879.95 2.016.726.29 43.01
1929 299,555 6.696.038.51 4,163.357.98 1,961,795.75 42.80
1930 314,253 6,230,362.04 4,020,398.21 1,861.849.29 38.54
1931 336.046 5.641.514.44 3.649.455.31 1.743.192.47 32.84
1932 362,101 4,736.430.93 3,022,870.89 1,497,735.61 25.56
1933 384.151 4.491,730.36 2.730.641.22 1,420.280.85 22.50
1934 404.509 5.318.630.57 3,024,983.07 1,549.601.03 24.46
' 1935 422,968 5,743.281.80 3,150.404.29 1,599.448.13 24.81
1936 438,139 6,429,793.46 3.394.894.00 1,785,291.99 26.40
Foreign Home
Year Tithe Missions Missions Total
1863 $ 8,000.00 $ $ $ 8,000.00
1883 96,418.62 13,668.88 110,087.50
1903 684,030.54 158,359.67 842,390.21
1921. 4,237,745.31 2,781,728.23 1,488.582.65 8,508,056.19
1930 6,230,362.04 4,020,398.21 1,861,849.29 12,112,609.54
1.931 5,641,514.44 3,649,455.31 1,743,192.47 11,034,162.22
1932 4.736,430.93 3,022.870.89 1,497,735.61 9,257,037.43
1.933 4,491,730.36 2,730,641.22 1,420,280.85 8,642,652.43
1934 5.318,630.57 3,024,983.07 1,549,601.03 9,893,214.67
1935 5,743,281.80 3,150,404.29 1,599,448.13 10,493,134.22
1936 6.429,793.46 3.394,894.00 1,785.291.99 11,609,979.45
Grand Total 74 yr 71,102.663.19 36.106,156.43 240,475,81.9.73
Per Cent of Grand Total 55.42 29.57 15.01 100.00
Per Cent of Increase in total funds in 1930 over preceding year 10.64
Per Capita $26.40
No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languagesall Total Tot.Vol. 1 cops
Year Houses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales each pub.
1850 .. 1 1 (1846) .93
1855 1 7 2 1 $ 2,000.00 1854) 6.08
1860 3 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.57
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000:00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36 96.60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.89
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03 300.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.94 640.00
1920 45 1125 144 99 5,682,972.35 877.74
1921 46 1040 148 100 4.764,521.06 1,000.80
1922 51 961 154 114 3,656,481.31 1,153.23
1923 51 923 156 114 4,067,460.49 1,244.15
1924 52 953 156 114 4,236,120.09 1,301.68
1925 53 965 177 128 4,631,706.47 1,417.23
1926 56 933 194 131 4,831,431.43 1,523.51
1927 56 1000 201 132 4,638,127.18 1,594.0(1
1928 56 1057 215 141. 4,716,601.54 1,700.68
1929 58 1114 215 141 4,939,917.08 1,746.29
1930 67 1145 219 146 4,715,709.89 1,814.73
1931 68 1090 237 152 4,002,774.54 1,885.80
1932 68 1075 246 157 3,499,304.93 1,951.87
1933 69 1060 249 161 3,387.682.66 2,004.87
1.934 69 1.090 250 169 3,416,345.80 2,087.50
1935 69 1.090 256 171 3,546,804.60 2,146.76
1936 73 1154 282 194 3,622,299.38 2,283.29
No. of Sanitariums
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.6(1
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70.189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.79
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
1915 40 181 1,729 2,774,058.99
1920 41 163 2,308 4,309,701.10.
1921 44 175 2,424 4,580,093.90
1922 50 196 2,541 5.361.230.10
1923 51 241 3,077 6,386,311.32
1924 63 323 3,276 6.634,477.72
1925 65 347 3,501 6,599,665.15
1926 62 375 3.547
1927 71 435 3,714 7.318.624.16
1928 81 474 3,789 7,345,047.23
1929 96 495 4,317 7.525,972.48
1.930 106 566 4,287 7.999,591.83
1931 112 586 4,118 8,267,221.92
1932 118 648 3,881 8.229.915.09
1933 123 810 4,466 8,459.711.05
1934 131 903 5,066 8.903.507.13
1935 138 966 5,338 9,192.943.67
1936 165 1,070 5,995 9,992,574.27
Union Local Mission Total Denomina-
Year Conferences Conferences Fields Institutions tional Investment
1865 7 1 1 $ 38,712.53
1875 .. 13 2 5 282,179.55
1885 .. 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,858,725.82
1905 13 80 56 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,245.27
1912 23 126 100 196 12,084,438.13
1913 25 126 101 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 31 135 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 55 143 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 54 146 150 234 40,675,238.72
1924 52 138 164 248 44,971,881.12
1925 60 139 180 266 45,648,299.24
1926 65 143 198 255 48,025,317.33
1927 64 146 211 291 49,293,887.27
1928 65 153 222 328 50,281,614.54
1929 67 155 245 375 53,314,348.60
1930 71 160 270 399 54,115,482.55
1931 71 155 278 417 54,114,844.52
1932 70 144 289 424 53,235,460.37
1933 70 146 309 441 53,979,143.72
1934 70 144 318 443 56,045,968.38
1935 69 146 320 446 57,745,120.18
1936 70 143 328 489 60,026,066.23
The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Con-
ference for evangelistic work, for the years stated:
1905 $143,796.86
1906 163,755.56
1907 253,445.74
1908 272,873.08
1909 351,414.61
1910 410,611.48
1911 404,922.53
1912 476,600.00
1913 523,763.00
1914 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00
1915 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92
1916 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853,153.57
1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,953.17
1918 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90
1919 Foreign, 923,686.21; Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22
1920 2,171,156.70
1921 2,535,062.79
1922 3,547,582.50
1923 3,224,058.93
1924 3,486,154.76
1925 4,023,415.31
1926 4,190,260.46
1927 4,215,699.01
1928 4,429,207.18
1929 4,497,573.18
1930 4,897,942.20
1931 4,283,004.48
1932 3,506,583.89
1933 2,850,547.36
1934 3,191,927.67
1. 935 3,248,029.55
1936 3,445,297.21
The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expendi-
tures; for later years, appropriations voted. The amounts expended
for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less.
1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134
1910 61
1911 74
1912 97
1913 157
1914 103
1915 76
1916 147
1917 59
1918 103
1919 83
1920 310
1921 212
1922 137
1923 110
1924 142
1925 175
1926 216
1927 184
1928 159
1929 155
1930 183
1931 119
1932 67
1933 64
1934 72
1935 123
1936 131
1937 137
(As revised at the 43d session held in San Francisco, Calif., in 1936)
Article I Name
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists.
Article II Object
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the command-
ments of God and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Article III Membership
Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of:
(a) Such union conferences and union missions as have been or
shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Con-
ference in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not
included in any union conference or in any union mission as have been
or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General
Conference in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee,
and such members of the division committees as are not members of
the General Conference Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and
of general institutions and departments of work, and such general
laborers and field secretaries as shall receive delegate's credentials from
the Executive Committee of the General Conference, such credentials to
be ratified by the General Conference in session. The number of these
delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total number
of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited
by division committees and union conferences.
Sec. 5. Each division shall be entitled to one delegate for each union
mission organization within its territory, and one delegate for each one
thousand members or fraction thereof within its union mission territories.
Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in
addition to its president without regard to numbers, an additional
delegate for each local conference and organized mission in its territory,
and an additional delegate for each one thousand or fraction thereof
of its membership. In the case of union conferences operating under
division committees, these delegates shall be appointed in counsel with
the division committees, and shall be seated as part of the division
Article XV Funds
All, J. E., 40 W. 31st St., Coving- Anderson, C. R., Loma Linda, Calif.
ton, Ky. Anderson, C. V., 2001 24th Ave.,
Allen, A. N., Caixa Postal 2898, North, Nashville, Tenn.
Capital, Brazil, South America. Anderson, H. P., Milton, Wis.
Allen, C. E., Whitestown, Ind. Anderson, I. H. (1), 42 Laurel
Allen, L. E., 12 Prithviraj Road, Court, Bridgeport, Conn.
New Delhi, India. Anderson, J. D., 84 J ervois Road,
Allen, M. J., 596 Valencia Place, Auckland, New Zealand.
Covina, Calif. Anderson, J. F., 254 Carroll St.,
Allison, J. W., Box 275, San Ber- Takorna Park, D.C.
nardino, Calif. Anderson, J. N., 3800 S. 48th St.,
Allison, T. II., 730 Oakwood Blvd., Lincoln, Nebr.
Chicago, Ill. Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission,
Allum, F. A., Gordon Ave. (Post Tungshan, Canton, China.
office Box 27), Hamilton, New Anderson, L. R., 124 8th St.,
South Wales, Australia. National City, Calif.
Almonte, Eliel, Casilla 2830, San- Anderson, M. E., R.F.D. 1, Franks-
tiago, Chile, South America. vine, Wis.
Althoff, W., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Anderson, 0. K., Gordon Ave.,
Braunschweig, Germany. Hamilton (P. O. Box 27), N. S.W.,
Altman, Roger, Calle Pino 3801, Australia.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Anderson, R. A., La Sierra Rural
America. Station, Arlington, Calif.
Alva, A. A. (1), Casilla 1002, Linia, Anderson, T. A., Box J. 1011, Ade-
Peru. South America. laide, South Australia, Australia.
Ambs, K. F. (I), So. Calif. Jr. Col- Anderson, V. A. (1), 323 6th St.,
lege, Arlington, Calif. Calumet, Mich.
Amelung, K. Kornerstr. 6-8, Bres- Anderson, V. G., 1651 S. Pennsyl-
lau 13, Germany. vania St., Denver, Colo.
Amian, W., Neustadt Contrescarpe Anderson, W. H., Grove Ave.,
30, I., Bremen, Germany. Claremont, Cape Province, South
Ammundsen, W. B., Mountain Africa.
View, Calif. Andersson, Alfr., Tunnelgatan 25,
Amundsen, Wesley, Box 1040, Stockholm, Sweden.
Clovis, N. Mex. Andrae (1), Mombera Mission, P.
Andahazy, V. (1), 564 13th Ave., 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa.
Newark, N. J. Andrean, 0. D. (1), Apartado 92,
Andersen, E. R. (1), Suomisvej 5, Managua, Rep. de Nicaragua,
Copenhagen V., Denmark. Central America.
Anderson, A. A. (1), 2104 S. Bran- Andreasen, M. L., 3800 S. 48th St.,
son St., Marion, Ind. Lincoln, Nebr.
Anderson, Alf., Tunnelgatan 25, Andreassen, A. A. (1), Box 406,
Stockholm, Sweden. Trondheim, Norway.
Anderson, A. N., Lanao, Lanao,
Mindao, Philippine Islands. Andress Wm. M., New England
Anderson, August, 2101 25th Ave., Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Andrews, Dr. L. L. (1), 1764 N.W.
Anderson, A. S., 84 Oak St., James- 36th St., Miami, Fla.
town, N. Y. Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington
Anderson, A. W., "Mizpah," Wah- St., Middletown, N. Y.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Andross, C. E., 176 Orange St.,
Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Indies.
Atkin, W. E., Box 1871, Phoenix, 13iideseu, D., Str. Plaesilor 11,
Ariz. Ploesti, Rumania.
Atkins, A. S. (1), S. D. A. Mis- Badgley, R. L. (1), Box 82, Astoria,
sion, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Oreg.
Territory of New Guinea. Baer, R. T., Wellington Ave.,
Atteberry, A. N. (1), Madison, Route 1, Grand Junction, Colo.
Tenn. Baerg, John (1), Pacific Union Col-
lege, Angwin, Calif.
Atteberry, Mrs. Minnie Sype (1), Baerg, Henry (1), 1120 Keeaumoku
General Delivery, St. Cloud, Fla. St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Aufderhar, H. A., 1829 West Fifth Baez, Alfonso (1), Agricultura 79,
St., Bend, Oreg. Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya,
Aug, A., Merepuistee 14a, Tallinn, D. F., Mexico.
Estonia. Blihler, R., Stampfenbachstrasse
Augsburger, Ulysse, 8 avenue de 85, Zurich, Switzerland.
l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Bar, E. W., S. D. A. Mission,
Switzerland. Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul),
Avery, W. L., 3664 Taft St., Arling- Chosen.
ton, Calif. Bahr, E., Bruckenstrasse 34a, Hamm
Avila, Manuel, Patrocinio No. 6, i/W., Germany.
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. Bahre, G., Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Axelsen, Arthur (1), Oak Park Niiremberg, Bayern, Germany.
Academy, Nevada, Iowa. Baierle, Chas., Providence Road,
Ayars, E. U. (1) Calle V. Vergara Route 1, Media, Pa.
3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Bailey, D. A. (1), Review and Her-
Aires, Argentina, South America. ald, Takoma Park, Washington,
Azevedo,E. R. (1), Caixa Postal D.C.
810, 'urityba, Parana, Brazil, Bailey, F. C., Midland Bank Cham-
South America. bers, 506 Holloway Rd., London,
N. 7, England.
BAASCH, H. E., 440 Kearney,
Fresno, Calif.
Bailey, G. W., Midland Bank
Chambers, 506 Holloway Road,
Babcock, C. M., 114 E. St. Paul St., London, N. 7, England.
St. Joseph, Mo. Bailey, M. R., 1918 Douglas St.,
Babienco, T. T., 41 Hazel Gardens, Rockford, Ill.
Edgware, Middlesex, England. Bairagee, A. K. (1), 36 Park St.,
Bacela, J. N., 1073 Location, Calcutta, India.
Queenstown, C. P., South Africa. Bairagee, I. B. (1), 36 Park St.,
Bachmann, E. (1), Stampfenbach- Calcutta, India.
str. 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Bairagee, T. C. (1), 36 Park St.,
Baciu, GI., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Calcutta, India.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Baird, G. W., Newbold Missionary
Backer, F., Brtickenstrasse 34a, College, near Rugby, Warwick-
Hamm inV., Germany. shire, England.
Bacon, A. E., Midland Bank Cham- Baird, H., S. D. A. Mission, Shwen-
bers, 506 Holloway Road, Lon- yaungbin, Toungoo, Burma.
don, N. 7, England. Bajor, L., Szaely Bertalan-utca
Badaut, Paul, 5 Boulevard Long- 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
champ, Marseille, France. Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Calif.
13adcock, A. M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Baker, C. H., Casilla, 1002, Lima,
Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Peru, South America.
Badderuddin (1), c/o 12 Prithviraj Baker, Isaac, Route 1, 330 Fletcher
Road, New Delhi, India. Ave., Fayetteville, Ark.
Baker, J. D., Box 2, Loma Linda, Baroi, P. N. (I), 36 Park St., Cal-
Calif. cutta, India.
Baker, R. C., 1235 S. Grant St., Baron, G. (1), Turecka, I., Warsaw,
Tacoma, Wash. Poland.
Barr, W. E. Glendale Sanitarium,
Bakhsh, Nabi (1), 12 Prithviraj Glendale, Calif.
Road, New Delhi, India. Barrett, A. R., Marovo Lagoon,
Bakke, Mogens (1), Suomisvej 5, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands,
Copenhagen V., Denmark. Pacific Ocean.
Man, Leon, Strada Cohanovschi 1, Bartha, B., Str. Clemenceau 5/a,
Cernauti, Rumania. Cluj, Rumania.
Baldwin, J. W. (1), 30 Voyle Road, Bartholomew, P. (1), S. D. A. Mis-
Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. sion, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China.
Baldwin, W. C., Delhi, Calif. Bartlett, A. W., 225 N. Adams
Balharrie, Gordon (1), 115 Elm St., Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
So., Timmins, Ontario, Canada. Bartlett, C. A. (1), Box 41, Aba,
Ball, M. S. (1), "Mizpah," Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Bartlett, W. T., 41 Hazel Gardens,
Ballack, M., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden- Edgware, Middlesex, England.
A., Germany. Barto, W. P., 1120 Keeaumoku St.,
Balmer, F. T., 236172 S. Brodie St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Fort William, Ontario, Canada. Bates, Dr. F. E., Box 310, Hong
Balodis, 0. (I), Brivibas iela 11, Kong, China.
Riga, Latvia. Bates, G. D. (1), 17 Abbott Road,
Balogun, A. I., S. D. A. Mission, Lucknow, India.
Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, W. C., Battye, W. E., "Tereora" The
Africa. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Banfield, M. S., Kenwood Road, Australia.
Blue Ash, Ohio. Bauer, C. L. (1), 1923 Eden Ave.,
Banks, E. C. (1), 2001 24th Ave., Glendale, Calif.
North, Nashville, Tenn. Bauer, Jovan, Vojvode Protica 12,
Banks, Nathaniel (1), 3145 39th St., Beograd VII, Jugoslavia.
San Diego, Calif. Baum, C. S., 1608 S. 53d St.,
Barbosa, Deodoro (1), Caixa Postal Philadelphia, Pa.
233, Victoria, Espirito Santo, Baumbach, E. (1), Neustadt-Con-
Brazil, South America. trescarpe 30, I., Bremen, Ger-
Barclay, W. L. (1), 114 Kaine St., many.
San Antonio, Tex. Bausch er, 0., Ktirnerstr. 6-8, Bres-
Bard, Alphonse (1), 12 rue de Mul- lau 13, Germany.
house, Alger, Algeria. Bautista, Demetrio (I), Box 39,
Barengrub, M., Merepuistee 14-a., Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine
Tallinn, Estonia. Islands.
Bar-Joel, J. (1), Mission Adven- Bautista, J. 0., Korror, Palau
tista, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, (Pelew) Island.
Madagascar. Baxter, W. E., Apartado Nacional
436, Bogota, Colombia, South
Barnedo, C. B. (1), Box 32, Legaspi, America.
Albay, Philippine Islands. Baybarz, A. M., 404 Avenue Bldg.,
Barnes, A. E. (1), 3131 Pasadena Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can-
-Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. ada.
Barnhardt, A. M. (1), 55 South Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Main St., Rochester, N. H. Switzerland.
Beams, J. W., .Route 1, Box 386, Belding, M. A., Route 1, Box 78,
Arlington, Calif. Boring, Oregon.
Beans, L. G. (1), Box 109, New- Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road,
castle, Wyo. Lucknow, India.
l3eardsell, S. W. (1), Box 1352, Belich, Ilija, 12260 Mackay St.,
Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Detroit, Mich.
Africa. Bell, A. R., 2209 Young St., Belling-
Beardsley, J. I., Holly, Mich. ham, Wash.
Beavon, E. A., 2832 E. 24th Ave., Bell, C. V. (1), " Mizpah," Wah-
Vancouver,' British Columbia, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Canada. Bell, J. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
13eazley, A. L., 1420 N. Main St., ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Decatur, 111. Bell, 0. J. (1), 1215 Marshall St.,
Beck, C., 310 E. 158th St., New Little Rock, Ark.
York, N. Y. Bellah, C. G., Fredricktown, Mo.
Beck, Henry, 222 Almond St., Belleau, G. S., 202 S. Palouse St.,
Georgetown, British Guiana, Walla Walla, Wash.
South America. Bellows, R. J., 412 Water St.,
Becker, Carl, Casilla 130, Rosario Paw Paw, Mich.
de Santa Fe, Argentina, South Belloy, J. (1), 11-13 rue Ernest
America. Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Becker, V. W., 112 St. Louis Ave., Belote, L. W., 250 Ardmore Ave.,
Ft. Worth, Tex. Trenton, N. J.
Beckner, H. R. (1), 594 Knapps Belz, Rudolpho, Caixa Postal 1830,
Highway, Bridgeport, Conn. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Beckner, R. A., 30 Voyle Road, Bement, W. E., 920 County Ave.,
Rangoon, Burma. Texarkana, Ark.
Becraft, V. C., 4450 S. E. Ash St., Bender, U., Mountain Sanitariun4,
Portland, Oreg. Fletcher, N. C.
Beddoe, E. E., 519 S. Rock Island, Benezech, E., Mission Adventiste,
El Reno, Okla. Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mad-
Bee, C. M. (1), Star Route, Rhine- agascar.
. lander, Wis. Benezech, Paul (1), Migsion Adven-
Beem, T. M., 120 So. Belmont Ave., tiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde,
Glendale, Calif. Cameroon, West Africa.
Beer, Luigi, Casilla Postale 408, Benjamin (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Florence, Italy. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Begemann, H., Bruckenstrasse 34a, Benson, H. F., Soonan, Chosen.
Hamm i/W., Germany. Benton, R. L., Box 128, Keene, Tex.
Behr, H., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Bentz, A. V., 1031 Washington
Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Ave., Chehalis, Wash.
Behrendt, P., Kneiphofache Hof - Benyovsky 0., Cintorinka 1. a. blob
ga,sse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Ger- B, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
many. 13erchin, A., Calle Chile 1743, Men-
Behrens, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, doza, F. C. P., Argentina, South
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. America.
Behrens, E., " Tereora," The Berg, Henry, 3133 Hackberry St.,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Australia. Berger, Theophilo, Caixa Postal
Behrens, J. H., 1112 Gower St., 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil,
Los Angeles, Calif. South America.
Beier, J., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A., Berghauer, I., Szekely Bertalan-
Germany. utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Blandford, C. L., Box 145, Hong Bongini, Riccardo, Via Trieste 17,
Kong, China. Florence, Italy.
Block, E. T. (1), Casilla 2830, Bonney, C. R. (1), Midland Bank
Santiago, Chile, South America. Chambers, 506 Holloway Road,
Block, Godofredo, Jr., Carlos Pelle- London, N. 7, England.
grini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, Bontempts, B. P. (1), 10310 Weigand
South America. Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Block, R. (1), Casilla 2830, Santi- Bookhart, J. A., Box 384, 22nd St.
ago, Chile, South America. Sta., St. Petersburg, Fla.
Blomstedt, A., Wasagatan 12, Boothby, R. L., 2613 Voelkel Ave.,
Goteborg, Sweden. Dormont, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Borg, S. T., 311 W. Washington
]3lue, I. F., P. 0. Box 15, Poona, Ave., Santa Ana, Calif.
India. Borgas, L. A., Oaklands, via Cairns,
Blunden, H. M., 1562 N. Chevy Queensland, Australia.
Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Borge, Govind (1), Box 64, Poona,
Bodrug, Nichol, Renfrew Bldg., India.
120 Seventh Ave., West, Cal- Borrowdale, L. J., Berrien Springs,
gary, Alberta, Canada. Mich.
Boehm, E. (1), Mirigeda, Port Borrowdale, R. J., S. D. A. Mission,
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Babumahal, Katoria P. 0., via
Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 177, Simultala, S. P., India.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Bottcher, T., Kaiser-Wilhelm -Platz
Brazil, South America. 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Boehrig, G. H. (I), 734 Main St., Boulting, C. J. (1), 8 Yarra St.,
Nevada, Iowa. Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
Boger, E. C., care A. G. Gibson, Bourdeau, M. A. (1), Ellsworth,
R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Ohio.
Bohlmann, J., Grindelberg 11, I., Bowen H. E. (I), 513 Lieg Ave.,
Hamburg 13, Germany. Shawano, Wis.
Bohm, Franz, Bayerstr. 36, Reich- Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
enberg, Czechoslovakia. ington, D. C.
Bohn, A. D., 2717 Warren Ave., Bowers, L. I. (1), 399 Upper Seran-
Seattle, Wash. goon Road, Singapore, Straits
Bohner, J. F. (1), South Lancaster, Settlements.
Mass. Bowett, T. S. (1), Resthaven Sani-
Bohner, L. F. (1), 399 Upper Seran- tarium, Sydney, British Colum-
goon Rd., Singapore, Straits bia, Canada.
Settlements. Bowles, R. E. (1), 2211 Farnain St.,
Boix, Jose, Apartado 4078, Ma- Omaha, Nebr.
drid, Spain. Box, H., R.egensburgerstrasse 22 V,
Boliman, C. P., 31 Westmoreland Berlin W. 50, Germany.
Ave., Takoma Park, Washing- Boyd, P. M., 8 Dewitt St., Ashe-
ton, D.C. ville, N. C.
Boykin, C. A. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Bommer, J., Stampfenbachstrasse Cunningham Road, Bangalore,
85, Zurich, Switzerland. South India.
Bond, C. Lester, Taltoina Park, Boynton, C. E., Route 2, Ooltewah,
Washington, D. C. Tenn.
Bond, C. W. F., 922 Florida Ave., Boynton, J. W., 200 West Third
Hemet, Calif. St., Newberg, Oreg.
13oneff, B., Solunska 10, Sofia, Boynton, W. S., Box 2238, Boise,
Bulgaria. Idaho.
Brown, B. W., 517 E. Pine St., Bunch, F. L., 401 Upper Serangoon
Lodi, Calif. Road, Singapore, Straits Settle-
Brown, E. A., Box 533, Santa Rosa, ments.
Calif. Bunch, T. G., Kellogg Inn, Battle
Brown, G. G., 1326 N. Douty St., Creek, Mich.
Hanford, Calif. Bunker, C. M., 55 South Main St.,
Brown, G. M., Route 3, Searcy, Rochester, N. H.
Ark. Bunsode, Daniel (1), P. 0. Box 64,
Brown, H. C., Box 1871, Phoenix, Poona, India.
Ariz. Bunsode, Kemuel (1), P. 0. Box 64,
Brown, H. F., FItiheweg 17, Berne, Poona, India.
Switzerland. Bunyani, Simon, Luwazi Mission,
Brown, J. L., Calle Pino 3801, Bu- P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland,
enos Aires, Argentina, South Africa.
America. Burden, J. A., Holtville, Calif.
Brown, R. J. (1), Boulder, Colo. Burden, W. D., Route A, Box 185,
Brown, S. (1), 437 E. Ponce de Leon Redlands, Calif.
Ave., Decatur, Ga. Bureaud, M. J., Mission Advent-
]3rownlee, J. F., 437 E. Ponce de iste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive,
Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga. Madagascar.
Browning, R. E. (1), 717 Boston, Burg, F. M., College Place, Wash.
Muskogee, Okla. Burger, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Brozio, 0. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Burger, H. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.,
Bruck, Carl, 1441 Dormont Ave., Hamburg 13, Germany.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Burgess, G. T. (1), 1405 S. 7th St.,
Bryan, B. F., 833 E. 4th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
National City, Calif. Burgess, M. A. (1), 3217 Roanoke
Bryant, F. J. (1), 1209 W. 22nd St., Ave., Newport News, Va.
Little Rock, Ark. Burgess, L. J., Paradise Valley
Bryant, R. J., Box 81, Carlsbad, Sanitarium, National City, Calif.
Calif. Burke, I. M., 1482 Villa St., Moun-
Brzezinski, J., Haydnstr. 16, Dres- tain View, Calif.
den-A., Germany. Burley, . S. G., Route 1, Box 336,
Buckley, E. A. (1), Caixa Postale, La Grange, Ill.
No. 33, Vila Luzo, Angola, Por- Burman, C. A., c/o E. M. C., Ber-
tuguese West Africa. rien Springs, Mich.
Buckley, R. A. (1), P. 0. Leribe, Burns, N. C., 84 Jervois Road,
Basutoland, South Africa. Auckland, New Zealand.
Buckwalter, J. A., 49 Linwood Ave., Burns, R. J., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queens-
Budd, G. L., College Place, Wash. land, Australia.
Budnick, M., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Burnside, C. (I), 37 O'Connell Ter-
Berlin-'Wilmersdorf, Germany. race, Bowen Hills, Brisbane.
Bufano, C. (1), 58 Dayton St., New- Queensland, Australia.
ark, N. J. Burton, I. B., P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Buhalts, C. J., Route 3, Box 120A, wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Quitman, Miss. Burwell, H. M. (1), 3131 Pasadena
Buile, J. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Latvia. Busch, M., Regensburgerstrasse 22
Bullas, Ray (1), "Tereora" The V, Berlin 'W. 50, Germany.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Buschner, G. (1), Fasanenstr, 63,
Australia. I., Braunschweig, Germany.
Bush, F. F. (1), 239 Cedar St., New Cahilig, R. B., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo,
Bedford, Mass. Philippine Islands.
Bustos, B., Avda. Garibaldi 2584, CalderOn, A. J. (1), Agricultura 79,
Montevideo, Uruguay, South Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya,13.
America. F., Mexico.
Butherus, D. C. (1), 1701 Conlyn Calderone, R., 5136 Clarke St., Oak-
St., Philadelphia, Pa. land, Calif.
Butka, Dr. L. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Cales, Raymond, 712 24th St.,
Road, Shanghai, China. Sacramento, Calif.
Butler, E. A. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Calkins, Glenn, 425 Canyon Drive,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Glendale, Calif.
Butler, F. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Calvert, R. M., M. D. (1), Washing-
thorn, Victoria, Australia. ton Sanitarium, Takoma Park,
Butler, George, 2001 24th Ave., Washington, D. C.
North, Nashville, Tenn. Calvo, V. M. (I), Agricultura 79,
Butler, L. A. (1), 37 O'Connell Colonia Escandon, Tacubaya, D.
Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, F., Mexico.
Queensland, Australia. Campbell, A. J., S. D. A. Mission,
Butler, 0. K., Cicero, Ind. Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Ter-
Butler, S. C. (1), 47 Hay St., Su- ritory of New Guinea.
biaco, Perth, West Australia, Campbell, G. A., Post Box 226,
Australia. Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Butler, V., Stampfenbachstrasse Campbell, J. M., 1196 Forest Ave.,
85, Zurich, Switzerland. Pasadena, Calif.
Butler, W. A., Takoma Park, Campbell, J. R., Box 573, Bula-
Washington, D. C. wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Butterfield, A. D., M. D. (1), Loma Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park,
Linda, Calif. Washington, D. C.
Butterfield, L. A., Route 3, Box M., Campbell, M. V., Box 29, Brook-
Vicksburg, Miss. field, Ill.
Butterfield, M. B., Gen. Del., Ponca Campbell, P. 0., 190 Santa Rita
City, Okla. Ave., Modesto, Calif.
Butz, E. S., Box J. 1011, Adelaide, Campbell, R. G., 5005 43d Ave.,
South Australia, Australia. Woodside, N. Y.
Bux, Nabi (1), c/o 12 Prithviraj Campbell, V. H. (1), Union Springs,
Road, New Delhi, India. New York.
Buyck, R. (1), 130 Blvd. de l'Hopi- Cannon, W. J. (I), 22 Zulla Road,
tal, Paris 13e, France. Mapperley Park, Nottingham,
Buzgo, M., Szekely Bertalan-utca England.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Cantwell, C. C., Box 64, Poona,
Buzzell, A. B., S. D. A. Mission, India.
Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Capman, H. J., 1434 W. 83rd St.,
Chicago, Ill.
Capman, Joseph, Box 370, Hamil-
CABARDO, A. 0. (1), Box 119,
Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. ton, Bermuda.
Cara, C. M., Box 39, Lucena, Taya-
Cadiz, W. (1), Apartado 3005, San-
turce, Puerto Rico. bas, Philippine Islands.
Cadwallader, E. M., Box 573, Bula- Carcich, T., 539 Laurelton Road,
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Rochester, N. Y.
Cady, M. E., 70 Flower Ave., Ta- Cardey, E. L., 4203 Penhurst Ave.,
koma Park, Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md.
Caenel, J. A. de, 12 Rue de Mul- Cardey, 0. D., 8 Brevator St.,
house, Alger, Algeria. Albany, N. Y.
Dantos, I, Aleia Constandache No. Davis, Martin (1), 300 10th St.,
3, Galati, Rumania. Sacramento, Calif.
Danyi, Istvan, Petra Zrinjskog, Davy, W. L., Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Dare, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box Dawson, A. W. (1), "Mizpah," Wah-
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, W. C. Africa. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Darst, Donald (1), 3131 Pasadena Dealy, M. G. (1), 817 West Nora
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Ave., Spokane, Wash.
Dart, A. 0., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Dean, J. C., 30 Voyle Road, Cantt.,
Park, D.C. .Rangoon, Burma.
Dart, C. J., 217 N. W. Seventh St., De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Watford, Herts, England.
Das, Harnam (1), c/o 12 Prithviraj De Beer, B. P., 292 Louis Botha
Road, New Delhi, India. Ave., Orange Grove, Johannes-
Dasent, J. G., 4133 Clara St., New burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Orleans, La. De Beer, J. N., Barmbeck Ave.,
Dasoveanu, Gr., Aleia Constand- Newlands, Cape, South Africa.
ache No. 3, Galati, Rumania. Debreezeni, S. (1), Szekely Berta-
Dau, Querino, Caixa Postal 1830, lan-utca 13, Budapest VI, Hun-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. gary.
Thiumichen, H. (1), Koblenzer Degering, C. W., Renfrew Bldg.,
Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 120 Seventh Ave., West, Calgary,
Germany. Alberta, Canada.
Dfiumichen, R., Koblenzer Strasse del Sol, R. E. (1), Patrocinio No. 0,
3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Dauniika, Maika, Suva Vou, Suva, Delafield, Arthur (1), Box 297,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Kafaa, Kauai, T. H.
David, Deacon, 30 Voyle Road, Delafield, R. E. (1), 1120 Keeau.-
Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. moku St., Honolulu, T. H.
David, S. N., S. D. A. Mission, Delhove, D. E., Kirundu, via Kin-
Kottarakara, Travancore, South du, Province Orientale, Congo
India. Beige, Central Africa.
Davidian, Caleb (1), P. 0. Box 50, Dell'Anno, Gene (1), 2020 Urqu-
Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, hart, New Orleans, La.
Utah. De Ligne, Alfred (1), 11-13 Rue
Davies, L. H., care Canadian Union Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Conference, Alger Bldg., Oshawa, Demchuk, S., care Alberta Conf.,
Ontario. Renfrew Bldg., 120 7th Ave., W.,
Davies, Valentine (1), c/o Division Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Office, Grove Ave., Claremont, Deming, M. W., 1612 First St.,
Cape, South Africa. Bedford, Ind.
Denslow, 0. L., 5449 Laura Lane,
Davis, B. B. (1), Box 1772, Manila, Norwood, Ohio.
Philippine Islands.
Derlath, W., Elizabethstr. 20,
Davis, C. H., S. D. A. Mission, Stettin i/Pr., Germany.
Foochow, China. Desmet, Gerard (1), 130 Boulevard
Davis, E. M., Rua Lopes Trovilo 84, de l'HOpital, Paris 13e, France.
Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, Dessain, W. A., 4744 N. Keystone
South America. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Davis, H. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Detamore, F. A., 341 Southeast
Perth, West Australia, Australia. 47th Ave., Portland, Oreg.
Davis, H. A. (1), Box 68, San Jose, Detamore, F. W., 4529 Lewis Place,
Calif. St. Louis, Mo.
Fletcher, Frank, 176 Orange St., Foster, P. G., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Kingston, Jamaica, British West thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Indies. Foulston, W. R., Penticton, British
Fletcher, Hubert, 176 Orange St., Columbia, Canada.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Fountain, T. M., 2622 Scovell St.,
Indies. Nashville, Tenn.
Florea, D., Str. IVIitrop. Ghen. Pe- Fourie, S. J. (I), Boite Postal 3,
trescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru- Kongola, Belgian Congo, Central
mania. Africa.
Florea, J. (1), Strada Popa Tatu Fowler, F. 0., 239-B W. 'Wilshire
38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. St., Fullerton, Calif.
Fodor, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Fowler, Franklin (1), 6841 Thomas
Hungary. Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fogel, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Fraatz, E. (1), Neustadt-Contre-
Latvia. scarpe 30, I., Bremen, Germany.
Folkenberg, L. E., 1215 Glenn Ave., Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park.
Fresno, Calif. Washington, D. C.
Follett, Orno, Box 1871, Phoenix, Franklin, J. W. (1), Box 930, Char-
Ariz. lotte, N. C.
Follette, L. S. (1), 722 9th St., Franz, C. 0., 437 E. Ponce de
West Palm Beach, Fla. Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Ford, J. E., 604 Erie Ave., Takoma Fraser, A. M. (1), 8 Yarra St.,
Park, Washington, D. C. Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
Ford, H. E. (1), Riverside Sani- Frauchiger, E., La Ligniere, Gland
tarium, Route 3, Box 53, Nash- (Vaud), Switzerland.
ville, Tenn.
Ford, Orley, Apartado 218, Guate- Frazee, W. D., 217 N.W. 7th St.,
mala, Rep. of Guatemala, Cen- Oklahoma City, Okla.
tral America. Freeman, George (1), 2782 7th St.,
Ford, I. A. (1), 1426 North Chevy Riverside, Calif.
Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Freeth, R. A. (1), 22 Zulla Road,
Forde, IV. D., 71 Manchester St., Mapperley Park, Nottingham,
Battle Creek, Mich. England.
Fordham, W. W. (1), La Perra
Ave., Box 158, Lawnside, N. J. Frei, J. P., 5 bld d'Anvers, Stras-
Forsblom, G., Annegatan 7, Hel- bourg, Alsace, France.
singf ors, Finland. Freile, C. (1), Casilla 44, Quito,
Forshaw, W. G., Box 358, College Ecuador, South America.
Place, Wash. French, H. B., Keene, Tex.
Forshee, C. D. (1), Box 7, Suginami French, J. C. (1), 22 Zulla Rd.,
P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Mapperley Park, Nottingham,
Forster, E. (1), Stampfenbachstr. England.
85, Zurich, Switzerland.
Fortune, A. A. (1), Box 216, Bridge- French, R. E., 726 Virginia Drive,
town, Barbados, B. W. I. Orlando, Fla.
Fossey, Alfred, S. D. A. Mission, French, T. M., College Place, Wash.
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. French, W. R., Pacific Union Col-
Foster, J. C., Route 1, Box 42, lege, Angwin, Napa County,
Newberg, Oreg. Calif.
Foster, Dr. J. G. (1), Maun Medical Frenning, 0., Box 406, Trondheim,
Mission, P. 0. Maun, Bechuana- Norway:
land, via Palapye Rd., South Frick, J. E., S. D. A. Mission, The
Africa. Island, Changsha, Hunan, China.
Gauterau, F. D., 1017 Clay St., Gilbert, Dr. A. E. (1), Iowa Sani-
Oakland, Calif. tarium, Nevada, Iowa.
Gay, H. R., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park,
Portland, Oreg. Washington, D. C.
Gayen, P. C., S. D. A. Mission, Gillatt, J. J., Stanborough Park,
Alekanda, Barisal, India. Watford, Herts, England.
Gehl, Wilhelm, Hinterm Bahnhof Gillis, I. E. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Ger- Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul),
many. Chosen.
Geier, G., Bayerstr. 36, Reichen- Gillis, W. E., S. D. A. Mission,
berg, Czechoslovakia. Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul),
Gemeinhardt, W., Eschenheimer Chosen.
Anlage 32, Frankfurt a. Main, Gillis, W., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
Germany. (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Aus-
George, W. A., M. D., Loma Linda, tralia.
Calif. Ging, Ko Bing, S. D. A. Mission,
Georgescu, V., Strada Popa Tatu Foochow, China.
38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Cing, Su Tang, S. D. A. Mission,
Gerber, Charles, 130 Boulevard de Foochow, China.
PHOpital, Paris 13e, France. Giok, Ong Ban (1), Advent Zendings-
Gerber, Robert, La Ligniere, Gland genootschap in N. 0. I., District
(Vaud), Switzerland. Padang, Strandweg 13, Padang,
Gerhart, 0. B., 478 Clendenam Ave., Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Girard, P., 83 Rue Dauphine, St.
Gericke Walther, Kriegsstrasse Denis, Reunion Island.
84, Karlsruhe i/B., Germany. Girou, A. J., Apartado 4078, Ma-
Gernet, B. P. (1), 223 S. Walnut St., drid, Spain.
West Chester, Pa. Gjording, J. G., Box 130, Santa
Gerrard, P. D., 2718 Third Ave., Rosa, Calif.
So., Minneapolis, Minn. Glass, H., Kneiphofsche Hofgasse
Ghiorghisor, I., Strada Popa Tatu 22, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany.
38, Bucuresti II., Rumania. Glockler, P. (I), 84 Jervois Road,
Ghiorghita, N. (1), Str. Mitropolitul Auckland, New Zealand.
Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucu- Glockner, Karl, Grindleberg 11, I.,
resti IV, Rumania. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Gibbs, C. R., 5812 Ocean View Gmehling, Otto, Rich ard -Wagnerstr.
Drive, Oakland, Calif. 28, Hanover-N., Germany.
Gibbons, Virgil (1), P. 0. Box 584, Gmelin, E. (1), Carlos Pellegrini,
Columbus, Ohio. 1645, Corrientes, Argentina,
Gibson, L. A., Route 2, Redlands, South America.
Giddings, H. E., 601 W. Alpine St., Gnaedjin, M., Casilla 130, Rosario
Tulare, Calif. de Santa Fe, Argentina, South
Giddings, 0. U., Caixa Postal 34, America.
Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese Gobel, Heinrich, Kriegsstrasse 84,
West Africa. Karlsruhe i/B., Germany.
Giddings, P., Boite A55. Port-au- Godfrey, Dr. M. F. (1), "Mizpah,"
Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Wahroonga, N. S. MT., Australia.
Gil, Camilo, Casilla 130, Rosario Goeltom, P. R. (1), Advent Zen-
de Santa Fe, Argentina, South dingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Af-
America. deeling Oost-Java, Tandjoeng
Gilbert, A. C., 730 Bailey Ave., Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Neth-
Mountain View, Calif. erlands East Indies.
Hare, R. A., M.D., Washington San- Hastings, L. R. (1), 818 South 12th
itarium, Takoma Park, Wash- St., Paducah, Ky.
ington, D.C. Haufe, P., Adventhaus, Hans-
Hare, R. E., 84 Jervois Road, Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Auckland, New Zealand. many.
Hare, Robert, "Tereora," The Haughey, A. G., 6041A. W. 32nd St.,
Boulevarde, Stratbfield, N. S. Austin, Tex.
W., Australia. Haughey, K. R., Box 106, Grays-
Hargreaves, Dr. H. E. (I), S. D. A. ville, Tenn.
Mission, Shah Ave. 20, Teheran, Haughey, S. G., 256 Embry Ave.,
Iran. Lexington, Ky.
Harker, H. C., 361 Argyle St., Ho- Haupt, Dr. W. H., P. 0. Nongoma,
bart, Tasmania. Zululand, South Africa.
Harker, J., Midland Bank Cham- Haussler, J. C., 202 So. Palouse St.,
bers, 506 Holloway Road, London Walla Walla, Wash.
N. 7, England. Hayakawa, T. (1), Nunobiki Dori
Harres, Karl, Neustadt Contre- 2 Chome 12 of 2, Kobe, Japan.
scarpe 30, I., Bremen, Germany. Hayden, R. A. (1), Casilla 355, La
Harris, F. J., Route 1, Cadillac, Paz, Bolivia, South America.
Mich. Hayes, E. G., 1621 Anacapa St.,
Harris, W. J., 62 Ta Fang Chia Santa Barbara, Calif.
Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Haynal, A. D., Superior, Pa.
Harrison, C. R. (1), Box 612, Haynes, C. B., 2433 Kensington
Wailuku, Maui, T. H. Road, Lansing, Mich.
Harrison, Dr. C. W. (1), Wah- Haynes, D. F. (1), Box 930, Char-
roonga, New South Wales, Aus- lotte, N. C.
tralia. Haynes, J. D., Box 68, San Jose,
Harrison, F. L. (1), Box 128, Calif.
Keene, Tex. Haysmer, A. J., South Lancastei-,
Harrison, I. H. (1), Box 573, Bula- Mass.
wayo, S. Rhodesia, Africa. Haysnier, C. A., M.D., (1), New
Hartin, L. H., Atlantic Union Col- England Sanitarium, Melrose,
lege, South Lancaster, Mass. Mass.
Hartman, B. F. (1), 146 Orchard Hayton, C. H., M. D., 5230 La Roda
St., Cranston, R. I. Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif.
Hartman, H. C. (1), 4843 Calvert
St., Lincoln, Nebr. Head, C., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Hartmann, Max, Bayerstr. 36, Victoria, Australia.
Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Heald, B. M., 46 Odegaard Ave.,
Hartwell, H. C., Box 204, Aurora, West Brighton, L. I., N. Y.
Mo. Heaton, L. T., 1104 Keeaumoku
Hartwell, R. H., Court 1207 Yu- St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Heckman, W. H., South Lancaster,
Hartwick, C. W., 537 25th St., Mass.
Oakland, Calif.
Harvey, F. W. (1), 1720 Wrights- Heiderstadt, A. (1), Grindelberg 11,
boro Road, Augusta, Ga. I., Hamburg 13, Germany.
Harvey, L. R., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Heim, E. F., Maplewood Academy,
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Hutchinson, Minn:
Hasegawa, T. (1), Minami 6 Jo, !kin. C. D., 205 .F. Irving St.,
Nishi 11 Chome, Sapporo, .1 a pan. Kingfisher, Okla.
Hassenpflug, B. L., 1545 13th Heinrich, F.. Haydnstr. 16, Drys
Port Arthur, Tex. den-A., Germany.
Howarth, James (1), 1707 Orchard Hughes, J. W. (1), Box 1245, Big
Ave., Glendale, Calif. Spring, Tex.
Howe, B. L., Route 2, Box 190, Humann, E. S. (1), 3944 Victoria
Modesto, Calif. Drive, Vancouver, British Colum-
Howe, W. A., 146 N. 5th St., Clin- bia, Canada.
ton, Iowa. Bumann, H. H., 1516 N. 62nd St.,
Howell, J. M., Calle Pino 3801, Chicago, Ill.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Hummel, G., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz
America. 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Howell, L. I. (1), Mirigeda,,' Port Hung, C. Y., S. D. A. Mission,
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Hung, K. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Washington, D. C. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Howse, J. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Hunter, D. W., S. D. A. Mission,
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Narsapur, W. Godavery, India.
Ocean. Hunter, Le Roy, S. D. A. Mission,
Howse, H. T. (1), Apia, Samoa, Gopalganj P. 0., Faridpur Dist.,
Pacific Ocean. Bengal, India.
Hoyler, Jorge, Caixa Postal 233, Hurdon, W. J., 4016 Kaslo St.,
Victoria, Estado do Espirito Vancouver, British Columbia,
Santo, Brazil, South America. Canada.
Hsiao, Djeng Hsiu (1), Shensi Mis- Hurlow, H. J., Kolo Mission, P. 0.
sion of S. D. A., Outside West Morija, Basutoland, South Af-
Gate, Sianfu, Shensi, China. rica.
Hsiao, Tzi Fu (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hurlow, W. H., P. 0. Box 508, Port
Hsinking, Manchuria. Elizabeth, C. P., South Africa.
Hsing, T. R. (1), Court 1207, Yu- Huse, George (I), 2119 24th Ave.,
Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Hsu, Sin Tang (1), 107 Wu Tsu St., Hutches, G. E., 9251,4 E. 7th St.,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Duluth, Minn.
Hu, Si Gwei (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hutchinson, L. L., Route 2, Box
71 Fu Dzen Gai, Changsha, Hu- 133, Lemoore, Calif.
nan, China. Hwang, Djung Seng, S. D. A. Mis-
Hubbard, T. F., 310 E. 23rd St., sion, 71 Fu Dzen Gai, Changsha,
Indianapolis, Ind. Hunan, China.
Hubbs, R. L. (1), Auburn Academy, Hwang, Dz Chiang, S. D. A. Mis-
Auburn, Wash. sion, Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Hubley, R. A., 5438 Coolbrook Ave., Hwang, Dz Ging, Box 145, Hong
N. D. G., Montreal, Quebec, Can- Kong, China.
ada. Hwang, Dzi Ling (1), S. D. A. Mis-
Huddleston, Stanley (1), 3225 Beu- sion, 71 Fu Dzen Gai, Changsha,
lah St., Houston, Tex. Hunan, China.
Hudson, 11. T. (1), 1023 W. 13th Hwang, Joseph (1), S. D. A. Mis-
St., Des Moines, Iowa. sion, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow,
Huenergardt, A. B., Gem Del., Bon- Kwangtung, China.
tonia, Calif. Hwang, Tz Ting (1), 526 Ningkuo
Huenergardt, J. F., 938 West 37th Road, Shanghai, China.
Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Hyatt, W. Leroy, P. 0. Box 508,
Hufnagel, H., Adventhaus, Hans Port Elizabeth, C. P., South
Sachsstr. 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Africa.
Hughes, A. E., Shensi Mission of Hyde, J. J., S. D. A. Mission,
S. D. A., Outside West Gate, Jengre Station, via Jos, North-
Sianfu, Shensi, China. ern Nigeria, West Coast Africa.
Hyde, S. G., "Ventner" Tyglass Isaac, M. N., Boite 28, Cap Haitien,
Road, Llanishem, Cardiff, Clam, Haiti, French West Indies.
Wales, England. Isaac, N. (I), Jacmel,
Hyde, S. W. (1), 103 W. Tyrell Ave., Isaac, V., Nadar's Bungalow, Ko-
St. Louis, Mich. diakanal, Madura Dist., South
Hyde, W. T. B. (1), S. D. A. Mis- India.
sion, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, Isaiah, G., S. D. A. Mission, Narsa-
West Coast Africa. pur, W. Godavery, India.
Hyun, Y. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Iserte, S.M., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul), Spain.
Chosen. Ising, W. K., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D.C.
Israel, M. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
IEK, Chung Guong (1), S. D. A. Narsapur, W. Godavery, India.
a Mission, Foochow, China. Itumeleng, K. I. (1), c/o S. C.
Iek, Sing (1), S. D. A. Mission, Palvie, P. 0. Taungs, C. P., South
Foochow, China. Africa.
Ilies, F. (1), Strada. Clemeneeau Ivanoff, A. I. (1), 9 Tsitsihar St.,
5/a, Cluj, Rumania. New Town, Harbin, Manchuria.
Iliescu, B., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Iverson, Paul, Quincey and First
Cernauti, Rumania. St., Cottage Grove, Oreg.
Im, S. W., S. D. A. Mission, Seir- Iwanoff, W. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia,
yori Machi, Keijo (Seoul), Cho- Bulgaria.
Imaiku, Gladstone, Tapo Mission
Sta., P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland, IABOLA, F. L., Box 39, Lucena,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Tayabas, Philippine Islands.
Imrie, L. J., Gordon Ave., Hamil- Jackson, A. S. (1), Gordon Ave.,
ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Hamilton (Post Office Box 27),
Australia. N. S. W., Australia.
Imperio, J. M., Box 32, Legaspi, Jackson, F. S., Midland Bank
Albay, Philippine Islands. Chambers, 506 Holloway Road,
Ingle, A. N., 292 Louis Botha Ave., London, N. 7, England.
Orange Grove, Johannesburg, Jackson, J. M., 4547 Calvert St.,
Transvaal, South Africa. Lincoln, Nebr.
Inouye, K., 8625 Latona St., Jackson, J. S. (1), Gordon Ave.,
Seattle, Wash. Hamilton (Box 27), N. S. W.,
Tonescu, C. G., Str. Cohanovschi 1, Australia.
Cernauti, Rumania. Jackson, M. J., Box 2841, Juneau,
Irod, Dumitru, Str. N. Grigorescu Alaska.
4, Arad, Rumania. Jacob, A. C., S. D. A. Mission,
Irwin, J. J., Copemish, Mich. Kottarakara, Travancore, South
Isaac (1), Luwazi Mission, Nkata India.
Bay P. 0., Nyasaland, Africa. Jacobs, J. T., 707 W. Nora Ave.,
Isaac, Daniel, 261 Academy Way, Spokane, Wash.
Dinuba, Calif. Jacobson, A. G. (1), Box 16, Raro-
Isaac, F. R., 44 Alger Bldg., tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Ocean.
Isaac, H. D., 176 Orange St., King- Jager, E., Adventhaus, Hans-Sach-
ston, Jamaica, British West In- str. 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
dies. Jakavula, E. S., 1665 East Bank
Isaac, John, Route 1, Box 146A, Location, East London, Cape
Shafter, Calif. Province, South Africa.
Johnson, E. R., Route 2, Box 150, Jones, IV. H. (1), 1574 Brunswick
Redlands, Calif. Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Johnson, Fred, 3250 Fraser Ave., Jonuleit, K., Adventhaus, Hans
Vancouver, British Columbia, Sachsstr. 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
Canada. Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Johnson, F. W., S. D. A. Mission, Norway.
Kangting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, Jordan, W. H. (1), Box 64, Poona,
China. India.
Johnson, G. E., 1446 Third, So., Jorgensen, L. G., 2290 So. Corona
Mt. Vernon, Wash. St., Denver, Colo.
Johnson, H. T. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Jorgensen, N. M., 125 Fourth St.,
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Boone, Iowa.
England. Jornada, F. H., Box 271, Iloilo,
Johnson, J. B., 140 Windsor St., Iloilo, Philippine islands.
Santa Cruz, Calif. Joseph, V. A., 1525 First Ave.,
Johnson, J. D., Blair, Nebr. Charleston, W. Va.
Johnson, J. E., 5213 Blaine St., Joshua, J., S. D. A. Mission, Kot-
N.E., Washington, D.C. tarakara, Travancore, South
Johnson, J. L. (1), 231 East 12th India.
St., Long Beach, Calif. Joyce, C. S., Drawer C, Berrien
Johnson, L.,3022 West 62nd St., Springs, Mich.
Seattle, ash. Joyce, R. S., Midland Bank Cham-
Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr. bers, 506 Holloway Road, Lon-
Johnson, W. B., 704 La Crosse Ave., don, N. 7, England.
Pueblo, Colo. Joyce, S., Midland Bank Chambers,
Johnson, Werber (1), Box 507, 506 Holloway Rd., London, N. 7,
Bozeman, Mont. England.
Johnson, W. J., M. D., 1625 Tren- Joyce, S. G., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
ton Ave., Glendale, Calif. perly Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Johnston, F. W., 1519 Denison St., land.
Muskogee, Okla. Judge, A. G. (1), 84 Jervois Road,
Jonasson, Sigward (1), Tunnelga- Auckland, New Zealand.
tan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Jugha (1), Marovo Lagoon, via
Jones, C. L. (1), Box 66, Port of Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Ocean.
Jones, G. E. (1), South Lancaster, Junginger, A., 5 bld d'Anvers,
Mass. Strasbourg, Alsace, France.
Jones, G. F., Lord Howe Island, Jurke, F., Kfirnerstr. 6-8, Breslau
Australia. 13, Germany.
Jones, J. K., 437 E. Ponce de Leon Jurkevics, A., Brivibas iela 11,
Ave., Decatur, Ga. Riga, Latvia.
Jones, J. W., 1427 College St.,
Memphis, Tenn. VABAMBE, Jonathon, P. 0.
Thekerani, Nyasaland, Africa.
Jones, L. L., Gordon Ave., Hamilton Kachoka, Tom (1), Chileka Mis-
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Aus- sion, Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
tralia. land, Africa.
Jones, R. G., Apartado 568, Ciudad Kagegera, D., Gitwe Mission, Ru-
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. anda, via Usumbura, Belgian
Jones, R. L., Gitwe Mission East Africa (via Dares-Salaam,
Ruanda, via Usumbura, Belgian East Africa).
East Africa, (via Dares-Salaam, Kajiyama, T., 4 of 4 Komakawa,
East Africa). Nishi-machi, Fukuoka, Japan.
King, L. H., 1455 Seventh St., Kneeland, 13. F., 2336 E. 5th St.,
Parkersburg, IV. Va. Charlotte, N. C.
King, N. B., 409 Calhoun Ave., Kneeland, W. G., Box 52, Arco, Ga.
Yazoo City, Miss. Knight, A. W., "Mizpah," Wah-
Kinney, C. M., 23 Ligon Lane, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Nashville, Tenn. Knight, C. E., 560 Bailey Ave.,
Kinney, C. R., Great Falls, Mont. Mountain View, Calif.
Kinzer, N. H., Apartado 261, Bar- Knight, F. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
ranquilla, Colombia, South Amer- Chungking, Szechwan, China.
ica. Knight, I. G., Route 1, Box 890,
Kioto (1), Marovo Lagoon, via San Diego, Calif.
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Knight, 0. W. (1), 8 Yarra St.,
Ocean. Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
Kiou, Gi Sieu (1), S. D. A. Mis- Knipschild, J. F., 243 Pope St., New
sion, Foochow, China. Bedford, Mass.
Kirk, H. F., 437 East Ponce de Knoner, H., Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga. Braunschweig, Germany.
Kirkelake, L. .J., Suomisvej 6, Knox, P. L., 322 Hill Drive, Glen-
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. dale, Calif.
Kisku, Barko (1), S. D. A. Mission, Ko, S. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul),
Kittle, 0. M., Paradise Valley San- Chosen.
itarium, National City, Calif. Kobayashi, Tokutaro, Nunobiki
Kitto, Robert (1), 3131 Pasadena Dori 2 chome 12 of 2, Kobe,
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Japan.
Klein, Obed (1), St. Charles, Mich. Kobele, F., Eschenheimer Anlage
Klement, A., 1VIerepuistee 14a, Tal- 32, Frankfurt a Main, Germany.
linn, Estonia. Kobs, H., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46,
Klement, H. C., 341 S. E. 47th Ave., Cottbus, Germany.
Portland, Oreg. Koch, A. C., Minami, 6 Jo, Nishi
Klingbeil, J. (1), Adventhaus, Hans 11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan.
Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Koch, E. F. (1), 3222 Kensington
many. Ave., Richmond, Va.
Klinger, R., Posta Kutusu 2071 Kohen, A. G. (I), Barmbeck Ave.,
Istanbul-Beyoglu, Turkey. Newlands, Cape, South Africa.
Kloetty, R. (1), 5 Boulevard d'An- Ktihler, K. (1), Adventhaus, Hans
vers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger-
Klooster, H. J., care of E. M. C., many.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Kohtanen, V., Annank. 7, Helsing-
Klopfenstein, F. C., M.D. (1), fors, Finland.
Boulder, Colo.
Klose, J. C., 1410 Altaloma, Or- Koilpillai, V. D., Nadar's Bunga-
lando, Fla. low, Kodaikanal, Madura Dist.,
South India.
Kloss, W., Kneiphtlfsche Hofgasse
22, Kiinigsberg/Pr., Germany. Kok, E., Adventhaus, Hans-Sach-
Klotin, E., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
Latvia. Rolling, W. J., Advent Zendings-
Klut, E., Turecka I., Warsaw, genootschap in N. 0. I., Hoof-
Poland. dkwartier, Naripan 63, Ban-
Knauft, Arthur, 520 N. Lake St., doeng, Java, Netherlands East
Miles City, Mont. Indies.
Knecht, L. P., 532 Park Ave., C,en- Konderth, Th. (1), Str. Clemenceau
terville, Iowa. 5/a, Cluj, Rumania.
Li, Wan Chuen, S. D. A. Mission, Lindt, S. H., Box 145, Hong Kong,
Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. China.
Liang, Rei Ho (1), S: D. A. Mis- Lingenfelter, C. L., 1134 30th St.,
sion, 57 29th Wei Lu, Mukden, San Diego, Calif.
Manchuria. Linhares, J. S., Caixa Postal 1830,
Libby, R. H. (1), Union Springs, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
N. Y. ica.
Libonati, E. (1), Via Trieste 17, Linker, R. (1), Fasanenstr. 63,
Florence, Italy. Braunschweig, Germany.
LichS-, J. (1), Cintorinska 1. a. Blok Lippolis, G. L., via Trieste 17,
B, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Florence, Italy.
Lickey, A. E., 4006 Benton Blvd., Lipski, J. (1), Kowel, skr. pout. 90,
Kansas City, Mo. Monopolowa 6/I, Poland.
Lickey, C. F., P. 0. Box 56, Sugar- Litster, W. R. (1), 47 Hay St.,
house Sta., Salt Lake City, Utah. Subiaco, Perth, West Australia,
Lidner, V. A., 809 Elmwood Ave., Australia.
Providence, R. I. Litwinenco, J. A., Herried, S. Dak.
Lie, 0. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Liu, B. A., on furlough in U. S.:
Norway. Address, Peabody University,
Liem, Daniel (1), 6 College Square, Nashville, Tenn.
Pulau Tikus, Penang, Straits Liu, Djen Bang, S. D. A. Mission,
Settlements. Sui Dzai, Honan, China.
Lien, A. C., 443 Forest St., Kala- Liu, Fu An (1), S. D. A. Mission,
mazoo, Mich. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Light, L. W., 829 Prospect Place, Liu, Hen Ih (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Port Huron, Mich. Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China.
Lightner, Chas., 2625 Charles St., Liu, Herbert, M. D. (1), China
Omaha, Nebr. Training Inst., Chiao Tou Tseng,
Lillie, C. P., R. F. D. 2, Pittsfield, Kiangsu, China.
Mass. Liu, Shiao-Tien, S. D. A. Mission,
Lim, C. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul), Liu, Y. C. (1), No. 57 29th Wei
Chosen. Mukden, Manchuria.
Lind, M. E. (1), Box 49, Mbale, Livingston, J. D., Calle V. Vergara
Uganda, East Africa. 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Lind, Walter (1), 432 Canyon Drive, Aires, Argentina, South America.
Glendale, Calif. Llaguno, R. S., Box 119, Cebu, Cebu,
Lindbeck, L. H. (1), Box 102, Philippine Islands.
Jerome, Ariz. Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press,
Lindberg, Carl (1), Wasagatan 12, Mountain View, Calif.
Goteborg, Sweden. Lo, Gwei Ih (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Linde, H., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China.
Latvia. Lo, Sin Tsai, S. D. A. Mission,
Lindholm, R. C., M.D. (1), 150 West- Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
mont Drive, Alhambra, Calif. Lo, T. N., S. D. A. Mission, Huei
Lindquist, G. E. (1), 2910 Warren Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Ave., Seattle, Wash. China.
Lindsay, G. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Lo, Tet Tsun, S. D. A. Mission,
Stockholm, Sweden. Waichow, Kwangtung, China.
Lindsay, R. S., 1455 Seventh St., Loasby, F. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Parkersburg, W. Va. Baragain, Ranchi, India.
Lindsay, W. B., Box 925, Lomita, Loasby, R. E., 12 Prithviraj Road,
Calif. New Delhi, India.
Liibsack, H. .1., Moscow 10, Ulica Losey, L. B., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Durowa 22. Whg, 19, U. S. S. R. India.
Lock, W. N., Mirigeda, Port Moresby, Lotawa, Joeli (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Locken, J. B., Box 1478, Ft. Lauder- Lothian, T. (1), 5 Paulin St., Telok
dale, Fla. Anson, Perak, Federated Malay
Lockert, A. J., 120 Grove St., States.
Hutchinson, Minn Louden. R. E., 815 S. Olive St., San
Lockwood, Wilton (1), 422 Porter Antonio, Tex.
St., Eureka, Calif. Loveless, W. C., Box 29, Brookfield,
Loewen, George, P. 0. Box 1491, Ill.
Jamestown, N. Dak. Lovell, V. P., Mt. Vernon Academy,
Loewen, M. E., 41 Hsiao Giao Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Chiang, Kinkiang, Kiangsi, Lourinho, Manuel (I), Rua Joa-
China. quim, Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon,
Loh Wen Bi (1), S. D. A. Mission, Portugal.
Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Lowe, H. W., Stanborough Park,
Loh, Yun Djang (1), S. D. A. Watford, Herts, England.
Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, Lower, D. A., 202 S. Palouse St.,
China. Walla Walla, Wash.
Lohne, Alf. (1), Box 406, Trond- Lowry, G. G., S. D. A. Training
heim, Norway. School, Meiktila, Bin ma.
Lohner, R. (1), Pelzgasse 2/10, Lowry, M. E. (1), Apartado 39, Me-
Vienna XV, Austria. dellin, Colombia, South America.
Long, A., Mission Adventiste, Lowry, W. L., Fentress, Va.
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mad- Lu Shou Dao (1), S. D. A. Mission,
agascar. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Long, A. C.,2525 So. Downing St., Lubschina, Fr. (I), Leopoldskron-
Denver, olo. strasse 22, Salsburg, Austria.
Long, M. L., Renfrew Bldg., 120 Lucas, H. G., 671 Glenmore Blvd.,
Seventh Ave., West, Cala ry, Glendale, Calif.
Alberta, Canada. Lucas, T. E. (1), 310 E. 23rd St.,
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Indianapolis, Ind.
Washington, D. C. Lucas, V. H., 2007 El Serano Ave..
Longway, E. L., Box 145, Hong Pasadena, Calif.
Kong, China. Ludewig, M., De2eliceva 77, Za-
Loosen, C. H., via Trieste 17, greb, Jugoslavia.
Florence, Italy. Ludgate, T. K., 17 Abbott Road,
Loots, J., 130 Boulevard de 1'Ho- Lucknow, India.
pital, Paris 13e, France. Ludington, D. C. (1), Collegedale,
Loots, J. L., 11-13 Rue Ernest Tenn.
Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Liidtke, A., Kamienica na Slasku
Lopez, A. J. (1), Apartado 4078, 272, Poland.
Madrid, Spain. Ludwig, W. (1), Suji, Private Bag,
Lorencin, A., Vojvode Stepe 12/I, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Terri-
Nis, Jugoslavia. tory, East Africa.
Lorenz, J. D., Route 1, Arlington, Lugenbeal, E. N., Artacho, Sison,
Calif. Pangasinan, Philippine Islands.
Lorenz, W., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Lund, A. 0., 660 55th St., Brook-
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. lyn, N. Y.
Lorntz, E. J., Patrocinio No. 6, Lundquist, H. B., Casilla 1003,
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. Lima, Peru, South America.
Moffett, W. C., 105 Symington Ave., Morel, Dr. E. L., 431 W. Orange
Catonsville Branch, Baltimore, Grove Ave., Pomona, Calif.
Md. Morenings, M., Vokie6u g-ve 57,
Moffitt, L. L., Grove Ave., Clare- Kaunas, Lithuania.
mont, Cape, South Africa. Moreta, A. (1), Apartado 568, Ciu-
Mohr, F. I. (1), Chalet Verde, dad Trujillo, Rep. Dominicana.
E'Estrampes & Milagros, Vibora, Morgan, U. E. (1), Box 123, Belize,
Havana, Cuba. British Honduras.
Mokr-Sr, Karol, Cintorinska 1. a. Morlan, C. C. (1), Box 664, Bishop,
blok B, Bratislava, Czechoslo- Calif.
vakia. Morosan, P., Str. Cohanovschi 1,
Moldrzyk, E. (1), Brno, Stredni 10, Cernauti, Rumania.
Czechoslovakia. Morris, C. C., Box 145, Hong Kong,
Molokomme, L. S., 77 Marlborough China.
House, 58, Eloff St., Johannes- Morris, R. P., 12 Prithviraj Road,
burg, Transvaal, South Africa. New Delhi, India.
Monnier, Ch., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Morris, W., "Tereora," The Boule-
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. vards, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Monnier, Henri, Rwankeri Mission tralia.
of S. D. A., Kigali, Ruanda, Morrison, D., Stanborough Park,
Africa (via Dares-Salaam, East Watford, Harts, England.
Africa). Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park,
Monnier, J., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Washington, D. C.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Morse, H. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo
Montgomery, 0., 110 E. Smith Ave., Road, Shanghai, China.
Orlando, Fla. Morton, H. C. (1), Casilla 355, La
Montgomery, R. P., 112 St. Louis Paz, Bolivia, South America.
Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. Mosedi, K. (1), Kolo Mission, P. 0.
Mookerjee, L. G., Box 15, Poona, Morija, Basutoland, South Af-
India. rica.
Mookerjee, N. G. (1), S. D. A. Mis- Moseley, C. E., 437 E. Ponce de
sion, Karmatar, E. I. R., India. Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Moolman, H. J. (1), Ndora Mission Moses, R. J., S. D. A. Mission,
Station, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Narsapur, W. Godavery, India.
Central Africa. Mote, F. A., Box 401, Manila,
Moon, A. L., M.D. (1), 2525 So. Philippine Islands.
Downing, Denver, Colo. Mote, R. M., Rusangu Mission,
Moon, C. E., Apartado 139, Saltillo, P. 0. Mission, Northern Rho-
Coahuila, Mexico. desia, Africa.
Moon, E. A., 399 Upper Seran- Motorca, G., Str. N. Grigorescu 4,
goon Road, Singapore, Straits Arad, Rumania.
Settlements. Motzer, C. A., Neustadt-Contre-
Moon, R. B. (1), 3131 Pasadena scarpe 30, I., Bremen, Germany.
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Moulds, H. G., 361 Argyle St.,
Moore, F. B. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Hobart, Tasmania.
Peru, South America.
Moore, R. W., 1105 Colby St., Madi- Mountain, A., Blue Ridge Sani-
son, Wis. tarium, Corona, Calif.
Moran, Frank, Loma Linda, Calif. Mourer, Dr. H. A. (1), North China
Moran, Jenaro (1), Casilla 1002, Sanitarium and Hospital, Na I-
Lima, Peru, South America. gan, Chahar, China.
Moran, J. L., Oakwood Junior Col- Moya, J. S., P. 0. Box 20, Non-
lege, Huntsville, Ala. goma, Zululand, South Africa.
Pitts, R. F., 1160 Shawano Ave., Potter, E. R., 620 Townsend St.,
Green Bay, Wis. Lansing, Mich.
Place, A. E., 1028 E. Santa Clara Potter, F. E. (1), Grove Ave.,
St., San Jose, Calif. Claremont, Cape Province, South
Platonow, D., Brivibas iela 11, Africa.
Riga, Latvia. Potter, J. J., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Plenc, Juan, Casilla 1002, Lima, N. S. W., Australia.
Peru, South America. Potts, W. S. (1), 1921 Dawson
Flak, J., Deieli6eva 77, Zagreb, Ave., Long Beach, Calif.
Jugoslavia. Pound, I. C., 1215 Marshall, Little
Pleko, V., DOeli6eva 77, Zagreb, Rock, Ark.
Jugoslavia. Powrie, R. H. (1), " Tereora," The
Plue, Ora S. (1), Kingfisher, Okla. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Pohan, J. T., Serian, Simmang- Australia.
gang Rd., Kuching, Sarawak, Prakasham, K. G. (1), S. D. A.
Borneo, Church, Sungei Way, Selangor,
Pohland, W., Briickenstrasse 34a, Federated Malay States.
Hamm i/W., Germany. Pratt, F. A., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Pohle, Dr. Ernest, 312 N. Boyle Philippine Islands.
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. PraZ'an, A. (1), Dvorakova 29,
Pohle, W. R., 4202 Cambridge St., Praha Zizkov, Czechoslovakia.
El Paso, Tex. Prenier, H. S., No. 79, All States
Polder, I., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Court, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Cluj, Rumania. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park,
Polednik, K. Brno, Stredni 10, Washington, D. C.
Czechoslovakia. Preston, B. M., 437 E. Ponce de
Ponce, E., Agricultura 79, Colonia Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Preston, H. E. (1), Brainerd, Minn.
Mexico. Pretyman, C. H. (1), "Tereora,"
Pond, D. V. (1), P. 0. Box 56, The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N.
Sugarhouse Sta., Salt Lake City, S. W., Australia.
Utah. Prevlitz, I., Aleia Constandache
Pontynen, W. B., Box 1040, Clovis, No. 3, Galati, Rumania.
N. Mex. Prince, R. W., Box 3005, Santurce,
Popa, S., Str. Plaesilor 11, Ploesti, Puerto Rico.
Rumania. Pritchard, S. C. (1), 1006 5th Ave.,
Popelka, J., Stredni 10, Brno, N. E., Ardmore, Okla.
Czechoslovakia. Prout, C. S., 1120 Keeaumoku St.,
Popov, A., Strada Cohanovschi 1, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Cernauti, Rumania. Prout, R. B., 2240 Prince St., Ber-
Popow, M., 9 Tsitsihar St., New keley, Calif.
Town, Harbin, Manchuria. Provin, H. (1), "La Ligniere,'
Porsch, A. B., Elizabethstr. 20, III., Gland, Vaud, Switzerland.
Stettin, Germany. Pruitt, C. W., 1230 Greenwood St.,
Porter, J. T., 1932 Prince St., Oak- Jackson, Mich.
land, Calif. Priill, M., Eschenheimer Anlage 32,
Posel, M. (1), Bayerstr. 36, Reich- Frankfurt a Main, Germany.
enberg, Czechoslovakia. Pryor, L. J., 4437 Douglass St.,
Post, B. L., 231-22nd St., Holland, N. E., Washington, D.C.
Mich. Pudewell, W. J., S. D. A. Mission,
P6tschke, H., Adlerstr. 70, Diissel- Seiryori, Machi, Keijo (Seoul),
dorf, Germany. Chosen.
Replogle, Leon, Caixa Postal 2898, Richardson, I. D., 507 Flower Ave.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Takoma Park, D.C.
ica. Richmond, E. L. (1), Review and
Replogle, J. D., Casilla 44, Quito, Herald, Takoma Park, Washing-
Ecuador, South America. ton, D. C.
Rewe, E. (1), P. 0. Box 49, Mbale, Richter, H., Haydnstr. 16, Dres-
Uganda, East Africa. den-A., Germany.
Rey, Eugene, 12, rue de Mulhouse, Rick, P. A., P. 0. Box 574, St.
Alger, Algeria. John's, Newfoundland.
Rey, Jules, 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Ridenour, J. R. (1), 1701 Conlyn St.,
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Philadelphia, Pa.
Reye, E. (I), 47 Hay St., Sabiaco, Rider, C. J., Coburg, Oreg.
Perth, West Australia, Australia. Riemens, David, 12, rue de Mul-
Reye, R., Apia, Samoa, Pacific house, Alger, Algeria.
Ocean. Riffel, C. E., 217 N. W. 7th St.,
Reyes, F. (1), 1402 Oroquieta St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippine Riffel, J., Box 45, College Place,
Islands. Wash.
Beynaud, J., Mission Adventiste, Riffel, Juan, Casilla 130, Rosario
88, rue Bugeaud, Casablanca, Mo- de Santa Fe, Argentina, South
rocco. America.
Reynolds, C. J., "Tereora," The Riffel, W. B., Box 119, Cebu, Cebu,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Philippine Islands.
Australia. Rihs, W. (1), 11-13 rue Ernest
Reynolds, E. R., 12 Prithviraj Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Road, New Delhi, India. Riley, A. E., Box 216, Bridgetown,
Reynolds, I. T. (1), 216 Poppy Barbados, B. W. I.
Ave., Monrovia, Calif. Rinder, F., Kneiphofsche Hofgasse
Reynolds, L. A., 817 W. Nora Ave., 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Germany.
Spokane, Wash. Rine, G. W., 650 Palo Alto Ave.,
Reynolds, L. B. (1), 2302 Mes- Mountain View, Calif.
sanie St., St. Joseph, Mo. Ringoot, M., 11-13 Rue Ernest Al-
Rhoads, A. V., Drawer 36, Water- lard, Brussels, Belgium.
town, S. Dak. Rintala, A., Annank. 7, Helsing-
Rhoads, J. H., Drawer 36, Water- fors, Finland.
town, S. Dak. Rippey, J. A., Route 3, Box 88,
Rice, F. E. (1), 1409 Makiki St., Sherwood, Oreg.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Rischmtiller, Fr. Neustadt-Contre-
Rice, M. L., 317 W. 70th, Seattle, scarpe 30, I., Bremen. Germany.
Wash. Risley, Dr. E. H., Loma Linda,
Rice, W. W., 77 North St., Houl- Calif.
ton. Me. Riston, W. R., Route 1, Hagers-
Rich, J. W., 999 E. Santa Clara town, Md.
St., San Jose, Calif. Rita, A. Sta. (I), 1402 Oroquieta
St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Pliilipp'ne
Richard, P. F., 76 Peoria St., San Islands.
Francisco, Calif. Ritchie, C. A. W., Nadar's Bunga-
Richards, H. M. J., 385 Termino low, Kodaikanal, Madura Dist.,
Ave., Apt. 3, Long Beach, Calif. South India.
Richards, H. M. S., 2461 Bywood Ritchie, C. J., 3545 Boston Ave.,
Drive, Glendale, Calif. Oakland, Calif.
Richards, W. J. (1), 902 Colombo Rittau, R., Adlerstrasse 70, Diissel-
St., Christchurch, New Zealand. dorf, Germany.
Rosiecki, J., Kowel, skr. poczt. 90, Riuninson, W. M., 1151/2 Bartlett
Monopolowa GA Poland. St., San Francisco, Calif.
Rost, O. J. 0., Akersgaten 74 Oslo, Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Norway. holm, Sweden.
Roth, A. H., Box 1325, San Jose, Russell, A. B., 2835 Broadway,
Costa Rica. Houston. Texas.
Roth, A. G., Boite A55 Port-au- Russell, C. A., 437 E. Ponce de
Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Roth, D. F., 4277 Valley Road, Russell, E. E. (I), 412 E. Isabella
Cleveland, Ohio. St., Salisbury, Md.
Roth, Ernesto (1), Caixa Postal Russell, Riley, M. D., 1616 Del
177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Valle Ave., Glendale, Calif.
do Sul, Brazil, South America. Rustad, G. H. (I), Box 1491, James-
Roth, F., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt- town, N. Dak.
gart, 'Wurtemberg, Germany. Rustig, H., Koblenzerstrasse 3,
Roth, J. H., Drawer 36, Water- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
town, S. Dak. Rutherford, H. G. (1), 114 W. Luna
Rouhe, Dr. 0. (1), Boite Postale, St., Tucson, Ariz.
Kamina, Congo Belge, Africa.
Rouse, J. S., 436 W. Marshall St., ABATINO, F. (1), Via Trieste 17,
Wilmar, Calif. S Florence, Italy.
Rowe, T. M., 1506 Christian St., Saborowski, H. (1), Adventhaus,
Philadelphia, Pa. Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz,
Rowland, J. W., College Heights, Germany.
via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Sabrine, D. C., Box 271, Iloilo,
Rowse, J. M. (1), Pacific Press, Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
Mountain View, Calif. Saburi, Paolo, P. 0. Musoma, Tan-
Roy, R. J., Casilla 1003, Lima, ganyika Territory, East Africa.
Peru, South America. Sachsenmeyer, A., Hinterm Bahn-
Ruble, W. A., M. D., care Sanita- hof 30. Nuremberg, Bavaria,
rium, Melrose, Mass. Germany.
Ruble, W. W., 3131 Pasadena Ave., Saeboe-Larsen, L., Suomisvej 5,
Los Angeles, Calif. Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Rudge, E. B., "Mizpah," Wahroon- Sage, A. 0., 98 San Diego Ave.,
ga, N. S. ., Australia. San Francisco, Calif.
Rudge, P. B., "Tereora," The Saiwa, Sofa, Cinyama Mission, P.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
W., Australia. Africa.
Rudy, H. L., Takoma Park, Wash- Salakian, Haik (1), S. D. A. Mis-
ington, D.C. sion, Shah Ave. 20, Teheran,
Rue, G. H., M.D. (1), S. D. A. Iran.
Mission, Seiryori Machi, Keijo Salazar, J. A., Apartado 139, Sal-
(Seoul), Chosen. till, Coahuila, Mexico.
Ruf, A. F., Union Springs, N. Y. Sales, J. B., Patrocinio No. 6,
Ruf, G. F., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
South America. Sallee, A. M. (1), Mission Adven-
Ruf, W., Salisbury Road, Rose tiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaoun-
Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. de, Cameroon, West Africa.
Salton, R. A., Gordon Ave., Hamil-
Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Wash- ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W.,
ington, D. C. Australia.
Rulkoetter, A. H., 4547 Calvert Same, A. C., Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo,
St., Lincoln, Nebr. Philippine Islands.
Shepard, R. S., Route 2, Box 134, Sibley, David, 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Redlands, Calif. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Sheppler, P. E., Rockland, Wis. Siepman, A. ( 1) , Gitwe Mission,
Sherman, A. R., 110 Wall St., Ruanda, via Usumbura, Belgian
Pontiac, Mich. East Africa, (via Dares-Salaam,
Sherrig, W. H., 411 N. County Line East Africa).
Road, Hinsdale, Ill. Siepman, J. G., Boite Postale,
Sherwin, Dr. T. A. (1), Warburton, Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
Victoria, Australia. Silalahi, A. (1), Box 34, Jesselton,
Shih Ru Ling, S. D. A. Mission, British North Borneo.
Chowkiakow, Honan, China. Silveira, Benedicto (1), Ca ix a
Shih, Y. C. (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Nanking, Kiangsu, China. South America.
Shinde, P. R. (1), P. 0. Box 64, Simbombo, Willie (1), P. 0. Mis-
Poona, India. sion Siding, Northern Rhodesia,
Shirvanian, V. (1), S. D. A. Mis- Africa.
sion, Shah Ave. 20, Teheran, Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim, Boni-
Iran. facio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Shone, G. W., Buxton, via Balfour, Simon, E., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz
C. P., South Africa. 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Shoup, H. L., 606 W. Washtenaw Simon, Simon (1), P. 0. Fort
St., Lansing, Mich. Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Africa.
Shrewsbury, 0. H., R. F. D. 1, Box Simonson, J. A., 1409 Makiki St.,
213, Kirkland, Wash. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Shuler, J. L., 437 E. Ponce de Leon Simpson, G. H., R. F. D. 1, Arpin,
Ave., Decatur, Ga. Wis.
Shull, H. L. (1), Box 145, Hong Simpson, P. K., 17 'Abbott Road,
Kong, China. Lucknow, India.
Shull, J. C. (1), Box 145, Hong Sims, George (I), Route 3, Box 8,
Kong, China. Chico, Calif.
Shultz, J. E., 2119-25 24th Ave., Sinaga, Elam (1), Mathie's Rd.,
North, Nashville, Tenn. Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo.
Shultz, J. H., Mo Chia Chieh, Singh, Jonas (1), 36 Park St., Cal-
Sining, Chinghai, China. cutta, India.
Shultz, J. W., Coles Park, Ports- Singleton, H. D., 222 N. W. 17th
mouth, Ohio. St., Miami, Fla.
Shultz, L. R. (I), Box 4929, At- Siregar, Mampe (1), 20 D. Lorong
lanta, Ga. 27, ff Geylang Rd., Singapore,
Shwe, Po, S. D. A. Mission, My- Straits Settlements.
aungmya, Burma. Sittner, F., Calle Uriarte 2429,
Siagian, D. P. (1) , P. 0. Box 34, (Plaza Italia), Buenos Aires, Ar-
Jesselton, British North Borneo. gentina, South America.
Siajunza, Isaiah (1), P. 0. Mission Sittner, J. F. (1), Carlos Pellegrini
Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Af- 1645, Corrientes, Argentina,
rica. South America.
Skadsheim, M. N., Gen. Del., Sioux
Sibadogil, M. T., P. 0. Box 34, Falls, S. Dak.
Jesselton, British North Borneo. Skau, 0. A. Nadar's Bungalow,
Sibagobe, Harry, Box 573, Bula- Kodaikanal, Madura Dist., South
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Af- India.
rica. Skinner, G. H., Loma Linda, Calif.
Sibarani, L. S., P. 0. Box 34, Skinner, L. A., 3131 Pasadena Ave.,
Jesselton, British North Borneo. Los Angeles, Calif.
Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park, Staton, J. R., 816 Fourth St., Rapid
Washington, D. C. City, S. Dak.
Spfinghagen, 0. (1), Tunnelgatan Stearns, H. R. (1), 2204 Grand
25, Stockholm, Sweden. Ave., Eldorado, Ill.
Sparrow, B. E. (1), Midland Bank Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis.
Chambers, 506 Holloway Rd., Steed, H. R., "Tereora," The Boule-
London, N. 7, England. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Sparrow, H. M., P. 0. Box 51, tralia.
Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Steele, Wm. Box 1871 Phoenix,
Spear, B. R., 640 Keenan Ave., Ariz.
Los Angeles, Calif. Steen, T. W., 6202 Ellis Ave., Chi-
Spearing, F. A., Midland Bank cago, Ill.
Chambers, 506 Holloway Road, Steeves, J. M., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
London, N. 7, England. India.
Specht, W. F. (1), 322 South 29th Steftinescu, S., Str. Popa Tatu 38,
St., Billings, Mont. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Speck, D. A. (1), 47 Hay St., Stein, R., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf,
Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Germany.
Australia. Steinert, A. G., College Place,
Spencer, R. M., Dewart, Pa. Wash.
Speranza, Vincenzo, Via dei Cim- Steinmeier, Wilhelm, Str. Clemen-
bri 23, Napoli, Italy. ceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania.
Spicer, Joseph, 1339 Warren Road, Steinweg, B. W. (1), Caixa Postal
Lakewood, Ohio. 658, Belem, Para, Brazil, South
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, America.
Washington, D. C. Stekla, Fr., Kamienica na Slasku
Spiess, F. E., Box 64, Poona, India. 272, Poland.
Spillman, Don (1), 400 Florence Stene, L. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
St., Turlock, Calif. Norway.
Spring, L. A., 701 W. Sugar St., Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sterling, G. L., "Mizpah," Wah-
Sprogis, A., Suji, Private Bag, roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Ter- Steudel, Curt, Grindelberg 11, I.,
ritory, East Africa. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Spurgeon, Ce (1), Thekerani, Ny- Steunenberg, F. W. (1), 1251 Win-
asaland, Africa. chester St., Roseburg, Oreg.
Staben, C. F., Cotulla, Tex. Stevens, F. H., 923 W. 37th St.,
Stacey, G. E., Casilla 355, La Paz, Savannah, Ga.
Bolivia, South America. Stevens, G. A., 625 N. Adams St.,
Stahl, F. A., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Glendale, Calif.
Peru, South America. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park,
Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Calif. Washington, D. C.
Stanescu, I. (1), Strada Popa Tatu
38, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Stevens, J. C., 1908 31st St., San
Stanley, James (1), 311 E. Main Diego, Calif.
St., Luray, Va. Stevens, 0. B., 1010 Johnson St.,
Stanley, P. G., 721 First St., N. E., Red Bluff, Calif.
Madison, S. Dak. Stevenson, G. S., 3 King Edwards
Staples, A. W., 292 Louis Botha Road, Cambridge, C. P., South
Ave., Orange Grove, Johannes- Africa.
burg, Transvaal, South Africa. Stevenson, Peter (1), Caixa Postal
Starr, G. B., 306-B Vallejo Drive, 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portu-
Glendale, Calif. guese West Africa.
Voth, C. C., Redwood Apts., Suite Wallace, H. L., 1602 Alcatraz St.,
27, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Berkeley, Calif.
Voth, David, 3131 Pasadena Ave., Walleker, H. C. J., Box 472, Elyria,
Los Angeles, Calif. Ohio.
Voval, D. (1), Box 119, Cebu, Cebu, Wallenkampf, J., Tunnelgatan 25,
Philippine Islands. Stockholm, Sweden.
Vuilleumier, J., 130 Boulevard de Wallenstern, A. v., Bruckenstrasse
1'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. 34a, Hamm i/W., Germany.
Vuloaloa, Semi, Suva Vou, Suva, Waller, E. C. (1), Box 6068, Ashe-
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. ville, N. C.
Walter, A. Kfirnerstr. 6-8, Bres-
lau 13, Germany.
WACHHAUS, W. (1), Vokieeiu
g-ve 57, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Walther, D. (1), Seminaire Adven-
tiste du Saleve, Collonges sous
Wachi, N. (1), Hanazono-cho 3 Saleve (Haute Savoie), France.
Chome, Tainan, Taiwan, For- Walton, B. A. (1), Stanborough
mosa. Park, Watford, Herts, England.
Wagner, B. E., Box C, Berrien Walton, Dr. H. M., Takoma, Park,
Springs, Mich. Washington, D.C.
Wagner, Dr. E. A. (1), Box 310, Wandea, E. (1), P. 0. Musoma,
' Kong, China.
Hong Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
Wagner, Fred (1), Box 2238, Boise, rica.
Idaho. Wang, A. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Wagner, Jacob, Casilla 1002, Lima, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Peru, South America. Wang, Chwen Yung (1), S. D. A.
Wagner, J. H., 703 Taft Ave., Mission, Yencheng, Honan,
Beltzhoover, Pittsburgh, Pa. China.
Wagner, J. W., 3 Awde St., To- Wang, C. Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
ronto, Ontario, Canada. Hsinking, Manchuria.
Wagner, K. (1), Adventhaus Hans Wang, Deh Dzi, S. D. A. Mission,
S'achsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- 71 Fu Dzen Gai, Changsha, Hu-
many. nan, China.
Wahungama, Enock (1), Head- Wang, Dji Yuan (1), 57 29th Wei
lands Mission, c/o Inyazura Mis- Lu, Mukden, Manchuria.
sion, P. 0. Inyazura, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa. Wang, F. Y., 44 Kovelskaya St.,
Wakeham, W. H., Loma Linda, Sungary Town, Harbin, Man-
Calif. Wang, Fu Ren (1), S. D. A. Mis-
Waldorf, N. J., 1928 Pennsylvania
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. sion, Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Walgren, C. A., Box 1070, Roswell, Wang, Hsi Tien (1), 20 Gm} Lou
N. Mex. Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China.
Walker, Allen, 1839 Bridge St., Wang, Ging Bo, S. D. A. Mission,
Paducah, Ky. Yencheng, Honan, China.
Walker, H. W., 1703 24th Ave., Wang, H. Y., S. D. A. Mission, 62
Meridian, Miss. Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping,
Walker, 0. C., Box 216, Bridge- Hopei, China.
town, Barbados, British West Wang, Ih Dji (1), 2 Rue Clemen-
Indies. ceau, Hankow, Hupeh, China..
Walker, W. W., Route 3, Lumber- Wang, Lih San, 51 Pink Hai Road,
ton, Miss. Hangchow, Chekiang, China.
Wall, D. N., P. 0. Box 1491, James- Wang, Teh-chun (1), 102 Wei I Lu,
town, N. Dak. Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Youngs, Dallas (1), 143 St. James Zerne, Nils, Advent Villa, Mataria,
St., Mansfield, Pa. Cairo, Egypt.
Youngberg, A. G., Route 1, Har- Zettwoch, H. Fangelsbachstr. 11,
lingen, Tex. Stuttgart,Wurtemberg,Germany.
Youngberg, G. B., P. 0. Box 34, Zielinski, J., Kowel, skr. poczt. 90,
Jesselton, British North Borneo. Monopolowa 6/I, Poland.
Yovan, J., Artacho, Sison, Panga- Zielinski, M., Kneiph6fache H6f-
sinan, Philippine Islands. gasse 22, Konigsberg/Pr., Ger-
Yil, Gung Tsing (1), S. D. A. many.
Mission, Chungking, Szechwan,
China. Zigmund, T. J. (1), Cintorinska 1.
Yutuc, Lorenzo (1), 1402 Oroquieta a. blok B, Bratislava, Czecho-
St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippine slovakia.
Islands. Zimmermann, A. H., Advent Zend-
ingsgenootschap, in N. 0. I.,
Z ACHARIAH, T. V. (1), S. D.
A. Mission, Kottarakara, Tra-
Afdeeling West Java, Naripan
63, Bandoeng, Netherlands East
vancore, South India. Indies.
Zamfir, V., Aleia Constandache Zimmermann, H., Eschenheimer
No. 3, Galati, Rumania. Anlage 32, Frankfurt a Main,
Zamora, M. M. (1), Box 39, Lucena, Germany.
Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Zins, E, (1), Stanborough Park,
Zaragoza, J. A. (1), Patrocinio No. Watford, Herts, England.
6, -Mora, Havana, Cuba. Zungu, P. (1), P. 0. Box 34, Dun-
Zarka, D., Sz6kely Bertalan-utca dee, Natal, South Africa.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Zaynos, F. B., Apartado 139, Sal- Ziprick, 0., 2032 Grove St., Brook-
tillo, Coahuila, Mexico. lyn, N. Y.
Zenovie, R., Str. N. Grigoreseu 4, Zurek, A., Brno, Stredni 10, Czecho-
Arad, Rumania. slovakia.
Page 54: W. F. Van Atta, Sec. Bible House, Central California Conference,
Box 68, San Jose, Calif.
Page 15o: Address of Mexican Union Mission, Apartado 821, Monterrey,
N. L., Mexico.
Page 271: T. M. French, Head of Bible Department, Walla Walla College,
College Place, Wash.
Page 382: Address of H. H. Humann, 6155 South Loflin St., Chicago, Ill.
Page 3gg: Address of L. G. Mookerjee, Spicer College, Bangalore Heights,
Bangalore, India.
Old Time Natural Cure California Olives
A Natural Health Olivea perfect fruit food
Packed especially preparedfull of oilof wonderful
by sweet, nutty flavorinvaluable in the diet.
San Diego, California
164 Berea Jr. Academy
ABA Station
Academia Adventists Hispano- Berlin Conference
americana 235 Bermuda Mission 24
Acauemies, Directories of 235 Bethel Academy 238
Adelphian Academy 236 Bethel Mission Station 194
Advent mission Society 80 Bicol, periodicals in 296
Advent Press (East Africa) 276 Bihar Mission Field 209
Advent Publishing Association 276 Bihar Mission School 238
Advent Welfare Work Assn. 80 Bikobo Hill Mission Station 188
Adventist Bye Clinic 306 Bohemian language, periodicals in 297
Afrikaans, periodical in 296 Bolivia Mission 181
Agencia Mexicana de Publicaciones 151 Bolivia Training School 239
Agona Mission Station 162 Bombay Section 216
Agona Training School 236 Bonaerense Conference 175
Alabama-Mississippi Conference 61 Bongo Mission Hospital 306
Alabama-Mississippi Adventist Reli- Bongo Mission Station 187
236 Bongo Mission Training School 239
gious Society, Inc. Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium
Alaska Mission 48 307
28 Brazil Publishing House 276
Alberta Conference Brazilian Training School
Algerian Mission 228 239
Algerian Publishing House 276 British Borneo Mission 128
Aliahabad Mission Station 211 British Columbia Conference 28
Amazon Mission of Peru .. 180 British Honduras Mission 145
131 British Publishing House 276
Ambon Mission British Union Conference
American Temperance Society 20 155
187 Broadview Academy 239
Angola Union Mission
Anhwei Jr. Training Institute 236 Brookfield Branch Publishing House 282
104 Buenos Aires Publishing House 276
Anhwei Mission Buganda Mission
Annamese, periodical in 2.96 189
139 Bulawayo Location Mission Station 202
Antillian Union Mission Bulgarian Mission
Aore Training School 236 97
340 Bulgarian Book and Bible House 277
Appropriations to Missions Bureau of Home Missions
Arabic Literature Society 288 13
296 Buresala Training School 240
Arabic, periodical in Burma Mission
Arabic Union Mission 92 206
236 Burmese, periodical in 296
Arizona Academy
Arizona Conference 53
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference 66 CAFES 327
Arussi Mission 226 -' Calcutta Ch. Primary School 240
Assam Mission Field 208 Cameroon, Mission in 233
Atlantic Columbia Mission 148 Campaigns 339
Atlantic Union College 236 Camaguan Training School 240
Atlantic Union Conference 24 Campion Academy 240
Institutions in 27 Canadian Junior College 240
Auburn Academy 237 Canadian Union Conference 27
Austral Union Conference 174 Institutions in 31
Australasian Division Conference 70 Canadian Watchman Press 277
Mission Fields in 75-78 Cancels Mission Hospital 307
Australasian Missionary College 237 Cancels Mission Station 194
Australasian Union Conference 70 Canton Sanitarium and Hospital 307
Institutions in 78 Canton Training Institute 241
Austrian Branch Publishing House 279 Cantonese Mission 114
Awtun Station 163 Cape Conference 190
Azores Islands Mission 222 Cape Field of S. D. A. 195
Cape Verde Islands 233
ABUMAHAL Station 210 Caribbean Training College
B Bad Aibling Sanitarium 306 Caribbean Union Conference
Baden Conference 85 Carolina Conference 62
Bahamas Mission 140 Cebuan language, periodicals in 296
Bahia Mission 178 Cedar Lake Academy 241
Baltic Union Conference 153 Central American Factory Branch
Banat-Crisana Conference 230 Publishing House (See Inter-
Bangkok Mission Clinic 306 American Factory Branch)
Barisal Station 209 Central American Union Mission 145
Battle Creek Academy 238 Central Argentine Conference 176
Batuna Training School 238 Central Bohemian Conference 94
Bechuanaland Mission District 192 Central Branch Publishing House.... 282
Bee Hwa Training Institute 238 Central California Conference 53
Begemder Mission 226 Central China Union Mission 102
Bekwai Mission Station 162 Central Chosen Mission 124
Belgian Conference 220 Central Colombia Mission 148
Beliefs, Fundamental 5 Central European Division, Sec. I 80
Bengal Mission Field 208 Institutions in 89
Bengali School 238 Unattached Fields 90
Oriental Branch Home Study Insti. 252 Rogue River Jr. Academy 264
Oriental Watchman Pub. Assn. 281 Rulison Intermediate School 264
Orissa Mission Field 210 Rumanian language, periodicals in 303
Oshawa Missionary College 261 Rumanian Publishing House 285
Ozark Jr. Academy 261 Rumanian Union Conference 229
Rumanian Union Training Institute 264
PACIFIC COLOMBIA Mission 149 Rusangu Mission Station 201
Pacific Press Publishing Assn 282 Russian language, periodicals in 303
Pacific Union College 261 Ruthenian language, periodical in 303
Pacific Union Conference 52 Rwankeri Mission Station 189
Institutions in 60
Padang Mission 132 QABBATH SCHOOL Department
Palestine-Transjordan 93 L' of the General Conference 19
Palmberg Station 171 Statistical Tables of 329
Pampangan language, periodical in 302 Sala Mission Station 201
Panama Conference 147 Salvador Mission 147
Panayan-Visayan language, period- Samabula Indian School 264
ical in 302 Samoan Mission 77
Pangasinan language, periodical in 302 San Diego Academy 264
Papers issued 289-306 Sanitariums, directory of 306
Papua Mission 77 Papers by 293
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 314 Statistics of 332
Parana-Santa Catharina Mission 184 Santo Domingo Mission 142
Penang Sanitarium 314 Sao Paulo Conference 185
Periodicals issued 289-306 Sarawak Mission 129
Persia, Missions in (See Iran) Sava Conference 227
Peru Mission 182 Scandinavian Publishing Rouse 286
Philippine Publishing House 283 School Church 86
Philippine Union College 262 School Journals 293
Philippine Union Mission 133 Scottish Mission 156
Pine Forest Academy 236 Seattle Junior Academy 264
Pinkiang Mission 109 Seminaire Adventiste (France) 264
Plainview Academy 263 Sentinel Publishing Company 286
Polish language, periodicals in 302 Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital 316
Polish Publishing House 284 Serbian language, periodicals in 303
Polish Union Conference 164 Seventh-day Adventist American
Polish Union Mission School 263 Hospital 316
Pomeranian Conference 83 S.D.A. Theological Seminary 265
Poona Mission 217 Seychelles Islands Mission 224
Porter Sanitarium and Hospital 314 Shanghai Sanitarium, Hospital, and
Portland Union Academy ,. 263 Clinic 316
Portland Sanitarium 314 Shanghai Training Sch. for Nurses 265
Portuguese language, periodicals in 302 Shansi Mission 111
Portuguese Mission 222 Shantung Mission 112
Portuguese Publishing House 284 Shantung Training Institute 265
Potomac Conference 38 Shelton Academy . 265
Prakasapuram High School 263 Shenandoah Valley Academy 266
Press Bureau of General Conf. 20 Shensi Mission 113
Publishing Dept. of General Conf 17 Shen Yang Clinic (Mukden) 316
Statistics of 332 Shen Yang Hospital 316
Publishing Houses, directories of 276 Sheyenne River Academy 266
Statistics of 340 Shillong Station 208
Puerto Rico Mission 142 Shiloh Academy 266
Punjab Local Mission Field 212 Shiloh Mission Station 193
Punjab Mission Schools 263 Shoa Mission 226
Shwenyaungbin Mission Station 207
QUEENSLAND Conference 73 Siam Mission 129
Siamese language, periodicals in 304
Sierra Leone Mission 171
ANCHT Mission Station 210 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Rand Mission District 193 (Chosen) 287
Rarotongan language, periodical in 303 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Religious Liberty Dept. 18 (China) 286
Resources Classified for 1936 . 330 Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 286
Resthaven Sanitarium and Hospital 315 Silesian Conference (German) 83
Reunion Mission 224 Silesian Conference (Polish) 165
Review and Herald Pub. Assn. 284 Simla Sanitarium 317
Rhenish Conference 89 Sind Local Mission Field 212
Rhodesian Conference 199 Sitote Mission Station 201
Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 179 Sittang Mission Station (See Shwen-
Rio Grande do Sul Conference 184 yaungbin Mission Station)
Rio-Minas Geraes Mission 179 Skodsborg Sanitarium 317
River Plate Junior College 263 Slovakian language, periodicals in 304
River Plate Sanitarium 315 Slovakian Mission 95
Riverside Sanitarium 315 Slovenian language, periodicals in 304
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